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kg to lb

1 kg is 2.2 lb

year da Vinci died


yrs of John Paul 2 as pope


strings on Ukelele's


2 famous economists, years, theory

Adam Smith -1776. laissez-faire Keynesian- 1930s-80s. supply side

fule body of Congress


copper on the periodic table


breakout role of Kelly RIpa

Hayley Vaughan on All My Children

wrote Ben Hur

Lew Wallace


Menes. 3200

1800s detective


Ross Perto

Reform Party. in 1992. no electoral votes but recived 19% of the popular vote

The Great Communicator


Germany's Parliament


capital of the Confederacy


example of total War

Sherman's March to the Sea

the Atlanta Campaign

Sherman's March to the Sea.

origin of the Mafia


result of the Peloponessian war


alternative name for the Mongols


group in Russia


meaning of Daoism

Teaching of the way

son of Ulysses


KKK book/movie

The Clansman (Thomas Dixon) & Birth of a Nation (DW Griffiths)

architect of the Titanic

Thomas Andrews

capital of Mongolia


committee assignment of Representative Nixon

Un-American Activities Committee

Philip Sheridan

Union General

groups in Nigeria

Yoruba, Igbo

path of Sherman's March to the Sea

bagan by leaving the captured city of Atlanta and ended by capturing Savannah

affirmative action SUpreme Court case

bakke vs Regents of U of California in 1978


based on observation/experience rather than theory

paintbrush used in cooking

basting brush

trade of the Wright brothers

bicycle mechanics

"The Revolution Betrayed"

by Leon Trotsky

how do companies use marginal analysis

companies use marginal analysis as a decision-making tool to help them maximize their potential profits

year of Dante

early 1300s

face mask that is good at delivering humidification

face tent

movement across a plasma membrane that doesn't require energy but needs the help of specialized molecules

facilitated diffusion

family of Charlemagne

father was Pepin. son was Louis the Pious


felt, not woven cloth. loks good when new but quality disintegrates/dissolves

Old Testament

first 5. Genesis to Deut

greek for circle


calculate weight

mass x gravity


nevertheless; in spite of this.dark brown citris breaded sauce

key component in amino acids


shape of algae


unit to express the cumulative of total gamma ray exposure


principle or belief by people/person


another name for Sherman's March to the Sea

the Atlanta Campaign

forerunner to the internet


Hobbs, Locke, & Rousseau

the SOcial Contract theorists

demographics of the south in 1861

total pop of the south: 12million 1/3 slaves 384K white slave owners. only 1800 owned over 100 slaves


video cassett recorder

selfless/concerns for others above yourslef


double effect

an action can be simultaneously good and bad. a bad act cannot be justified regardless of the good it causes. bad act can't be justified as good consequence


an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

feminist in Polynesia

"Coming of Age in Samoa" by Margaret Meade

included/exclude in GDP

"Domestic" -Includes: foreign firms producing in USA (e.g Jap car company w/store/factories in USA) -Excludes: USA firms operating overseas. excludes intemerdiate goods (e.g Goodyear tires sold to Ford) and only uses final products sold (the tires would be included under Ford's b/c they install the goods on their tires.)

text/photo study of NY slum

"How the Other Half Lives" by Riis. 1890

quote by Daniel Webster

"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparatable"

story behind the first words said over the telephone

"Mr Watson, come in. I want you." he spolled battery acid into his lap and received a sulfuric acid burn

incarceration of HD. Thoreau

"On the Duty of Civil Disobedience". he refused to pay poll tax to protest USA's involvement in the Mexican War

Pax Romana

"Roman Peace." era of relative peace and stability from Augustus Caesar to the death of Marcus Aurelius. "the good emperors"

story about traveling down the Congo River

"The Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. narrator Charls Marlow becomes obsessed w/irory trader Kurtz.

what did General Lee say when he decided to surrender to Grant

"There is nothing left for me to do but go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths"


"attached" a person on the staff of an ambassador having a specialized area of responsibility

what does bartering require

"double conscious of wants". no money exchange, goods/services in exchange for other goods and services. you must want what the other has

Marx's beliefs on Communism

"from each according to his abilty to each according to his needs"

why did Wilson receive a second term

"he kept us out of war"

beliefs by Rousseau

"mankinds is born free an everywhere else he is in chains" -said mankind is uncorrupted until enters into a society tainted by abuses of church/state so both must be stripped of power so mankind can be returned to its original peace

nickname for the trenches

"no man's land"

grand strategy

"purposeful employment of all instruments of power available to a secure community

quotes by Gertrude Stein

"rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", "there is no there there"

tactic of Sherman's March to the Sea

"scorched earth policy".


(1304-1374) Father of the Renaissance. He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization.

a widow who holds a title/property derived from her deceased husband

(insert title here) dowanger

Un-American Activities Committee

-H of Rep committee to investigate subversion -Rep Nixon -mostly searched for Communist influence -Hollywood Communism influence/Alger His 0people had to take loyalty oaths


-all humans history determine by economic factors like who controls the means of production and distribution -class structure is rich v poor -surplus value. true value of a product I slabor and capitalists steal -rich grow richer/poor grow poorer. eventually the poor will rise and overthrow the poor

fact about ISIS

-began in 1999 when pledged alliance to Al-Q -proclaimed itself a worldwie calphate w/political and military authority over worldwide Ismuslims

conclusions of Orgin of Species

-evolution. species living are descendents of ancestoral species. "descent 'w\modification" -natural selection: individuals in a population vary in heritable traits -overproduction of an offspring pop of any species has the far more offsprings than will surivce to produce offsprings of their own -unequal reproductive success: individuals w/environmenntal will leave the greatests # of healthy offsprings -small changes ina population caused by natural selection could lead to major changes/alterations of a species


-existing in name only -well below the real value/cost


-form of consequential ethics -actions that promote happiness (intellectual/sensual) where right when they

beliefs in The Wealth of Nation

-gov should be limited in the market by haunts of the invisible hand/laissez-faire -in the long run, markets will correct themselves w/o government intrusion -labor specialization leads people to be more effective and productive -"its not from the benevolence of butcher/brewer/baker that we all expect our dinner but from their regards to their own self interests"


-low rolling hills 200-1000ft. -remainants of several ancient mountain chains that have eroded away -plateau that sits between the Atlantic coastal plain and the Appalacian mountains -NJ to central Alabama. -"Piedmont" is from the French for foothill

beliefs of Thomas Hobbes

-people are violently self-interested and will kill to get what they want -envisoned a "social contract" where people gave up all their rights to the state/government in return for protection against a violent death -promoted a totalitarian-style government -V for Vendetta is Hobbesian style

total area of the Vatican City

0.17 square mile. 110 acres. population of 1K. smallest state in the world by area and population but it is formally not soverign

The Very Hunry Catepillar

1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries, 5 oranges

conversion of 1 milimicrometer

1 billionth of a meter

definition of 1 hertz

1 cycle per second

frequency of children on the autism spectrum

1 in 68

distance gamma rays can travel

1 mile

% of the world killed by the Spanish Influenza


what is genis

1% inspiration, 99% persipiration

Brief description of Law of Thermodynamics

1- Law of Conservation of Matter & Energy 2. entrophy 3. Law of Absolute zero 4- Zeroth Law

how did Locke believe knowledge should be classified

1. according ot reason. 2. contrary to reason. 3.... -stressed importance of environment in humang development

5 Pillars of Islam

1. belief in one God, Allah, and Muhammad his prophet2. daily prayer; pray 5 times a day facing Mecca- mosques- Jewish places for worship 3. alms (offering) for the poor 4. fasting (sunrise to sunset) during Ramadan (September-October) 5. hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime (and visit Kaaba)

dimensions of the famous Australian rock

1.5miles long, 1 mile wide, 5 mile circumference

how many identified species


Lost Tribes

10 tribes of Israel disappeared after Assyrian conquered Israel in 722bc

ethnic groups of hte USSR

100 ethnic groups but the most were Salvs

year of El Cid


yrs of King David


how long was Booth on the run

11 days

yrs of the Assyrians


how many regional banks under the Fed

12 regional banks

year of King Henry 3


Thomas Aquinas

1200sAD. universe is a chain and humans are the link in the middle between the material and spiritual world

year the Abbasids were overthrown


year the Hapsburgs came into power


how many district courts are there

13 federal district courts

yers of the late middle ages


years of the 100 year's wra

1337-1453. England v France

year Joan of Arc died


Habsburg rule over the Holy ROman EMpire


end of Constantinople

1453. fall to the Ottoman Turks

War of the Roses

1455-1485. HOuse of Lancaster (won. Henry Tudor became first monarch of the Tudor dynasty). opponent Richard 3 was the last monarch of the house of York and died in action.

result of the Battle of Bosworth Field

1485. final overthrow of the house of York, last York monarch Richard the 3 killed in action, rise of the tudors

purpose eof the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella


John Calvn

1500s. Frenchman. predestination

yr Herbrews enslaved in Egypt


how many died aboard the Titanic


yr of the 95 Theses


excommunicated Martin Luther

1521. Pope Leo X.

Sack of Rome

1527. carried out by mutinous troops of HRE Charles V's . (Papal states versus Empire of Charles V/HRE and Spain.) ended n an Imperial Spanish Victory

when/who refused to annul Henry 8's marriage

1533. Archbishop

yr Mary Queen of Scots was executed


year of Spanish Armada


what happened at Harper's Ferry

16 white/5 blacks. took the armory, held 60 captive including the great grandnephew of Washington. sent 2 black to rouse blacks for nobel cause. Rob E Lee called away from trying to sort of affairs of late dat to respond. 3 min battle. all sentenced to hange and J. Brown became a martyr for Garrison/R.W.Emmerson


1600s. english. wrote their name on the bottom of a proposed insurance contract covering a ship/its cargo

years of Louis 13


years ofhte English Civil War


peace of Westphalia

1648. ended the Thirty Year's War

years ofhte Fronde


year of Peter the Great


Peter I

1682-1725. modernized Russia and wanted to compete equally with Europe. at ten dof his reign, Russia produced more coal than England

year of the English Declation of Rights


English Declaration of Rights

1689. King couldn't be Roman Catholic. standing army in peace & taxation illegal w/o parliament consent. no excessive bail or cruel/unsual punishment, right ot trial by jury

century of the beginning of the REformaton


yr of King Hammaurabi


years of the House of Stuart


years of the house of Hanover


start of the Industrial Revolution


years of Catherine the Great


how/when France lost their North America possessions

1763 Tready of Paris

Treaties of Paris

1763- France lost North American possessions ot Britian 1783-US independence from Britian

yr the Rhode Island colony abolished slavery


First COntinential Congress

1774. at Carpenter's Hall in Philly. all but GA. called in response to the Interable Acts/Coercive Acts. led to a boycott and imports from BRitian dropped 97%. committes of observation/inspection were formed in each colony to ensure compliance w/the boycott. If the Intolerable Acts wert repealed, the colonies vowed to cease exports to BRitian in the next year. the boycott worked

Second Continential COngress

1775. adopted the Lee Resolution wich agreed to establish a new country and agree dot the Dec of INdepeence on July 4

"the critical period"

1780s. economy deteriorated as states printed their own money, tax collectors were ignored, ignored foreign trade agreements, inflation rose, states engaged in petty conflicts

year of the Battle of Yorktown


years of the Articles of Confederation


years of French Revolution


number of slaves 2 years after the slavery ban( 1808) in 1810

1790- just shy of 700K. 1810- increased 70% to 1.2 million

number of slaves in America 1790, 1810, 1860

1790-shy of 700K 1810-1.2million 1860-4 million

year Mozart died


first bank of america

1791 by S of Treasury Hamilton

year of the Reign of Terror


hx of Clara Barton

18 yr schoolteacher, clerk at the US Patent Office, org agenciy to get supplies for wounder soldiers

yrs of Romanticism


William gladstone

1800s. Great Brit Leader

Giuseppe Gribaldi

1800s. Italian general. contributed to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy. considered one of the greatest modern day generals. "Hero of ht eTwo Worlds" b/c he had militenterprise sin Brazil, Urugay, Europe

year, cost, original intent of the Lousisana Purchase

1803. $15mil. originally just wanted to buy FL/New Orleans

year the USA stopped importing slaves


Congress of Vienna

1814. meeting of representatives from many European nations to settle peace following French Revolution and Napoleonic wars. to resize main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace.

year of Waterloo


year of the Battle of Waterloo

1815. important b/c it ended Napoleon's dream of conquering Eurpoe

Tariff of Abominations

1828. North happy, South not

years the Underground Railroad ran

1830 -1860

yr of the Alamo


yrs Roger B. Taney was Chief Justice


yrs of Mexican War


years of the WHigs

1840s but broke up in 1850s over slavery

created the telegraph

1844. Morse. "write over distance." "what hath god wrought"

year Brigham Youn let the MOrmons to Utah


year of the Senaca Fall's Convention


yr TX as admitted


yr of The Communist Manifesto


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

1848. ended Mexican War. added 1.2 million square miles

yr of CA gold rush


yr of the Fugitive Slave Act


yr of Dred Scott vs Sandford


year JOhn Brown was hung



1859. Daniel Emmett

Battle of Ball's Bluff

1861. humiliating defeat of Union under McClellan. -originally minor reconnaissance across the Potomic to establish if the Confederates were occupying the strategically important position of Leesburg. actually was a row of trees and no camp to raid. -Oliver Wendell Homes survived a nearly fatal woun to become a Supreme Court Justice in 1902 -only sitting US senator to die in a military engagement

year of the Emancipation Proclaimation


years of the Reconstruction


year of the Menji Restoration


14th Amendment

1868. states can't deny civil rights/individual liberties

yr of the Franco-Prissian War


when did the BRitish acquire the Suez canal


yr and foe of the Battle of Little Bighorn

1876. Custard vs Sious

surrender of Chief Joseph

1877. 40 miles from the Canadian border in Montana. surrendered with the understanding that he and his people would be allowed to return ot the reservation in Idaho but was actually put on different Great Plains reservation s until settled in WA

year of the Haymarket Riot


last event of the Indian wars

1890 battle of wounded knee

Ghost Dance Movement

1890. religious movement started by the Paiute. said proper practice of the dance would reunite the living w/spirits of the dead, bring the spirits of the dead to fight on their behalf, make the white colonists leave, and bring peace/prosperity/unity to the Native America people in the Region

Populist Party

1890s. the populist party was based around farmer's needs

worst panic/depression of 1800


yr annexed Philippeans


Age of Enlightenment

18th c. secular. autonomy of man's intellect apart from God. faith of reason rather than faith in revelation

ago of Octavian when Caesar was assignated


panics/depression sin 1800s


yr Queen Victoria died


year of the Wright Brother's Kitty Hawk flight


year of the Russo-Japanese war


Russo-Japanese War


year of Einstein's Theory of Relativity


Bloody Sunday

1905. marched to Winter's Palace to deliver a list of greviences to the czar. troops fired on the demonstrators

year the Model T was released


year NAACP was founded


year the Titanic sank


First Balkan War


year of the Russian Revolution


year the Romanov's died


yr of the Russian Revolution


summary of the Russian Revolution

1917 Bolshevick (Communist) overthrew Russian gov

rise of the USSR

1917 Russian Revolution led by V.I Lenin and his Bolsheviks (Communists)

year of Lenin's REvolution

1917. BOlshevick reovlution

first year of the Prohibition


year of the Spanish Influenza


first legal victory of NAACP

1920. literary requirement. poorly educated whites were no more likely to pass them than illiterate blacks. so gradfathered in anyone who could ote prior to 1867 which let illiterate whites but not blacks vote

Andrew Mellon

1920s S of the Treasury

Gitlow versus NY

1925. 14th Amendment prohibits states from infringing free speech but Gitlow was properly convicted b/c he disseminated newspapers that advocated violent overthrow of the vovernment

death of Annie Oakley

1926. severe auto accident 4 yrs prior , never walked or shot a gun againt. died in sleep. husband died of depression less than 3 weeks later

year of LIndberg's solo flight


year the stock market crashed


yr of the first 5 Yr Plan


Kellog0Brian Pact

1928. primise to nt use war to resolve disputesconflicts. Germany, France, USA

start of the Great Depression

1929 Stock market crash

St Valentine's Day Massacre

1929. Al Capone's people gunned down Bugs Moren's gang. this murdered shocked people b/c brutal so the public responded w/dememands to clean up the city

yrs of the Great Depression


beliefs of John Maynard Keynes

1930s. "in the long run, we're all dead". b/c too much suffering during a severe recession, government needs to intervene and smooth out larg swings in the business cycle

qyaer of Snow White

1937 movie by Isney

Operation TOrch

1942. debuet of US troops in the European-North African Theatre. invaded French North Africa in WW2. specifically Algeria and Morocco

year of London Smog


Project Blue Book

1952-69 Air force investigated 12K UFO sightings to see if UFO's were a threat to national security. air force also spnsored an independent study at U of Colorado. PBB ended when U of Colorodao scientists said future studies wern't likely to produce useful info concerning a security threat

Air Force/U of Colorado study into whether or not UFO's were a security risk

1952-69. Project Blue Book

yrs Earl Warren was Chief Justice


yr of Brown vs Board of Edu


year of Salk's polio vaccine


yr of Rosa Park's arrest


yar Congo was freed of colonial control

1960 from Beligum

year of West Side Story


year of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


year UNICEF won the Nobel price


year of The Sound of Music


yrs Warren Burger was Chief Justice


year of ROe versus Wade`


year of the OPEC oil embargo


FCC versus Pacifica Foundation

1973. a kid heard Geroge Carlin's "Filthy Words" routine on the Pacifica Foundation FM radio station in NYC. Pacifica received a letter of reprimand for violating FCC regulations which prohibited broadcasting indecent material. RESULT: becas eofhgte pervasive nature of broadcasting, it has less 1st Amendment protection than other forms of communications. the FCC was justified in concluding that the broadcast wasn't obscent but was indescent and ubject to restiriction

year of the Chernobyl accident


yrs Wm Renquist was Chief Justice


Montreal Protocol

1987. 180 countries inc. USA agreed to phase out ozone depletion agents

year of the Branch Dividan Raid


provoked the Branch Davidian's raid

1993. Burea of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms investigation into illegal possesion of firearms

year Dolly was clonned


year Clinton was impeached


fate of Gavrillo Princip

19yo at the time of the assssination so was 27 days too young to receive the death penalty per Habsburg law. received the maximal possible sentence of 20 yrs. died almost died of TB at 23yo.

distance of an abdominal SQ shot from U

2 in. heparin should be 90 degrees over 30 seconds

family of Fredrick Douglas

2 of his sons fought in a MA regiment in the Civil War

how long did it take for the Titanic to sink

2.5 hours

what can stop gamma rays

2.5in of concrete or 5in of water can stop 50%

ethnic groups in Uganda

20 ethnic groups and don't understand each other's language

year Tom Cruise jumped on OPrah's couch


how did Isis gain prominece

2014. drove Iraqi gov forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, captured Mosul, & Sinjar Massacre

yrs of USSR


president can only serve 2 terms

22nd Amendmet

yrs of the name Leningrad


when did unicorns first appear in culture

2400 yrs ago when a greek physician wrote that he saw one in India

requirements to be a Representative

25yo, US citizen for 7 years, resident of the state

when did the Egyptian capital move to Memphis


how may books at in the New Testament and how are they divided

27 books. Gospel-story of Jesus. Matthew, mark, Luke, John Laws: by Paul and co. guidelines for establishing the early church

first year of Stalin


years of Stalin


yrs Stalin led USSR


height of Mt Everest


first use of chlorine gas in battle

2nd battle of ypres


2nd tallest. on China-Pakistan border. highest point in the Karakoram range. aka MT Godwin-Austen or Chhogori. 28251ft

synopsis of Our American Cousin

3 act play. by an Englishman. farce. awakward/boorish/honest American goes to aristocratic England to claim a family estate in England

how did slaves contribute to the census


requirements to be a Senator

30 yo, 9 yrs a us citien, live in state. total term is 6 years

years of Constantine


Roman control of Egypt


deaths in the Chernobyl accident


unified upper/lower Egypt. yr

3200bc. Menes/Namar

yrs of the Hellenistic period


years of the Mesozoic era

350-50 mil years ago

year writing was created


constitution rules of the presidet

35yo, natural born usa, lived in the usa for 14 years

how many blacks died in the Civil War


year/age of the death of Marie Antioinette

37yo. 1763

death of Socrates

399bc in Athens

story of the Gettysburg Address

4 m later. Lincoln wasn't the headliner and was included at the last minute

years of the Sumerian culture


top speed of leopards

40mph. jumps 20ft horizontal

year Casesar was assassinated


how long did Augustus Caesar rule



46-1120AD. Greek biographical/essayist. "Parallel Lives" and "Moralia"

year Caesar was made dictator for life


year of the Batle of Theromopyle


year Caesar crossed the Rubicon


characteristics of the Panama canals

51 miles, 6 locks, 2 lakes

age of Lincoln when elected`


last year of Stalin


yr Sparta organized the Peloponnesian League



6 ft. used to measure water depth

how did European influence New World buffalo

60 million buffalo at the time of Columbus and 300 by 1880s

Paleozoic era

600-350 million yaers ago. fish, land plants, amphibians, reptiles

First Trimvirate

60bc. J. Caesar, Pompe,

years of the Chaldeans

612-538bc. took over from Assyrians

years of Ellis ISland

62 years. 1892-1934

start of Muhammad

620ad. Muhammad received revelation from Gabriel

yr of Draco

621bc. codified Athenia law

years in Caesar's life

63bc-First Trimvirate 49bc- crossed Rubicon 47bc-dictator for life 44bc- assinated

First Trimvirate

63bc. J. Caesar, Crassus, Pompey

when did the end of the dinosaurs happen

65 million years ago at the end of the Mesooic era

MIranda vs Az

66. suspects should be informed of due process rights prior to police questioning

years of the Omayyads


chemical equation of photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H20+ light energy YIELDS glucose molecule +6O2

estimated world population in July 2018

7.8 billion

% of GDP that is consumer spending

70% of GDP is consumer spending

year of Sparticus


yr and end of the Sparticus slave rebellion

73bc, General Crassus

yers of the Abbasids


year the Omayyads were overthrown


birth year of Rome


birth yr of Rome


when should you intubate based on GCS

8 or under

division of Russia's geography

80% of Russia's landmass is east of the Ural Mountains t most of its development/people/infrastructure is in the west

themes of U2

80s. pacifism/christian/political themes

religous breakdown of Uganda

85% christian, 10% islam

no cruel and unsuaual punishment

8th A

acceleration of gravity on earth

9.8 meters per second

# of natural vs manmade elements

92 manmade

comparision of invertebrates to vertebrates

950K species of invertebrates, 40K species of vertebrates

fact about the most common elements on Earth

98% of Earth is made up of 6 elements -oxygen, fe, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, nickel

Good Friday Agreement

= Belfast Agreement 1998 peace talks in Ireland -gave N. Ireland freedom to decide their region's political status. -David Trimble got the Nobel Prize for it

songs by Ella Fitzgerald

A Tisket, A Tasket. Dream a little dream of me, cheek to cheek, it don't mean a thing if it ain't go that swing

fifth column

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favour of an enemy group or nation.

"the horror, the horror"

A sentence spoken by the dying adventurer Kurtz ("The horror! The horror!") in Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad.

pyrrhic victory

A victory that is offset by staggering losses or that comes at a huge price

difference between alpha/beta & gamma nuclear radiation

A/B: actual particles that are electrically charged G-electromagnetic radiation. energy in the form of waves

Autism Awareness month


3 primary assessment tools for neuro

AVPU, 4 Score, GCS

capital at Baghdad


taxonomy of birds


formed the United Kingdom

Act of Union in 1707

major players in history of US economy

Adam Smith, Hamilton, John Maynard Keynes, Andrew Mellon, Andrew Laffer

root of jazz

African American folk music

causes of Bono

African aid & ban nuclear aencies

18th century intellectual movement

Age of Reason

Balkan countries

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia.


Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, B&H, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania

first King of Englan

Alfred of Wessex. 871. 28 years reign

countries of Northern Africa

Algeria, Egypt, Lyberia, Morocco, Sudan, Tunesia, Western Sahara

Egyptian pharaoh who promoted idea of 1 god

Amenhotep. King Tut restored the pantheon

Mary Pickford

America's sweetheart. first American female to earn one million dollars

why did American permit expansion of Government

Americans permitted expansion of government b/c they saw it as the lesser evil than urequlated big business

built the Hanging Gardens


established their capital at babylonq


said we were all equal in the eyes of god

Amos - farmer who said we were all equal in the eyes of god regarding to wealth/position/birthright

reject childhood baptism


characteristics of the famous Confederate prison

Andersonville in GA. built to house 10K POW's but had 33K at its height and received 400 prisoners per day

famous Confederate prison

Andersonville in Georgia

S of Treasury in 1920s

Andrew Mellon

Bloodies single day of the civil war


Civil War battle where McClellan drove Lee out of Maryland but let Lee's army escape


tribe of Geronimo



Apache. narrated his biography and dedicated it to Prez TR in hopes he would be allowed to return ot his home but that didn't work. died from pneumonia after drunkenlfalling off his horse and spent the night in a icy creek


Arabic acronym for ISIS


Archaea, Eukarya, Bacteria

assassination to start WW1

Archduke Franz Ferdinand. heir to A-H throne. assassinated in 1914 by Garillo Princip

stretch of the Ural Mountains

Arctic Sea to NW Kazakhstan

teacher of Alexander the Great


who said the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


key figures in Reganomics

Arthur Laffer in 1980s used ideas from S of the Treasury Andrew Mellon in '20s

Foreign rule of Egypt

Assyrians, Persians, Alex the Great, Romasn

Middle east empires in 110-538bc


county of Athens

Athens was the principal city of Attica

N. African Mt and countries

Atlas Mts in Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia

Bobby Kennedy

Attoney General

Civil War sculptor

August Saint Gaudens

7 Natural Wonders

Aurora Borealis, Harbor of Rio de Janeor, Grand Canyon, Great Barrier Reef, Mt Everest, Paricutin, Victoria Falls

home country of Hitler


famous rock in Australia

Ayer's Rock/Uluru

Monitor v Merrack

B of Hampton Roads

Christmas Oratario


example of Baroque composers

Bach, Handel

under the biological heading "Domain"

Bacterial, Archae, Eukarotia

region of the world where WW1 started


names for the region of Northern Africa

Barbary States, Mahgreb

co-hosts of the View

Barbra walters, joy hebar, Meredith viera, star jones, Elizabeth hasselbeak, ROsie OD, Whoppi, Sheri Shepard, Jenny McCartney, Rosie Perez, Candace Cameron Bure, Jedediah Bila, Megan McCaine, Raven

style of Bach


style of Handel


style of Versailles


created the Statue of Liberty

Bartholdi. 1886

battle that led to the rise of the house of Tudor

Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. War of the Roses

battle won by Jefferson Davis

Battle of Buena Vista

Civil War battle that marked the beginning of the end for the Confederacy

Battle of Gettysburg

defeat of Santa Ana

Battle of San Jacinto 1836

battle in Russia during WW2

Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. 5 months

reason Hitler went to jail

Beer Hall

where is Ypres


"most influential Christian book of the 19th century"

Ben Hur by Lew Wallace

divide dAfrica

Berlin Confrence

affiliation of the man who shot the Archduke to start WW1

Black Hand

military career of Lincoln

Black Hawk war

1905 march to Winter's Palace to delver a list of greviences to the czar. troops fired on demonstrators

Bloody Sunday

who runs the Fed

Board of Directions. new members are appointed by the president/confirmed by the senate for 14 yr tearms.

famous for using comedy to entertain troops

Bob Hope

famous Ellis Island immigrants

Bob Hope (British), Irvin Berlin (Russian), Chef Boyardee (from Italy at age 16 to join his brother who was a waiter at NY Plaza hotel. Boyardee is the phonetic spelling of his Italian name), inventor of soft ice cram (Greek. soft ice cram invented by mistake when his truck got a flat and ice cream melted...people liked it), actor who played Tarzan is from Hungry, Einstein

examples of medieval era writers/poets

Boccaccin, Chaucer, Dante

group name of the Communists in the Russian Revolution


first color tv western


where did Alexander Graham Bell teach speech & vocal physiology

Boston University

dynasty family of Maria Theresa


who was at the Alamo

Bowie/Travis/Crockett vs 4K Mexicans under Santa Anna

cult/leader at Waco, TX

Branch Davidians led by Daid Koresch

VP prior to the Civil War


fought the Crimean War

Brit/Fr v. Russia

first major battle of Civil War

Bull Run

Civil War battle where spectators drove out to picnic

Bull Run/Manassas

president who met Babe Ruth

Bush Sr when he was president of the Yale softball team

The Great Stone Face

Buster Keaton

roles of the prez

C in C of military, negotiates treaties, appoints ambassadorsjudges, grants pardons to those accused of federal crimes

chemical equation of glucose


examples of greenhouse gases

CO2, methane

sets safety standards for manufactured products

COnsumer PRoduct Safety COmission

sides in the English Civil War

Caliviers (Charles I) versus Roundheads (Parlimentary)

orgin of the Presbyterian church


period of prehistoric where life became more complex and diversified

Cambrian explosion. started 541 million years ago

first period of the Paleozoic area

Cambrian period. started 570 million years ago

work by Chaucer

Cantebury Tales

famous book on sea warfare

Capt Alfred mahn's "The Influenceo f Sea Power on History"

Jack Kirby

Capt America, Fantastic 4, Hulk, Xmen

only Confederate executed by the US for actions during Civil War

Capt Henry Wirz. ran Andersonville -the Confederate prision. unjustly caused 10K deaths mostly from starving and neglect

captain of the Titanic

Captain Edward Smith

naming of organisms

Carolinus did taxonomy, and bionomial nomenclature

ship who responded to the Titanic


mountain system of middle Europe

Carpathian Mt

female influence of 3 French kings in 1500s

Catherine de Medici

government agency who collects unemployment statistics

Census Bureau & Burea of Labor Statistics

conquered the Assyrians

Chaldeans in 612bc

lost the English Civil War

Charles I/Caliviers

secret police under Lenin


commissioned Great Pyramid of Giza

Cheops in 2566bc

heritage of Will Rogers


Stand Waite

Cherokee who was the last Confederate officer to surrender

indian tribes who fought for the Confederacy

Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasas, Semionles

Fort Dearborn


largest Civil War battlefield park in the National Park System


important roles of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Chief justice decides who writes the majority opinion. presides over the Senate in impeachment proceedings, president oath of office

makes the president's schedule

Chief of Staff

meaning of Incan

Children of the Sun

founding of Daoism

Chinese orgin. Laozi


Chinese. the most famous Daoist teacher

trail from T to Abilene, KS

Chisolm Trail

what is LRA

Christian group operating in Uganda, Sudan, Central African REpublic, DRC.

Pendleton Act

Civil Servi ec Act of 1883. reformed the spoils system

first war to use the railroad

Civil War

"Angel of the Battlefield"

Clara Barton

Ivy League college in NYC


first emperor after the Pax Romana


major writers/literature of socialism

Communist Manifesto/Das Kapital by Marx and Engles

inhumane POW prisions during Civil War

Confederate: Andersonville, GA Union: Elmira, NY

Belgium colonies in Africa

Congo, Rwanda

award given to Buffalo Bill

Congressional Medal of Honor from bravery as a scout but it was recinded in 1916 b/c he wasn't in the military. restored in 1989

emperor who converted to Christianity and how he got his people to be tolerant

Constantine converted to Christanity and ordered tolerance via the Edict of 313ad

Edict of Milan

Constantine's order to end persecution of Christians and tolerance

Constitutionality of slavery

Constitution specified end to slave trade but not the practice itself, 3/5C acknowledge legitimacy, Bill of rights protects property (slaves), Constitution gave individual states all powers/authoritites not specifically reserved to the federal gov. *regulation of slavery wasn't specifically reserved to the federal gov so it must be a right of the states

30th president


HQ of the caliphate in Spain

Cordoba, Spain

richest Americans in late 1800s

Cornelius Vanderbilt. when he died, his son inherited his fortune and became the richest american

music center of the Harlem Renaissance

Cotton Club

indian tribe who fought for the Union


evil counterparts of the Justice League of America

Crime Syndicate

proposal to avoid the Civil War

Critenden Compromise

last ditch effort in Congress prior to Civil War to resolve the succession crisis of 1860-61

Crittenden Compromise

oldest fossil designated homo sapine

Cro-Magnon. evolved in Africa, emigrated to EUrpoe/Asia 100K years ago

art style where objects are broken up into shapes and reassembled in an abstract form


20th century art movements

Cubism Dada, Art Deco

defeated the Chaldeans

Cyrus, King of the Persians in 530bc

DNA versus RNA

D= phosphate group and a base of ACGT R-ACGU

leagues of superheros

DC Comics -Justice League/Crime Syndicate, Marvel- Avengers


DC. supervillian

first step to replicating DNA

DNA unwinds and separates the double helix

movie about an indian that won best picture

Dances with Wolves. white man living w/Sioux

only 2 people to serve as S of S under 3 presidents

Daniel Webster, James G Baline

writers of the 1300s

Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio

famous books against capitalism

Das Kapital, The Communist Manifestor

real name of the Edge

David Evans

leader of the Branch Davidians

David Koresh

led Britian during WW1

David Lloyd George

received the Nobel Peace Prize for the Good Friday Agreement

David Trimble

Trent Affair

Davis sent 2 diplomats to Europe to get support for the Confederacy. slipped out of Charleston on a ship, went to Havanna and got on a British mail ship "Trent" . shot 2 shots , landing party the 2 identitfied themelves, taken to Boston Harbor. CAPT became a national hereo. almost brought Britian/USA to war

belief of Jefferson Davis in regards to slavery

Davis voiced opposition to secede but believed it was constitutional for the states to secede and believed Lincon would coerce the south to end slavery leading to economic ruin

Greek Leagues

Delian -Persian, Peloponnesian

organization for the Persian War

Delian League

political party of ackson


John Dillinger

Depression-era gangster. accused of robbing 24 banks & 4 police stations. escaped from jail x2. charged but never conviced for murder of an Indiana police officer

Fort Wayne


famous for being in Manilia Bay during the Spanish-American War



Diocletian -divided Roman empire into 4. capital at Nicomedian Constantine-moved capital to Constantinople & Edict of Milan Theodosius-made Christanity the official relgion Justinian

who does the CIA report to

Director of National Inteligence

led France post Reign of Terror


work by Dante

Divine Comedy

breakdown of taxonomy

Domains. KPCOFGS

William the Conqurer's list of all property

Domesday book

Greek harsh law vs reformer

Draco, Solon

circumnavigated the world for England


year of the Dred Scot Case

Dred Scott versus Sanford in 1857

anti-Semitism in France

Dreyfus Affair in 1894. accused of being a spy

ended Napoleon

Duke of Wellington

directors of tthe CIA

Dulles, Bush Sr (76-77), Robert Gates (86-87, 91-93), George Tenent (96-04), Porter Goss (05-06), Leon Panetta (09-11), David Petraeus (11-12), JOhn Brennan (13-17),

Russian assembly w/advisory or legislative purposes


lower house of Russian legislature since 1993


character in Rainman

Dustin Hoffman was Raymond Babbit. autistic savant

language by the Boers

Dutch settlers who spoe Afrrikans


Dutch. rationalist of 17th centrury

enclave versus exclave

EN: territory entirely surrounded by another state EX: portion of a state/territory geographically separated from the main part by surrounding alien territory

Houses of English Monarchs

ENGLISH MONARCHS Wessex, Denmark, Wessex, Denmark, Wesse Normady, Blois, Anjou, Tudor, Stuart, Act of Union BRITISH MONARCHS Stuart, Hanover, Saxe-Coburg & Gotha, Winsor

4 most recent Chief Justices (starting from 1953)

Earl Waren, Warren Burger, Wm Rehnquist, John Roberts


Eastern European Jews. joyous religiou sfervor in direct communication w/god . 1730s

first king of all England

Edgar the Peacable. 959ad

emperor's order of tolerance towards the Christian community

Edict of Milan. 313AD

reign of Henry 8's kids

Edward 6. (10yo-15yo)-1537-1553 Mary-1553-1558 Elizabeth

son of Henry 8

Edward 6.10yo. had England adopt Calvanism

reigned after Queen Victoria

Edward 7

Lincoln S of War

Edward M Stanton

S of War during Civil War

Edwin M Stanton

"there lies the most perfect ruler of me the world has ever seen. Now he belongs to the ages"

Edwin M. Standon about Lincoln

Queen of Jazz

Ella Fitzgerald

poem on the Statue of Liberty

Emma Lazarus's The New Collosus. Give me yoru tire, your poor

final Habsburg ruler

Emperess Maria Theresa


Emperior 285305AD. divide dRoman empire into 4. capital to Nicomedian in Asia Mionor

winner and looser of the Seven Year's War

England won, France lsot

Uganda airport


letters to the Christian community

Epistles by Paul

home of the Incan

Equador to Chile

countries of the Andes

Equador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile

estended right to counel to include consultation prior to interrogation

Escobedo v Illionis. 64

leader of Ethiopia

Ethiohopia technically wasn't colonized, it was invaded in 1930s and emperor Haille Selassie was deposed/exiled to UK

greek tragedy


Greek tragedy and comedian

Euripides -tragedy. Aristophanes -political comedy

universal gravitational law

F =G x Mm/r^2 F= force of attraction between two bodies M/m= mass of object 1, object 2 R^2= distance between

difference between fiscal policy & monentary policy

F- gov tax/spending policy M- decisions that influence money supply, availibility of loans, interest rates

difference between the CIA and FBI

FBI is a domestic security service but the CIA has no law enforcement function and mainly does overseas intelligence. only agency authorized by law to carry out overseas covert action at the behest of the president and exerts foreign political influence

regulates radio/tv/satellite/cabel


insures bank deposits


looks into false advertising


"dam the torbeedos"


language spoken in Iran




USA's central bank

Fed. Rederal REserves

federal agency that supervises banks

Federal REserve Board

federal agency that controls the money supply

Federal Reserve Board

federal agency that sets interest rates

Federal Reserve Board

method used to convince a state to support ratifying the constitution

Federalist Papers -Madison, Jay, Hamilton

where did Lenin flee prior to the 1917 Revolution


Stravinsky ballets

Firebird, Rite of Spring

work by Stravinsky

Firebird, Rite of Spring

title of Churchhill

First Lord of the Admiralty

used by popes to sign documents

Fisherman's Ring. worn by the pope. (St Peter was a fisherman by trade). from the tradition that the apostles were "fishers of men". until 1842, was used by popes to sign documents

requirements of islam

Five Pillars of Islam

discovered PCN

Flemming by accident

where is Dante from


Force Act

Force Acts, in U.S. history, series of four acts passed by Republican Reconstruction supporters in the Congress between May 31, 1870, and March 1, 1875, to protect the constitutional rights guaranteed to blacks by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.

location where Lincoln was shot

Ford's Theatre


Formally proclaimed

fort in Detroit

Fort Wayne

Ayn Rnad

Fountainhead, Atlas Schrugged

text of the Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

French speaking


year of our current pope

Francis began in 2013

religion of the Alamo

Franciscian mission

Reconstruction era agency that helped African American find family members separated in war, taught read/write, legal advocates in court,

Freedman's Bureau

fort in Chicago

Ft Dearborn

fort destroyed during the War of 1812

Ft Dearborn in Chicago

first official day of the civil war

Ft Sumter 1861Japan thin slice of fresh raw meat/fish

another term for government workers

G men

2 islands of UK

G. B and Ireland

"Young Napoleon"

G.B. McClellan

difference between GDP and GNP

GDP -Domestic GNP-International.

calculate GDP per capita

GDP divided by # people

considered alongside GDP


shot the Archduke to start WW1

Gavrillo Princip of the Black Hand. was stationed to act if the first 2 assassins failed. heard an explosion so thought one of the first 2 succeeded. the car was rerouted but the driver was unfamiliar with the rout, tok a wrong turn, and ended in front of Princip by pure accident which led to them being shot at point blank range

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Gene Autry

singing cowboy

Gene Autry

early leader of WW1 and his troops

General Pershing led the American Expedintairy Force

end of the Abbasids

Genghis Kahn's army invaded the Abbasids, seized Baghdad, murdered. 1258

led the peninsular campaign during the Civil War

George B McClellan

ran aginst Lincoln for president during his second term

George B. McClellan

HQ of the CIALangley, VA

George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley, VA

who played Patton in the movie

George C. Scott

famous for creating a photography brand

George Eastman created the Kodack brand

female French writer under a male name

George Sand

subplot of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

George/Eliza/Baby escape to Cabin

leader of France during WW1

Georges Clemenceau

"war is too important a business to be left to soldiers"

Georges Clemenceau - Frenchman

last state to be readmitted to the Union


Weimer Republic

Germany 1919-1933. unofficial, historical designation of Germany during those years


Germany's foreign secretary who proposed a secret alliance between Mexico and Germany

Triple Alliance

Germany, A-H, Italy. 1882

real name of Babe Ruth

Geroge Herman Ruth

1800s movement within the indian community

Ghost Dance organized by the Paiute. return fallen warors from the dead to fight the whites

state must provide legal counsel to poor defendents in all felony cases

Gideon versus Wainright in 63

Supreme Court case that defined the scope of the first amendment's protection fo free speech and established to which state/fed gov would be held when it criminalized speech or writing

Gitlow versus New York in 1920s

movie about a black regiment in the Civil War

Glory. about Col. Shaw

packaging and shipping part of a cell

Golgi apparatus

top 2 selling novels of the Civil War

Gone w/the Wind, BenHur, Uncle Tom's Cabin

wrote the final version of the Constitution

Gouvenor MOrris

wrote the Preamble to the Constituion

Gouvenor Morris

Roman brothers who wanted land reform


where in Spain were the Muslims defeated

Granada in 1492

leader of the KKK

Grand Dragon or Grand Wizard

where is Presbyterian popular

Great Britian/Scotland

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Great Pyramids of Giza, hanging gardens of Babylon, temple of artemis, status of zeus at olympia, mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse at Alexendria

Seven Sisters

Greek daughters of Atlas/Pleione. who changed their daughters into stars in constellation Pleicides

only wedding in the White House of a president

Grover Cleveland married Frances FOlsom

Portugese colonies in AFrica

Guinea-Bisseau, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao T & P, Angola

homologous versus analgous

H-structure exists in 2 different species b/c share common ancestor A+ structure that are similar in function although they don't share a common ancestor (e.g birds and insects both have wings but not a common ancestor

wrote War of the Worlds

H. G. Wells

possible causes of PEA

H/T. cardiac tamponade, ten. pneumothorax, profund hypovolemnia

chemical formula of formic acid


Oscar best actor wins by Laurence Olivier


broke Babe Ruth's HR record

Hank Aarons

VP of Lincoln

Hannibal Hamlin, A. Johnson

civil war VP's

Hannibal Hamlin, Johnson

Indus River civilization


freedom of the press doesn't extend to school publications t

Haselwood School District versus Kuhlmeier 88

battle of William the Conqueror


20th century French artist

Henri Matisse

led Senate opposition to the League of Nations

Henry Cabot Lodge

the government is best which governs least

Henry David Thoreau

real name of Billy the Kid

Henry McCarthy

Greek historians

Herodotus -dad of hix. Persian Thucydides-peloponnesian

differences between the two main greek historians

Herodotus-Perian Wars Thucycides-Peloponnesi war

real name of Grant


start of WW2

Hitler invaded Poland in 1939

social contract theorists

Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau

editor of NY Tribune

Horance Greenley

what did the person who did the assassination attempt on Seward say as he ran away

I'm mad. I'm mad

steps of mitosis

I, P. M,A,T

female muckracker

Ida B. Tarbell

leader of the Jesuits

Ignatious of Loyla. Society of Jesus

leader ofhte Counter Reformation

Ignatious of Loyola. Jesuit

Trojan war stories

Iliad -last yr of the Trojan War Odyssee- return home


Industrial Workers of the World union. ties to anarchism and socialism

judicial arm of the UN

International COurt of Justice

response to the Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts and Boston Harbor shut down. led to first continential congress which led to a successful boycott of BRitish imports

members of U2

Irish Rock Band -Bono-vocal -the Edge-guitar -adam clayton-bass -larry mullen jr -bass

designed the White HOuse

Irishman James Hoban

names of ISIS

Islamic state of Iraq and Syria. Islamic state of iraq and the levant, Daesh (arabic language acronym)

current name for Constantinople


Ivan the Great

Ivan 3. ended Mongol domation in Russia. 1st czar

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan 4. grandson of 3. westernized Russia. contempory of Liz 1. traded w/England and dutch

ended Mongol domination in Russia

Ivan the Great

first Russian czar

Ivan the Great

exponential curve

J curve

created Captain America

Jack Kirby

partner of Stan Lee

Jack Kirby

Old Hickory


explored N. America for France

Jacques Cartier

home of Marcus Garvey


only bachelor president

James Buchannan

president before Lincoln

James Buchannan

who created the Uncle Sam "I Want You"

James Flagg during WW1

ruled after Elizabeth

James I

created the concept of horsepower

James Watt

mother of Edward 6

Jane Seymour

lead characters of The Great Gatsby

Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchannan, Nick Carraway

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus's commentary and summary of Christian teachings

founder of Amazon

Jim Bezos

descendent of the house of Tudor

John Beaufort, an illigimant child of the third surviving son of Edward 3 and his mistress.

alternative name for Battle Hymn of the Republic

John Brown's body lies a mouldering his grave but his soul goes marching gone

promoted predestination

John Calvin

first Chief Justice of the Supreme COurt

John Jay (1789-1795)

wrote about inalienable rights

John Locke

economist of the Great Depression

John Maynard Keynes. 1930s

Popes since 1978

John Paul 1, John Paul 2, Benedict 16, Francis 1

recent assassination attempt on a pope

John Paul 2 in 1981

current Chief Justice of the United States

John Roberts since 2005

responsible for Utilitarinism

John Steuart Mill/Jeremy Bentham

actor who played Tarzan

Johnny Weissmueller. had one of the best competitive swimming records of the 20th century (5 Olympic golds, 50 swimming records.) played Tarzan in 12 films and his Tarzan yell is often in Tarzan movies

largest single loss of American lives until 9/11

Jonestown murder under duress. +900

leader of LRA

Joseph Kony

date of the Battle of Gettysburg

July 1-3, 1863

main character of The Jungle

Jurgis Rudkins

Soviet government police


capital of Uganda


wrote the text of the Star Spangled Banner


dictator of Iran


cities in Ukraine

Kiev, Odessa

mt of Africa


title of Japan's national anthem

Kimi Ga Yo

capital of Congo


famous death during the Persian War

King Leonidas of Sparta died at the Battle of Thermopylae

king of France who abdicated in 1848

King Louis Philippee

job of Ulysses

King of Ithica- known for being clever

legalized detaining Japanese ancestory

Kuremantsu vs US in 44

designed Washington DC


liberals versus conservatives

L-favor change and view government as a tool to implement , importance of individual choice C- view change/government w/suspicion. wants to ensure the moral climate of the nation

Leaders/battle of War of 1812

Lake Erie -OH Perry Thames-WH Harrison Horseshoe Bend & New Orleans -Jackson

does the sundance


form of Buddhism


third law of thermodynamics

Law of Absolute Zero. you can't stop the motion of particles completely

decision of the Second Continential Congress to establish a new country

Lee Resolution on JUly 2. the declaration was approved 2 days later

what happened at the Battle of Chancellorsville

Lee and his army sent Stonewall Jackson to march around General Hooker to surprise him from the Rear



family of Lenin

Lenin's brother was hun for plotting against the czar

October Revolution

Lenin/Trotsky took over Moscow and set up new Government

who helped Lenin when he returned to Russia

Leon Trotsky

what happened when Lenin died

Leon Trotsky was the next ranked person but Stalin was chosen and defeated rivals 1 by 1

first four independent African Nations

Liberia (1847), S. Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia

William H. Seward

Lincoln S of S

how did Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. meet Lincoln

Lincoln visited a fort and a sharpshooter exchange happened. Lincoln stood on a stool to look down at action. the surgeon next to him was shot. OWH didn't recognize the president and shouted "get down you fool!"

suspension of habeas corpus

Lincoln x2

"if I could save the union..."

Lincoln's letter to H. Greenley

targets of the Booth conspiracy

Lincoln, VP Johnson, S of S Sewarrd

remembered for his "antisepsis" efforts


mountains at Gettysburg

Little/Big Round Top

title of Oliver Cromwell

Lord Protector

2 African terrorist groups

Lord's REsistance Army & Boko Haram

who was king when Cardinal Richileau was really in charge

Louis 13

ruled after Charlamagne

Lous the Pious

Buffalo Bill's gun

Lucretia Borgia

Theodosius I

Made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire in 380 AD

performing arts venue in NYC

Madison Square Gardends

why do we know what happened a the Constitutional Convention

Madison recorded

British documents that inspired our Constitution

Magna Carta (1215) Petition of Rights (1628) English Bill of Rights 1689

fist limit on the power of English Kings

Magna Carter. forced to sign by barons

events during the Spanish-American War

Maine, Manilla Bay landing over through Emilio Agunialdo, Guam, Wake Island, Hawaii Annexed. Teddy Roosevelt's Rought Riders

sat in Lincoln's Ford Theatre box during the assassination attempt but was not a target

Major Rathbone. He tried to stop Booth from leaving the scene but was stabbed. mental state deteriorated. resigned from Army due to instability. married Clara and had 3 kids but was convinced she was unfaithful and feared she would take the kids. he killed her in a fit of madness and was committed to an insane asylum

movies by Spike Lee

Malcome X,

other name for Bull Run


alternative name for the Battle of Bull Run

Manassias to the confederates

USA was meant to control all land between the sea

Manifest destiny

canot use illegaly obtained items in court

Mapp versus Ohio in 61

court case that established judicial review

Marbury versus MDISION. 1803

missionaries in Washington who were killed by Indians

Marcus & Narcissa WHitman

famous during the Sexual Revolution

Margaret MEade

line of fortifications, obstalcles, weapon instillations uilt by france in 1930s to deter German invasion

Marginot Line

orgin of the name Mark Twain

Mark Twain indicated the river depth was at least 2 fathoms so safe for travel

plan to recover Europe post WW2

Marshall Plan

"Here I stand. I can do no other"

Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1521 to HRE Charles V

director of Taxi Driver

Martin Scorses

first woman to receive the Medal of HOnor

Mary Edwards Walker. got medical degree from Syracruse. spent 4 months at a Confederate prision. award revoked in 1919 b/c not an official member of the armed forces. she said they could have it back over her dead body. she died 6 days later. restored in the 70s

America's Sweatheart

Mary Pickford

first American female to earn one million dollars

Mary Pickford

wife of Lincoln

Mary Todd Lincoln

wrote Frankenstein

Mary Wollenstocraft Shelley

believed to be the legitimate queen of England at the time of Elizabeth I

Mary queen of scots. catholics believed she was legit.

May Day

May Day is a public holiday usually celebrated on 1 May. It is an ancient northern hemisphere spring festival[1] and a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities. In the late 19th century, May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers' Day by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago.[2] International Workers' Day can also be referred to as "May Day", but it is a different celebration from the traditional May Day.

lyrics to Japan National Anthem

May Japans Reign last for ten thousand years. until the pebbles grow into boulders. lush with moss

location of the Civl War surrender

McLean House at Appomattox Court HOuse

attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul 2

Mehmet Agca of the Grey Wolves

Menes/Namar, Cheops/Kufu

Menes-united upper/lower kingdom Cheops-commissioned Great Pyramid of Giza

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico ceded NM and CA to USA and renounced claims north of the Rio Grande

sculpted David

Michangelo & Donetello

when did stories about unicorns become popular

Middle Ages

directors of the CIA under Trump

Mike Pompeo & Gina Haspel

jobs of Jefferson Davis

Missouri Senator, S of War, Prez of Confederacy, jailed, prez of an insurance company

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Missouri entered as slave, ME as free. 36th parallel in Louisana Purchase

founders of Boko Haram

Mohammad Yusuf in 2002. led by Abubakar Shekau since 209.

main port of Uganda


statement that USA will protect the Americas from European interferrence

Monroe Deoctrine

first spanic colony freed in Africa


location of Red Square


made the trains run on time


difference between NATO and the UN

NATO is primarily a military organization. the UN's primary mission is to promote peace but does noterh activities like social, health, humanitarian

where is Boko Haram located

NE Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon

Daniel Webster in Legislature

NH & MA in HOuse of REps, MA Senator, US S of S, Whig party nominee x3

chemical equation of ammonia


chemical equation of nitrites


difference between nitrites and nitrates

NO2-rites and NO3- rates

chemical equation of nitrates


published the Pentagon Papers

NY Times after winning supreme court case in 1971

AA who led slave uprising

Nat Turner

Turner Rebellion

Nat Turner. VA slave. 1831. lay preacher. killed all whites in his master's household (Travis family). then did a 24h killing spree of all whites encountered. whites captured/hung them and white avengers killed blacks

sang Torn

Natalie Imbruglia

manufactures US coins

National Mint

advises the president of threats to the USA's safety and directs the CIA

National Security Counsel

used to confuse the Japanese codebreakers


architectural style of the WHite HOuse

Neoclassical, Palladianf

colonial name for the New York region

New Amsteram

home of Louie Armstrong

New Orleans

New Orleans in Civil War

New Orleans was sombered into submission by the execution but the women enjoyed wearing wearing Confederate pins, held noses when passing Yankees, and refused to step aside in the streets so the Yanks had to walk in the mud. 1 woman dumped a chamber pot on Farragut's head and Gen Butlers said all women who disrespected a Yankee would be treated as prostitutes

credited w/calculus

Newton, Leibniz

tribe of Chief Joseph

Nez Perce

location of the Songhai

Niger River

Nigerian culture


directions the White House faces

North : (columned portico) faces Layfayette Square South: semi-circular portico. faces The Ellipse

basis for admitting new states to USA

Northwest Ordinance

water connection through the New World to Asia

Northwest Passage

"we have met the enemy and they are ours"

OH Perry

name of the revolution when Lenin returned and took over Moscow/set up new Government

October Revolution

executive branch control fo the government budget

Office of Management and Budget within the executive branch

nickname of Patton

Old Blood and Guts

nickname for Winfield Scott

Old Fuss and Feathers

Lord Protector

Oliver Cromwell

capital at Damascus


full name of Darwin's Book

On the Orgin of Species by means of Natural selection. yr 1859

revolution in Ukraine

Orange Revolution in 2004

forced the last Roman emperor to abdicate

Ostrogoth forced Romulus Augusts to abdicate

Ford's Theatre play when Lincoln was shot

Our American COusin



no taxation w/o representation

P. Henry

actors in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

P. Newman & Robert Redford

critics of PAC

PAC's are a means to dilute influence of individual votes on elections

how does PCN work

PCN works by destroying a substance that makes bacterial cell walls strong. non bacterial (human cells) don't have this substance so okay

pronounce perestroika


leaders of Cubism

PIcasso, Georges Brawue, . the late works of Paul Cezanne was a primary influence

book that is a Christian allegory

PIlgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

anticipated EKG after blunt chest trauma

PVC, afib, ST segment

organized the Ghost Dance movement



Parallel lives

real name of Bono

Paul David Hewson

lead on the peri on the periodic table


ended the Thirty Year's War

Peace of Westphalia. ended authority of Roman Catholic Popes to exert their political power over...

old name for Beijing


work by Thucydides


what did Thucycides study

Peloponnesian war

reformed the spoils system

Pendleton Act/Civil Serive Act of 1883

wife of Ulysses

Penelope, daughter of the King of Sparta


People's Temple under Jim Jones in Guyana. in 1978, 909 died of cyanide poisioning. MASS MURDER NOT SUICIDE. drank under duress and 304 were children

Pericles & Delian League

Pericles used the Delian League &=$ to rebuild Athens including the Parthenon

Greek who led Athens during Persian War


ancient name for Iran


Ancient Greek wars

Persia - 480-479 Pelopoonnesian - 480

what did Herodotus study

Persian War


Persian. worships a supreme being in the context of a cosmic battle between good and evil

location of the Amazon headwaters


chairman of the House Committee on Rules

Pete Sessions

city name before St Petersburg


former names of St. Petersburg

Petrograd, Leningrad. Leningrad from 1924 -1991

site of USA capital city prior to DC


husband of Bloody Mary

Philip 2 of Spain

year of the Constitutional Convention

Philly 1787

event on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg

Pickette's Charge

cabinet position of Jefferson Davis

Pierce's S of War

piezoelectric (pee AY zoh in LEHh Trik)

Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins)[1] in response to applied mechanical stress


Pimlico Race Course is a thoroughbred horse racetrack in Baltimore, Maryland, most famous for hosting the Preakness Stakes.

setting of All My CHildren

Pine Valley PA, fictional suburb of Philidelphia.

spy/detective for the union


central concept in quantum mechanics

Planck's constant

wrote a series of dialogues w/Socrates


Allegory of the Cave

Plato's Republic

The Allegory of the Cave

Plato's The REpublic

hosts the Preakness Stakes

Plimico in Baltimore, Maryland

Parallel Lives


SE Asia communist dictator

Pol Pot of Cambodia

Communist goverment division in USSR

Politburo- most powerful. set important policies Secretariat- managed the party details

year TX became a state

Polk added TX to the union in 1845

title of a pope after he resigns

Pope Emeritus

why is Brazil different from other S. American countries

Portugese influence


Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, cenozoic

when did the first invertebrates appear

Precambrian. 700 million years ago

problem in Tombstone, AZ

President Arthur threatened martial law if Tombstone didn't clean up its act

weakening of the Freedman's Bureau

Prez Johnson vetoed it b/c he said it encroached on state's rights, relied inappropriatedly on the military in peacetime, and would prevent freed slaves from becoming independent by offering too much assistance. lost funding in late 1860;s and had to cut most of it's staff, weakened further due to rise of KKK

husband of Queen Victoria

Prince Albert

college where Wilson was president


Crittenden Compromise

Proposed by Kentucky Senator John Crittenden in 1860, the Crittenden Compromise was an attempt to prevent the secession of southern states and avoid the Civil War.

what is an algae

Protist under domain Eukarya. makes food via photosynthesis

single-celled membranes of domain Eukarya

Protists. eg. algae, protozoa,

result of "The Jungle"

Pure Food and Druhg Act 6 months after publication

border between France and Spain


dictator of Lybia



R/L. attack from the vulnerable side. usually lighty defended

religion of the Vatican City

ROman Catholicasm

wrote Silent Spring

Rachel Carson

wrote The Invisible Man

Ralph Ellision

painted School of Athens


influenced the Romanov family


what causes the sky to be blue

Rayleigh Scattering

Communists v Non-C

Red Army vs. White Army

White house parlor

Red room

early uprisings in Russia prior to USSR

Revolutions were crushed by government troops in 1905 but underground strength rose leading the czar to establish fully elected legislative body "Duma"

civil war leader who was the top of his class at west p ont

Robert E Lee

Suprme Court case involving interstate commerce

Robert Fulton versus Cornelius Vanderbilt (represented by Daniel Webster). Vanderbilt won. Case was over the NY Harbor monopoly

Butch Cassidy

Robert Parker (P. Newman in the movie). formed "The Wild Bunch". 1890s train/bank robbery

real names of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Robert parker & Harry Longabough

style of Hyden


style of Mozart


swore in Lincoln

Roger B Taney

Chief Justice of the Dred Scott case

Roger B. Taney


Roman historia. wrote about the history of Rome

what type of snakes are "red on yellow..." "red on black..."

RonB-eastern coral snake RonY=scarlet king snake

calvary led by Teddy Roosevelt

Rough Riders

"man is born free and everywhere else he is in chains"


Gene Autry

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. the singing cowbody

size comparision of Russia and 2nd largest country

Russia is x2 larger than Canada


Russian assembly w/legislative functions. created by Tzar Nicholas in 1906-1917 when it was dissolved. it has been the lower legislative house of Russia since 1993

logistical curve

S curve

person involved in the Teapot Dome scandal

S of Interior. Albert B. Falls

Teapot Dome Scandal

S of Interior. Albert B. Falls secretely leased federal oil resreves to business associates in return for substantial kickbacks

role of John Jay prior to Chief Justice

S of State for one year

where is Crimea

S of Ukraine in Black Sea

staff v line

S-admin/plan. L-actual field subordinents

difference between "strategy" and "tactics"

S-employment of all of a nation's military capacities through high level and long term planning, development, and procurement to guaranteed security or victory T-military science employed to seure objectives defined as part of the military stragegy/directed ***art of strategy is the goals to achieve during a military campaign. tactics -methods to achieve those goals***

yr S. Africa was freed of colonial control versus Ghana

SA in 1910, Ghana in 1957

John C. Calhoun

SC congressman. S of War -Monroe VP -JQA and Jackson

first state to leave union

SC. (MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX)

4 states of matter

SLG and plasma

nature reserves in S. Africa

Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Kruger National Park

transition zone between the Sahara and savanna


beliefs of ISIS

Salafi jihadist group that follows fundamentalism Sunni Islam

ideology of ISIS

Salafism, Wahhabism, jihadism, Sunni

S of the Treasury whom Lincoln made Chief Justice

Salmon P. Chase

S of Treasury for Lincoln

Salmon P. Chase. S of Treasury for Lincoln. Disloyal so Lincoln dismissed him but wanted to keep his in service to the USA so chief justice

demanded/received the head of John the Baptist

Salome, daughter of Herod

first president of TX

Sam houston

American Federation of Labor

Samuel Gompers

real name of Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clements

capitial of Bosnia

Sarajevo, former province of Yugoslavia

nickname of Louis Armstrong


award for the best fantasy, science fiction, and horror tv and film

Saturn Award

2 science fiction awards

Saturn Award, Nebula Award

rocket that sent Apollo to the moon

Saturn booster

transformed Christanity into a world relgion via missionary work


another name for N. Europe

Scandinavia, Nordic

where is Calvanism popular

Scotland. Netherlands. Puritans in England/New Englands


Seabiscuit (May 23, 1933 - May 17, 1947) was a champion thoroughbred racehorse in the United States, who became the top money winning racehorse up to the 1940s, as noted in films and books. He beat the 1937 Triple-Crown winner, War Admiral, by 4 lengths in a 2-horse special at Pimlico, and was voted American Horse of the Year for 1938. A small horse, Seabiscuit had an inauspicious start to his racing career, winning only a fourth of his first 40 races, but became an unlikely champion and a symbol of hope to many Americans during the Great Depression.

Edwin M. Stanton

Secretary of War appointed by Lincoln. President Andrew Johnson dismissed him in spite of the Tenure of Office Act, and as a result, Congress wanted Johnson's impeachment.

assault in Congress

Senator Charles Sumner of MA was assaulted by Rep Preston Brooks of SC in 1856

home state of Kentucky

Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky

Black Handq

Serbian officer's society to train resistance forces in B&H

examples of ethnic cleansing

Serbs v Muslims in Serb occupied Bosnia Kosovo v. Albabians

assassination attempt on Lincoln's S of S

Seward. went to his house to deliver medication. the butler showed him in but a son said he was sleeping and the assassin was ordered to leave. pistol misfired so the assassin hit him and went to Seward's room. male nurse saw his nice. slashed his forhead and knocked his daughter unconscious. nruse woke and attacked again was stabbed. another son came it. ALL SEWARDS SURVIVED!

other name for Antietam


rebellion against tax collectors

Shay's Rebellion in 1786 MA

event that showed the Articles of Confederation were too weak to be enforced

Shay's rebellion

top 2 box office attractions in 1934

Shirley Temple & Will Rogers

what do few people realize about the owners in "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Simon Legree was a Northerner and Auguste St Claire realized the evils of slavery and was a northerner

work by Rousseau

Social Contract. 1762


Society of Jesus.


Society of the Harmonious fists. killed foreigners. not a fan of the open door policy

labor movement in USSR

Solidarity in POleland

wife of Archduke Ferdinand


first African country free of BRitish control

South Africa in 1910

"splendid little war"

Spanish-American War

leader of the HOuarticle 2 of the constitutionse of REpresentatives


other name for the Battle of Fredricksburg


first pope

St Peter

cultural sites in the Vatican City

St. Peter's Basicilia, Sisteine Chapel, museums

last Confederate general to surrender

Stand Waite = mixed blood Cherokee tribal leader in GA

last Confederate officer to surrender

Stand Waite, a Cherokee

famous for 2001: Space Odyssey

Stanley Kubrick

debated Lincoln

Stephen A. Douglas. Douglas won

song by Billie Holiday

Strange Fruit

Rite of Spring


composed "Firebird"

Stravinsky in 1910

culture of the city of ur


provides security for the Pope/Vatican City

Swiss Guard. wears blue and yellow stripes. w/red on cuff

movie about a black cop from Philidelphia who becomes involved in a murder in a Missisippi small town.

Sydney Pointier played Virgil Tibbs. sequels were "They call me mister tibbs!" and "The organization"

SI units

System Internationale

NY school for the arts

TISCH school of the arts. in Manhattan

college that has the most actively working people on BRoadway

TISHCH school

president who became Chief Justice

Taft. 1921-1930. nominated by Harding

country that considers itself separate from China

Taiwan considers itself independent from China

Napoleon's minister


famous autistic w/ a PhD

Temple Grandin. author who speaks on autism and is an authority on cattle hearding

magazine of NAACP

The Crisis

full account of Jesus

The Gospels

nickname of Lincoln

The Great Emancipator

Buster Keaton

The Great Stone Face. best known for silent films where his trademark was physical comedy w/his stoneface

first movie to tell a story

The Great Train Robbery

the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome & an independent soverign entitity. central point of refrence for Catholics

The Holy See. Vatican City

best album by U2

The Joshua Tree

work by Thomas Hobbes

The LEviathan in 1651

abolitionist newspaper

The Liberator. WL Garrision 1831. Liberal white northerner

book by Leon Trotsky

The Revolution Betrayed

Civil war bronze bas relief on Boston Common

The Robert Gould Shaw Memorial

flown by Lindberg

The Spirit of St. Louis

flash point

The lowest temperature to which a substance must be heated in order for the substance to give off vapors which will burn when exposed to a flame or ignition source.

presidents who identified as Progressives

Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, WIlson

Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire

Theodosius 1 in 319ad

syle of V for Vendetta

Thomas HObbes

enlightenment philosopher who said people are violent, will kill to get what they want, envisoned a scenario where people gave up all rights to stae/government in return for protection against a violent death. totalitarian style governmetn

Thomas Hobbes

wearing black armbands to school to protest the Vietman War is symbolic speech protected by tgeh First AMendment

Tinker versus Des MOines School DIstrict 69

first oil well found in USA

Titusvile, Pennsylvania

cut his losses

To stop an action that has resulted in loss or failure or leave a failing situation before it gets worse


Totalitarian government where the state is the force of life and the lieader of the state has absolute power and the people must follow

led the Haiti slave rebellion

Toussaint L'Overture

English prison

Tower of London. built by Wm the Conquor. overlooks River Thames in >ondon

Revolutionary War treaty that united USA and France

Treaty of Alliance (1778). promised mutual military support in case fighting were to break out between the French and British. between delegates of Louis 16 and the Second Continential Congress. mean to ensure to the future but Congress annulled it in 1793 when Washington gave his Nutrality Procraination saying America would stay neutral in the French Revolution

ceded SE USA

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Nobel peace prize for TR

Treaty of Portsmouth to end the Russo-Japanese war

UN agreement that forbade spread of nuclear weapons

Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons

reason why USA and Britian almost went to war during the Civil War

Trent Affair

when did the first dinosaurs/mamals/birds appear

Triassic and jurassic

Steele Dossier

Trump-Russian dossier. private intelligence report comprising of 17 memos that were written from June -December 2016 by Christopher Steele (former head of the Russian Desk for British Intelligence -M16). his instructions were to find out "Why did Mr. Trum prepeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state atha most serious investors shun"

syphilis experiment on African Amerians

Tuskeege Syphilis. 1932-72. 399 poor AA were studied w/o giving their consent. never knew they had syphilis. Belmont Papers

most influential Age of Enlightenment work on the founding of USA

Two Treatesies on Government by Locke.

work by John Locke

Two Treatsies on Vogernment (1690)

Tyndall Effect

Tyndall effect, also known as Willis-Tyndall scattering, is light scattering by particles in a colloids or in a very fine suspension. I

mythical character Ulysses/Odysseus

U is Latin, O is Greek

college funded by JD Rocketfeller

U of Chicago

casualties of Antietam

U-12K, C-14K

helped establish CERN



US Pharmacopenia

role of Robert Livingston

US foreign minister to france

special court for citizens versus the IRS

US tax court

why were there shortages of goods in USSR

USSR gov kept prices artifically low so frequently sortages of goods. long lines

chief northern tributary of the Congo RIver

Ubangi River (yoo BANG gee)

country of Idi Amin


home country of Idi Amin




largest country entirely in Europe



Ukrainian boiled dumplings filled w/potatoes, sauerrat, cheese, plums, berries


Ukranian easter eggs colorfully decorated


Ukranina folk dance where males compete against each other in performng acrobatic leaps

flag of UK/N. Ireland

Union Jack

side of General Ambroise Burnside

Union general

General Benjamin Butler

Union general. harsh mashall law in N. Orleans. mob took down US flag. he tried/hung a man for treason who boasted about tearing town the flag and stuck it in his anus. also told the union solders to treat any disrespectful women of N. Orleans as prostitutes

conventional boundary between Europe and Asia

Ural Mountains

called for the first crusade


calculate acceleration


how Congress was designed

VA plan + NJ plan = Great COmpromise/CT plan

president of the sSenate


leader of the Senate

VP, majority leader, prez pro T

rich family known for extravagant estates/mansions


Velvet Revolution

Velvet Revolution (Czech: sametová revoluce) or Gentle Revolution (Slovak: nežná revolúcia) was a non-violent transition of power in what was then Czechoslovakia, occurring from 17 November to 29 December 1989. Popular demonstrations against the one-party government of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia combined students and older dissidents. The result was the end of 41 years of one-party rule in Czechoslovakia, and the subsequent dismantling of the planned economy and conversion to a parliamentary republic.

oxygen mask that delivers a precise concentration of oxygen

Venturi mask

who played Thomas Andrews in Titanic

Victor Garbor

account of the rise of Rome

Virgil's Aneid

sacked Rome/years

Visogoths 410. Vandals 455

leader of the Bolshevick Revolution

Vladamir Lenin


Vladamir Lenin led the Bolshevik Revolution

act that started the Prohibition

Volstead Act


W. Europe during the Irone Age that wa inhabited by Celtic dribes. France/Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, N. Italy

Fort PIllow

W. Tenissee. site of a civil war battle

first black to receive a PhD

WEB du Bois

"lost/won a battle but won/lost war"

WRONG plenty of battles turned the tide of war. B. Hastings-ended Saxon rule, led to rise of NOrmons B of Yorktown-sealed USA victory Waterloo-ened Napoleon's deream of Conquoring Europe



unconstitutional to compulsory salute the falg

WV board of education versus Barnette in 1943. unconstitutional to compulsory flag salute

plan proposed to Reconstruct the south but Lincoln vetoed

Wade-Davis Bill of 1864

which horse did Seabiscuit beat

War Admiral

DNA model

Watson and crick

text of the Preamble to the Consitution

We the people fo the united states, in order to form a more perfect union -establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility... -provide for the common defense... -promote the general welfare... -and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity... -do ordain and establish this COnstitution for the United States of Amrica

first house of English monarchs


stance of the Third Estate

When Louis 16 allowed them to meet for the third time in its hx in 1789, the Third Estate said they were the true National Assembly. Kin recognized after dissolvn the estates general

location of the posting of the 95 Theses


S of S during WW1 until his resignation

William Jennings Bryant

WW1 leaders (usa, france, GB, Italy)

Wilson, GB- David Lloyd George, France-Georges Clemceau, Italy-Vittorio ORlando

posst WW1 presidents

Wilson, harding, Cal

first general of the union

Winfield Scott

first 2 Union generals

Winfield Scott, GB McClellan

first 2 Union generals

Winfield Scott, George B. McClellan

leaders of the Union -6

Winfield Scott, George B. McClellan, Ambroise Burnside, Fighting Joe HOoker, George Meade, Grant

came up with the Anaconda Plan

Winfield Scott.

Russian building in St. petersburg

Winter's palace

songs by Bono

With or without you, sunday bloody sunday, with or without you, i still haven't found what I am looking for

nickname of Edison

Wizard of Menlo Place

chief lieutenant of Grant

Wm T Sherman

"war is hell"

Wm Tecumseh Sherman.

second in command to Grant

Wm Tecumseth Sherman

Industrial Workers of the World

Wobblies - Industrial Workers of the World (aka I won't works). international labor union founded in 1905 Chicago. combines general unionism w/industrial unionism. tactics are "revolutionary industrial unionism". ties to both anarchism and socialism

location of the Teapot Dome scandel


3 early Chinese dynasties

Xia, Shang, Zhou

quote by Al Capone

You can get a lot more done w/a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone

formal way to address the Chief Justice

Your Honor, The Honorable

yr of the first man in Space

Yuri G. in 61

early Mexican cultures

Zapotec, Olmec, Toltec, Aztec

zinc on the periodic table


Persian religion


father of genetics

`gregor mendel

natural law

a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all humconduct


a collection of documents about a particular person/event/subject


a complex system of beliefs. large imposing building

oversees the Fed's budget

a congressional committee. must reports its operation to Congress every 2 yrs

used to measure water depth

a fathom is 6 feet

"the end justifies the means"

a good outcome excuses any worongs committed to attain it

belief of Rousseau

a man is born free and everywhere he is in chains


a person/their tendencies not able to be corrected/improved/reformed

moral suasion

a persuasion tactic used by an authority (i.e. Federal Reserve Board) to influence and pressure, but not force, banks into adhering to policy. Tactics used are closed-door meetings with bank directors, increased severity of inspections, appeals to community spirit, or vague threats.


a rationalist outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. a Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholarism and revived interest in Greek/Roman

what is the Marne

a river east of Paris


a short gun for firing shells on high trajectories at low velocities

role of a species

a specie's "niche" is the role it plays in the ecosystem and where it fits into the food chain


a state may nullify/refuse to obey or enforce any federal law it considers unconstituional


a sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity


a tributary stream of a river close to or forming part of its source


a type of tenant farming. given land in exchange for a portion of the crops

Golden Mean

a virtue is the middle between 2 extremes -example: the best type of government is rules by the middle b/c each extreme will seak to destroy the other, thus leading to negative conequences (e.g rich exploits the poor, the poor see to destroy the rich)

what happened in the Menji Restoration

abolished all special privilages of the samuri. 1868

advocated for abolishing slavery


Americans against slavery


Belmont Report

about the Tuskeegee Syphilis experiment done w/o consent


abstract replicas of reality, formal statement of a theory

rate of change in velocity


goal of ACLS

achieve ROSC

certifies that the accused is free from the charge of the officence, as far as criminal law is concerned


primary players in foreign policy

actors - nations/world orgs/nonstate orgs like PLO

whom did the Manson family murder

actress Sharon Tate, supermarket chain president LaBianca, coffee heiress Folger

National Security COuncil

advises the president of threats to the USA's safety and directs the CIA

examples of ozone depleters

aerosol, refrigerants

how the Maginot Line was named

after the French Minister of War during WW1

undercover enemy operative who works to provoke some destructive action

agent provocateur


agreement under international law

flaw of the Prohibition

aimed at the supply of liquire but didn't curb demand. where demand exists, supply will be found

difference between yellow and green wall air

air vs oxygen

stainless steel

aka inox. steel alloy w/ a minimum of 10.5% chromium content by mass. noted for corrosion resistance which increases w/higher % of chromium or addition of molybedium

double envellpment

aka the pincer movement. come at your enemy from both sides to pinch them

protist under Eukarya that makes food via photosynthesis


name "Lenin"

alias to disguise his identity from the czar's secret police. real first name was Vladimir


all have Eukaryotic cells. Protista, fungi, anamalia, plantae


all income earned by US firms/citizens earned outside USA and excludes forign companies operating inside USA

two populations are geographically separated from each other

allopatric speciation

which is heavier? alpha/B/gamma

alpha is the heaviest

3 main types of nuclear radiation

alpha, beta, gamma

specific heat

an object's ability to retain heat

different catagories of plants

annuals -1 growing season biannals -2 growing season perennial -yr after yr



phyla for spiders/crabs/insects



any 18th labor saving device


any strong/strongly fortified position or conce tration of troops

top of the food chain w/o natural opponents

apex predator

goal of technology

apply scientific knowledge for a specific purpose

James Hoban

architect who designed the White HOuse

countries that make up the southern cone of S. America

argentina, chile, uraguary

greek political comedy


cessation of military hostilities"



arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later


art/practice of conducting negotiations between representaties of states

most recent Periodic tabel element

as of 2016, there were 118 confirmed. 118 is oganesson


asking for admission into a monestary/nunnery

started the Jonestown mass (forced) suicide

assassination of Congressman Leo Ryan (ordered by Jones)


assert something a position in an argument

title of justices who are not the Chief Justice

associate justice

protons + electron mass

atomic mass

"defeat in detail"

attack spread out elements of an enemy before they have time to unite to become more powerful

concern of separating autistic from non-autistic in school

autistic kids have abnormal social interactions so that would inhibit their ability to learn those skills




avant-guarde art movement. flourished post WW1. rejected logic/reason/aesthecism of the modern capitalist society and expressed irrationally and nonsense

medical term for tearing away


why didn't the immigrants want to be drafted into the Civil War

b/c didn't want to free slaves who would later come north to take their jobs

why does Japan recycle

b/c few natural resources

why didn't Gavrillo Princip receive the death penalty

b/c the parish priest put in the wrong birth month in the record and the Austrian law said you can' execute someone under 20 yo

soldier's battle

battle in chich the outcome is determined by the actions of the soldiers rather than by leadershiop

violent battlewarfare

battle is "murder, not warfare"

western europe bay

bay of biscay

concepts in ethics

beneficience, nonmaleficience, autonomy, justice, dignity, veracity

felicific calculus

bentham's method to calculate the total amount of pleasure/pain from an action

Saturn Award

best in science fiction, fantasy, and horror film and tv

effect of beta rays on the body

beta can penetrate a few mm into the skin but not deep to vital organs. long-term exposure is heat burn. can enter wounds/infested w/food/breathe w/air

a law prior to being voted upon by legislature



billionth of a meter

proposed law


something that can't be digested as it passes up the food chain

biomagnification. e.gmedals


biome in high lattitudes. characterized by coniferous forests/pines and spruce. aka boreal forests. world's largest biome except for the oceans

part of the earth that includes all living things

biosphere: hydrosphere in the water, lithosphere on the earth,

what is a pope

bishop of rome

what is a "Uncle Tom"

black man who, out of selfishness or fear, adapts a humble manner to gain favor w/the whites


black soil containing a high % of humus. very fertile and produces high agriculture yield w/high moisture storage capacity

Jim Crow

blackface minstral show & discrimination law

to deny employment


decision of Dred Scott case

blacks weren't citizens so couldn't sue in federal court

whom did the KKK not like

blacks, immigrants, catholics, jews,

monster Ulysses met

blinded Cyclops

side of "Bloody Joe"

bloody joe hooker was a union eneral

slave states that didn't secede

boarder states

Second Estate



boiling; bubbling with excitement; exuberant

continuous bombing


"Das Kapital"

book by Marx. capitalism exploits. liberation of labor could be achieved only when the workers, not the cpitalists, owned the means of production

largest section of the bible

book of prophets

illegal liquor manufacture/selling during the Prohibition


who overthrew Idi Amin

border dispute w/Tanzania. overthrew him in 1979

states that allowed slavery but remained loyal to the union

border states

history of Alexander Graham Bell

born in Sotland, specialized in teaching deaf how to speak. opened school for the death, professor of speech/voal physiology at Boston University

viewpoints of WL Garrison & F. Douglas

both wanted to end slavery. G wanted to end it by breaking the Constitution. D. wanted to work within the constitution

quantum mechanics

branch of physics that describes nature at the smallest scale of energy levels of atoms/subatomic particles

what happens in glycolysis

breaks down 6 carbon glucose into smaller molecules yielding ATP. every glucose modlecule is broken into 2 molecules of pyruvic aci, 2 ATP, and 2 Hydrogens.

colonial-era pants that end at knee


habeas corpus

bring the accused to court where authorities must show they are being legally detained

actions by Teddy Roosevelt

broke up trusts/monopolies, prote cted natural resouces, pure food/drug laws, backed government regulation of the railroads

different type of soup

broth from meat, stock from bones

diet of the plain indians


experiments by the Wright Brothers

build at 6ft wind tunnel in their shop and tested 200 wing designs

actions by Andrew Carnegie

built his wealth ruthlessly and strangled competition and strongarmed to destroy unions...but also said rich should use their money to benefit society

growing or expanding rapidly


when is CO2 released

burning of solid waste, fossil fuels, wood burned

Japanese code of chivalary


"The Influence of Sea Power on History"

by Captain Alfred Mahn

Divine Comedy

by Dante in 1300s. journey through hell/purgatory/heaven. reason can only take you so fand god's grace and revelatio

first central power pant in USA

by Edison's Illumination Company. in Manhattan. fired by coal

"rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"

by Gertrude Stein. from the poem "Sacred Emily." the first rose is a person. interpreded to mean "things are what they are"

"The Sun Also Rises"

by Hemingway. a group of American/Brit expatriates travel to Paris to the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls. recived mixed reviews when published but today it is considered his best work

paradox of thrift

by JM Keynes. individuals try to save more during an economic recession which essentially leads to a fall in aggregate demand and hence in economic economic growth

"Das Kapital"

by Marx. capitalism exploits. liberation of labor could be achieved only when the workers, not the capitalists owned the means of production

The Giving Tree

by Shel Silverstein

"The Art of War"

by Sun Tzu

"The Leviathan"

by Tomas Hobbs

Anaconda Plan

by Winfield Scott. cut off Atlantic/Gulf ports and send floatilla of gunboats down Mississippi to take N. Orleans to cut off S. economically and cut into 2. east v west so will suffocate. problem was there ere 3500miles gulf/inlets/twists and 180 ports

wasting syndrome in someone who is sick & not actively losing weight


kids of Adam and Eve

caine and Abel


calculate acceleration

successors to Muhammad


double jeopardy

can't try a parson again if they were acquitted the first time

movie plot about a plan to pull off a grand heist

caper film


capital of Slovakia

how did cars level economic classes

cars leveled economic classes b/c both poor anf the rich were mobile. no longer divided between farms and city life. unification of the nation via roads

any large scale disaster


powerful businessman/landowner who possessed great power and influence via large ranches w/many cattle

cattle baron


cease to resist an oppoinent or an unwelcome demand; yield

smallest subunits of communist government responsible for local public life



ceremonial outer garmet

"all other factors hold constant"

ceteris paribus

displacement (physics term)

change in position


characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind


charged electron. either anion or cation

military action by Teddy Roosevelt

charged up San Juan hill w/ the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War

Ways and Means Committee

charged with reviewing/making recommendations for government budgets

penny dreadful

cheap fiction

site of photosynthesis in plants


phyla for animals with some form of a backbone


carries all genetic information



cinder cone volcano 322kmW of mexico Cityl rose suddenly

model of relationships in a capitalist market economy

circular fl


citrus plant in Korean/Japanese/Chinese.

neither rich nor poor

classless society

First Estate

clergy. 2% of population

primary where you may only vote for your political party

closed prmary

phyla for jellyfish and sea anemonomies



codiiication or beliefs/body of teaching to teach principle of positions on teachings

word with common etymological orgin


popularized the term "the lost generation"

coined by Gertrude Stein, popularized by Ernest Hemingway in "The Sun Also Rises"


collection of papers or other sources containing detailed information about a particular person or subject

government takes over privately owned land


proprietary colonies

colonies given by Charles 2 of England to his friends.gave New Netherland to his brother -Duke of York who named the area New York Wm Penn got Pennsylvania

sex linked diseases

color blindness and hemophilia

total war

combat against both military and civilian targets q/objective to destroy enemy's capacity and willingness to fight

Robert Fulton

commercialized the steamboat


communication w/ other actors via designated officials

populations of creatures that interact w/each other


systematic study of different governments

comparative governments

basic ideas of natural selection

competition is the basis for survival and some fail to survive . those who win pass successful traits off to others

how was the design for the White House chosen

competition w/9 proposals. Jefferson submitted one anonymously. James Hoban of Ireland won


concer/bestow power, authority, prosperity on someone

distributive justice

concerns the nature of a social justice allocation of goods. a society in which inequalities in outcome do not arise would be considered a society guided by the principle sof distributive justice

fugar that looks like snow

confectionsers/powdered. has cornstarch

work out differences between H of Rep and Senate versions of bills

conference committees


confined as a prisoner especially for political or military reasons


confirm/give support to a statement/theory/finding

large destructive fire that threatens life, health, and property


legacy of the Chaldeans

conquered Assyrians territory

another word for the draft


dedicated to a sacred purpose


why shouldn't powdered sugar be used in cookies

contains cornstarch which prevents cookie spread

art versus science

contrasts. science deals w/orderly facts but art embraces disorder/inventiveness/improve, brilliance of inspiration, gut instinct

Charles Manson

controlled family w/religion, sex, drugs. murder of the Tate family in LA

the Fed

controls the money supply, supervises, banks, sets interest rates

legal trouble of Marcus Garvey

convicted for mail fraud w/sale of stock. Coolide commuted his sentence and he was deported to Jamica

how to make your cookies thicker

cookies baked at low temperatures for longer are thicker

farm owned/managed by a group who share the profits equally

cooperative farm

original instrument of Louie Armstrong


another way to say someone is fat


supported by evidence


confirm/give support to a statement/theory/finding


impact of the cotton gin on slavery

cotton gin created a new economy for the south and renewed/reaffirmed/increased demand for slaves

units to describe radiation exposure


meeting held to decide on a course of action - usually in the midst of battle

council of war


countries agree to contribute to peace/security by coopeating in educaiton/science/culture. -involved countries provide the funds -many decisions are only carried out of the government of member nations take action in their own countires -helped establish CERNN -HQ in Paris

courage in pain or adversity

courage in pain or adversity

special court that hears suits of us citizens against the usa government

court of claims


court/forum of justice. something that decides/determines

sharing of electrons

covalent bonds

ad hoc

crated or done for a particular purpose as necessary

how to make a thin crips cookie

cream buter so it isn't too thick and doesn't rise before baking. small mounts of dough on sheet so it has more time to spread and increase temp for shorter time

how did the czar respond to early Russian uprisings prior to the 1917 Revolution?

crushed revolutions w/government troops established the "Duma" - fully elected legislative body

who created the first writing system

cuniform is Sumerian wedge

unit to describe radioactivity dose of radiation

curie, becqueral

painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling

da Vinci

dark b

dark brown citris based sauce in Hapenese cooking


dark brown citris based sauce in Japense cooking


daughter of Herod. demanded/received the head of John the Baptist

de joure versus de factor

de jure -legally enforced de facto- exists in fact

effect of alpha rays on teh body

dead skin and paper can stop

monetary policy

decisions taht influence money supply, availability of loans, interest rates

types of chemical equations

decomposition AB yiels A +B combination A+B yields AB replacement" compounds breaks then forms new AB + BC yuelds AC +B


decrease in apparent weight of an object in a fluid due to the net upward force caused by displaced fluid


decreases activation oenergy of a reaction and it isn't used up in the process

King David's legacy

defeated Philistines/Jerusalem

death of Napoleon

defeated by Duke of Wellingon at Waterloo in 1815. died after 6yrs of Exile on St Helena


defensive wall elevated over the main wall

examples of border states

deleware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri. ketuncky was a slave state but was neutral in the war and their people fought on both sides. WV declared itself loyal to the union

next step after glycolysis

depends on whether or not oxygen is present

bank panic

depositiors loose faith in a bank so withdraw money. impossible for all depositors to withdraw money simultaneously. "run on the bank"

paraffin wax

derived from petroleum , coal, or oil share. mixture of hydrocarbon molecules containing between 20-40 atoms. sold at room temp. melts above 99F.

impact of the Reformation

destroyed W. Europe'/s religious unity and new ideas about relationship between God, individual, & society

avoiding conflict by having the means to retaliate so swiftly/effectively to avoid conflict

deterrant capabilities

Soviet economy

developed the world's largest centrally planned economy. grew under plans to emphasize industralism but lagged behind in agriculture and living conditions

legacy of Robert FUlton

didn't invent the steam engine/steam boat but did make the steamboat commercialy profitable. "Clermont

how did Ulysses become involved in the Trojan War

didn't want to go to war so he pretended to be insane by yolking an ox/donkey to a plow and sowed his land w/salt. he was revealed to not be insane when the turned the plow aside when his son was deliberately placed in front to the plow's path

death of Stonewall Jackson

died at Chancellorsville. hit in the hand/right arm. not a life-threatening wound but he died of infection/pneumonia

examples of cheap fiction

dime novel, penny dreadful, pulp fiction

money of northern africa


death of Custard

disobeyed orders by charging into one of the largest gatherings of Indians in us hx. he and his command died in 30min

physics term for a change in position


displaying promising potential

displaying an aptitude

Dawes Act

dissolved tribal land holdings and tribal leadership

calculate speed


calculate velocity



distorts perceptions of reality


distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated

political patronage

distribute lucrative political appointments in return for policical support and to pay off debt

what happens in mitosis

distributes duplicates of chromosomes so each daughter cell has a full set of chromosomes

federal system

divides government between states and federal government. described by the 10th Amendment. those powers not delegatd to the USA by the Constitution nor prohibited by it belong to the states

principle of state's rights

doctrine that the individual states have all power not explicitly assigned to the federal government by the constitution

collections of papers or other sources containing detailed information about a particular person or subject


USA troops in WW1


how did the Spanish INfluenza get to the United States


mechanical drawing/detailed scale drawings


types of antelope -4

duiker, springbok, gazelle, impala

characteristics of money

durability, divisibility, standardization, portability, stability of supply, optimal scarcity,

Rayleigh Scattering

e predominantly elastic scattering of light or other electromagnetic radiation by particles much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation.


earliest known human fossil. Australopithecus

Lucrezia Borgia

early 1500s Italian nobelwoman who was of the House of Borgia. daughter of a pope. reigned as the Governor of Spoleto, a position usually held by cardinals, in her own right. family arranged several marriages for her to advance their political position. rumors led her to be cast as a femme fatale

"The First FOur YEars"

early marriage of Laura and ALonzo

ancestory of Ukranians

east Slavic


east to with which an asset can be transferrd into a spendable form

send out pulses/short bursts


assumption made by economics

economics assumes people will react rationally. given a person's goals/knowledge, peop.le will take actions that promotes their goals and avoid actions against it

living & nonliving organism co-existin in the same environment


living + nonliving populations in a given locale


cold blooded amphibians



edible flower buds

Horance Greenley

editor of the NY Tribune

freeing from bondage or servitude


government ban on exporting/importanting of certain goods or trade w/other countries


to make someone feel resentful


3 means of species dispersion

emigration, immigration, migration

what did Gothic architecture emphasize

emphasized use of light

end of segreaation in the army

ended 1948 when Truman signed an executive order to end segreagation in the military

characteristic of a powpulation


pinching off of large molecules by a cell


reaction that requies energy


what is central to the well-being of an ecosystem

energy cycles in an ecosystem is central to its well-being since all life requires input of energy

what is heat

energy flow

what happens at each step of the food chain

energy is lost as heaqt

nuclear radiation

energy released from unstable/radioactive elements

Uganda's chief language

english b/c UK governed it as a protectorate for 70yrs until 1962


english interpretation of south asian pickle relish

femme fatale

entrances/hyptomatizes by being mysterious and seductive whos echarms lead her to ensnare her loves and lead them to compromising/dangerous/deadly situations

an attempt to persuade someone to do something


second law of thermodynamics




head cut

erosional feature of some intermittent/perenial streams w/abrupt verticle drop


escape of individual particles of a substance by a gas

reasons Christians joined the Crusades

escape punishment in purgatory, younger sons unable to inherit land

slavery hx of Fredrick Douglas

escaped slave from Maryland

legacy of Alex the Great

estab. 70 cities across Syria/Persia to Indust River, vast trade network, hellenistic

impact of Alexander the Great

established 70 cities, hellenistism, vast trading network, empire from Syria-Peria-Indus River-Egypt


establishing, relating to, or deriving fron a standard or norm, especially of behavior

history of a word


too many nutr in water leads to overgrowth leading to oxygen depletion


why is autism on a spectrum

everone is different

circumstantial evidence

evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact -like fingerprints at the scene of the crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly -w/o need for any additional evidence or inference

make actions punishavble when they wer legal when they were committed

ex post facto law

marginal analysis

examination of the additional benefits of an activity compared to the additional costs incurred by that same activity.


examines applications for insurance to guard against bad risk

why was Bloodymary named so

executed Catholics

questiong after leaving from voiting

exit poll

reaction that releases energy


2 ways to describe amount of radiation received by body

exposure & dose

determines the size of an atom

extent of its orbitals. if an atom could be enlarged to the size of a baseball, outer electrons would be 1 mile away

George Sand

female French writer in 1800s

how is Lucrezia Borgia portrayed in history

femme fatale


fermented soybeans

motto of the FBI

fidelity, bravery, integrity

yr of Sputnik

first artifical satellite in 1957

accomplishments of WEB du Bois

first black to receive a PhD, founder of NAACP, editor of The Crisis

founder of the KKK

first grand dragon of the KK was Nathan Forest

sum of all matter and energy of a reaction must equal products

first law of thermodynamics

Sam Houston

first president of TX

government tax and spending policy

fiscal policy

difference between fiscal and monetary policy

fiscal-manipulate taxes and government spending monentary- manipulate interest rates and government spending

Union Jack

flag of UK/N. Ireland -consists of 3 crosses on a blue field -St George's cross for England -St Andrew's cross for Scot -St Patrick for IReland

liberated women of the 1920s


immature or experienced persion


split of the Habsburg dynasty

following the reign of Charles V, they split into the Austrian and Spanish branches. they ruled distinct territories but maintained close relations and frequently intermarried

interacting food chains

food web

calculate force

force = M times A

Newton's second law of motion

force = M times a


foreign enemy area that come sthe closes to one's own lines

UK's equivalent to our secretary of state

foreign secretary

what did Jesus say as he was being crucified

forgive them father for they know not what they do


formal document issued to appoint a named person to a high office

why were PAC's formed

formed in the 1970s to circumvent legislation limiting contributions to political campaigns. ccampaigns

acid associated w/ants

formic acid

Fort Donelson

fortress built by the Confederacy to control the Cumberland River leading to the heart of TN (the heart of the Confederacy)

coal/oil/natural gas

fossil fuels

founder of the Progressive Party

founded 1912 by Wisconson senatory Bob La Follette

founding of Stanford University

founded/endowed by a railroad magistrate

places where WW2 era soldiers hid



french seafood sauce. yellow/reddish.

what does pitch depend on

frequency of vibration

3 types of unemployment

frictional -in between jobs/seasonal structural -mismatch betwwen individuals seeking work/availability of jobs cycllic-bad economy. industry has decreased production

Gertrude Stein

friend of Hemingway. "the lost generation". moved to Paris and hosted a salon (e.g Picasso, Fizgerald, Ezra Pound...)

years of the House of Winsor

from 1917

development of hte Ukelele

from a small guitar brought to Hawaii from Portugal

background of the Vanderbilts

from the Netherlands, settled in NYC. Cornelius was born to a Statin Island family of modest means. He left school at age 11, build a shipping/railroad empire. started w/one boat then grew to rival RObert Fulton for dominanc eof NY waterways.

2 most commercial uses for oil

fuel and lubricant

FOUR Score

full outline of unresponsiveness


fully elected legislative body created by the czar in early 1900s

decomposers that break down the remains of dead waste


leave of absence



gains electron so negative charge

to shock or excite someone into taking action


unit of inheritance that transmits information form parents to offsprings


entire collection of genes in a population

gene pool


generic term for pro-Confederacy gurrillas active in KS-Missouri.

genetic coe for a trait


genus that includes leopards/lions/tigers/jaguars

genus panthera. last common ancestor 6 mil yrs ago


goat-antelope in middle Europe mountains

due process

government must act fairly/follow established proceedings in legal proceedings

characteristics of Baroque

grandeur, spacious, emotional impact,

5th Amendment

grandy jury, no double jeopardy, don't have to be a witness against yourself

weight divided by mass



greek liquor

first culture to seriously study history


site of a devastating event

ground zero


group of people united/assembled for a special purpose

7 dwarfs

grumpy, happy, sleepy, bashful, sneezy, dopey, doc

where a species lives


spouse of Laurence Olivier

had 3 wives. 2nd wife was Vivien Leigh for 20 years

family of Queen Victoria

had 9 kids but detested motherhood. married first cousin Albert and did after 21 years of marriage

pilgrimage to Mecca


classification of LSD



happiness is obtained via pleasing the senses

a forerunner


food during civil war


environmental racism

harms by the government to low income/minorities. e.g. landfill closer to the poor than rich

year of John Brown's raid

harper's ferry raid 1859


have weak control of government and delegate principal authority to smaller units


having/showing very strict moral attitudes

what was eerie about Lincoln's assassination

he had a dream that he was assissaniated

why did Lincolm choose to make Johnson his VP

he was a Democrat. chosen in an gesture of national unity and healing despite Lincoln was a Rebublican

consideration if someone is agitated or confused

head trauma & hypoxia

amount of energy required to change 1kg of a liquid to a gas

heat of vaporizatino

heat of fusion

heat required to melt 1kg of a solid at its melting point. aka. enthalpy of fission

distance traveled by alpha

heaviest. can't travel more than 4-7in air and can be stopped by paper or the outer layer of dead skin cells

resume of Jefferson Davis

hero of the Battle of Buena Vista in the Mexican War, Pierce's S of War, pres of confederacy

Sam Houston's stance during Civil War

hero/prez of TX independence. resisted succession bu the state left union anyways so he resigned as protest

what is gamma radiation

high frequency electromagnetic radiation

importance of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

highest judicial officer of the court system

important subjects to learn to understand political science

history, philosophy, sociology, economics, law


holes on the underside of leaves that lets moisture/gas pass in/out of the leaf to facilitate photosynthesis

government of a colony/region by its own citizens. decentralized by the central government

home rule

small scale beer brewing for personal noncommercial purposes


east Africa

horn of Africa

international relatipons

how nations interact w/each other within frameworks of law, diplomacy, and international organizatio

major assumptions of the Enlightenment

human progress via changing one's environment (better/ people/society) humans were free to use reason to reform the evils of society natural science/human reasons would ...


human wants/needs exceed the ability of the economy to satisfy those wants/ needs. e.g. business firms an't pay stisfacotry wages q/o cutting costs an dgovernment never has enough meony to go around

beliefs of John Locke

humans are mostly self interested by could be held in check by enforcing a rigorous set of laws. said people had the right to rise/overthrow politicians if the state had been corrupt

force of attraction between water molecules

hydrogen bond is a weak chemical bond

geysers on the ocean's floor

hydrothermic vents

proposed explaination for a series of observations


Freduian part of unconsciousness that wants pleasure & gratification



identifying image or pattern in paper that appears as various shades of light/dark when viewed by transmitted light

intervention if a scene isn't safe

if a scene isn't safe (explosion/fire/gas/terrorists), immediate evacuation takes precidence over primary assessment

different between chile powder and chili poder

if ends with e, pure. if ends with I, blend

powers granted to Congress now specifically stated


British boarded boats and ID'ed British nationals


James Watt

improvements on existing engines, patented them, and created the concept of horsepower

capital of the Bolsheviks

in 1918, the Bolsheviks moved the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow

history of Ayer's Rock

in 1985, the government returned it to the Aborigionals and they turned management of hte rock over to the Austrailian gov on a 99yr lease

"Remember the Maine" incident

in Havanna Harbor. 1898. 266 died

political upheaval

in Trotsky theory, it is a political revolution/upheaval where the government is replaced or the form of government is altered but in which property relations are predominantly left intact.

Stalin & Ukraine

in the 30s, he forced the Russian language/culture on the Ukranians

where does translation occur

in the ribosome

weakness of the Articles of Confederation

inability to tax, regulate trade, no chief executive/court, only could add amendments w/universal consent

Greek Fire

incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine empire. developed 672AD. typically used in battle b/c it could continue to burn while floating in water. technological advantage that responsible for many Byzantine military victories including the salvation of Constantinople from 2 Arab sieges

medication for people w/autism

incrase energy levels, inability to focuses, deizures, , depression


increase in consciousness in people w/common language/soil/traditions/culture to seek political unity around a common identiy of what constitutes a nation

cheap labor/voluntary slavery in return for passage to America

indentured servitude

free will

individuals hav eht right/ability to act for themselves

what is the reality fo the economic concept of scarcity

individuals/gov/humans must make choices by selecting some opportunities but forgoing others (eg buy an car but skip the vacation)

characteristics of Civil War era south

industry poorly developed, population 1/3 slave, many people dirt poor so econoimically inferior and incapable of sustaining itself long term

tendency of a body to stay at rest/motion


too small to be measured mathmatically



insures bank deposits

normal cell life when not active replicating



interpret the constitution anarrowly, sympathetic to the common man and mistruts the power of government

problem of necrotic tissue

interrupts the normal sequence of wound healing, retards the healing process,

mouth of the Danube

into the Black sea

musician's realization of pitch accuracy


how a bill becomes law

introduced in either house, referred to committees rules committee, full chamber voite, switch houses, same ,prez votes

how a bill becomes a law

introduced, referred to the proper committee, then a subcommittee

mutual fund

investment fund

charged electrons

ions. cation (positive charge b/c loose electron_ anion-gain electron so loose ion


irish republican army used terrorism to achieve political ends

avoiding/severing political ties w/other countries


same number of proteons but different neutrons



it is a natural instinct of man towards self preservation and own self interests. incapable of securing own self-interest unless they tribute e to overall welfare of others

Machivellian messag

it is better for a ruler to be feared. rulers may have to separate politics from morality in order to achieve their ambitions

"don't swap a horse midstream"

it is unwise to alter methods or choose new leaders during a crisis"

person who travels habitually


supreme court case that defined the power of the FCC over inecent material as it applies to broadcasting

jFCC versus Pacifica ommission

national flag flown by warships


fate of Jefferson Davis

jailed for 2 yrs, released on bail, went to Canada, wanted to go to trial to prove the states had a Constitutional right to succeed. gov didn't prosecute him and the charges were dropped. became president of an insurance company

who received the "keys of heaven"

jesus gave St Peter the keys of heaven.

spoils system

jobs given out in return for political favors

4 types of colonial properties partitioned under royal charter

joint stock, covenant, royal, proprietary

power to heart a court case from a lower court

judicial review

number of slaves in 1860

just shy of 4 million

number of slaves in the 1790 census

just shy of 700K

concepts in Hinduism

kharma, dharma

differences between pesticides and herbicides

kill crop destroying pests via plants

characters of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

kind owners Geroge Shelby & Augste St. Claire evil Simon of Legree

what is knowledge a means for doing

knowledge is a means of human progression

segment of a population who are ready/willing to work

labor force

only source of material value of the proletariat

labor power (ablity to work)


lacking a moral sense. unconcerned w/the rightness/wrongness of somethign

person/speech/style of writing using very few words


principal concepts of Adam Smith

laissez faire, invisible hand and, self correcting market, profit motive from self-interest

4 factors of production

land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship

lingua franca

language or dialect systematically used to make communication possible between people who do not share a a native language or dialect.


large area of flat unforested grassland in SE Europe/Siberia

Victorian Age

last 2/3 of 1800s

Pickett's Charge

last day of Gettysburg. infantry assault ordered by Lee against George Meade. avoidable mistake and the South never recovered militarily or psychologically.

Marcus Aurealus

last of the "good emperors" of Rome. died 180ad

when was radiation discovered

late 1800s

Alfred the Great

late 800s. defeated Danes

you have room to come up with your own opinion

latitude for interpretation

Newton's first law of motion

law of inertia

Pb on the periodic table



led a slave rebellion in 73bc that was suppressed by General Crassus

Georges Clemenceau

led france during WW1

role of Moses

led the Jews out of bondage and into the Promised Land

Matthew Broadrick's character in Glory

led the MA regiment to an assault on a confederate fort protecting the entrance to Charlestown Horbor. They lost and Shaw's dead body was thrown into a common grave w/his black soldiers. His family said, "we can imangine no holier place than where he is"

civil rights

legal claims to protect you from discrimination


legal system comprising of both hereditary and lifetime titles in the UK . forms the British honors system

members of genus panthera -4

leopards, lions, tigers, jaguars

proof of government endorsement of a privateer

letter of marque

oldest program of higher education in Western history

liberal arts

largesse (LAR-JESS)

liberal giving to or as if to a inferior. genorisity

motto fo the French revolution

liberty, equality, fraternity

influence the passage/defeat of legislation


Quaker gun

log positioned to look like a cannon barrel. trick enemy to think number is greater


looses elecyon so positive charge`


lords who were vassals of the great lords of the shogun in feudal japan

3 problems of the Confederacy

low population, low industrial capability, poor economy

digestive enzymes in a cell


calculate density


greatest work

magnum opus

relying on someone/something else


when did Idi Amin come into power

major general who overthrew and became president in 1971

supreme court opinions

majority opinion, dissenting opinion, concurring opinion -agree with the majority but for a different reason

goal of education of autistics

make kids contributing member of society

Chief of Stagg

makes the president's scheduel

sex linke traits

males only have 1 X (XY) whereas females are XX so one X may counteract the recessive trait


man who believes that some men have the right to force, coerce, enslave, rob, and murder others

element used to make steel


female in King Arthur legends

margan la faye

how does market forces production diversification

market forces will lead firms to produce the mix of goods most in th emost efficient manner. constant struggle for profits leads the firm to cut costs and cater to public demand

what happened at the end of the Paleozoic age

mass extinction and 95% of species died including trilobites

civil war era photographer

matthew brady


mature ovary of a plant that acts to protect and distribute seeds

why do people like to hire autistics

may be valuable to the workplace b/c think differently and spark inovation

ingredients in tartar sauce

mayo or aioli, capers, gherkins, lemon juice, dill


meaning conveyed, professed, or implied

what is temperature

measure of average kinetic energy`


measure of disorder


measures the amount of force per area

study of htings in motion


branches of physics

mechanics, thermodynamics, magnetism, electronics, quantum, optics, cosmology


member of a people who originated in the Urals and migrated westwards to settle din what is now Hungary in 9th century AD

non-judicial role of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

member of the BOard of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute

lowly and degrading work

menial labor


metro Goldwyn mayer

Captain Morgan

mid 1600s. British privateer who plundered the Spanish colonies in the Caribbean in support of Britian

Third Estate

middle class/workers. burned with taxation


middle/upper middle class. affluent and opulent

temporary movement of a population


legacy of the Assyrians

militaristic empire and conquered Syria/Palestine/Mesopotamia

military upbringing of Patton

military family. went to the Virginia Military INstitute/West POint. represented USA in Fencing at the 1912 Olympics. saw combat while chasing Pacho Villa. commanded the Tank school in WW1. led USA troops during the Operation Torch invasion of Casablanca. commanded during the invasion of Sicilly. got in trouble when he slapped 2 shell shocked soldiers and was temporarily removed from command

non-commissioned officer

military officer who has not earned a commissioned. usually get by promotion through enlisted ranks

scorched earth policy

military stragegy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy whilte it advances/withdraws. (eg. food sources, water supplies, transportation, communication industrial resources, people themselves)

biological term for the concept "red on yellow kills a fellow/red on black, poision lack"


title of ambassadors in the 18-19th century




Descartes is father of...

modern western philospohy

examples of fungi

mold/yeast/mushroom. decomposers that break down remains of dead waste

what happens when something gets hotter

more energy

most famous Running of the Bulls

most famous is in Pamplona q July


move water w.o energy. high to low

action of Constantine

moved capital to Constantinople

moving slowly

moving at a glacial pace

teachers of Islam



musician's realization of pitch accuracy

The tree of liberty...

must be refreshed from time to time w/the blood ofhte patriots and tyrants

orgin of all revenue generating bills

must originate in H of REps

change in DNA that leads to a change in a trait


sideburn that reaches far down the face

mutton chop

calculate momentum


won the battle of Shiloah

narrowly Union

ideas promoted by Darwin

natural selection, survival of the fittest


near/towardin the stern or a ship or tail of an aircraft

gas that has the highest percentage in the atomosphere

nitrogen. 70%


no energy needed to move from high to low concentration to equalize concentration

important teaching point for someone on Ca Channel Blockers

no grapefruit

pseudonym for a writer

nom de plume

definition of a stage 1 pressure ulcer

nonblanchable erythema of intact skin

mission of Ghandi

nonviolent protests against the British


normative ethical position that judges the morality of an action based on rules. rules bind you to your duty


northern Africa countries of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Maritania

how did privateers make a profit

not paid by the government but was allowed to keep supplies and the ship as a profit

holds power int he Senate

not the VP or prez pro temp. majority/minority leader

study/collection of coins


mutable object

object whose state can be modified after it is created

immutable object

object whose state cannot be modified after it is created

Gulf of Tonkin Resolutino

of historical significance b/c it gave LBJ authorization, w/o formal declaration of war by Congress, for use of conventional military force in SE Asia.


officer equivalent to a mayor OR military police responsible for policing the personnel in the military OR a high ranking church official OR academic official

The Song of Roland

oldest surviving major work of French literature. epic poem based ont he Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778ad Roland is Charlamagne's nephew

eat plants and animals



one billionth of a meter

quote from Harper's Ferry

one man and god can overturn the universe

Nebula Award

one of the most prestigious science fiction/fantasy award

stance of Andrew Johnson

only Southern senator who remained in the Senate iand didn't jon the Confederacy

opposition to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

only by 2 senators. One objected to "sending our American boys into combat in a war in which we have no business, which is not our war, into which we have been misguidely drawn, which is steadily being escapalted"

Estates General

only met x2. at time of creation in 1302. 1614 -French parliament said any new ta must be approved by this body so Louis 16 had them meet in 1789

alternative name for killer whales


membrane bound structure of a cell that performs a specific function


purpose of a political party

organization that seeks to enifluence government by electing candidates to political office

intention of the 95 Theses

original intent was to reform, not divide

first court to hear a case

original jurisdiction

goal of Boko Haram

originally a nonviolent group to purify Islam in N. Nigeria. later aligned w/ISIS and has killed tens of thousands and displaced +2.3 million

how did music help whites and blacks relations

originally the audience for jazz was whites so jazz was the first way whites could think about blacks in a role other than servant/farmer hand

catafalque (cat -uhl- fulk)

ornamental coffin

first black to win an oscar

oscaSydney Pointier for "Lillies of the Field". 1963

picket line

outer perimeter controlled by sentries (picket = sentry)


outwardly appearing. apparent. evident

role of the Fed

oversees stability of the banking system. $ policy to fight inflation, unemployment,

animal that can lay eggs


why was Al Capone able to get away w/crime

owned the police

what supports combusion


Fredric Remington

painter/sculptor. subjects were wild west/cowboys/Indians. diet after emergency appy on a dining room table


painting on wet plaster

palpation of tender areas

palpate tender areas last

type of anteater


only mammal w/keratin scales

pangolin - type of anteater

unofficial but similar to the military


substance moves freely across a membrance w/o the cell expending energy

passive trasport

weathy Roman landowners


weathy landowners in Rome



people from ancient asia

euphemism for slavery

perculiar institution

problem of ignorane

perpetuate ignorance that thrives and builds up on itself influences and twists peoples basic beleifs and levels of understanding to the extent that to.erance and is viertually non existent


person attached to a diplomatic/administration staff of a higher peron


person chosen to be a third party judge

synonym for privately owned items

personal effects

currency of Mexico


expressed trait


Edison invention that recorded sound


construction of a cell membranse

phospoholipid bilayer

key component of ATP


"HOw the Other half lives"

photo/text book by Riss in 1890 that was a study of the NYC slum

classical mechanics

physics that existed before quantum mechanics

another term for physical geography


used to make pesto

pine nuts

male and female parts of a plant

pistil, stament


place/the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it

death of WIll ROgers

plane crash in Alaska

overview of military strategy

planning/conducting campaings, movement/disposition of forces, and deception of the enemy

state of matter at the center of the sun and stars


breaks up ground so seeds can be planted


hunting animals for economic gain


president doesn't sign a law and Congress adjourns in 10 days

pocket veto

David Henessey

police chief in New Orleans. assassinated in 1890. series of acquittals/mistrials angered the locals since Henessey was popular. Henessey said he was shot by someone meditterean by using the derogatory word for italian. enormous mob outside the prison forced the doors open and 11 of the 19 indicted were lynch. largest known mass lynching in US history


policy that involves a nation extending its power ny the acquisition of lands, usually by military force

process by which individuals form their political opinions

political socialization


politics/diplomacy base dprimarily on considerations of given cicumstances and factors rather than explicit ideological notion sor moral and ethical premises

floating bridge

pontoon bridge

Japanese thin slice of fresh raw meat/fish


when isn't SpO2 helpful

poor quality waveform if poor perfusion or CO

idea that government is derived from the people

popoular soverignty

let the people choose if slave state or no

popular soverignty

phyla for sponges


"The Air Conditioned Nightmare"

portrayal of civilization as anesthasized and removed from nature and natural impulses.

economy of the Vatican City

postage stamps, tourist mementos, fee for museum admission, sale of publications

suggested or assume the existence ofact, or thruth of something as a basis for reasoning, discussing, or a belief


sugar that contains cornstarch


baking powder versus b. soda

power bubbles when added to hot water, soda bubbles when added to vinegar


prefix indicating a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept

temperature test for the oven

preheat to 375. spoonful of sugar in the overn for 15 minutes. should melt. if doesn't melt, its too cold. readjust. 350. 15 min. sugar shouldn't melt. calibrate the oven in 25 degree increments until the sugar doesn't/does melt

fate of Robert E. Lee post war

president of Washington & Lee college but died 5 yrs post war. his citizenship was revoked but an Act of Congress restored it in 1975

why did Washington slip easily into the role of president

president of the Constiutional convention

Pascal's Principle

pressure exerted on any point in a confined fluid is transmitted unchanged throughout the fluid

hypothetical condition of the earth's atmosphere prior to life emerging

primordial soup


principle, belief, doctrine generally held to be true. especially one held in common by members of an organization/movement

Musselini on the battlefield

private in WW1 and was shot in the buttock while in the trenches

Bowdoin College

private liberal arts college in Brunswick, ME

captured vessels/cargo



process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron to prevent rusting or to shock/incite someone into action


process of emitting excess energy from a nucleus

common characteristic of members of Kingdom Plantae

produce food via photosynthesis. has cells w/rigid walls of cellulose

identities within the food chain

producer, consumer, decomposer

outcome of meiosis

produces 4 daughter cells

Bull Moose as a political splinter party


what is bacteria

prokaryotic cell

wage-earners in the capitalitst society



promote or make widely known an idea/cause


promote/make widely known an idea or cause

education of Gen. Custard

promoted to BRigidire General at 23yo. almost failed West Point but brave and reckless calvary charges on the battlefield


promotion for bravery or meritous service

art of persuasion




a person who owns a particular type of business


vital to all life processes

protein synthesis

rough ER

protein synthesis b/c has ribosomes


proteins that act as catalysts for other reactions

what is a protozoa

protist under Eukarya. animal-like and eats others

cause of malaria

protozoa spread by mosquiot

experiment of Goddard

proved thrust/propulsion can take place in a vaccuum


provide/supply as one's business. spread/promote ideas/views

tempoary government

provisional government

branch of psychology by Freud


execution of the Harper's Ferry

public event. Stonewall Jackson took his VA military Institute to warch, person who fired 1st shot at FtSumter, J. W. Booth

how did readers first see "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

published in an abollitionist magazine as a serial in 1851

retributive justice

punishment is justified b/c crminals create an imbalance in the order of society which should be taken care of by action. "eye for an eye"

to supply (something such as provisions) usually as a matter or business


victory offset by a staggerin loss or comes at a hugh price

pyrrhic victory


quality of being honest and having strong moral principles you refuse to change


racehorse that won the Triple Crown in 1973

unit that relates different types of radiation (ABG) to the energy they impart on a material


unit used to describe absorbed dose of radiatino

rad, gray


radiation absorbed dose. relates diffent type of radiatin (ABG) to the energy they impart on a material

energy transfer

radiation, convection, conduction

electromagnetic spectrum (all in order)

radio(10^5), infared -visible-UV, Xray, gamma (10^20)

untidy organization of people


part of vessels w/a Fe enforced beak to deliberate puncture the enemy's hull at or below the water line



rate of change of distance traveled


rate of displacement

interpret both sides of a chemical equation

reactants. products


reality is absolute

tool that harvests mature crops


inductive reasoning

reasoning that derives from a general principle from a large # of scientific obervations

Shay's Rebellion.

rebellion in 1786 MA. showed the Articles of Confederation were too weak to be enforced


refraining from deviant sexual conduct as defined by moral standards and guidelines of a culture

lets voters approve/jeject legislation



region ruled by princes

enthusiasm found after feeling downtrodden


beliefs of Anabaptists

reject childhood baptism,. pacifists


reject in an abrupt or ungracious manner


rejects morality/religion/soclal order. all things are meaningless

protected by the first amendment

religion, speech, press, assembly, petition

meaning of Timbucktu

remote place

unit to describe dose equivalent of radiation exposure


bank's money holding


benefits and negatives of models

retain the essence eof reality but do away with extraneous detail. helpful b/c human beings are often incable of unserstanding reality

end of George B. McClellan's career

retired after being relieved of command. ran against Lincoln for president in 64

retreat versus rout

retreat- orderly withdrawl of troops from battle rout- withdraw in panic/disorder typically w/high rate of casualties

legacy of King Hammaurabi

retributive punishment & social class determined severity of punishment

campaign promise of Harding

return to normalcy

signal to get up in the morning


part of the cell that is responsible for protein synthesis


natural rights

rights that exist independently of government institutions/laws

4 things to look for when you are palpating the abdomen

rigidity, masses, guarding, tenderness

what happened when Grant decided to no longer do prisoner exchanges

rksed demoralizing a d loosing manpower. but he N could afford to loose men. S couldn't. S desparetly needed prisoners returned and put an added burden on the S when the gov already couldn't feed/clothe. However, the soldiers believed this was the signature of their death warrant b/c the POW prisons were death warrents

what happened during the Pax Romana

roman peace. relative peace and stability -206 yrs from 27bc - 180AD -grew the roman empire to its greatest extent and pop was 70 million = 1/3 of total world poepulation

characteristics of Romanesque architecture

rounded arch, thick stone walls, tiny windows

natural justice

rule against bias and the right to a fair hearing.


rural landscape in S. Africa w/grass and low scrub

meaning of the word "soviet"

russian word for council

trees that change w/the season


rest from work to persue other interests


type of rock in Ayer's Rock

sandstone & felspar

baby tree


soldiers sent out in front to cut down debris/obstacles to marching army


example of a name change during WW2 to make a product sound less German

sauerkraut became "liberty cabbage"

grassland w/low trees


family of Vladamir LEnin

saw his brother hung for plotting against the czar

proclaim itself no longer part of an organization/affiliation



secret police under Lenin

political underground

secretely conducted movement to overthrow go/military occupation forces in a city

New World Order

secretive power elite w/globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritiarina world government which will replace soverign nation states and lead t an all encompassing propaganda.

theme of the Enlightenment

secular reason, rationality, and science ad basis for understanding the world. not ignorance/superstition/church. anything true if proved by reason and logic

competition in econoics

seek better products, diversificat, and markets


seemingly absurd/contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded/true


self appointed abolitionist gurillas in KS-MS

individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals



self-gov/paramilitary communities in southern Russia/SE Ukraine

Sacco & Vanzetti

self-proclaimed anarchists accused of holding up a payroll truck and killing . arrested for robbery/murder despite evidence to corroborate their alibi. George Bernard Shaw & Moussolini pled for their case

eukaroytic cell

separate structues from internal membrane

executive, legislative, judicial

separation of powers

farm workers not free to leave the land


titles involved in feudalism

serfs, vassals, villeins

lowest level of feudalism

serfs-peasants tied to the land

Locarno Treaties

seven agreements negotatiated at Locarno, Switzerland in 1935. WW1 powers/new states of C/Eastern Eurpose sought to secure the post=war territorial settlemnent, and return normalizing relations w/defeated Germany

warfighting after the Appomattox Court House surrender

several skirmishes post surrender. the last one was in Tx and was a Confederate win. last officer to surrender was Stand Waite, Cherokee

any material between a radiation source and its receptor


what is needed to stop radiation exposure



shock/excite someone into taking action coat Fe/steel w/protectize layer of zinc

comparision of visible light and UV

shorter wavelength than visible light

Vanderbilt University

shortly before Cornelius Vanderbilt died, he left $1 mil to estab. the college in Nashville

death of JOhn Wilkes Booth

shot in the neck and paralyzed. died on the last day of the civil war. last word was "useless"

rings that leave a seal mark in hot wax



site fo cellular respiration. the process of breaking covalent bonds within sugar molecules w/intake of oxygen and the release of ATP

ast of fleeing under fire


impact of slavery

slavery was a way of life that tore people apart

when did Wm Lloyd Garrison believe slavery would end

slavery would end when the majority of white Americans experienced a "revolution in consciousness"


small group of people united in some close design, usually to promote their ptheir private views in an ideology. usually unknown outside the gorup

Little Round Top

smaller of two rock hills at Gettysburg. site of an unsuccessful assault by Confederate troops against the Unions left flank on the second day of the battle of Gettysburg

Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau

social contract theorists

2 ways to think of slavery

social issue, economical issue

only type of art allowed by the USSR

social realism

political upheaval/revolution versus social revolution

social revolution- old property relations are overturned political revolution- government is replaced/altered but keep property relations intact

"might makes right"

society's view of right/wrong is determined by those currently in power

strength of countries

some countris may be strong militarily but lack wealth/prestigue to be a superpower. other s like Japan have little in the way fo military capacbility but have dide econonmic influence


someone/something on which something elses is based or relies

Daniel Webster's run for president

sought Whig nomination 3 times in 1830s-1850s


sound navigation an dranging


sound too high for humans to hear. frequency above 20hz


soviet government police. "Committe on State Security"

types of farms in USSR

sovkhozy -state farms kolkhozy -collective farms

illegally sold liquor during the Prohibition


an object's ability to retain heat

specific heat

jailing of Henry David Thoreau

spent a night in jail in 1848 b/c refuse dot pay a tax. protestngthe Mexican war b/c he feared the war would lead to slavery in western usa

political party that separates form a larger party

splinter party

broke the Whig party

split opinion s on slavery in 1850s

fission versus fusion

split versus join

jobs given out in return for political favors

spoils system

JM Keynes "animal spiritis"

spontaneous urge to action rather than inaction. irrational emotions tend to override rational instincts at various times when they do in the economic realm, booms/busts occur

leading figure for a cause

standard bearer

another name for a permanent Congressional committee

standing committed

Green REvolution


start of the War of 1812

started 3 days after UK saying they would stop impressment

Volstead Act

started the Prohibition

Washington's cabinet

state, war, treasury, attoney gen

Australian cattle ranches


goal of J. Brown

steal guns to arm slaves for the uprising

transportation at the beginning of the 1800s

steam engine and locomotive

Andrew Carnegie

steel tycoon & philanthropist

main support of a plant


yankee ingenuity

sterotype of inventiveness, technical solutions to practical problems, "know-how", self-reliance, and individual enterprise. associated w/Yankees who originate in New England and developed much of the industrial revolution of the USA after 1800s

pincer movement

stragegy of attacking an enemy from both sides in opposite direction. squeeze in between

actions of Wm the C

stripped Anglo-Saxons nobility of their privilages, feudal system, Domed Book


strongly encouraged/urged someone to do something


studies matter, its motion/behavior in time & space, related entities of energy/force & main goal is to understand how the universe behaves


study of how a society allocates all resources adminst unlimited human wants.


study of individual parts of an economy


study of society as a whole. inflation/unemployment


study of things in motion

term for a writing utensil


liberal arts

subjects/skills in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to know in order to take part in civic life. grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music theory, astronomy

the substance on which an enzyme acts


overthrowing of government



suffering or being subjected to constant or repeated trouble or harassment

terms for the right to voite

suffrage or franchise



what occurs natural yin volcanos


S on the periodic table



summary of doctrines. used to teach religios teachings to children/members of the church

drives weather/climate

sun's energy


superior to all other


supply sided economics. led to increased budget deficits and x3 the National debt. increase in defense spending led to an increase in budget deficits in 80s


surprassing all others, superiority

work by Livingston

surveyed the Zambezi

interaction f 2 species

symbiosis amensalism -1 helped, 1 neither hurt nor helped mutalism- both helped parasitism- 1 helped, 1 hurt


systemize, classify, reduce to a code

occupying the high ground

tactical advantage b/c it gives you a clear field of vision on elevation and you can see the ground below

result of Antietam

tactical draw, strategic union victory. U-12K casualties, C-14K McClellan drove Lee out of Maryland but let Lee's army escape

history of Andrew Johnson

tailor and politican. mayor at 21yo. state legislator for 8 years, Congressman -10. governor of TN -4 years.

principles concepts of John Maynard Keynes

take away the rounded edge of capitalism, aggregate demand, animal spirit, paradox of thrift

thought process of POW during Civil War

taking prisoners is good b/c removes them from the battlefield/action but causes manpower/supply burden on the victor. (necessitates resources to guard/food/transport/medical POW). -prisoner exchange was more beneficial to the Confederates (manpower poor) than the Union -Grant won at Vicksburg but monitoring the POW required too much manpower/resources intense so paroled them instead. at Chattanooga, he realized that a large number of that battle's POW were Vicksburg Parollees. so he cancelled all prisoner exchanges.

national garb of Scotland


specialty courts

tax court, court of claims, cournt of international trade, court of customs, court of military appeals

protective tariff

tax on imports to discourage imports. thus promotes manufacturing/sale of domestic goods

surrender speech of Chief Joseph

tell general howard I know his heart. what he told me before, I have in my heart. I am tired of fighting..."


tendon or ligament. to strength with sinew

trial of Al Capone

terrorized enemies/corrupted officials so no prosecutor could bring him to justice for the greatest crimes such as murder. so they resorted to income tax fraud b/c he didn't report 6 yrs to IRS. sentenced to 11 yrs in Fed prision. paroled after 8yrs b/c neuro effects of untreated syphilics

meaning of the name "Ayer's Rock"

the Europeans named it after the premeir of S. Australia

"traffic cop of Congress"

the HOuse of Reps Rules Committee. not responsible for a specific area of policy like most other committees, they are in charge of determing what rules other bills will come to the flor

debut novel of Hemmingway

the Sun also Rises

Zulu Wars

the british became involved in 1870s


the first color tv show about the western. about the Cartright family


the greeks used upsilon for the sound "ooh"

what is the Fed

the lender of last resort. USA's central bank

opportunity cost

the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen

generation that came of age during WW1

the lost generation

acuse someone of being Machevellian

the person is acting in an immoral manner using the ends to justify the means


the study of the effects of human and physical geography on international politics and relations

avulsion (legal term)

the sudden loss of land by the action of water

belief of Socrates about life

the unexamined life is not worth living

central theme to The Heart of Karkness

there is little difference between civilized people and savages. raises questions about racism and imperialism


thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system. it is equal to the internal energy of the system plus the product of pressure and volume

what happens if a party fails to live up to their obligations under a treaty

they are held libel under international law

what makes up organisms


giving 1/10 of annual produce or earnings to the church



to all outward appearence


to charge w/misconduct in front of a legally constituted tribunal


to describe/portray precisely, indicate the exact position of a bounary

important thing to remember about impeachment

to formally accuse of wrongdoing


to instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually

Booth's original plan

to kidnap Lincoln but this was foiled several times. kidnapping him would force release of Confederate prisons but the war was ending so no more enemy/need to keep prisoners so that option wasn't worthwhile so he decided to kill him instead

meaning of "science" in Lati

to knoq

purpose of a primary election

to narrow down candidates


to refuse to accept, to reject as untrue or unjust


to seize and hold a powerful position by force w/o right

Allegory of the cave

to symbolice the natural state of man's existence. dictates how men view the world. can only see shades so can only dream of what exists outside. a man breaks chains and goes outside. after adjusting ot sunlight, they return to teach others how to break the chains

why has the Panama Canal lost its strategic importance

today's ships are too large

importance of the cotton gin

too laborious to be profitable until the gin. had economic potential but not enough raw material. Industrial Revolution made new automated looms but needed supply


too many nutr brought in via river so phytoplankton grows abundantly, blocks sunlight from penetrating deep, so plants on the bottom can't do photosynthesis, overabundance of algea depleats oxygen from water so animals die

problem of George B. McClellan

took a long time to organize rather than use his well-oiled machine

subspecialties under geography

topography, climate, vegetation, population

calculate GDP

total $ of value of all final goods/services produced within USA. "DOMESTIC ONLY".


total mass of all organisms

examples of authoritarian governm

totalitarianism, Nazism, fascism

first USA campaign to use motor vehicles

tracking Pancho Villa

formation of RNA


steps of protein synthesis

transcription, translation

water evaporation from leaves



transports food in leaves made by photosynthesis to the rest of the plant


transports water up from the ground to the branches and leaves

cause of WWI

triggered by the heir apparent to the Austrian throne but caused by a series of complex interlocking alliances among nations

levels within the food chain

trophic levels

steps in the food chain

trophic levels

first layer of the atmosphere


absolute power, cruelly wielded


german submariens



ukrainian soup of beats, cabbage,


ukranian stuffed cabbage rolls filled w/rice, buckwheat, & mat

open sore


umbrellas in ancient history

umbrellas were only used by royalty/nobility in ancient egypt/babylonia


un children's fund


unable to be changed


unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor

not supported by evidence



uncultured place out of the mainstream

Daniel Webster as S of S

under 3 presidents. Wm H Harison, John Tyler, Millar Fillmore

ugly underbelly

underbelly is a spot assumed to be safe

gentleman's agreement

understanding between 2 nations usually drawn up in a form of a diplomatic letter rather than a full binding treaty

origin of the name "Uncle Sam"

unfriendly nickname fo te US government during War of 1812

any mamal whose toes end in hooves

ungulate (UHNG gyuh layt) -horse -1, cow-2, pigs -4, rhino-3

how did the Union & Confederates name their battles

union named after major rivers in the field of operation. the concederates named after states/regions

meaning of USSR

union of soviet socialist republics


unit to describe absorbed dose of radiation


unit to describe dose equivalent of radiatino


unit to describe dose equivalent of radiation


unit to describe radioactivity dose of radiation


unit to describe radioactivity of radiation expousure


unit to describe the absorbed dose of radiatino


unit to express amount of gamma ray exposure. (cumulative of total radiation exposure)

important thing to understand about a radioactive



until now or until the point in time under discussion

inspiration for the White HOuse's design

upper floor of Leinster HOuse in Dublin. became seat of the Irish Parliament

swapped in DNA and RNA

uracil and thymine

mountains N-S in western Russia


official language of Pakistan


JE Hoover use of FBI

used to illegally investigate MLK Jr

last words of JWilkes Booth


Social Darwinism

using the concept of survival of the fittest to justify society's economi success of 1 class at the expense of another

concept of philosophy that concerns itself w/happiness


where is Yalta

vacation spot in Ukraine on the southern coast of the Crimean Penninsula along the Black Sea

outermost energy level occupied by electrons

valence shell


veldt-S. Africa steppe

Port Royal

village at the mouth of Kingston Harbor, Jamica. founded in 1518 by the Spanish, it was once the center of Caribbean shipping. it was destroyed by earthquakes/tsunami. home to privateers who were encouraged to attack Habsburg Span vessels at a time where other countries did not datre to make war on spain directhly. as a port city, it was famous for its displays of wealth and loose morals. popular homeport for English & Dutch privateers

cause of Johnson's impeachment

violated Tenure of Office Act by firing S of War Standon

reason Andrew Johnson was impeached

violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing S of War Stanton

good traits via bad traits

virtues v vices

having or showing high moral standards


military career of john wilke booth

volunteer in the Richmond militaia that hung John Brown

ends a filibuster

vote of cloture

calculate work

w equals force x distance

Graccus Brothers

wanted land reform and decreased grain prices


wanted strong federal government that would have the power to to any duty/responsibility not prohibited under the COnstitution. "loose constructionists"


wants pleasure and gratification


wants to revive Nazi values

Winfield Scott

war of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War

attempt to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse by targeting continuous losses of personnel and equipment

war of attrition


water evaoporation from leaves


water, land, atmosphere

quote by OH Perry

we have met the enemy and they are ours

calculate gravity


order to send a court casue up to a higher level court

werit fo certiorari

Archimeds principle

when an object is placed in a fluid, it will have buoyance force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid

when is egg/liquid emulsion ruined

when it s too cold'/hot

Law of entropy

whenever energy is excha ged, some energy becomes unavailable for use so entrophy increases


white southerners who supported the Reconstruction/Republican party after the Civil War. generally a slur

family of Marie Antionette

wife of Louis 16. mom of Maria Theresa

Gary Cooper oscar

won for roles in Sergeant York and High Noon. received an honary award for career acheivement

word or phrase that has a negative connotation

word/phrase that has negative connotations or intended to disparage or belittle

examples of Romanticism poets/writers

wordsworth, Coleridge, Goethe victor hugo, pushkin

lynch law

work of vigilantes who abducted/executed wrongdoers

Wilmont Proviso

would have banned introduction of slavery into any land acquired by US as a result of the Mexican War

removing necrotic parts of wound/nonviable to promote healing

wound debridement

Lew Wallace

wrote Ben Hur, governor of the NM territory,

2 parts of a stem

xylem and pholem

how did the newspapers respond to the Maine incident

yellow Journalism by Hearst and Pulitzer

2 diseases spread by mosquiotos

yellow fever virus malaria protozoa

no-poach agreement

you can't be hired by another business bcecause franchises sign an agreement

cotton is king quote

you dare not make war upon cotton. no power on earth dares make war upon it. cotton is king

moral problem of smart bombs/cruise missles

you never see the target

fourth law of thermodynamics

zeroth law. when 2 bodies are in contact, they will work towards a state of thermodynamic equilibrium where both bodies eventually reach the same temperature

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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