management information systems chapter 12

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12-2 define outsourcing. describe the circumstances in which it should be used for building information systems. list and describe the hidden costs of offshore software outsourcing

using external orgs that specialize in services needed to build or operate IS hidden costs: -vendor selection -transition costs -layoffs & retention -lost productivity, cultural issues -improving development processes -managing contract

12-1 list the various types of design specifications required for a new information system

-output -input -database -processing -manual procedures -security and controls -conversion -training and documentation

12-1 list and describe the problem-solving steps for building a new system

1. define & understand problem - define, identify causes, solution objectives, and info requirements 2. develops alts - identify other possible solutions 3. choose best - evaluate alts and choose the best one *1-3 = systems analysis* 4. implement - create detailed design specs, acquire hardware, develop software, test system, prepare training and documentation, convert system, evaluate solution

12-1 what are the core problem-solving steps for developing new information systems?

1. define and understand problem 2. develop alternative solutions 3. evaluate and choose solution 4. implement solution

12-4 list and describe the major components of an information systems plan

IS plan - shows how specific IS fit into a company's overall business plan and business strategy components: 1. purpose of plan 2. strategic business plan rationale 3. current systems 4. new developments 5. mgmt. strategy 6. implementation of plan 7. budget requirements

12-2 define the traditional systems life cycle and describe its advantages and disadvantages for systems building

SDLC - oldest method for building IS; methodology is phased approach w/ series of formal stages (waterfall approach) disadvantages - expense, time-consuming, volumes of new docs generated, steps retrace if specs nee revised, not suitable for small desktop systems/apps

12-2 describe the advantages/disadvantages of developing information systems based on application software packages and cloud software services (SaaS)

adv = saves time and money, company doesn't have to write own software, vendors provide ongoing maintenance and upgrades, packages include capabilities for customization disadv = additional programming and customization work may be so expensive and time-consuming that it negates many advantages

12-2 define end-user development and explain its advantages and disadvantages

allows end user to create simples IS w/ little or no assistance from specialists adv = completed more rapidly than systems developed w/ conventional tools, leads to higher level of user involvement & satisfaction w/ systems disadv = can't handle large # of transactions, org risks

12-2 define information system prototyping and describe its benefits and limitations. list and describe the various steps in the prototyping process

building an experimental system rapidly an inexpensively for end user to evaluate steps: 1. identify user's basic requirements 2. develop initial prototype 3. use prototype 4. revise/enhance prototype benefits = encourages end-user involvement, more likely to produce systems that fulfill user requirements limitations = glosses over essential steps in systems development (testing & documentation), if prototype works well, manager may not want to build actual system, does not easily accommodate large quantities of data or large # of users

12-2 describe the issues that must be addressed when developing mobile applications

companies need to design sites specifically for mobile interfaces and create multiple sites to suit needs of phones, tablets, and desktop browsers responsive web design - enables sites to change layouts automatically according to visitor's screen solution

12-1 describe the roles of documentation, conversion, production, and maintenance in systems development

documentation showing how system works from technical and end-user views is required conversion: -parallel - old system and replacement run together until its assured to run correctly -direct cutover - replaces old system on appointed day, no system to fall back on -pilot study - introduces new system to limited area of org -phased approach - introduces system in stages production - users and tech specialists review solution to determine how well it has met OG objectives and decide if revisions are in order maintenance - changes in hardware, software, documentation; procedures to prod'n system to correct errors, meet new requirements, improve efficiency

12-4 list and describe the factors that influence project risk and describe strategies for minimizing project risks

factors = project size, project structure, level of technical expertise of IS staff formal planning and control tools - documenting and monitoring project plans -Gantt chart - lists project activities and corresponding start/end dates -PERT chart - program evaluation and review technique, lists activities that make up a project and activities that must be completed before specific activity can start

12-1 define information requirements and explain why they are important for developing a system solution

identify who needs what info, when, where, and how requirements analysis carefully defines objectives of new system and develops detailed description of functions it must perform. a system designed around wrong set of requirements will have to be discarded or undergo major modifications

12-4 explain the importance of implementation for managing the organizational change surrounding a new information system

implementation - all org activities working toward adoption & mgmt. of a new IS requires a high level of user involvement, and if users heavily involved then they have more opportunities to mold systems according to their priorities and business requirements and to control outcome

12-4 describe how portfolio analysis and scoring models can be used to establish the worth of systems

portfolio analysis - inventories all of firm's IS projects and assets -high benefit, low risk - early returns & little risks, examined 1st -high benefit, high risk - examined second -low benefit, high risk - should be totally avoided -low benefit, low risk - reexamined for possibility of rebuilding and replacing w/ more desirable systems scoring model - gives alt systems a single score based on extent to which they meet selected criteria

12-2 what are the alternative methods for building information systems?

prototyping, end-user-developed systems, application software packages and SaaS, outsourcing, rapid app design, joint app design, cloud-based platforms, DevOps, reusable software components

12-3 computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

provides software tools to automate the previously described methodologies; reduces repetitive work in systems development facilitates clear documentation, coordination of team dev. efforts, modest productivity benefits if tools are used correctly

12-2 explain how businesses can rapidly develop e-business applications

rapid app development - creating workable systems in a very short period of time; key parts of development can occur simultaneously joint app design - end users and IS specialists work together on design to speed up design phase agile development - rapid dev. and frequent delivery of working software w/ continual use involvement DevOps - org strategy to create a culture & env. that further promote rapid/agile dev. practices; development & operations

12-4 define the user-designer communications gap and explain the kinds of implementation problems it creates

relationship b/w end users and IS specialists & differing backgrounds, interests, and priorities users and designers concerned w/ different aspects of IS; system may not be to specs of users, yet liked by specialists and managers higher up

12-3 compare object-oriented and traditional structured approaches for modeling and designing systems

structured - step by step techniques with each step building on previous one; process-oriented, focusing on methods that separate data from processes -tools = data flow diagram, process specs, structure chart object-oriented - uses object as basic unit of systems analysis and design; based on concepts of class and inheritance - classes of objects inherit all structure and behaviors of more general class; more iterative & incremental than traditional structured development

12-3 what are the principal methodologies for modeling and designing systems?

structured methodologies & object-oriented development

12-4 explain the differences between tangible and intangible benefits

tangible - can be quantified and assigned monetary value intangible - cannot be immediately quantified

12-4 list six tangible benefits and six intangible benefits

tangible: 1. increased productivity 2. lower operational costs 3. increased sales 4. reduced workforce 5. reduced facility costs 6. lower computer expenses intangible: 1. improved asset usage 2. more timely info 3. higher client satisfaction 4. better corporate image 5. increased job satisfaction 6. legal requirements attained

12-4 how should information systems projects be selected and managed?

to determine whether an IS project is a good investment, one must calculate its costs and benefits. orgs should develop IS plans that describe how IT supports the company's overall business plan and strategy project mgmt. - application of knowledge, skills, tools, & techniques to achieve targets w/i specified budget and time constraints; major variables = scope, time, cost, quality, risk

12-1 explain why the testing stage of systems development is so important. name and describe the three stages of testing for an information system

to ensure it produces the right results unit testing - detailed testing of individual computer programs system testing - tests perf. of IS as a whole acceptance testing - provides final certification that system is ready to be used in prod'n setting

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