Introduction to Psychology - Consciousness - Chapter 4

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Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located?

The hypothalamus

Vivian ran out of money and was unable to buy heroin. She began experiencing shaking, sweating, pain, and headaches. Which of the following words describes what she was experiencing?


Emilia was born with severe limb, head, and facial deformities. Which of the following words describes her condition?

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

What is one of the problems with the purported benefits of meditation and mindfulness?

Meditation and mindfulness methods vary and cannot be generalized across all the various forms of the practice.

Which one of the following terms has a nickname of "Dracula hormone"?


As tolerance develops, what happens to the margin of safety?


On which of the following neurotransmitters does LSD act?


Which one of the following is a function of sleep?

Sleep improves the body's immune functioning.

Which one of the following stages of sleep is characterized by sleep spindles?

Stage II

Which one of the following statements is true about alcohol?

Chronic alcohol use can lead to Korsakoff's syndrome

Which one of the following is a true statement regarding the need for sleep?

Doing certain activities before bed can disrupt sleep.

What is the relationship between sleep and Alzheimer's disease?

During sleep, metabolites that are known to contribute to Alzheimer's disease are removed from the brain.

Which one of the following statements about sleep is true?

African Americans have more sleep problems than European Americans.

Which ethnic group has the lowest rate of illegal drug use?

Asian Americans

Which of the following drug classes are considered "downers"?


Jermaine woke up not remembering what happened to him and noticed scratches and marks all over his chest. As the day progressed and after talking to a few friends, he remembered going out and having a drink. He met a girl, and things got blurry after that. What could have happened to Jermaine?

His drink was laced with Rohypnol.

Which one of the following statements about microsleep is true?

It appears to help a person survive by preventing total sleep deprivation.

What is thought to cause narcolepsy?

Loss of specific chemical-related neurons in the hypothalamus

Which one of the following issues can be successfully treated with hypnosis and has been extensively documented for doing so?

Pain relief

Which one of the following is the most reported sleep ritual in the US, Japan, Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the UK?

Watching television

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