Infant and Child Development Chapter 8 Quiz

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Low-cost supplements of ________ substantially reduce the incidence of severe and prolonged diarrhea. a)zinc b) folic acid c) iron d)vitamin D


Which U.S. child is most likely to get her or his permanent teeth first, compared to the others? a)Malik, an undernourished boy b)Jack, a well-nourished boy of average weight c)Sasha, an undernourished girl d)Brooke, an obese girl


Jesi, age 3, is asked to draw a cylinder. Based on her age, she will probably draw ________. a)a circle, an oval, or a rectangle b)nonrepresentational scribbles c)two circles and some lines


Raina and Enrico want to provide their 3-year-old daughter with experiences that promote her motor development. They can best do so by ________. a)encouraging everyday active play and providing access to play spaces with appropriate equipment b)making sure she follows a daily home exercise routine that includes running, jumping, hopping, and catching c)having her watch videos that show preschoolers demonstrating how to perform challenging motor skills d)enrolling her in gymnastics, tumbling, and other formal lessons


The amygdala ________. a)helps ensure that information relevant to survival will be retrieved b)plays a vital role in memory and in images of space that help us find our way c)supports smooth coordination of movements on both sides of the body d)aids in balance and control of body movement


Which statement about cultural variations in sleep patterns during early childhood is true? a)Compared to European-American parents, African-American parents report that their children have later bedtimes and nap more often during the day. b)African-American parents are more likely than European-American parents to express concern about regular bedtimes. c)European-American children are more likely to cosleep with their parents than African-American children. d)European-American children are less likely than other children to go to a bed with a security object.


Which statement about individual differences in motor skills during early childhood is true? a)Girls have an edge over boys in fine-motor skills. b)Girls are ahead of boys in skills that emphasize force. c)Girls can run slightly faster than boys. d)Girls can broad-jump slightly farther than boys.


________ are the leading cause of childhood mortality in industrialized nations. a)Unintentional injuries b)Birth defects c)Carcinogens d)Infectious diseases


A major milestone in drawing that usually occurs in the third or fourth year is the ability to ________. a)make gestures that leave marks b)use lines to represent the boundaries of objects c)use depth cues d)create a drawing representing an integrated whole


Caitlyn, age 4, can probably ________ a)draw a person with six identifiable parts b)use a fork effectively c)tie her shoes d)ride a bicycle with training wheels


Fibers linking the ________ to the ________ grow and myelinate from birth through the preschool years, contributing to dramatic gains in motor coordination. a)reticular formation; cerebellum b)cerebellum; cerebral cortex c)corpus callosum; reticular formation d)cerebral cortex; hippocampus


Treating short, normal-GH children with synthetic GH ________. a)tends to decrease the growth rates and self-esteem of those children b)does not cause these children to grow substantially taller than their previously predicted mature height c)results in substantial height increases but also causes significant physical development problems d)tends to increase the growth rates and self-esteem of those children


Treating short, normal-GH children with synthetic GH ________. a)tends to increase the growth rates and self-esteem of those children b)does not cause these children to grow substantially taller than their previously predicted mature height c)results in substantial height increases but also causes significant physical development problems d)tends to decrease the growth rates and self-esteem of those children


Two-year old Salomé quickly moved her crayon across a piece of paper from left to right, explaining, "Car zooms!" Which statement best describes Salomé's drawing progress? a)She drew a recognizable shape and then described it. b)Her gestures, rather than the resulting marks on the page, contain the intended representation. c)Her drawing was complex and realistic. d)She used lines to represent the boundaries of objects.


When adults draw with children and point out resemblances between drawings and objects, ________. a)they interfere with the natural progression of childhood drawing b) preschoolers' pictures become more comprehensible and detailed) c)preschoolers' pictures become simpler so the adult can recognize items d)they stifle children's self-expression


Which of these fine-motor skills typically develops last? a)using scissors b)tying shoes c)using a fork effectively d)drawing a picture of a person


Which of these gross-motor skills typically develops first? a)riding a tricycle smoothly while steering smoothly b)jumping and hopping while flexing the upper body c)throwing a ball with body rotation and transfer of weight d)walking down stairs while alternating feet


Which statement about food preferences is true? a)The most effective way to alter food preferences is by offering incentives for desired behavior. b)Food preferences established in early childhood remain relatively stable through adolescence and adulthood. c)The most effective way to alter food preferences is by denying access to less-healthy foods. d)Food preferences are easiest to alter in adulthood, when an individual is mature physically and cognitively.


Which statement about influences on children's health is true? a)Of the 5.9 million annual deaths of children under age 5 worldwide, about half occur in developing countries. b)Poor diet depresses the body's immune system, making children far more susceptible to disease. c)Even in well-nourished children, ordinary childhood illnesses usually affect physical growth and cognitive development. d)Infectious disease is responsible for the vast majority of annual deaths of children under age 5 worldwide.


Which statement about napping in early childhood is true? a)Replacing nap opportunities with additional learning activities improves cognitive skills. b)Napping at preschool enhances memories acquired earlier in the day. c)There is little variability in the napping habits of healthy children. d)European-American children are more likely to take naps than African-American children.


Which statement is supported by research on childhood injury rates in the United States? a)Parents believe that it is easier to succeed in preventing injuries in sons than in daughters. b)Children from economically advantaged U.S. families are at greater risk for injury than children in other Western nations. c)Car seats are readily available and affordable in the United States and are usually used properly d) The rate of childhood death from injury in the United States is higher than the rates in developing countries.


________ occurs when neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their connective fibers. a)Cortical overproduction b)Synaptic pruning c)Lateralization d)Cerebral dominance


The hippocampus plays a vital role in ________. a)sustained, controlled attention b)fine motor skills c)balance and control of body movement d)memory and spatial understanding.


A study by the National Institutes of Health measuring the differences in gray matter volume found that ___. a)gray matter volumes among children who grew up in poverty were almost always at least 25 percent lower than the national average b)atypical brain development was responsible for the entire score gap between the poorest children and their better-off peers c)persistent childhood poverty can compromise brain structures crucial for learning, school success, and a satisfying adult life d)interventions designed to address the effects of extreme poverty are unlikely to have significant effects on cognitive abilities


In cultures with little interest in art, ________. a)solutions to figure drawing do not follow the sequence typical in cultures that emphasize art b)children nonetheless create elaborate drawings c)older children and adolescents produce only simple forms d)children do not draw a tadpole or stick image to represent a person


The ________, located at the base of the brain, releases two hormones that induce growth. a)reticular formation b)corpus callosum c)pituitary gland d)hippocampus


What is one reason the United States lags behind many other Western nations in compliance with childhood immunizations? a)Research conducted in the United States has established a link between common immunizations and autism. b)Uninsured United States children do not receive free immunizations. c)Children in many low-income United States families do not have adequate health insurance coverage. d)Childhood diseases have been virtually eradicated in the United States, making immunization unnecessary.


Which statement about body growth in early childhood is true? a)During early childhood, children gain height and weight at a greater rate than during their first two years. b)Children add "baby fat" and gradually become heavier and more muscular. c)The rapid increase in body size during the first two years tapers off into a slower growth pattern. d)By age 5, children become more top-heavy, bowlegged, and potbellied.


Which statement about cultural variations in sleep patterns during early childhood is true? a)European-American children are less likely than other children to go to a bed with a security object. b)African-American parents are more likely than European-American parents to express concern about regular bedtimes. c)Compared to European-American parents, African-American parents report that their children have later bedtimes and nap more often during the day. d)European-American children are more likely to cosleep with their parents than African-American children.


By age 5, boys ________ than girls. a)have better balance b)can hop and skip better c)have better precision of movement d)can broad-jump slightly farther


Compared to 4- and 5-year-olds, 8- and 10-year-olds have________. a)higher energy metabolism in the cerebral cortex b)more synaptic connections, which limits brain plasticity c)a wider distribution of functions in the cerebral cortex d)a more lateralized and efficient neural organization


In cultures with little interest in art, ________. a)solutions to figure drawing do not follow the sequence typical in cultures that emphasize art b)children nonetheless create elaborate drawings c)children do not draw a tadpole or stick image to represent a person d)older children and adolescents produce only simple forms


In early childhood, boys are ________ likely than girls to be injured, and injuries to boys tend to be _______ severe than injuries to girls. a)less; more b)less; less c)more; less d)more; more


In research comparing artistic maturity and originality, Chinese-American children's drawings were ________ than European-American children's drawings. a)less advanced and less creative b)more advanced but less creative c)less advanced but more creative d)more advanced and more creative


Language skills ________, whereas spatial skills ________. a)are usually located in the right hemisphere; are usually located in the left hemisphere b)are usually located in the right hemisphere; are typically controlled by the amygdala c)peak during adolescence; expand rapidly during early childhood d)develop rapidly in early childhood; develop gradually over childhood and adolescence


Most developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with oral rehydration therapy (ORT), which consists of ________. a)immunization of infants and young children b)iron supplements c)antiviral drugs d)a solution of glucose, salt, and water


Research on sleep demonstrates that ________. a)most American parents cosleep with their children into the preschool years b)sleepwalking in early childhood usually continues into adulthood if it is not treated c)parent-child cosleeping is associated with children's sleep disorders during the preschool years d) sleep terrors can be triggered by stress or extreme fatigue


The ________ is a structure in the brain stem that helps an individual to maintain alertness and consciousness. a)amygdala b)pituitary gland c)hippocampus d)reticular formation


When it comes to injury prevention, American parents ________. a)take more safety precautions than parents in other industrialized nations b)more often teach safety rules to their preschoolers in advance, as a preventive measure, rather than as a response to unsafe behaviors c)believe safety instruction is the responsibility of schools and governmental programs d)seem willing to ignore familiar safety practices, perhaps because of the high value they place on personal freedom


Which statement about body growth in early childhood is true? a)During early childhood, children gain height and weight at a greater rate than during their first two years. b)Children add "baby fat" and gradually become heavier and more muscular. c)By age 5, children become more top-heavy, bowlegged, and potbellied. d)The rapid increase in body size during the first two years tapers off into a slower growth pattern.


Which statement about epiphyses is true? a)They begin to appear only after age 6. b)They appear only between age 2 and age 6. c)They convert bone into cartilage in order to support the developing skeleton. d)They are growth centers in which cartilage hardens into bone.


Which statement is supported by research on sex differences in motor skills? a)From an early age, boys and girls are usually encouraged to pursue similar physical activities. b)Boys' greater overall physical maturity may be partly responsible for their better balance and precision of movement. c)Sex differences in motor skills are largely due to genetically based differences. d)Sex differences in motor skills increase with age, but they remain small throughout childhood.


X-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children's ________. a) brain development b) loss of baby teeth c) adult weight d) skeletal age


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