
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

193.What is the Hui-meeting point of the Fu?

b) CV (Ren) 12 (Zhongwan)

212.After two treatments for back pain, a patient presents for a third session complaining of rapid and wheezing that is made worse during cold weather. The patient also complains of a feeling of fullness in the chest, cough, chills, and the desire for warm drinks. The patient's complexion is bluish-white, the pulse is tight and slippery,, and the tongue is swollen with a sticky, white coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

b) CV (Ren) 17 (Shanzhong), St 40 (Fenglong), P 6 (Neiguan), UB 13 (Feishu), and Lu 6 (Kongzui)

186.Which of the following is a Window of the Sky point?

b) GV (Du) 16 (Fengfu)

156.Which of the Five Shu Points is indicated for use in metal illness and sudden tightness in the chest?

b) Jing (Well)

165.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Large Intestine channel?

b) LI 11 (Quchi) and LI 2 (Erjian)

213.After two treatments for seasonal allergies, a patient presents for a third session complaining of sticky, yellow nasal discharge, thirst, frontal headache, an oppressive feeling in the chest and epigastrium, and an impaired sense of smell. The patient has red cheeks, dry lips, a slippery pulse, and a tongue with a sticky, yellow coating in the center. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient

b) LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), CV (Ren) 12 (Zhongwan), UB 20 (Pishu), and Sp 9 (Yinglingquan)

170. patient complains of premenstrual breast distention and abdominal bloating, irritability, moodiness, depression, and hypochondrial pain. The tongue has red sides and the pulse is wiry. Which would be the best treatment for this patient?

b) Liv 3 (Taichong), GB 34 (Yanglingquan), P 6 ( Neiguan), and Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao)

173.Which of the following is a Lower He-Sea point?

b) Liv 7 (Xiguan)

141.After two treatments for constipation, a patient presents for a third session complaining of abrupt episodes of breathlessness that are caused by emotional events. The patient also complains of a feeling of oppression in the chest, thirst, constipation, and dark urine. The pulse is wiry and rapid and the tongue is red with a yellow coating and is redder and swollen on the slides. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

b) Lu 1 (Zhongfu), Liv 2 (Xingjian), Liv 14 (Qimen), CV (Ren) 17 (Shanzhong), and UB 18 (Ganshu)

184.The best point to treat a patient who has asthma-like symptoms with hemoptysis is:

b) Lu 6 (Kongzui)

161.Which of the following points are on the same general level as the 3rd intercostal space?

b) Ren 18, KI 24, ST 16

168.A patient has stabbing pain in the epigastrium and vomiting dark blood, which of the following points are the best?

b) ST21, REN10, ST34, SP10, BL17

160.Which of the following Extra points would most likely be used to treat epilepsy and vertigo?

b) Sishencong

190.What is the Yuan-source point of the Spleen channel?

b) Sp 3 (Taibai)

208.A patient treated for tiredness, poor appetite, slight abdominal pain, weak and slippery pulse, and a pale tongue for six weeks without improvement now presents with a choppy pulse and a pale complexion and complains of difficulty falling asleep. Which of the following point combinations is most effective for treatment?

b) Sp 6 (Sanyingjiao) and H 7 (Shenmen)

155.A patient that receives regular treatments for headache, presents complaining of dull hypochondrial pain and fullness, dark urine, nausea, a sticky taste in the mouth, and a feeling of heaviness in the body. The patient has yellow sclera, a slippery and slightly rapid pulse, and a sticky tongue coating. An appropriate treatment for this patient should include which of the following points?

b) UB 19 (Danshu), GB 24 (Riyue), and GB 34 (Yanglinquan)

177.Which group of the conditions are all contraindications for cupping?

b) edema, high fever, convulsions

205.What is proper needling technique for K 6 (Zhaohai)?

b) oblique insertion directed superiorly to a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 cun

375.The Front-Mu point of the Liver channel is how many cun from the midline of the body?

b. 4

75.The distance between Sp 12 (Chongmen) and Sp 15 (Daheng) is:

b. 5 cun

63.The distance between Lu 9 (Taiyuan) and Lu 6 (Kongzui) is:

b. 7 cun

409.In Chinese Ear Acupuncture where is the location of lumbar spines?

b. Anti-helix

298.what points you will add if patient (No. 296) has deep slow pulse?

b. BL 20, BL48

227.Which of the following points is good to add for patient has seizure during day time?

b. BL 62

272.A 36 year old male patient has cough with profuse, white, sticky sputum, stuffiness and oppression feeling of chest, loss of appetite, white sticky tongue coating, slippery pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. BL13,CV12, LU5, ST36, ST40

247.A 65 year old female patient has chronic mild lingering headache, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, lusterless face, the pain relieved by rest and aggravated by overstrain or mental stress, pale tongue with thin white coating and fine, weak pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. BL18, BL20, BL23, ST36, CV6, GV20

220.A patient has had lower back pain for 3 years, her pain is dull pain, also has weakness of the loins and knees, aggravated by fatigue and alleviated by rest and warmth, she also has cold limbs, pale complexion, pale tongue, deep slow pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. BL23, BL40, Du3, Du4, Yaoyan

281.After few treatments, his (patient mentioned in question 280) bowel movement improved to every three days, hot sensation, thirst, foul breath all resolved, but he feels abdominal distention, belching, wiry pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. BL25, ST25, SJ6, KI6, LV3, Ren12

73.What points are on the same horizontal line?

b. BL28, BL32, BL53

289.A 33 year old male patient has scanty hot urine, sometimes even has retention of urine, distention and fullness of lower abdomen, thirst but without desire to drink, constipation, red tongue with yellow coating, and full pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. BL28, Ren3, SP6, BL39

90.What is the Front-Mu point of the Urinary Bladder meridian?

b. CV (Ren) 3 (Zhongji)

232.A patient complains of dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, palpitation, and poor appetite. The face is pale, the pulse is choppy, and the tongue is pale and thin. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

b. CV (Ren) 6 (Qihai), UB 15 (Xinshu), and GV (Du) 20 (Baihui), St 36 (Zusanli), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao)

236.A female patient has feeling of a lump chocking in the throat, hard to spit it out or to swallow it, thin sticky coating, wiry and slippery pulse. forceful and slippery pulse.What points you will use to treat this patient?

b. CV22, ST40, PC6, LV3, CV17

352.Which of the following is good for spasm, stiffness and contraction of spine?


224.A female patient has palpitation, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, red tongue with little coating.what is your diagnosis?

b. Fire hyperactivity due to yin deficiency

110.Stomach meridian distributes to how many toes?

b. First toe, second toe, and third toe

124.Which of the following meridians enter ear?

b. GB, SJ

360.Which of the following is a Window of the Sky point?

b. GV (Du) 16 (Fengfu)

277.A 15 year old male patient has fever, sweating, slight aversion to wind, pain and distending sensation of the head, occasionally cough with yellow thick sputum, congested and sore throat, thirst, thin white or yellowish tongue coating, floating and rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. GV14 , LI 11, SJ5 , LI 4, LU10, LU11

250.A patient started having deviated eye and mouth after he woke up two days ago. If this patient also has deviation of philtrum, which of the following you will add?

b. GV26

120.The HT channel connects with which of the following organs?

b. HT, SI, LU

243.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse.If this patient also has sudden aphasia, what points you will add?

b. HT5, CV23

225.A female patient has palpitation, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, red tongue with little coating.what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. HT7, Ren14, PC6, BL15, BL20, BL21, ST36

390.The Xi-Cleft of which meridian is useful in treating dysmenorrhea?

b. Heart

347.According to mother and son theory, which group of yin meridian points we should use to treat liver deficiency?

b. KI10(yingu), Liv8(ququan)

259.A patient had painful period, your diagnosis was qi and blood stagnation, you used 4 gates, SP6, SP10. Now she also has lower abdominal pain and palpable mass. what point you would add?

b. KI14

410.A patient has abrupt onset of itching wheals of various sizes, the color of wheals are white, with heavy sensation, white sticky coating and superficial, soggy pulse. What kind of points you would use?

b. LI11, LI4, BL40, SP6, SP10, SP9

138.In the area between medial malleolus and 8 cun above medial malleolus, which of the following meridian distribute in the anterior ?

b. LV

383.According to the Extraordinary Channel theory, which of the following points would treat swelling and pain of the throat with difficulty swallowing?

b. Lu 7 (Lieque) and K 6 (Zhaohai)

69.According to the Extraordinary Channel theory, which of the following points would treat swelling and pain of the throat with difficulty swallowing?

b. Lu 7 (Lieque) and K 6 (Zhaohai)

99.Which pair of points is used for treatment involving the Eight Extra Channels (meridians)?

b. Lu 7 (Lieque) and K 6 (Zhaohai)

366.Using the Five Element theory, the sedation method can be used to drain the Earth element using:

b. Lu 8

230.13 Ghost points are good for which of the following condition?

b. Manic-depressive disorder

233.A patient has mental depression, distress of the chest, hypochondriac pain, abdominal dissension, belching, anorexia, vomiting, abnormal bowel movement, thin sticky coating, wiry pulse. what is your diagnosis?

b. Melancholia

221.A patient has had lower back pain for 3 years, her pain is dull pain, also has weakness of the loins and knees, aggravated by fatigue and alleviated by rest and warmth, she also has cold limbs, pale complexion, pale tongue, deep slow pulse. What extra technique you can use for the patient mentioned ?

b. Moxa

139.Does each divergent meridian have it's own points or not?

b. No

104.What is the proper method to need Yaoqi?

b. Obliquely upward

237.A patient has headache, dryness and bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, hypochondriac distention, acid reflux, constipation, red eyes, and tinnitus, red tongue with redder sides and yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse. what is your diagnosis?

b. Qi transforming into heat

295.After she (No 293) got 6 treatments. Abdominal distention got better, not as severe as before, and also feels better with pressure, feels tired easily. what points you will add based on the points you selected from No. 28?

b. Ren 4, SP 3

286.A 5 year old boy always has bed-wetting problem with clear urination, he is easily to be scared. what points you will use to treat this patient?

b. Ren3, BL28, SP6, BL23, LV1

350.Which of the following is good for prolapse of internal organs?

b. Ren6(QIHAI), DU20(BAIHUI)

261.You used SP6, BL32 to treat a leucorrhea patient, now she also has reddish, thick sticky foul smelling leucorrhea. Which of the following you will add?

b. SP10

106.According to Horary Cycle theory, from 9 Pm to 11 Pm, Qi flows in which of the following meridians?

b. San Jiao

68.Which three channels intersects at CV (Ren) 3 and (Zhongji) and CV (Ren) 4 (Guanyuan)?

b. Spleen, Kidney, Liver

80.If needled too deeply, which point could puncture subclavian vessels?

b. St 12 (Quepen)

300.After three treatments for headache, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of dizziness. The patient also complains of fatigue, insomnia, palpitation, and poor appetite. The face is pale, the pulse is choppy, and the tongue is pale and thin. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

b. St 36 (Zusanli), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao), CV (Ren) 6 (Qihai), UB 15 (Xinshu), and GV (Du) 20 (Baihui)

264.A 35 week pregnant patient came to see you for breach position of fetus. You use moxa on her BL67 twice. Today is her third visit, she said after OB doctor's exam yesterday she was told fetus has cephalic presentation. Now what you would do?

b. Stop treatment

136.Where does yin divergent channel end?

b. The paired yang channel

373.A patient who has Pericardium deficiency, according to four needle technique, which you will choose?

b. Tonify LIV1,PC9, reduce KI10,PC3

77.What point is located 1/3 of the distance from the anterior hairline to the posterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline?

b. UB 7 (Tongtian)

74.Deep puncture HT-7 will injure?

b. Ulnar artery

395.Which one of the eight Extraordinary Channels includes points LI 15 (Jianyu), St 1 (Chenqi), GB 20 (Fengchi), UB 61 (Pushen), and GB 29 (Femur-Juliao)?

b. Yang Heel Channel (Yangqiao Mai)

388.A patient alternating of chills and fevers, weakness of the limbs, dizziness on eye movement, earache, stiff neck, hypochondrial pain, pain in the lateral side of the leg. Tinnitus, deafness, sweating. Which of following extra vessel has problem?

b. Yang link vessel

371.The son point on the Foot-Jueyin channel is located:

b. between the first and second toe proximal to the margin of the web

62.The son point on the Foot-Jueyin channel is located:

b. between the first and second toe proximal to the margin of the web

86.The He-Sea point of the Heart channel is located on the:

b. medial end of the transverse cubital crease

135.What is the direction of twelve sinew channels ?

b. originate at the extremities and ascend to the head and trunk

83.The Jing-river point of the Pericardium channel is located between the tendons of:

b. palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis

65.What is the proper needling technique for Liv 4 (Zhongfeng)?

b. perpendicular insertion to a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 cun

357.The He-sea point of the Kidney channel is located between the:

b. tendons of the semitendinosus and senimenbranosus

223.A female patient has palpitation, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, red tongue with little coating.what pulse you expect from this patient?

b. thin and rapid

353.Which of the following can expel exterior wind, extinguish interior wind, subdue liver yang, brighten eyes, benefit ears, clear heat, and nourish marrow and clear the brain?


201.What is the proper initial puncture technique when needling CV (Ren) 22 (Tiantu)?

c) 0.2 inch perpendicular

148.After receiving two treatments for edema of the legs, a patient presents for the third session complaining of the same symptom as well as sores and carbuncles on the body. The pulse is slippery and rapid and the tongue is red with a sticky, yellow coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) CV (Ren) 12 (Zhongwan), UB 20 (Pishu), LI 11 (Quchi), and St 28 (Shuidao)

182.Which is the Influential point for Qi?

c) CV (Ren) 17 (Shanzhong)

166.A patients has edema in his ankles, and profuse thin and watery-frothy sputum, what of the following points are the best?

c) DU4, BL23, SP9, KI 7

162.The Gallbladder meridian crosses the Yangwei meridian at:

c) GB 20 (Fengchi)

176.Which of the following points is used as a first-aid treatment for sudden onset of an epileptic seizure with unconsciousness, breath obstruction, and copious phlegm?

c) GV (Du) 26 (Renzhong)

191.The Luo-connecting point of which channel can be used to treat eye disorders?

c) Gall Bladder

151.After three treatments for headache, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of dizziness and a feeling of emptiness in the head. The patient also complains of a sore back and knees, depression, tinnitus, and waking during the night. The pulse is deep and weak and the tongue is pale. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) K 3 (Taixi), SI 3 (Houxi), GV (Du) 16 (Fengfu), GV (Du) 17 (Naohu), and GB 39 (Xuanzhong)

142.After two treatments for seasonal allergies, a patient presents for a third session complaining of nasal congestion, a purulent nasal discharge, diminished sense of smell, fever, and an aversion to cold. The pulse is floating and rapid and the tongue is red on the sides. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), LI 18 (Futu), Lu 7 (Lieque), and Lu 10 (Yuji)

188.The Xi-Cleft point of which meridian is useful in treating carbuncles, painful throat obstruction, and swelling of the face?

c) Large Intestine

143.A patient that receives regular treatments for lower back pain presents complaining of high fever, cough productive of yellow sputum, shortness of breath, thirst, and sweating. The pulse is rapid and overflowing and the tongue is red with a yellow coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) Lu 1 (Zhongfu), Lu 5 (Chize), Lu 10 (Yuji), GV (Du) 14 (Dazhui), and Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao)

147.After six acupuncture treatments for asthma, the patient now presents with a weak voice and complains of shortness of breath and coughing with watery sputum. Which of the following point combinations is most appropriate for treatment?

c) Lu 9 (Taiyuan) and St 36 (Zusanli)

214.After three treatmenets for tinnitus, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of fatigue, slight shortness of breath, and spontaneous seating. The patient is timid and has a pale complexion and low voice. The pulse is empty, especially on the right distal (cun) position, and the tongue is slight pale. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) Lu 9 (Taiyuan), St 36 (Zusanli), and CV (Ren) 6 (Qihai)

183.Which of the Five Shu point is indicated for heavy sensation of the body and painful joints?

c) Shu (Stream)

145.A patient is treated for six weeks for tiredness, poor appetite, slight abdominal pain, a weak and slippery pulse, and a pale tongue without improvement. The patient now presents with a choppy pulse and a pale complexion and complains of insomnia. Which point combination is most effective for treatment?

c) Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao) and H 7 (Shenmen)

150.After three treatments for fatigue, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of a headache and a feeling of heaviness in the head. The patient also complains of dizziness, and an oppressive feeling in the chest. The pulse is slippery and the tongue has a sticky coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c) St 40 (Fenglong), LI 4 (Hegu), Lu 7 (Lieque), St 8 (Touwei), and GV (Du) 20 (Baihui)

178.Which points are located around the elbow?

c) TW (SJ) 10 (Tianjing), Lu 5 (Chize), P 3 (Quze), H 3 (Shaohai), and SI 8 (Xiaohai)

159.Which three points are located at the level of the second sacral foramen?

c) UB 32 (Ciliao), UB 28 (Pangguangshu), UB 53 (Baohuang)

171.Which of the following is a Xi-Cleft point?

c) UB 63 (Jingmen)

195.If needle breaks on the same level as the skin, what should the practitioner do?

c) press gently to expose the needle and remove with forceps

398.What is the proper initial puncture technique when needling CV (Ren) 22 (Tiantu)?

c. 0.2 inch perpendicular

382.The Front-Mu point of the Triple Warmer (San Jiao) is located how many cun below the umbilicus?

c. 2

87.The Front-Mu point of the Lung channel is how many cun from the midline of the body?

c. 6

118.Which of the following meridians enters the brain?

c. BL

278.A 23 year old male patient has Cough with thin and white sputum, slight aversion to cold and fever, no sweating, headache, itching of the throat, nasal obstruction and clear discharge, thin, white tongue coating. what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. BL13, LI4, LU7

133.Which of the following meridians connects with the tissues surrounding the eye?

c. Both a and b

288.If this patient (No.286) has poor appetite, what point you will add?

c. Both a and b

91.What is the Hui-meeting point of the Qi?

c. CV (Ren) 17 (Shanzhong)

235.A patient has mental depression, distress of the chest, hypochondriac pain, abdominal dissension, belching, anorexia, vomiting, abnormal bowel movement, thin sticky coating, wiry pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. CV12, BL18, CV17, SP4, LV3

270.A patient 77 year old female patient has hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, slurred speech, accompanied by headache, dizziness, vertigo, twitching of muscles, wiry pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. DU20, BL7, DU16, GB20, LV3, KI3, SP6

368.The Gallbladder meridian crosses the Yangwei meridian at:

c. GB 20 (Fengchi)

84.What point is located on the lateral side of the tendon extensor digitorum longus, distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsals?

c. GB 41 (Zulinqi)

351.Which of the following is good for anxiety patient?


262.A 18 year old male patient had ankle sprain, his left ankle was stiff, painful and sore. Except for GB40, SP5, ST41. What else you would add?

c. GB34

260.A nursing mom of 7 months old baby got infection, need to take antibiotics. What you can do to stop milk flow?

c. GB41, GB37

406.Which of the following point is good for headache, vomiting after drinking alcohol?

c. GB8

245.A 25 year old male patient has acute dull headache, it's temporal headache, thin white coating and floating pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. GB8, SJ5, GB41, Taiyang

115.Which of the following meridians ascends alongside the oesophagus, crosses the face and cheek and connects with the tissues surrounding the eye?

c. HT

217.A patient has palpitation, lusterless complexion, dizziness, blurred vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth marks, thready weak of intermittent pulse.What points you will use to treat this patient?

c. HT7, PC6, BL15, Ren14, BL20, BL21, ST36

291.A 62 year old male patient has insomnia, restless, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth with little saliva, burning sensation of the chest, palms and soles, red tongue with little coating, rapid thin pulse. What points you will use to treat this patient?

c. HT7, SP6, Anmian, BL15, BL23, KI3

403.A patient has insomnia, restless, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth with little saliva, burning sensation of the chest, palms and soles, red tongue with little coating, rapid thin pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. HT7, SP6, Anmian, BL15, BL23, KI3

302.A female patient has acute diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow hot and foul smell stool, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine, sticky yellow coating.If this patient also has food retention, which point you will add to the formula?

c. Inner-Neiting (Extra)

228.Which of the following points is good to add for patient has seizure during night time?

c. KI 6

273.A 68 year old female patient has dyspnea on exertion after long-term asthma, severe wheezing, shortness of breath, lassitude, lower back pain, pale tongue, deep and thready pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. KI3, BL23, BL13, CV17, CV6

299.After two treatments for abdominal pain, a patient presents for a third session complaining of constipation, dry stools, thirst, dark urine, dry mouth, and foul breath. The patient has a red face, a wiry and rapid pulse, and a red tongue with a yellow coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

c. LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), Sp 14 (Fuji), TW (SJ) 6 (Zhigou), and St 44 (Neiting)

107.Which of the following is the starting point best of stomach meridian?

c. LI20

405.A female patient has shingles in hypochondriac regions with severe pain. What kind of points you would use?

c. LI4, BL40, SP10, GB34, LV3

362.The Xi-Cleft point of which meridian is useful in treating carbuncles, painful throat obstruction, and swelling of the face?

c. Large Intestine

58.Which of the following points is located right below the free end of the eleventh floating rib?

c. Liv 13 (Zhangmen)

358.After four acupuncture treatments for painful and irregular menstruation with dark blood and clots, the patient present with dizziness, amenorrhea, a dull and pale complexion, and pale lips. Which of the following points is most appropriate for treatment?

c. Liv 8 (Ququan)

376.What point is located at the medial end of the politeal crease, anterior to the tendons of semitendinosus and seminmenbranosus?

c. Liv 8 (Ququan)

218.A patient dizziness aggravated by anger, irritability, flushed face, red eyes, tinnitus, slight lower back pain, dream-disturbed sleep, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse.what is your diagnosis?

c. Liver Yang rising

355.A patient complains of rapid, coarse breathing and a stifling sensation in the chest. The patient has thick, purulent sputum and a thick, yellow tongue coating. The pulse is rapid, rolling, and forceful. Which of the following combinations of points is most appropriate for treating this condition?

c. P 5 (Jianshi), CV (Ren) 22 (Tianfu), Lu 5 (Chize), and Dingchuan (Extra)

241.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse.If this patient also has tightness of chest, what points you will add?

c. PC6, CV17

268.A 44 year old patient complains epigastric pain, dull pain relieved by pressure and warmth, sallow complexion, vomiting with clear fluid, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, slightly loose stool, pale tongue, and white tongue coating, deep slow pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. PC6, ST36, CV12, SP4, BL20, CV6

257.A 55 yearn old male has had joint pain for 10 years, he now has exacerbation of his pain. His fingers are red hot swollen, and slight deformed. The pain is excruciating and he can not make a fist. He feels thirsty and likes to drink cold water. He has yellow tongue acting, rapid slippery pulse. You decided to use SJ5, LI4, SI3, and baxie. What else you would add to address thee underlying condition?

c. Reduce DU14 and LI11

112.In the front of trunk, which of the following sequence is correct about distribution of meridians from midline to lateral ?

c. Ren-KI-ST-SP

251.A 42 year old female patient has stabbing pain in the hypochondriac region, worse at night and doesn't like pressure, dark purple tongue and choppy pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

c. SJ6, LV14, GB34, BL17, BL18

296.A 54 old year male patient has jaundice, which of the following points you will use?

c. SP 9, ST 36, DU 9, BL 18, BL 19

72.The Luo-connecting point of which channel can be used to regulate calm and Heart spirit?

c. Small Intestine

231.A patient is treated for three weeks for tiredness, poor appetite, slight abdominal pain, a weak and slippery pulse, and a pale tongue without improvement. The patient now presents with a choppy pulse and a pale complexion and complains of insomnia. Which point combination is most effective for treatment?

c. Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao) and H 7 (Shenmen)

123.Kidney channel connects to all the following organs except?

c. Spleen

380.Which of the following points should be needled perpendicularly and to a depth no more than 0.5 cun?

c. St 12 (Quepen)

372.Which of the following points is best to treat diarrhea and dysenteric disorder, whether due to Deficiency, Excess, Damp-Cold or Damp-Heat, or stagnation of the Intestines?

c. St 37 (Shangjuxu)

93.Which of the following is a Luo-connecting point?

c. St 40 (Fenglong)

102.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Stomach channel?

c. St 41 (Jiexi) and St 45 (Lidui)

381.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Stomach channel?

c. St 41 (Jiexi) and St 45 (Lidui)

399.The Jing-well point of which channel can be used to treat pain of the submandibular area, bitter taste in mouth, and ear ache?

c. Tripper Warmer (San Jiao)

105.Which of the following points are contraindicated to moxibustion?

c. UB 1 (Jingming)

356.Which of the following points are contraindicated to moxibustion?

c. UB 1 (Jingming)

125.Which of the following start from BL63?

c. Yang Wei

222.According to Huang Di Nei Jing: Only points along which meridian are selected in treating Wei syndrome?

c. Yangming

129.Which of the following meridians distribute to inner canthus?

c. Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao

377.A patient has sleepiness, epilepsy (seizures at night), tremors of legs, foot turning inwards. Which of following extra vessel has problem

c. Yin heel vessel

59.What is the proper needling technique for UB 20 (Pishu)?

c. oblique insertion towards the spine to a depth of 0.5 to 1 cun

61.What is the proper needling technique for SI 12 (Bingfeng)?

c. oblique medial insertion directed towards to the spine to a depth of 0.5 to 1cun

67.What is the potential risk associated with deep needling at Lu 1 (Zhongfu)?

c. pneumothorax

60.What is the proper needling technique for Lu 2 (Yumen)?

c. transverse-oblique insertion to a depth of 0.5 to 1 cun

393.The auricular acupuncture points for the internal genitals are located on which part of the ear?

c. triangular fossa

85.The Jing-well point of the Triple Warmer (San Jiao) channel is located on the:

c. ulnar border of the nail base of the fourth finger

346.After four acupuncture and moxibustion treatments for insomnia, the patient now complains of wheezing, asthma, shortness of breath. Which of the following points is most appropriate for treatment?

c.KI 3 (Taixi)

198.The Shu-stream point of the Pericardium channel is at the same level as:

d) H 7 (Shenmen)

153.After three treatments for tinnitus, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of fatigue, throbbing headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, insomnia and irritability. The patient has a wiry pulse and a tongue with red sides. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

d) Liv 3 (Taichong), Liv 8 (Ququan), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao), K 3 (Taixi), and CV (Ren) 4 (Guanyuan)

210.A patient that receives regular treatments for lower back pain presents complaining of high fever, vomiting after drinking, coughing productive yellow sputum, breathlessness, nausea, dry stools, and dark urine. The pulse is slippery and rapid and the tongue is red with a yellow coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

d) Lu 1 (Zhongfu), Lu 5 (Chize), St 40 (Fenglong), GV (Du) 14 (Dazhui), and CV (Ren) 22 (Tianfu)

189.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Lung channel?

d) Lu 9 (Taiyuan) and Lu 5 (Chize)

187.Which of the following points is used for the malposition of the fetus?

d) Metal point of the Foot-Taiyang (Greater Yang)

172.A late stage cancer patient has floating pulse, which of the following points are the best?

d) REN6, ST36, BL43

164.Warm needle acupuncture with moxa should not be used for?

d) Spasm cramp

154.A patient that receives regular treatments for lower back pain presents complaining of alternating feelings of hot and cold, nausea, dry throat, thirst, a bitter taste in the mouth, hypochondrial pain, and a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium. The pulse is rapid and wiry and the tongue is red with a yellow coating on the right side. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

d) TW (SJ) 5 (Waiguan), GB 41 (Zulinqi), GB 43 (Xiaxi), LI 11 (Quchi), and GV (Du) 14 (Dazhui)

144.A patient that receives regular treatments for headaches presents complaining of hypochondrial pain and distention that is caused by emotional situations. The patient also has an oppressive feeling in the chest, poor appetite, and frequent sighing and belching. The pulse is wiry and the tongue color is normal. An appropriate for this patient should include which of the following points?

d) TW (SJ) 6 (Zhigou), P 6 (Neiguan), and GB 34 (Yanglinquan)

174.Which of the following ear points has the correct location?

d) The spleen point is located inferior to the liver points

194.A Patient complains of premenstrual breast and abdominal distention, depression, insomnia, and dizziness. The face is pale, the tongue is pale, and the pulse is choppy. Which of the following would be the best treatment for this patient?

d) UB 18 (Ganshu), Liv 8 (Ququan), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao), and GB 34 (Yanglingquan)

163.Which of the following points is most effective for treating night sweating?

d) UB 43 (Gaohuangshu)

202.Which of the following points are in a vertical line?

d) Yingtang (Extra), GV (Du) 26 (Renzhong), CV (Ren) 24 (Chengqiang)

203.When needling LI 11 (Quchi), one method of reinforcing is to:

d) direct needle tip towards the patient's shoulder

158.The acupuncture points at which the Qi passes into and out of each channel are known, respectively as:

d) entry and exit points

199.The Jing-river point of the Spleen channel is adjacent to the:

d) inferior border of the medial malleolus

206.What is the proper needling technique for Jianqian (Extra)?

d) perpendicular insertion to a depth of 1 to 1.5 cun

180.According to Clean Needle Technique Manual, which of the following describes recommended hand washing procedure?

d) wash hands with warm water and soap from a dispenser; dry hands with a disposable towel

131.How many luo channels we have in the body?

d. 15

305.A 40 year old male patient has had insomnia for 3 years. He can falls asleep but wakes up frequently with dreams. Restless, hot hands and feet, dizziness at night when he wakes up. he also has poor appetite, diarrhea, cold limbs. Which of the following points are the best?

d. BL20, BL15, BL23, Anmian

252.A 36 old male patient has had lower back pain for three months since he fell from the horse, it's fixed pain with rigidity, worse on pressure. Dark purple tongue, choppy pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. BL23, GV3, BL40, GV26, Yaotongxue, Ashi

292.A 28 year old female patient has constipation, with pale complexion, palpitation, dizziness, tiredness, pale tongue with thin white coating, weak, fine pulse. Which of the following points are good for the patient?

d. BL25, ST25, SJ6, KI6, BL20, BL21, ST36

284.A patient has frequent, painful and urgent urination, also with blood in the urine. Thin yellow tongue coating, rapid and forceful pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. BL28, Ren3, SP9, SP10, SP6

265.You used GB34 and local ash points treated an old patient who sprained and dislocated his ankle. His left foot became everted, what you would add?

d. BL62

253. A 51 year old female patient has had arthritis for 11 years. She has shoulder pain worse at night which bothers her sleeping, also has finger pain and stiffness. Her joints are swelling and hot on touch. Purple tongue with dry yellow coating, rapid pulse. what is your diagnosis?

d. Bi syndrome: heat and blood stasis

140.Which divergent channel winds around anus?

d. Bladder

238.A patient has headache, dryness and bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, hypochondriac distention, acid reflux, constipation, red eyes, and tinnitus, red tongue with redder sides and yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. CV13, LV2, GB43, SJ6, GB34

400.A patient 55 year old female patient has mental depression, distress of the chest, hypochondriac pain, abdominal dissension, belching, anorexia, vomiting, abnormal bowel movement, thin sticky coating, wiry pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. CV13, LV2, GB43, SJ6, GB34

244.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse.If this patient also has sudden loss of consciousness, what points you will add?

d. CV26, KI1

269.A 29 year old male patient was sent to your clinic with complaint of headache, dire thirst, shortness of breath at first. When you are taking his pulse he suddenly collapsed, loss of consciousness, sweating. Then his friend told you he just ran 5 miles outside (temperature 98 F). He has deep and forceless pulse. How you will treat this patient?

d. Call 911

349.Which of the following can both clear heat and tonify deficiency, can expel exterior wind and extinguish interior wind?


279.Second day this patient (mentioned in question 278) came back and reported cough relieved but his aversion to cold and fever got more severe than yesterday, what points you will add ?

d. DU14, SJ5

113.Which of the following meridians enters upper gum?

d. Foot Yangming

78.What point is located at mid-way between DU24 and ST8?

d. GB 15

137.Belt vessel meet with gall bladder channel at what points?

d. GB26, GB27, GB28

364.Which of the following is indicated for a wide range of disorders characterised by weakness, flaccidity, contraction and pain of the limbs?

d. GB39

246.A 25 year old male patient has acute dull headache, it's temporal headache, thin white coating and floating pulse.After one treatment, temporal headache was gone, but this patient has parietal headache now, what points you will use?

d. GV20, SI3, BL67, LV3

287.If this patient (No.286) has dreams, what point you will add?

d. HT 7

239.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse.what is your diagnosis?

d. Insufficiency of blood

64.Which of the following points can be needled with vigorous twisting, lifting, or thrusting?

d. K 1 (Yongquan)

56.What point is located between the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon, at the level of the prominence of the medial malleolus?

d. K 3 (Taixi)

408.A male patient has dry cough without sputum, dry throat, afternoon fever, malaria flush, red tongue with little coating, thin rapid pulse. First two treatments you used KI6, LU7, LU1, BL13. When he followed up for the third treatment, he also complained nose bleeding, Which of the following you will add?

d. LI4, DU23

79.Patient has chronic sore throat for a few years, now she has hot flush, five center heat, night sweating, what points are you choosing for her?

d. LU7 and KI6

126.Which of the following meridians encircle the inner surface of lips?

d. LV

128.Which of the following meridians gets to vertex?

d. LV

263.You used SJ5, SJ17, LI4, LI11 to treat mumps patient, after one treatment, he said other symptoms got better, but he got new symptom, testicle swelling and pain. What you would add?

d. LV3, LV8

407.A 35 year old female patient has profuse yellow thick leukorrhea with foul smell, yellow scanty urination, bitter taste dry mouth, irritable. yellow tongue coating, wiry rapid pulse. SP6, Ren3 was used for the first treatment, when she followed up, complains itching in her vulva. Which of the following you will add?

d. LV5

392.A patient has painful diarrhea and poor appetite caused by emotional issue. Which of the following combinations would be proper?

d. Liv 13 (Zhangmen) and Liv 14 (Qimen)

363.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Lung channel?

d. Lu 9 (Taiyuan) and Lu 5 (Chize)

274.A 25 year old male patient has epigastric pain, radiating to the hypochondriac regions, frequent belching accompanied by nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, abdominal distention, poor appetite, thin white tongue coating, and wiry pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. PC6, ST36, CV12, LV3, LV14

275.A 29 year old female patient has vomiting of foul stuff, epigastric and abdominal distention, belching, aversion to food, loose stool with undigested food, greasy thick tongue coating, and rolling, full pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. PC6, ST36, CV12, SP4, CV10, Inner-Neiting (Extra)

116.Which of the following meridians zig-zags from the inferior fossa to the superior fossa of the scapula?

d. SI

117.Which of the following meridians enters the ear?

d. SI

258.A yin deficiency patient was treated with SP6, KI3, she has new symptoms of night sweating. What you would add?

d. SI3, HT6

354.What points are good for draining San Jiao and Gall Bladder Meridians?

d. SJ10 and GB38

114.Which of the following meridians spreads over the lower surface of the tongue?

d. SP

119.Spleen meridian connects with which of the following organs?

d. SP, ST, HT

248.A patient has abrupt onset of facial pain in maxillary region which occurs like electric shock, the pain is cutting and intolerable but transient and paroxysmal. Each attack lasts a few seconds and several times a day. This patient also has chills, fever, running nose, tight pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

d. ST2, SI18, LI20, LI4, GB20, LU7

370.Using the Five Element theory, the sedation method can be used to drain the Earth element using:

d. Sp 1 (Yinbai)

92.Which of the following is a Xi-Cleft point?

d. Sp 8 (Diji)

108.Lung channel connects to all the following organs except?

d. Spleen

81.Which point contraindicated for both acupuncture and moxibustion treatment?

d. St 17 (Ruzhong)

365.The Xi-Cleft of which meridian is useful in treating disorders of breast ?

d. Stomach

389.Which of the following points would best treat exterior Cold invasion accompanied by headache?

d. TW (SJ) 5 (Waiguan)

387.A patient who has Small intestine excess, according to four needle technique, which you will choose?

d. Tonify BL66, SI2, reduce ST36, SI8

369.Which of the following points is most effective for treating night sweating?

d. UB 43 (Gaohuangshu)

70.Which of the following points is most effective for treating nocturnal emission?

d. UB 43 (Gaohuangshu)

121.Which of the following is the starting point of KI meridian?

d. beneath the little toe

391.It is most appropriate to use a three-edged needle to treat:

d. high fever

394.Liv 13 (Zhangmen) is best indicated for:

d. pain in chest and hypochondriac region

89.What is the proper needling technique for Sp 9 (Yinlingquan)?

d. perpendicular insertion to a depth of 1 to 1.5 cun

82.The Shu-stream point of the Heart channel is located on the proximal border of the:

d. pisiform bone

378.What is the potential risk associated with deep needling at CV (Ren) 4 (Guanyuan)?

d. puncturing the bladder

95.What is the potential risk associated with deep needling at CV (Ren) 4 (Guanyuan)?

d. puncturing the bladder

22.as for seven star needle treatment, which of the following statement is correct?

it is good to treat nervous system and skin disease

1.1Moxibustion can be applied to which of the following point?

#A. DU1(Changqiang) B. DU28(Yinjiao) C. ST1(Chengqi) D.ST9(Renying)

13.In which of the following situation, we may be need to prolong the retaining of the needles?

1) Chronic disorders 2) acute case 3). Sharp, stabbing pain 4) intractable and spastic cases D.1)+4)

16.Which of the following techniques belong to reinforcing method?

1). Inserting the needle when patient breathe out 2). Inserting the needle when patient breathe in. 3). Inserting the needle slowly and withdrawing it rapidly. 4) Inserting the needle rapidly and withdrawing it slowly. C. 1)+3)

14.As for reinforcing and reducing by twirling and rotating the needle, which of the following description are correct?

1). when needle is inserted to a certain depth, rotate the needle slowly and gently with small amplitude is called reinforcing. 2). rotate needle clockwise is reducing 3). rotate needle counter-clockwise is reinforcing 4). all of the above B.1)

15.Which of the following techniques belong to reducing method?

1). when puncture, the needle tip against the meridian course. 2). when puncture, the needle tip following the meridian course. 3). when withdraw the needle, close the hole quickly with cotton ball. 4). when withdraw the needle, shake it to enlarge the hole. A. 1)+4)

9.Which of the following points should insert the needles with the help of puncturing and pressing hand?

1).PC6(Neiguan) 2)GB30(Huantiao) 3).BL54(zhibian) 4).LI4(hegu) B.2)+3)

17.which of the following statements are correct?

1).setting the mountain fire method is often used to treat heat syndrome and excess syndrome. 2).penetrating -heaven coolness is often used to treat deficiency-cold syndrome 3). when perform the penetrating -heaven coolness, the needle is insert to the deep level quickly and then the medium and superficial level. 4). when perform the setting the mountain fire, the needle is insert to the deep level quickly and then the medium and superficial level. D.3)

26.as for moxibustion with salt, which of the following statements are correct?

1).usually applied on umbilicus. 2).it can restore the collapse of the yang. 3). It can be use to treat for "four bigs" 4). it can restore the collapse of the yin. C. 1)+2)

21.Which of the following should not use three-edged needle?

1).weak constitution 2). Pregnant women 3) fever and redness or swelling of local region 4). Patients who susceptible to bleeding B.1)+2)+4)

49.Which of the following does NOT belong to the Thirteen ghost points of Sun Si-miao?

A. Du 26 (Renzhong), Du 16 (Fengfu), Du 23 (Shangxing), Du 24 (Shenting)

336.A 35 year old male patient had fever fever, hypertentsion, painful disorder and inflammation, What ear point is the best for this patient?

A. Ear apex

331.A patient is treated for three weeks for tiredness, poor appetite, slight abdominal pain, a weak and slippery pulse, and a pale tongue now presents with a weak pulse and a pale complexion and complains of insomnia, easy to be startled. Which point combination is most effective for treatment?

A. H 7 (Shenmen) and GB 40 (Qiuxu)

42.According to 15 collateral theories, The Lung Collateral has manifestations as:

A. Heat in wrist/ palm. B. Shortness of breath. C. Frequent urination #D. All of above

320.After receiving two treatments for migraine headache , a patient presents for the third session complaining of PMS, cold feet, hot face, abdominal distention. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

A. LV3, KI3, SP4, PC6

45.Which of the following has manifestation of distending pain and pruritus of abdominal skin tissues?

A. The collateral of Ren

2.Which of the following group points are contraindicated for cupping?

A. abdominal pain, sprain, vomiting #B. edema, high fever, convulsions C. headache, dizziness, lower back pain D. muscle pain, constipation, asthma

46.Window of heaven points (sky window points) can treat:

A. cough or wheezing from rebellious lung qi or vomiting from rebellious stomach qi B. headache and dizziness and heat, redness or swelling of the face or eyes C. scrofula and goiter or throat disorders #D. all of the above

12.Which of the following factors might affect the arrival of qi?

A. improper depth of the needle insertion B. weak constitution and dull sensation C. inaccurate point location #D. all of the above

18.which of the following points or area should NOT apply on pregnant women?

A. sp6(sanyinjiao),LI4(hegu) B. lumbar and sacral region C. BL60(kunlun). BL67(zhiyin) #D. all of the above

30.which of the following points should be puncture subcutaneously?

A.DU20, ST8, GB14

19.Which of following method is NOT correct when stuck needle happened on ST36(Zusanli)?

A.If the stuck is due to excessive rotation in one direction, twirl the needle in the opposite direction. B.Ask patient to relax and walk around the office in order to relax the muscle. #C. If the suck is due to tension of the muscle, massage the skin near the point or insert another needle nearby. D. If the suck is due to changing of the position, the original posture should be restored.

309.A patient that receives regular treatments for lower back pain presents complaining of constipation, dry stool, red eyes, dark urine, irritable, red tongue side, yellow coating, wiry pulse. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

A.LI4, BL25, ST28, ST44, LI11

341.A 25 year old male patient complained distending pain in epigastrium form overeating, the pain worse with pressure, worse after he eats. He also had nausea,belching. Slippery pulse and sticky tongue coating. You needled PC6, ST36, REN12. He had immediate relief. Second week he came back again with chief complaint of sever headache, hypochondriac pain, red eyes, thirst. How would you modify your treatment?

A.LV3, GB20, GB40

35.A 40 year old male patient had epigastric pain, bitter taste, thirst, dark urine and constipation. He was treated with PC6, ST36, ST43, and ST44. Three weeks later he returned and reported his pain more intense and more localized, worse with pressure and at night. He also mentioned his stool became much darker. How will you modify your treatment?

A.PC6, ST36, BL17, SP4, SP6

23.as for intradermal needle treatment, which of the following statement is correct?

A.it can be used on any places of the body. B.in summer, we can rertain the needle for 7-10 days. C.it can be used on local region with skin ulcers #D. none of the above.

38.A 50 year old female patient had dry cough with little sputum, sore throat, slight thirst, dry nose, a red tongue with thin coating, and fine rapid pulse. The points of BL13, LU7, LI4 and SJ5 were used. After 6 treatments there was no improvement. How would you modify your treatment?

B. BL13, LU1, LU5, ST40

344.A 28 year old female patient has amenorrhea. No period for the past three months, she had distention and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region. Dark purple tongue, deep wiry pulse. She was treated with REN3, SP10, LV3, LI4, SP6. After three months treatment. She got her period. Then she has shao yin symptoms with cold signs. Which of the following point you will switch to?

B. BL23, KI7, Ren4, Ren6

345.A 40 year old female was treated with DU14, LI11, SP6, SP10, HT7. What problem she may have?

B. Eczema

40.Three days ago a 10 year old boy started having fever with sore throat and aversion to cold. His temperature was 100 F. He also had dry skin, nose, mouth, throat and tongue. He had cough occasionally without sputum. Now his temperature 104 F. He is sweating, aversion to heat, thirsty. His cough getting worse, he had rash on his face, hands with red solids itchy spots. His tongue red with yellow coating and rapid pulse. Which of the following points are the best?

B. LI11, LU5, DU14, BL13

51.Which of the following is not Ma Dan-yang heavenly star points?

B. LI4, HT6, GB30

44.Which one of the collateral has manifestation of pruritus of pubic region and priapsim?


312.A patient treated for insufficient milk, now wants to stop lactation. Which point is most appropriate to combine with GB41?

B. Luo-connecting point of GB

306.A 70 year old male patient had enlargement of prostate, he had lower back pain, profuse frequent urination. You treated him with BL23, KI3, Ren3, BL39. Now patient said he saw blood and was diagnosed as UTI, also takes antibiotic. His urine dark scanty, with fresh blood, irritable, poor sleep, bitter taste, red tongue tip yellow coating. How you will treat him?

B. Reduce BL63, SP10, SP6, Ren3, HT8

327.Infantile paralysis with inversion of foot, what points you should add?

B. ST31, BL62, GB40

256.A 33 year old female has numbness in the elbow and wrists. Her joints are sore, swollen, and heavy and worse on rainy days. The tongue coating is white and sticky. The pulse is soft. You teat here with SJ-4, LI11. Which of the following you would add?

B. ST36, SP5

322.After three treatments for fatigue, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of a headache and a feeling of heaviness in the head. The patient also complains of dizziness, and an oppressive feeling in the chest. The pulse is slippery and the tongue has a sticky coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

B. ST36, SP6, BL20, DU20

318.After three treatments for fatigue, a headache and a feeling of heaviness in the head, a patient presents for a fourth session complained he was newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. Which of the following you will add for this patient on his ear?

B. Tingjiao

5.A patient in good health with acute neck pain is put in seating position, facing the treatment table, and is needled. The patient suddenly becomes pale and faints. The best management would be:

B. remove all needles, lay the patient down, and let patient recover on him/herself unless unusual signs of distress are evident.

47.What are the Xi-Cleft points of the Bladder channel, Yang Qiao Channel, and Yang Wei Channel respectively?

B.BL 63 (Jinmen), BL 59 (Fuyang), GB 35 (Yangjiao)

33.A 40 year old female patient has headaches as her main complaint, she had dizziness, blurred vision, reed face, bitter taste, wiry, rapid pulse. She was prescribed GB20, LV2, GB43, DU20. She returned second week. She said her headache wakes her up at night and had very poor sleep. She still has blurred vision, dizziness and very tired. Headache worse with stress and better with warmth. What points are the best for this patient?

B.DU20, BL18, BL20, BL23, REN6, ST36

4.If needle too deep, which of the following points could puncture the subclavian vessel?


28.prone posture is good for point on:

B.head, neck, back and lumbar region

7.What is the proper needling technique for SJ3(Zhong zhu)?

B.perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch

316.A patient had frozen shoulder (L), shoulder pain worse with cold and humid weather, ROM limited, thin white tongue coating, wiry tight pulse. You needled L LI15, Li14 and Jian qian with moxa and LI10. After 3 treatments, patient reported improvement. How you will modify?

C. Add ST36

319.A 28 year old female patient was 7 weeks pregnant and having morning sickness, oppression in the chest, swollen tongue with sticky coating, wiry slippery pulse. You used Ren12, ST36, PC6, SP4. After 3 treatments, her condition improved. How would you modify your treatment?

C. Add ST40

48.What are the Luo-connecting points for the Bladder channel, Gall Bladder channel, Liver Channel, and Pericardium channel respectively?

C. BL 58 (Feiyang), GB 37 (Guangming), Liv 5 (Ligou), PC 6 (Neiguan)

53.Which of the following is sea of Blood point?

C. BL11, ST37, ST39

50.Which of the following Seas Points are mismatched?

C. Bone: Du 15, Du 16, Du 19, Du 20

342.A 36 year old female patient was treated with BL15, HT7, LV3. What symptom she may have ?

C. Excessive dreaming

333.A 35 year old female patient complained about redness, swelling hot sensation and pain of her left breast, there is lump in the breast, nausea, thirst. Her western medicine physician wanted to prescribe her antibiotics but she refused. What points you should use?

C. GB21, Ren17, ST18, SI1, ST36, LV3

328.Infantile paralysis with eversion of foot, what points you should add?

C. KI6, KI3

330.Which group of points is better for the patient mentioned in question No. 329?

C. LI 4, DU 10

325.After three treatments for tinnitus, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of shingles on her hypochondriac region with severe pain. The patient has a wiry pulse and a tongue with red sides. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

C. LI4, BL40, SP10, GB34, LV3

43.Which one of the collateral has enuresis and frequent urination?


332.A patient has thick and sticky nasal discharge, with nasal obstruction, loss of sense of smell, dull pain in the forehead. What points you should use?

C. LU7, LI20, LI4, Bi tong, Yin tang

313.A patient had cough of blood at night, night sweats, dry cough, was diagnosed at tuberculosis. Which of the following is the most appropriate to combine with LU9, LU6, KI3?

C. Moxa with garlic on KI1

335.A 70 year old female emaciated patient with advanced cancer has a pulse that can easily be felt with super light touch. How would you treat this patient?

C. Ren6, ST36, BL43

326.A 5 year old patient has yellow, foul smelling diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and thirst, burning sensation at the anus, scanty and dark urine, yellow and sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

C. ST25, ST37, Sifeng, LI11, LI4, SP9

11.Which of the following is not a common sign of arriving of qi?

C. Sharp, intense pain

334.A 50 year old male patient had stroke 4 months ago, his had paralysis and speech impairment. With treatment his limbs are improving. But his speech still not improving much.When you asked him question, he answered but the answer does not make any sense. How would you treat this patient with scalp acupuncture?

C. Speech III area

329.A 39 year old man come to your clinic see you because he has had boil for the last year. he has taken many round of antibiotics which only temporarily clear the problem. he has several furuncles on his buttocks and two on his upper back.

C. hand yang-ming, governing vessel

27.as for moxibustion with monkshood cake, which of the following statements are correct?

C. is only suitable for deficient and persistent yin-cold syndrome

8.If a needle breaks on the same level as the skin, what should the practitioner do?

C. press gently to expose the needle and remove with forceps.

3.For a frail(weak) patient, which of the following is a proper neddle method?

C. use slow rate and small amplitude of rotation, minimal twisting and rotating, and short retention

31.Four days ago, a 35 year old male patient had fever worse in the afternoon, aversion to cold, body hot to touch, a feeling of oppression in the epigastrium, swollen glands, sticky taste, thirst without desire to drink, frontal headache, a feeling of heaviness in the body, sticky white coating, and soggy pulse. Yesterday his symptoms changed. The fever became continuous but decreased after sweating and then ramps up again. He started having loose stools. His tongue is red with sticky yellow coating, and rapid pulse. He still feels heavy and has epigastric oppression. What points are the best for this patient?

C.BL20, SP9, REN12, LI11

323.A 55 year old male complains about right lower abdominal pain, the pain started last night after a rich, spicy meal. about two hours later he began vomiting, now vomiting stopped, but she has a fever of 101 F. his tongue is red with yellow sticky coating. pulse is slippery and rapid. when you do examination for the patient which point on the leg should be sensitive?


339.A 30 year old patient has irregular menstruation, scanty flow and light red color. Also has dizziness and tinnitus. Pale tongue, deep and week pulse. She had treatment with REN4, 6, ST36, SP6. After 6 months of treatment, she felt better . Her new complaint is hoarse voice, how you will modify your treatment?

C.LI4, LI18, PC5

36.A 20 year old male patient complained distending pain in epigastrium form overeating, the pain worse with pressure, worse after he eats. He also had nausea, belching. Slippery pulse and sticky tongue coating. You needled PC6, ST36, REN12. He had immediate relief. Second week he came back again with chief complaint of paroxysmal epigastric pain, nausea, belching, vomiting and pain from stomach radiating to hypochondriac area. How would you modify your treatment?

C.PC6, ST36, REN12, LV3, LV14

311.A patient is treated for six weeks for tiredness, poor appetite, slight abdominal pain, a weak and slippery pulse, and a pale tongue. The patient now presents with smelly sticky stool, dark urine, epigastric distending pain, acid reflux, red tongue with sticky yellow coating, wiry slippery pulse. Which point combination is most effective for treatment?

C.Ren12, ST36. PC6, SP4, LV3, DU9

337.A 65 year old male patient loose stool, chills, edema, cold limb and fatigue What points are the best for this patient?

C.SP9, REN9, SP3, BL22, REN12,

307.After two treatments for constipation, a patient presents for a third session complaining of cough, asthamatic breathing, copious phlegm which is white sticky, chest oppression, thirst likes to drink water. Pale tongue with white greasy coating, slippery wiry pulse. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

C.ST40, LU7, Ren22, ding chuan, Ren17, PC6

29.as for cupping, which of the following statement is correct?

C.cupping should be avoided on patient with skin ulcers.

6.What is the proper needling technique for Yintang?

C.puncture subcutaneously with the finger pinch the skin 0.3-0.5 inch

24.Which of the following is NOT the function of moxibustion?

C.to strengthen yin from collapse

37.A 36 year old female patient had frequent vomiting, poor appetite, fatigue, loose stool, sallow complexion, pale tongue with thin white coating, and thin forceless pulse. REN12, ST36, PC6, SP4, BL20 were used. After 8 treatments she stated she felt better overall with more enegery and more firm stool, and slightly better appetite. But her vomiting became persistent. How would you modify your treatment?

D. Add jinjin and yuye

54.Which of the following is not in the category of Sky window point?

D. DU16, SJ17

315.After six acupuncture treatments (HT7, BL15, Ren14, SP6) for insomnia, dizziness, angry easily, lower back soreness, high blood pressure, slight red thin tongue with thin yellow coating, deep thin pulse. the patient now reported little improvement with his symptoms, blood pressure under control with western medicine. Which of the following point combinations is most appropriate for treatment?

D. DU20, HT7, SP6, BL57, KI3, LV3

324.After two treatments for constipation, a patient presents for a third session complaining of carbuncles. The pulse is slippery and rapid and the tongue is red with yellow coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

D. Du10, Du12, PC4, LI4, BL40

321.After three treatments for edema, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of headaches and a feeling of emptyness in the head that is aggravated by fatigue. The patient also complains of dizziness, tinnitus, lower limb and lower back weakness, late period, pale tongue. Weak pulse. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

D. Du4, BL23, DU20

39.A 38 year old female patient has amenorrhea. No period for the past three months, she had distention and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region. Dark purple tongue, deep wiry pulse. She was treated with REN3, SP10, LV3, LI4, SP6. After one week she returned and reported there was no improvement. And you checked again, there is hard mass in her lower abdomen, pain worse with pressure. Which of the following point you will add?

D. KI14

343.A 40 year old female patient had dry cough with little sputum, sore throat, slight thirst, dry nose, a red tongue with thin coating, and fine rapid pulse. The points of BL13, LU7, LI4 and SJ5 were used. After 6 treatments condition was improved. The patient had new complaint "pain in his right wrist around SJ4" How would you modify your treatment?

D. Left GB40

310.A patient received 5 regular treatments for migraine headaches which triggered by coffee, spicy food and stress. You used 4 gates, SJ5, GB20, Taiyang. The patient reported there is improvement after each treatment, but only lasted a few days. Which of the following scalp line you will add?

D. Lower 2/5 of sensory line

52.Which of the following is sea of Qi point?

D. Ren17, ST9, DU14, DU15

55.A patient who has Small intestine excess, according to four needle technique, which you will choose?

D. Tonify BL66, SI2, reduce ST36, SI8

20.a patient appears hematoma after withdrawing the needle, which of the following method is correct?

D. do nothing, wait for it dispears.

10.Which of the needle technique can promote qi flow and use for patients with retarded qi sensation due to qi deficiency.

D. plucking

32.A 15 year old boy had a slight fever and chills a few days ago, one day later he had a fever, aversion to heat, profuse sweating and constantly wanted to drink water. On the day 3 his condition suddenly worsened with increased fever, rigid neck and hyperextended spine. Red rash and seizures. What points are the best for this patient?

D.BL62, SP10, DU16, SI3, LI11, GB20

308.After two treatments for seasonal allergies, a patient presents for a third session complaining of occipital headache, sore neck, body pain, chills and fever, cough, sore throat. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

D.GB20, LI4, LU7, LU11, DU14, BL13

34.A 35 year old patient has irregular menstruation, scanty flow and light red color. Also has dizziness and tinnitus.Pale tongue, deep and week pulse. She had treatment with REN4, 6, ST36, SP6. After 6 months of treatment, she felt better but all of the symptoms still there. Who you will modify your treatment?

D.KI3, REN4, KI8, BL23, DU20

338.A 40 year old female patient has fever, hypochondriac fullness, nausea, greasy yellow coating. What points are the best for this patient?

D.LI11, LV14, BL18, GB34, SP9, SP6

314.A 40 year old patient was treated for scanty period, low back pain, dizziness, tinnitus with ST36, SP6, KI7, BL23 for 3 months, not much improvement. How you want to treat this patient next ?

D.Ren4, SP6, LV8, BL18, KI6

317.After receiving two treatments for edema of the legs, a patient presents for the third session complaining of lower back discomfort, poor appetite, abdominal distention, white sticky coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

D.SP9, BL20, KI3, Ashi points

340.A 50 year old male patient had epigastric pain, bitter taste, thirst, dark urine and constipation. He was treated with SJ6, ST36, GB34, and ST44. Three weeks later he returned and reported his condition improved and he wants you to treat his hypertension . Which two he sea points you will combine

D.ST36, LI11

25which of the following symptoms are NOT suitable to treat by moxibustion?

D.redness of face and eyes due to excessive heat.

109.Which of the following meridians enters lower gum?

Hand Yangming

41.Which one of the following statements is correct about Yang Heel and Yin Heel when treating insomnia problem?

Should tonify Yin Heel Kid 6 and reduce Yang Heel at BL 62

209.After receiving three treatments for dysuria, a patient presents for the fourth treatment complaining of weak voice, shortness of breath, and sweating. The pulse is weak and the tongue is pale. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

St 36 (Zusanli), Sp 3 (Taibai), CV (Ren) 12 (Zhongwan), and UB 20 (Pishu)

192.What is the Front-Mu point of the Heart meridian?

a) CV (Ren) 14 (Juque)

175.Which of the following groups of points are best for treating the excess syndrome of dysmenorrheal?

a) CV (Ren) 3 (Zhongji), UB 32 (Ciliao), LI 4 (Hegu), Sp 10 (Xuehai), Sp 8 (Diji), Liv 3 (Taichong)

146.A patient treated for persistent diarrhea for three months without improvement now complains of a heavy sinking feeling in the lower abdomen. An X-ray report indicates a prolapsed uterus. Which point combination is most appropriate?

a) GV (Du) 20 (Baihui) and Liv 8 (Ququan)

181.The Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel) coincides with which of the following points along the Kidney meridian?

a) K 11 (Henggu) through K 21 (Youmen)

185.Which of the following point combinations is most appropriate for the treatment of abdominal distention and pain aggravated by pressure?

a) LI 4 (Hegu) and St 25 (Tianshu)

169.What is the Hui-meeting point of the Zang?

a) Liv 13 (Zangmen)

211.After three treatments for edema, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of a tension headache. The patient also complains of a tremor of the limbs, numbness, and giddiness. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

a) Liv 3 (Taichong), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao), GB 20 (Fengshi), GV (Du) 16 (Fengfu), and GV (Du) 20 (Baihui)

152.After two treatments for constipation, a patient presents for a third session complaining of breathlessness, thirst, irritability, cold limbs, and a runny nose. The pulse is slippery and rapid and the tongue is red with a white coating. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

a) Lu 1 (Zhongfu), Lu 6 (Kongzui), Lu 7 (Lieque), Lu 10 (Yuji), LI 11 (Quchi)

149.After three treatments for edema, a patient presents for a fourth session complaining of headaches and a feeling of heaviness in the head that is aggravated by damp weather. The patient also complains of chills, a runny nose with white discharge, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. The tongue has a sticky coating and the pulse is floating and slippery. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

a) Lu 7 (Lieque), LI 6 (Pianli), Sp 6 (Sanyinjiao), and St 8 (Touwei)

215.After three treatments for constipation, a patient presents for fourth session complaining of epigastric distention and pain that radiates to the right hypochondrium. The pain is made worse by emotional situations and the patient also complains of belching, sighing, irritability, and hunger. The patient has a wiry pulse and a tongue with red sides. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

a) P 6 (Neiguan), Liv 14 (Qimen), St 21 (Liangmen), and GB 34 (Yanglingquan)

207.After four acupuncture and moxibustion treatments for insomnia, the patient now presents with a red face and complains of mouth and tongue ulcers and thirst. Which of the following points is most appropriate for treatment?

a) P 8 (Laogong)

157.Which of the following acupuncture points is the origin of a series of small collaterals that spreads over the whole body and is used to treat weakness or looseness in any joint in the body?

a) Sp 21 (Daobao)

167.The Luo-connecting point of which channel can be used to treat both upper and lower abdominal pain?

a) Spleen

196.The indications for indirect moxibustion with salt insulation on the umbilicus include:

a) cold limbs, cholera, wind strike desertion patterns

204.What is the proper needling technique for UB 10 (Tianshu)?

a) perpendicular insertion to a depth of 0.5 to 0.8 cun

197.Which of the following needling techniques is used for reducing excess?

a) thrust gently, raise forcefully

267.A 26 year old patient has rapid breathing, cough with thin sputum, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, and no sweating at the early stage, absence of thirst, white tongue coating, floating and tight pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. BL13, BL12, GV14, LU7, LI4

266.A 72 year old patient has dry cough without sputum or with scanty sputum, dryness of the nose and throat, spitting blood or even coughing blood, afternoon fever, malar flush, red tongue, thin tongue coating, thready and rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. BL13, LU1, LU7, KI6

282.A 54 year old male patient has edema which started from ankle, and then over the whole body, worse below the waist, she also has lower back pain and cold sensation, poor appetite, loose stool, bright white complexion, pale tongue, deep and thready pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. BL23, BL20, Ren9, Ren4, KI7, ST36

280.A 35 year old male patient has bowel movement every five days, he also has hot sensation, thirst, foul breath, forceful and slippery pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. BL25, ST25, SJ6, KI6, LI4, LI11

367.The Governing Vessel (Du Mai), Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai), and Conception Vessel (Ren Mai) all connect to which common point?

a. CV (Ren) 1 (Huiyin)

240.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. CV14, HT7, SP6, LV3, BL15

401.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. CV14, HT7, SP6, LV3, BL15

283.Second time when he (No.282) came to your clinic, he also has swollen face, which point you will add?

a. DU 26

385.Which point is located in the depression just posterior and inferior to the mastoid process?

a. GB 12 (Wangu)

76.Which point is located in the depression just posterior and inferior to the mastoid process?

a. GB 12 (Wangu)

249.A patient started having deviated eye and mouth after he woke up two days ago. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. GB14, SJ17, LI4, SI18, ST4, ST6, ST7

404.A 52 year old female patient has dizziness, which is aggravated by anger, she also has irritability, flushed face, red eyes, tinnitus, slight lower back pain, dream disturbed sleep, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. GB20, BL18, BL23, KI3, LV2

219.A patient dizziness aggravated by anger, irritability, flushed face, red eyes, tinnitus, slight lower back pain, dream-disturbed sleep, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. GB20, GL18, BL23, KI3, LV2

276.A female patient has Chills, fever, no sweating, headache, soreness and pain of the limbs, nasal obstruction, running nose, itching of the throat, slight cough, thin white tongue coating, floating and tight pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. GV16, BL12 , GB20 , LU7 , LI 4

111.Which of the following channel courses is correct?


285.A female 50 year old patient has insomnia, irritability, dream disturbed sleep, fright and fear, accompanied with headache, distending pain in the costal region, bitter taste in the mouth, red tongue redder sides with yellow coating.what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. HT7, SP6, Anmian, GB12, BL19, BL18

88.What point is located at the medial end of the politeal crease, between the tendons of semitendinosus and seminmenbranosus?

a. K 10 (Yingq)

379.What point is located in the depression on the lower border of the navicular bone?

a. K 2 (Rangu)

97.What point is located in the depression on the lower border of the navicular bone?

a. K 2 (Rangu)

122.Which of the following meridians terminate at root of the tongue?

a. KI

98.Which of the following points is most commonly used in treating a patient with a dry, itchy rash?

a. LI 11 (Quchi)

103.Which of the following points is contraindicated during pregnancy?

a. LI 4 (Hegu)

359.Which of the following point combinations is most appropriate for the treatment of abdominal distention and pain aggravated by pressure?

a. LI 4 (Hegu) and St 25 (Tianshu)

294.If this patient (No.293) has foul breath, abdominal distention, dislike pressure, yellow thick coating and rapid slippery pulse. What points you can add?

a. LI 4, Ren 6, SP 9

271.A patient 77 year old female patient has hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, slurred speech, accompanied by headache, dizziness, vertigo, twitching of muscles, wiry pulse.If this patient (mentioned in question No.5) has upper limbs hemiplegia, what points you would add?

a. LI15, LI11, LI4, SJ5

254.A 51 year old female patient has had arthritis for 11 years. She has shoulder pain worse at night which bothers her sleeping, also has finger pain and stiffness. Her joints are swelling and hot on touch. Purple tongue with dry yellow coating, rapid pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. LI15, SJ14, SI9, SI10, Baxie, SI3, BL17, SP0, LI11, GV14

297.what points you will add if patient (No. 296) has yellow greasy coating, and wiry rapid pulse?

a. LV 3, GB 34

127.Which of the following meridians encircle genitals?

a. LV, GB

348.A patient suffered hypochondriac distension and pain, bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, scanty and yellow urine, yellow sticky tongue coating and wiry rapid pulse. Which group of points is the best:

a. Liv2, Liv3, GB34, Liv14, ST36

234.A patient has mental depression, distress of the chest, hypochondriac pain, abdominal dissension, belching, anorexia, vomiting, abnormal bowel movement, thin sticky coating, wiry pulse.what is your pattern diagnosis?

a. Liver Qi stagnation

132.Where does luo channel start?

a. Luo-connecting point of each original meridian

101.The Xi-Cleft point of which meridian is useful in treating nosebleeds and vomiting of blood?

a. Pericardium

216.A patient has palpitation, lusterless complexion, dizziness, blurred vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth marks, thready weak of intermittent pulse. what is your diagnosis?

a. Qi and blood deficiency

293.A 32 year old female patient has abdominal distention, which of the following points is good ?

a. Ren 12, ST 25, ST 36, ST 37

290.A 46 year old male patient has impotence, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark urine, soreness and weakness of the lower extremities, yellow, sticky tongue coating, soft, rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. Ren3, ST36, SP6, SP9

303.A male patient has impotence, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark urine, soreness and weakness of the lower extremities, yellow, sticky tongue coating, soft, rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. Ren3, ST36, SP6, SP9

402.A male 47 year old male patient has impotence, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark urine, soreness and weakness of the lower extremities, yellow, sticky tongue coating, soft, rapid pulse. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. Ren3, ST36, SP6, SP9

304.A patient has sadness, palpitation, tiredness and empty pulse. What points are good for this patient?

a. Ren6, ST36, SP6, PC6,BL15, KI6

229.Which of the following point can be used to treat frontal, occipital temporal and vertex headache?

a. SJ5(waiguan)

242.A 40 year old female patient always has grief without reasons, excessive joy or anger, suspicions, easy to be frightened, palpitation, insomnia, thin white coating and wiry fine pulse. If this patient also has hiccup, what points you will add?

a. SP4, CV22

361.Which of the following is the point of the intersection for the Yang Heel channel (Yangqiao Mai) and the Conception Vessel (Ren Mai)?

a. ST 1 (Chengqi)

301.A female patient has acute diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow hot and foul smell stool, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine, sticky yellow coating. what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. ST25, ST36, ST44, SP9

255.A patient has lower limb weakness and flaccidity with motor impairment, also has lower back pain and soreness, blurred vision, seminal emission, dizziness, red tongue, fine and rapid pulse.what points you will use to treat this patient?

a. ST31, ST34, ST36, ST41, GB30, GB34, GB39, SP10, BL18, BL23

100.Which of the following groups of points are indicated for heavy sensation of the body and painful joints?

a. Sp 3 (Taibai), LI 3 (Sanjian), St 43 (Xiangu), SI 3 (Houxi)

96.Which of the following is a Crossing point for the Large Intestine, Triple Warmer (San Jiao), Gall Bladder and Small Intestine channels?

a. St 12 (Quepen)

57.Which of the following points should be needled carefully to avoid puncturing the carotid artery?

a. St 9 (Renying)

71.The Xi-Cleft point of which meridian is useful in treating breast pain?

a. Stomach

374.What are the mother and child points respectively for the Triple Warmer (San Jiao) channel?

a. TW (SJ) 3 (Zhongzhu) and TW (SJ) 10 (Tianjing)

226.Which of the following points is used as empirical point for epilepsy?

a. Yao qi

130.Which of the following meridians encircle the genitals?

a. Yin Qiao

134.Which of the following start from KI6?

a. Yin Qiao

396.The indications for indirect moxibustion with salt insulation on the umbilicus include:

a. cold limbs, cholera, wind strike desertion patterns

94.The Ying-spring point of the Kidney channel is adjacent to the:

a. navicular tuberosity

66.What is the proper needling technique for H 7 (Shenmen)?

a. perpendicular insertion to a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 cun

384.What is the potential risk associated with deep needling at BL15 (Xinshu)?

a. pneumothorax

386.What is the potential risk associated with deep needling at LV14(Qimen)?

a. pneumothorax

397.Which of the following needling techniques is used for reducing excess?

a. thrust gently, raise forcefully

179.What is the recommended depth of insertion for GV (Du) 15 (Yamen)?

b) 0.5 to 1 cun

200.The Jing-river point of the Heart channel is how many cun proximal to H 7 (Shenmen)?

b) 1.5

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