LDSP 330 Final Exam Study Guide

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What negotiation styles match up with Mid Masculinity?


What is CQ Strategy?

Your ability to strategize when crossing cultures

What is Dharma (duty) (Hinduism)?

"not only the prerogatives of coercion, but also an obligation to protect, foster, support and promote the subordinate"

What is Chinese traditional leadership?

- Authoritative - Benevolence - Patriarchal - Moral - Harmonizing nature & human-being - Nimble & resourceful

Why did Iran allow the documentary to happen?

- Feels like govt is portrayed in a dark way in Western govt, but wanted the chance to show their true colors - Also trying to allow for greater Western tourism

What is the primary difference between Shiite and Sunni Muslims? Do they have the same religious texts? Do they fight due to religious tensions or is it due to other reasons?

- Have the same Quran; fight for religious reasons, but also more because of other (territory/political) reasons - Difference: split beliefs; Shiites believe prophet was a god, Shiites support supreme leader, Sunni's did not

What are some major characteristics of the US myths?

- More super-men than super women - All possess super abilities, yet have their weaknesses - Are not divorced from American spiritual and ethical context (justice, right-wrong, Christian values-hard working, saving the weak, etc) - Embodies American cultural values: e.g. individualism, assertiveness, performance orientation, gender inequality, etc. - Mirrors of American society: Reflect the changing values of the society: e.g. women, diversity, collaboration, adaptability.

What is under Indian vs. Western leadership?

- Relation orientation vs. task orientation - Duty vs. Rights - Spirituality vs. materialism and rationalism - Authority vs. Equality (autonomy vs. participative)

What are some differences between Iranian and American education?

- The students in Iran learn more from relationships and by collectively working together. - They have a higher power distance and are lower in participative leadership.

What is the primary theme represented in these American myths?

- larger-than-life individuals whose styles are idealized and idolized - a lone superhero coming to rescue a threatened community - Super-brave, Super strong, Super smart, with super technology, doing super deeds

What are the subdimensions of CQ Strategy?

1. Planning 2. Awareness 3. Checking

What lessons can be learned from the Fantastic Four?

A house divided against itself cannot stand

What is Mythology?

A window for us to see the insightful interplay between leadership and culture.

What is Gita?

Being aware of the importance of followers' needs


Comparing what we experience with what we expected

What are examples of high-context cultures?

Mexico, Japan, and Saudi Arabia

What lessons can be learned from the X-Men?

Perception, both of self and others, is the practically important reality

What negotiation styles match up with Polychronic?

Relaxing about time, General Agreement

What lessons can be learned from Aquaman?

Strength in one area does not guarantee universal generalizability

How is India a land of ambiguity?

"I want India to be a place where people of different genders, nationalities, races, and religious beliefs work together in an environment of intense competition but utmost harmony, courtesy, and dignity to add more and more value to our customers day after day."

Why shouldn't we apply American leadership models to the world according to Bagshaw?

- ...they derived from a political, economic, legal, cultural, and social context that is almost unique in the world's history. - Leadership in America takes place in a societal context comprised of a particular type of democratic political system, a largely market-driven political system, a transparent legal system...a system of cultural values that shape American values and attitude toward leaders and leadership, and a liberal social system emphasizing the primacy of individual freedom over individual responsibility... - All of these contextual factors conditioning leadership in America but not uniformly present in other parts of the world, and where they are present, they appear in different degrees of different configurations.

What is the impact of political history on Indian leadership?

- 300-year British colonial rule -> intellectual revolution -> European definition of history, philosophy, science etc + an education system inspired by western ideals and philosophies -> tolerance to diversities, pluralism, multiple truths, multiple languages bridging West & East, the past and the present - Diversity (language, culture, & practices) & its assimilation into Indian habits of the heart -> no overall pattern of Indian values -> "study in contradictions": tension between tolerance and co-opt of the opinions of others and equality for all -> the less powerful do not assert their rights -> nurturing and paternalistic leadership style

What does Aquaman advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Diversity, Communication, Domain - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Straying from core, Poorly transferable competences, and over-extended resources

What does Spiderman advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Learning, Intuition, Flexibility, Social Responsibility - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Ego-orientation, Loss of Public Sentiment, Stress/Angst, Confused Identity

What does the incredible Hulk advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Power, Physical Resources - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Rage, In-Your-Face Competition, Poor self-monitoring, Low Emotional Intelligence

What does Superman advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Strength, Moral Code, Resiliency, Vision - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Rigidities, Blind Spots, Over-Confidence

What does X-Men advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Transformations, Core Values, Teamwork, Youthful Energy - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Public Mistrust, Negative Motivation, Ineffective Image Management, Indiscretion

What does Wonder Woman advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise Leaders to Leverage: Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, Stealth - Advise Leaders to Avoid: Base Prejudice & bias, Uneven Work-Life Balance, Poor alliance relationship strategies

What does Captain America advise leaders to leverage and advise leaders to avoid?

- Advise leaders to leverage: Courage, Identity, Commitment, and Loyalty. - Advise leaders to avoid: Self-Doubt, Rigidity

What do the Fantastic Four advise leaders to leverage and advise leaders to avoid?

- Advise leaders to leverage: Diverse talents, synergy - Advise leaders to avoid: ill-managed transformations, disharmony, self-loathing, trappings of celebrity

What does the Flash advise leaders to leverage and to avoid?

- Advise leaders to leverage: Speed, First Mover Advantages - Advise leaders to avoid: Going too fast, Poor Advanced Planning, and Loosing Control

What does Batman advise leaders to leverage and advise leaders to avoid?

- Advise leaders to leverage: innovation, technology, creativity, and judgment under uncertainty - Advise leaders to avoid: Dark side, Greed, Overly Emotional Responses

What is Bagshaw's main argument?

- American leadership is not universal. - Attempting to apply leadership models developed in the United States is "scholarly ethnocentrism."

What are the ten representative American myths?

- Aquaman - Superwoman - The flash - The Fantastic Five - Batman - Superman - Spiderman - Wolverine - The Hulk - Captain America

What are some ways to practice CQ Strategy?

- Asking why why why to yourself not to the others? - Keep a journal of your intercultural reflections - Examine cross-cultural situations in what you see and read - Engage in active planning - Find cultural guides

What is your professor Dr. Tian's perspective about Bagshaw's arguments/perspective?

- Bagshaw represents a particularism perspective: one culture is different from the other. - Some American leadership models might be able to be of help to other countries. E.g. GLOBE study identified some leadership styles and traits are universally viewed as contributing to effective leadership. - Keep your own strength while learning from the others-hybrid leadership.

What is a good contemporary Chinese leader?

- Balances between conservativeness and aggressiveness - Combining the West to the East - Visionary - Open-Minded - Change agent - Humane - Intelligent - Balances between the tradition and the modern


- Being in tune with what's going on within yourself (self-awareness) and others (the other awareness). - Knowing who you are and who they are

What is under the ability to adapt and assimilate?

- Bridging the West and & Indian... - "the educated Indians can not only compete but out-compete in the world of technology because of his or her ability to quickly understand and adapt to the current needs of new market"

What are characteristics of a hero in a myth?

- Called to adventure, to distinguish himself, to do what is right, to redeem himself - Transcends Community, Resists pull of conformity, is different - Leaves community, enters wildness by himself - Acts in and on the world, active and action oriented, seeks control over environment - Takes great risks, encounters novel and difficult situations, faces significant enemy, shows courage - Possesses extraordinary gifts, talents, strengths, has experience - Gets help from protective figure, wizard, special magic - Stands tall, faces death, overcomes defeat, is victorious, rescue those in distress - Can save lesser people, carries their hopes - Faces own demon, came into his own, reintegrates into community

How does Zhang Ruimin embody the yellow emperor?

- Chair & CEO of Haier Group, a leading global appliance manufacturer, ranked as one of the most respected companies in the world - 25 most powerful business leaders in China - Poor quality goods are not acceptable - Yellow emperor's leadership motif: morality, unity, battle conflicts, innovative, integration of the opposite: destruction for creation - Absorption of knowledge for innovation to solve problems - Nurtured an organizational culture emphasizing dynamic regeneration by integrating talented people and giving back to society

How does Sir Li Ka-Shing embody Qinshi?

- Chairman of Hutchinson Whampoa Limited (HWL) & Cheung Kong Holdings in Hong Kong - ranked as Forbes 2007 as the world's 9th richest man - Supermen: internal moral compass, prudence, integrity, hard work ethic, modesty, and visionary (leadership); self-directed learning, philanthrophy - Qin Shi: building a global business empire - Confucian filial piety - Strengths: Trustworthy; foresighted, combination of integrity & business acumen, good at grasping opportunities

Who was Rattan Tata?

- Chairmen of Tata industries - Changed the company's relationship with employee from paternalistic to pragmatic (complementing Kama's leadership) - Pragmatism in decision making - Modesty - Moral: only received a salary - Combine philanthropic heritage of the Tata group with modern business sense - Hybridize tradition with modernity (in our globalization era) (pragmatism and paternalism)

What is a good summary of the GLOBE findings of Chinese leadership?

- Charismatic/value-based - Team - Humane - Participative - Autonomous - Self-protective

How can you compare India, Iran, and China to America?

- Chinese mythology involves the yellow emperor, eight immortals, and the Monkey King. - The United States mythology involves heroes such as Superman who is Individualistic. - Iran involves poems and the Shanahmeh. - India involves Krishna and Rama.

What are some potential cultural conflicts between China and the United States?

- Conflicts between Chinese culture/leadership and Western culture/leadership - How the United States feels about Chinese culture's emphasis on guanxi and face-saving, filial piety, hierarchical social orders - How Chinese respond to Westerners' short-term orientation - How the United States feel about Chinese "Yes" not always meaning Yes and how they feel this suggests that Chinese leaders are dishonest

How should we try to avoid these potential conflicts between China and the United States?

- Developing contextual literacy - Develop guanxi - Long-term orientation - Develop moral ground - Respect the seniority (age, position) - Building competencies & knowledge during difficult times to take advantage of the future opportunities - Patience

How should you adapt your nonverbal communication style?

- Distance - Touching - Body Position - Gestures - Facial Expressions - Eye Contact

What are some ways to adapt nonverbally?

- Distance - Touching - Kisses - Eye Contact - Body Position - Facial Expressions

What is under Benevolent Paternalism (the overriding leadership value)?

- Fatherly: nurturing, caring, dependable, sacrificing yet demanding, and authoritative: "The leader evokes feelings of security, trust, and dependability in creating a familial culture." - Encourage & develops "in-groups"; giving favor to them (bad from the Western perspective) - Acceptance of authority & benevolent paternalism is unique in cultures like India which accepts high power distance - Individualism and Rationality are valued more in the West: " western cultures, the assertion of individualism, the ability to push one's ideas in a rational, logical fashion, are valued more..." - Importance of personal relationship in leadership success might be universal

What is the prototype of a US Superhero leader?

- Fight for noble personal and social goals - Strong, fast, brave, and nimble - Leverage cutting- edge technology and physical resources - Creatively develop and exploit unique advantage - Be self-reliant yet compassionate - Manage reputation and image - Self-reflect on identity and purpose

What is Taoism in regards to it being Dao, balance, harmony, patience; non-leading?

- Follow the law of the nature/universe (don't enforce) (Taiji) - Yin (women/moon) and Yang (men/sun) balance - Good relationship between nature and human being (environmentalist) - Leading through non-leading (use softness to conquer hardness) - Long-term orientation (drops of water can penetrate a rock), patience - Uncertainty Tolerance (good and bad luck dwells in the same place) - Longevity/Immortality (immortal pills, stir fry) - Peace, harmony, non-aggressiveness

How does Cheung Yan embody right place, right time, right opportunity, and right people?

- Founder & chair of Nine Dragon Paper (Holdings) Limited - Richest self-made women in the world and China's richest women - Difficult childhood due to Culture revolution - Visionary, hard-worker, fast learner, intelligent negotiator, an intense energetic personality; fairness - Her leadership reflects dynamism of Chinese cosmology: Dynamic social and economic global changes; her global guanxi, Mao's liberation of women, and Deng's pro-market reform - Confucianism: filial piety and family values: business is like a family - Global experiences: lived in US

What are some more characteristics about Indian culture?

- Gender inequality - Respect to the elderly - Life is viewed as infinite - Do not think about personal possessions - High power distance between professors and students - Heroes (Ashoka) who don't fight are called "the Great"; Heroes who fight are not regarded as great

What are some of the unique Chinese cultural themes?

- Guanxi (invisible net: families, friends, etc) - Face-saving (indirect communication, self-protective leadership) - Filial piety (respect the senior people: old ones always lead) - Hierarchical social orders: Boss is boss, employee is employee, title, positions are important - Reciprocalism (two-way traffic): e.g. American never need to pay a meal bill

What are characteristics of the Admired U.S. Leader?

- Has a vision, attempts something new, pursue a dream, has a sense of purpose - Is unconventional, unique, true to himself and his convictions - is individualistic, determined, sticks to his vision, leads by example - Active and Action oriented, has a sense of urgency, exerts control, is a doer - Takes risks, a catalyst, breaks through conventions, face great odds, show courage, takes on big challenge - Has a good track record, outstanding, executes well, has some special talents - Takes advantage of opportunities, has a mentor, is optimistic - Overcomes odds, learns from mistakes, turns things around, works hard, preserves, forceful, assertive - inspirational, transformational, galvanizes people - Positive, honesty and integrity, changes for the good (GLOBE)

How can you adapt your verbal communication delivery?

- Have you slowed down when you are interacting with non English speakers, e.g. with me? - Have you tried to repeat important points and using different words to explain the same thing? - Have I been doing a decent job communicating with you? For Example?

What is Confucianism and Chinese Culture/Leadership?

- Hierarchy: high power distance-respect authority - Filial Piety/Family: collectivism-takes care of the in-group members; respect the senior, paternalism - Moral values-Charismatic, ethical leadership - Middle Path-Uncertainty Tolerance-flexibility, balance - Duty to community-collectivism-moral leadership - Knowledge/Wisdom/Education-Feminine/long-term orientation-vision - Prejudice against women-Masculine-ignore women - Social network (guanxi, renqin, face)-feminine-humane-self-protective

How do cultural values match up with communication styles?

- High Power distance: Both indirect/direct depending on who is superior - Low Power Distance: Direct - Individualist: Direct - Collectivist: Both depending on the closeness of the relationship - Uncertainty Avoidance: Direct - Uncertainty Tolerance: Indirect - Masculine: Direct - Feminine: Indirect - Long-term Oriented: Indirect - Short-term Oriented: direct

What is the impact of culture on Indian leadership?

- High degree of power inequality produced by the caste system -> benevolent paternalism: autocratic leader having the best interest of the led at heart; leaders are respected by the led and possess legitimate power -> power concentration, arbitrary decision making, neglecting the powerless - Low level of individualism: in-groups, families, loyalty -> work for the same company long time; employee families; nurturing leaders, sense of responsibility to the community (of the leaders): e.g. TATA no firing of the employees - Masculine: competitiveness, assertiveness & ambition - Lower level of uncertainty avoidance (like US and UK)/higher uncertainty tolerance -> diversity of beliefs, customs, traditions, races, homogeneousness, pluralism -> faith in fate (karma) + Dharma (social responsibility) - Significantly high in long-term orientation: AL = yesterday and tomorrow -> karma -> respecting age and experience; work for one employer for a long time

What is the secret to Indian's success?

- High tolerance to diversity - Unity of the nation is achieved through diversity - Conflicts happen within religious groups - Conflicts will always be there! - A good mess!

What are some of the Chinese mythological heroes?

- Huang Di - Xi Wangmu (Toaism) - Guanyin (Buddhism) - Qinshi - Baxian/Eight Immortals (Taoism) - Monkey King

What is a good summary of Chinese leadership characteristics?

- Humane concern - Moral leadership - Conformity - Reciprocalism - Paternalism - Contextual - Hybridizing the West and the East

How does the dualism of Roma and Krishna serve as a leadership example?

- Idealized human being - Reincarnation of one person - Symbolizes two sides of the same person - Two sides of leadership complementing each other

What is under India's emphasis on duty (vs. rights in the West)?

- Indian focus: Relationship to others, similar to servant leadership: duty, leaders search for his duty (toward subordinates, organization, etc) and act accordingly; employees are loyal to the organization. - Western focus: freedom & right -> employer/organization-employee distances, less loyalty

How is Iranian culture compared to Arab/Islamic neighbors?

- Indo-European origin - Persian culture - South Asia (not Middle East) - Higher in humane orientation - Higher performance orientation & power distance - Same level in in-group and institutional collectivism - Moderation (similar to south Asian)

What are the two cultures which exerted strong influences to Iranian culture and leadership? Between Iranian/Persian culture and Islamic culture, which one exerts more influence to Iranian culture and leadership? In which ways is Iranian culture influenced by the Persian culture and in which ways is it influenced by the Muslim culture? How do these two forces influence Iranian women's social status and educational and professional opportunities?

- Iranian culture comes from Islamic/Religious culture and Persian culture. There are gaps in Persian culture such as a social order system. Islamic culture helps fill in that to make a better understanding for Iran. Islamic culture still wasn't accepted right away but a lot of reforms occurred in Iran in response to that. - There is more emphasis on Islamic culture but there is still a mix. - - Inequality of gender in Iran is a result of Islamic culture. This is present in education, job market, and other areas but they are trying to improve the gender gap. Islamic culture allows for mobility in social status but the Persian culture is more of a fixed social order. - Women don't really play a huge role in leadership roles due to gender inequality but women are more educated than those who were born years ago so they can outrank men in the amount of education they receive in Iran. Women have 1/4 less labor participation in Iran than men so there are more women in the private sector but less in other areas such as the government. Men haven't accepted just to follow women though so there may be improvement but it's still being pushed against. In Iran, women are more accepted clothes wise because they don't have to wear as many burka's.

Why CQ Strategy?

- It helps us go beyond the surface and dive into the subtle but powerful issues that often make or break our leadership - It requires turning off the cruise control to become more conscious and alert about our surroundings; This in turn allows us to develop an appropriate strategy for a new cultural situation

How should we use words effectively across cultures?

- Knowing how to use topics and small talk in cross-cultural settings - Knowing how to make requests across cultures - Knowing when and how to apologize in cross-cultural settings - Knowing when & how to give and receive compliments cross-cultural settings

What are some blind spots of Indian leaders?

- Lack of aggressive, killer instinct; leaders tend to let the problems resolve by themselves - Individualism, creativity, innovation and speediness are lacking; it's changing now - Collectivism, family value are challenged by individualism & individual rights

What types of leaders do their cultures value?

- Leaders that are more collectivists - By holding leaders accountable, we need both leaders and followers. Leaders are effective only when they are both good leaders and followers. - We need to be able to be both collectivist and individualist and know when to favor those values as we become more globalized.

What is a profile of leaders with high CQ strategy?

- Leaders who develop ways to use their cultural understanding to develop plans for new intercultural situations. - Leaders who are able to monitor, analyze, and adjust their assumptions and behaviors in different cultural settings. - They are conscious of what they need to know about an unfamiliar culture.

Why can't leadership transcend the national boundaries according to Bagshaw?

- Leadership study is very western/american - Leadership is context-contingent. It is the product of the political, economic, cultural forces, and values and beliefs of a culture - e.g. American leadership models grow out of American soil. Transplanting them into other soil, some might stay alive if the soil is similar, some might die if the soil is different.

How are women treated positively and negatively in Iran?

- Most oppression stems from government and governmental rules (like modesty, segregation of women, etc) - However, women are also given equal opportunity and allowed education, and most prestigious university had more women than men

What are four types of Indian leaders?

- Narayana Murthy - Rattan Tata - Verghese Kurian - Vikram Sarabai

What is under emphasis on spirituality (vs Materialism and Economic Rationality)?

- Nishakamakarma: action without attachment to the fruit (outcome): selflessness and non-attachment, Detached involvement: fatalistic, leaders can not control the outcome - Nishakamakarma (Indian) vs. Western materialism and result-orientation - Changing: with the imperativeness from globalization, Indian leaders started to be more oriented toward material success and competitiveness while the Western leaders started to be more aware of duties and social responsibilities. "In a sense, globalization is providing an opportunity to assimilate different values and gradually realize a more balanced view of competition and the organization's role in a larger context for both India and the West."

What is Chinese Cosmology with regards to holistic worldview and leadership?

- Organic Process: all parts of the entire cosmos belong to one organic whole. - Leadership is contextual. - Right time, right place, right opportunities, right people - Leadership changes - No binary separation of good and evil - E.g. Loosing hair is caused by _____; Shoulder pain is caused by _____. Hybrid Leadership.

Do the panelists feel that American superheroes can be effective leaders in their respective home countries?

- Other cultures can have a mixbag of sentiments and expectations regarding superheroes. - Some may be excited but some may think it's too good to be true and there may be suspicion of an ulterior motive. - Due to the geographical differences and different cultural values it may be effective or not effective in other cultures.

CQ Action

- Our ability to act appropriately according to the cultural context - ...extent to which we appropriately change our verbal and nonverbal actions when we interact across cultures - the outcome of our CQ Drive, Knowledge, and Strategy

What can we interpret from the dance of the Chinese Muslim girls?

- Our interpretations to this dance reflect what happens in new cultural encounters. - We don't know the language nor do we know the culture. - Therefore we interpret the new situation according to our existing knowledge and past experiences. - Our interpretations are right some times and wrong some other times. - The more we know about the culture, the less misunderstood the situation, the more competent we are. - The more we are aware of our limitations (we view others through our own lens), the more successful.

What are three essential dyads with regards to the leader-subordinate relationship in India?

- Palalka (protector) - palya (servant) - Prabhu (master) - dasa (subjects) - Lalaka (superior relative) - layla (inferior relationship)


- Plan before interaction based upon the acquired CQ Knowledge; taking time to prepare - e.g. Provost's Virginia Peanuts

What are some ways to develop CQ Strategy?

- Plan cross-cultural interactions - Become more aware - Check whether your assumptions and plans were appropriate - Examine cross-cultural situations in what you see and read.

What are the tensions in American Society for atoning for grievous past injustices?

- Pursuing narrow self-interest - Current realities - Liberty (free-market and free from government) - Efficiency (big business, government, labor) - Individualism - Existential Inequality - Live to work - Change - Data/Measurement - Practicality - Action

What are some characteristics of low-context cultures?

- Relatively objective; information conveyed in spoken and written messages - Communication tends to be direct and content-focused - Little attention paid to contextual "clues" - Burden is on sender to make message clear - Burden is on receiver to ask clarifying questions

What are some characteristics of high-context cultures?

- Relatively subjective; information conveyed through nonverbals and the setting as well as spoken and written messages - Communication tends to be implicit and indirect - Message colored by relationships, status, and history - Burden is on receiver to infer intended meaning - Burden is on sender to provide sufficient context, as receiver may feel uncomfortable asking clarifying questions

What are the three most important factors shaping Indian culture/mythology and leadership?

- Religion: Hinduism - Cultural Context - History

What is the importance of having a separate knocker for men and women?

- So that the women inside the house can know if they have to put on their hijab - Know who is at the door, how to answer, proper protocol

What is Bagshaw's conclusion?

- The author demonstrated 7 American leadership concepts, arguing that other cultures might not have similar ideas - Leadership is a process might be good in American culture, in other cultures, leadership might be about traits - Change is the purpose of leadership, which makes sense in American setting. In many other world contexts, it is less important than understanding and observing one's place and preserving status quo. - Leadership in many parts of the world are not about achieving goals, but about enacting and firming relationships - It is not clear, "even in America", that influence processes are free from coercion, and outside the American arena it decidedly is clear that a more complex real politik of power usage is routinely practiced. - Verbal & written communication are important to exert influence. In many high-context cultures, it's not crucial to use them.

What does the movie show about clashes between Indian and American leadership behaviors? How did Todd overcome the cultural obstacles and lead effectively?

- The clashes between Indian and American leadership behaviors centered on communication issues, a lack of confidence, and not a lot of rushing to get things done. - Todd overcame these obstacles by learning about Indian culture, asking how he could make the work for them a more positive experience, and creating an incentive program as well as granting promotions. - He also trained them in confidence exercises.

Who was Verghese Kurian?

- The first chairman of Kujarat Co-operative Milk-Marketing Federation - Father of the white revolution in India; developer of rural development model for Indian and the world - Global competence: US Returnee- adopting some western organizational leadership concepts - Empowering farmers (followers) - Self-centered & authoritarian but professional - Strategist possessing great communication skills - Visionary: cooperative helping farmers - made Indian the largest milk producer in the world

What is Iran's gov't, and how does it relate to their idea of ideal leader?

- Theocracy; represents kind of leadership desired - Charismatic leadership probably, autocratic (b/c high power distance), low participative leadership

What are some differences between American and Iranian culture and leadership?

- There was a lot of leaders in Iran but the most recent leader allows for less restrictions and a more open society. In general, leaders were more paternalistic in the past but there is more of an open society again now than in the past so there is less of paternalistic leadership. - There is more common between Iran and the United States than European cultures but there are still slight differences. - There could be more of a relationship between Iran and the United States because although Iranians talk more about business than focus on productivity we could focus on relationships and networking.

What did the Indian Panelist talk about?

- Things that may seem as strange in India to Americans are the tray in the movie, Holi Day, "cheating", "cows", and kid scammers. There is similarity between the United States and India and that is the education system. It is based on merit subsides though. - India or Burdwan, India specifically is 22 square miles. The population is 347, 016. In total, there are 15773 people per square mile. The entire Indian population is 1.241 billion. Population increases may lead to economic growth. - They drove on the left side of the road but in reality they survive by one principle which is to find a vacant spot and take it. On the train you hold on to the person below so they don't fall off and you take a vacant spot on the train as well. The caste system only takes place when luxury allows. This could be due to a generation gap. - India is a country full of diverse cultures coexisting together. Family is big in India and the predominant religion in India could be said to be tolerance even though Hinduism is the highest by numbers. - In India, there aren't many motivated by financial incentives with regards to leadership but they are more motivated by cultural incentives. There is respect for the elders and others and that translates into the workplace.

Why did Todd's company move to India and then to China? What concepts (we have learned this semester) does this reflect? Explain. How did Todd feel about India when he first arrived? How did he feel by the time he left?

- Todd's company moved to India and then to China because it was trying to make a profit by improving the efficiency and production of goods in other areas. - This reflects globalization because the world is becoming more interconnected especially as in the video where american goods are being sold to and from Indians. - Todd was originally resistant to India but by the time he left he felt more a part of the culture or immersed.

Why is going native not necessarily the best strategy?

- Too much adaptation can generate suspicion and distrust, yet inflexible behavior is a sure death wish for most 21st century leaders and organizations - Uncritically accepting everything in a new culture and turning one's back on one's own birth culture is not culturally intelligent behavior - If the entire world behave the same, what can we learn?

How is India a "land of contradictions?"

- What is true is also untrue in India! - You'll find both the poor & the rich in India; the good and the bad in India - Hinduism is not very rigid with its rules and doctrines: open, flexible & tolerant - Things are fussy, black-or-white doesn't work well - Non-binary world view - Leadership: Paternalism & collaboration - Leadership: Serving people & practicing Caste System - Live with contradictions! - Not seek for yes-or-no answer - Comfortable with diversity - Not only survived as a country full of differences, but also survived as a democracy

What is Buddhism?

- Wisdom - Ethical conduct - Concentration - Regenerative transformation - Long-term orientation - Endurance - Tolerance - Harmlessness

What are the tensions in American Society for creating a just and fair society?

- Working for the common good - "City upon a hill" - Equality (equal and solidarity) - Community ("Small is beautiful!") - Collectivism - Existential equality - Work to live - Stability - Values/morals - Ideas/Intellect - Reflection

What is Dr. Tian's view about American leadership tomorrow?

- World is changing. - Culture is changing. - Leadership should change accordingly. - Keep our own strength while learning from others. - Culture is still very different but there are similarities too. Some of the American leadership concepts might be useful for the other cultures. - Other culture's leadership concepts and practices can be helpful to American leadership too. - Hybrid leadership is needed.

Who is Narayana Murthy?

- founder & head of Infosys, IT sourcing company - "Best employer in India" - Most admired CEO in India - His ethics, values, style shaped company's reputation, growth, and performance - emphasis on followers, first Indian leader who shared wealth he created with his employees - "I want infosy to be a place where people of different genders, nationalities, races, and religious beliefs work together in an environment of intense competition but utmost harmony, courtesy, and dignity to add more and more value to our customers day after day" - simple, humble, and caring father of his employees - More traditional, Rama type of leader (nurturing, paternalistic leader)

What leadership style should match the maturity level of the subordinates (path-goal theory?) with regards to Gita?

- low maturity level -> direction - More mature -> incentives (lead by attraction/charm) - higher maturity level -> leadership by association (involved in decision-making) - most matured -> delegation and trust

Who was Vikram Sarabai?

- the father of the Indian space program - Scientist, dreamer, creator, innovator - from a wealthy family but believe in equality - positive attitude - visionary - technology skill: set up the first rocket launching station - Global competence: global collaboration in science - Goal setting & achievement ability

What is the summary across these four Indian leader cases?

- traits matter, context matters - Global/American experiences matter - Affluent family background matter - Nurturing and pragmatism - Humility, ethics, committeemen to the underprivileged - Visionary - Dynamism

What are the seven American leadership concepts?

1. A group/social phenomenon (not the possession by an individual of a particularly personal traits or behavior) 2. A Dynamic Process (not a static condition or positional arrangement) 3. Purposive or goal-oriented (not based on preserving the status quo, or on relationship, etc) 4. Influence (not a coercion) 5. Influence involving at least one person (agent) attempting to affect the thinking and enlist the will of one or more others (target) 6. The ability of the agent to influence a target depends on controlling and dispensing power resources 7.Persuasion/Communication is an effective tool to influence

What are some ways to develop CQ Action?

1. Adapt your communication 2. Lead Differently 3. Know when to adapt and when not to adapt

How are American heroes different or similar from Chinese heroes?

1. American heroes - more magic power - power comes from the hero himself - working single-handedly mostly - Boss-less (most of the time) - I am the Best - Men are masculine and women are "sexy" and strong - Less restraints from the context

How can we avoid going native?

1. Ask questions - Is this a loose or tight culture? - Will adapting compromise my organization's interest or my self-interest? 2. Anticipating the consequences of adapting or not adapting 3. Do not impose your moral values to others 4. Develop a second nature of adapting and non-adapting

What is the Hindu Trinity of the Gods with regards to the impact of religion on Indian leadership?

1. Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver; Shiva, the destroyer - Vishnu: righteousness, rid the world of evil, maintaining the universal spirit and order with Rama & Krishna as two incarnations-recorded in most important Indian epics: the Ramayana and the Mahabharata - Rama: nurturing leadership style: caring; righteousness, moral, humility, self-sacrificing, courageous, king-maker, ability to create and nurture leaders, compassion, long-term oriented/strategic - Krishna: pragmatic leadership style: achieving in adverse conditions; diplomatic, clever, cunning, disinterested execution of one's duty (Dharma)

How are Chinese heroes different or similar from American heroes?

1. Chinese heroes - Less magic power - Power always comes from other superhero - Working with group mostly - Have a "boss" or someone who has power over them - Always someone else is smarter, possessing more magic/skills/wisdom - Masculine & feminine - Win when the context is right

What is the impact of religion on Indian leadership?

1. Distinctive Indian leadership: Nurturing + paternalistic + task orientation - authoritative - nurturing - participative - delegating - moral - emphasize the followers - contextual - pragmatic - high uncertainty tolerance

Is leadership about enlightened commitment or stimulated compliance?

1. Influence involving at least one person (agent) attempting to affect the thinking and enlist the will of one or more others (target)? - Engaging the followers in decision-making is important in American leadership but not necessarily everywhere - China: little mutual decision-making; little need to engage or enlist the followers; competent leaders should be able to make decisions on their own (no mutuality) - Japan: a leader doesn't have his own will but represent the will of the group. Leaders immerge to speak up for the group; decision-making can start from any levels, high or low (no mutuality).

Is leadership a dynamic process or static condition?

1. Leadership is a dynamic process (not a static condition or positional arrangement) - Dynamic (leader-follower): This ignores the importance of heredity and ability to act as leaders in traditional societies: e.g. Middle East, Central/South/East Asia-leader should lead - Autocratic leader is effective in some cultures (Hofstede). e.g. China

Does leadership adhere in the group or in the leader?

1. Leadership is a group/social phenomenon (not the possession by an individual of a particularly personal traits or behavior) - GLOBE leadership effective dimensions are mostly defined or imbedded in personal traits, not groups - Some traits are universally effective, some universally ineffective, and some culturally contingent - not clear if followers are that important in American culture - In some cultures, leadership is not about the group but about the individual

Is leadership free of coercion or not?

1. Leadership is about influence (not coercion) - Coercion is a natural part of leadership in some societies: e.g. Russia - Strong autocratic leaders in some societies marshal resources to achieve their own goals ( benefit followers); followers are not responding to stimuli - In some societies, leaders' vision is not that important. E.g. Japanese-goaless leader: representing the goal of the group. - Even in US, coercion is not completely out (French and Raven Model includes coercive power).

What are the leadership styles of the US Superheroes on the macro level?

1. Macro - reinforce the notions of developing and leveraging competitive advantage - The pitfalls of poorly managed relationships and networks - The virtue of ambidexterity and contingency - and skepticism toward whole hearted reliance on public institutions

What are the leadership styles of the US Superheroes on the meso level?

1. Meso Level - Reinforce the potential of power - Creativity, Speed, and Technology - Balancing of individual forces

What are the leadership styles of the US Superheroes on the micro level?

1. Micro level - Speak to ethical distinctions of good vs. evil, and the importance of self-reflection and finding one's place in the world

What are three major influences to Iranian culture and leadership?

1. Monarchic Identity 2. Central & powerful government 3. Invasions - Alexander the Great (300 BC) - Arab (brought Islam to Iran) -...Iran experienced cultural battles between its imperial and Indo-European roots and the culture of invaders

What is Confucianism with regards to moral values and social order?

1. Moral Values and Social Order 2. Five constant virtues/moral values - Benevolence - Righteousness - Propriety - Wisdom - Fidelity 3. Four Idealogical Virtues/Social Order - class system (pecking order): father-son-emperor-courtier (no women) - Obedience - Doctrine of the Mean - Humanity/Relationship 4. Paternalism: Authoritative, Benevolent, Caring, Moral

What are ten questions to consider in cross-cultural negotiation?

1. Negotiating Goal: contract or relationship? 2. Negotiating Attitude: Win-Lose or Win-Win? 3. Personal Style: Formal or Informal? 4. Communication: Direct or Indirect? 5. Sensitivity to Time: High or Low? 6. Emotionalism: High or Low? 7. Form of agreement: General or Specific? 8. Building an agreement: Bottom-Up or Top-Down? 9. Team Organization: One leader or group consensus? 10. Risk taking: High or Low?

Is leadership about accomplishing purpose or maintaining relationship?

1. Purposive or goal-oriented (not based on preserving the status quo, or on relationship, etc.) - In US, goals were set set by leaders and followers (U.S.); some societies use less democratic approaches - In American culture, change is the key of leadership. In some cultures, it's the enemy of group's stability and peace. - In some societies, preserving harmonious relationship and preserving the status quo is more important. E.g. China.

What is the nature of today's world?

1. Round-flat; hybrid culture - (the contemporary culture) can best be described as hybrids, constantly shifting, growing and developing as they encounter different ideas, new knowledge and changing circumstances...(We) cannot know cultures in their pristine and authentic form. - Instead, our focus must shift to the ways in which culture forms become separated and recombine with new forms in new practices in their local contexts.

How should you adapt your verbal communication style?

1. Word usage - Topics - Requests - Apologies - Compliments 2. Delivery

What are characteristics of Indian leadership known as Nurturing Paternalism?

1. ability to adapt and assimilate - British education + Indian tradition - Able to combine the global and the local 2. Benevolent paternalism-overriding leadership values - Father-nurturing, caring, dependable yet demanding and authoritative 3. Emphasis on spirituality vs. materialism and economic rationality - selflessness, detached involvement (action without attachment to the fruits) 4. Emphasis on duty/vs. rights - dharma-moral duty to subordinates or organization/society

Does leadership deal with verbal communications or other forms of persuasion?

1.Persuasion/Communication is an effective tool to influence - Higher-context culture requires other styles of communications - Verbal communications is not emphasized in many cultures. Such as China, Japan. Context communicates.

Who is Huang Di?

Ancestor of Chinese nationality-united tribes, develop agriculture, worrier

Who is Monkey King?

Anti-power, Nimbleness, Challenges authorities, cleverness; human being-flawed: dream of low power-distance

How did Bagshaw argue his main point?

Deconstruct the seven core American leadership concepts by pointing out that six of them might be effective in US, but not necessarily effective for/in other cultures.

What lessons can be learned from Superman?

Do not judge a book by its cover, and too much confidence can be dangerous

Who is Qinshi?

First Chinese Emperor unified China, language, etc

What negotiation styles match up with long-term orientation?

General Agreement, Top-Down

What are some examples of low-context cultures?

Germany, Israel, and the United States

Who is Guanyin?

Goddess of compassion & equality

Who is Xi Wangmu?

Goddess of longetivity and happiness- follow the nature's law

What cultural shocks has Todd experienced in India?

He was shocked that Indians don't eat with their left hand, worship gods and goddesses, respect cows, and have arranged marriages.

What negotiation styles match up with high power distance?

Indirect, Top Down, Formal Personal Style

What is the profile of a leader with high CQ action?

Leaders that can draw on the other three capabilities of CQ to translate their enhanced motivation, understanding, and planning into action. They possess a broad repertoire of behaviors, which they use depending on the context.

What contributes to Iran's complex society?

Lots of diversity, which brings lots of different heritages and different religions, under an overarching Theocracy

What negotiation styles match up with neutral?

Low emotionalism (w. out groups), higher emotionalism (w. in groups)

What negotiation styles match up with uncertainty tolerance?

Low mid-sensitivity to time, general agreement, higher risk taking

What is Bhakti?

Major philosophy and a way of life deeply imbued in the consciousness of Indian (like Confucianism in China); world view of most Indians

While there are multiple minorities such as Greek, Arab, Turk, what population dominates Iran? (Also what ethnicity are most Iranians?)

Persian population, speak Farsi

What lessons can be learned from the Incredible Hulk?

Physical resources are but tools that must be properly managed

What negotiation styles match up with being?

Relationship (Goal), Lower Sensitivity to Time

What negotiation styles match up with collectivism?

Relationship (goal), General Agreement, Group Consensus, and one final decision-maker

What negotiation styles match up with particularism?

Relationship, Win-Win (in groups), Win-Lose (out groups)

What is simultaneous for the subdimensions of CQ Strategy?

Simultaneous: The goal is to get more and more adept at planning ahead of time and remaining aware of what's going on in yourself and others as you interact, and to monitor whether your strategy is working

What lessons can be learned from the Flash?

Speed kills, but faster is not always better

Who is Baxian/Eight immortals?

Teamwork (complementary skill sets): fantastic four? Equality, altruism/a little individuality? Human being-flawed

What lessons can be learned from Batman?

Technology is not panacea, and logic does not always rule emotion

What lessons can be learned from Wonder Woman?

The playing field is neither level not insurmountable

How does verbal word usage differ?

The way to make requests differ from culture to culture; different communication styles and power distance of a society make it more complicated.

What type of government rules in Iran and what is the name of the head?

Theocracy; head is the supreme leader moreso than the President

What lessons can be learned from Captain America?

There are many layers, and chapters, to competitive dynamics and conflict resolution

What lessons can be learned from Spiderman?

With great power comes great responsibility

Can we apply the big hero leadership model all over the world according to the panel discussion we had in class?

Yes it is a defining leadership style and helps inform other cultures of the country

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