inquizative 17 exam 4

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Which of the following pieces of information, if collected in a study, could compromise participants' confidentiality? A. photographs of participants B participants' student ID numbers C. participant responses to an anonymous questionnaire D. participants' dates of birth E. participant responses to a questionnaire and participant names, filed separately

- photographs of participants - participants' student ID numbers - participants' dates of birth

Which of the following are ethical issues that apply to the Milgram obedience studies?

- the stress that participants experienced - the lasting effects of the study on participants

While ethical codes such as --- specify guidelines for ethical research procedures with humans, --- sets standards for the ethical treatment of animals in research. While all research institutions clear their human participant procedures with --- , animal research must be cleared by ---.

Belmont Report, Animal Welfare Act, the institutional review board Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Dr. Abbasi conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people when they listened to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Match each type of research practice to the correct example from Dr. Abbasi's study. - Dr. Abbasi needed four more participants to support his hypothesis, so he duplicated the data of the four most recent participants.

data fabrication

plagiarism / data falsification / deception / data fabrication - Researchers tell participants their study is about people's ability to work in groups, when it is really about attitudes toward members of racial or ethnic minorities.


Rayna comes across a study in which the researcher used __________by not telling participants about the different conditions in the study. Considering the ethical costs and benefits of withholding information from participants involves the principle of __________. To address this potential ethical issue, the researcher should use___________ to restore an honest relationship with the participant after the study.

deception through omission / beneficence / debriefing

Data fabrication and falsification go against Merton's scientific norm of ____, while open data upholds Merton's scientific norm of ____.

disinterestedness / communality

Dr. Silva is a clinical psychologist who also teaches a course in abnormal psychology at a university. She may be in violation of several APA principles. Match each of Dr. Silva's actions to the APA principle it potentially violates. fidelity and responsibility/ integrity/ respect for people's rights and dignity - Several of the students in Dr. Silva's abnormal psychology course are also her clients.

fidelity and responsibility

respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - Researchers must recruit participants who are representative of the population that would benefit from the results of the study.

justice - The principle of justice states that there should be a balance between the people who participate in and the people who benefit from the study.

A researcher attempts to pass off the ideas of others as their own.


Label each provision with the correct principle from the Belmont Report -justice/ beneficence/ respect for persons - There should be a balance between those who participate and those who benefit from the results.


Place the steps of a study in the order in which they should occur for the study to be ethical.

1. IRB approval 2. participant gives informed consent 3. experiment occurs 4. participant is debriefed

The _____ set similar ethical principles to the earlier _____ but tailored them specifically to psychology. However, two additional principles were added. The first was the principle of _________, which has to do with relationships between psychologists and others. The second was the principle of ______, which emphasizes truthfulness and up-to-date practices.

APA Ethical Principles // Belmont report // fidelity and responsibility // integrity

A researcher creates fake data, meaning the data were not produced from a study.

data fabrication


Strive to treat all group of people fairly. Sample research participants

Identify the true statements about the ethical guidelines that researchers should follow.

The potential risks of a study should never outweigh the potential benefits.


Treat people in ways that benefit them. Don't cause suffering.

Meredith is conducting a study about the effects of alcohol on decision making. She goes to several bars at night and recruits people who appear intoxicated to participate. Meredith asks them to make a series of judgments and let her measure their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in exchange for $20. She reads the participants an informed consent agreement and has them sign. Following the study, she debriefs the participants and makes sure that they get home safely. Which of the following principles of the Belmont Report does Meredith's study violate?

respect for persons

Identify the false statements about conducting ethical research.

- Research participants must always sign an informed consent form. - Most IRBs will not approve controversial research, even if participants are not at risk. - Researchers are never permitted to deceive their participants.

What statement explains how the participants in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study were not treated respectfully?

- Researchers hid the true purpose of study, which prevent the men from making a fully informed decision about participating. - The researchers did not treat participants respectfully because they did not give the men the information they needed to make a fully informed decision. Had they known the risks and dangers of participation, some participants may have decided not to take part in the study.

respect for persons

Recognize that people are autonomous agents.

Professor Kwan designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income Latinx children and offers participants a chance to win a family trip to a major theme park. The study is explained to the families: the children agree to participate, and the parents of the children give permission for the children to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or a nonviolent video game for two hours each evening for a month. Professor Kwan then asks the children's teachers to assess changes in behavior. Match each element of Professor Kwan's study to the Belmont Report principle it violates. - the incentive for participation

respect for persons

A researcher copies a sentence from the Method section of a paper they published a year ago and pastes it into their new paper's introduction.


Identify each practice as promoting either the goal of openness or the goal of transparency. - stating the variables involved in the study


Identify the true statements about conducting ethical research.

Research on human participants conducted by a university must be approved by an institutional review board.

Label each provision with the correct principle from the Belmont Report -justice/ beneficence/ respect for persons - Participants should be protected from harm and their well-being should be ensured.


Professor Kwan designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income Latinx children and offers participants a chance to win a family trip to a major theme park. The study is explained to the families: the children agree to participate, and the parents of the children give permission for the children to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or a nonviolent video game for two hours each evening for a month. Professor Kwan then asks the children's teachers to assess changes in behavior. Match each element of Professor Kwan's study to the Belmont Report principle it violates. - possible harm to participants


respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - The researcher must give the control group the opportunity to receive a new treatment if and when the study has found it to be effective.


respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - To prevent sensitive participant data from being revealed, researchers should not collect any potentially identifying information.

beneficence - The principle of beneficence states that researchers must protect participants' personal information. This can be accomplished by conducting an anonymous or confidential study.

Dr. Abbasi conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people when they listened to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Match each type of research practice to the correct example from Dr. Abbasi's study. - Dr. Abbasi did not tell participants there were two different music conditions.

deception through omission

Dr. Silva is a clinical psychologist who also teaches a course in abnormal psychology at a university. She may be in violation of several APA principles. Match each of Dr. Silva's actions to the APA principle it potentially violates. - Dr. Silva has used the same therapeutic technique for 10 years and has not kept up with the most recent empirical evidence.


Read the examples and determine whether or not they involve deception. - Researchers are conducting a study on weight and body image. They tell participants that they will fill out surveys about their physical characteristics and their thoughts on their bodies.

not a deception

Identify each practice as promoting either the goal of openness or the goal of transparency. - allowing other researchers to replicate your study


Identify each practice as promoting either the goal of openness or the goal of transparency. - sharing raw data


plagiarism / data falsification / deception / data fabrication - Trevor uses a famous quote from Freud in his paper but does not cite it, as he assumes everyone will recognize the quote.


Dr. Silva is a clinical psychologist who also teaches a course in abnormal psychology at a university. She may be in violation of several APA principles. Match each of Dr. Silva's actions to the APA principle it potentially violates. - At her clinic, Dr. Silva often has folders lying open with clients' names and information visible to others.

respect for people's rights and dignity

Identify each practice as promoting either the goal of openness or the goal of transparency. - reporting the results of all of the hypotheses tested in the study


Read the examples and determine whether or not they involve deception. - Researchers are conducting a study on aggression in video games. They tell participants that the study is about teamwork in video games.

yes, deception

Read the examples and determine whether or not they involve deception. - Researchers are conducting a study to see taking a quiz by hand versus on the computer results in different scores. They tell participants that the study is about quizzes, but they do not explain the different conditions they're comparing.

yes, deception

Identify the false statements about the ethical guidelines that researchers should follow.

- Researchers must never conduct research on vulnerable populations that have less autonomy. - Researchers should never study disadvantaged populations due to the burdens those populations already face. - If research has significant risks, it should not be conducted.

Which of the following statements are possible consequences of fabricating or falsifying data?

- The general population could be miseducated about important health practices. - Other researchers could waste time and money conducting a study on the same theory, believing it to be supported by evidence. - The careers and publication records of graduate students and other coauthors could be affected.

Which of the following issues were ethical violations that occurred in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study?

- The participants were not treated respectfully. - The researchers targeted a disadvantaged group. - The participants were harmed.

When paraphrasing another source, which of the following elements are necessary to include in order to avoid plagiarism?

- author's last name - original source's publication year

plagiarism / data falsification / deception / data fabrication - Derrick's study is two participants short of what is needed, so he adds two made-up participants that are the mean of every other participant in order to ensure a sufficient sample size.

data fabrication

A researcher alters the data they collected.

data falsification

plagiarism / data falsification / deception / data fabrication - Sarah realizes halfway through her study that 10 of her 200 participants took the wrong measure. In her final report, she omits those 10 without mention.

data falsification

Dr. Abbasi conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people when they listened to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Match each type of research practice to the correct example from Dr. Abbasi's study. - Dr. Abbasi told participants that the goal of the study was to examine people's creative abilities in new settings.

deception through commission

Professor Kwan designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income Latinx children and offers participants a chance to win a family trip to a major theme park. The study is explained to the families: the children agree to participate, and the parents of the children give permission for the children to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or a nonviolent video game for two hours each evening for a month. Professor Kwan then asks the children's teachers to assess changes in behavior. Match each element of Professor Kwan's study to the Belmont Report principle it violates. - the sample of participants


Amir is conducting a clinical trial for a new type of therapy that aims to reduce depression. He recruits 100 participants with a history of depression and explains to them the risks and benefits of participating in the clinical trial. Amir divides the participants into two groups: one group receives the new treatment, while the other group receives a traditional treatment. After one month, the new treatment group reports drastically worsening depression, while the traditional treatment group reports seeing a slight improvement. Amir wants to understand why the new treatment is increasing depression, so he continues to administer it for two more months. Which of the following principles of the Belmont Report does Amir's study violate?

justice and beneficence

respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - Researchers should take care to study only participants who are able to understand the procedures, risks, and benefits of the study.

respect for persons - Some groups that cannot understand information about the study, such as children and individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, do not have the autonomy to give informed consent. The principle of respect for persons gives these groups special protection.

When using a direct quotation, which of the following elements are necessary to include in order to avoid plagiarism?

- author's last name - page number in the original source - original source's publication year - quotation marks

Dr. Abbasi conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people when they listened to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Match each type of research practice to the correct example from Dr. Abbasi's study. - Dr. Abbasi threw out the data from several participants who reported being very happy while listening to country music because he thought that they weren't being honest.

data falsification

Professor Hammond designs a study to examine how often students lie about attendance at her school. Every class period, she passes around a sign-in sheet with all of the class dates; students sign in next to the current date to indicate that they are present. After every class, Professor Hammond photocopies the sign-in sheet to see if any students lied and signed for days they previously missed. Rather than applying for approval of her study, Professor Hammond decides to wait and see if there are any interesting results first. This violates the ethical standard of ______________. Furthermore, she misled her students about the true purpose of the attendance charts, which is considered _________. She also did not give her students any information about the study so that they could freely decide whether they would like to participate. This violates the ethical standard of __________.

approve from the IRB deception informed consent

Label each provision with the correct principle from the Belmont Report -justice/ beneficence/ respect for persons - Participants should be treated as autonomous agents.

respect for persons

Label each provision with the correct principle from the Belmont Report -justice/ beneficence/ respect for persons - Participants with less autonomy should receive special protection.

respect for persons

respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - To avoid undue influence, researchers should carefully consider whether the compensation is appropriate for the participants they are recruiting.

respect for persons - The principle of respect for persons states that people should participate out of their own free will and not due to compensation that is difficult to refuse.

respect for persons/ justice/ beneficence - To study a sample of participants from only one ethnic group, researchers must first demonstrate that the problem being studied is especially prevalent in that ethnic group.

justice: The principle of justice states that there should be a balance between the people who participate in and the people who benefit from the study. If the researcher is studying a specific ethnic group, they need to ensure that this specific ethnic group would benefit from the results of the research.

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