Luther vs. Calvin

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What did King Henry VIII write

15 Poems and Songs, most notably, "Greensleeves" which was written to woo Anne Boleyn

Diet of Ausburg

1555/ The Roman Catholic church recognized the Lutheran church as a completely legitimate expression of Christian faith and practice.The Catholics don't like to talk about this one today as it weakens if not ruins their claim to be the one true church.

Act of Supremacy

1559 / Set the order of prayer to be used in the English Book of Common Prayer. Every man had to go to church once a week or be fined 12 pence, which was a lot for the poor. With this act Elizabeth made it a legal obligation to go to church every Sunday.Elizabeth was trying to achieve a settlement after thirty years of turmoil during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I, in which England had swung from Catholicism to Protestantism and back to Catholicism again. The outcome of the Elizabethan Settlement has been a sometimes tense and often fragile union of both Catholic and Protestant wings of the Church of England and Anglicanism world wide.

Article VI: Of New Obedience.

Also they teach that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruits, and that it is necessary to do good works commanded by God, because of God's will, but that we should not rely on those works to merit justification before God. For remission of sins and justification is apprehended by faith, as also the voice of Christ attests: When ye shall have done all these things, say: We are unprofitable servants. Luke 17:10. The same is also taught by the Fathers. For Ambrose says: It is ordained of God that he who believes in Christ is saved, freely receiving remission of sins, without works, by faith alone.

Act of uniformity

An Act of the Parliament of England. It was actually passed in 1559. It set the order of prayer to be used in the English Book of Common Prayer. All persons had to go to church once a week or be fined 12 pence (equivalent to just over £11 in 2007), a considerable sum for the poor. By this Act Elizabeth I made it a legal obligation to go to church every Sunday. The Act of Uniformity reinforced the Book of Common Prayer.

Similarities between Calvin and Luther

Both Calvin and Luther believed that good works (actions to cancel out sins) were not necessary. Luther believed this because he thought one should ask God what to do for sins rather than just do good works. Calvin believed this because he thought people were already chosen for salvation so good works would make no difference. Both of them agreed that good works were a sign of faith and salvation, and someone truly faithful would do good works. Both of them were also against indulgences, simony, penance, and transubstantiation. Both men also denounced the Pope and said that he was not really infallible. Also, both men believed in following the words of the scriptures over what the priests said because the scriptures were the original basis of Christianity.


Charles V signed a successful peace treaty with France. After these successes, Charles aimed to assert his control over what he saw as German religious heresies. It brought forth the Augsburg Confession, a central document of Lutheranism that was presented to emperor Charles V.

What did Zwingli believe in?

Faith demanded an active commitment to God The practices of the Roman Catholic Church took one's mind away from what Christ taught. There was no justification for these practices in the Bible. Whatever could not be justified by the Bible was to be abolished. Religion was a personal experience which did not require sacraments or ceremonies to sustain it. Zwingli denied that there could be any trace of God in the consecrated sacraments. The service of communion was simply an act of commemoration. The belief that there was a presence was mere superstition. In this, Zwingli differed from Martin Luther. Zwingli put a great deal of emphasis on the law of God as set out in the Bible. Zwingli claimed that it was Christ who gave Man the will to obey. A truly Christian community must follow the Bible as closely as possible.

What did John Calvin believe in?

He believed in predestination and that all people were decided by God whether they would enter heaven or hell at conception. He also created the religion Calvinism.

What did Martin Luther write?

He translated the Christian Bible in to modern vernacular, wrote multiple hymns, wrote the 95 thesis, and had many speeches and pamphlets.


He was a Swiss theologian who was an early leader in the Protestant Reformation and who helped created one of the main branches of Protestantism, known as the Reformed Tradition. Although he was the first major figure in the Swiss Protestant Reformation, he was the only major figure whose work did not directly lead to the creation of a church or movement in his name. Zwingli's ideas had an influence on all Protestant branches, however, from the more conservative Lutherans to the more radical Anabaptists.

Henry VIII

Henry VIII was at one time a very celebrated Catholic, so much so that he was awarded the title "Defender of the Faith" by the pope for a tract he had done with support from St. Thomas More in defense of the Sacraments against the Protestants. However, Henry had a falling out with the Church, largely due to his desire to secure an annulment that he might remarry, for his current wife had not produced an heir. When the pope refused and St. Thomas More would not aid him, Henry began to take steps to gain political control over the Church. In the end, a complete break was enacted and Henry is ultimately credited with establishing the Church of England, or Anglicanism. Rejecting papal authority, the crown became the supreme temporal authority in religious matters. Along with this came the doctrinal and disciplinary changes that were influenced by Protestantism on the main continent. He was not a protestant, but he was anti-papal, which means he was against the supremacy of Rome. He called himself a good Catholic on several accounts, and he burned Protestants as heretics. However, he did not believe that the Pope was all powerful in terms of religion, and so he separated from the Church and made himself Supreme Head of the Church of England

King Henry VIII Protestant Reformation

In his fight with the Pope over his divorce of Catherine he cut himself off from the Catholic church and made the Church illegal in England. He began the Church of England and started to take the church properties from the Catholic church and close churches. He had churches destroyed, arrested clergy, and took church property. Thus, the Protestant Reformation was begun under his rein. Anne Boleyn added to it by pushing Henry to keep up his fight with the church and published articles against the church. They were enable to enrich the Crown with the goods and property of the Catholic church. This event effectively lead to England breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church based in Rome. Henry placed himself as head of the church and in that sense, in his eyes, his divorce was perfectly legal. In 1533, few were brave enough to tell him otherwise!

Difference between Luther and Zwingli

Luther believed that God's promises to man could not be revoked, whereas Zwingli felt that if man sinned, God could also choose to withdraw from the contract.

Difference between Luther and Calvin

Lutheran God predestines people to heaven, but no one to Hell. Lutheran-Baptism saves and regenerates (even infants) Calvinism-Baptism brings you into the covenant but does no save (even infants) Lutheran- Jesus died for all people and saves all who turn to him for forgiveness. Calvinist- Jesus died for the elect. Lutheran-Christ true physical body and blood are given in the Eucharist. Calvinist- Christ is spiritually present in the Eucharist only. Calvinist God Predestines to heaven and Hell. (Double Predestination)

What did Martin Luther believe in?

Martin Luther believed in the need for reformation of the Roman Catholic Church. He believed that Christian can get salvation from Christ alone. He also believed that unethical and injustice practices can be suppressed in a peaceful manner. He abhorred and criticized buying of indulgences, a practice that is common in the Catholic Church during his time.

Article IX: Of Baptism.

Of Baptism they teach that it is necessary to salvation, and that through Baptism is offered the grace of God, and that children are to be baptized who, being offered to God through Baptism are received into God's grace. They condemn the Anabaptists, who reject the baptism of children, and say that children are saved without Baptism.

John Calvin

Started Calvinism in France during the Protestant Reformation. Calvinism said that everyone is going to hell but only a few chosen ones, graced by God, will go to heaven. The chosen ones are going to heaven no matter what. Also, you can tell who is chosen or not; the chosen ones will be good, upright citizens. This will later lead to the puritans that helped settle America.

Martin Luther

Started the Protestant Reformation in Germany when he declared that only the Bible is the source of all faith/belief so religion is just between man and the Bible; there was no need for the Pope, bishops, priests, etc.

Who are modern anabaptists?

The Amish


This session attempted to calm rising tensions over Protestantism, especially due to fears of the rising Ottoman threat; the Ottomans under Suleiman had almost taken Vienna in 1529 and Charles V wanted Christianity to unite against this force.

Henry VIII

Wanted the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Bolyn. The Pope refused so Henry declared himself head of the Church of England which became known as the Anglican church. There weren't much difference between Catholic church and the Anglican church during that time.

Where was Zwingli's church located


What are Anabaptists?

a Protestant movement in the 16th century that believed in the primacy of the Bible, baptised only believers, not infants, and believed in complete separation of church and state


After the Edict of Worms had condemned Lutheranism, problems of enforcement emerged as Charles V waged wars against France and commitments in the rest of his empire prevented him from focusing on German religious problems.

Peace of Augsburg

This was a treaty between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Lutheran princes within the empire.It ended the religious struggle between the 2 sides, and established the principal of 'Cuius regio, eius religio' which gave individual rulers the right to choose either Protestant Lutheranism or Catholicism as the sole religion in their realms.

Which Englishmen wrote the Book of Common Prayer

Thomas Cramer

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