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You are researching an election that took place in another country last week. Based on what you have learned about the flow of information, which of these types of information sources can you expect to find about this?

A. yes -photos or films from the event -news reports made about the event B. no -books describing the impact of the event -scholarly articles analyzing the event

What does the following citation represent? Baker, B. and J. Pawlikowski (2015). The design and construction of the world's tallest building: the Burj Khalifa, Dubai. Structural Engineering International, 25(4): 389-394. Accessed September 22, 2016, doi:

a journal article

In the citation below, what does SN 2006gy: Discovery of the Most Luminous Supernova Ever Recorded represent? Smith, Nathan, Li, Weidong, et al. (2007). SN 2006gy: Discovery of the Most Luminous Supernova Ever Recorded. Astrophysical Journal, 666(2): 1116-1128.

article title

This statement: "Bob Dylan's first album was released in 1962 is common knowledge. According to Chapter 5, why is this so?

because it can be confirmed in many sources

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use primary sources for a project or paper?

it may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time

What is the benefit of using a Creative Commons license?

makes clear the conditions for reusing original work

When you're off-campus you need to log into ISU Library's scholarly databases and full-text journals. Logging into the Library website is ...

required because the ISU Library pays a fee so ISU students and researchers can access paywalled databases and journals

From the items below, which three choices best describe reasons to consider privacy when you put information about yourself online?

-your information may be copied, shared, or resold without your consent -your professors or future employers may see your party photos -your information may reside in a place that you can't edit or control

What type of publication, scholarly or popular, do the descriptions on the left column represent?

A. scholarly -Usually include lengthy bibliographies -Takes more time to produce because of review process B. popular -Footnotes and bibliographies are rarely used -Written for the general public

Quick Search lets you refine or narrow your search results using links on the left side of the screen. Do a search on graphic design. What are some criteria that can refine your search results in Quick Search?

A. true -by collection -by creator B. false -by number of versions owned -by popularity

What does the "peer" refer to in "peer reviewed article" as defined in Chapter 1?

Experts in the same subject as the author critiqued the article.

You're writing a paper on essential workplace skills. You've gotten information for your paper from a book, an article, a website, and even a graphic from a website. Which of the following do you need to cite?

The book, article, website, and graphic all need to be cited.

Which of the following are points that can demonstrate the accuracy of a website?

whether the information it contains agrees with other sources

This chapter discusses the difference between open web material and paywalled resources. For each item below, indicate if it describes Open, Paywalled, or both types of resource. (ch 2)

A. Open -you can view the resource regardless of your affiliation B. Paywalled -the resource requires you to login C. Could be both -the resource is scholarly

Using Advanced Search in Google Scholar would allow you to:

Search for an exact phrase.

What is the main purpose of subject headings?

To organize resources according to subject areas

To find information on the positive and negative effects of video games on children, which one of the choices below could best be used as search terms for finding information on the topic?

children and video games and effects

Truncation is a keyword search technique that helps you find useful variations of a term or terms. You want to find books on the topic of music and politics or political aspects of music. Where should you best truncate in this example?

politic* and music

You're looking for a book and all you remember is the title includes the words corporate and culture. Type the words corporate and culture in Quick Search box, set the first drop-down menu to Books & more and the third drop-down menu to in the title. Based on what you know about the book, which search strategy should you choose for the middle drop-down menu? [a]

that contain my query words

It's important to know where to find a book in the Library. You heard about a book called Washington: A Legacy of Leadership. Search for that book now in Quick Search to answer the following questions: What is the call number of this book? - [a] Now use Call Numbers in Parks Library to find this book's location. On which Floor or Tier is this book located? - [b]

- E312.25 V53 2010 - Floor2

Using what you know about Wikipedia contributors from this chapter, give two reasons why you might want to use an additional source.

-Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees. -Wikipedia articles are not traditionally peer reviewed.

Google Scholar results often list older articles first. Which two of the following choices help you easily find recent articles in your results?

-Sort results by date instead of relevance. -Use the facets to select a year.

There are many alternatives to cheating. Match the following issues with the appropriate campus services. Where could your roommate go for help...

A. Academic Success Center -learning time management skills -learning strategies for taking tests B. Library -finding a style guide to cite sources correctly for a paper C. Student Counseling Services -when personal problems make it difficult to concentrate on coursework

For the items below, indicate whether the description fits controlled vocab or natural language searches.

A. Controlled vocabulary -Uses pre-defined terms -More likely to yield relevant results B. Natural language -Whole sentences can be used -Uses everyday language

Scenario: You need information about Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. You know a bit about his theories, but need background information. According to Chapter 1, which one of the following is your best option for finding background information?

Books, encyclopedia articles, and authoritative websites

You're working on a group project and need the book Understanding Immigration Law, by Kevin R. Johnson. Search for this book in WorldCat. Which is the nearest library to ISU that owns this book? (You may need to enter 50011 in the zip code box if you are accessing WorldCat from outside of Ames.)

Drake University Law Library

Chapter 1 discusses how to get started with research and the information-seeking process. According to the Chapter, which of the following is important to consider when getting started?

How much information do you need for your project

If you discover the Library does not own the book you need, which of the following is the best option for you to access the book?

Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan service

Other article indexes keep things simple on their front pages, but offer more options through an Advanced Search screen. Let's look at PsycINFO as an example. Which three choices below are offered on the Advanced Search page of PsycINFO?

Search peer reviewed items only Search by language Search by methodology

Using the evaluation criteria in Chapter 2, go to this website and evaluate it: What are the credentials for the author(s) of the website?

The author is listed but not any actual credentials.

What is the main purpose of an index as discussed in Chapter 4?

To help you find articles on your subject.

Using the criteria in Chapter 2, click on the link and evaluate this website: What is the main purpose of this website?

To provide news about the Sherlock Holmes Society of London.

To find if the Library owns the item listed below using Quick Search, what would you type in the search box, and what option would you choose in the third drop-down menu? Everson, William. (1981) Dionysus and the Beat generation. In Bartlett, Lee (Ed.) The Beats: Essays in Criticism. (31-55). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Type The Beats essays in criticism and search "in title"

According to Chapter 5, what is the definition of plagiarism?

Using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit to that person.

What does the following citation represent? Morse, A. (2009). Child life in colonial times. Mineola, NY.: Dover Publications.

a book

As you learned in Chapter 4, it's important to know what a citation represents because that often helps you find the item. What does the following citation represent? Braun, A.R., and Hoede, H. (2000) Farmer participatory research in Latin America: four cases. In W.W. Stur, et al. (Eds.) Working with Farmers: The Key to the Adoption of Forage Technologies. (pp. 32-53). Canberra: Australian Center for International Research.

a book chapter

As an information finding tool, Quick Search is the best tool for finding:

books and more that a library owns

Knowing when the event you're researching happened is important because it helps you ..

to know how much information and what types of information may be available

What is the difference between Google and Google Scholar?

Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials.

As described in Chapter 1, which ONE of the following best characterizes what is meant by "scholarly information"?

Information content produced in and for academic settings

Use Quick Search to search for the music CD Born this way by Lady Gaga. Where is this CD located?

Media Center

Why is peer review an important element of the scholarly conversation?

Peer review draws on the expertise of others to strengthen research

According to Chapter 5, select three choices below that best complete this sentence: Using and citing sources ...

-helps prevent plagiarism -advances the scholarly conversation -builds off of the work of others

You need to find a comprehensive set of research articles on the topic of impact of bullies or microaggressions in the workplace for an assignment. You want to use a subject-focused index for this purpose but you're not sure which one. Enter the index below and click the "About" link to find out more specifically what this index covers. PsycINFO Then answer the following questions:

A. False -covers only sources published in the United States B. True -covers behavioral sciences and all areas of psychology -is affiliated with the American Psychological Association -covers relevant journals, book chapters, and dissertations -would be a good choice for this topic

According to Chapter 5, which of the following must you do when correctly paraphrasing?

A. True -Cite the source. -Use quote marks if you use some of the same words as the original author. B. False -Agree with the original author. -Use quote marks when you change the original author's words.

Using Quick Search's first drop-down menu, which search strategy is the most efficient and effective to find the following:

Books on nanotechnology. ............................................Select: Books & more A map of the moon. ......................................................Select: Maps Anything & everything possible with your search terms. ...Select: All items CDs for learning Arabic. ................................................Select: Audio Visual

What is the main reason a sponsored link website gets placed at the top of search engine results?

Money - the search engine company is paid to place it at the top.

Indicate whether the statements below are true or false.

True -When you create an original work and put a Creative Commons attribution license on it, you are still the copyright holder. False -In order to be a copyright holder you must register with the U.S. Copyright Office

According to Chapter 2, which two examples of search topics below would be most likely to have useful results in Wikipedia?

-a broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on -a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter movement

Which of the dates listed below is the best indicator of the currency of a web page's content?

A date listed after "Last updated on..."

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is an important service offered by research libraries. For each of the following, indicate whether the statement about Interlibrary Loan is true or false:

A. False -ILL allows you to borrow items from other libraries for a fee -ILL materials are open access for use worldwide B. True -ILL is an example of libraries working together to keep costs down -The ILL service can be used by ISU undergrad students

For the topics listed below, indicate which finding tool would be the best choice: Google or Google Scholar?

A. Google Scholar -Articles discussing the "living history" museum movement to use as sources for a paper for an anthropology course. -Peer-reviewed articles giving economic predictions about future trends in the sports industry B. Google -Information on upcoming events at Living History Farms, an open-air museum located near Des Moines, Iowa. -News articles about medal winners in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

You've read in Chapter 5 that common knowledge does not have to be cited in your scholarly work. For each of the following examples, indicate whether it's common knowledge as defined in Chapter 5, or needs to be cited.

A. Need to cite -A recent survey found that US teenagers and young adults read less often than other age groups, and understand less of what they read. -Currently, fitness trainers and aerobics instructors are among the fastest-growing jobs in the US. B. Common knowledge -King Tut is among the world's most famous mummies. -Renowned neurologist Sigmund Freud was born in Austria.

Chapter 4 describes different ways to find journal articles. Indicate below which tool you would best use to find the information listed. Which tool would you use to find ...

A. Quick Search -articles in a wide range of subject areas. -general search features and quick access to full-text B. Article Index -a comprehensive set of articles on your in-depth research topic -search features that are customized to your specific subject area

Chapter 1 discusses the difference between quick information searches and research. For each example below, match the description to the correct choice.

A. Researching -Using a database to find historic crop records -Analyzing a chapter of a book on Historically Black Colleges B. Quick Information Seeking -Looking for current stock market prices -Reading the local newspaper for this week's weather

Chapter 5 discusses ways you can control use / re-use of your own scholarly creations. Indicate whether the statements below are true or false.

A. True -Your original works are automatically protected by copyright. -You can choose the level of Creative Commons licensing you prefer. B. False You can remix all other works that have Creative Commons licensing. -You can hold copyright to your works for 17 years, then they will be automatically public domain

As described in Chapter 1, match the three major finding tools to their STRENGTHS:

A. best choice for finding up-to-date information -web search engines B. best choice for finding scholarly journal articles -indexes C. best choice for finding what a specific library owns -library discovery tools D. not a finding tool, as defined in Chapter 1 -books & journals

Indicate whether the statements below about Google Scholar are TRUE or FALSE.

A. false -Google Scholar equally covers all subject areas. -You will need to login to Google Scholar to use it on campus B. true -As an ISU student, you can access paywalled articles the Library owns in your Google Scholar search results. -You can find a variety of scholarly materials with Google Scholar

What are some strategies you can use to control the release or use of your personal information online? For each statement below, indicate whether it is a good strategy or not.

A. good -Read user agreements and privacy policies before creating accounts. -Take advantage of options for minimizing advertisements in an app or service B. Not good -Use the same password for as many sites as possible so you don't forget it. -Encourage your friends to tag you in Facebook photos.

Using Quick Search's third drop down menu, which search strategy is the most efficient and effective to find ... (Items may be chosen more than once)

A. in subject -items about the vaccination of animals C. in the title -items with a title that includes the word flexagons D. as author/creator -items written by Jared Diamond -items written by the National Gallery of Australia

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) affect your search results. If you search Quick Search for books using the search phrase Twitter OR marketing, you'll retrieve hundreds of records. If you re-do that search as Twitter AND marketing, you will narrow your search results (retrieve fewer records). Why is this so?

AND will show results containing both search terms.

Correct Academic Search Premier offers many Search Options on its front page as ways to focus your search results. Which three of the following options are offered on that page?

Limit by published date Limit to peer reviewed items only Limit results to full text items

You need to find certain types of information for a class assignment. Where would you look for each of the different types of information listed below?

Look for background information in ...................books and encyclopedias Look for statistical information in .......................government sources Look for subject-focused information in .............journal articles Look for news and general information in .........newspaper articles

Your roommate has finished writing a paper, and asks you to read it and provide comments. In the paper, your roommate has used some content from a 2010 online article in Scientific American Magazine by Davide Castelvecchi titled "Problem Solved, LOL: A Complex Tic-Tac-Toe Puzzle Falls Thanks to Blog Comments." You ask to read the original source to verify whether your roommate has paraphrased properly, or committed plagiarism. Original source material: "D.H.J. Polymath, an Internet-based collaborative problem-solving project of mathematicians, began life on the blog of Timothy Gowers, a University of Cambridge winner of the Fields Medal, mathematics' most coveted prize. In a blog post in January 2009, Gowers asked whether spontaneous online collaborations could crack hard mathematical problems—and if they could do so in the open, laying the creative process out for the world to see. Web-based scientific collaborations and even "crowdsourcing" are now common, but this one would be different. In typical online collaborations, scientists each perform a small amount of research that contributes to a larger project, Gowers pointed out. In some cases, citizen-scientists such as bird-watchers or amateur astronomers collectively can make significant contributions. For a first experiment, Gowers chose the so-called density Hales-Jewett theorem. This problem, Gowers says, is akin to "playing a sort of solitaire tic-tac-toe and trying to lose." Mathematicians have known since 1991 that the theorem was true, but the existing proof used sophisticated tools from other branches of math. Gowers challenged his blog's readers to help him find a more elementary proof, a problem generally considered quite hard. The project took off a lot faster than Gowers expected. Within six weeks, he announced a solution." Your roommate wrote: In 2009, award-winning mathematician Timothy Gowers blogged about a new way to solve difficult mathematical problems. An article by Davide Castelvecchi1 describes how Gowers proposed leveraging the power of the Internet by inviting interested mathematicians to participate in "spontaneous online collaborations" and post responses via the web to a difficult problem on his blog. Besides solving problems, another goal Gowers wanted to achieve through this experiment was to show online the actual problem-solving processes that advanced mathematicians might use. In a sense, it is as if the online project allows interested parties from across the world to look into the classroom of gifted mathematicians and watch them at work. 1. Davide Castelvecchi. "Problem Solved, LOL: A Complex Tic-Tac-Toe Puzzle Falls Thanks to Blog Comments." Scientific American Magazine. March 17, 2010. Online:

Paraphrased correctly - true to the source and appropriately reworded and cited.

As described in Chapter 2, what is a potential benefit for researchers in using social media in addition to traditional scholarly publishing?

They may reach different audiences through social media.

Now, click on the relevant subject heading that you identified in the previous question and analyze your search results. Which of the following best describes your new results

You focused your results to be on this exact subject

What does the following citation represent? Pannell, D.J. and Glenn,N.A. (2000). A framework for the economic evaluation and selection of sustainability indicators in agriculture. Ecological Economics 33(1): 135-149.

a journal article

Use Quick Search to search for the book Facebook: the missing manual by Emily Vander Veer. Click on the Details link of the book you just found. If you wanted to find more books that address social networking, which link in the Details view should you click?

Online social networks

For the statements on information "value" below, indicate which are true or false, as described in Chapter 2:

A. False -Free information has no value. -Only paywalled materials have value. B. True -Value may be contextual depending on what you need. -Value can mean usefulness. -All kinds of information can have value.

Indicate true / false for the following statements. Items in the public domain are....

A. True -often materials published before 1923 -often US government documents B. False -good examples of common knowledge -available for re-use without giving credit

Match the items below to the correct description, as described in Chapter 4:

A. journal -Published on an ongoing basis at regular intervals B. article -A paper describing a research or scholarly topic C. volume -Typically includes all issues from one year D. issue -A set of articles published together at the same time

It's also important to know what the elements of a citation represent. They often help you find the item, and are important for your bibliographies. For the citation listed below, match the citation elements to the correct answers. You need to answer ALL elements correctly to get credit on this question. Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J., & Rapson, R. L. (1992). Primitive emotional contagion. In M.S. Clark (Ed.) Review of Personality and Social Psychology. (pp. 151-177.) Newbury Park, CA: Sage Books. Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J., & Rapson, R. L. ..........[7] 1992 .......................................................................[4] Primitive emotional contagion. ............................[8] M.S. Clark ............................................................[1] Review of Personality and Social Psychology. ....[3] pp. 151-177 ..........................................................[5] Newbury Park, CA ................................................[2] Sage Books .........................................................[6]

Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J., & Rapson, R. L. ..........chapter author 1992 .......................................................................publication year Primitive emotional contagion. ............................chapter title M.S. Clark ............................................................editor Review of Personality and Social Psychology. title pp. 151-177 numbers Newbury Park, CA of publication Sage Books .........................................................publisher

You know that using style guides helps you prepare your footnotes and reference lists for your papers. According to Chapter 5, there are other good reasons to use a style guide. What is one of them?

It makes it easy to communicate with peers in a particular subject area.

According to Chapter 2, is a website with a top level domain of .org automatically trustworthy, or does its content need to be evaluated?

It needs to be evaluated because domain tells you where a site comes from but doesn't guarantee quality.

You created a fan video on the Rolling Stones for your music appreciation class and got an A on the project. You've used photographs you found on the web along with one of their songs and cited them appropriately. Did you violate copyright law?

No, the video was created for educational purposes and thus probably Fair Use

You are researching the history of Iowa just after becoming a state in 1846. One of the information sources you have found on this is a transcript of an 1846 speech given by an Iowa politician. Is this source primary or secondary, and why?

Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given.

You're looking for information on developing effective presentation skills. Match the information sources listed below to the appropriate finding tool - WorldCat, Quick Search, or Google Books.

QuickSearch: books, ebooks, journals, articles & other scholarly materials from ISU Lib; all books available on your topic that you can check out. WorldCat: materials in libraries nearest you; libraries nearest you that own copies of your textbook; books owned by any library that you can ILL for free. Google Books: ebooks you can download or buy; scanned full-text or excerpted books to read online; free ebooks for your Android or iPhone.

Now, let's use Academic Search Premier to get experience using a different index. Academic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary index that covers many different scholarly subject areas and helps you find peer-reviewed journal articles, popular magazine articles, newspaper articles, and so on. Let's say you want to find an article called Decoding an Ancient Computer. On the Article Indexes & Databases page, find Academic Search Premier and click to enter and search that index. In the search box, type the name of the article listed above and click search. It's important to understand how to interpret journal article citations. What is the name of the journal in which this article was published?

Scientific American

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use secondary sources for a project or paper?

Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic

Scenario: You and your roommate both need to find scholarly materials for a paper on the topic of teaching young children about basic human values. You've been told to use a scholarly article index. Your roommate uses the following search terms: teaching young children about basic human values but gets poor results, including some items that don't look relevant. According to Chapter 1, what would be the best next step to ensure that you both get more relevant results?

Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts

Now you want to upload your Rolling Stones fan video to YouTube. Would you be violating copyright?

Yes, because you didn't get copyright permissions plus the audience and purpose is no longer educational

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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