Her brain is the size of a pea.
Hyperbole - Human brain is always the same size as other human. It is only an overstatement for people that is very stupid.
The boy was dying to get a new school bag.
Hyperbole - Overstatement for the boy who want a new bag so bad
The car went faster than the speed of light.
Hyperbole - There is no other thing that can be as fast as light.
It seems to have been raining for 40 days and 40 nights.
Hyperbole - This is an exaggeration for raining almost every day, day or night or even more than that.
I ate a ton of food for dinner.
Hyperbole - This is an exaggeration of someone eating a lot during dinner that they cannot even stand up because they are too full.
I'll never get this work done in a million years.
Hyperbole - This is an exaggeration of time meaning that the work will take longer than expected.
I don't have two cents to spare.
Hyperbole - This is an exaggeration that means that a person does not have any money anymore that he cannot even lend you two cents.
I will starve to death.
Hyperbole - This is just an exaggeration of being hungry and not really resulting in death.
The blacksmith's hand was harder than the rock.
Hyperbole - To exaggerate that the blacksmith has a rough hand due to their job
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally