Ida B.

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What grade was Ida B. entering?


What is the zipcode for Ida B's town?


What type of fruit is grown near Ida B's house?


What is Ida B's last name?


On Ida B's first day of 4th grade, what color clothing did she mostly wear?


What is the name of the girl whose family buys part of the orchard and farmland.


What kind of pet does Ida B. have?


What is the name of the school Ida B attends?

Ernest B. Lawson Elementary

What did Mrs. Washington ask Ida B to do with Ronnie?

Help him learn his multiplication tables.

What did Ida B keep in her "Bag of Assorted Things for Not Yet Determined Plans"?

Her mother's hair that had fallen out.

What does Ida B eat for breakfast every day?

Hot rolled oats with raisins, and milk, no sugar

What was it that Ida B said that made her finally start to feel better?

I'm sorry

What is the difference between Ida and Ida B?

Ida is the mother and Ida B is the daughter

Who is the author of Ida B?

Katherine Hannigan

Where is the Applewood's farm located?

Lawson's Grove, Wisconsin

What did Ms. Washington's voice sound like?

Low and deep and strong like a tuba, or hop, hop, hop quick and light like a flute.

Who was Ida B's kindergarten teacher?

Ms. Myers

In her head, what did Ida call Ms. Washington?

Ms. W

What was the name of Ida B's 4th grade teacher?

Ms. Washington

According to Ida B, what does "O.K." now also stand for?

Overwhelming Kalamity

What two things did Ida B's father have to sell to pay for her mother's medical bills?

Part of the orchard and some of the farmland

In Room 130, who had sparkly shirt, sparkly fingernails, and sparkly barrettes?


What did Ronnie and Ida B play for in their times tables game?


Who does Ida B help with their times tables?


What is the name of Ida B's dog?


What did Ms. Washington do after lunch each day?

She would read out loud to the class.

What does Ms. Washington do every day with Ida B at recess?

Sits next to her on the steps/says, "Anything you want to talk about?"

What is apologizing like?

Spring Cleaning

Which of Ida B's "nature friends" is the wisest?

The Old Tree

What was Ida's nickname for the school bus?

The Yellow Prison of Propulsion

What does Ida B talk to in nature?

Trees and the brook

What was the police chief's name?

Vernon Q. Highwater

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