Joan of Arc and Marie Antoinette

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Madame Defecit

The nickname given to Marie Antoinette for all her incessant spending. She became the scapegoat of France, and was blamed for the deficit of the country as a whole. Was given to her after the Diamond necklace affair.

lése majesté

Meaning injured majesty, the crime of violating the royal crown and offending the dignity of the reigning sovereign or against the state. This was the charge against cardinal de Rohan. Protocol of respect. Direct criticism of king and queen.

Christine de Pizan

1364-1429: Coined as the first feminist, had written a poem about Joan of Arc and her accomplishments, validating women as equals to men spiritually. She had also written The Book of the City of Ladies, in which she describes a construction of an allegorical city for women with the help of 3 virtues being reason, rectitude, and justice and through their advise and aid she defends women from the slanders of men(sinful temptresses). Contributed to the first major work in the debate of women's roles in society. Reinterpreted Adam and Eve, used evidence of strong women figures.

Trial at Poitiers

1429: The trial in which Joan was sent to Poitiers for a lengthy theological examination to confirm her validity, in preparation for her presentation to the court, and her role as a military leader. She was questioned and physically examined thoroughly by matrons, and clergy men. This trial occurred before she performed her first miracle in which she was said to distinguish the king from the other members of the court.

Rehabilitation Trial

1450-1456, Guillaume Bouillé headed trial, at first under the request of Charles VII, sought eyewitness testimony favorable to JOan, and investigate technical procedures to counter the conclusion of the 1st trial. Nullified the condemnation of Joan as a relapsed heretic, and attempted to restore the renown of her memory and surviving family. Honored the spirits to defend Joan's mystical experience. Believed condemnation was english and rehab french, shows joan as a powerful symbol during the hundred years war. The findings of this trial comprised of 8 treatises, in which were summarized theologically and judicially informed defenses of Joan of Arc, as well as justification for her moral and religious views. In this trial stated their political sympathies openly in the official record. Joan of Arc as God's protagonist. Her humble beginnings nor her female sex dont disqualify her from an angelic visitation. Virginity itself symbol of angelic holiness. Light is not associated with demonic spirits. b

Elisabeth of Bohemia***

1618-1680: Was princess of bohemia but her family had lost the Palatine and went into exile in Holland. Her family was protestant and became poor after their exile. She was carefully educated though dowerless, and never married, eventually joining a convent as a nun and later becoming an abbess. She had correspondences with Descartes, exchanging advanced ideas within the philosophical community. She was very private in her letters, and hadn't wanted them to be publicized.

Louis XV***

1710-1774 Also known as Louis the beloved, he was the reigning king who had chosen Marie Antoinette to wed his grandson Louis Aguste. His Mistress Madame Du Barry had dismayed the court. He had loved MA for her curiosity affection and charm. Great lover of women spent his last few years with Madame Du Barry his commoner misstress, who was several years younger than him.

Petit Trianon

1774: Was given to Marie Antoinette as a gift from her husband was originally ordered to be constructed by Louis XV for Madame de Pompadour, though she didn't live to see it finished, then was given to Madame du Barry. This became her getaway from the etiquette and formality of versailles. She only allowed certain guests here one including her lover Fersen where they had met and stayed together many times. Here she held shows and parties for her close sphere of coterie.

Hébert's Pére Duchesne***

A scurrilous newspaper that issued calls to murder everyday. He was the one who had urged the cobbler to tell the tribunal of the queen's scandalous conduct with her son. In this newspaper he had printed the scandals and stories of those who were suspitioned to have been against or opposed to the revolution. People had come to him to tell him of their suspicions. His lists became wanted adds, for those who were being pursued as adversaries to the revolutionary cause. Denounced abuses and injustices of people.

Revolutionary Tribunal

An emergency court of borgoise that did not burden itself with normal legal procedures and speedily tried and sentenced many noblemen and courtiers. Due to their process they had sentenced to death thousands of lives. They were assigned the duty to deal with those who were suspected to be opposed to or be working against the revolution. This tribunal had tried MA and within a matter of 2 days she was put to trial and executed.

Siege of Orlean

April 29 1429, and the siege was lifted on May 8 1429.Part of the directions of her visions, she was told that she would raise the siege by the English of the city of Orlean. The city had been besieged since October of 1428 though it was well fortified by its citizens. This she did by first initially sending the Duke of Bedford a threat to leave the city or she will have them killed. After their refusal, she attacked on In this battle she was struck by an arrow in the shoulder but miraculously healed in a day. She had lead the charge, on May 6 going against orders, she decided to lead an attack. Strategy: encircle orlean, Tactic each indiv tower, the fortifications. English retreat May 8 morale boost.

Attack on Tuileries Palace

August 10 1792, Swiss guards were assigned to protect the national fam, Though on the 9th the elected mayor came to guaranty the preservation of the national fam. The palace was stormed by the insurgents, the Swiss guards took the offensive and began firing, the insurgents retaliated with cannon fire, but then received orders from Louis XVI to cease fighting, angered they gave their weapons to the insurgents who then used them against the guards who were then massacred. The representatives voted on the kings temporary suspension, and the family transferred to the Temple.

Bishop Cauchon***

Bishop of Beauvais and Lisieux, he was a careerist and presided over Joan's Trials. He headed the trials in hopes to save Joan's soul, he was well aware of her value to both the English as an enemy and the French as a hero. At the time of the trials the Hundred Years was still ongoing, and at this point could have gone to either side, therefore he had wanted to keep Joan alive as long as he could to appease his countrymen and employer.

Count Mercy-Argenteau

Empress Marie Theresa's ambassador to France to the court of Louis XV and later for Louis XVI. He become's Marie Antoinette's adviser and confidant, aiding her and her mother, and the rest of her family during their correspondences. He remained always by her side teaching her etiquette and keeping her updated of her duties and mother's concerns.

Coronation at Reims***

July 17, 1429 Part of Joan's mission was to crown and anoint Charles the VII as the true king of France. This occurred after the siege at Orlean was lifted. This occurs on at the cathedral at Reims, the ceremony lasted from 9am to 2pm. Joan remained by the king with her standard, after he was crowned she wept, knelt and kissed his feet out of joy. (look into angels)

Diamond Necklace Affair

July 1785, note to queen from jeweler. The Jeweler Böhmer believed he was in correspondence with the queen on a purchase of a diamond necklace costing 1,800,000 livres, stating that the queen had yet to pay for it. He had correspondence with Cardinal de Rohan, with apparent hand written notes from MA, who had bought the necklace in installments. Though in reality Cardinal de Rohan was fooled by Comtesse de la Motte Valois his mistress, she had hired a prostitute who had looked very similarly to MA to meet with Rohan in the gardens. Comtesse stated that she was in a close circle with the queen and would convince her to buy the diamond. Rohan was then arrested and accused of Les masjeste. Within her falsified correspondence with Rohan she had asked for him to pay for the first few installments, he did so cheerfully thinking he had finally fallen under the good graces of the queen. Comtesse ended up selling parts of the diamond necklace to others. The Cardinal's trial was held on May 30 1786 and was acquitted. This was a heavy blow for the queen, and rumors circled of how he was the true victim, and that she only wanted him to be discharged. This affair had twice ruined her name. Fiasco made evident that Louis can't control his wife

Flight to Varennes

June 20, 1791 Planned by Fersen and MA, the royal family would be smuggled out of the Tuileries and Paris and to Germany where there was a fortified place with many soldiers as she told her son. They would make multiple carriage exchanges and at one point having Fersen as their coachman. The royal family was dressed as comoners, more specifically they were pretending to be under the employ of Madame de Tourzel who was traveling as Russian baroness, de Korff. MA was supposed to be the governess and her children the daughters of the baroness. The king became a lowly steward. The plan had failed and the family caught at... by a post master who had recognized the king at one of their stops at the relay inn of Chaintrix in Verennes. In addition the king had left a manifesto on his desk which justified his departure for all to see causing the initial search and decline of the possibility of a kidnapping.

Charles VII

King of France from 1422-1461, was currently the Dauphin when Joan took on her quest to have him crowned at Reims and recover his realm. Joan had told him she was sent by god to lift the siege at Orleons and have him crowned and anointed in Reims as France's true king.

Madame Du Barry

Louis XV's last mistress. She was scorned for being a commoner, many nobles including Marie Antoinette felt as if she didn't belong there. Makrie was disgruntled that King Louis XV would have a mistress but even more so a Borgoise as a mistress. After the King Louis XV death she was sent away from Versailles and lived in...

Treaty of Troyes

May 21, 1420, A treaty signed by Isabella of Bavaria the queen of France after her husband King Charles the VI had gone mad, became queen consort. This treaty recognized Henry VI as the King of the French throne and married him to Catherine of Valois. This treaty disinherited her son the dauphin Charles and left him penniless.

Madame Campan

One of Marie Antoinette's ladies in waiting, and later became one of the queen's closest friend and confidant. Marie tends to cling to her, and sees her as one of her confidants. She had remained by the queen's side till the Attack on Tuileries Palace when the royal family was taken away to the Temple Palace as prisoners. When she had learned that her brother was on the side of the revolutionary's she had come to the queen in distraught, stating that she will remain on her majesty's side. The queen then ordered her husband to comfort her, out of pity for her friend. Writes memoirs of the queen.

querelle des femmes

Patriarchal paradigm: Produced hundreds of works on women and their roles in society. 15th century Beginning with Pisan and the Book of the City of Ladies, women were equal spiritually, or (civic humanists, domestic roles useful) less inferior to men, not completely equal (lets not get ahead of ourselves). 16th century Agrippa, Declamation that turned the beliefs of the patriarchal paradigm and show that they can be interpreted in a different way. 17th century texts were defending their sexes. Femes forte, women who played manly roles as intellectuals, and physical. After the protestant reformation men and women were moreequal,

the Woman Question***

Questions the fundamental role of women.


The home town of Joan Arc, it was a small village on the edge of France along the river Meuse near Lorrain, where she was born. At her home here was where Joan began having her visions of saints including of saint Micheal the archangel (first), Saint Catherine, and saint Margaret. Her house was next to the town's church, where upon looking at one of it's towers. Her father was the village leader as the dean of Domremy.

the Dauphin***

The king to be, or heir to the French throne, the last being Marie Antoinette's son Louis Charles XVII, who supposedly died of malnourishment at the young age of 10 in 1795 of disease though there was much speculation of his escape and being substituted by another child.

Empress Marie-Theresa***

The mother of Marie Antoinette and Empress of Austria, she had 16 children. She had a correspondence with her daughter while her daughter was in France. She had advised her daughter, not always well, on etiquette and her lifestyle and politics. She had pushed her daughter for legislation that was advantageous to Austria, and its quest to expand. She had also scolded her daughter for her inability to consummate her marriage. She had sunken into depression after her husband Francis 1 died, and became a queen regent.

Merlin Prophecies

Well known in the late middle ages, the court mined them for phrases that could be applied to Joan. "out of this [oakwood] would come a maid who should work miracles," "from the bois chenu will come a maiden who will cure our wounds... rivers of tears will flow from her eyes, and she will fill the island [England] with a horrible clamor" "a virgin ascends the backs of the archers/and hides the flower of her virginity". From this a member of Charles' court composed a new prophecy that talks about a virgin maiden clothed in male attire at God's prompting will destroy France's abominable enemies, and the decietful English will succumb to death.


What Joan of Arc had been accused of. Wearing male's dress, hearing voices that she claims to be saints but has no proof or authentication. Theological or religious opinion or doctrine maintained in opposition, or held to be contrary, to the 'catholic' or orthodox doctrine of the Christian Church, or, by extension, to that of any church, creed, or religious system, considered as orthodox.

Queen Regent***

a queen ruling in behalf of another or in her own right. Such an example is that of Marie Theresa who had ruled herself after her husband's death, as well as in place of her son Joseph II.

Preparatory Trials

tues, Jan, 9, 1431 till sun, March, 25 1431: Joan is questioned about her voices, conduct in battle, wearing of men's clothing, and other matters. Afterwards her judges decided to proceed into an ordinary trial. This was highly documented, as the other trials. During these trials she was adamant about not taking an oath, stating that she had already taken one beforehand, as well as giving vague answers to questions that were asked(why wouldn't the angels have hair?). One clergyman befriended her in order to get further answers for the trial.

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