Labeling Exam 3

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Muscular Triangle

- Borders: sternocleidomastoid, superior belly of the omohyoid, hyoid bone, midline of the neck - Contents: infrahyoid muscles, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands

Trachealis Muscle

-Connects posterior parts of cartilage rings -Contracts during coughing to expel mucus

Quadrangular Membrane

-free margin constitutes the vestibular fold (false vocal cord) which covers vestibular ligament -free superior margin forms the Ary-epiglottic ligament, which is covered by mucosa to form Ary-epiglotic fold

Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles

1. Crico-Arytenoid Muscles (lateral) 2. Arytenoid Muscles (transverse) 3. Oblique Arytenoid Muscles 4. Crico-Arytenoid (posterior) 5. Tensors: Cricothyroid Muscles 6. Relaxers: Thyroid-arytenoid Muscles


1. Glottis 2. Rima Glottis 3. Epiglottis

Cricoid Cartilage

1. Lamina 2. Arch 3. Median Cricothyroid Ligament 4. Arytenoid Cartilage

Thyroid Cartilage

1. Laminae 2. Laryngeal Prominence 3. Superior Thyroid Notch 4. Inferior Thyroid Notch 5. Superior Horn 6. Inferior Horn

Thyrohyoid Membrane

1. Median Thyrohyoid Ligament 2. Lateral Thyrohyoid Ligament 3. Cricotracheal Ligament


1. Nasal Conchae: inferior, middle, superior 2. Nasopharynx, Oralpharynx, Laryngopharynx 3. Hard Palate, Soft Palate 4. Uvula 5. Tongue 6. Epiglottis 7. Vocal Fold (true), Vestibular Fold (false) vocal cords 8. Cartilage: epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid 9. Trachea 10. Esophagus

Salivary Glands

1. Parotid Gland- Parotid Duct (Stenson's) 2. Submandibular Gland- Submandibular Duct (Whartons) 3. Sublingual Glands


1. R/ L Thyroid Lobes 2. Pyramidal Lobe 3. Isthmus

Infrahyoid Muscles

1. Sternothyroid 2. Omohyoid 3. Sternohyoid 4. Thyrohyoid 5. Geniohyoid


1. anterior scalene muscle 2. middle scalene muscle 3. posterior scalene muscle 4. thyrocervical trunk 5. inferior thyroid artery 6. subclavian artery 7. common carotid artery


1. approximated course of spinal accessory nerve (CN XII) 2. Laryngeal Prominence 3. Greater Supraclavicular Fossa 4. Lesser Supraclavicular Fossa 5. Clavicle 6. Jugular Notch 7. Angle of Mandible 8. External Jugular Vein 9. Laryngeal Prominence 10. Trapezius (anterior border) 11. SCM- clavicular head + sternal head


1. internal carotid artery 2. external carotid artery 3. lingual artery 4. facial artery 5. occipital artery 6. maxillary artery 7. hyoid 8. thyroid cartilage 9. superficial temporal artery 10. posterior auricular artery 11.ascending pharyngeal artery 12. superior thyroid artery

nasopharynx + oropharynx

1. pharyngotympanic tube 2. salpingopharyngeal fold 3. torus 4. Pharyngeal Tonisl


1. styloglossus 2. stylohyoid 3. stylopharyngeaus 4. Digastric Posterior Belly 5. Mylohyoid 6. Geniohyoid 7. Genioglossus

Subclavian Artery

1. subclavian artery 2. brachiocephalic artery 3. common carotid artery 4. brachiocephalic veins 5. jugular veins 6. superior vena cava

Sympathetic Chain of the Neck

1. superior cervical sympathetic ganglion 2. middle cervical sympathetic chain ganglion 3. inferior cervical sympathetic chain ganglion

nasal conchae

1. superior, middle, inferior 2.nasopharynx 3. soft palate 4. entrance to pharyngotympanic tube (Eustachian tube or auditory canal)

submental triangle

Area inferior to the chin Boundaries: between R & L anterior belly of digastric m. and body of hyoid Content: submental lymph nodes, small veins joining to form anterior jugular v.

Muscular Triangle

Boundaries: anterior border of SCM, superior belly of omohyoid, and median plane of neck Content: infrahyoid muscles, thyroid, and parathyroid glands

spinal accessory nerve


transverse cervical nerve

Cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus C2, C3 Innervation: Skin on anterior part of neck

splenius cervicis

DEEP to splenius capitis- not easily isolated origin: spinous processes of T3 to T6 insertion: transverse processes of C1-C3

splenius capitis

DEEP to trap & rhomboids. SUPERFICIAL b/w trap & sternocleidomastoid origin: inferior 1/2 of ligamentum nuchal & spinous processes of C-7 to T-4 inferior: mastoid processes & lateral portion of superior nuchal line

Viscera of Neck

Endocrine Layer: thyroid + parathyroid gland Respiratory Layer: larynx + trachea Alimentary Layer: Pharynx + Esophagus

submandibular triangle

Glandular area Boundaries: between anterior and posterior bellies of digastric and inferior border of mandible Content: submandibular gland, submandibular lymph nodes, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), mylohyoid nerve, parts of facial artery and vein

omohyoid muscle

Inferior/ Superior Belly. runs under SCM & scalene. mostly inaccessible. origin: superior border of scapula insertion: hyoid bone action: depresses hyoid bone & thyroid cartilage, tightens fascia of neck, dilates internal jugular vein

Digastric Muscle

O- anterior belly: digastric fossa of mandible O- posterior belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone Both I: intermediate tendon to body & greater horn of hyoid


Origin: sternal head: top of manubrium clavicular head: medial 1/3 of clavicle Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone & lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput

trapezius muscle

Origin: external occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of the occiput, ligamentum nuchae, & spinous process of C7 thru T12 Insertion: lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula

posterior + anterior scalene muscle

Posterior origin: transverse processes of sixth & 7th cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercle) insertion: 2nd rib Anterior Origin: transverse processes of 3rd - 6th cervical vertebrae (anterior tubercles) insertion: 1st rib

Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles

Superahyoid Muscles: digastric, stylohyoid, geniohyoid, mylohyoid Infrahyoid Muscles: sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thryohyoid Stylopharyngeal Muscles


Superior + Inferior Belly

carotid triangle

Vascular area Boundaries: between anterior border of SCM, superior belly of omohyoid, and posterior belly of digastric Content: common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve (CN X), external carotid artery, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), motor branches of cervical plexus, thyroid gland, larynx, and pharynx

anterior cervical triangle

anterior boundary: median line of neck posterior boundary: anterior border of SCM superior boundary: inferior border of mandible apex: jugular notch in manubrium roof: subcutaneous tissue containing platysma floor: pharynx, larynx, thyroid gland


beneath the tongue

Carotid Sheeth

carotid artery + internal jugular vein + vagus nerves

Carotid Triangle

common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, internal jugular vein, stylohyoid muscle, carotid sheets: carotid artery + internal jugular vein + vagus nerves

Laryngeal Vestibule

extends between laryngeal inlet & vestibular folds

Occipital Triangle

lateral division of posterior triangle. occipital artery sits @ its apex. spinal accessory nerve crosses thru Front- sternocleidomastoideus Behind- trapezius below- omohyoideus

Omoclavicular Triangles

lateral division of posterior triangle. surface of neck by supraclavicular fossa. subclavian artery lies deep. Anterior: SCM Posterior: Trap below: supra scapular fossa

levator scapulae muscle

origin: transverse processes of 1st-4th cervical vertebrae insertion: medial border of scapula, b/w superior angle & superior portion of scapular spine

middle scalene muscle

origin: transverse processes of 2nd- 7th cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercle) insertion: 1st rib

Salivary Glands

parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands


part of larynx where vocal cords are attached

Arytenoid Cartilages

posterior to thyroid cartilage

Laryngeal Ventricle

recesses b/w vestibular and vocal folds

Parotid Gland

salivary gland within the cheek, just anterior to the ear

Submandibular (digastric) Triangle

submandibular gland almost fills triangle; submandibular lymph nodes; hypoglossal nerve ( CN XII); mylohyoid nerve; parts of facial artery & vein

Submental Triangle

submental lymph nodes & small veins unite to form anterior jugular vein

Vocalis Muscle

the main body of the vocal fold which may be likened to a bundle of stiff rubber bands


underneath the mandible

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