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Which type of invasion of privacy occurs when a reporter runs a story, photo, cutline or headline that portrays someone inaccurately?

False light

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of the press?

First Amendment

What federal law do reporters use to get access to federal records?

Freedom of Information Act

What punishment do reporters face for fabricating a story?

Getting fired

What 1988 U.S. Supreme Court decision established the right of school administrators to censor high school publications?

Hazelwood School District v. Kuchmeier

To what does the term "blogosphere" refer?

The collective online community of bloggers

Copyright protects all forms of creative expression.


Disadvantages of user participation are that readers are unprofessional and unreliable, and that it takes time and energy to maintain user-friendly web elements.


Fair comment and criticism allows journalists to criticize performers, politicians and matters of public interest.


Journalists should follow guidelines for tweeting, including thinking about their image.


Link boxes or indexes can be used to organize coverage and guide users to your archives.


Links can substitute for lengthy background details.


Links must be voluntary - not mandatory.


Microblogging limits the writer to brief updates, such as 140-character posts.


More news organizations are producing apps for cell phones and tablets, repurposing the content into a more condensed form.


Names and logos of businesses that are registered with the federal government to prevent them from being stolen are called trademarks.


Prior review allows or requires high school or college advisers or school administrators to approve or censor stories in advance of publication.


Publicizing personal details - even if they are true - may be invading someone's privacy and is called public disclosure of private facts.


Stories that appear in the paper or online are automatically copyrighted.


To win a libel suit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant was at fault. → True


Web sites are perfect for posting breaking news.


The modern, multimedia story often ends with a print story, but it begins with what?

A Tweet

What is a hyperlink?

A navigation element that connects one document to another

The online package planning guide asks journalists to think like:

A reader

A breaking news blog contains:

A series of short, time-stamped online dispatches

Which of the following best describes a journalistic blog?

A web site used to dispense information, simplify information and empower users, often called citizen journalists

Your instructor once worked at?

All of the above (CNN, FSN,OCN)

In copyright law, what is "fair use?"

Allows a journalist to legally use limited portions of copyrighted material if the topic is newsworthy

What is a sunshine law?

An open-meeting law

Which term refers to the unauthorized use of someone's name, photo or words to endorse or sell a product or service?


What is the standard color for links?


Smart bloggers combine a distinctive name with a stylish logo to create a memorable:


If a reporter publishes the name of a confidential source after promising not to do so, the reporter may be liable for:

Breach of contract

Deceiving or betraying the confidence of those who provide information for a story is known as:

Burning a source

Which term refers to publishing restrictions imposed from outside the newsroom?


A distrust of mainstream media is one of the driving forces behind what movement?

Citizen journalism

What is a terrific way to gauge the impact and accuracy of what you've written - and generate ideas for new stories?

Comment Sections

Journalists who accept gifts or favors are engaging in:

Conflict of interest

What libel defense is available to a reporter if a source allows the reporter to publish a libelous statement about the source?


What is another term for journalistic convergence?

Cross-platform journalism Media convergence → Both a and b answer choices are correct

A green-light question is a question that requires yes for an answer.


According to the NEWS U New Ethics seminar, research shows the core value of journalists is no longer uncovering the truth.


As of March, 2014, Alabama was moving forward with Medicaid expansion.


Cutlines are usually one sentence, but you don?t need to include the date and place.


Dead people can be libeled.


Giving people a chance to defend themselves from accusations in a story won't help you avoid a libel suit.


If a judge closes a courtroom, the reporter should get up and leave.


In Gertz v. Welch, the U.S. Supreme Court established that public officials had to prove actual malice to win a libel suit.


In content convergence, journalists from different media share the same workspace.


In terms of the new national healthcare system, the state of Alabama is not a federally facilitated marketplace.


In the NEWS U course on interviewing, John Sawtsky said questions are a dull instrument.


Intrusion is a form of invasion of privacy in which a reporter reveals personal details about someone's sex life or medical history that are private, intimate or offensive.


It is a good idea to use complicated questions loaded with language, otherwise known as red-light questions.


It is fair game to use off the record information, as long as the source is not identified.


On a web site, link to longer words and phrases.


Quizzes that ask users to rate their knowledge of a topic are poor ways to let web users participate.


Reporters have little reason to use social media to monitor the conservations ongoing in the community.


Summary leads are the most read words on the print or online page.


Taking sides in a story or failing to present both sides of an issue fairly is called prejudice.


The advantages of user participation are that web users are everywhere, they have untapped expertise and they never write mean or nasty posts.


What allows journalists to report anything said in official governmental proceedings, no matter how defamatory, without being sued - as long as the reporting is accurate and fair?

Fair report privilege

What U.S Supreme Court case established that press releases and newsletters of public officials were not protected from libel suits?

Hutchinson v. Proxmire

In a Web site, how are stories, images and digital extras linked?

In layers

In regard to invasion of privacy, which term refers to gathering information unethically, in a situation in which someone had a right to expect privacy?


What is the importance of freedom of information in American society?

It gives the public the right to know what government is doing.

Why should journalists use social media?

It's where the audience is. It directs traffic to your website It helps you engage with readers → All of the answer choices are correct

Who committed journalistic fraud - and was fired for it - in dozens of stories for The New York Times?

Jayson Blair

Under the new national healthcare laws, known as Obama Care, which of the following is important to remember?

Markets and public opinion need time to adapt.

On a news web site, what is another name for the index?

Navigation Bar

What are reporters, editors and photographers who collaborate on story production practicing?

Newsgathering convergence

What is the term for journalists who share the same workspace?

Newsroom convergence

When writing the first sentence of a cutline or caption, you should?

None of the above.

When you tell someone your interview is ?on the record?, which of the following is assumed?

None of the above.

According to the textbook, what do critics contend is one of the big drawbacks of becoming a "backpack journalist?"

Overtaxed reporters will produce mediocre journalism

What media element adds action, emotion and authenticity to stories, according to the text?


Passing off someone else's words or ideas as your own is known as:


What is the easiest way to post break news?

Post a headline followed by a two-paragraph brief and, minutes later, a four- paragraph story

What form of invasion of privacy involves a reporter publicizing details about a person's sex life or medical history?

Public disclosure of private facts

In libel law, people who exercise power or influence in governmental affairs (e.g., a police officer, mayor or school superintendent) are:

Public officials

The four major points to the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics are:

Seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently and be accountable

What is the name given to the laws that protect reporters in 39 states from revealing sources?

Shield laws

What is the term for lifting text from a printed publication and placing it on a Web site without adapting or enhancing it?


SPJ stands for which of the following?

Society of Professional Journalists

According to Jane Harrington from her textbook ?The Editorial Eye?, when writing headlines you should?

Summarize the article in one sentence, with a specific subject and active, present tense verb.

A podcast is a radio version of a story.


Charts, graphs and maps online can be layered, responsive to touch and fluid.


What is crowdsourcing?

The reporting practice of testing a story idea on or requesting sources from social media sites

What is the new motto in modern newsrooms?

Think online first

What is perhaps the main crucial difference between print and digital stories?


For reporters, invasion of privacy involves using people in a story in a way that violates their right to be left alone.


Sedition" refers to the publication of material considered too critical of government leaders or policies.


What is the best defense for libel?


Which term refers to profanities that editors often delete from stories to avoid offending readers?

Vulgar language

If print is used to explain information and multimedia shows information, what can be used to demonstrate and engage online users?

Web interactive elements

Which of the following is NOT one of the four principles of ethical journalism according to SPJ?

always get it right

According to the SPJ code of ethics, ethical journalism strives to?

ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough.

In the NEWSU course on interviewing, which of the following is considered to be the preferred type of questions?

green light

Reporter Pat Stith said in the NEWS U course on interviewing, that using a tape recorder?

has taught the reporter ?to shut up.?

What are beat blogs?

logs written by reporters that focus on a specialized topic

In an emerging media ecosystem, the relationship between citizen media and mainstream journalists is?


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