management 3301 UHD

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business-to-business network.

A group of organizations that join together and use IT to link themselves to potential global suppliers to increase efficiency and effectiveness is called a


A plan that indicates which industries and national markets an organization intends to compete in is a(n) ________-level strategy.

mission statement

A(n) __________ is a broad declaration of an organization's overriding purpose, or what it is seeking to achieve from its activities.


According to Henri Fayol, which of the following qualities of an effective plan means that only one central, guiding plan is put into operation to achieve an organizational goal?

a good work environment.

According to Herzberg's theory, hygiene needs are best satisfied by

perceive that if they try hard, they can perform at a high level.

According to expectancy theory, if expectancy is high, people

predicting low trading volumes and low volatility levels in the stock market.

Ace Components, Inc., conducted a SWOT analysis, which determined a major threat by

enjoy taking care of patients and be motivated by having a secure job with good benefits.

An individual who is both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated is more likely to


An individual's belief about his or her ability to perform a behavior successfully is called

customer service calls are monitored, and managers indicate appropriate responses.

An organization is using concurrent control when

suppliers are given strict criteria for the desired quality of raw materials they should supply.

An organization is using feedforward control when


An organizational structure in which each kind of customer is served by a self-contained division is called a ________ structure.

point out that many superhero films have recently failed at the box office and that audiences are looking for alternative stories that are not similar to video games

Anja is taking part in a brainstorming group that is supposed to think of new storylines for films for a major studio. The studio wants creative stories that are different from previously produced films, but also marketable. However, Anja soon notices that members in the group tend to rely on old storylines, especially about superheroes, that seem like "safe" bets at the box office. Additionally, when one of them proposes an idea, the others almost invariably go along with it. What should Anja do in order to effectively counteract this dynamic?

both the marketing manager and the personal care product manager.

At Cosmeto & Co., Ignas, a marketing specialist, usually works with other marketers. However, he has recently been assigned to a team to develop a new kind of shampoo. Cosmeto has a complex organizational structure, and the team developing the new shampoo has members who specialize in a variety of functions for the company, including research and design, production, and packaging. Ignas and these other members will rotate in and out of the shampoo team as their specific tasks are completed. Ignas has to report to

one that pays all of the employees on the assembly line for each golf club they complete as a team

At Long Shot, Inc., the CEO, Jorge, wants to increase the overall number of golf clubs produced each year without increasing the size of the work force. Producing a golf club requires many steps in an assembly line process. Given this process, which of the following payment systems would Jorge most likely use?

managers and their subordinates together determine the subordinates' goals.

Bel-Air Cooling Systems is utilizing management by objectives when

devise a plan on how to purchase the plastic supplier.

Callista is a manager at ThrillSeeker, Ltd., a company that makes amusement park rides. She has decided that she would like to create value by purchasing one of the companies that produces the materials ThrillSeeker needs to make its rides. She has already chosen a team of people and assigned them the responsibility to making sure the purchase happens. What should she do next?

backward vertical integration.

Carnegie Steel Company was a U.S. steel producing company. The company controlled not only the mills where the steel was made, but also the mines where the iron ore was extracted, the coal mines that supplied the coal, the ships that transported the iron ore, the railroads that transported the coal to the factory, and the coke ovens where the coal was cooked. This is an example of

the high price of the metal used to make the earbuds

Cheng-En has just completed a study for his company, NewElectronics, Inc., which produces wireless earbuds. This study focuses on the major threats to NewElectronics. Cheng-En has found that his company has one major rival, MagicSounds, Inc., which has developed impressive brand loyalty. Cheng-En's company uses a specific type of metal that only a few suppliers offer. However, NewElectronics's earbuds would still be affordable for many customers. Furthermore, Cheng-En does not see any products that can be used in place of New Electronics earbuds. Based on what you know about Michael Porter's five forces model, which of the following would Cheng-En claim is the greatest threat to NewElectronics?

praise Anika for her square-shaped tennis racquet idea and allow her to think of more ideas without any hands-on supervision

Fatima is the manager of the tennis division of a large sporting goods company. An employee named Anika shows great promise but seems to lack the confidence to share her creative ideas. Based on what you know about promoting creativity, which of the following actions should Fatima take?

bureaucratic control

Goodwin Industries primarily uses rules and SOPs for all its work. The workers in this factory have become so used to automatically following rules that they have stopped thinking for themselves. What type of control does the management exercise?

product champion

Ha-joon, a middle manager at FirstTier, Inc., is engaged in a product development project. He has been associated with the project from the idea stage; he has implemented his ideas in its introduction to market and has developed a strong customer base. In the context of intrapreneurship and organizational learning, which of the following is Ha-joon's role?

people and resources are grouped by function and product.

In a matrix organizational structure,

choose among alternatives

In the context of the decision-making process, which of the following is the fourth step that involves ranking the alternatives before making a final decision?

product structure

In which of the following structures do managers organize divisions according to the type of good or service they provide?

Kylie, who designed a more efficient process for making one of her company's products

Jacob, Gia, Kylie, and Tamika have noticed opportunities for product or service improvements. Who among them is an intrapreneur?


Jae-Kyu, a worker at Chelsea Motor Scooters, comes up with a new way to attach the fuel injection system to the motor, increasing the efficiency of the assembly process. The managers instruct all employees to attach fuel injection systems the same way so that every car comes off the assembly line with its fuel injection system attached in the new way. The managers are using ________ control.

give lower-level managers and the graphic designers the authority to make important decisions.

Karabo wants to start a graphic design company that will have employees who are highly skilled at using complex computer programs. For this type of company, Karabo would most likely want to

decide that revamping the minor league team is better than moving the team to a new city or hiring new coaches.

Kareem is the new owner of a major league baseball team. Over the last several years, the team has consistently had a losing record and, as a result, attendance is slumping. Kareem is currently evaluating potential solutions, including revamping the affiliated minor league team, moving the team to a new city, and hiring all new coaching staff. Kareem's next step is to

her creativity to design clothes for needy families while receiving lower pay than designers working for top fashion houses.

Lotte is highly intrinsically and prosocially motivated and to a lesser degree extrinsically motivated. As a result, she enjoys her work as a fashion designer for Clothes Plus, Inc., because she uses

return on investment.

Net income before taxes divided by its total assets is an organization's

doing something he loves, namely playing golf over the weekend, if he is able to complete the project on time.

Paul sets a goal of completing the design for a new display box for a major customer by the end of the week. In general, he motivates himself to achieve goals by using self-reinforcement. In this case, Paul practices self-reinforcement by

form a strategic alliance with a distributor in China.

RideOn, Inc., is an automobile company that has strategic alliances with two entities: a supplier in India and a manufacturer in South Africa. RideOn's vehicles are known for being of good quality, but they are more expensive than the average person can afford. The company would like to further reduce its costs so that it can pass those savings on to the end consumer. To do this RideOn would most likely

He should have floor managers and employees jointly set goals that describe what employees can personally do to reduce waste and then periodically check in with them to monitor their progress.

Santiago has taken a new job as the general manager at Durwood Industries, which designs and manufactures custom cabinets. He is replacing Evan, who recently retired. Santiago has already set a company-wide goal of increasing efficiency and reducing waste. Unfortunately, Santiago has inherited a heavily bureaucratic work culture governed by byzantine rules. Evan mainly managed by actively overseeing his employees, but from the employee's lack of motivation, Santiago can tell that this approach is no longer working. Based on what you know about behavior control, what solution should Santiago implement to increase employee engagement and productivity?

granting promotions and recognizing the accomplishments of individual employees.

Satisfying an employee's esteem needs, as described in Maslow's hierarchy of motives, can be accomplished with the policy of

a job requires that an employee use a wide range of abilities and knowledge.

Skill variety is the extent to which

members respond in writing to questions posed by the leader.

The Delphi technique is a decision-making technique in which

why decision making is always an inherently uncertain and risky process.

The administrative model was developed to explain

social learning

The concept that proposes that motivation results not only from direct experience of rewards and punishments but also from a person's thoughts and beliefs is the ________ theory.

a wholly owned foreign subsidiary.

The level of involvement, investment, and degree of risk is highest in

allow servers to rotate job functions, such as serving and greeting, on a daily basis.

The owner of a local restaurant wants to implement job enlargement in his restaurant. To do so, he would probably

Muaad should meet with Bruno and Ilya to decide if a five-star rating scale is sufficient for measuring their progress and whether they need to reach a 4- or 4.5-star average.

The sales of Audiophile, a manufacturer of home and professional audio systems, have been declining noticeably over the last several quarters. Muaad, the CEO, meets with several managers, including Bruno, the head of the customer service department, and Ilya, a customer response team leader. It is determined that, while the company's quality and innovation standards are being met and even exceeded, its customer service is not performing as well as it should be. Muaad decides to implement a goal of raising the quality of Audiophile's interactions with customers by their next quarterly meeting. Given what you know about the control process, what should the team at Audiophile do next?

number of subordinates who report directly to one manager.

The term "span of control" refers to the


Tyler, an employee of MNM Corp., shows consistent interest in setting clear goals for his performance and is ready to take up challenging roles. He asks his manager to provide feedback on his performance regularly. In the context of McClelland's needs, Tyler is likely to possess a high need for


Valentina, a manager at KB Tech, organizes company picnics for her employees regularly and tries to promote good interpersonal relationships among her team members. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Valentina is trying to satisfy the ________ needs of her employees at work.

Ad-Hoc Committee/Task Force

What is another name for a task force?

division of labor

What is the result of job design?

feedback control

What type of control gives managers information about customers' reactions to goods and services so that corrective action can be taken if necessary?

underpayment inequity

When an individual's own outcome-input ratio is perceived to be less than that of a referent, ________ exists.


When managers focus on distinguishing the organization's products from those of competitors on one or more important dimensions, such as quality or after-sales service and support, this is considered a ________ strategy.


When managers receive immediate feedback on how efficiently inputs are being transformed into outputs so managers can correct problems as they arise, this is ______ control.

measuring actual outputs resulting from the behavior of employees

Which of the following activities is management performing if they are at step two of the control process?

The company sells a line of healthy products, and the local market is becoming more health conscious.

Which of the following factors is most likely to be considered an opportunity in a SWOT analysis?

allocating appropriate resources to the responsible individuals or groups

Which of the following is Step 4 of the strategy implementation process?

looking at internal reports to assess which departments have been failing to perform

Which of the following is an example of step one in the organizational change process?

hierarchy of authority

Which of the following is defined as the organization's chain of command, specifying the relative authority of each manager?

hiring a new employee when one leaves

Which of the following is most likely to be a programmed decision for an organization?

Mark sets up an organization that provides laptops free of cost to economically disadvantaged students.

Which of the following people would be considered a social entrepreneur?


Which of the following refers to the pattern of faulty and biased decision making in which team members strive for agreement among themselves at the expense of accurately assessing information relevant to a decision?

Managers must emphasize the importance of building a shared vision.

Which of the following statements is true for a manager intending to create a learning organization?

Group members can ask for clarifying information and critique each alternative to identify its pros and cons.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the nominal group technique?

assess alternatives

Which of the following steps of the decision-making process requires the managers to specify the opportunity or threat properly and then define the criteria influencing the selection of alternatives to respond to the problem or threat?

few large customers

Which of the following threats affects how much profit organizations competing within the same industry can expect to make?


__________ is a person's perception about the extent to which performance at a certain level results in the attainment of outcomes.

Related diversification

__________ is the strategy of entering a new business or industry to create a competitive advantage in one or more of an organization's existing divisions or businesses.

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