LDSP330: Final Exam Study Guide

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Thomas & Inkson: Russian Leadership

Autocratic... influenced by centralized authority

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Indian political history

British colonial rule led to intellectual revolution... diversity in assimilating into Indian habits of the heart

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Indian leadership values

ability to adapt and assimilate... benevolent paternalism... emphasis on spirituality vs materialism & economic rationality... emphasis on duty (India) vs. rights (west)


appropriateness... 5 constant virtues/moral values: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, fidelity... 4 ideological virtues: class system (no women), obedience, doctrine of the mean, humanity/relationship

GLOBE: Humane orientation

degree to which a culture encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring, and kind to others

GLOBE: Institutional collectivism

degree to which an organization or a society encourages institutional or societal collective action

GLOBE: Gender egalitarianism

degree to which an organization or society minimizes gender role differences and promotes gender equality

GLOBE: Participative leadership

degree to which leaders involve others in making and implementing decisions... includes being participative and non-autocratic

GLOBE: Power distance

degree to which members of a group expect and agree that power should be shared unequally

GLOBE: Assertiveness

degree to which people are determined, assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their social relationships

GLOBE: In-group collectivism

degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organization or families

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Distinctive Russian leadership characteristics

delivery of extraordinary results; demonstrate superior ability; leaders exempt from rules; caregiver to common people; assertive

Confucian Asia Global Cluster

devoted and loyal to families, performance-oriented; Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, South Korea, & Japan; self-protective & team-oriented

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Chinese and American Cultural Conflicts

difference of opinion on : Chinese way of face-saving, filial piety, hierarchical social orders... American way of short-term orientation

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: How Indian leadership differs from Western leadership

lack of "killer instinct;" individualism, creativity, innovation, and speediness are lackluster (changing now); collectivism

Thomas & Inkson: Overseas Chinese

loyalty to patriarch... influenced by Confucianism

Latin Europe Global Cluster

moderate, low humane orientation, high institutional collectivism, high performance orientation; Israel, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France; charismatic leadership

GLOBE: Team-oriented leadership

team building and a common purpose among team members... collaborative, integrative, diplomatic, non-malevolent, administratively competent

Hofstede vs. GLOBE

-Power distance=> Power Distance -Uncertainty avoidance=> uncertainty avoidance -Individualism/Collectivism=> institutionalism collectivism & in-group collectivism -Masculinity/Femininity=> Assertiveness, Performance orientation, gender egalitarianism, & humane orientation -Long-term/Short-term Orientation=> Future orientation

Number of leaderships GLOBE has identified


Bagshaw on Culture and Leadership

American leadership is not universal... leadership is context-contingent (culture is aspect of context)... leadership is a group/social phenomenon (not trait/behavior theory based)... leadership is dynamic... leadership is purposive... leadership is an influence process (not coercive in nature)... influence is an attempt to affect the thinking to enlist the will of followers... ability to influence depends on power resources... value of persuasion/communication

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Chinese Philosophical/Religious Influences

Chinese cosmology (holistic worldview and leadership)... Confucianism (appropriateness)... Taoism (Dao & balance)... Buddhism ( Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path)

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Chinese Leadership Model

Chinese paternalistic model... good leaders: balance conservativeness and aggressiveness, combine the West to the East, are visionary, open-minded, change agents, humane, intelligent, balance between the tradition and the modern

Tian's Take on Culture and Leadership

Culture is different, but has similarities... leadership is influenced by culture... globalization leads to hybridization of culture (hybridization of leadership)... Need for hybridized leaders... cultural context is important for leadership style

Cultural Intelligence Model

Cyclical process of four steps: motivation/drive, knowledge, make plans/strategize, action


Dao & Balance... follow the law of the nature/universe; yin (women/moon) and yang (men/sun) balance; good relationship between nature and humans; leading through non-leading; long-term oriented; uncertainty tolerant; longevity/immortality; peace, harmony, non-aggressiveness

Thomas & Inkson on Culture and Leadership

Find motivators within a culture... search for best way to lead... leading styles universally classified as relationship and task oriented


Four Noble Truths: suffering is apart of existence; origin of suffering is craving for sensuality, acquisition of identity and annihilation; suffering can be ended; following the Noble Eightfold Path is means to end suffering... Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration

GLOBE Project

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness research program started in 1991... currently involves more than 160 investigators using a variety of quantitative ways to study 62 cultures... primary purpose of project is to increase our understanding of cross-cultural interactions and the impact of culture on leadership effectiveness

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Chinese Mythologies

Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor), Qin Shihuang (the First Emperor), Xi Wang Me (Queen of the West), Ba Xian (the Eight Immortals), The Monkey King, Guan Yin (Goddess of Mercy)

State created Russian Mythology

Oleg the Visionary: 10th century Russian King, expanded Russian territory, brutal fighter... Stalin: combination of tradition Russian myths with 20th century reality, discovered Marxism (supernatural power, intillegent

Thomas & Inkson: French Leadership

Paternalistic and charismatic... influenced by hierarchy

Proto-Slavik Folklore

Perun: brutality and aggression, high power distance, ability to produce miracles... Medieval Russian folklore: hero-like with help from supernatural... folk heroes rooted in Russian land, tradition, emphasizing strength, lack sophistication, will & determination, benevolent

Contemporary Russian Myths

Peter the Great: combination of traditional Russian hero attributes with contemporary Russian ideals of good leadership, modernized country... Putin: greatest political leader of the new Russia, patriot, King to Russians, miracle maker, pragmatic, more human attributes

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Factors shaping cultural mythology in Russia

Proto-Slavik folklore; state-sponsored myths; corporate leadership myths

Movie: Outsourced

Todd's company moves to India due to globalization... culture shock... clashes of different culture... overcame obstacles through hybridization


Trinity of Gods: Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (destroyer)... Rama: nurturing leadership style... Krishna: pragmatic leadership... Dharma: duty... Gita: aware of the importance of followers' needs

Universally bad leadership traits

asocial, malevolent, self-focused

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

capacity to work effectively in culturally diverse environment... some may be more genetically inclined to be more flexible cross-culturally

Eastern Europe Global Cluster

collective, gender egalitarian, assertive; Greece, Hungary, Albania, Slovenia, Poland, Russia; autonomous and self-protective leadership

Anglo Global Cluster

competitive and results oriented; Canada, US, Australia, Ireland, England, South Africa, & New Zealand; Charismatic/value based leadership, participative, & humane

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Russian mythology-based leadership characteristics

divine qualities (high power distance between the leader and follower); ability to deliver miracles; responsibility to God rather than to followers; myths create leaders, leaders create new myths, these new myths create new leaders

GLOBE: Humane Oriented Leadership

emphasis on supportive, considerate, compassionate, generous... includes modesty and sensitivity to other people

GLOBE: Self-protective leadership

ensure the safety and security of the leader and the group... includes leadership that is self-centered, status conscious, conflict inducing, face saving, procedural

GLOBE: Uncertainty avoidance

extent to which a society relies on established social norms, rituals, and to avoid uncertainty... extent to which society uses structure and rules to make things more predictable

Globalization, culture, cultural mythology, and leadership

globalization creates context for cross-cultural interactions spearheaded by leaders of organizations... culture is an integral consideration in globalization... mythology is the vehicle for accessing the multiple facets of different cultures... mythology shapes collective expectations and characteristics of leaders

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Indian culture and leadership applied to Hofstede

high degree of power inequality (caste system)... low level of individualism... masculine... lower level of uncertainty avoidance... high in long0term orientation (Karma)

Nordic Europe Global Cluster

high future orientation, gender egalitarianism, institutional collectivism, uncertainty avoidance; Denmark, Finland, Sweden; Charismatic/value based, participative

Sub-Saharan African Global Cluster

high in humane orientation, family over self; Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Nigeria, South Africa; humane oriented leadership

Southern Asia Global Cluster

high in humane orientation, in-group collectivism; Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Iran; self-protective leadership

Germanic Europe Global Cluster

high in performance orientation, assertiveness, future orientation, uncertainty avoidance; Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany; autonomous leadership

Middle East Global Cluster

high in-group collectivism, low on future orientation, gender egalitarianism, uncertainty avoidance; Qatar, Morocco, Egypt, Kuwait, Turkey; self-protective leadership

Russian leadership according to GLOBE

high in-group collectivism, power distance... low uncertainty tolerance, short-term oriented... high in team-oriented and participative

Universally good leadership traits

high integrity, charismatic/value based and has interpersonal skills

Russian leadership according to Hofstede

high power distance, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation... low individualism, masculinity, indulgence

Chinese Cosmology

holistic worldview and leadership... organic process; leadership is contextual; right time, right place, right opportunities, right people; leadership changes; no binary separation of good and evil

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Distinctive Chinese leadership characteristics

human concern, moral leadership, conformity, reciprocalism, paternalism, contextual, hybridizing the West and the East

Latin America Global Cluster

in-group collectivism, low on performance orientation, future orientation, institutional collectivism, uncertainty avoidance; Ecuador, El Salvador, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico; charismatic/value based leadership

GLOBE: Autonomous leadership

independent and individualistic leadership

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Distinctive Indian leadership characteristics

nurturing, paternalistic, task orientation

GLOBE: Performance orientation

organization or a society encourages and rewards group members for improved performance and excellence

GLOBE: Future orientation

people engage in future-oriented behaviors such as planning, investing in the future, and delaying gratification

Thomas & Inkson: Japanese leadership

reciprocalism... influenced by Amae (indulgent love)

GLOBE: Charismatic/value-based leadership

reflects the ability to inspire, to motivate, and to expect high performance from others based on strongly held core values

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: Factors shaping Indian culture/mythology

religion (Hinduism), cultural context, history

Stalin's leadership implication on traditional and state myths

shares characteristics of Russian folklore heroes, brings modern features, popularized Red Directors

Thomas & Inkson: Arabian leadership

sheikhocracy... influenced by Islamic and tranbal tradition

GLOBE's major contributions to cross-cultural leadership studies

studies have generated a large number of findings on the relationship between culture and leadership... GLOBE researchers developed their own classification of cultural dimensions

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership: US

superhero mentality... high individualism, high masculinity, low power distance... atoning for a grivous past injustices vs. creating a just and fair society... moving to post-heroic leadership

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