KINES Final (Chapters 4, 13, 8, 11 - 12, 29 - 33)

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Practice opportunities

They work best when a lesson focuses on discrete skills that can be written on an observational data form before the lesson.

Identify the ways to minimize waiting time for children during assessment. (Check all that apply.)

Videotaping children to make judgments about skill levels and progress Setting up stations or learning centers Asking classroom teachers to help with a class

In the context of peer-assisted techniques involved in systematic observation, identify the categories of the use of class time divided by the duration recording system. (Check all that apply.)

Waiting time Activity time Instruction time Management time

How does the positioning of a teacher in a class during observation affect children's performance?

Younger children tend to cling to the teacher and older children tend not to work in the area immediately around the teacher.

In the context of the various forms of assessments, many instructional tasks are in reality _____.

informal assessments

Assessment for learning provides children with _____ before they actually start the learning or assessment.

scoring rubric

early control level

Formal assessments assess the elements critical to the mature pattern of a skill in an isolated situation.

Later control and early utilization levels

Formal assessments focus on the use of a skill in a variety of contexts and combinations.

Utilization and proficiency levels

Formal assessments focus on the use of a skill in changing environments

Identify a true statement about reward systems.

Improvement in behavior occurs because children are attracted to rewards.

Which of the following is the result of teachers limiting their observation in a class to one cue at a time?

It focuses the learners.

Which of the following statements is true of grading in physical education?

It involves procedures for compiling data so an evaluation can be made for reporting children's progress to parents or others.

In the context of assessing children's progress, which of the following is most likely true of teacher observation?

It is highly appropriate for assessing the acquisition of critical elements of skill that together form a mature motor pattern.

In the context of establishing a positive learning environment, which of the following is true of appropriate behavior?

It is student behavior consistent with the educational goals of a specific educational setting.

What does a good assessment model do?

It supports students' desire to learn and improve.

Identify the reactive techniques for increasing appropriate behavior. (Check all that apply.)

Nonverbal teacher interactions Person-to-person dialogue Ignoring inappropriate behavior

When teaching is planned, what are the categories into which teachers' observation is divided? (Check all that apply.)

On-task behavior Class movement patterns Individual movement patterns Safety

When should a teacher discuss a child's inappropriate behavior with the principal?

Only after trying every possible technique to deal with the inappropriate behavior

In the context of systematic observation, identify the assisted observation techniques that provide a great deal of information about the class learning environment. (Check all that apply.)

Practice opportunities Interaction patterns

Identify a true statement about positive interaction in creating a positive environment for children.

Praise is given only when a child actually displays appropriate behavior.

In the context of reflective teaching, _____ involves a teacher thoughtfully describing and contemplating the struggles and successes encountered in teaching.


In the context of systematic observation in reflective teaching, targets or teaching actions may stem directly from _____ or from the variables that have been shown to be related to effective teaching.


In the context of reflective teaching, planning and designing lessons that are enjoyable learning experiences are the opposite of "rolling out the ball" whereby teachers _____.

simply present activities that keep children busy, happy, and good

In the context of peer-assisted techniques used in systematic observation, if after analyzing the information from the demonstration checklist a teacher discovers that a demonstration was not performed correctly, it could explain why _____.

some students were off task

Assessment of the affective domain can occur in the form of _____.

student journals or a teacher checklist

In the context of reflective teaching, when specific concerns about the learning environment are identified or interests arise, _____ is employed to obtain more formal and reliable information.

systematic observation

The orderly and focused collection of specific and defined information about teaching is known as _____.

systematic observation

In the context of systematic observation, reflective teachers must _____ in order to analyze total feedback.

tally each comment made to children

Reflective teaching is also called adaptive teaching because _____.

the teacher adapts content and teachings to suit the needs of students

It is challenging for many physical educators to concur with the tenets of reflective teaching because _____.

they were former athletes who enjoyed physical education when it consisted of games

In the context of assessment for learning, which of the following do scoring rubrics that are provided to children indicate?

what is to be learned by students

Successful reflective teachers are able to _____.

work effectively with both cooperative and uncooperative classes

Although there is no perfect pattern of content development, a good rule of thumb is that the content development graph should reflect a(n) _____.


In the context of the proactive strategies used to increase appropriate behavior, identify a true statement about prompting.

Prompts used only after inappropriate behavior has occurred are not very effective.

The first step to becoming a reflective teacher is _____.

believing that it is important to become a reflective, rather than an invariant teacher

In the context of decreasing inappropriate behavior, identify the conditions that must be present for a desist to be effective. (Check all that apply.)

A desist must not be harsh. A desist must be appropriately targeted. A desist must be clear. A desist must be well timed.

In the context of increasing appropriate behavior, identify a true statement about person-to-person dialogues.

A time should be arranged to meet with a child away from the class.

In the context of establishing a positive learning environment, identify the true statements about appropriate behavior. (Check all that apply.)

Appropriate behavior is not the mere absence of inappropriate behavior. Appropriate behavior is a set of behaviors or actions.

Which of the following are strategies that a teacher can implement for monitoring and reacting to student behavior? (Check all that apply.)

Avoiding dangles or issues left in midair Displaying the skill of timing Avoiding flip-flopping (terminating one activity, starting another, and returning to the first) Maintaining the quality of appearing to have eyes in the back of his or her head

Identify the perspectives from which positioning is an important factor during observation. (Check all that apply.)

Being able to see Being able to see important aspects How one affects a learner's performance

Identify a true statement about the similarities between the standards-based report card template provided by SHAPE America and the system designed for use by Fargo, North Dakota schools.

Both these reporting systems involve multiple assessments.

How do teachers implement the technique of limited selection? (Check all that apply.)

By limiting the area in which they observe By limiting the number of students to observe By limiting what they look at

What are the safety precautions that teachers of physical education need to keep in mind during a class? (Check all that apply.)

Children should not be allowed to push or touch in games involving rolling, transferring weight, and balancing. Children should work in tennis shoes or barefoot depending on the surface. Children should only be allowed to go one at a time on gymnastics equipment. Children should work independently in a space a safe distance from others.

In the context of reflective teaching, identify a true statement about schools where children don't have daily physical education, with classes being limited to one or two days per week.

Classroom teachers reinforce what physical education specialists have taught and vice versa.

In the context of unassisted analysis techniques for analyzing one's teaching performance, identify the activities involved in gaining information from listening to one's own teaching. (Check all that apply.)

Defining what one wants to assess Tallying the number of times each behavior occurs Recording the length of time something occurs

Identify the ways in which physical education teachers can develop their own techniques for analyzing their teaching performance. (Check all that apply.)

Developing their own coding instrument based on their environment and particular needs

Which of the following are major factors in any program necessitating reflective teaching? (Check all that apply.)

Facilities and equipment Number of class sessions per week Context of the school

Identify the criteria that need to be met for inappropriate behavior to be ignored as a nonproblem. (Check all that apply.)

Reacting to it would interrupt a lesson or call attention to the behavior. It is of short duration and is not likely to spread or persist. It is a minor deviation.

Identify the variables that are major factors in any program necessitating reflective teaching. (Check all that apply.)

Student behavior Teacher values Class size

In the context of the learning environment, which of the following statements is true of teachers observing children's movement responses in schools?

The ability to be an effective teacher without observing children's movement is impossible.

In the context of the physical education setting, which of the following is included in a behavior contract? (Check all that apply.)

The conditions of the desired behavior Rewards that will be earned if the behavior and the conditions are met A statement of the desired behavior

Identify the categories of information to be collected for reflection on lesson content. (Check all that apply.)

The refinements that the children are asked to practice The tasks given to children The challenges offered to children

In the context of assessment for learning, identify a true statement about the use of rubrics with certain modifications to accommodate children with disabilities.

The rubrics should be extended to accommodate more levels of development.

Why is a second written report sent to the parents of a child whose previous inappropriate behavior was communicated to the parents through an initial report, and whose cooperation has been obtained?

The second report acknowledges the improvements the child has made.

Interaction patterns

They are used to determine if there is differential treatment of children.

In the context of the duration recording system, identify a true statement about duration recording forms.

They define the codes that peer assistants should use to report what is happening in a class.

Identify a true statement about teachers who engage in reflective inquiry.

They scrutinize information that they gather about a puzzling situation

Many textbooks and teachers underplay the role of discipline in a class by assuming that _____.

a good teacher does not have discipline problems

In the context of reflective teaching, some physical education teachers are more interested in coaching than teaching, and their programs reflect _____.

a lack of planning and interest in high-quality physical education

In the context of increasing appropriate behavior, if a child is unmotivated and/or antisocial, person-to-person dialogue can _____.

act as a beginning point for seeking a solution to a problem that may be beyond physical education

A reflective teacher changes lessons from one class to another, recognizing that _____.

all classes are not identical

The gathering and collection of information framed by how that information is used is referred to as _____.


In the context of the content development graph, the use of tasks, refinements, and challenges should _____ to allow children to progressively develop their skills while staying motivated and focused.

be mixed across a lesson

The reflective teacher designs and implements an educational program that is congruent with the _____.

idiosyncrasies of a particular school situation

In the context of assessing student learning, the idea of demonstrating what was learned implies that a student _____.

completes some type of performance that others can evaluate

Systematic observation allows teachers to obtain objective information about points of exploration about their teaching that are determined by _____.

consistent self-reflection

In a physical education class, once instructors have determined that the learning environment is safe for students, their responsibility is to _____.

decide whether the students are on task

In the context of systematic observation, the most important aspect is _____, regardless of who is collecting information about one's teaching.

deciding what teaching action to look at or target

In the context of physical education teachers developing their own system of analyzing their teaching performance, the secret to developing an uncomplicated system that provides specific information is to _____.

define behavior very precisely

identify the components of a rubric. (Check all that apply.)

descriptors, criteria, quality

In the context of decreasing inappropriate behavior, a verbal statement that tells a child to stop doing something is referred to as a _____.


After accepting the premise that no single prepackaged curriculum or program works for all teachers in every school, the next step in the process of becoming a reflective teacher is learning some of the techniques for analyzing one's teaching to _____.

determine how one is actually interacting with children and whether the teaching is effective

Reflective teachers who create quality programs of physical education that recognize one size does not fit all are said to _____.

differentiate their instruction

The concept of _____ recognizes that all children are not identical and that teachers should attempt to vary their teaching, both what and how they teach, based on children's abilities.

differentiation of instruction

Unassisted analysis techniques used in systematic observation for analyzing one's teaching performance involve _____.

either audio or digital recording

When reflective teachers are faced with a situation for which there is no easy or certain answer, they _____.

engage in reflective inquiry

Performance tasks that can be completed in one class period or a portion of it are referred to as _____.

event tasks

True or false: It is said that if assessment and teaching are done well, a student should know the difference between the two.


First and foremost, assessments should provide _____ to students that they can use and make sense of, as they view the students as the people who benefit most from assessments.


Reflective physical education teachers who acquired skills during student teaching, when equipment and facilities were ideal, often _____.

have to adapt their skills to situations without adequate facilities and equipment

_____ is a form of assessment that can produce records of student progress, process, and participation and that teachers often ask parents to verify.


The opposite of emphasizing appropriate behavior with positive interactions is _____.

ignoring inappropriate behavior

Prepackaged curriculums that provide the same lessons organized by grade level are used by _____, thereby assuming that all children have the same abilities and that one school is virtually identical to another school.

invariant teachers

The opposite of reflective teaching, which assumes that all children have the same abilities, interests, and level of physical fitness is called _____.

invariant teaching

Identify a true statement about the self-rating scale.

it provides an opportunity for students to assess themselves on a numeric scale.

It has been recommended that physical education classes be the same size as in the classroom because _____.

lessons that are possible with a fixed number of children are difficult with a much larger number

A method of observation that allows a teacher to observe only select aspects at one time is referred to as the technique of

limited selection

A challenge for reflective teachers with a limited number of class sessions per week is _____.

making decisions about what can be learned in one or two days a week

A physical educator wants to observe the movement patterns of an entire class. He observes one cue at a time. If the physical educator notices that the students are using the cue correctly, he should ideally _____.

move to another cue

The scanning observational technique can be used by a physical education teacher to rapidly assess the way a class is working in no more than 15 seconds by comparing the _____.

number of children practicing a particular movement with the total number of children in a class

In the context of reflective teaching, for teachers to do more than provide directions to a mass of children, they must have opportunities to _____.

observe and analyze and give children feedback

After determining that a class is working safely and on task, the immediate next task, in the context of what to observe, is to _____.

observe the movement patterns of the entire class

Teachers use the information on duration recording forms to calculate the _____.

percentage of time spent in each category of the use of class time

In the context of conflict resolution strategies, _____ is a peer-directed alternative to time-outs designed for inappropriate behavior involving two students interacting with one another.


_____ provide an opportunity for students to share the responsibility for collecting proof of their learning.


Which of the following techniques are helpful in learning to observe with insight according to Rink (2014)? (Check all that apply.)

positioning having a strategy for observing

Teachers form _____, which are founded on a basis of trust, collegiality, and a desire to learn to build relationships that allow them to learn from and with each other.

professional learning communities

In the context of the proactive strategies used to increase appropriate behavior, a teacher behavior that reminds students what is expected of them is referred to as _____.


In the context of reflective teaching, established physical education programs often include adequate equipment and a _____.

reasonable solution to the use of indoor space during inclement weather

A(n) _____ achieves success and professional satisfaction by differentiating instruction in an attempt to challenge both the high- and low-skilled children in a class.

reflective teacher

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