John 1-21 Quiz Questions (Learn Style)

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After asking for Jesus' water, what did Jesus tell the woman of Samaria to do (Jn 4:16)? A. Call her husband B. Go back into the city C. Let him have her bucket D. Pour some water out


At the last supper, who was reclining next to Jesus (Jn 13:23)? A. The disciple whom Jesus loved B. The disciple who would betray Jesus C. The disciple who was with Jesus from the beginning D. The disciple who would deny Jesus


How did the sisters of Lazarus identify him to Jesus (Jn 11:3)? A. The one you love B. Your beloved disciple C. Your brother D. Your faithful follower


Jesus told the Samaritan woman she should have asked for what from him (Jn 4:10)? A. Living water B. Fresh water C. Sweet wine D. The forgiveness of sins


On what day did Mary first see the empty tomb of Jesus (Jn 20:1)? A. The first day of the week B. The sixth day of the week C. The seventh day of the week D. The day of Passover


Thomas said he would not believe that the Lord had risen unless all of the following conditions were met EXCEPT (Jn 20:25) A. Touch the thorn marks on his face B. See the nail marks in his hands C. Put his finger where the nails were D. Put his hand into his side


What could the Pharisees not believe about the man born blind and how did they seek to substantiate their disbelief (Jn 9:18) A. They talked to the man's parents asking if he were born blind B. They talked to the man's rabbi asking if he were born blind C. They talked to those entering the temple who had seen him begging D. They asked him to talk to the high priest to confirm it from the temple records


What did Jesus do to heal the man born blind (Jn 9:6)? A. Spit and made mud and put it on his eyes B. Spoke and the man could see C. Anointed his eyes with oil D. Told him to go show himself to the priest


What did Jesus first say of Nathanael as he approached Jesus (Jn 1:47)? A. Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false B. Here is a man who fears God and shuns evil C. Here is a fisherman who will catch people from now on D. Here is Israelite seeking eternal life in truth


What did Jesus say to Martha when she said if Jesus had been there Lazarus would not have died (Jn 11:25)? A. I am the resurrection and the life B. I am the bread of life C. Believe in me and you will see your brother again D. Your brother will have eternal life


What did Jesus tell Thomas after offering to be touched by him (Jn 20:27)? A. Stop doubting and believe B. O you of little faith C. Do you really believe now you have seen? D. Do you not know me, Thomas?


What did Jesus tell the disciples to do as they came in from fishing (Jn 21:6)? A. Cast their nets on the right side of the boat B. Mend their nets C. Bring the fish into the fire he had prepared D. Come in for bread and fish


What did Jesus tell the servants to put in the water jars at the wedding of Cana (Jn 2:7)? A. Water B. Dust C. Wine D. Sour grapes


What did Mary Magdalene see when she came to the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week (Jn 20:1)? A. The stone rolled away B. Two angels greeting her C. The empty linen wrappings D. The other women


What did Moses lift up in the desert (Jn 3:14)? A. A snake B. His hands C. A spear D. Spiritual food


What peculiarity did the master of the banquet point out at the wedding of Cana (Jn 2:10)? A. Most put out the best wine first then the cheaper B. Most put out the best wine and then the water C. Most weddings when the wine is gone there is no more D. Most put out a mixture of good wine and bad depending on who is drinking


What prerequisite did Jesus say was needed in order to see the kingdom of God (Jn 3:3)? A. One must be born again B. One must believe on him C. One must do the works of the Father D. One must give all they have to the poor


While the Word was in the world, what did the world not do (Jn 1:10)? A. Recognize him B. Accept him C. Believe in him D. Follow him


Who did Philip find and tell him about Jesus of Nazareth (Jn 1:45)? A. Nathanael B. Bartholomew C. Matthew D. Judas the Zealot


Who pointed out to Jesus that the wedding had run out of wine (Jn 2:3)? A. Jesus' mother B. The wedding guests C. The master of the banquet D. Peter


Why did God give his Son (Jn 3:16)? A. Because he loved the world B. Because he loved his own C. Because he had compassion on all D. Because he wanted to redeem mankind to himself


Why did God send his Son into the world (Jn 3:17)? A. To save the world B. To redeem the world C. To restore the world D. To heal the world


Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus what should be done with the woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:6)? A. They were trying to trap him with their question B. They were exposing his teaching C. They were trying to get him to speak against Moses D. They were trying to expose him in front of the people


After filling the water jars with water, what did Jesus tell the servants to do (Jn 2:8)? A. Taste it to see if it was good B. Draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet C. Draw some out and give it to his mother Mary and his disciples D. Draw some out and give it to the wedding guests


How did Jesus respond when Peter said he would never wash Peter's feet (Jn 13:8)? A. Unless I wash you, you will remain in the world B. Unless I wash you, you have no part with me C. Unless I wash your feet you cannot see the kingdom of God D. Unless I wash you, your sins will remain


How did Philip describe Jesus to Nathanael (Jn 1:45)? A. The Son of Man spoken of by Daniel the prophet B. The one Moses wrote about in the Law C. The one born in Bethlehem foretold by Micah D. The Suffering Servant of Isaiah


In order to go from Judea to Galilee, what region did Jesus pass through (Jn 4:4)? A. Decapolis B. Samaria C. Gilead D. Jezreel


Nicodemus was of what religious sect (Jn 3:1)? A. Sadducees B. Pharisees C. Zealots D. Herodians


To whom did Mary think she was talking to at the tomb of Jesus (Jn 20:15)? A. The angel of the Lord B. A gardener C. A guard D. One of the disciples


What did Jesus call out in a loud voice to get Lazarus out of the tomb (Jn 11:43)? A. Lazarus, arise and come to me B. Lazarus, come out! C. Lazarus, stand up D. Lazarus, hear my voice


What did Mary Magdalene originally think when she found the empty tomb of Jesus (Jn 20:2)? A. He had risen as he said B. Someone had taken the body and put him somewhere else C. The Roman soldiers had burned the body of Jesus D. The angels had taken the body of Jesus to heaven


What did Thomas say to the rest of the disciples when Jesus wanted to go to Judea to raise Lazarus (Jn 11:16)? A. Shall we not suffer with him B. Let us go, that we may die with him C. We will go with him as he may need our help D. How can we not go with him?


What did the Pharisees tell Jesus the law of Moses demanded be done to a woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:5)? A. She should be put in prison B. She should be stoned C. She should be handed over to the Romans D. She should be hung


What did the Samaritan woman tell the people of the town (Jn 4:29)? A. Come, follow me and I will show you the Christ B. Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did C. I have met a Jew who knows how to worship God in truth D. Come, and I will show you the kingdom of God this day


What did the Word become (Jn 1:14)? A. A baby B. Flesh C. A son of man D. The light of the world


What happened when Judas took the bread (Jn 13:27)? A. He left to go and betray Jesus B. Satan entered into him C. He dropped his head in shame D. He ate it and took some more


What question did Nicodemus ask when Jesus told him he needed to be born again (Jn 3:4)? A. How can these things be? B. How can someone be born when they are old? C. What mother would be able to give birth a second time? D. Can a grown child become a baby again?


What was Jesus' response when asked how he knew Nathanael (Jn 1:48)? A. I saw you drinking wine in the vineyard of your father B. I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you C. I saw you fishing but catching no fish in the boat of Simon D. I saw you before you were born


What was the first thing Mary said to Jesus when she met him after her brother had died (Jn 11:32)? A. Lord, even now you can speak the word and Lazarus will live B. Lord, if you had been here, my bother would not have died. C. Lord, how much my brother loved you D. Lord, it is too late my brother has died


What would the water Jesus would give the woman of Samaria result in (Jn 4:14)? A. The forgiveness of sins B. A spring of water to eternal life C. The true light shining into the world D. Flowing rivers of righteousness


When Jesus straightened up what did he say to those ready to stone the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:7)? A. Take the beam out of your own eye before taking the speck out of someone elses B. If any one of you is without sin, let him cast the first stone C. How can you condemn others when you do the same thing yourselves D. Is not God the one who should bring judgment?


When Jesus was in the temple courts who did the Pharisees and teachers of the law bring to him (Jn 8:3)? A. A blind man B. A woman caught in adultery C. A lame man D. A prostitute


When they went fishing after the resurrection, what did the disciples catch that night (Jn 21:3)? A. A net full B. Nothing C. Five fish D. Twelve fish


Who did Jesus say would have eternal life (Jn 3:15)? A. Everyone who does his word B. Everyone who believes in the Son of Man C. Everyone who seeks the Lord while he may be found D. Everyone who was called


Whose glory have we seen (Jn 1:14)? A. The Word B. The one and only Son C. The Light of the world D. The Son of David


Why did some of the Pharisees conclude Jesus could not be from God after he healed the man born blind (Jn 9:16)? A. Because he rejected the priests and elders B. Because he did not keep the Sabbath C. Because he used unclean mud to heal the man D. Because he made the man was in a Gentile pool


After Jesus told Nathanael he saw him under the fig tree how did Nathanael respond (Jn 1:49)? A. You are the Son of David the ruler of Israel B. You are the Redeemer of Israel and the hope of your people C. You are the Son of God, the king of Israel D. You are the One who is to come, the Lord


After Jesus told Peter to follow him, who did Peter see and ask Jesus about (Jn 21:20f)? A. Andrew, his brother B. Thomas, called Didymus C. The disciple whom Jesus loved D. Matthew


After being asked what Jesus thought should be done with the woman caught in adultery, what did Jesus do (Jn 8:6)? A. He stood up and told them they were hypocrites B. He sat down and began to teach his disciples C. He bent down and wrote with his finger in the ground D. He rebuked them for trying to trap him and hurt the woman


After rebuking Thomas for doubting who did Jesus say was blessed (Jn 20:29)? A. Those who are poor in spirit B. Those who believe from the testimony of the disciples C. Those who have not seen and yet believed D. Those who believe the Scriptures


As Jesus went to wash his disciples' feet, he did all of the following EXCEPT (Jn 13:4f)? A. Took off his outer clothing B. Wrapped a towel around his waist C. Took off his own sandals D. Poured water into a basin


How did Jesus initially respond to Peter's objection for Jesus washing his feet (Jn 13:7)? A. My Father has told me to do this B. You do not understand authority in the kingdom C. You do not realize now what I am doing, later you will D. You are thinking of the rulers of this world


How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him to the disciple whom he loved (Jn 13:26)? A. It is the one who drinks the cup with me B. It is the one who carries the purse C. It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread D. It is the one who first leaves this dinner


How did Jesus tell the Samaritan woman true worshippers would worship God (Jn 4:23)? A. Faithfully and with a whole heart B. In the fullness of his glory C. In spirit and truth D. In justice and righteousness


How many days was Lazarus already in the tomb when Jesus arrived (Jn 11:17)? A. Two days B. Three days C. Four days D. Five days


How was the turning the water into wine miracle designated in the Fourth Gospel (Jn 2:11)? A. Jesus' blessing marriage B. Jesus' obedience to his mother C. Jesus' first miraculous sign D. Jesus' coming out for all to see


How were all things made (Jn 1:3)? A. Through the Father B. In six days C. Through the Word D. By God speaking


Jesus pointed out the woman was right saying she had no husband because ______ (Jn 4:18)? A. She had had two husbands B. She had never been married C. She had had five husbands D. She had had innumerable husbands


What challenge did Jesus give the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:11)? A. Go to the priest and ask forgiveness B. Arise and follow me C. Go now and leave your life of sin D. Try to enter into the kingdom of God


What did Jesus ask Peter after they finished eating breakfast by the Sea of Galilee (Jn 21:15)? A. Why did you deny me? B. Will you remain in me now? C. Do you love me more than these? D. Can you lead these my disciples?


What did Jesus do in Samaria because he was tired of the journey (Jn 4:6)? A. He went and sat under a tree B. He found a cave and laid down there C. He sat by a well D. He rested in an open field


What did Nicodemus cite as proving that Jesus was from God (Jn 3:2)? A. The Law and the Prophets B. He spoke like no one has spoken C. The signs which he did D. He taught with authority and not as the scribes


What did Nicodemus say could not be done a second time (Jn 3:4)? A. Drink one's mother's milk B. The Son of Man come to earth C. Enter their mother's womb D. Build the temple


What did the Jews conclude about the man born blind (Jn 9:34)? A. You don't know what you are talking about B. You know nothing at all C. You were steeped in sin at birth D. You are mistaken just because he healed you


What objection did Nathanael make to Philip about Jesus (Jn 1:46)? A. Must not he be from Jerusalem? B. How can he be from Galilee of the Gentiles? C. Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? D. Must not the Messiah come from Bethlehem of Judea?


What was in the beginning with God (Jn 1:1)? A. The world B. Wisdom C. The Word D. The heavenly hosts


What was the Word which had become flesh full of (Jn 1:14)? A. Justice and righteousness B. Glory and holiness C. Grace and truth D. Forgiveness and love


What was the Word's relationship to his own (Jn 1:11)? A. They despised and rejected him B. They did not listen to him C. They did not receive him D. They ignored him


When Jesus saw a man who had been born blind, what did his disciples ask him (Jn 9:2)? A. Why was this man born blind? B. Lord, will he ever see the light? C. Who sinned this man or his parent? D. What must he do to receive his sight?


Who did Jesus say would be lifted up like Moses' snake on a pole (Jn 3:14)? A. The Son of David B. The Son of God C. The Son of Man D. The One coming


Who hates the light (Jn 3:20)? A. Those who love darkness B. Everyone who does evil C. Everyone who does not believe D. Everyone who seeks their own things


Who was the first to come to the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week (Jn 20:1)? A. Mary, the mother of Jesus B. Nicodemus C. Mary Magdalene D. Salome


Who were the two sisters of Lazarus (Jn 11:1f)? A. Priscilla and Aquila B. Mary and Salome C. Mary and Martha D. Salome and Tamar


Why did Martha object to taking the stone away from Lazarus' tomb (Jn 11:39)? A. The tomb had been sealed by the rabbi B. The tomb diggers had covered up his body with dirt C. There would be a bad odor as he had been in their four days D. He would have started to decay and it wasn't right to disturb the dead


Why did people love darkness more than the light (Jn 3:19)? A. Because they extinguished their light B. Because they hid their light C. Because their deeds were evil D. Because they did not go to the light


Why did the Samaritan woman ask Jesus how he could ask a drink from her (Jn 4:9)? A. Because it was improper for men to make such requests of women B. Because she was drawing water only for her family C. Because Jesus was a Jew and she was a Samaritan D. Because it was raining


Figuratively, what did Jesus tell the disciples about Lazarus after they objected to going to Judea (Jn 11:11)? A. Lazarus was on a journey but he would return B. Lazarus was like wheat fallen on the ground that would bring forth fruit C. Lazarus was a beacon on light who would shine brighter in a little while D. Lazarus was asleep and Jesus was going to wake him up


How does one obtain eternal life (Jn 3:16)? A. By doing the works of the Father B. By obeying the commands of the Father C. By seeking God with all one's heart D. By believing in the one and only Son of God


How is Mary, the sister of Lazarus, identified (Jn 11:2)? A. The one from whom Jesus cast a demon B. The one who had an issue of blood whom Jesus healed C. The one whose donkey Jesus road into Jerusalem D. The one who poured perfume on the Lord


Martha said all of the following to Jesus when she met him on his way to Bethany EXCEPT (Jn 11:21) A. If you had been here my brother would not have died B. I know he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day C. I know God will give you whatever you ask D. I know that Lazarus believed in you


What did Jesus say everyone who believes in the Son of Man would have (Jn 3:15)? A. A heavenly home B. Forgiveness of sin C. Justification D. Eternal life


What did Jesus say should be the disciples' response after he washed their feet (Jn 13:14)? A. They should keep their feet clean B. They should be careful to guard their hearts C. They should wash the feet of their enemies D. They should wash one another's feet


What did Jesus tell Nathanael that he would see (Jn 1:51)? A. The Spirit descending like a dove B. A bush burning that doesn't burn up C. The Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Father D. Angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man


What did Peter do when he realized it was Jesus on the shore (Jn 21:7)? A. He rowed hard to shore B. He waved C. He brought a fish to Jesus D. He jumped into the water


What did the Word give to those believing in his name (Jn 1:12)? A. Eternal life B. To overcome the world C. The ability to follow the lamb wherever he goes D. The right to become children of God


What was Philip's response to Nathanael's objection that Jesus was from Nazareth (Jn 1:46)? A. What's wrong with Nazareth? B. He heals the sick and feeds the hungry C. He told me everything I ever did D. Come and see


What was noted as the result of the first miraculous sign Jesus did at the Cana wedding banquet (Jn 2:11)? A. He manifested that he was the Son of God and brought joy to all B. He blessed marriage and many believed in him C. He began to show the kingdom of God to Israel D. He revealed his glory and his disciples put their faith in him


What was special about the tomb in which Jesus was buried (Jn 19:41)? A. It was covered with cedar from Lebanon B. It was where the poor people were buried C. It was Joseph's family tomb D. No one had ever been laid it in before


What well was located near the town of Sychar in the region of Samaria (Jn 4:6)? A. Abraham's well B. Judah's well C. Joseph's well D. Jacob's well


What were the stone water jars used for at the wedding of Cana (Jn 2:6)? A. Washing the tables B. For washing guests feet as they entered C. For the children to drink D. For the ceremonial washing of the Jews


What words of comfort did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:11)? A. Blessed are you among women B. Your sins which were many are now forgiven C. Believe in me and you will have eternal life D. Neither do I condemn you


When Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus what was his response (Jn 11:35)? A. He shut the door to be alone with Peter, James and John B. He began to teach them about the resurrection C. He comforted Mary and Martha D. He wept


When did Nicodemus come to Jesus (Jn 3:2)? A. In the morning B. During the heat of the day C. At sunset D. At night


Where did Jesus attend a wedding in Galilee (Jn 2:1)? A. Capernaum B. Nazareth C. Bethsaida D. Cana


Where did Jesus tell the blind man with the mud on his eyes to wash (Jn 9:7)? A. In the spring of Gihon B. In the En Rogel pool C. In Solomon's pools D. In the Pool of Siloam


Who objected to Jesus' washing of his feet (Jn 13:6)? A. Thomas B. Philip C. Andrew D. Peter


Why did Jesus say the man was born blind (Jn 9:3)? A. So that he might be a sign to those who do not believe B. So that he might give glory to God the Father C. So that he may teach the leaders D. So that the works of God might be displayed in him


After Jesus dipped the piece of bread, who did he give it to (Jn 13:26)? A. Thomas B. Andrew C. Bartholomew D. Judas


After Jesus told the woman of Samaria she had five husbands what did she conclude about Jesus (Jn 4:19)? A. He was the Christ B. He was the Son of David C. He was greater than Jacob who had originally dug the well D. He was a prophet


After Peter responded, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you," what did Jesus command him (Jn 21:15)? A. Lead my sheep B. Follow me C. Protect my sheep D. Feed my lambs


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