Jamerlan Oceanography

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(Intro) The amount of life on the ocean floor depends primarily on _________. A. oxygen supply B. the productivity of the surface layer above it C. the amount of light D. sediment thickness E. temperature


All of the following are true of corals except : A. corals grow in shallow water with high light and relatively low nutrient input. B. the distribution of reef-building corals is greater in the tropics. C. hermatypic coral polyps contain symbiotic algae. D. they are small benthic marine animals that feed with stinging tentacles.


Marine seed-bearing plants include all the following except : A. eelgrass. B. Ulva. C. mangroves. D. Spartina alterniflora. E. surf grass.


Match the description of the marine organism's lifestyle with the correct term. lives in benthic sediments A. nekton B. infauna C. meroplankton D. holoplankton E. epifauna


Match the description of the marine organism's lifestyle with the correct term. swims for its entire life A. holoplankton B. nekton C. infauna D. epifauna E. meroplankton


Match the term or phrase with its best descriptor. maximum sustainable yield A. dolphins and other mammal protection B. maximum catch without reducing the population of target species C. available biomass of a target species D. incidental catch E. farming of commercial fish and shellfish


Most of the explorations by northern and western Europeans during the Middle (Dark) Ages were undertaken by: A. Italy. B. Vikings of Scandinavia. C. France. D. Spain. E. Portugal.


Sea lions are easily distinguished from seals because they: A. use their rear flippers for swimming. B. have external ears. C. cannot rotate their front flippers backward. D. have a short neck. E. cannot rotate their front flippers forward.


The Sun and the rest of the solar system formed about 5 billion years ago from a huge cloud of dust and gas called a: A. supernova. B. nebula. C. solar system. D. quasar. E. protoplanet.


The average depth of the world's oceans is approximately: A.) 840 meters (2,756 feet). B.) 3,682 meters (12,080 feet). C.) 11,022 meters (36,161 feet). D.) 2,172 meters (7,126 feet). E.) none of the above.


Which of the following associations is incorrect? A. Kingdom Fungi—mushrooms B. Kingdom Plantae—algae C. Kingdom Protoctista—phytoplankton D. Kingdom Animalia—dolphins E. Kingdom Monera—bacteria in hydrothermal vents


Which of the following is not an adaptation for deep diving in Cetaceans? A. slowed heart rate B. blood flow is shifted from the brain to the extremities C. having a lot of myoglobin in the muscles to store oxygen D. having increased hemoglobin concentrations to store more oxygen E. collapsing the lungs to compensate for increasing water pressure during deep dives


Earth's early atmosphere most likely included: A. nitrogen, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. B. ammonia, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. C. carbon dioxide, water vapor, ammonia, and methane. D. hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. E. all the above.


Match the marine zone with its correct location. mesopelagic A. benthic B. pelagic, neritic C. pelagic


Match the organism with the correct caudal fin shape. bluefin tuna A. rounded caudal fin B. forked caudal fin C. lunate caudal fin D. heterocercal caudal fin E. truncate caudal fin


Match the organism with the correct taxonomic classification. gray whale A. Order Sirenia B. Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti C. Order Cetacea, Suborder Mysticeti D. Order Carnivora


Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. Vikings A. first European explorer to see the Pacific Ocean B. mapped world with Roman knowledge showing latitude and longitude C. established impermanent settlement in North America and the first Europeans to explore Iceland and Greenland D. led voyage that first circumnavigated the globe E. first determination of Earth's circumference


Match the term with the appropriate phrase. granite A. oceanic crust B. lower portion of the mantle that is rigid C. continental crust D. plastic (capable of flow) portion of the upper mantle beneath the lithosphere E. crust and the uppermost mantle consisting of a solid rock layer


Most marine species are found in the: A. oceanic environment. B.pelagic environment. C. benthic environment. D. bathypelagic environment. E. mesopelagic environment.


Radioactive materials can sometimes be used to determine the: A. chemical composition of rocks. B. formation method. C. ages of rocks. D. origin of rocks. E. metamorphism.


The distribution of benthic biomass is related to: A. current patterns. B. sediment variety. C. primary productivity. D. thermocline depth. E. wave energy.


The mass of a population of fish present at a given time is called its: A. maximum sustainable yield. B. fish stock. C. standing stock. D. recruitment mass. E. diversity.


The symbiotic relationship between the coral animals and the zooxanthellae is an example of _________. A. cannibalism B. chemosynthesis C. mutualism D. commensalism E. parasitism


Which of the following is not a member of the Order Carnivora? A. Sea lions B. Seals C. Sperm whales D. Polar bears E. Sea otters


With respect to their marine environment, these organisms can be referred to as: A. predators. B. plankton. C. benthos. D. heterotrophs. E. nekton.


All the following were accomplishments of Captain James Cook except : A. mapping of unknown islands, including Hawaii, in the Pacific. B. exploring the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. C. determining the outline of the Pacific Ocean. D. measuring environmental characteristics such as water temperature. E. all of the above were accomplishments of Captain James Cook.


Compared to freshwater fishes, marine fishes: A. produce a large volume of dilute urine in an effort to rid their bodies of excess water. B. drink seawater and produce a large volume of urine. C. tend to gain water by osmosis since their internal salt concentration is higher than that of seawater. D. do not drink seawater in an effort to conserve as much water as possible. E. tend to lose water by osmosis since their internal salt concentration is lower than that of seawater.


Cruising fishes such as tuna have all the following characteristics except: A. they are capable of short periods of high-speed swimming. B. their muscle tissues are mostly red C. they tend to have lunate tails. D. they swim constantly in search of prey. E. All of the above are correct.


In temperate oceans of the northern hemisphere during the summer months: A. nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen increases. B. nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen increases. C. nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and dissolved oxygen decreases. D. nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen decreases. E. nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen decreases.


Match the organism with the correct caudal fin shape. blue marlin A. forked caudal fin B. heterocercal caudal fin C. rounded caudal fin D. truncate caudal fin E. lunate caudal fin


Match the term or phrase with its best descriptor. by-catch A. maximum catch without reducing the population of target species B. available biomass of a target species C. dolphins and other mammal protection D. farming of commercial fish and shellfish E. incidental catch


Nekton are restricted to particular ocean areas by: A. temperature variations with latitude and depth. B. differences in water pressure with depth. C. availability of food. D. changes in salinity. E. all of the above


Of the following types of organisms, which one is considered to be LOWEST in a marine food web? Select only one answer. A. burrowing clams B. blue whales C. marine worms D. Zooplankton E. photosynthetic bacteria F. large nekton


Schooling behavior, as depicted in the figure, benefits the organisms involved because it: A. reduces the probability that a predator will locate the prey species. B. reduces the mortality rate for individuals within the school. C. confuses predators by constantly changing positions of the fish within the school. D. makes the group of fish appear as one large unit. E. All the above behaviors are beneficial to schooling fish.


The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is best defined as: A. maximum fishing effort allowed after overfishing occurs. B. annual harvest that will balance natural mortality and predation. C. largest catch that will cover the minimum cost of fishing. D. minimum catch that will still allow the population to increase. E. largest catch that can be taken without overfishing.


The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments include: A. carbon dioxide. B. nitrogen. C. phosphorus. D. A and B are correct. E. B and C are correct.


The sublittoral (subtidal) zone is the area: A. beyond the continental shelf. B. above the highest tide. C. between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide. D. where deep-water fish and pelagic organisms are mostly found E. below the intertidal zone on the continental shelf.


Which of the following is a threat to coral reef survival? A. suspended sediment B. boat collisions C. scuba and snorkeling D. fishing E. All of the above might contribute to the decline of a coral community.


A symbiotic relationship in which both participants benefit is called commensalism. True False


Compensation depth is the depth in the ocean where the photosynthetic rate exceeds the rate of cellular respiration. True False


Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations have no impact on primary productivity rates in marine ecosystems. True False


Oceanic crust is less dense than continental crust because it is made of silica and manganese. True False


Phytoplankton are small in size as a result of predation pressure. True False


Poikilothermic organisms can regulate their internal body temperature. True False


Radiolarians and coccolithophorids are examples of zooplankton. True False


The salinity of the oceans has been steadily increasing. True False


The supratidal zone of the rocky shore is the area between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide. True False


Tropical open ocean waters have the highest rate of primary productivity in the world's oceans. True False


Meiofauna are small organisms that live between sediment particles on sandy beaches. True False


Red muscle tissue is abundant in cruisers, while white muscle tissue is abundant in lungers. True False


Some of the more common fauna of sediment-covered shores include bivalve mollusks, annelid worms, and crustaceans. True False


The distinction between a food chain and a food web is that a food chain describes a linear relationship among trophic levels whereas a food web describes the interconnected relationships among trophic structures in nature. True False


In dead zones resulting from eutrophication, animal life is absent due to the lack of _________. A. oxygen B. carbon dioxide C. phosphates D. light E. nitrates


Match the marine zone with its correct location. bathyal A. benthic B. pelagic, neritic C. pelagic


Match the organism or definition with the correct description of its food preference. sand star (Astropecten) A. carnivore B. omnivore C. herbivore D. autotroph


Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. Ptolemy A. mapped world with Roman knowledge showing latitude and longitude B. led voyage that first circumnavigated the globe C. first determination of Earth's circumference D. first European explorer to see the Pacific Ocean E. established impermanent settlement in North America and the first Europeans to explore Iceland and Greenland


Match the term or phrase with its best descriptor. aquaculture A. farming of commercial fish and shellfish B. dolphins and other mammal protection C. available biomass of a target species D. incidental catch E. maximum catch without reducing the population of target species


Match the term or phrase with its best descriptor. standing stock A. available biomass of a target species B. maximum catch without reducing the population of target species C. dolphins and other mammal protection D. incidental catch E. farming of commercial fish and shellfish


Match the term with the appropriate phrase. nebula A. gaseous and dusty space cloud (pre-cursor to a solar system) B. the Sun and the eight major planets revolving around it C. contains minerals rich in iron and magnesium, between the crust and the core, and has the second largest volume according to the chemical classification D. outermost portion of the Earth composed largely of the igneous rocks basalt and granite E. composed mostly of iron and nickel with a liquefied metallic outer layer


Pick the pair which does not fit the pattern: A. krill—whale B. clown fish—anemone C. isopod—fish D. remora—shark


The common annelid found in a sandy beach environment is the: A. lugworm. B. feather duster worm. C. clam. D. ghost crab. E. fan worm.


The function of a swim bladder is: A. to allow a fish to change position in the water column. B. to prevent predators from eating the puffer fish. C. to increase the density of the organism to keep it afloat. D. to increase the surface area of the organism to prevent sinking. E. to assist the organism in steering with the currents.


The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of: A. loss of zooxanthellae. B. crown-of-thorn sea stars. C. increased sediment loads. D. fungal parasites. E. increase in zooxanthellae concentrations


Which of the following is a member of the Phylum Cnidaria? A. jellyfish B. sea gooseberry C. copepod D. nautilus E. salp


Which set of fins is used for turning and braking? A. pectoral and pelvic B. anal and dorsal C. caudal and dorsal D. anal and caudal E. caudal and pelvic


Of the following statements about marine mammals in suborder Odontoceti, which is/are true? A. Odontoceti lack vocal cords. B. Odontoceti form long-lived social groups. C. Odontoceti have prominent teeth and good vision. D. Odontoceti have large brains relative to their body size. E. Odontoceti have the ability to use echolocation.


Of the following adult-stage organisms, which is/are classified as benthos? A. Mussels B. Sponges C. Marine snails D. Barnacles E. Crabs that crawl across the sea floor F. Sea anemones


Of the following statements about plankton, which is/are true? A. Plankton drift with ocean currents. B. Plankton can move up and down in the water column. C. Plankton also include certain types of bacteria. D. Plankton comprise 98% of all marine species. E. Plankton are very abundant and comprise most of Earth's biomass.


Which of the following ideas about the development of life on Earth make scientific sense? A. Early organisms likely evolved into more complex organisms. B. Primitive life likely existed without the need for oxygen. C. As life developed on Earth, it began to significantly change Earth's environment. D. The most primitive life on Earth needed sunlight to metabolize food. E. The "prebiotic soup" of the primitive oceans provided a likely environment for life to develop.


Match the organism with its correct descriptor of energy use or trophic level. sand star (or starfish) Consumer Producer


A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it: A. increases the ability to absorb nutrients. B. increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking. C. increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism. D. All the above statements are advantageous to marine organisms. E. None of the above statements is advantageous to marine organisms.


An important predator of mussel beds in the middle tide zone is the _________. A. sea urchin B. sea anemone C. gooseneck barnacle D. sea star E. shore crab


Identify the mismatched pair. A. arrow worm—Chaetognath B. Physalia—Cnidarian C. krill—Crustacea D. Squid—Annelid E. Sea gooseberry—Ctenophore


Match the organism with the correct taxonomic classification. walrus A. Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti B. Order Cetacea, Suborder Mysticeti C. Order Sirenia D. Order Carnivora


Productivity in tropical oceans is generally: A. nutrient and oxygen-limited. B. light-limited. C. oxygen-limited. D. nutrient-limited. E. light and nutrient-limited.


Stanley Miller's famous experiment demonstrated that __________. A. Earth's early atmosphere was rich in CO2, ammonia, and hydrogen B. living organisms can be produced by lightning strikes C. the earliest organisms lived in volcanoes D. organic molecules could be produced from the mixture of gases comprising Earth's early atmosphere E. all the required factors have been identified for the production of living organisms


The caudal fin shape that is asymmetrical, with most of the mass in the upper lobe, is a: A. truncate fin. B. lunate fin. C. rounded fin. D. heterocercal fin. E. forked fin.


The explorer who advanced oceanography by introducing systematic soundings, or depth measurements, was __________. A. Christopher Columbus B. Leif Erikson C. Jacques Piccard D. James Cook E. Robert Ballard


The majority of our planet's biomass is represented by _________. A. nekton B. benthic organisms C. multicellular algae D. plankton


The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is: A. swimming. B. flattened body shape. C. sessile lifestyle. D. burrowing into the sediment. E. attachment to the substrate.


When compared to their warmer water counterparts, cold-water plankton often: A. have more spines and ornamentation on the cell wall. B. exhibit countershading. C. reproduce asexually only. D. are larger in size. E. are smaller in size.


Coral reefs contain 25% of all known marine species. True False


Epifauna are those organisms that are either permanently attached to the bottom or move over it. True False


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