Intro to Theology Fill-In-The-Blank (Midterm)

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The sufficiency of Scripture warns us not to _____ new revelations of requirements to Scripture.


According to Grudem, one area where Bible-believing Christians can legitimately disagree is concerning the interpretation of what the Bible teaches about the ____ of the earth.


If we deny inerrancy, we necessarily must question whether of not we can trust God in ____ he says.


The false teaching promoted by Arius 1700 years ago in Egypt that the Son and the Holy Spirit are NOT fully God is called ______.


The ____ of Scripture means that all the words in Scripture are God's words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God.


According to Nichols and Brandt, one way to understand what the Protestant Reformation in Europe in the 1500s was all about is a debate over ____.

Authority of Scripture

Gruden talks about 4 key aspects of the nature of Scripture: authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency. Nichols and Brandt in Ancient Word, Changing Worlds add a 5th key aspect of the nature of the Bible. What is it?


The truth that God delights fully in himself and in all that reflects his character is God's ______.


Which of the following 4 statements does NOT summarize the biblical teaching concerning God's triune nature? A. God is three persons B. Each person is fully God C. Each person is fully human D. There is one God


In 1978, theologically conservative proponents of inerrancy developed the _____ Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.


**Deuteronomy 6:6-7 "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your _____, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.


Two categories of proof for inspiration are commonly offered: external proofs, which examine evidence from history, philosophy, and science, and internal proofs, which examine the Bible's own _____.


When we read the Bible as God's Word we are not imposing a view upon it but are reading it according to its own _____.


The truth that God cooperates with created things in every action, direction their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do refers to the _____ between God's actions and the actions of created things.


The "accommodation" of God's Word to human culture refers to the form of the Bible but not the ____.


The sufficiency of Scripture encourages us to be ____ with what God has revealed rather than speculating about what God has not revealed.


Which of the following analogies for the Trinity accurately reflects what the Bible teaches? A. A three-leaf clover B. The three forms of water C. The three roles of a man D. None of the above


Warfield's doctrine of "concursus" stated that the Bible must be understood as both fully _____ and fully _____.

Divine & Human

Scripture does portray God as experiencing ______, but never possessing or expressing them in a sinful way, unlike us.


The truth that God sees all time in an equally vivid way at once refers to the doctrine of God's ______.


Though Scripture affirms that God ultimately causes all things through his providential activity, Scripture also affirms that God never directly does of can be blamed for anything _______.


The PROCESS of interpreting a text of Scripture is called _____


The truth that God will always do what he has said and fulfill what he has promised is God's _______.


T/F All times when God truly reveals himself are also inspired.


T/F Because God is infinite, a human cannot truly have a personal relationship with God.


T/F German theologian Karl Barth believed that the written text of Scripture is inspired by God.


T/F Humility in interpreting the Bible requires weakened convictions about what the Bible actually means.


T/F Rudolf Bultmann's "demythologizing" approach to interpreting the Bible sought to take the text at face value.


T/F The Bible is clear enough to be understood by all people, regardless of their moral and spiritual state.


T/F The Holy Spirit is best described as a force or a power.


T/F The plurality of God's being is only suggested in the NT.


T/F The sufficiency of Scripture means the Bible can answer every question we have.


According to Scripture, one event can be simultaneously both _____ caused by God and ____ caused by a creature of by the nature working of the created world.

Fully & Fully

God's revelation in nature can be called _____ revelation; God's revelation in the words of the bible can be called _____ revelation.

General & Special

God did not NEED to create the universe but instead freely hose to create all things for the display of his _____.


Robert Preuss claimed in 1978 that the belief that "the Bible is _____, and is therefore inerrant and of supreme divine authority, was a conviction held by all Christians and Christian teachers throughout the first 1,700 years of church history."

God's Word

Name on truth that can be known about God apart from the Bible.

God's existence

The study of the correct METHODS of interpretations is called ______


The truth that God is separated from sin and devoted to seeking his own honor is God's _______.


"Higher Criticism" is an approach to interpreting the Bible that arose in the 1700s and 1800s that emphasized the Bible as a book produced by ____.


According to Scripture, God causes all things to happen and _______ make real choices for which they are responsible and which have eternal results.


The truth about God that he is always actively involved in and present throughout all of his creation is called God's ________.


While Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory proposes that humans came about through a long evolutionary process, slowly emerging as modern humans, the Bible portrays God as creating humans ______.

In a moment in time

Defenders of full inerrancy argue that the Bible is fully divine and fully human, even as Christ is fully divine and fully human as demonstrated by his _____


The attributes of God that cannot be shared or cannot be shared as much with humans are his _______ attributes.


The truth that God can never by fully or completely understood is called his _______.


The truth that God does not depend in any way on anything or anyone else is the doctrine of God's _______.


According to Princeton theologian, J. Gresham Machen, liberal theologians, like Harry Emerson Fosdick, shifted final theological authority from the Bible to _____.

Individual Human Experience

The Princeton theologians believed that full _____ followed from embracing verbal, plenary inspiration.


The _____ of Scripture means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything which is contrary to fact.


Those who rejected full inerrancy in the mid-20th century began making a distinction between inerrancy and ____, two words that were used interchangeably in the 19th century.


We know God's existence by the evidence of the Bible and nature but also by our ________.

Inner Sense

The truth that God continually seeks to protect his own honor is God's ______.


John Murray considered the strongest case for inerrancy to be the testimony of ______ to the Old Testament.


"Epistemology" is the study of what we ____ and how we ____ it.

Know & know

A literary approach to the Bible recognizes that authors communicate their meaning not only through the specific words they choose but also through the larger ____ through which they choose to communicate their message.

Literary Form

The Bible can be inerrant and still include _____ quotations.


The truth that God eternally gives himself to others is God's _____.


The belief that there is no spiritual reality and only the physical reality that we can see is called _____.


The false teaching that the three persons of the Trinity are not really distinct but only three modes of appearing at different times is called


Scripture clearly and sufficiently reveals the doctrine of the Trinity, but, in the end, this truth about God remains a ______.


According to Scripture, God created all things out of _____.


The truth that God is able to do all his holy will is God's _____.


The truth that God does not have spatial dimensions and cannot be contained in or limited to any one part of his creation refers to the doctrine of God's ______.


The Bible can be inerrant and still speak in ____ language.


The belief that the whole universe IS God, God having no distinction or person-hood apart from physical reality is called _________.


The truth that God completely possesses all excellent qualities and lacks no part of any qualities that would be desirable for him is God's ____.


The ideas of modernism have given away to the ideas of ____ in recent years.


Those who rejected full inerrancy in the 20th century, only accepted the trustworthiness of Scripture in regard to matters of faith and ____, not necessarily in regard to matters of history and science.


The truth that God keeps all created things existing and maintaining the properties with which he created them refers to God's word of ______.


Theologian BB Warfield was known as "The Lion of _____"


The truth that God is continually involved with all created things is the doctrine of God's _____.


According to Grudem, since Scripture clearly portrays God's creation of all things as an expression of his intelligent design, Theistic Evolution falls short of the Scriptural portray since evolutionary theory emphasizes ______ rather than directed design.


The truth that God always acts in accordance with what is right and is himself the final standard of what is right is God's _________.


The three persons of the Trinity are equal in being/nature but different in _____.


Name one truth that can only be known through the Bible and no other way.

Salvation through Jesus

According to Nichols and Brandt, which of the following four words should NOT characterize how we read Scripture? Christologically, Scientifically, Collectively, Obediently


The "Analogy of Scripture" means that ______ must interpret Scripture, the clean and the unclear.


**The hidden decrees by which God governs the universe and determines everything that will happen is God's ________ will.


** 1700 years ago, Arius taught that the Father and the Son are "of a _____ nature" (homoi-ousios) while the church taught that they are "of the _____ nature" (homo-ousios)

Similar & Same

If we deny inerrancy, we make ____ a higher authority than God's Word.

Something Else

The ultimate act of evil was ______ but Scripture describes this act as both the choice of God and the choice of sinful people.

The Crucifixion

BB Warfield and many after him only recognized the inerrancy of ______, not of later copies and translations.

The Original Manuscript

The "grammatical-historical" approach to interpretation focuses on determining whose originally intended meaning?

The author's

The truth about God that he is greater than, distinct from, and always independent of his creation is called God's ______.


That false teaching that there is NOT one God but three is called _______.


If the Bible is God's Word and God cannot lie, then the Bible is completely ______.


T/F According to post-modernism, the reading community determines the meaning of the text.


T/F God sometimes responds differently to different situations.


T/F One reason some reject verbal, plenary inspiration and einerrancy was the belief that these concepts are anachronistic and do not reflect the views of any Christians before Princetonians.


While today many people believe in a worldview of pluralism in which many otherwise contradictory truth claims are equally "true." In contrast, the Bible claims to be the ______ of truth.

Ultimate Standard

The truth that God always fully possesses all of his attributes, attributes that never conflict with one another refers to the doctrine of God's ______.


What view of inspiration, promoted by Princeton theologians like Warfield and Hodge, believes all the actual written words of the Bible are fully inspired by God?

Verbal Plenary Inspiration

Though creation is not corrupted by angelic & human sin, created reality (visible and invisible) is not inherently evil, since before sin, God pronounced his creation

Very Good

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word ________. He was in the beginning with God." John 1:1-2

Was God

The truth that God always chooses the best goals and the best means to those goals is God's ______.


Karl Barth and others taught that the Bible is not God's Word but only a ______ to God's Word.


"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every ______ that proceeds out of the mouth of God."


The truth that God intensely hates all sin is God's ______.


______ Scripture is our final authority.


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