Master Mnemonics Vocab w/RKM

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adj. (of a law or rule) forbidding or restricting something; preventing; excessively high; difficult or impossible to pay নিষেধাজ্ঞামূলক Most people in poor countries are unable to purchase a computer because of its prohibitive price. Remember: Prohibiting is inhibiting from doing something by law or force.


adj. (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence অধ্যবসায়ী The Nobel Prize-winning scientist attributed his success to what he termed "curiosity, a modicum of intelligence, and sedulous application." Remember: The woman got promoted not because of her seducing look, but for her sedulous nature, hardworking with dedication and care for the duty.


adj. (of a person or their manner) slow and gloomy অপ্রফুল্ল When the long list of casualties from the battle were announced, the mood in the room was saturnine. Remember: The first word comes in mind is saturated.


adj. (of a person's voice) loud and powerful; extremely loud প্রচণ্ড জোরালো He introduced me to the staff with a stentorian announcement. Remember: Reminds me of Sten gun, a very loud and powerful weapon. Some people has a voice such loud and powerful.

Gregarious *

adj. (of a person) fond of company; sociable; tending to associate with others of one's kind : SOCIAL দলপ্রিয় A recent anthropological theory is that human beings are gregarious creatures that are comfortable living in groups of around 150 individuals. Remember: It has same rhythm as gracious, in Spanish. It is like you say gracious to people and this make you more social.

Laconic *

adj. (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words; brief and to the point অল্পকথায় অর্থপূর্ণ The laconic actor seemed to be a good choice to play the strong, silent hero in the western. Remember: Lac = Lack = lack of words = using few words, to portray the idea point to point, brief and specific.

Volatile *

adj. (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse; unstable পরিবর্তনশীল The political situation was becoming more volatile. Remember: Iodine is volatile substance.

Impermeable *

adj. Impassable, not allowing passage through (such as by a liquid); impossible to penetrate : IMPENETRABLE দুর্ভেদ্য The virus protection software is said to be impermeable to attacks by malicious software sent over the Internet. Remember: Permeable - semipermeable - impermeable membrane.

Soporific *

adj. a drug or other agent that induces sleep; sleeping pill নিদ্রা-উদ্রেককর ঔষধ For some people the best soporific is reading a boring book.


adj. a small or trivial detail; extremely small অতি ক্ষুদ্র বিষয় সংক্রান্ত President Ronald Reagan said that a president should concentrate on the formulation and execution of broad policy and leave the minutia of running the country to subordinates. Remember: It is the plural of minute, extremely small amount. Minute is a small amount of time compared to the age of universe. Thus minute detail is a very small detail.


adj. able to meet financial obligations স্বচ্ছল During the financial crisis several large banks had difficulty remaining solvent. Remember: Solvency


adj. abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food ক্ষীণকায় The prisoner was emaciated after being fed only bread and water for three months. Remember: Think about Emma Stone. My all time crush. She is so thin, lean, wasted muscle and weak looking. Like he doesn't eat at all. Emaciated is being like Emma. But for any negative consequences.


adj. abundant; plentiful প্রচুর The copious rainfall during the harvest time was never welcomed by our farmers, it causes cataclysm to the production. Remember: Copy + much; many copies of something makes it abundant.


adj. adapted for seizing or grasping something especially by wrapping around; like monkey grasp branches with tail আঁকড়াইয়া ধরিতে সক্ষম The elephant has a prehensile trunk. Remember: Read 10 times: Monkey has a prehensile tail.


adj. admirable; capable of being estimated; worthy of great respect: RESPECTABLE শ্রদ্ধেয় Alistair Cooke's book Six Men contains character studies of estimable modern figures including H. L. Mencken, Humphrey Bogart, and Adlai Stevenson. Remember: Able to estimate. If you can estimate one's greatness, you can admire his life and show respect.


adj. agreeable; cooperative অনুকূল I am amenable to the suggestion to improve the mnemonics part of this set. Remember: Amen+able; saying Amen we wish Allah is able to agree to our wish.


adj. aiding or designed to aid the memory স্মৃতিসহায়ক The usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me. Remember: Mnemonic Dictionary

Fledgling *

adj. an inexperienced person, beginner; a young bird about to leave the nest; novice; immature অনভিজ্ঞ লোক The coach said that some of the team's fledglings would play in Saturday's game. Remember: full-fledged = completely developed or established. On the other hand, fledgling is opposite of full-fledged.


adj. apelike; relating to apes; resembling a monkey বানর-সদৃশ Many people in the nineteenth century denied the evolutionary significance of the simian characteristics of human beings. Remember: Semi Man = simian; an ape

Meretricious *

adj. apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity; plausible but false; চটকদার; falsely attractive মিথ্যা আড়ম্বর দ্বারা আকর্ষণ করে এমন The paradise they found was a piece of meretricious trash. Remember: Mere + Precious. Something that seems precious but actually mere simple thing, not precious at all. Falsely attractive.


adj. appealingly stimulating; pleasantly pungent (having a sharply strong taste or smell); attractive মনোরম তীব্রতাপূর্ণ Many of the guests enjoyed the piquant barbecue sauce, but others found it too spicy for their taste. Remember: Quant is tough. But in GRE, quant is more attractive and delighting than verbal.


adj. arranged in layers n. stratum - layer স্তরযুক্ত One of the implications of an increasingly stratified economy for America might be increased social unrest. Remember: Sounds like classified. Once something is classified, it is divided into many layers.


adj. attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery তোষামোদী The boss has a reputation for hiring fawning employees. Remember: Recall phony, which is not genuine or real: such as intended to deceive or mislead; just like that, fawning is to try winning something using phony mode.


adj. avoiding the company of other people; solitary; seclusive নির্জনতাপ্রিয়; সংক্ষিপ্ত John is a reclusive person who enjoys reading more than anything else. Remember: Replace R with S and get the meaning, seclusive, someone who loved seclusion and solitary, solitude..


adj. awkward, unsophisticated and socially awkward, tactless, clumsy কদাকার What is considered gauche in one culture might not be considered gauche in another culture; for example, burping is considered rude in America but is acceptable in China. Remember: Recall gosh! We say, oh gosh, he doesn't even know how to behave properly. He is so clumsy.

Morose *

adj. bad-tempered; not friendly or sociable; ill-humored কঠোরপ্রকৃতি; গোমড়া মুখ The assessment of some skeptical critics of existentialism is that it is generally a view of life created by a group of thinkers whose distinguishing characteristic is that they are morose. Remember: Moron is a stupid person, ill tempered and unsociable person. Morose is same. A moron is equipped with morose.


adj. balanced; steady; uniform; unvarying; lacking in extreme variation or difference ন্যায়সঙ্গত Throughout the crisis the president remained equable. Do not confuse equable with equitable, which means fair or just. Remember: Read it like: Equally stable. Able to act equally no matter what the situation is.

Fallacious *

adj. based on a false idea or fact; misleading; containing or based on a fallacy n. fallacy - an incorrect data প্রতারণাপূর্ণ The belief of the Nazis that they could create a "master race" was based on the fallacious premise that some races are inherently superior to others. Remember: Fallacy sounds like false-y, false. So, fallacy is a false, incorrect, misleading data. And fallacious is the result of fallacy.


adj. being in actual contact: touching along a boundary or at a point; touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence: contiguous row houses পার্শ্ববর্তী There are 3 contiguous houses in our home. Remember: Continuous contact.

Mundane *

adj. belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly or spiritual one; lacking interest or excitement; dull সাংসারিক Fundamentalists contend that the Bible's account of the creation is literally true, while others believe that it is the retelling of a powerful myth current in the Middle East that sought to explain the mundane in spiritual language. Remember: Sounds like Monday. There is nothing as mundane as Monday. Because it is another busy unexcited day, another worldly day of work, not fancy heavenly day.


adj. beyond the normal course of nature; supernatural অতিপ্রাকৃত Most scientists believe that putative preternatural phenomena are outside the scope of scientific inquiry. Remember: Of course not natural, more of supernatural; paranormal.

Vituperative *

adj. bitter and abusive; containing or characterized by verbal abuse গালাগালিপূর্ণ The young music critic's vituperative comments aroused the wrath of nearly every serious composer. Remember:

Audacious *

adj. bold; daring; strong দুঃসাহসী Guerrilla Force conducted many audacious surprise attacks in 1971 which made Pakistani Army really frustrated. Remember: when you go for any audition, you need to be bold and confident.


adj. bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned আর আমোদ-প্রমোদ চাহে না এমন I am tired of her blasé attitude towards his parents; she never talks to them right. Remember: it sounds like Blast. When someone is so bored, his temper is blast and he reacts afterwards. So blasé is making bored.

Banal *

adj. boring because it lakes originality and contains nothing new; repeated too often গতানুগতিক Most of our professors' lectures are so banal that makes me fall asleep. Remember: Boring And Not originAL - take all the capitals


adj. bribable; corruptible; showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery; bribe = ঘুষ অর্থের বিনিময়ে অন্যায়ভাবে কাজ করিতে ইচ্ছুক The depressing though inescapable conclusion the journalist reached is that the mayor went into politics for motives that were almost entirely venal. Remember: Vein carries impure blood to kidneys to make it pure, so venal is related to impurity. So, it means corruptible and in job, bribable.


adj. brightly shining; radiant দেদীপ্যমান On the queen's neck was a necklace of jewels, in the middle of which was a large, refulgent diamond. Remember: It is like detergent. Wash with detergent and the object will shine brightly.

Phlegmatic *

adj. calm in temperament; sluggish; showing little emotion সহজে উত্তেজিত হয় না এমন "Phlegmatic natures can be inspired to enthusiasm only by being made into fanatics." (Friedrich Nietzsche) Remember: It kinda sounds like pragmatic - practical. Practical people think with little emotion and stays calm.

Malleable *

adj. capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences; having a capacity for adaptive change নমনীয় Behaviorists such as B. F. Skinner believe that human nature is malleable, and that people's behavior can be changed by changing their environment. Remember: Related to meltable. Like you melt something, then give desired shape and solidify again. Malleable is the ability of being this.

Viable *

adj. capable of growing or developing; capable of working, functioning; capable of living n. viability টেকসই The proposed investment was economically viable. Remember: Via = Through the way, able = possible. Something that is possible somehow, is viable.


adj. careful; cautious; feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems সাবধান According to psychologists, human beings are naturally wary of strangers. Remember: Wary is like worry. Worried about the quality or danger and possible outcomes. Cautious.


adj. characteristic of the countryside, rural; relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral গ্রাম্য The west side of the river Dhaleshwari is a bucolic expanse of land for a nice little walk. Remember: read it like bookholic. Some bookholic guys live in countryside. so bookholic is a characteristic of countryside.


adj. characterized by or affected with trembling; trembling; quivering; timid; exceedingly sensitive : easily shaken or disordered কম্পমান; ভীরু She opened the letter with tremulous hands. Remember: TREMbling and nervOUS.

Solicitous *

adj. characterized by or showing interest or concern; attentive; eager; full of anxiety and concern : APPREHENSION; careful একান্তভাবে কামনাকারী The nurse is extremely solicitous of the health of every patient in the ward. Remember: I know this.

Ostentatious *

adj. characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; trying to attract attention; intended to attract notice and impress others জাঁক দেখাতে ভালবাসে এমন The power of the government was present ... but it did not express itself in large and ostentatious buildings. Remember: Nothing is as ostentatious as a OSTRICH feather in your hat.

Analogous *

adj. comparable to; like n. analogy - a similarity in some ways between things সাদৃশ্যপূর্ণ The modern days computer is analogous to a human brain. The operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain Remember: Analogous is analogous to homologous. Homologous chromosomes are two pieces of DNA within a diploid organism which carry the same genes, one from each parental source.


adj. complying; obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way বিনয়ী; অনুবর্তী It is important not to be boorish to other's opinion without being too compliant. Remember: One who never complains and obeys what others say is compliant.

Homogeneous *

adj. composed of identical parts; uniform in composition সজাতি A culturally homogeneous neighborhood is a blessing if you live in a village. Remember: Don't get confused with Homogenous. homogenous was used as a scientific term, mainly in biology, but now it is almost obsolete, being replaced by homologous. Whereas, homogeneous is a common word, very much in use and means having similar or comparable characteristics.


adj. concerned with tasting or the sense of taste; affecting the sense of taste স্বাদ গ্রহণ বা পরীক্ষা করা বিষয়ক According to scientists, our gustatory sense depends to a large extent on our olfactory sense. Remember: Gustation is the action of tasting. Gustatory is related to taste. Taste, or gustation, is a sense that develops through the interaction of dissolved molecules with taste buds.


adj. concerning the sense of smell ঘ্রাণেন্দ্রিয়-সংক্রান্ত Wine connoisseurs say that the olfactory senses play as important a part in appreciating good wine as the sense of taste. Remember: Olfactory gland. Olfactory nerve.


adj. considerable in amount or numbers : SUBSTANTIAL; real rather than apparent : FIRM; pertaining to the substance যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ The judge cautioned the attorney to present only information that was substantive to the case at hand. Remember: Equivalent to substantial. Something substantial is firm and real, having essential importance.


adj. contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings অন্তর্মুখ There's an interesting literature that suggests that when people are sad, they tend to pay attention to themselves. They become withdrawn and introspective and very aware of their body and their mind and not very aware of the external world. Remember: Internal Perspective, Introspective is to observe ones internal thoughts and perspective and then comment on it.

Commensurate *

adj. corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : PROPORTIONATE; or equal তুল্য God rewards us in afterlife commensurate to our activity in this life. Remember: Common + sure + rate;make sure the rate is equivalent/equal to the common rate. Distribute in accordance with what appropriate.


adj. covered with hair or having a large amount of hair কেশে আবৃত One of the most obvious differences between humans and closely related species such as chimpanzees is that the latter are hirsute, while the former have relatively little hair. Remember: Too much hair that covers head or body or part of body just like a suit do. Simply, using hair as a suit.

Craven *

adj. cowardly; a coward কাপুরূষ In the Hindu epic poem the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna warns the hero, who is reluctant to fight, that refusing to fight would be a craven act. Remember: You crave a girl's company, thanks to this age, but you can't express it to her, because you are a coward.


adj. creation of energy by joining the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms to form helium; union; synthesis; join সমন্বয় A hydrogen bomb requires tremendous heat to trigger the fusion reaction, which is provided by the detonation (explode or cause to explode) of a fission bomb. Remember: Fusion reaction of hydrogen results in helium.


adj. curved outward উত্তল The term for a lens with one convex and one concave side is "convex-concave." Remember: Opposite of concave, convex lens.


adj. curving inward অবতল Concave lenses are used in glasses to compensate for myopia (nearsightedness). Remember: Cave face has an inward curve


adj. cynical; scornfully mocking ঘৃণাপূর্ণ Satire (mockery) that is too sardonic often loses its effectiveness. Remember: Scornful Sarcastic and ironic.

Profound *

adj. deep; not superficial; having or showing great knowledge or insight. n. profundity - the quality of being profound গভীর জ্ঞানপূর্ণ Her books offer profound insights into the true nature of courage. Remember: Profound intellectual ability.


adj. delightful; blissful; heavenly স্বর্গীয় The dream of retiring to a tropical isle and enjoying a life of Elysian ease. Remember: It came from Elysium. Elysium is described in Homer's Odyssey as a place of eternal spring where the souls of heroes and others who are blessed by the gods wander blissfully.


adj. denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful; calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous n. kingfisher শান্তিপূর্ণ The movie evokes the halcyon years immediately after World War II when America was at peace and the economy was booming. Remember: Opposite of cyclone. In cyclone, it takes all happiness and the economy falls, people live in fear and poverty, no peace. Halcyon is opposite.

Pathological *

adj. departing from normal condition; relating to pathology রোগবিদ্যাগত The interpretation of pathological studies. Remember: Pathology.

Empirical *

adj. derived from experiment and observation rather than theory n. empiricism - a view that says experiment is the only source of knowledge পরীক্ষামূলক Some people erroneously cite the theory of relativity as support for ethical relativism, whereas in reality the former is a scientific theory, while the latter is a moral issue, and thus by its nature is not subject to empirical verification. Remember: Em + Perical; Em + practical, meaning experimental and based on observation and result.

Esoteric *

adj. designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone; hard to understand; known only to a few রহস্যময় Epidemiologists, using esoteric statistical analyses, field investigations, and complex laboratory techniques, investigate the cause of a disease, its distribution (geographic, ecological, and ethnic), method of spread, and measures for preventing or controlling it. Remember: esoteric resemble the rhythm oh historic. There are so many hidden historic facts that we don't know properly. Everyone does not know the history.


adj. desiring something owned by another; greedy v. covet লোভী The expensive electric car that Tesla showcased last month, which is supposed to emit fossil fuel burn and save green, drew many covetous looks. Remember: There are 7 deadly sins described in Bible. Among which covetousness is one of them, which is greediness for others' properties or, wives.


adj. destructive to both sides in a conflict; deadly to both sides মারাত্মক The U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) was an internecine conflict that lead to the deaths of 620,000 soldiers out of the 2.4 million who fought in the war. Remember: When it says inter, it means two things, one from outside. Here, it is like intern of medical. So much hard working. At the end, you nearly die in physically and mentally, destructed in both sides, thus internecine.

Aberrant *

adj. deviating from what is normal n. aberration; anomaly বিপথগামী When a professor shows an aberrant courtesy of providing course material before conducting lecture, we feel a little suspicious about next lecture's surprise test. Remember: abERRant; the term ERR (error) is in the heart of aberrant, how can it be normal?

Recondite *

adj. difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : DEEP; dealing with something little known or obscure; abstruse দুর্বোধ্য Geochemistry is a recondite subject. Remember: Read it like Re Conduct; the professor re conducted the topic since most did not understand.


adj. disobedient, rebellious বৈধ আদেশ অমান্যকারী The contumacious code of old major was so contagious that soon after his death, the Manor Farm became Animal Farm.

Beneficent *

adj. doing or producing good; doing kind things হিতকর; কল্যাণময় The most beneficent policy was dissolved immediately after the new president was elected. Remember: Benefit sent.

Precipitate *

adj. done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration; hasty (done or acting with excessive speed or urgency; hurried) ত্বরন্বিতভাবে করা The secretary of state advised the president not to take precipitate action. Remember: When your minute details precipitates, you also do something in precipitate.

Gullible *

adj. easily deceived; easily cheated or fooled অতিসরল Gullible members of the audience believed the young performer's claim that he had composed "Hey, Jude." Remember: Forgot guileless and guile? Guile means trickery and deception. Gullible is someone who is easy enough to apply guile, meaning who is easily cheated, a victim of guile.


adj. emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating n. luminosity উজ্জ্বল; দীপ্তিমান The Moon is the most luminous object in the night sky. Remember: Illuminating is glowing. Lumen is the amount of light emitted by a source per unit time.


adj. emotionally hardened, unfeeling, insensitive অনুভূতিহীন Extreme poverty makes people callous about being insulted while they cadge around. Remember: Think it like Call+us; call center guys call us no matter how hard we insult them for calling with shit offers; because they are insensitive.


adj. empty; void; lacking intelligence; purposeless শূন্য In Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, the youngest of the five Bennett daughters, Lydia, is portrayed as a vacuous young woman with few interests other than having fun. Remember: Vacuum - in volume, or in brain.


adj. evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture; based on the attitude that one's group is superior নিজেকে বড় ভেবে অন্যকে যাচাই করা The words "primitive" and "savage" reflect an ethnocentric bias in Western culture that regards societies that do not have Western science and technology as inferior because they have not achieved as much material success as Western societies. Remember: It's like self centered. Like some people think themselves in the center all the time and treat others accordingly.


adj. excessively ornate; highly decorated; style of architecture in eighteenth-century Europe সজ্জাশৈলী সংক্রান্ত The chairs are carved in a rococo style. Remember: It sounds like cuckoo bird, whose voice is so ornate and really delighted, decorated, as everyone says.


adj. excessively self-centered; conceited (দাম্ভিক) অহঙ্কারী The beginning of philosophy has been described as a moving away from egoism to an understanding of the larger world. Remember: It sounds like Egotistic - ego + stick; so, egotistical is sticking with ego only, which means extremely self centered.


adj. existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval; original আদিম Scholars are divided as to whether polytheism represents a degeneration from a primordial monotheism, or was a precursor to a more sophisticated view, monotheism. Remember: Primitive - primeval - primordial


adj. existing in a wild or untamed state পাশবিক Feral dogs returning to an untamed state after domestication sometimes form packs, becoming a threat to humans. Remember: it has tone as beral, cat. Cat is a domestic animal, lives in very hospitable environment, but feral is opposite, existing is a very bad and wild state.

Inherent *

adj. existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute; firmly established by nature or habit অন্তর্নিহিত There were those who trusted the innate goodness of humanity, and those who believed in its inherent crookedness. Remember: Innate immune responses are inherent nature of human.

Pervasive *

adj. existing in spread throughout every part; spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people v. pervade - diffuse পরিব্যাপক A resuscitated orthodoxy, so pervasive as to be nearly invisible, rules the land. Remember: Pervade is the spreading through every part. Pervasive is massively spreading through a place.


adj. explanatory; intended to explain or describe something অনাবৃত করে এমন; বর্ণনামূলক There is no one model of expository prose that a student can emulate, since each piece of good writing is unique. Remember: Git Repository preserves all git codes at a place, it's like gathering everything. Expository is like exposing, getting things out of the repository, and explain in detail. So expose what? Expose the meaning to make it easy to understand.

Lucid *

adj. expressed clearly; easy to understand স্বচ্ছ; স্পষ্ট Writing in a clear and lucid style is a key to get good mark. Remember: Pellucid is also like lucid, which means translucently clear. Lucid means clear, whereas pellucid means allowing the passage of light.

Execrable *

adj. extremely bad or unpleasant; someone who deserves to be hated; deserved to execrated (ঘৃণা) অভিশাপযোগ্য When folk artists such as Bob Dylan began to use rock instruments, many folk music traditionalists considered it an execrable travesty. Remember: Execrate - Execrable


adj. extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding; of or relating to the river Styx পাতালের স্টিকস-নদী-সংক্রান্ত After a five-minute ride through the Stygian darkness, the barge eases up to a low dock. Remember: Stygian comes to us (by way of Latin stygius and Greek stygios) from Styx, the name of the principal river in Hades, the underworld of the dead in Greek mythology. From there the meaning broadened to describe things that are as dark, dreary, and menacing as one might imagine Hades and the river Styx to be.


adj. extremely distressing; disturbing or frightening; terrifying চরম দুর্দশাপূর্ণ The journey "inward" to explore the unconscious mind has been described as more harrowing than the most dangerous voyage to explore the Earth. Remember: It sounds like hero-ing, but it's opposite of being hero. Heroes don't bed disturbed or distressed while making impossible possible, or they don't be terrified, but harrowing is being terrified.


adj. extremely light, delicate, insubstantial, or tenuous; like cobwebs; characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy অতিশয় হালকা Some experts in NASA believe that what they call a gigantic "gossamer spacecraft" could be constructed in space using extremely lightweight materials. Remember: Go + Summer. We use extremely light fine and delicate dresses in summer.


adj. extremely poor or bad; bottomless অতল The abysmal failure of the faculty to ensure maximum attendance in online classes led the program shut down within a month. Remember: Abul MAL; extreme/bottomless corruption in finance dept.


adj. extremely small খর্বকায় Microbiologists study Lilliputian organisms. Remember: Lilliput is an island in Swift's Gulliver's Travels where the inhabitants are six inches tall. Lilliputian are the inhabitants.


adj. extremely small; tiny অণুমাত্র Ancient geological processes are beyond the scope of carbon-14 dating (which is at most 120,000 years) because the amount of carbon-14 in material from such processes that has not decayed is minuscule. Remember: Mini + Scale, very small amount.

Perfidious *

adj. faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy; tending to betray বিশ্বাসঘাতক The novel tells the story of the hero's perfidious lover. Remember: The girl of the perfume movie was dishonest and disloyal, she was perfidious.

Whimsical *

adj. fanciful; unpredictable; playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way n. whimsy - a playful or fanciful idea খামখেয়ালী Many children appreciate Dr. Seuss' whimsical stories. Remember: Whimsical sounds like comical. Whimsical is impulsive, playful. Comical is fanciful, funny.


adj. faultfinding; tending to find and call attention to faults, as in an argument দোষদর্শী The captious critics made by rivals are often quiet incapable of appreciating their merits. Remember: When you investigate and capture a criminal? When you become faultfinding and search for him. This fault finding nature is called captious. Being Captious is same as being curious about faults.


adj. feeling or showing deep and solemn respect শ্রদ্ধা The biologist Loren Eisely had what could be described as a reverent attitude toward nature. Remember: Leo got the most respect and prestige for Revenant movie.


adj. feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing অনুতপ্ত In sentencing the convicted man to a life sentence, the judge took into consideration the fact that he did not seem to be at all contrite about his crime. Remember: Count the cash right, else you will regret for miscalculation.


adj. festive, sociable, fond of partying সামাজিক One of the main reason students went to IMR for general discussion rather than other faculty member is that he was able to provide us a convivial atmosphere for the students. Remember: Same rhythm as vivid, noticeable easily. When you become vivid? When you become festive and social and go to party with friends.


adj. filled with or showing sexual desire : LUSTFUL; horniness লম্পট The court ruled that the movie could be censored because its sole aim was to promote lascivious thoughts. Remember: Las Vegas! Lustful or sexually driven people are there. They take drugs and have party and make sex.


adj. fitting the occasion; suitable or appropriate; relevant যথাযথ Apropos of nothing, the speaker declared that the purpose of life is to love. Remember: APRO (appropriate) + POS (position); suitable; relevant


adj. fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow; fluent in an insincere way; marked by lack of intellectual depth সদাপ্রস্তুত; চপল Sharon's parents were not satisfied by her glib explanation of why she had not been able to study for the exam. Remember: Go to Lib (Library). who does not go to library, lacks intellectual depth.


adj. fond of joking; playful; characterized by joking : HUMOROUS তামাশাপূর্ণ The comedian's jocose introductions kept the awards ceremony from becoming a stodgy affair. Remember: It came from joke, a playful orientation.


adj. foreign, coming from outside; not inherent or essential বাহ্যিক The experiment is designed to exclude factors that are extrinsic to the phenomenon. Remember: Opposite of intrinsic, which means belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing. Like, intrinsic behavior is that type of behavior which is essential to survive, thus we get from our parents. Extrinsic is not readily essential, comes from outside experience and not definitely inherent.


adj. formidable, especially as an opponent; arousing fear; worthy of respect; causing fear or alarm দুর্ধর্ষ As a result of winning 95 percent of her cases, the prosecutor has earned a reputation as a redoubtable attorney. Remember: You can't doubt again. Because he has such a profile that you should be afraid of him, he is redoubtable.

Extraneous *

adj. forming an extra part: not forming an essential or vital part; coming from the outside; not essential: EXTRA নিজস্ব নহে এমন The encyclopedia editors worked hard to cut out extraneous material so that readers could find information easily on a given subject. Remember: Something that is EXTRA, the fact of being extra is Extraneous, so it is not absolutely necessary to exist.

Disinterested *

adj. free from selfish motive or personal interest; not interested for personal bias কামনাহীন; নির্লিপ্ত The newspaper reporter looked for disinterested witnesses to the events so that she could get an objective account of what had happened. Remember: Dis + interest. It's more like interest of saving money in bank. So disinterest in not having interest for personal cause. Say you give unbiased opinion if you don't have any interest (benefit) from that.

Limpid *

adj. free of anything that darkens; completely clear; clear; transparent নির্মল At the bottom of the limpid pond we could see hundreds of fish swimming. Remember: Limp - Lamp. Lamp illuminates and make everything clear, eradicates the darkness. So limpid is the lack of darkness, transparent or clear.


adj. full of courage and fortitude; spirited তেজস্বী The mettlesome young officer was well regarded by all the senior officers. Remember: Mettle is the output of one's meddlesome.


adj. full of holes; permeable to liquids ছিদ্রযুক্ত If you go camping, make sure to spend enough money to buy a tent with a roof that is not porous. Remember: Porous silicone beads

Disparate *

adj. fundamentally different; entirely unlike or dissimilar n. disparity - condition of being unequal or unlike বিসদৃশ Unlike many other departments, Biochemistry requires a knowledge of fields as disparate as physics and biology. Remember: Disparate = Desperately Separate, it means totally different. from each other. Don't mess up with desperate though.


adj. getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant; friendly অনুকূল The physicist Freeman Dyson has expressed his awe at how congenial the universe is to intelligent life and consciousness. Remember: I had a friend named jenny, in class 8. She was very friendly and we had some similar tastes.

Capricious *

adj. given to a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes; lack of consistency and stability n. caprice খামখেয়ালী The COVID 19 situation in BD largely worsened by the capricious decisions of our government. Styles in high fashion seem governed by caprice as much as anything else. Remember: Capri is like কাপড়, cloth. The price of capri raises and falls without any prediction.

Garrulous *

adj. given to much talking; tediously chatty; very talkative; wordy আড্ডাবাজ The garrulous house-guest made it difficult for us to get much work done on the project. Remember: Read it like: Girls Rule Us! How? They talk non stop, being jealous and are very talkative.

Arduous *

adj. hard to accomplish or achieve; extremely difficult' laborious কষ্টকর Preparing a dictionary is an arduous work. Remember: read it- hard to do for us


adj. harsh, severe; astringent criticism n. a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals; a kind of medicine সঙ্কোচক; কটু মন্তব্য Bob tends to nick himself when he shaves, so he uses an astringent aftershave to stop the bleeding. Remember: aSTRINGent- like a string, that tightens something


adj. having a bad smell; smelling extremely unpleasant দুর্গন্ধ Many people find the smell of Limburger cheese fetid. Remember: Fat is the the component of food that cause smell. Once it is rotten, it causes bad smell. Just remember, what does fat do?


adj. having a circular course: roundabout; not being forthright or direct in language or action চক্রাকার; আঁকাবাঁকা According to Hindu philosophy, some souls take a circuitous path through many births to reach God. Remember: Something that follows a circle, thus circuitous.


adj. having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change; deeply rooted পাকা; অনেকদিনের অভ্যাস যা পরিবর্তন হবার নয় The columnist is an inveterate iconoclast who continually questions conventional wisdom. Remember: I don;t know why, the first thing come in mind is - inevitable, means unavoidable. Inveterate is like vegetarian who has built such habit that last forever, he can never touch meat. This inevitable habit is inveterate.


adj. having a red or flushed complexion; ruddy; reddish; flowery; often too fancy রক্তিমাভ; অত্যধিক সুসজ্জিত As he grew older, the novelist eschewed the florid, ostentatious style of his youth in favor of a more direct and sparse style. Remember: Flo (flower) + rid (red) = a reddish ad flowery complexion. And it came from flora, plant, plant make flowers, florid is that flowery compliment.


adj. having a sharply strong taste or smell; penetrating; caustic; to the point কটুগন্ধ Slang frequently expresses an idea succinctly and pungently. The pungent smell of frying onions. Remember: Punch an agent. In matrix, the agent had sharp and bitter taste and presence. So whenever Neo sensed the smell of agent, he tried to punch their fact.


adj. having a smoothly rising and falling form or outline; moving in waves; having a wavy surface, edge, or markings ঢেউখেলান The undulating terrain of the area has made it difficult for engineers to build roads there. Remember: Tough !


adj. having a yellowish discoloration of the skin: JAUNDICE; affected by envy, resentment (অসন্তোষ), or hostility আক্রান্ত Norman's experience as an infantryman during the war has given him a jaundiced view of human nature. Remember: Jaundice is a disease, which makes the skin yellow as sign. But think deeply, it is a disease, envy, hostile, enemy. So, a jaundiced view is a view that is the result of continuous encounter of envy and hostility.


adj. having great power or influence; mighty প্রভাবশালী The article analyzes the similarities and differences between the Roman Empire and the British Empire when each was at its most puissant. Remember: I don't know why, but it seems to me like small, tiny and insignificant, puissANT. But actually opposite, it is a powerful ant, queen of ant colony.


adj. having inappropriate interest in sexual matters; lascivious, lustful লম্পট The school board decided that the book is too salacious to be in the school library. Remember: sala is like shala in Bengali, it is like a bad person. We scold the lustful person as shala.


adj. having knowledge or being aware of; informed; conscious অবগত Not cognizant of customer demands, you can not actually shine your career. Remember: cognizant - cognize - recognize. Recognize what? Danger. Then you become aware of the danger and being conscious.


adj. having little value or importance; invalid নিরর্থক The historian has a knack for focusing on information that appears nugatory but that, upon examination, illuminates the central issue. Remember: It remembers me the word neglect. What do we neglect? We neglect something that has little or no importance or value, that is nugatory. We neglect if it's nugatory.


adj. having many curves and turns; intricate; complex আঁকাবাঁকা The students had trouble following the philosopher's sinuous line of reasoning. Remember: Sinuous is like a man who commits sin. He is not straight and definitely complex and intricate. Whatever he does, in not legal, and dishonest.

Tortuous *

adj. having many twists and turns; highly complex; marked by devious or indirect tactics : TRICKY বহু পেঁচত্তয়ালা; কপট A tortuous path up the mountain. Remember: It sounds like tortoise. Its outer shell is very complex, twisted and hard.


adj. having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge; প্রতিহিংসাপরায়ণ; vengeful; unforgiving; disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge প্রতিশোধমূলক The Treaty of Versailles, which concluded World War I, was deliberately vindictive, imposing tremendous penalties on Germany. Remember: Vin = win, vin + addictive; someone who is addicted to win, will try to take revenge anyone who defeated him.

Irascible *

adj. having or showing a tendency to be easily angered একরোখা; বদমেজাজি The irascible old man complains every time someone makes a little noise. Remember: It is like irritable. What happens in case if an easily irritable man? He gets angry so easily, just like me. So, irascible is the nature of getting angry easily.


adj. having or showing an attitude or mode of behavior that is not natural or genuinely felt প্রভাবিত The emphasis on so-called "proper English" leads to unnatural and affected speech. Remember: infected, once infected, it's not natural anymore, like affected.

Stolid *

adj. having or showing little emotion or sensibility নির্বিকার Behind the professor's stolid appearance is a fun-loving, gregarious character. Remember: It is like solid. A solid face, no chin movement is a hard man, surely shows no emotion.

Ebullient *

adj. having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm উচ্ছ্বাসিত The ebullient performers of BMB made last year's Fresher's Reception memorable. Remember: See the bull. As if you showed a red flag to a bull and it becomes excited and lively. It has marked enthusiasm to chase you and hit. This enthusiasm is ebullient.

Existential *

adj. having to do with existence; based on experience; having to do with the philosophy of existentialism অস্তিত্ব-সম্বন্ধীয় Existential writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre have argued that human beings are free, but that this freedom entails a burden of responsibility that makes them anxious. Remember: Existentialism is a philosophical movement that stresses individual experience in relation to the world. When you exist for a long time, you gain enough experience and develop a philosophy of existentialism.


adj. having to do with the sky or heavens; heavenly স্বর্গীয়; আকাশজাত Astronomers make use of the Doppler effect to measure the velocities and distance from Earth of stars and other celestial objects. Remember: Galaxial

Impecunious *

adj. having very little or no money usually habitually : PENNILESS; poor টাকাকড়ি নাই এমন The businessman's biography tells how he went from being an impecunious student in the 1980s to one of the richest people in America. Remember: imPEcuNIoUS = no peni for us, means very poor, broken.

Salubrious *

adj. health-giving; healthy; promoting health স্বাস্থ্যকর The salubrious effects of exercise on both physical and mental health have been well documented. Remember: Salubrious and Nutritious are rhyming pair of words. Both mean something that promotes good health.


adj. hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; n. a sheltered place, a hiding place গোপন The CIA gathers information about foreign intelligence through many means, including covert ones. Remember: It sounds like covered - covered oneself for safeguard, for dusguise.


adj. holy; consecrated পবিত্র করা And city-council meetings, which had already migrated to Zoom because of the pandemic, have come to host the hallowed activist tradition of town-hall agitation. Remember: The first thing comes into mind is Halloween. In Halloween, people make fun, they make others scared, cast fear, and some of nonsacred stuffs. Hallowed is holy, because it is not like Halloween, which is not holy in Islam.

Facetious *

adj. humorous, not meant seriously; treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor ইয়ারকিপূর্ণ The comedian's facetious comments about prominent politicians kept the audience amused Remember: Break it- Face + Ti; means the face, is not serious. Facetious, Face ti not serious. Thus looks like the Joker of the movie. Which looks humorous and funny in serious time also.

Boorish *

adj. ill-mannered in behavior and appearance; rude; insensitive অভদ্র Bob apologized for his boorish behavior at the party, saying he hadn't realized that it was such a formal occasion. Remember: It is very rude to make BOO like sound with rounded lips when someone talks.


adj. imperative; leaving no choice; not providing an opportunity to show cause why one should not comply অবশ্য পালনীয় The general's words were spoken in the peremptory tone of a man who is used to having his commands obeyed without question. Remember: Pronounce like: pe·​remp·​to·​ry. Permanent and Mandatory. In this case, you have no choice but to follow the command.


adj. impossible to overcome; insurmountable (দুর্গম); unconquerable অপ্রতিরোধ্য Insuperable problems have arisen which make it very unlikely that we will ever finish this project. Remember: You are a superpower. You hit someone, but that was unconquerable, so, you can't be supreme. This superpower is of no use now, this is why it is insuperable.

Impervious *

adj. impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected অভেদ্য; অসংবেদনশীল We were amazed how Laura could sit at the noisy party studying organic chemistry, impervious to the noise around her. Remember: im = not, petvious sounds like pravesh in Hindi. Not allowing to enter - impervious.


adj. improvised; done without preparation পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন I enjoyed the speaker's extemporaneous remarks more than her prepared speech. Remember: look at temporary. You don't take good preparation for a job interview which is a temporary job.

Quiescent *

adj. in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy নিশ্চল Although malignant tumors may remain quiescent for a period of time, they never become benign. Remember: Quick + Absent. No rush, it remains inactive for long time.


adj. inactive; in a state of suspension; sleeping সুপ্ত There is a considerable body of evidence showing that many diseases, such as ulcers, asthma, and hypertension have a large psychological component; the working hypothesis is that they represent manifestations of dormant emotional disturbances. Remember: Dormant phase of a pathogen inside host.


adj. inattentive, preoccupied, distracted অমনোযোগী The chairperson became distrait because his secretary was not sitting in her usual position on his right. Remember: Not Straight. In a meeting, if you don't sit straight on backrest, you might lose your concentration and become inattentive, occupied with other thoughts. Also your not-straight movement cab distract other people.


adj. incapable of producing any useful result; pointless; ineffective নিরর্থক To some non-philosophers, the discipline seems frivolous (not having any serious purpose or value) and futile because it produces no tangible (perceptible by touch) benefits. Remember: Opposite of fertile.


adj. incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate; made up of many parts বহুবর্ণ The new political party is made up of a motley group of people who are unhappy with the existing parties. Remember: Multi layer. Multiple layer of color. Or multiple color or character combination.

Untenable *

adj. indefensible; (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection; not able to be occupied অসমর্থনযোগ্য This argument is clearly untenable. Remember: Not Tenable. Not obtainable. Not defensible.

Implacable *

adj. inflexible; incapable of being pleased নির্দয়; হৃদয়হীন Once an implacable foe of capitalism, the People's Republic of China in recent years seems, in practice if not in principle, to have embraced it. Remember: It seems like impossible to place, move one place to another, means inflexible.


adj. innocent and without deception; free of cunning or deceit; artless; innocent; naive n. guile - deception or trickery ছলাকলাশূন্য One of the charms of the novel is that the guileless hero manages to defeat the scheming villain. Playing poker well requires guile as well as skill. Remember: Guileless - Guiltyless - innocent


adj. insignificant; unimportant তুচ্ছ The meeting of the two women seemed inconsequential at the time, but in retrospect it led to one of literature's great collaborations. Remember: Something that does not bring any consequence is barely important.

Formidable *

adj. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable; threatening; causing fear, dread, or apprehension ভয়াবহ By the middle of the nineteenth century the United States had become a formidable economic and military power. Remember: FOR + ME + DEVIL; Something is so large, intense or threatening that makes me feared as if it's a devil.


adj. intimate and affectionate but not sexual; spiritual আদর্শমূলক Gradually what had been a platonic relationship between Tim and Kyoko became a romantic one. Remember: Platonic Love - a close relationship between two persons in which sexual desire is nonexistent or has been suppressed or sublimated. Plato had a close relationship, he called it a love, but they never made sex.


adj. involving a cause; expressing or indicating cause কার্যকারণ There is a causal link between poverty and crime. Remember: it comes from cause

Onerous *

adj. involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome কষ্টদায়ক The duty the judge considers most onerous is sentencing convicted criminals. Remember: Sounds like Owner Us, so the owners of our house always ask for money, they are like burden and very difficult to make them happy with rent.

Anomalous *

adj. irregular; deviating from the norm; paradoxical; aberrant n. anomaly ব্যতিক্রমী Some of her anomalous behavior made me questioned about his mental stability. Remember: in Interstellar, Morphy noticed some strange anomalous phenomenon in her childhood, she called it the ghost.


adj. irritable, bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative, ill-humored বদমেজাজী Many of us have in our mind the stereotype of the cantankerous old man who is constantly complaining about something or someone. Remember: Can Tanker irritates us? Yes, tanker makes harsh sounds while moving around house-side road, which makes us irritated.

Inchoate *

adj. just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary (অপূর্ণাঙ্গ); imperfectly formed or formulated অপরিণত In his book Chronicles, Bob Dylan describes the process of how some of his songs went from an inchoate state to finished, well-produced songs. Remember: It sounds like in-ˈkō-ət; or ink; What do we use ink for? to complete a paint, to complete an essay, to perfect an agreement. Inchoate is that undeveloped or imperfection which can be perfected by ink.


adj. justified, authorized; guaranteed; secured প্রমাণ; হুকুমনামা The book argues that a new investigation into Marilyn Monroe's death is warranted by new evidence released by the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act. Remember: Warranty Guarantee


adj. lacking color or liveliness; pale, typically because of poor health ফেকাশে Archeological evidence indicates that women have been using makeup to give color to a pallid face for millennia. Remember: Pale is the result of pallid.

Discordant *

adj. lacking harmony or agreement, both in sound and opinion; not in tune বিচ্ছিন্ন She has the difficult task of bringing together a number of discordant elements. Discordant tones coming from the poorly tuned instrument. Remember: Cord is the wire of a guitar. If this cord is discorded, the sound becomes a noise, which lacks harmony, and lack of tuning.

Insipid *

adj. lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : DULL, FLAT; lacking taste or savor : TASTELESS স্বাদহীন Ironically, the book about how to write lively, engaging prose is an insipid piece of writing. Remember: sip = drink (something) by taking small mouthful. insip = not tasty enough to sip. insipid is dull, tasteless, something that does not trigger any interest.


adj. lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; difficult to work with or deal with; rude; boorish অভদ্র According to the chivalric code, a knight was never supposed to be churlish, especially toward noble ladies, to whom he was supposed to be unfailingly gentle and courteous. Remember: same rhythm as boorish. In CHURch, LIStening song is considered as lack of manners and is boorish.

Inert *

adj. lacking the ability or strength to move; sluggish n. inertia - a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged মন্থর The teacher was frustrated by his inability to get an answer to his question from his inert class. Remember: inert gas or noble gas, that gasses don't react with any other elements.


adj. liable to change; easily altered; likely to change পরিবর্তনশীল Blood pressure in human beings is, to varying degrees, labile. Remember: Labile is liable, for what? For changes, for alteration. If it is not labile, it can't be changed. Recall, acid labile site of antibiotics, which is changed by acid to an inactive form.


adj. loud; harsh; unpleasantly noisy ককর্শ ও কর্ণপীড়াদায়ক Calls for the prime minister's resignation became more strident after it was discovered that he had strong connections to organized crime. Remember: Students are mostly loud and makes lots of noise in the class.


adj. lying on the back; marked by a lack of energy and enthusiasm : lethargy অলস The captured robbery suspects were held supine on the floor. Remember: Supine - spine. Laying on spine straight facing towards ceiling, when you feel tired or lazy or demotivated.


adj. making or expressing a plea (a request made in an urgent and emotional manner), especially to someone in power or authority মিনতিকারী The worshippers raised their suppliant voices to God, praying for forgiveness. Remember: God, i beg you, it's very urgent, please supply us what i want, suppliant is urging for some supply I want.


adj. many and of various types; diverse বহুবিধ James sustained his multifarious career as a writer and TV personality for decades, before stepping away from his television show in 2001. Remember: Multi = many. Farious sounds like various. Combined, many and various types.


adj. marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds; performed with each note sharply detached or separated from the others ছাড়াছাড়া We listened to the staccato steps of the woman in high heels running down the street. Remember: Remember this shit. Scattered sound, not a good music. As if every word is just spoken separately, women's hill's sounds are better than staccato.


adj. marked by baseness or grossness; filthy; contemptible and corrupt; dirty নোংরা The Monica Lewinsky scandal, which led to President Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998, must certainly rank as one of the most sordid affairs in American history. Remember: It is like sordi, cough in Bengali. Its gross filthy dirty and unwanted.

Effete *

adj. marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay; no longer fertile; marked by weakness or decadence নি:শেষিত The soft, effete society that marked the final years of the Roman empire. Remember: Ef + fete = it sounds like feet. What happens to your feet when you walk a lot? You feel worn out, as if you have lost your power and strength and effectiveness.

Imperturbable *

adj. marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : SERENE; ইমপারচারবেবল চিরশান্ত; অবিচল Buddha counseled that one should try to remain imperturbable through life's vicissitudes. Remember: Imperturbable calmness.

Desultory *

adj. marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose : RANDOM; not connected with the main subject এলোমেলো The jury had difficulty following the witnesses' desultory testimony. Remember: Desolate + Story; a story which is a chain of event but these event are desolated, not connected with each other.


adj. marked by shameless or disrespectful boldness বেহায়া Nafees is one good example of brazen student who irritates teachers. Remember: it came from brass, Assef shamelessly hit other boys with a bold brass knuckle. It was used to disrespect others.

Striated *

adj. marked with thin, narrow grooves or channels লম্বা চিকন পথ বা গর্ত The striated surface suggested to the geologist that he was walking over an area in which there once had been a torrent of water. Remember: It is bit complicated. Striated is like straight narrow thin channels due to liquid flow, like old striated marks on a surface.

Officious *

adj. meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority; too helpful to make one annoyed অনধিকার চর্চায় অতিতৎপর Some of us on the tour found the guide officious, but others thought she was helpful and courteous. Remember: Recall government office. These are for helping us, but in reality, they make the formal task so complicated that it interferes fast work. They just show us authority, but results is meddling.


adj. miserable; pitiful; very bad or severe শোচনীয় Humayun Ahmed portrayed abject poverty in his novel Nandito Narake. Remember: abject sounds like reject, a rejected guy from job always lives a miserable life.


adj. mistaken; straying from the proper course; moving about aimlessly or irregularly ভুল What he considers to be no more than errant conduct toward women would be regarded as sexual harassment by most people. Remember: Err + Ant; an ant which is error prone! It moves irregularly to and fro and makes lots of mistake, don't even collect seed properly. Remember Flik of The Bugs Life?

Abstemious *

adj. moderate in appetite; marked by restraint especially in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol সংযমী People with an abstemious lifestyle tend to live longer than people who indulge their appetites. Remember: abs+stemious (like stamina): to build sex-pack abs and gain stamina, you need to eat moderately.


adj. moving or directed toward a center কেন্দ্রমুখী Astronomers calculate that the centripetal force exerted by the Earth's gravity on the Moon will keep the Moon in orbit around the Earth for billions of years. Remember: Centripetal Force in physics


adj. moving or tending away from the center; কেন্দ্রাপসারী As the empire expanded, there was an ever-increasing centrifugal stress as remote colonies sought autonomy. Remember: Centrifugal Force in physics


adj. mysterious; strange; weird; supernatural অলৌকিক ধরনের Some people believe that the psychic has an uncanny ability to accurately predict the future. Remember: Un = understand, canny is can't. Something can't be understood with normal senses. Those are uncanny. Un is basiccaly means not.

Ingenuous *

adj. naive and trusting; lacking sophistication; showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness অকৃত্রিম The conman could not bring himself to take advantage of the ingenuous boy. Remember: In + Genuine = In genuine relationship, couples are normally naive and trusting, they act simple and don't think about duping each other.

Endemic *

adj. native or confined to a particular region or people স্থানীয় Malaria, once endemic to the area, has now been largely eradicated. Remember: endemic - epidemic - pandemic


adj. no longer in existence or functioning, dead অচল Some color pen, white papers and banners are all that remain of the defunct organization - PUSAS. The defunct factory is situated just above the freeway embankment. Remember: De + Functional, means, not functional any more, inactive and dead. Read it like - Dead and not functional.

Qualified *

adj. not complete or absolute; limited; restricted v. quality - to modify or limit সীমাবদ্ধ The plan was given qualified approval. Remember: It means having certain quality. At the same time restricted to that certain quality only and not absolute to other qualities.


adj. not connected; having no flow in thinking; lacking order অসম্পৃক্ত The technique of telling a story through a disjointed narrative is a technique best left to masters of the modern novel such as James Joyce and William Faulkner. Remember: It was typically joined or connected but now not connected to one another anymore, or simply lacks the orderliness. Disjointed narrative is nonlinear narrative, where the narrative does not follow the casual pattern.


adj. not easily apprehended or understood : ABSTRUSE, MYSTERIOUS; relating to practices connected with supernatural phenomena অতিপ্রাকৃত In his book Supernature the biologist Lyall Watson explores what he regards as phenomena on the border between natural and occult phenomena. Remember: Oh Difficult! Very difficult to understand, may be it's beyond natural occurrence, maybe supernatural.

Intractable *

adj. not easily managed; hard to control or deal with অবাধ্য General practitioners are equipped to deal with most psychosomatic disorders, but in intractable cases a psychiatrist is consulted. Remember: Intractable sounds like interact; not easily interacted, thus hard to convince or manage or control. If you can not interact, how can you, right?


adj. not easily upset or excited; calm প্রশান্ত We were amazed how the monk was able to remain placid despite the fire that was raging through the building. Remember: Pla + CID. If you want to play with CID and trick them, you need to be very calm and control excitement, placid.

Indeterminate *

adj. not exactly known, established, or defined; uncertain; indefinite অনির্দিষ্ট The novel describes the main character as "being of an indeterminate age, somewhere between 50 and 60." Remember: Something that is not yet determined or estimated, so it is sort of guessing. It leads the meaning as uncertain and not exactly known.


adj. not false; not made up; genuine; not feigned (simulated or pretended; insincere) কাপট্যহীন The child smiled in unfeigned delight when she opened the Christmas present. Remember: It sounds like un-fain-ed; not feigned. Feigned is like fainted, faded, not true or real, not genuine.


adj. not favorable; troublesome; adverse; unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient প্রতিকূল Police were called in to investigate whether anything untoward had happened to the missing man. Remember: Toward is forward, favorable, good. Untoward is not favorable, bad, creates trouble, inconvenient. Conditions that are not towards me - untoward.

Disingenuous *

adj. not genuine; crafty; not candid; giving a false appearance of simple frankness কপট When a person starts a sentence, "I don't mean to appear disingenuous," one might be tempted to suspect that the person is being just that. Remember: dis + ingenuity = not genuine, whether it it behavior or appearance, like masked man with a sun-glass.

Innocuous *

adj. not harmful or offensive; harmless; unobjectionable ক্ষতি করে না এমন The bodyguard looked innocuous enough, but under his jacket were several weapons that could kill an attacker in seconds. Remember: It sounds and means like innocent, but actually may not be, or may be. So, at first glance, he can't do any harm.


adj. not material; unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence অস্পৃশ্য When considering what occupation to pursue it is prudent to consider intangible rewards as well as financial ones. Remember: Opposite of tangible, which is perceivable by touch, has physical existence.

Reticent *

adj. not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily; not speaking freely; reluctant চাপা Many people in the west are reticent to criticize science, which in the view of many has become a sacred cow. Remember: Reticent has cent/saint. Saints are reluctant stereotype, who talk less and don't reveal what's in their mind.

Precarious *

adj. not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse; uncertain অনিশ্চিত The prime minister's precarious hold on power ended when she lost a vote of confidence in Parliament. Remember: Pre + Care + Us. We have to take care ahead of time if we want to do something risky and uncertain. Otherwise it won't be securely held and fall apart.


adj. not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince; unlikely; unbelievable অকল্পনীয় To say that Napoleon Bonaparte achieved what he did merely because he was compensating for his shortness is simplistic, reductionistic, and implausible. Remember: Plausible means something that is seeming reasonable or probable. Implausible is not plausible, thus impossible or unbelievable.

Mendacious *

adj. not telling the truth; intentionally untrue; dishonest মিথ্যাবাদী The judge ruled the testimony inadmissible because he considered it mendacious. Remember: Men + Audacious. An audacious can tell lies confidently, which seems true but actually not. An audacious man is very often dishonest.

Ineluctable *

adj. not to be avoided, changed, escaped, or resisted : INEVITABLE অপরিহার্য No one can escape the ineluctable truth that every creature that is born will one day die. Remember: It partially sounds like elect, you can not elect something like death because you don't just have an option, it is essential and unavoidable and can never escape from it.

Tractable *

adj. obedient; yielding; (of a person) easy to control or influence বাধ্য The country's leader found that the people became more tractable when he made them believe there was a great threat facing them that only he could overcome. Remember: Opposite of intractable. It sounds like trace. If a criminal is easily traceable, he can be tractable too!


adj. obscene (disgusting to the sense of) writing and talking; humorously vulgar; indecent; বডি অশ্লীল I am not sure why Zinnat dressed as a bawdy prostitute in a university campus. Remember: It sounds like "body". A girl showing body in a party making it vulgar.

Sporadic *

adj. occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated বিক্ষিপ্ত Despite the ceasefire, there have been sporadic outbreaks of violence between the warring factions. Remember: Opposite of periodic. Periodic things occur in regular pattern.


adj. of foremost importance অত্যাবশ্যক The cardinal rule of memorizing words is to use it in real life conversation. Remember: it sounds like cardiac, means heart related. Heart is the most important part of the body, so does the cardinal. Or simply, CARD, VISA cards, MasterCard are the most important thing in a man's wallet.

Demotic *

adj. of or for the common people জনগণসংক্রান্ত Kazi Nazrul Islam was a great poet, whose poetry still gives us rebellious enthusiasm today, because he was able to make his writing demotic. Remember: It came from Greek Demos, means people. Initial writing wasn't for every people, then it transformed in a form that was written for common people, which is demotic, for common people.


adj. of or relating to an uncle; resembling a uncle in kindness পিতৃব্য সম্পর্কিত I have only one old friend just for his avuncular charm. Remember: Uncle-er, uncle like.


adj. of various kinds; several কতিপয় The main character in the novel returns home safely after his sundry adventures. Remember: Sun helps us to dry various things; cloths, fruits, seeds.


adj. of, relating to, or expressed in relation to stars or constellations : ASTRAL নাক্ষত্রিক Called sidereal time, the measurement calculates the length of a day by comparing the earth's rotation to the stars. Remember: Sounds as sai-de-rial. Sidereal - Astral


adj. opaque; in a state of great confusion; (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter কর্দমাক্ত; অস্বচ্ছ The poem captures the restless and turbid state of the soldier's mind the night before the decisive battle was set to begin. Remember: Tide is used to rotate the turbine. Tide makes the water opaque or muddy. And also turbulence is the confusion.

Artless *

adj. open and honest; artless; natural ছলনাবিহীন The artless beauty of Kanij immediately still works like an anodyne. Remember: art = artificial. artless- no art- natural


adj. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values; broad-minded; generous অসাম্প্রদায়িক They have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people. Remember: Opposite of illiberal.

Conciliatory *

adj. overcoming distrust or hostility through friendliness; intended to conciliate (স্বপক্ষে আনা); appeasing মৈত্রীসূচক The leader of the country made conciliatory statements assuring the world that his country did not intend to acquire nuclear weapons. Remember: Concil - council - you want to win a council election, you need to win public heart.

Complaisant *

adj. overly polite; willingness to comply with the wishes of others; tending to consent to others' wishes অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী Although India and Bangladesh have a friendly relationship, neither would consider the other a complaisant ally. Remember: Anti Complain. Accepts/comply other's word or wish without any complain, because it ties to please one another.

Obsequious *

adj. overly submissive and eager to please ক্রীতদাসতুল্য Tom's tendency to submit meekly to any bullying authority is so great that his wife suggested he overcome this obsequiousness by taking an assertiveness training course. Remember: Read it like: Oh Suck Your Ass. He sucks your ass because he is overly submissive and obsequious.

Histrionic *

adj. overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style; overly dramatic or emotional; relating to exaggerated emotional behavior ভণ্ডামিপূর্ণ; নাটুকে Denis bolted down the stairs in what seemed to me like histrionic distress. Remember: Sounds like history. In theater, most of the shows tell us history. Thus, the theatrical performance is said to be histrionic.


adj. partially transparent স্বচ্ছ The architect decided to install a translucent door in the room to allow outside light to shine in. Remember: Transfer of lucent, meaning something that permits the transmit of light, transparent.

Permeable *

adj. penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through প্রবেশযোগ্য Wetsuits, used by divers in cold water, are permeable to water but designed to retain body heat. Remember: Semi Permeable membrane of cell.


adj. perceptive; having or showing good insight and judgement বিচক্ষণ Discerning movie critics have praised the work of producer Stanley Kubrick, who produced such excellent films as 2001, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, and Lolita. Remember: Discerning - Concerning - Concerned. When you are concerned about something, you observe it properly, understand and make good judgements.


adj. pertaining to marriage agreement; দাম্পত্য; marital বিবাহিত The goal of the Bennett sisters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is to find a suitable man to marry with whom they can live in conjugal happiness. Remember: Jugal - যুগল, by marriage


adj. plowed but not sowed; uncultivated; usually cultivated land that is allowed to lie idle during the growing season অনাবাদী At the beginning of each school year the teacher looks out at the new students and thinks of a fallow field, ready to be cultivated. Remember: Fallow sounds like Bengali ফেল (ফেলে রাখ), and English low, So farmers often let fertile lands during rainy season because it is so low and might drown during flood.

Grandiloquent *

adj. pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress; bombastic বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ The orator abandoned grandiloquent phrases and instead uses simple and direct language. Remember: GRAND + ELOQUENT (fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing); Grandiloquent is being eloquent but in a grand, loud, straight way.

Bombastic *

adj. pompous; using inflated language অত্যধিক জমকালো With enough bombastic speech, he could not secure the class leadership. Remember: Candidates shout like bomb blast to reach commoners.

Problematic *

adj. posing a problem; doubtful; unsettled সমস্যাযুক্ত The idea of the universe originating at a certain point in time seems problematic to many scientists. Remember: Loves to create problem.

Pragmatic *

adj. practical; not dogmatic; concerned with practical matters বাস্তবধর্মপ্রয়োগবাদী The cult of romantic love was a major factor in making a marriage for love, rather than for more pragmatic reasons, a ubiquitous phenomenon in the West by the nineteenth century. Remember: Opposite of dogmatic.


adj. prehistoric; of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible অতি প্রাচীন Antediluvian ideologies of older citizens of rural areas of underdeveloped countries pull back the rising of younger generation from education. Most of our antediluvian knowledge has been built up as a result of sweat of geologists. Remember: Ante (before) + diluvian (flood) = very old

Partisan *

adj. prejudiced in favor of a particular cause; one-sided; a firm adherence to a party, faction, cause, or person পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট Secularism is indeed correlated with greater tolerance of gay marriage and pot legalization. But it's also making America's partisan clashes more brutal. Remember: Sounds like Party's Son. A son will always support it's party. So partisan is blindly supporting one party, people or fact.


adj. present but hidden; potential অন্তর্নিহিত Some experts in human psychology believe that we are just beginning to explore the latent powers of the human mind. Remember: Rearrange the letters, it is talent. Talent is hidden, you need to work on to express it.


adj. present throughout the years; persistent বহুবর্ষজীবী Perennial warfare has left most of the people of the country in poverty. Remember: pə-ˈre-nē-əl. Sounds like: pray annual. In this case, something is happening or existing throughout the whole annual or year. Which is persistent actually.

Igneous *

adj. produced by fire; volcanic অগ্নিসংক্রান্ত The presence of igneous rocks on the beach suggests that there was a volcanic eruption in the area millions of years ago. Remember: Igneous rocks are the result of volcanic eruption.

Salutary *

adj. producing good effects; beneficial; favorable to health স্বাস্থ্যবর্ধক "The system of universal education is in our age the most prominent and salutary feature of the spirit of enlightenment. . . ." —President Benjamin Harrison, 1892 Remember: Salutary and Sanitary are rhyming words, both mean something that is good for health and people.

Contentious *

adj. quarrelsome; argumentative ঝগড়াটে When genetic engineering began in the 1970s, there was a contentious, and sometimes acrimonious, debate among scientists themselves about its dangers. Remember: Contend (v) - Contention (n) - Contentious (adj)


adj. refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind; uncompromising: especially in maintaining a position or opinion অনমনীয় MRI is adamant about taking daily attendance in online lectures. Remember: ADAM-ant; Adam Gillcrist is so uncompromising that he wants to hit every ball to six.


adj. related to human population : the statistical characteristics of human populations such as age, race or gender জনসংখ্যা-বিষয়ক Demographic trends in many European countries indicate that in the next generation there will be relatively fewer working people to support retired people. Remember: Demo is people in Greek. Graphy is related to statistics, study. Demography is study about human population.


adj. related to the woods or forest; living or located in the woods or forest বন সম্পর্কিত The house's sylvan setting provides the family with beauty and tranquility. Remember: Meh!


adj. relating to a herbivore, an animal that feeds mainly on plants তৃণভোজী Most researchers now believe that the common ancestor of apes and humans was a strongly herbivorous animal. Remember: Herbivorous Carnivorous!

Doctrinaire *

adj. relating to a person who cannot compromise about points of a theory or doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding মতবাদ The doctrinaire Marxists say that capitalism is merely a temporary phenomenon on the road to socialism. Remember: it came from doctrine, which is relied on theory, not practicality. It makes a man dogmatic, not pragmatic, ultimately causes unyielding and less creative and less productive.


adj. relating to earthquakes; earthshaking ভূকম্পন-সংক্রান্ত The study of seismic waves enables scientists to learn about the Earth's structure. Remember: A seismograph, or seismometer, is an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.

Ideological *

adj. relating to ideology, the set of ideas that form the basis of a political or economic system মতাদর্শভিত্তিক Recent social science research suggests that a person's psychological makeup plays a large part in determining his or her ideological leanings. Remember: Ideology is based on someone's thought and idea. Ideological is related to ideology.


adj. relating to language or linguistics ভাষাগত Depending upon your sensitivity, linguistic changes are a lot like erosion. Remember: Linguistics is the scientific study of language.


adj. relating to or affecting the body; relating to a person's body : CORPOREAL দেহসংক্রান্ত A psychosomatic disorder is a malady caused by a mental disturbance that adversely affects somatic functioning. Remember: Somatic Cell and Gamete Cell

Sensuous *

adj. relating to or affecting the senses rather than the intellect; operated through senses সংবেদনশীল The American painter Georgia O'Keeffe is known especially for her sensuous paintings of plants and flowers and for her landscapes. Remember: Relating to sense.


adj. relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram; symbolic and simplified নির্দিষ্ট বিন্যাস-বা রূপরেখা-অনুয়ায়ী The engineer outlined the workings of the factory in schematic form. Remember: Scheme is represented in simplified form, in a schematic way.


adj. relating to physical appetite, especially sexual carnal desires যৌনসঙ্গকামী; শারীরিক The preacher warned that those who were interested only in carnal pursuits would not see the kingdom of heaven. Remember: Car + anal; Nowadays car is used as place to pursuit sexual desires like anal.


adj. relating to riotous (a violent public disorder) drunkenness and reveling (marrymaking); বাকানেলিয়ান লম্পট; মাতলামি-সংক্রান্ত 31st night is meant to say goodbye to the past year but it quickly turns into a bacchanalian festival. Remember: Bacchus the roman God of Bacchanalian (wine and revelry).

Sartorial *

adj. relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress পোশাক-সংক্রান্ত Off-screen, the glamorous actress' sartorial style runs more to jeans and T-shirts than to elaborate gowns. Remember: Shirt making tutorial, related to clothing.

Sensual *

adj. relating to the senses; gratifying (giving pleasure or satisfaction) the physical senses, especially sexual appetites কামুক The yogi teaches his students that attachment to sensual pleasure is one of the great hindrances to spiritual advancement. Remember: Sense about sexual appetite.


adj. resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive গবাদি পশুর ন্যায়; নির্বোধ Following the slow-moving group of students up the long path to the school's entrance, the word "bovine" popped into the English teacher's mind. Remember: Bovine serum used in BMB lab.

Refractory *

adj. resisting control or authority : STUBBORN, UNMANAGEABLE; resisting ordinary methods of treatment অবাধ্য The general practitioner called in specialists to help determine the cause of the patient's refractory illness. Remember: Refraction is light passing through anything and bending it's direction. Refractory is opposite don't let pass; stubborn, unmanageable and not typical. Recalcitrant.

Sentient *

adj. responsive to or conscious of sense impressions; aware; able to perceive n. sentience সংবেদনশীল Charles Darwin regarded many animals as being sentient and as having intelligence. Remember: Sentiment. You are only sentimental if you can sense, aware.


adj. rude; easily irritated, especially by unimportant things; ill-tempered খিট্খিটে The boy's father worried that his disobedient and petulant child would grow up to be a bitter and annoying man. Remember: It seems like someone has talent. But he becomes rude and gets easily irritated if someone does not understand a topic as easily as him! What a petulant *******.


adj. saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through সম্পূর্ণ সিক্ত The sodden field makes it difficult for the soccer players to move effectively. Remember: When it is sodden, it becomes soggy, wet and soft; স্যাঁতসেঁতে


adj. seeking or intended to undermine or overthrow an established system or institution, especially an established government পরাভূত করিতে বা ধ্বংস করিতে সচেষ্ট The law criminalises acts of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces. Remember: Subversive is opposite of submissive. When you are submissive, you follow whatever you are said and follow the establish government, even when they do wrong. Subversive don't so that, they try to overthrow the government.

Specious *

adj. seeming to be logical and sound, but not really so; superficially plausible, but actually wrong দেখতে শুনতে ভালো আর যৌক্তিক হইলেও বাস্তবে তা না The article systematically rebuts (claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false) the specious argument advanced by the so-called expert in the field. Remember: Specious things are suspicious.

Eclectic *

adj. selecting from or made up from a variety of sources: HERETOGENEOUS ভিন্ন ভিন্ন উৎস থেকে নিয়ে নতুন The museum's eclectic collection includes items from tiger's skeleton to medieval stone made weapons. Remember: Eclectic - electic - elect : which is to select something from a few.


adj. self-evident; taken for granted সর্বজনস্বীকৃত The extremely poor management of our health department is proved axiomatic during this COVID 19 outbreak. Remember: It came from axiom, which is established truth.


adj. self-governing, independent of outside control স্বায়ত্তশাসিত By definition, our university has autonomous identity, but practically it is governed by government. Remember: a mouse that is not dependent, listens it's brains automatic orders only.


adj. self-satisfied আত্মতুষ্ট Although Tom received an "A" on his midterm exam, Professor Donovan warned him not to become complacent since the work in the second term would be harder. Remember: com (কম). Some people are self-satisfied with very little place/space, they are happy. But in case of success, they are failed, because they become happy with very little.


adj. serving as a farewell; pertaining to a farewell বিদায়-সম্ভাষণ The 80-year-old actor came out of retirement to give a valedictory performance on Broadway. remember: Victory. When you are a victor, you get a very pompous farewell party, that is valedictory.


adj. serving as a protector, guardian, or patron রক্ষাকর Most of the people of ancient Rome believed in the existence of tutelary spirits. Remember: It not only rhymes with salary, but also same same effect. Both protects us, acts as guardian.


adj. shining; চাকচিক্যপূর্ণ On the clear night we gazed up in awe at the lustrous stars. Remember: Lust is extreme desire. Luster is a gentle sheen or soft glow, that creates lust. Lustrous is something that creates luster, by shinning. So, lust - luster - lustrous.

Ephemeral *

adj. short lived; lasting a very short time; lasting one day only: an ephemeral fever ক্ষণিকের As a consequence North Africa was easily reconquered by the Byzantine emperor in the 530s, and the Vandals' influence on North African development was ephemeral and negligible. Remember: sounds like Eh-Few-meral; something is mortal but lives only a few moment.


adj. showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent; lighthearted unconcern : NONCHALANCE উদাসীন; ঔদাসীন্য Considering the gravity of the situation, Nancy's colleagues could not understand her insouciant attitude. Remember: In soup an ant is floating. But he has no concern to remove it.


adj. showing a lack of courage or determination : TIMID; cowardly দুর্বলচিত্ত Traditionally, a ship captain is considered pusillanimous if he abandons his ship before everyone else has. Remember: Pussy, *******.


adj. showing excessive confidence or pride; presumptuous; arrogant দাম্ভিক The ancient Greeks believed that overweening pride—what they called hubris—would be punished, eventually, by the gods. Remember: Over is too much. Weening sounds like winning. You win a match, you act as presumptuous, arrogant. That is overweening.


adj. showing great attention to detail or correct behavior; very careful and exact শিষ্টচারসম্পন্ন The prime minister reminded his staff that they must be punctilious in following protocol during the visit by the foreign head of state. Remember: Recall punctual? You got it. Punctual is just careful about time. Punctilious is careful about every details: time, quality, details and takes extra care to fine tune end results.

Meticulous *

adj. showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise অতিসতর্ক Even the meticulous plan of professor had some loose ends that he had to tie by taking risk of life. Remember: Professor was so careful about every situation and possible consequences.

Assiduous *

adj. showing great care, attention, and effort; hard working একনিষ্ঠ Unlike developed countries, the assiduous people of Bangladesh live with one of the lowest per capita incomes. Remember: Hard working like an ass but result in dust.

Impassive *

adj. showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless অনুভূতিশূন্য The judge sat, impassive, listening to the man's emotional account of the crime. Remember: Impassive is passive. How? We use active expression to show our emotions and feelings. Passive is not active, not done by oneself own, so passive is opposite of actively showing emotion.

Lethargic *

adj. sluggish and apathetic; inactive; a lack of energy and enthusiasm অবসন্ন After the 18-hour flight from New York to Singapore, the passengers were lethargic. Remember: Opposite of energetic.


adj. so excessive as to be disgusting; complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree ন্যক্কারজনক; আতিশয্যপূর্ণ The actor was embarrassed by the fulsome praise he received after winning the Academy Award for best actor. Remember: Pour some more water after the glass if dull, you thought about more water, but ended in wet table! Just like that, you praise or flatter more than necessary, that it becomes a mess and turns into a disgust.


adj. solid and uniform; constituting a single, unified whole একত্রিত করে একসাথে থাকা Whether that means Series S will have the same monolithic shape as Series X remains to be seen. Remember: Mono = single, thic = thick = big/large/heavy. So monolithic is like a single heavy unified thing, like rock.


adj. something (like spirit) having bodily form, like human body সাকার Christians believe that Jesus Christ was God incarnate.


adj. something that increases comfort সুবন্দোবস্ত Many amenities like AC, life and remote controlled electric appliances are considered as necessity nowadays. Remember: a man at ease; modern amenity keeps a man at ease


adj. soothing; having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin; mollify n. an agent that soothes or makes more acceptable উপশমকারী The politician's speech is filled with emollient phrases to make his message more palatable. Remember: e + mollyent; it came from mollify; which is to softening. Emollient is something that soothes or make feels better. or, mol is the suffix of many pain relieving medicines like paracetamol and many others, they soothes ourselves.


adj. sounding sad and mournful; expressive of suffering : MELANCHOLY দু:খজনক After the battle all that could be heard was the plaintive cries of women who had lost their husbands. Remember: Remove L. Pain + Tive = mournful. The expression of sorrow or suffering when someone is in pain.

Veracious *

adj. speaking or representing the truth; truthful; accurate সত্যনিষ্ঠ The witness' testimony appeared to be veracious at first, but under cross-examination, several inconsistencies appeared. Remember: Vera - veer - bir - hero, they always tell the truth. Mendacious is opposite of veracious.

Prodigal *

adj. spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant; lavish অপব্যয়ী Betty warned her husband that he must stop his prodigal spending on sports cars and expensive clothing. Remember: Prodigal is not similar to prodigy, rather quite opposite. Prodigal is not concerned about spending money for good cause, noun is prodigality. On the other hand, prodigy is a young person having exceptional qualities.

Austere *

adj. stern and cold in appearance or manner; morally strict কঠোরভাবাপন্ন Deism is an austere belief that reflects the predominant philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment: a universe symmetrical and governed by rationality. Remember: auSTERr - connect it with stern, which means severe

Extant *

adj. still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost অদ্যাপি বর্তমান Unfortunately for Bible scholars, there are no extant writings of Jesus Christ. Remember: Extant - existent; or extant is is opposite of extinct.


adj. strikingly appropriate and relevant যথাযোগ্য Before writing this set, I have searched multiple dictionaries and sources for finding perfectly apposite description and mnemonics. Remember: Apposite is opposite of opposite.


adj. stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient; habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition মতিচ্ছন্ন The teacher had no choice but to send the froward child to the vice-principal for disciplining. Remember: Forward is toward the front. Whoever stays and moves forward to others, barely cares about others opinion and doesn't obey others, making him a froward. Froward is disobedience due to being forward.

Recalcitrant *

adj. stubbornly disobedient; resisting authority or control অবাধ্য The officer had no choice but to recommend that the recalcitrant soldier be court-martialed. Remember: Recalcitrant - reluctant. Recalcitrant is Really Reluctant.

Obdurate *

adj. stubbornly persistent; stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action একগুঁয়ে Coach Knight is obdurate about one thing: the offensive line is the heart of his football team. Remember: Ob Durate, Durable. Anything that is durable has resistance. Anything that has resistance, is stubborn.

Fatuous *

adj. stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way বোকা The student could not understand why no one took seriously his fatuous comments. Remember: It is like fat boys. They become self-satisfied with food and nothing else and they think they are doing great, but actually they are fool and stupid, because at the long run, they are killing themselves by eating more than adequate. So, his this mentality is a fatuous mentality.


adj. submissive; obedient; having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others ক্রীতদাসসুলভ None of the dictator's servile citizens dared question his decree. Remember: Servant and Submissive

Implicit *

adj. suggested but not directly expressed; understood but not stated n. implication - hinted or suggested অন্তর্নিহিত Implicit in the review is the idea that the writing of serious literature is a moral undertaking. Remember: Explicit (স্পষ্ট) is stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, implicit is opposite.


adj. suggesting the presence of danger; threatening ভয়প্রদর্শক Intelligence information suggests minatory troop concentrations on the border. Remember: Recall military. Military people are very threatening and people feel the presence of danger when they see military people.

Perfunctory *

adj. superficial; not thorough; performed really as a duty; carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection তাচ্ছল্য সহকারে কৃত The perfunctory inspection of the airplane failed to reveal structural faults in the wing. Remember: Reminds me of Functions of fakibaj. They bunk work. They just do something which can't be ignored, not thoroughly, just do things superficially. This makes these Fakibaj an example of perfunctory.


adj. surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react : BEWILDERED কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় The members of the football team were nonplussed by the presence of a female reporter in the locker room. Remember: non + plussed - non + pulsed. It seems like a man lost his pulse, forgot to breath, because something made his so surprised and confused that he can't decide his action.

Turgid *

adj. swollen and distended or congested; tumid স্ফীত The professor's editor advised him to change his writing style so that it was less pedantic and turgid if he wanted to appeal to a mass audience. Remember: Turgid pressure makes the grapes swollen, studied in class IX.


adj. swollen; distended; turgid স্ফীত The prose of writers discussing lofty subjects sometimes becomes tumid. Remember: Tumid is like tumor. In tumor, the infected area is distended and looks like a bubble or swollen area under skin.

Vapid *

adj. tasteless; dull; insipid; offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging বিস্বাদ To relax in the evening the judge likes to watch vapid situation comedies on TV. Remember: It is like vapor. Like no taste, not excitement, no challenge, like a gas, like nothing.


adj. temporary; short-lived; lasting only for a short time; impermanent ক্ষণস্থায়ী The transient nature of the labor force in catering. Remember: Transient light, illuminates only for a few moments.

Fractious *

adj. tending to be troublesome or quarrelsome : UNRULY; rebellious ঝগড়াটে In an effort to unify their divided party, its leaders decided to first placate(to calm) the party's most fractious elements. Remember: Recall Fraction which is fragment of a whole. What makes a party fragmented and makes factions. That is fractiousness, the act of creating trouble or quarrel.


adj. tending to cause discontent, animosity, or envy; likely to provoke ill will; offensive আক্রমণাত্মক Most publications in the United States prohibit their writers from making invidious comparisons between racial groups. Remember: It is like envy. Invidious is similar, that creates envy, by causing trouble or provoke violence.

Pedantic *

adj. tending to show off one's learning or knowledge n. pedant - uninspired boring academic বিচারবুদ্ধিহীন পণ্ডিতসুলভ MMH is a perfect example of a pedantic teacher. Remember: Sounds like a Pandit, but who shows off his knowledge with ego! A bad Pandit is pedantic.

Loquacious *

adj. tending to talk a great deal; talkative বাচাল Eighty meters is a portion of the radio spectrum where a shortwave listener can often hear loquacious "hams" chatting for hours. Remember: The root Loqua refers to speech or talk. Loquacious is someone who loves to talk.

Dogmatic *

adj. the expression of opinions very strongly or positively without any definite proof; related to DOGMA: a belief without proof; not pragmatic মতবাদ-সংক্রান্ত Since every case is unique, jurists must not be dogmatic in applying precedents to make their decision, but instead must base their decision on a combination of such precedents and the facts of the case at hand. Remember: Dogma is a theory or belief that is essentially believd without any trusted authority or evidence.

Viscous *

adj. thick, and sticky; having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid; having a high viscosity সান্দ্রতা The maple syrup is so viscous we had trouble pouring it. Remember: Viscous causes viscosity.


adj. tightly sealed : AIRTIGHT; impervious to external influence if capitalized: of or relating to the mystical and alchemical writings or teachings arising in the first three centuries a.d. বাতাসও ঢুকিতে পারে না এমনভাবে রুদ্ধ Scholars have traced many of the hermetic traditions of ancient Greece to Egypt. Remember: it is like hermit crab, they change shell once they grow and strictly confined themselves within that shell, like something that is inside an airtight bottle. They are tightly sealed into the shell.


adj. timely preparation for the future; providing for the future; frugal মিতব্যয়ী Most people have heard the story of the prodigal grasshopper and the provident ant that spends the summer saving food for the winter. Remember: Provident is providing for the future. How? By making future plan, saving money and preparing for odd days.


adj. to forgive or overlook an offense ক্ষমা করা Mahatma Gandhi believed in the principle of ahimsa and refused to condone violence of any kind, even if used in a just cause. Remember: condone - pardon an offense

Presumptuous *

adj. too audacious in a rude way; assuming too much; arrogant v. presume - be audacious enough to do something অহঙ্কারী It's a little presumptuous of you to assume that I'm your new best friend just because I invited you along. Remember: I know this.

Tangential *

adj. touching lightly; peripheral, superficial; of little relevance স্পর্শকাতর The judge ruled that the evidence had only a tangential bearing on the case and directed the lawyer to present only a brief summary of it. Remember: In Geometry, tangent is a line, that touches only one point of a curve or circle. Tangential is such thing, superficial, not digging deep.

Pellucid *

adj. transparent; translucent; easily understood স্বচ্ছ Two writers often mentioned as having an admirably pellucid style are Bertrand Russell and George Orwell. Remember: Lucid is like air, transparent, readily available.


adj. traveling aimlessly from place to place; unsettled ভ্রমণকারী According to state law, companies hiring itinerant workers must provide adequate housing for them. Remember: it is like ant, it-is-inner-ant! Ant barely settles, it wanders 24*7. Ant's route of wandering is itinerary.

Convoluted *

adj. twisted; complicated; involved deeply; highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious জটিল Dr. Hasina Khan, one of the prominent scientists of Bangladesh, made her fame after her great achievement of unrevealing the convoluted genetic code of jute, one of the most lucrative agricultural product of her country. Remember: Convoluted petal orientation of flower. Inter-twisted, complicated.

Irresolute *

adj. uncertain how to act or proceed; lack of confidence তরলমতি; অস্থিরচিত্ত More unsettling than terrifying, the story (by the directors and Sergio Casci) builds to a leisurely, irresolute and unsatisfying climax. Remember: Resolute is the ability to take resolution (a firm decision to do or not to do something). Irresolute is opposite.

Immutable *

adj. unchangeable অপরিবর্তনীয় The immutable Hadiths are the best way to know our Prophet Mohammad. Remember: Mutation is the changes in DNA or any conserved properties. Immutable is not to be changed.

Ambiguous *

adj. unclear or doubtful in meaning; open to two or more interpretations; often intended to mislead অস্পষ্ট The ambiguous opinion of the CEO left all the employees confused about their action to combat the ongoing financial situation. Remember: am+BI+GUOUS ; bi = two, guous sounds like guess. ambiguous is a situation where two guess is possible, thus unclear.


adj. unconditional; absolute; without exception সুনিশ্চিত He issued a categorical denial about his involvement in the deal. Remember: Belongs to all categories without exception.

Discrete *

adj. unconnected; separate; distinct স্বতন্ত্র Like the physicist, the abstract artist strives to identify the discrete elements of reality and to understand how they interact.

Insensible *

adj. unconscious; unresponsive অনুভূতিশূন্য The gas is intended to render enemy soldiers insensible. Remember: In = no, sense. No sense, so, not conscious.


adj. understood or implied without being stated; silently understood মৌন Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement. Remember: Related to taciturn.


adj. unique; extraordinary; remarkable অনন্যসাধারণ The defendant's singular appearance made it easy for the witness to identify him as the person at the scene of the crime. Remember: Singular is one, not plural. Something that is only one, is unique and extraordinary.

Heterodox *

adj. unorthodox; not widely accepted প্রচলিত ধর্মমতের বিরোধী The orthodox view among scientists is that the ancestors of the great apes and humans evolved solely in Africa; however, recently a competing, heterodox view has arisen theorizing that they also may have evolved in Euroasia. Remember: Opposite of orthodox.

Cacophonous *

adj. unpleasant or harsh-sounding কর্কশ The preachers might seem cacophonous to some people who are not strictly believer but extremely charming to the blessed. The humming of crow is cacophonous. Remember: caco seems harsh sound, like the sound of crow. Phone is related to sound.

Pristine *

adj. untouched; uncorrupted; unspoiled যেমন ছিল তেমনি থাকা The bank's hermetically sealed vault has kept the manuscript in pristine condition for 50 years. Remember: Intact and untouched, pristine condition.


adj. using clever lies and tricks in order to get or achieve something : clever and dishonest; marked by cunning, duplicity, or bad faith কুট রাজনীতিজ্ঞ One theory of the evolution of high intelligence in primates is that it evolved largely as a result of Machiavellian calculations on the part of apes. Remember: Machi = meki = fake, in Bengali. Machiavellian is some sort of cleverly lies and trick to achieve something. Machi + Evil Villain

Verbose *

adj. using or expressed in more words than are needed; wordy শব্দবহুল The skillful editor cut 20 percent of the words from the verbose manuscript without appreciably (considerably) altering its meaning. Remember: Its related to verbal, verb, words.


adj. vaguely longing; sadly or regretfully thoughtful ঐকান্তিক The poem casts a wistful look back at a way of life that has vanished forever. Remember: Wistful - full of longing or unfulfilled desires; wishful - seeking advancements or recognition.


adj. varied; marked with different colors বিচিত্র Botanists are still working to catalog the variegated species of the tropical rain forest. Remember: Something that varies, varied.


adj. very sheer and light; almost completely transparent; fine-textured নির্মল In World War II, many soldiers went to war with diaphanous dreams of glory, but found instead horror and death. Remember:

Rarefied *

adj. very thin, as of gas : refined; very high; distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people বিরল Many scholars flourish in the rarefied intellectual atmosphere of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey. Remember: Rare is not easily available. Rarefied is making less available, by making it thin, pure, refined. Refined things are rarer.

Indolent *

adj. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy; idle অলস An argument against welfare is that it encourages people to be indolent. Remember: InDoLEnt is IDLE.

Tenuous *

adj. weak; insubstantial; very thin in gauge or diameter অতি সূক্ষ্ম Study of the historical evidence has shown that there is only a tenuous connection between the country Plato describes in The Republic and the legendary land of Atlantis. Remember: Thin-ous, something very thin, in diameter or in logic or in strength.

Felicitous *

adj. well chosen or suited to the circumstances; marked by good fortune যথাযথ The Gettysburg Address is full of felicitous phrases such as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."


adj. wise; sagacious n. a very wise older person ঋষি They nodded in agreement with these sage remarks. Remember: With age, you gain experience and it makes you wise.

Aesthetic *

adj./n. relating to art or beauty; pleasing to appearance সৌন্দর্যবোধ সংক্রান্ত Aesthetics is the conception of what is beautiful. Remember: aesthetic is opposite of pathetic. Or it is like artistic. Beautiful.


adj./v./n. clustered; the whole amount; to collect or gather into a mass or whole সমষ্টিগত We spent an aggregate of 25K for Ifter last year. Remember: What are your aggregate marks in GRE?

Inadvertently *

adv. carelessly; unintentionally; without intention; accidentally অনবধানতাবশত The songwriter says that it is easy to inadvertently use the melody of another song when composing. Remember: Adverse is a situation that prevents success. Inadvertent is some sort of mood that has no caution about adverse situation, meaning careless, unintentional, accidental.


n. (in biology) the return of a trait after several generations of absence; return of a past style, manner, tradition. পুনরায় আবির্ভাব With rapidly increasing population, agricultural atavism failed to cope with increased crop demand. Remember: if you are eating ATAr ruti like our grandfathers did, it's atavism.

Erudite *

n. Erudition adj. learned; bookish; having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition পাণ্ডিত্যপূর্ণ Frederick Copleston, author of the nine-volume History of Philosophy, was undoubtedly one of the most erudite people who ever lived. Remember: Education - erudition - erudite; Education is mainly learning something by reading a book or gaining experiences. Erudite is the state of being educated, sort of.


n. a beggar ভিক্ষুক In Thailand it is traditional for young men to become monks for a year, a period during which they become mendicants. Remember: Those who can't mend their ass themselves, they beg others for help, becomes mendicant. Like, if you cant buy own food, you become beggar to mend your lunch.

Diatribe *

n. a bitter and prolonged verbal attack; a bitter or abusive speech or piece of writing তীব্র সমালোচনা Our manager privately subjected a few of us to a lengthy diatribe about how terrible the company's new policy is. Remember: Di + Tribe - in our village, there are two women, i call them kaki, both are tribe, chakma. They sometimes fight, argue, in a language we don't understand, but for sure they use slang and abusive language, launch missile of verbal attack.


n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality সাধারণ দর্শনশাস্ত্র Her way with metaphor implies a metaphysics, in her case a metaphysics informed by her Calvinism: History is a fabric. Remember: It's not physics, it is philosophy. But this philosophy deals with the reality, nature of reality. Physics also deals with reality.

Compendium *

n. a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge : ABSTRACT সারমর্ম Laal-Neel-Deepaboli is a compendium of all pioneering Bengali literature. Remember: Compendium = Comprehensive but ending quickly, summary.


n. a chain or shackle for the feet; something that confines : RESTRAINT v. to restrain from motion, action, or progress প্রতিবন্ধক The poet William Blake believed that each person creates "mind-forged manacles," fettering his or her natural instincts and spirit. Remember: Feet - Fetter, something that is put in feet. What happens when you are put shackle in feet? Your motion is stopped or hampered, progress is diminished. This is what fetter means, to restrain progress.


n. a combination of two or more things, usually metals সঙ্কর ধাতু Scientists formulate alloys to create properties that are not possessed by natural metals or other substances. Remember: 7000 series aluminium alloy


n. a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure; a concluding part of a literary or dramatic work উপসংহার The movie's coda shows the main character as an adult 25 years later. Remember: at the end of dinner, we drink soda. And at the end of movie, we see coda. So, soda coda !

Conundrum *

n. a confusing and difficult problem or question; riddle; puzzle with no solution শব্দের কথা সম্বলিত ধাঁধা The paradoxical statement "This statement is false" presents us with a conundrum. Remember: Hey, this star got only one drum and no other instruments. How is he going to solve the problem of singing? So conundrum is a very difficult question or riddle.


n. a connection or series of connections linking two or more things; a center যোগসূত্র Wall Street is the nexus of America's financial system. Remember: There is a connection in between we and NEXT TO US.

Dichotomy *

n. a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities : BIFURCATION দ্বিবিভাজন The philosopher is a dualist who argues that there is a dichotomy between the mind and physical phenomena. Remember: Di = two, suffix -my = study related. Dichotomy is dividing something based on mutually exclusive properties, like gender.


n. a doctrine that individual self-interest is the valid end of all actions; self-centeredness অহংকার The beginning of philosophy has been described as a moving away from egoism to an understanding of the larger world. Remember: It raised from EGO. Egoism is the practicing of EGO!


n. a feeling of evil to come : FOREWARNING; a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant পূর্বাহ্নে সতর্কীকরণ Shortly after his reelection in 1864, President Abraham Lincoln had a premonition of his impending death, and on April 14, 1865, he was shot and died the next day. Remember: pre + admonition. Admonish is to warn about the future danger or something. Pre is before. So if someone can sense the danger before it really comes, that is premonition.


n. a feeling of extreme happiness উচ্ছ্বাস There was euphoria in the professor's house after it was learned that she had received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Remember: Euphoria is an HBO TV Series. It made my feel extremely happy and relieve all stress.


n. a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen; a state of anxiety or nervous excitement ধড়ফড়ানি John tried to hide his trepidation when he proposed to Susie, the girl he loved. Remember:

Antipathy *

n. a feeling of intense dislike; something to be avoided বিদ্বেষ I was never a dog lover but after my cat was assassinated by a dog, this animal species became my biggest antipathy. Remember: Anti = against, opposite of affinity


n. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety caused by guilt/regret অনুশোচনা The American psychiatrist Frank Pittman said, "Men who have been raised violently have every reason to believe it is appropriate for them to control others through violence; they feel no compunction over being violent to women, children, and one another." Remember: Com = less, you punch people face less than you normally do only if you feel guilty, that's compunction.

Resolution *

n. a firm decision to do or not to do something : DETERMINATION; the quality of being determined or resolute স্থিরসঙ্কল্প Fred's resolution to succeed is unshaken despite the many setbacks he has suffered. Remember: Really determined to bring out a solution for this problem.


n. a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently; high praise শংসাপত্র After the death of Abraham Lincoln, many eulogies of him appeared in newspapers throughout America. Remember: A person died in accident, my friend said euuuuu, but I made a long praise for him.


n. a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute স্তুতিবাদ The prime minister asked her speechwriter to compose an encomium for the retiring general. Remember: enhanced income! gives praise. So encomium is to praise a person who has a good income!


n. a funeral hymn or mournful speech অন্ত্যোষ্টিগাথা Other environmental sounds, like the tolling bell, bring to mind noises that could practically be diegetic, like the distant dirge of a mission bell.


n. a funeral or burial rites (a religious or other solemn ceremony or act) শেষকৃত্য Solemn obsequies were held for President John F. Kennedy following his assassination on November 22, 1963.


n. a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought; principle উপলব্ধি A good precept to follow in writing is to avoid redundancies such as "track record" (unless the record was set on a racecourse), "revert back," "free gift," and "general consensus." Remember: Moral Precepts. This Pre principle guides our thoughts and actions.


n. a gradual growth in size; an increase in amount v. accrete পরিবৃদ্ধি We can think about value accretion. you have some stock and its value accretes over time. The accretion of traffic accidents was attributed to drunk driving. Remember: sounds like a-create (accrete); creating increases the amount, grows; thus accretion.


n. a guiding belief or principle : CREED ধর্মমত We must abide by the simple credo that "The customer is always right". Remember: c + redo; a code that is done again again and again, what we have to do always? Which is a guiding principal.


n. a heading on a document; established mode of procedure or conduct; protocol বিধি The data from the experiment was so diverse that the scientist decided to design a new rubric to organize it. Remember:

Discrepancy *

n. a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts অসামঞ্জস্য The book studies the discrepancy in values and outlook between men who fought in the war, whether voluntarily or not, and those who remained civilians. Remember: Discriminate - it creates differences between two things, so is discrepancy.


n. a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine; an acute insufficiency দুর্ভিক্ষ In his book The Affluent Society, published in 1958, the economist J. K. Galbraith pointed out that in America, affluence is located disproportionately in the private sector, leaving a dearth of resources available for the public sector. Remember: d + earth; death in earth. Why do rural poor people die in a higher rate? Because of poverty, lack of food, scarcity and inadequate supply of life saving ingredients.


n. a large formal assembly; a generally accepted practice or attitude or technique adj. conventional - traditional সম্মেলন Jainul's pencil scratch is more meaningful than many highly complex works that make use of all the conventions of art. Remember: It is like invention. An invention is widely accepted and people practice the invention. Same as convention, just not materialistic.


n. a long, adventurous journey একের পর এক দীর্ঘ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান Steve's quest for enlightenment took him on a spiritual odyssey that helped him to gain an understanding of many philosophers and religions. Remember: Alto's Odyssey is a cool adventure game.

Tirade *

n. a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation বিশেষতঃ অপবাদপূর্ণ দীর্ঘ জোরালো বক্তৃতা The students had no choice but to sit and wait for the principal's tirade about poor discipline to end. Remember: While rade by mobile court, the magistrate gives long accusing speech and criticize.


n. a loud and noisy quarrel হৈচৈপূর্ণ ঝগড়া The police were called in to break up a fracas that had erupted in the bar. Remember: I live in village, where women fight frequently, whole day. So, in rural tone we say, এত ক্যাচ ক্যাচ করতেছে কেন এরা? Meaning why are they making so much noise!


n. a loud outcry, especially in protest; loud and persistent outcry from many people গোলমাল Over the past 12 years or so the clamor for better protection of the Earth's rain forests has increased dramatically. Remember: claim + more; clamor is asking something desperately, more and more, which causes protesting and gathering, resulting in loud outcry. SO this specific type of outcry is clamor.


n. a man-made object/craft হস্তনির্মিত বস্তু Anti Terrorism Raju Memorial Sculpture is one of the most significant artifacts of the University of Dhaka. Remember: artificial crafts

Stigma *

n. a mark of shame or discredit : STAIN; mark of disgrace or inferiority v. stigmatize কলঙ্ক The stigma of slavery remained long after it had been abolished. Remember: Stick Ma. Imagine someone bit Ma with sitck. How disgraceful and shameful it is.


n. a medication to reduces or eliminates pain; painkiller বেদনানাশক Aspirin is a powerful analgesic which was introduced in 1899 and still one of the most effective medicines available to alleviate pain, fever and inflammation. Remember: Anal+Ges (gas), release gas through anal, feel better !!!


n. a medicine or something used to relieve pain adj. relaxing, or capable of soothing pain বেদনানাশক The pretty face of the young doctor itself is remarkably anodyne, all she does is nice talking, holding hand to check pulse and push a stethoscope in your chest and you are healed! Remember: Kanij is my natural anodyne.


n. a medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person হাতুরে ডাক্তারের নিজের তৈরি টোটকা ওষুধ Although there are many nostrums urged on obese consumers, the only effective remedy for this condition is prosaic but nonetheless valid: eat less and exercise more. Remember: It sounds like nosto, spoiled in Bengali. Nosto Rum, rum that is not good, thus bad rum, which is not effective. Thus nostrum is a medicine that is bad and not effective at all.


n. a narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth usually occurring from some breaking or parting; a split ফাটল Geologists measure the width of the fissure regularly to monitor movement of the Earth's plates in the area. Remember: fissure - pressure - fracture. Due to extreme pressure, anything can crack and make a long considerable fissure.


n. a new word, usage, or expression নূতন শব্দ But there is a strain of wishful thinking in the idea that neologisms, revamped grammars, could effect better living. Remember: Neo is new. Logo is word. Neologism is the act of making new word.


n. a painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling দেওয়াল চিত্র The Italian Renaissance was the greatest period of fresco painting, as seen in the work of artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Giotto. Remember: Fresh + Coat; a fresh coat of oil paint on wall or floor.


n. a person easily tricked or deceived v. to deceive; to trick প্রতারণা করা "In friendship, as well as in love, the mind is often duped by the heart." (Philip Dormer Stanhope). Remember: It sounds like Dub - holding breath and sinking oneself under water, then changing place to trick others. Sometimes pretending I am not here or touching other's leg to make him afraid, to trick.

Precursor *

n. a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner অগ্রদূত The precursor to the theory of plate tectonics was the theory of continental drift. Remember: Pre + Occurrence

Iconoclast *

n. a person who criticizes or opposes beliefs and practices that are widely accepted adj. iconoclastic সংস্কারের আক্রমণকারী Ahmed Sofa is mostly known for his iconoclastic writings. Remember: Clast Blast. A person who blast an icon (icon is an image or representation) with words.

Misanthrope *

n. a person who dislikes/hates/distrusts humankind and avoids human society মানুষ্যবিদ্বেষী It is perhaps not the healthiest tendency for a man who is already if not a hermit at least a part-time misanthrope. Remember: Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures and their development. Mis Anthrope is a woman who hates anthropology and humans as well.


n. a person who does all sorts of work; a handyman ফাইফরমাশ খাটে লোক Class Representatives are presumed to be a factotum. Remember: The fact is, some people are like factory, they can do anything they are pushed to do, just like a big factory, that can produce anything.


n. a person who excels in telling stories; skillful storyteller গল্পপটু লোক Former president Bill Clinton is known as an accomplished raconteur who can entertain guests with amusing anecdotes about politics all evening. Remember: It reminds me of connoisseur, an expert judge in matters of taste. Here, raconteur is expert in telling short stories based on real incidence.

Zealot *

n. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of his religious, political, or other ideals; fanatic; like priests ধর্মান্ধ The Crusades of the eleventh to thirteenth centuries were conceived of by Christian zealots as a way to drive the Islamic interlopers from the Holy Land. Remember: Zeal + Lot; one who shows lots of zeal towards hiss belief on religion or idea.


n. a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person যে ব্যক্তি ভঙ্গি করে বা ভঙ্গি করিতে দক্ষ The critic labeled the writer a poseur who was more interested in getting the public's attention than in writing good books. Remember: A poseur do a lot of fake poses.


n. a person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible way, recklessly; wasteful যে ব্যক্তি জলের মত টাকা পয়সা ব্যয় করে A Chinese proverb describes a paradox: Rich spendthrifts never save enough, but the poor always manage to save something. Remember: Thrift is the quality of using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully. Spend + Thrift is not thrift.


n. a person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way; endurance তেজস্বিতা; সহ্যতা In many cultures, young men are expected to test their mettle by performing difficult and dangerous tasks. Remember: It sounds like metal. Metal has great endurance, it can survive most situation of varying difficulties. Mettle is such quality of a man.


n. a person's facial features or expression; art of judging character from facial features অঙ্গভঙ্গি The art teacher assigned her students to make drawings of people with a wide variety of physiognomy. Remember: Physio is like body related. In this case, face. The expression of a person's face is physiognomy.


n. a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters চরিত্রহীন Don Juan is a legendary, archetypal libertine whose story has been told by many poets, such as Lord Byron. Remember: Libertine is a person who has liberty, which is the power or scope to act as one pleases. When someone has liberty, he might not act considerably, or lack moral principle, because he can do as he pleases.


n. a piece of broken glass or pottery মৃতপাত্রের ভাঙা টুকরো Archeologists were able to reconstruct the drinking vessel from shards found around the ancient campsite. Remember: Shard - sharp. The broken piece of glass is sharp. Shard is sharp.

Elegy *

n. a poem or song expressing grief and sorrow শোকসূচক গান Adonais is a pastoral elegy written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in the spring of 1821 after he learned of the death of his friend and fellow poet John Keats. Remember: E + lege = a legendary. What if a legendary people dies? People sing songs and write poems expressing sorror and grief.


n. a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river; a rapidly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn; a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty ব্যাপক ও ধ্বংস কর প্রভাব Nearly everyone in Europe was caught up in the maelstrom that was World War II. Remember: Strom - storm. Maelstrom is a storm in the water that drawn everything. This actually means great disturbance. This can be violent or real water.


n. a preceding event, condition, or cause; the significant events, conditions, and traits of one's earlier life পূর্ববর্তী Aamir is so proud of his antecedent landlord grand-grandfather that he barely talks with classmates! Remember: Ancestor


n. a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true নীতি The tenets of classical liberalism. One of the basic tenets of the fashion industry. Remember: A tenet is a statement of a strong religious belief or principle.


n. a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism প্রতিপক্ষের আঘাত এড়িয়ে দ্রুত পাল্টা আঘাত The commander decided that the enemy attack must be countered with a quick riposte. Remember: Reply + Post. Nowadays if someone hurts another one or insult, he normally goes live or post his reply in Facebook, this is riposte.


n. a regional dialect differing in various respects from the standard language; nonstandard speech অমার্জিত বা প্রাদেশিক ভাষা The nurse talked to me in a patois that even Italians would have had difficulty in understanding. Remember: Pato is a Brazilian player who speaks his regional dialect in media.


n. a restriction on a person or activity; something that closely restrains or limits : RESTRICTION কঠোরতা; কঠোর নিয়মানুবর্তিতা As professionals, lawyers are expected to abide by a set of ethical strictures in their practice of the law. Remember: Sounds like strict sir. A strict sir always restrict you from doing wrong or always hinders you with negative criticism.


n. a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end; make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong কৌশলোদ্ভাবন; কুমন্ত্রণা The mayor resorted to behind-the-scenes machinations to try to win his party's nomination for governor. Remember: Again Machi= fake. Machinations is a plot or scheme set for achieving an evil goal. Machi + Imagination


n. a science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting আবহাওয়া বিজ্ঞান One of the lessons Caples taught managers is the crucial role of meteorology, Marsolais says. Remember: A meteoroid is a piece of stone-like or metal-like debris which travels in outer space. Meteorology is the study of those things.


n. a shelter from danger or hardship; protection giving shelter নির্বিঘ্ন আশ্রয় Pablo Escobar built his own asylum just to pretend he is arrested! Remember: a-slum; people living in a slum needs better shelter, protection from danger.


n. a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable সামান্য পরিমাণ His statement had more than a modicum of truth. Remember: MODERATE INCOME. A small amount of income. A small quantity of money.


n. a small system having analogies to a larger system; small world; a miniature model of something, like bonsai ক্ষুদ্র জগৎ For many years the atom was seen as a sort of microcosm of the larger universe, with electrons—analogous to the planets of a solar system—orbiting the nucleus, or "sun." Remember: Micro is small. Micro + cosom/cosmos


n. a small, exclusive group of people উপদল The principal of the high school is concerned that one clique of students is dominating the student council. Remember: it sounds like a click. a couple of small click in phone. like clique is a small group of people.


n. a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot: SWAMP; a difficult, precarious, or entrapping position জলা The federal government's antitrust suit in the 1990s against Microsoft created a legal quagmire. Remember: Mire is to punish in Bengali. Qua is well. Punished and then kept in well, that is a difficult situation to overcome. Here, not in well, but in swamp.


n. a song of praise or triumph বিজয়গাথা Fundamentally, the poem is a paean of joy, celebrating the coming of democracy to the country. Remember: Piano. When we feel joy or triumph, we like to celebrate it with a song and play piano. Besides, we sing song to praise someone, like the song about sheikh mujib!

Harangue *

n. a speech addressed to a public assembly; lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner; a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ বক্তৃতা The football team sat silently listening to their coach's half-time harangue about poor tackling, dropped passes, and lost opportunities to score. Remember: It sounds like Her + Rang = means, her angry loud bombastic speech still ring in my ear.


n. a spoken curse; a slanderous accusation অভিশাপ She hurled her imprecations at anyone who might be listening. Remember: im = no, precation has pray, it means imprecation is such thing that has no good effect after praying, which is a cruse from other people.


n. a state of disuse or inactivity; de-swi-tud অপ্রচলিত অবস্থা NASA is considering a plan to refurbish booster rockets from the Apollo Program that have fallen into desuetude. Remember: just recall disuse.

Indigence *

n. a state of extreme poverty; hand-to-mouth existence দারিদ্র Most economists believe that the best way to prevent indigence is to expand employment opportunities. Remember: Indi + Gene = Indian gene. No matter how hard people tries, the gene of Indian people is that they are poor and always will be.

Torpor *

n. a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy; dormancy; sluggishness গতিশক্তিহীনতা After returning home from his coast-to-coast trip, the truck driver sank into a peaceful torpor, watching TV and dozing. Remember: Torpor seems like por, making delay in Bengali. So it's lazy, sluggish or just inactivity.

Lassitude *

n. a state of physical or mental tiredness; lack of energy; sluggishness অবসন্নতা After the death of his wife, Steven suffered a three-month period of lassitude and depression. Remember: Lassitude is lazy + attitude, an attitude that gives lazy vibes.

Abeyance *

n. a state of temporary inactivity or suspension or suppression — used chiefly in the phrase in abeyance স্থগিতাবস্থা Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast. Remember: "abay" in hindi; abay mat karo = do it later. Absence of immediate action.

Penchant *

n. a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something: INCLINATION ঝোঁক Sue has a penchant for science, while her brother is more interested in the arts. Remember: p + enchant. Enchant is to fill (someone) with great delight or charm. When you are delighted to do something, you grow some extra personal liking to it. That is penchant, personal enchant, personal strong liking.


n. a substance believed to have the power to cure all ills স্পর্শমণি The doctor said that her prescription would help to alleviate my condition but that I could not expect it to be an elixir. Remember: Pixar makes best animated movies, which is the remedy of all sad moods and pain! Elixir is the remedy or medicine or cure which treats all disease.


n. a system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meaning or sounds; writing or symbols that are difficult to decipher; the symbols used in advanced mathematics চিত্রলিপিতে বর্ণমালাসংক্রান্ত The deciphering of hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone in 1822 was a great step forward in understanding hieroglyphics. Remember: it starts with HIGH. This is a very high writing system, which is very difficult to understand, because it is like symbol and pictures, not in alphabets.


n. a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing; a stepping or movement downward; or simply decrease অবান্তরতা Despite of many fascinating digression from the main story, I eventually end up liking Verity pretty much. Remember: Depression - Digression. When you are depressed, you can not concentrate to the main topic of your speech or anything else. Which leads to a degrade to the quality of end work. So this digression occurs due to depression sometimes.


n. a terse, pithy, witty instructive saying বিদগ্ধ শিক্ষামূলক উক্তি One of the best-known political apothegms was written by the British historian Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Remember: a POTHE (puthi) contains many short stories with witty thegm (theme).

Metamorphosis *

n. a transformation or dramatic change রুপান্তর In recent years, many areas of China have been undergoing a metamorphosis, transforming themselves from predominantly agricultural areas to industrial ones. Remember: There are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies and moths: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.


n. a turning or twisting force; the moment of a force ঘূর্ণন সঁচারক বল Internal combustion engines produce useful torque over a rather circumscribed range of rotational speeds (normally from about 1,000 rpm to 6,000 rpm). Remember: Physics


n. a usually lengthy recitation or enumeration (mention (a number of things) one by one.); lengthy recitation; repetitive chant যে কোনো দীর্ঘ, বিরক্তিকর বক্তৃতা ইত্যাদি The student listened intently to his teacher's litany of the grammatical errors committed by the class. Remember: Lit = literature, can be a lecture or writing or recitation. Tany = to elongate in Bengali. So, litany is some recitation or speech which is unnecessarily elongated.


n. a variety of animals kept together চিড়িয়াখানার মতো অনেক প্রাণী একত্রে Linda seems to take home every abandoned pet in the town; she now has an incredible menagerie of dogs, cats, turtles, rabbits, and other animals. Remember: It's not a zoo. It sounds like mena bazar, where they keep a variety of goods at one place. Menagerie is same, variety of things kept together, only this case, animals.


n. a violent event resulting in great loss and misfortune or changes আকস্মিক বিপর্যয় The French Revolution of 1789 was a cataclysm whose effects are still felt today. Or the Chernobyl Explosion. Remember: it sounds like catastrophic. A violent event causing catastrophic loss or change, that event is cataclysm.


n. a wandering from place to place ভ্রমণ Swami Vivekananda's peregrinations took him all over India. Remember: Pere is like pair, a pair of foot. Walking on foot here and there and grinding the grass. This is what is peregrinate. Grind grass with pair of foot by walking.


n. a woman who flirts to get what she wants পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী After Zinnat played her part of coquette with me till last January, when she realized it's not working, she eventually went back to her previous boyfriend. Remember: Pronounce like koh-ket. Tuli had a female cat, it was expert in acting, crying, hanging with her dress, and as a result, it got milk and fish from her. Coquette is like a caat who flirts and gets what she wants.


n. a written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject নিবন্ধ The thesis of the philosopher's treatise is that reality is, ultimately, opaque to human understanding. Remember: Prouunce it like Tri-tise. Seems like thesis.


n. ability to make responsible decisions; quality of showing self-restraint in speech or actions বিচক্ষণতা In Texas "capital" murder doesn't necessarily mean a death-penalty case; it's the designation for any aggravated murder, and prosecutors have full discretion in deciding whether to seek death in such cases. Remember: Don't match up with discrete. Discretion = ability to make own decision.

Anarchy *

n. absence of government; state of disorder অরাজকতা The CR himself induced the anarchy as soon as the professor left the class. Remember: it sounds like monarchy; a rule of a monarch, where the proper governance is absent

Concomitant *

n. accompanying; existing concurrently; an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another সহঘটিত This translates into a saving of 4,000 tonnes of oil a year, and a concomitant reduction of around $800,000 in fuel bills. Remember: Con (connected) + Comitant (one who commits)

Truculence *

n. aggressiveness; the state or quality of being ferocious : FEROCITY নৃশংসতা The principal warned the student that his truculence might one day land him in jail. Remember: Truce + Violence. Being violent even during a truce is the expression of ultimate ferocity.


n. agreement between lovers to meet; a private romantic rendezvous (rän-​di-​ˌvüza; meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people) between lovers মিলনস্থান In his novel The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy describes an ancient Roman amphitheater where lovers often arranged secret trysts. Remember: Lovers need to trust each other and arrange meet at secret place, at less less public place, to spend good time privately which we call a date nowadays.


n. amends; compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury ক্ষতিপূরণ The judge said she would not sentence the man to jail on the condition that he pay full reparation to the family hurt by his crime. Remember: Repair-ation; it is to repair, after doing something wrong, compensation

Transgression *

n. an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense সীমালঙ্ঘন The teacher made it clear on the first day of the term that she would not countenance any transgression of classroom rules. Remember: Trans means something like across, through, beyond. Trans + Aggression. When you have violent or hostile behavior or attitude, you can trans the law, not sis, means not cooperating. Breaking law or rules.


n. an action intended to deceive someone; a trick ফন্দিফিকির Eleanor tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of the house. Remember: Re + Use. In restaurant, if they stuffs reuse the old foods, that's a trick or deceiving to gain more money.


n. an activity pursued for pleasure; a hobby; secondary occupation চিত্তবিনোদন I was so obsessed with my avocation- computer programming- that I literally forgot my Biochemistry, yet ended with no programming skill. Remember: avocation = in a vacation; in a vacation we only follow our hobbies and do auxiliary stuffs.


n. an actor or actress; relating to drama and the theater নাটক বা অভিনয়-সংক্রান্ত Every year the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland gives thespians from around the world the opportunity to perform before a diverse audience. Remember: THEater in SPAIN. A person who does theater in Spain is a thespian.


n. an appealingly exciting lively quality; the property of bubbling as gas escapes অতিরিক্ত উত্তেজনা Effervescence occurs when hydrochloric acid is added to a block of limestone. The actress is well known for her ebullience and effervescence. Remember: Effervescence of water from salt water.


n. an authoritative or arbitrary order : DECREE ক্ষমতাপ্রদান; আদেশ The dictator rules almost entirely by fiat. Remember: FIAT is a car brand. So good in affordable prices that it commands other cars.


n. an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river নদীতীরের বাঁধ An extensive system of levees is the only way to prevent the river from flooding the area during periods of heavy rain. Remember: Sounds like live. How to ensure the people of village and riverside live in their native home? By making levee or embankments to prevent flood.


n. an expert in the branch of zoology dealing with birds পক্ষীবিদ Ornithologists believe that there currently exist only about twenty individuals of a bird called the Balinese sparrow. Remember: Logist is an expert. Ornitho is defined as bird. An example of the ornitho prefix is ornithophobia, meaning a fear of birds.


n. an expert or very discriminating person, especially in matters of art and taste শিল্পকলা প্রভৃতির সমঝদার The art connoisseur selected works by Van Gogh, Rembrandt, and Picasso for the exhibition. Remember: Connoisseur is always sure that he is expert about art and taste.


n. an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something; false appearance ছল; ভান In Greek mythology, the god Zeus often appeared to mortal women to whom he was attracted in strange guises: as a swan, he made love to Leda of Sparta; with other women he took on the form of a shower of gold, or a bull, or thunder and lightning. Remember: Disguise oneself with an external appearance.


n. an identifying name or title: DESIGNATION পদবি After the last presentation, which was really bad, really killed all our appellation of last 3 years. Remember: sounds like application, where a name is written as sender.

Propensity *

n. an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way or to do something স্বাভাবিক প্রবৃত্তি There is a natural propensity to stress the importance of what one is saying by exaggerating it. Remember: Sounds like propelled to the city. People are nowadays are propelled to the city and leave parents in village. It has become their natural tendency.


n. an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place অধিবাসী; নাগরিকতা প্রদান করা The U.S. Census Bureau has the responsibility of collecting information about the denizens of the United States. Remember: resiDENt + citIZEN = DENIZEN; it resembles to citizen, who is an inhabitant and permanent at a place. Just like this, denizen is not a citizen, but lives like a citizen, frequent and inhabits there.


n. an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions (premises) অনুমানবাক্য The following syllogism is often taught in logic courses: "All Xs are Ys, all Ys are Zs; therefore, all Xs are Zs." Remember: We did this in math a lot. Example: All carnivores eat meat. Some mammals are carnivores. Therefore, some mammals eat meat.


n. an introductory or preliminary statement; an introductory fact or circumstance ভূমিকা His early travels were just a preamble to his later adventures. Remember: Pre means previous, here preliminary. Amble is slow walk. Before walking slow, meaning, before starting something comes the preabmle.

Reprobate *

n. an morally unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately) দুশ্চরিত্র The social worker refused to give up hope of reforming the criminal who was generally regarded as a reprobate. Remember: It sounds like opposite of probity. Reprobate is a person who has no probity.


n. an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck তাবিজ The soldier's mother gave him a talisman to protect him from harm during battle. Remember: Tabij man gives talisman.


n. an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear; uneasy feeling about the rightness of actions বিবেকের দংশন The judge had no qualms about sentencing the thief to five years imprisonment. Remember: Realm is the kingdom. You have a kingdom, you won it, then you become confused about the way you won, killed many men. Now you feel uneasy after doing something, this is qualm.

Maverick *

n. an unorthodox or independent-minded person; an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party ভবঘুরে Let him refind his inner rebel, the famous irreverent maverick, let the tiger out of the cage. Remember: Main Bhi Rick. Rick = rickshaw. Pulling rickshaw after PhD is unorthodox. This is Maverick.


n. animals of a period or region প্রাণিকুল When humans introduce fauna from one habitat into another habitat, the ecological balance is upset. Remember:

Effrontery *

n. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to; shameless boldness ধৃষ্টতা In her essay the student had the effrontery to argue that school is largely a waste of time. Remember: In every discussion, he comes to the FRONT and argues shamelessly and boldly. This is rude. He doesn't have to be this much rudely bold, he can talk gently.


n. automatic maintenance by an organism of normal temperature, chemical balance, etc. within itself স্বাভাবিক ভারসাম্য রক্ষা করা An example of homeostasis in mammals is the regulation of glucose levels in the blood, which is done mainly by the liver and insulin secreted by the pancreas. Remember: Remember that you studied biochemistry before pandemic.


n. band of colors produced when sunlight passes through a prism; a broad range of related ideas or objects বর্ণালী The political science course deals with the whole spectrum of political ideologies. Remember: The visible light spectrum is a narrow range of whole electromagnetic spectrum.

Credence *

n. belief, mental acceptance of something as true বিশ্বাস Neither candidate appears to give much credence to polling that shows Trump could well lose his reelection campaign. Remember: Credential is the proof of evidence while Credence is the belief based on evidence. These both noun are kinda similar. Credence - Evidence; when you have evidence, you accept that as true. That acceptance is credence.


n. black magic জাদুবিদ্যা Television might seem like necromancy to a time traveler from the fifteenth century. Remember: Necrosis is the death of cell due to infection or disease. Necromancy is a magic that makes the dead alive, thus black magic.


n. book, especially a large, heavy, scholarly one বৃহৎ গ্রন্থখণ্ড Despite being an abridged edition of the twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary consists of two tomes that define over half a million words. Remember: Kazi Nazrul Islam studied in a tome in early age. So tome is about studying.


n. branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge জ্ঞানতত্ত্ব A major question in epistemology is whether the mind can ever gain objective knowledge, limited as it is by its narrow range of sense experience. Remember: logy is a brunch of study, but about what? See it has a part - STEM. Stem cell can divide into any cell. Knowledge is like stem cell, you can do anything after gaining knowledge. Epistemology is such a brunch of philosophy, that deals with the stem cell, which is knowledge.

Equanimity *

n. calmness; composure (it means patience); refusal to panic; steadiness of mind under stress মনের স্থিরতা Emergency room doctors and nurses are trained to maintain their equanimity when treating patients. Remember: Equal + Enemy + ty; It's like stay come and equal to other moment, when you see enemy, or he will take advantage of your nervousness. SO Equanimity is such a feature of human, that allows to stay calm and steady in crucial situation.

Alacrity *

n. cheerful willingness; eagerness উদ্দীপনা She accepted my letter with alacrity. Remember: ala+CRITY; it's like creativity. Creative people are so eager to do something. Or my friend Crity is full of cheerful willingness.


n. cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability; the quality of having a friendly and cheerful manner; affability প্রফুল্লতা; ভালমানুষি Hosts of television talk shows are generally people who possess a great deal of geniality. Remember: The GENIE of Alladin was so cheerful and happy.


n. clothing, garments পোশাক It took two hours for the princess' handmaidens to help her put on her splendid raiment for her coronation as queen. Remember: Garment


n. comparison of one thing with another using "like" or "as" সুস্পষ্ট তুলনামূলক His audacious deployment of simile and metaphor. Remember: Similar. Describing something as/like another thing and declare similar.


n. complicated situation; an entanglement; an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation জটিল অবস্থা The plot of many of Somerset Maugham's stories consists of an unraveling of an imbroglio in which the main character finds himself. Remember: Break it and get the broglie, the equation of de broglie is very complicated and makes us confused all the time.

Plasticity *

n. condition of being able to be shaped or formed; flexibility নমনীয়তা The sociologist is continually amazed by the plasticity of social institutions. Remember: Like plastic, plasticity is the flexibility, bends but does not break.


n. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ The federal prosecutor argued that the journalist's article could be interpreted as an act of sedition since it strongly suggested that the government should be overturned. Remember: The act of sedition is treason. Sedition incites treason.


n. corruption; excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures লাম্পট্য The prince of KSA will continue to live a life of debauchery until he is assassinated by someone, for sure, such an *******. Remember: It's funny, but it kinda sounds like "Chaudhury" surname of Bengali films, who has the habit of corruption, sexual indulgence.


n. cutting off; separation কর্তন Botany: the normal separation of flowers, fruit, and leaves from plants. Premature leaf abscission is an adaptive plant response to herbivorous attack. Remember: ab+scission/scissor, which cuts an object and separate it. hence separation, cutting off.

Dissolution *

n. decay; disintegration: separation into component parts; debauchery: indulgent act or practice বিচ্ছেদ Some philosophers maintain that the dissolution of the body does not mean the destruction of the mind. Remember: Dis + solution = to bring into solution like in chemistry. It means breaking into parts and bring destroyed the original one, thus disintegrate/decay.

Resolve *

n. determination; firmness of purpose; v. settle or find a solution to সমাধান President Abraham Lincoln displayed remarkable resolve in preventing the Confederate states from seceding. Remember: Really determined to solve a problem and getting success; resolve resolve

Dissonance *

n. discord; lack of harmony; a harsh and disagreeable combination, especially of sounds বিচ্ছিন্নতা In psychology, the term "cognitive dissonance" refers to a conflict resulting from inconsistency between one's beliefs and one's actions. For example, a soldier who believes that all killing is immoral but is forced to kill by his superiors might experience cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance: The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change. Remember: resonance = good harmonic; dissonance is opposite of harmony/resonance


n. dissection, surgery, or painful experiments performed on a living animal for the purpose of scientific research সজীব জন্তুর অঙ্গচ্ছেদ The book Animal Rights by the philosopher Tom Regan contains a long discussion of vivisection. Remember: Dissection in operation is vivisection, because it makes things inside vivid.

Plethora *

n. excess; overabundance; ABUNDANCE, PROFUSION আধিক্য In a world whose credibility is threatened by the meaningless plethora of material goods it goes on producing. Remember: Plethora = plenty thora. Excessive.

Penury *

n. extreme poverty; barrenness, insufficiency নিস্বতা The autobiography tells the story of the billionaire's journey from penury to riches beyond his imagining. Remember: Read it as penury is no penny at all.


n. faithfulness; loyalty বিশ্বস্ততা Monks joining the Franciscan Order pledge fidelity to the ideals and rules of the Order. Remember: The main objective of Federal Bank is to maintain fidelity (trust) among everyone.


n. false and malicious accusation; slander; aspersion; an abusive attack on a person's character or good name অপবাদ I was targeted for calumny for my non-straight belief. Remember: cALUMNi; criticize alumni with slander and false accusation.


n. false rumor; deliberately misleading story মিথ্যা গুজব And this canard that this mobile app will guide you lose 50 pounds a month, made people install it 1M times! Remember: I cannot (canard) believe the story.

Levity *

n. feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness; a manner lacking seriousness মর্যাদাজ্ঞানহীন আচরণ; মেজাজের লঘুত্ব The comedian has a gift for finding an element of levity in the most serious of subjects. Remember: It sounds like Leave + It; we normally leave things that are not serious. Or sometimes we leave important things because we often lack seriousness.


n. flatterer; yes-man; act in an obsequious way নীচ চাটুকার The boss had no respect for the employee because he considered him a toady who would do anything he said. Remember: Sounds like today. We say today you look very...... to take personal advantage by flattery, these type of people are generally obsequious.


n. flattery চাটুবাক্য Most of time I buy stuffs amused by the blandishments of the salesman. Remember:


n. flowing; a continuous moving প্রবাহিত হত্তয়া In some cultures time is conceptualized as a flux moving in one direction. Remember: Proton is fluxed to the outside of the membrane for creating a density gradient, to drive ATP Synthesis.


n. fondness; liking, attraction, similarity অনুরাগ The boys of my batch always feel an affinity for the girls, which actually takes them to attend boring lectures! Remember: it's like affection. Or just remember how "Affinity chromatography" work!


n. form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders গুটিকয়েকের দ্বারা নিয়ন্ত্রিত সরকার In 411 b.c., democratic government was overthrown in Athens and a conservative oligarchy called the Four Hundred came to power. Remember: Only Monarchy. In monarchy, only a few people rule the nation. Oligarchy is not monarchy but a government ruled in a style of monarchy.


n. formal or elaborate praise; a tribute; a formal expression of praise স্তুতিবাদ Many panegyrics were written to Abraham Lincoln in the years after his death, and he has become one of the most revered figures in American history. Remember: sounds as pa-nə-ˈjir-ik. It also sounds like Paean + Lyric; Paean is the writings for praise or expressing joy. So, panegyric is the formal expression of praise.


n. formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to; sounds like ONO-MATO-PIA কোনোকিছুর শব্দের অনুকরণে শব্দগঠন One theory of the origin of language is that it began as a sort of onomatopoeia as early humans imitated sounds they heard. Remember:


n. fundamental reason; an underlying reason যুক্তিসহ ব্যাখ্যা The rationale for starting the school day an hour later is that kids will supposedly get an extra hour of sleep. Remember: It is like rational, which is done with reason. Rationale is that reason for being considered as rational.

Magnanimity *

n. generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person; generosity; nobility মহানুভবতা The senator showed his magnanimity when he conceded defeat to his opponent in the disputed election, saying that further uncertainty would be harmful to public confidence in the political system. Remember: Magnet + enemy. What attracts enemies like magnet? Forgiveness, generosity and nobility.


n. government by priests representing a god ঈশ্বর অর্থাৎ পুরোহিত কর্তৃক রাজ্যশাসন All Islamic fundamentalists are opposed to secularism, and some of them support theocracy. Remember: Theory is doctrine of religion. -cracy is like bureaucracy, plutocracy etc, the governance.


n. great passion or emotion; sexual excitement; a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause) আকুলতা When we started to talk with great ardor, we were no more strangers! Ardor of scholars towards the unknown. Remember: sounds like ador, in Bengali ador is the fact of making love and expressing emotion and passion to loved ones.


n. greed; excessive desire for wealth অর্থলিপ্সা Bangladeshi role makers and respectable officers are frequently accused of avarice; their defenders, however always make audacious claim that they are best at what they do; true indeed! Remember: read it: to be A VEry RICh man, you need to be a greedy man too.


n. group of people united in political intrigue রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্যে গুপ্তসভা The country's ruling junta consists of a general, an admiral, and the mayor of the capital city. Remember: It sounds like Juntra - sorojontro, which is intrigue, the secret planning of something illicit or detrimental. So, junta is the group of people who intrigue politically.


n. huge force destroying everything in its path; like behemoth জগন্নাথদেব; প্রবল শক্তিতে ধেয়ে আসা Some people in Britain regard American English as a juggernaut sweeping through the British Isles, destroying British English. Remember: It sounds like Jagannath, a very powerful god of Hindu, who can pull everything out of his way to save his followers.

Cant *

n. insincere or hypocritical speech; language of a particular group আন্তরিকতাহীন কথা Don't behave like a cant! You are such a cant! Remember: I can't understand your cant. You can't talk like this insincere.


n. intense and passionate feeling; warmth and intensity of emotion adj. fervent - full of strong emotion or impassioned স্নেহের আর আবেগের উত্তাপ American soldiers were welcomed back to the United States with fervor after the end of World War II. Remember: It's like fever; during fever body becomes warm, also you get warm adore and care and warm attention from your girlfriend or wife.


n. irritation; annoyance; confusion; puzzlement বিরক্তিকর বিষয় বা বস্তু Some people have the ability to prosper and live happily despite life's inevitable vexations. Remember: Very anxious action.

Apathy *

n. lack of feeling, emotion, care or interest; state of indifference adj. apathetic উদাসীনতা; অনীহা Only such apathetic man like him can leave a wife with kids. The fact of an apathetic person is apathy. Remember: a+pathetic, who has not feelings or love. Apathetic person is really a pathetic person.


n. loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for comic effect; poor verse হালকা ছড়া In his book Poetic Meter and Poetic Form, the literary critic Paul Fussell quotes this bit of doggerel from a U.S. Army latrine during World War II: "Soldiers who wish to be a hero Are practically zero. But those who wish to be civilians, Jesus, they run into millions." Remember: See, two dogs are quarreling. Oh no! It seems like they are gossiping, no actually it sounds like poetry of dogs! Do dogs make verses? Maybe! Poor verse!


n. marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness; integrity; not addicted to intoxicating drink মদ্যপানবর্জন The student approaches her studies with commendable sobriety. Remember: It came from sober. A sober is seriousness, not drunk. Sobriety is the quality of being sober.


n. meaningless, foolish talk; idle or foolish and irrelevant talk নিরর্থক কথা বলা Do you intend to keep up this childish prattle? Remember: Think about cattle. They wander around like stupid, meaninglessly. Prate and prattle both bear same meaning.


n. medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation বলা যায় জাদুবিদ্যা We never could understand the mysterious alchemy that prevented our VC from saving our rights over government's! Remember: try to recall Pauolo Coelho's book Alchemist, who had some magical power to turn anything into gold.


n. mixture of writings on various subjects; a group or collection of different items; a mixture বিবিধ The book is a fascinating miscellany collected from the writer's life work. Remember: Miscellaneous

Paragon *

n. model of excellence or perfection; a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality সম্পূর্ণতার বা পরমোত্কর্ষের আদর্শ The epic poet Homer was regarded by the ancient Greeks as a paragon of literary excellence. Remember: Paragon - ARAGON of The Lord of the Rings was a perfect soldier.


n. money or profits, especially when regarded as sordid or distasteful or gained in a dishonorable way অর্থলাভ Many religions regard the pursuit of lucre for what it can do to help others as laudable. Remember: Lucrative is producing a great deal of profit. A lucrative business.


n. mythical, immortal bird that lives for 500 years, burns itself to death, and rises from its ashes; anything that is restored after suffering great destruction রূপকথার পক্ষি বিশেষ I'm that phoenix, the old-fashioned family doctor. Remember: Immortal bird of Harry Potter

Insularity *

n. narrow-mindedness; isolation; ignorance of or lack of interest in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience সংকীর্ণচিত্ততা The insularity of many tribes in New Guinea allows anthropologists to study cultures that have been relatively uninfluenced by the modern world. Remember: It sounds like insulator that prevents passage of sound and heat, thus making them isolated. Similarly, insularity is isolated from others, resulting in narrow minded and lack of interest, because he loves to be isolated.


n. navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude সেকসট্যান্ট Because it enabled precise determination of position, the sextant quickly became an essential tool in navigation after its invention in 1731. Remember: For appropriate sex position, the longitude and latitude of two body needs to be adjusted.

Aspersion *

n. negative remark; slander (অপবাদ); false rumor কলঙ্ক Some of us work for our society, and the rest spreads aspersions to demotivate the good people. Remember: If someone makes slander, you should kick the ass to the person. (Ass to the person)


n. notice ordering someone to appear in court আদালতে তলব The judge issued a subpoena for the man but the prosecutor had little hope that he would appear because he was living abroad. Remember: The sub-inspector delivered the notice to the criminal to attend to the sub-court with subpoena in hand.

Neophyte *

n. novice; beginner নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি The school provides extensive support and guidance for neophyte teachers. Remember: Neo is new. suffix -phyte denotes plant or plant like organism, thus life. So, neophyte is a new one, novice onethat just began it's life.


n. obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others নিজেকে বড় বা শক্তিশালী বলিয়া ভাবার বাতিক In his farewell speech the retiring trial judge warned his colleagues to beware of megalomania as they exercise their power in the courtroom. Remember: Mania is an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession. Mega means huge. Megalomania means the obsession of thinking oneself very important & powerful.


n. one of a class of lustful, drunken woodland gods. In Greek art they were represented as a man with a horse's ears and tail, but in Roman representations as a man with a goat's ears, tail, legs, and horns. ধর্ষক Charles was an unmarried satyr. Remember: Greek mythology.


n. one who asks humbly and earnestly সনির্বন্ধ আবেদক The mother of the man sentenced to be executed appeared as a supplicant before the governor, asking him to grant her son clemency. Remember: A person who earnestly asks for supplying anything, like suppliant.


n. one who can predict the future with supernatural perception; ক্লারভয়ান্ট অলোকদৃষ্টিসংপন্ন ব্যক্তি Some of Humayun Ahmed's characters was claimed to be clairvoyant like Devi. Remember: Clair is like clear, Clairvoyant is like clear vision. Read: clairvoyant clear-vision, clairvoyant clear-vision


n. ornamental band on a wall ছাদের কারুকার্য One of the best-known friezes, on the outer wall of the Parthenon in Athens, is a 525-foot depiction of the Panathenaic procession honoring Athena. Remember: People buys freeze as an decoration, so frieze is also a decoration with heavy ornaments or sculpture on the wall.

Denouement *

n. outcome; the final part of a play, movie, or narrative; unraveling of the plot of a play or work of literature শেষ পরিণতি For all six seasons, I was as much thrilled as much disappointed with the denouement of Game of Thrones, seemed like then drew the denouement just because they had to. Remember: Pronounces as DAY-NEW-MAW; a new day starts when all the mysteries of a day is revealed at the end of a day.


n. painful or laborious effort; use of physical or mental energy; hard work কষ্টসাধ্য কাজ America's early pioneers endured great travail, but persevered and eventually settled much of the vast continent. Remember: It has avail, To Avail. To make something readily available for next generation, this generation have to work hard, lots of efforts.


n. parody; represent in a false or distorted way; exaggerated imitation হাস্যকর অনুকরণ The playwright complained that the musical comedy version of his play was a travesty of his work. Remember: If a girl thinks her Bra as a vest, it would be a parody, travesty.


n. patience; restraint and tolerance ধৈর্য The president warned that great courage and forbearance would be required to see the war through to a successful conclusion. Remember: For bearing responsibility and get success, you requires patience. Bearing any responsibility takes patience.

Skeptic *

n. person inclined (feel willing or favorably disposed toward) to doubting or questioning generally accepted beliefs adj. skeptical - having doubts or reservations সন্দেহপ্রবণ Skeptics have pointed out flaws in the researchers' methods. Remember: If you doubt something, what do you do? You skip and then search for a tick mark, correct answer. Skip and a Tick. That man is doubtful, is skeptical.


n. person who disagrees about beliefs, especially established religious beliefs ভিন্নমতাবলন্বী This group, which claimed to be dissident members of Iran's security forces, had never been heard of before by Iran experts and the claim could not be immediately authenticated by the AP. Remember: assent = agree/approval, dissent = disagree/disapproval; so dissident = who dissents with established belief.


n. piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease তাবিজ; কবচ The use of amulet among rural people of Bangladesh indicates how ignorant they are even today. Remember: amulet~omelet, we used to eat egg omelet before exam for a good exam.


n. plants of a region or era উদ্ভিদকুল Singapore's Botanical Gardens contain an extensive collection of the flora of Southeast Asia. Remember: You know if you know.


n. poet কবি Jibonanondo is my most favorite of all bards of Bengali Literature. Remember: Birds recite the poetry of the poets.


n. point in an orbit that is closest to the Earth খুব কাছে বুঝতে The Earth observation satellite reaches a perigee of 320 miles above the Earth's surface. Remember: Opposite of APOGEE. Peri - pray - close


n. position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose; intertwined curves বেলি নাচের বিশেষ ভঙ্গিমা The dancer stunned the audience with her perfectly executed arabesque. Remember: Arab dancers wear distinctive dresses and amuse with their curves (see if you haven't yet).


n. praise and honor received for an achievement; fame; glory; honor যশ Kudos won by Bob Dylan include an honorary doctorate in music from Princeton University. Remember: First thing came into mind, is Kuddos Boyati, a singer of our area. He received a lot of respect, recognition and fame out of nothing.

Approbation *

n. praise; an act of official approval; অনুমোদন The Independence Day Award is the highest approbation a Bangladeshi can achieve. Remember: it sounds like APPROVE. Official approval with praise.


n. prolonged feud (a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute) marked by bitter hostility ব্যক্তিগত প্রাতিহিংসা The judge warned both families that the vendetta between them had to end at once. Remember: V for Vendetta. V was feud against the government and its rulers. His anger, annoyance and hostility make the government drowned.

Decorum *

n. proper behavior, good taste; orderliness adj. decorous সমীচীনতা; ভদ্রতা High standards of decorum are usually required when attending the opera. Remember: In hall, you say corum when someone behaves inappropriately just because you are not from his district, that is corum. But De-corum is "not - corum", it means getting appropriate behavior and treat.

Opprobrium *

n. public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong অপমান It is difficult to imagine the opprobrium heaped on a person who is a traitor to his or her group. Remember: Sounds like opoman, disgrace and contempt in Bengali.

Hyperbole *

n. purposeful exaggeration for effect; exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally অতিশয়োক্তি Four decades later we're all blabbermouths, adrift on a sea of hyperbole, shouting to be heard. Remember: Recall the hyperbola, where two end of a curve constantly gets away and away. Hyperbole is same, hyper in effect, exaggerated in effect. Again, Bole = say, in Bengali. Hyperbole is something said which is very serious and can't be taken easily.


n. puzzle in which pictures or symbols represent words; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X একরকমের ধাঁধা যাতে ছবি থেকে উদ্দিষ্ট শব্দটি আন্দাজ করে নিতে হয় Egyptian writing uses the principle of the rebus, substituting pictures for words. Remember: What is i write Re in front of a Bus picture? That would be rebus.


n. record of a voyage; record of daily activities হিসেবের নথি Part of his job is to log all deliveries. Remember: Call log.


n. refuse; waste products; trivial matter; worthless আবর্জনা One of the ways the dross among blogs on the Internet are filtered out from the worthwhile ones is through links good blogs provide to other good blogs. Remember: Gross - Dross. We hate gross stuffs and consider them as waste, worthless or nasty. So as Dross.


n. relief; assistance and support in times of hardship and distress দুর্দশাতে সাহায্য করা The woman was accused of providing succor to the enemy in the form of food and medical help. Remember: Succor sounds like shukur; Muslims say shukur alhamdulillah, when they get support or help, and feel relief.


n. repetition, especially of a piece of music পুনঃপ্রকাশ The standing ovation at the end of the set meant that the band had little choice but to reprise a few of their most popular tunes. Remember: Re + Praise; If the performance is good, we want them to repeat it, and praise again. Meaning, we want to praise again!

Deference *

n. respect; consideration; regard for another's wish v. defer - to submit to the wishes of another due to respect or recognition of the person's authority or knowledge সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা The proposal was dropped in deference to the objections of a number of people. Remember: There were two mates, they had little to no difference in their ideology. So, once one made any opinion, another one considered that and show respect. This consideration is deference.


n. roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness; irritability; harshness রূক্ষতা; প্রতাপ Most of our questions about class lectures were answered with some asperity. Remember: Aspirin heals you but fills your mood with asperity (harshness).


n. route of a traveler's journey; the route of a itinerant man ভ্রমণপথ We planned our itinerary to be flexible, so that if we especially enjoyed a particular place we could stay there longer. Remember: Sounds like ī-ˈti-nə-ˌrer-ē. It is like Itinerant, like ant. The path of the ant or traveler is the itinerary.


n. scholarly or learned persons; well-educated people who are interested in literature শিক্ষিতসমাজ But Eliot was lionized by many people who didn't read his poetry, whereas Longfellow's books were devoured not only by the literati but by ordinary readers. Remember: People who are literate.


n. science of classification; in biology, the process of classifying organisms in categories শ্রেণীবিন্যাস A taxonomy of snails. Remember: Biology !


n. science of making maps and charts মানচিত্রনির্মানবিদ্যা Although modern satellites orbiting the earth greatly aided cartography, earlier it was all dependent on traveling man. Remember: chart + graph + y = the study of making chart and graph, meaning map.


n. self-control; abstention from sexual activity আত্মসংযম Once classic girls were impressed by sexual continence of boys but this situation is opposite now. Remember: Sounds like abstinence, which is restraining self from fulfilling appetite of any kind.


n. sentimental longing for a past time adj. nostalgic স্মৃতিবেদনা The product's marketing is centered on nostalgia for the 1950s. Remember: Recall Memory.

Castigation *

n. severe scolding or verbal punishment কঠোর ভর্ৎসনা Fatima Delowar must remember the castigation they were awarded from Mr. Ismail that led they cry. Remember: If you scold mildly but naming ones lower caste, the scolding suddenly becomes a severe verbal punishment.


n. sexual desire যৌনকামনা বা তাড়না According to psychologists, the libido of human males peaks at around the age of 18. Remember: It reminds me of dildo. Do you know what is dildo? It is a sex toy. It is normally artificial penis and you guess why girls buy this. Right, when they are at peak sexual desire but have no real flesh!

Diffidence *

n. shyness; lack of confidence সংশয়; অপ্রত্যয় As a result of the strength of his opposition to the Vietnam War Senator Eugene McCarthy overcame his diffidence and ran against President Lyndon Johnson for the Democratic nomination for president. Remember: Different from confidence = diffidence


n. smaller group meeting within an organization, mainly political রাজনৈতিক দলের সংগঠনী কমিটি The workers formed an informal caucus to discuss their difficulties. Remember: political chaos. when chaos occurs in an organized political group? Right when some members forms smaller groups and discuss about their personal agenda.


n. society ruled by the wealthy ধনিকগোষ্ঠী কর্তৃক দেশশাসন It has been argued that modern democracies are plutocracies to the extent that wealth allows certain people to have a disproportionately large influence on political decision-making. Remember: Bureaucracy is government by some officials rather than elected representatives. Plutocracy is ruling by wealthy. Pluto has very powerful domination, so dominating wealthy people rule country.


n. someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful জলহস্তী In cricket, Sachin Tendulkar is of bating behemoths ever born. Remember: think about Big Mouth. An abnormally large and powerful monster with big mouth.

Misogynist *

n. someone who hates women নারীবিদ্বেষী Some people have called the philosopher Freidrich Nietzsche a misogynist because of the numerous negative comments he made about women. Remember: Mis is a negative prefix. Gynist is like gynecologist, related to women.


n. someone with masterly skills; expert musician শিল্পাদিকৌশলে দক্ষ ব্যক্তি The British guitar virtuoso John Williams has entertained thousands of people during his long career. Remember: One who has many virtues, a skilled person, is a virtuoso.


n. something (immaterial) that discourages or hinders প্রতিবন্ধক During the Cold War, the United States maintained a large number of nuclear weapons as a deterrent to aggression by the Soviet Union and its allies. Remember: notice the RENT. High house rent is always discouraging. Or simply recall deteriorate, which is decay or degrade.


n. something delicious; the food of the gods adj. Ambrosial সুস্বাদু বস্তু Every son figures out his mother's cooking was pure ambrosia after eating wife's cooking! Remember: amber is like nectar/honey, delicious.

Derivative *

n. something derived; unoriginal; taken from something already existing অমৌলিক The drug morphine—considered by doctors to be one of the most effective analgesics—is the principal derivative of opium, which is the juice in the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy. Remember: Comes from the verb derive.


n. something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it সংযোজন This Quizlet set is designed as an adjunct to the essential word list for GRE. Remember: sounds like add+junk; something is added, but not mandatory, like junk!

Anachronism *

n. something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred; something out of proper time একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সংগে জড়িয়ে ফেলা The events shown in DARK is all about illustrating the anachronism by name of time travel! Remember: DARK TV Series; a-NA-CHRONISM; chronic is time related; na = no, thus no proper timing.

Catalyst *

n. something that brings about a change in something else প্রভাবক Among the most beneficent catalysts in 1971 war, Nazrul's poetry was cardinal. Remember: You know chemistry.


n. something that completes or makes up a whole পরিপূরক Human brain and computers are like sweet friends, complementing each other, advancing humanity in a speed like never before. Remember: Complementary DNA completes double helix of DNA.


n. special words or phrases used by a specific group of people কোনো বিশেষ শ্রেণীর বা গোষ্ঠীর ব্যবহৃত বিশেষ ভাষা Khaled Hosseini used argots of local Afghan people in his book The Kite Runner to create a realistic atmosphere. Remember: Argue like a goat; the sounds are special for argument.


n. state of abundance; goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn (funny) প্রাচুর্যে পরিপূর্ণ ভাণ্ডার In childhood, we read such books where writers and poets explained Bangladesh as a cornucopia! Remember: Saw the movie Zootopia? It had plenty of all types of crops, corns, fruits and everything in abundance. Cornucopia is something like that dream.

Incongruity *

n. state of not fitting; the state of being incongruous or out of keeping; not in harmony অসংলগ্নতা There is an incongruity between the poem's solemn tone and its light-hearted theme. Remember: it seems like in + congrats = not congrats. Why? Because he is not perfect and he doesn't fit in here.

Intransigence *

n. stubbornness; refusal to compromise; refusal to change one's views or to agree about something অন্তর্মুখী; একরোখা Each side in the negotiations accused the other of intransigence, so talks broke down. Remember: This is a very complex word, so the man is also complex described with this word, he can't compromise, as he is oddly stubborn.


n. study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human race and ways to improve these qualities সুপ্রজননবিদ্যা The science fiction novel describes a military eugenics program designed to create a race of "super-soldiers" possessing intelligence, strength, and other qualities far in advance of the ordinary person. Remember: Genetics help to study the factors that shape a person's qualities in root and engineer them. Eugenics is like that genetics.


n. study of past geological eras through fossil remains জীবাশ্ম বিজ্ঞান Primatology, together with anthropology, paleontology, and several other fields, has given scientists a fairly accurate picture of the evolution of homo sapiens. Remember: Pobon studies paleontology.


n. study of the cause of disease কারণ-অনুসন্ধান The etiology of mental illness is complex because of the diversity of factors—social, biological, genetic, and psychological—that contribute to many disorders. Remember: You know if you know!

Cosmology *

n. study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe n. cosmos - physical universe মহাজাগতিক Stephen Hawking's so called Big Bang theory is so widely accepted that it's hard to find anyone who doesn't know how the universe started forming, no matter either they know the basics of cosmology or not. Remember: You know if you know.


n. teasing; playful conversation পরিহাস The teacher sometimes engage in some banter before starting complicated topic. Remember: Ban+ter (tear); Ban your tear with some joke (playful conversation).

Homily *

n. tedious moralizing lecture; a religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification rather than doctrinal instruction; sermon (খুতবা) সাদাসিধ ব্যাখ্যামূলক ব্যাখ্যামূলক ধর্মোপদেশ The pastor's homilies have been published in an anthology. Remember: My hall is my second home. And every week, few good people came to my room or home to teach me religious stuffs, so that I become a good servant of Allah. So, homily is coming home and teach religion.

Efficacy *

n. the ability to produce a desired result; efficiency; effectiveness adj. efficacious কার্যকারিতা A cardinal rule of medicine is that the efficacy of a treatment should be measured against the seriousness of its side effects. Remember: efficacy - efficiency

Supposition *

n. the act of assuming to be true or real সাময়িকভাবে বা তর্কের খাতিরে কৃত অনুমান অথবা কল্পনা Science proceeds on the supposition that knowledge is possible. Remember: Suppose you have a good position... bla bla bla... while you clearly don't have.


n. the act of branching out or dividing into branches; outgrowth; consequence শাখাপ্রশাখা This could be the most fascinating ramification, whether the 2020 college season is partially or fully wiped out by the coronavirus. Remember: Opposite of unification.


n. the act of bringing or recalling a feeling, memory, or image to the conscious mind adj. evocative - bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind আহ্বান But his evocation of that speech is more meaningful than Trump can have consciously intended. Remember: Evoke - Provoke; provoking mind to recall something from your memory is evocation.


n. the act of entering some territory or domain; an attack that penetrates into enemy territory; sudden invasion হঠাৎ আক্রমণ হানা At first, the Native Americans were not too concerned about the incursions of European settlers, but their anxiety grew with the relentless flow of people, until, finally, calamitous wars were fought between the two sides. Remember: It sounds like curse included. How does one bring curse to another? By invading into his territory and sucking all the wealth.

Extrapolation *

n. the act of estimation by projecting known information যা জানা আছে সেসব থেকে নতুন কিছুর ধারণা The economist's extrapolation suggests that the economy will grow by 4 percent next year. Remember: Break it. Extra + Poll; During election this polling helps to gather information about public sentiment and helps estimate the future result. This estimation based on information, not fancy imagination.


n. the act of painlessly killing a suffering person or animal; mercy killing যন্ত্রণাহীনভাবে মৃত্যু ঘটানো Modern medicine's ability to prolong life has raised ethical questions, such as "Is euthanasia ever morally justifiable?" Remember: It is like You are pushed Anesthesia. In that case, you don't feel pain, even if you die. Combined, Euthanasia, its a painless death or process of killing without giving pain.


n. the act of taking away; slandering; malicious remark on a person's character অবমূল্যায়ন; হরণ Her inevitable detraction of every new idea is annoying to the other club members. Remember: Destruction - destroying someones reputation and fame with false rumor and slander, or malicious critics.


n. the act of talking to oneself; literary or dramatic speech by one character, not addressed to others; MONOLOGUE আপনা-আপনি কথা The nineteenth-century English poet Robert Browning used the dramatic monologue—which is essentially a soliloquy in a poem— successfully in many of his poems. Remember: Soli = solo; loq = talk/speak/say. SO soliloquy means talking alone, it can be mindfulness or in theater performance.


n. the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice সুর The audience was delighted by the rich timbre of the singer's soprano. Remember: Timbre is similar in sound to timber, wood. Most musical instruments are made of wood, thus the timbre largely depends on the quality of timber.


n. the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal; ASPECT, APPEARANCE মুখ The infant studied its mother's visage intently. Remember: Vision one's age. How? By looking at someone's face.


n. the farthest or highest point; a final climatic stage; the furthest distance of a satellite from earth চন্ত্র বা কোনো গ্রহ বা কৃত্রিম উপগ্রহের কক্ষপথের যে বিন্দুটি পৃথিবী থেকে সবচেয়ে দূরে The Ottoman Empire reached its apogee in the seventeenth century, when it controlled a territory running from Budapest to North Africa. Remember: Similar to Apex.


n. the giving up of certain pleasures; act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite পরিহার The monk's vow of abstinence includes all intoxicating substances. Remember: sounds like absent; being absent from all pleasing substances.


n. the highest point, tip শীর্ষ In University of Dhaka, criticism of Rabindranath Tagore and his stand against the establishment of DU reached it's apex, thanks to young university students of DU. Remember: sounds like a+peaks! Similar to Apogee.


n. the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest n. usurious সুদ The cameras made the evils of usury, stealing and smuggling visible.


n. the medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct; bravery; courtesy towards women বীরধর্ম; সৌজন্য He paid her fare as an act of chivalry. Remember: Lord Shiva was a brave knight for sure. Bravely fought many battle and was also kind and generous enough to to women. He always treated women with adequate courtesy.


n. the minimum number of members necessary to conduct a meeting validly দল The U.S. Senate's majority leader asked three members of his party to be available to help form a quorum. Remember: Quorum is the forum. For this it needs a minimum number of people to make a good forum discussion.

Paucity *

n. the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts; scarcity অভাব A paucity of information. Remember: Paucity - Scarcity. Go to city for better life. But what did you get in return? Scarcity. Now you can't send money to home, can't buy own food.


n. the prevailing fashion or style at a particular time প্রচলিত The vogue is to make realistic films. Remember: VOGUE magazine covers celebrity and shows fashion and glamour.


n. the process of taking legal action মামলা-মকদ্দমা The radio amateur's neighbor resorted to litigation in an attempt to have her neighbor dismantle his 100-foot-high antenna tower. Remember: Remember.

Frugality *

n. the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness; careful management of material resources and especially money : THRIFT adj. frugal মিতব্যয়িতা In these days of credit card and installment plan buying, frugality seems to have become a rarely practiced virtue. Remember: Frugal - মিতব্যয়ী

Piety *

n. the quality of being religious or reverent; devoutness ধার্মিকতা Saint Bernard of Clairvaux was a medieval French monk revered for his piety. Remember: I learned this from an interview of Humayun Faridi. It is opposite of sin.

Probity *

n. the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency; adherence to the highest principles and ideals : UPRIGHTNESS ন্যায়পরতা A person of indisputable probity must head the disciplinary panel. Remember: Many -ty is same as probity: honesty, integrity, morality. Probity is like probiotics. Probiotics keeps out gut healthy. Probity keeps us honest decent and upright.

Platitude *

n. the quality or state of being dull or insipid; a banal, trite, or stale overused expression নীরস His speech was filled with familiar platitudes about the value of hard work and dedication. Remember: It involves expression of attitude, but overly expressed. Thus it is banal, dull and not interesting; makes the expression insipid.

Propriety *

n. the quality or state of being proper or suitable : APPROPRIATENESS; correct conduct যথাযথতা Judges are expected to conduct themselves with propriety, especially in the courtroom. Remember: Propriety - Propriate - Appropriate


n. the right to vote ভোটাধিকার The pivotal feminist goal of suffrage was not obtained in the United States until 1920, and in Britain not until 1928. Remember: At the end age of 18, you get the right to vote in election and in family matters and your sufferings is ended.


n. the scientific study of insects পতঙ্গবিজ্ঞান Considering that there are approximately 925,000 species of insects (more than all other species combined), entomology is a vast field of study. Remember: the suffix -logy says its a brunch of study. Memorize the rest.


n. the sensation of dizziness; loss of balance মাথা ঝিম্ঝিমানি The physician diagnosed the patient's vertigo as being caused by an acute anxiety attack.


n. the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect; sordid নোংরা The family lives in squalor in the slums of Mexico City. Remember: Parlor is clean and beautiful. Squalor rhymes but opposite in meaning.

Ambivalence *

n. the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes adj. Ambivalent দোটানা; দ্বিমুখিতা John felt some ambivalence about getting married before finishing college. Remember: violence; violence in emotional attitude, conflict.


n. the study of material evidence of past human life প্রত্নতত্ত্ব Carbon-14 dating is one of the greatest tools that significantly helped growing modern archeology. Remember: suffix LOGY means specialized brance of education.


n. the study of origin and history of a word শব্দের ব্যুৎপত্তি-সম্বন্ধে বিজ্ঞান The origin of the word "barbarian" reflects the ethnocentrism of the ancient Greeks; its etymology is that it comes (through Latin and French words) from the Greek word barbaros, meaning non-Greek, foreign. Remember: I better real all -logy words!


n. the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes বিরতি The democratic regime proved to be a short-lived interregnum between dictatorships. Remember: Interregnum is interval, interval between reigns.

Idolatry *

n. the worship of a physical object as a god; the worship of idols; blind or excessive devotion মূর্তিপূজা During the Protestant Reformation images in churches were felt to be a form of idolatry and were banned and destroyed. Remember: Idol is an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship. Idolatry is to worship of that idol.


n. transient feeling or hurt pride; to feel offended v. to provoke বিরূপতা Sally left the restaurant in a fit of pique after her date called to say he couldn't come because he was working late. Remember: It sounds like pek. Poke. You poke someone, he gets angry because this casual thing hurts her ego. Also it provoked his anger.

Chicanery *

n. trickery; the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them); শিকেনারি প্রতারণা He wasn't above chicanery to win votes. Remember: it sounds like shikari (শিকারি); who tricks animals and deceives them to fall in his trap. CHICANERY is same, deceiving someone, usually for money.


n. unnecessary repetition; needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word পুনরুক্তি Unless the phrase "repeat again" is being used to refer to something that has occurred more than twice, it is a tautology. Remember: Tautomer, in chemistry, if a molecule has repeated half, that is tautomer. The unnecessary fact of repeat is tautology.

Exigency *

n. urgency; pressure; urgent demand; pressing need; an emergency; crisis; a state of affairs that makes urgent demands জরুরি অবস্থা Astronauts must be prepared for exigencies such as damage to their spacecraft's life support system. Remember: Ex + gency = Extra Urgency. A situation when something is extremely necessary/urgent.

Euphemism *

n. use of agreeable or inoffensive language in place of unpleasant or offensive language শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ Spin is sometimes dismissed as a simple euphemism for lying. But it's actually something more insidious: indifference to the truth. Remember: It sounds like: You + Pheminism (Feminism). In that case you don't use offensive language with girls even though the situation demands. It's not a good feature.


n. use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law আইনগত কৌশল The senator threatened that his filibuster would include a full reading of his eight-volume autobiography. Remember: Filling the path, with threat and tactics, with witty tricks, so that own path is boosted. This happens mainly among legislature. Fill others path with tactical obstacle to boost own path.

Invective *

n. verbal abuse; insulting, abusive, or highly critical language আক্রমণাত্মক The debate judge cautioned participants not to engage in invective, but rather in reasoned and decorous discourse. Remember: Envy + Active. When you envy someone, you become active in verbal attack or verbally insulting him, to make him drawn.


n. villain; criminal; a person who behaves badly or in a way that breaks the law দুর্বৃত্ত The public execution of miscreants was common in Great Britain in the eighteenth century. Remember: Mis (bad) + creates. A person who does bad by breaking law.


n. well-paying job or office that requires little or no work কর্মভারহীন পদ The company established the high-paying position of senior advisor as a sinecure for the man who had been instrumental in the company's success for so many years. Remember: Secure Income, a lot of payment, but surprisingly little to no work to do!


n. whirlpool; whirlwind; center of turbulence জলের ঘূর্ণি Inexorably, the country was drawn into the vortex of war. Remember: Vortex in lab.


n. work of art put together from fragments; picture made from fragments of other pictures একত্র করে নতুন কিছু বানানো I used to cut pictures from magazines to make a collage of celebrity faces. Remember: Photo collage maker addes multiple photos to make a new photo.


n./adj. an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature adj. Canonical - relating to the canon অনুশাসন Canons of aesthetic taste of fashion varies from culture to culture; there is no ubiquitous standard to compare. Remember: in Bengali, it sounds like kanun, নিয়ম-কানুন, established social rules


n./adj. any of the hereditary social classes of Hindu society; social stratification সামাজিক শ্রেণী He is from a higher caste.

Ascetic *

n./adj. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline- an ascetic monk সাধু; কঠোর তপস্বী Muslim ascetics consider the internal battle against human passions a greater jihad than the struggle against infidels. Remember: sounds like astik (practices self denial), who is oposite of nastik


n./v. a person compulsorily enrolled for military service বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে সৈন্যদলে নিযুক্ত The Federal Republic of Germany had conscription (Wehrpflicht) for male citizens between 1956 and 2011. On 22 November 2010, the German Minister of Defence proposed to the government to put conscription into abeyance on 1 July 2011. Remember: German citizens were forced to sign CONSent SCRIPT to serve for military. German Conscription.


n./v. the power to entice or attract through personal charm সম্মোহন Tony was so allured by his sister's college roommate that before long he was asking her for a date. Remember: ALL+UR(your)e; like all is your, since you are mine.


v. (of an event) be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen: FORETELL; indicate in advance পূর্বলক্ষণ The English poet William Blake believed his work presaged a new age in which people would achieve political, social, psychological, and spiritual freedom. Remember: Sage is a wise person having profound wisdom. Presage is getting knowledge before something happens. Premonition is the act of presage.


v. a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country; to send into exile; expel from a country নির্বাসিত ব্যক্তি People seeking asylum in another country are sometimes expatriated. Remember: Ex + Patriate/Patriot; So it seems like ex patriot, a man who formerly loved his country, but anymore. So he is either leaving country in his wish, or he is doing unpatriotic things and the country is forcing him out of the country, in both cases he is EXPATRIATED.

Inured *

v. accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant; hardened emotionally, used to অভ্যস্ত করান After 20 years in the army, the chaplain had not become inured to the sight of men dying on the battlefield. Remember: it sounds like inert. In this case, it is inert to anything unpleasant things or becomes emotionally hardened.

Vacillate *

v. alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; to oscillate দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত হত্তয়া; দোলায়মান হওয়া The senator's position keeps vacillating between remaining neutral and lending his support to the proposal. Remember: Just read the meaning of Oscillate again.

Mollify *

v. appease the anger or anxiety of (someone); to soothe প্রশমিত কারা The prime minister tried to mollify people protesting the tax increase with a promise that she would order a study of other means to raise revenue. Remember: Recall the character Molly of Animal Farm. She was pretty, calm and she always make herself look tiptop and attractive. Other animals felt soothe by by appeal.

Denigrate *

v. charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; to slur someone's reputation কলঙ্কিত করা; অবজ্ঞা করা According to a recent biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous leader felt a need to denigrate women. Remember: Deny + Great = Denigrate; Instead of praising someone, most of the times we deny the great things he did and spread slur to defame his reputation. This is called denigrate.

Belie *

v. contradict; give a false impression; misrepresent মিথ্যা বর্ণনা প্রদান করা Their actions belie their claim to be innocent. Remember: Be+lie is a lie.


v. criticize (someone or something) harshly আচ্ছা করে ধোলাই দেওয়া; রামঠ্যাঙান ঠ্যাঙানো The critic lambasted the movie in her column, calling it "the most insipid, jejune film made in our generation." Remember: Lamb is sheep, goat, রামছাগল, Lambaste means to treat as lamb, with verbal missile.


v. delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; to hinder; block বাধা দেওয়া The development of the western region of China has been impeded by a lack of trained workers. Remember: Im+pede. It means, when you are out to go somewhere, but you need to pee, this pee is holding you back, causing delay and hinders your timely arrival. Thus impede.


v. feel or express discontent; to complain অসন্তোষ প্রকাশ করা The president told the congressional representative he should stop repining over the lost opportunity and join the majority in exploring new ones. Remember: In Christmas, we decorate pine tree. If it's not proper, we complain and decorate again, re-pine.


v. feel or show fear or apprehension; to cower; lose heart ভয়ে পিছাইয়া পড়া The defendant quailed when the judge entered the room to announce the sentence. Remember: Quail after exam fail. If you fail in exam, you become afraid and lose heart, then quail before your dad.

Inundate *

v. fill or cover completely, usually with water; or similarly overwhelming anything উপচাইয়া ত্তঠা Environmentalists dislike inundation of land for the sake of agriculture because it would have an adverse effect on wildlife. Remember: in + unda (egg) + ate; so after eating unda or egg, we overwhelm our stomach or flood with water.


v. get by begging ভিক্ষা করা Walk in TSC and and Curzon in the afternoon, you will see hundreds of out-of-work people cadging money. Remember: It sounds like cage. People beg to get rid of a cage (cadge) called poverty. Animals cadge for good food.


v. grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment প্রচুর পরিমাণে জন্মান Capitalism flourished in the eighteenth century in Europe and the United States as the industrial revolution created a prodigious amount of wealth that, for the first time in history, was in the hands of landowners. Remember:


v. have an effect or impact, especially a negative one; to strike; to have an effect : make an impression চড়াও হওয়া; আহত করা Scientists have found chimpanzees to be a territorial species; individuals that are not members of a group impinging on the territory of that group are normally met with aggression. Remember: pinge sounds like pinch. You create a bad impression by pinching someone.

Apprise *

v. inform (somebody) of something; tell; to inform অবহিত করা Somehow, George Floyd's murder gathered all black people in a common platform and the world media appraised the rest of us of the racism in America. Remember: A Praise - when you praise someone, you inform him about his good stuffs.


v. intimidate; to dishearten, discourage; দমিয়ে রাখা adj. daunting - discouraging or disheartening ভয় দেখানো Do not let the difficulty of learning the 1000 Essential Words for the GRE daunt you. Earning Ph.D is a daunting task, but it can be done. Remember: Daunt - don't;when do you say, don't do it? Right when you demotivate, discourage and disheartened someone.


v. introduce something into another thing already in existence; combine; take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include একদেহভুক্ত করা According to Bob Dylan in his autobiography, Chronicles, he systematically tried to incorporate what he learned about life and music into the songs he wrote. Remember: Include into something so that they can cooperate.


v. make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed; to disconcert থোঁতা মুখ ভোঁতা করে দেত্তয়া; অপ্রস্তুত করা The young man was discomfited being the only male in the play. Remember: The sofa/weather is so comfy - comfy is comfortable, discomfit is not comfortable. You might not feel comfortable for various reasons: when you are in an awkward situation, when you are embarrassed or when you are disconcerted.


v. make (someone) unable to think or feel properly; to make stupid, groggy, or insensible হতবুদ্ধি করা After drinking three glasses of wine, Linda was stupefied. Remember: Making stupid. A stupid can't sense or think properly.


v. mark (an item) for attention or treatment in a specified way; (of a person) become tired, weaker, or less enthusiastic নিস্তেজ হত্তয়া Noticing that the students' attention was flagging, the professor gave them a short break. Remember: Flagging the definition if it is weak and wrong.


v. organize into a code or system, such as a body of law; to systematize n. codification adj. codified আইন বদ্ধ করা Bonkimchndra once tried to codify rules of literature, but certainly his own writing did not follow the code! Remember: codify comes from code. Code is a set of rules or defined system.


v. persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery; to acquire by ingenuity or flattery চটুলতা The students inveigled their professor into postponing the test for a week. Remember: It sounds like vegil or vegal, means not pure in Bengali. When it is in + vegile; it means acquire or doing something by deceiving or flattery, just like mixing vegal stuffs with good ones.

Malinger *

v. pretend or exaggerate to be affected by illness to escape duty পীড়ার ভান করা In order to discourage malingering, the company decided to require employees taking sick leave to produce a doctor's certification of their illness. Remember: Malinga is a cricketer. He avoided practice matches with excuses of illness, but it was a lie. This is malinger.


v. produce and release substance into organism নিঃসৃত করা The pancreas gland secretes a fluid that helps fat, carbohydrates, and protein to be digested in the small intestine. Remember: Hormone secretion.


v. prohibit or forbid (something); to confront and halt the activities, advance, or entry of নিষিদ্ধ করা Under U.S. law, interdicted goods can be seized by customs officials. Remember: The first word comes in mind is contradict. Contradict is to deny the truth by asserting the opposite. When something is contradictory, you should halt and stop doing that, you should forbid yourself from doing contradicted things. This forbidding is interdict, due to contradict.

Refute *

v. prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove; to contradict n. refutation খণ্ডন করা The eighteenth-century English author Samuel Johnson claimed to have refuted the philosophy of idealism by kicking a large stone. Remember: Refute is refusing something by logic and reason, by proving it wrong or invalid.

Substantiate *

v. provide evidence to support or prove the truth of; validate প্রতিপাদন করা; প্রমাণ করা The validity of fossil identification is substantiated by data from geology and carbon-14 dating. Remember: To provide an substantial evidence is to substantiate. Substantial is of considerable importance, size, or worth


v. provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction; drive or urge (an animal) on with a goad খোঁচানো Goaded by his friends into trying out for the football team as a walk-on, Jeff went on to become an all-American linebacker. Remember: It sounds like God. God always incite us, drive us to do good things so that we rest in heaven. Or, it resembles with Goat, the cowboy always pushes his goats and hit it to move faster, to go forward. So, Goad is to stimulate or provoke to do something.

Dismiss *

v. put away from consideration; reject বরখাস্ত করা Investigators dismissed the man's account of a visit to another planet aboard an alien spacecraft as the product of an overactive imagination. Remember: Bosses are good at shouting, "You are dismissed!"

Repudiate *

v. refuse to accept; to reject as to reject as untrue or unjust অস্বীকার করা He published an article that repudiates the study's claims. Remember: He ate the whole pudding again. When his mom reproached, he repudiated (rejected the reproach as untrue). Mother then scold him as reprobate.

Rescind *

v. revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement) প্রত্যাহার The salesperson said he would rescind his offer to sell the goods at a 10 percent discount unless he received full payment within 24 hours. Remember: Rescind sounds like resend. If you cancel the file transfer or it is accidentally cancelled, you send again. So, the reason behind resend is the cancellation.

Occlude *

v. stop, block, close up, or obstruct (an opening, or passage) বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া A blood clot had occluded a major artery in his body. Remember: A CORONARY OCCLISION is the partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery. This condition may cause a heart attack. So, occlusion is the blockage to prevent flow or passage.


v. take action in order to prevent (an anticipated event) from happening; forestall; acquire or appropriate (something) in advance ঘটনা ঘটার আগেই ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া The movie was preempted for the president's emergency address to the nation. Remember: Notice, there is 2 e. That emphasizes something. A preemptive military strike. We attack them before they attack. Pre Attempt.

Appropriate *

v. take possession of by force, as after an invasion; adj. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc অধিকার করা The deployed army appropriated (v) valuable materials and money from the house of local people by name of protecting their lives. It seemed like an apology was appropriate (adj) but they never showed that courtesy. Remember: A PROPERTY HE ATE

Coagulate *

v. thicken; congeal; clot জমাট বাঁধা In normal individuals, blood begins to coagulate about 20 seconds after a wound is sustained, thus preventing further bleeding. Remember: Blood Coagulation


v. to accumulate or be added periodically. জমা করা The interest accrues. I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued. Remember: accrue sounds like acquire. accrue wealth; acquire wealth; gain wealth.

Venerate *

v. to adore; honor; respect adj. venerable - respected because of age, character, or position শ্রদ্ধা Mother Teresa is venerated for her compassion for the poor people of India. Remember: When you rate someone, and if he passes; you adore him, show respect and honor.

Aver *

v. to affirm; declare to be true সত্য বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা Before press, Sabrina of JKG Healthcare cried, "I aver I have never done any crime", what an audacious claim! Remember: A-VERy confident statement makes it seem true.


v. to appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely : PROFESS; false claim অভিপ্রায় করা He professed himself amazed at the boy's ability. Remember: Purposefully support something that is not to be.


v. to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to; present and urge reasons in opposition প্রতিবাদ করে বলা He got angry when I politely remonstrated with him about littering. Remember: Re + Monstrate; Real monster. A man who dare to protest.


v. to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details বেহুদা কামে তর্ক করা The lawyers spent so much time quibbling over details that they made little progress in reaching an agreement on the central issue. Remember: It seems like quarrel but about bubble, bubble is faded with minutes, so quarreling about bubble is insignificant and stupid.


v. to atone for; to make amends for প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা The pilgrims undertook their long journey to expiate their sins. Remember: If you sell expired date products, you are gonna amend or atone for your crime or sin.


v. to be in agreement সমঝোতায় আসা The auditor checked the company's account books to make sure that they jibed with the tax return it filed. Remember: Ji + be, Ji means agree, in Bengali, I agree to be there, is jibe.


v. to be sparing or frugal; limitation of supply or effort n. stint - a period of time spent doing something কৃপণতা করা; স্বল্পপরিমাণে দেওয়া Stinting on funding for education strikes many people as shortsighted. Remember: Stint is like stingy, unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous; ungenerous


v. to become less intense, violent, or severe; go down to a lower or the normal level; to sink or fall to the bottom : SETTLE হ্রাস পাত্তয়া Army personnel told the civilians to wait for the violence to subside before reentering the town. Remember: Sub seems less, not the main thing. So, subside is to lessen the effect or any normal thing.


v. to bring up a subject for discussion for the first time; begin কোনো বিষয়ে আলোচনা শুরু করা Consistent getting late brings you a show cause or may be a dismissal, I will broach this next time you are late. Remember: b = Boy, roach = appROACH; when a boy approaches to a girl first time, he needs to broach.


v. to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain adj. exacting - extremely demanding বলপূর্বক আদায় করা; ঠিকঠাক The conquering rulers exacted a tax of 10% from every adult male in the country. Remember: it is like EXTRACT; you extract and obtain something by force.


v. to cause to happen; throw down from a height অধ:ক্ষিপ্ত The incident precipitated a political crisis. Remember: discarding the precipitation, substances that fall to the bottom.


v. to cause, to produce, to create উৎপাদন করা Freudians believe that the traumatic events of infancy often engender repression that creates neuroses. Remember: en + gender; when two person of opposite gender engage and mate, they create/breed/cause/produce offspring. So engender means to create of bring out or produce.

Exculpate *

v. to clear from alleged fault or guilt; vindicate (clear (someone) of blame or suspicion) অভিযোগ যে মিথ্যা তাহা প্রমাণ করা The report exculpated the FBI of any wrongdoing in its handling of the investigation. Remember: It sounds like Ex + Culprit; means earlier a man was accused of being culprit, but now he is clear of that, means ex. Thus Exculpate.

Amalgamate *

v. to combine; to mixture into a unified whole সম্মিলিত করা The leaders of the Manikganj in DU desperately want to amalgamate two organizations available into central one. Remember: gamete- male and female gamete combines naturally to sustain life. Or simply MATE means combining a boy and a girl, making sex.


v. to complain or grumble; অসন্তোষ জানানো Instead of grousing about the policy, do something about it: write to your congressional representative. The lieutenant told his men "If you have any grouses, take them to the captain." Remember: It sounds like gross! We say gross when you make complain about something and don't like it. Grouse is the same thing, complaining.


v. to confine; seclude n. monastic life adj. shut away from the world নির্জনস্থান The writer cloistered herself in a country house to finish her novel. Young men and women choosing the cloister as a way of life. Remember: Cloister = Closed + Structure; Who keeps himself stuck in a closed structure? If anyone wants to lead a monastic life or protect himself shut away from others, or those who prefers seclude.

Confound *

v. to confuse and frustrate বিভ্রান্ত করা Everyone but astrophysicists seems to be confounded by the question, "What happened before the Big Bang?" Remember: Confound - confused, to make confused


v. to correct by punishment or criticism: bring to discipline সংশোধন করার উদ্দেশ্যে শাস্তি দেওয়া She chastened him for his vulgar remarks. Remember: In childhood, I was a master of wrongdoing. My mom used to chase after me and punish me to correct me and brought to discipline. This correction by punishment is chasten.


v. to corrupt; to make impure; to contaminate বিশুদ্ধতা নষ্ট করা Bangladeshi companies are well known for selling adulterate version of the products tested by BSTI. Remember: it hears like A(du)LTERATE, alteration of pure thing makes it impure. so the act is adulterate.

Gainsay *

v. to declare to be untrue or invalid; deny or contradict (a fact or statement); to oppose অস্বীকার করা; প্রতিবাদ করা No one can gainsay the fact that she put great effort into the project. Remember: You gained something but you are eventually denying that you got it.

Embellish *

v. to decorate, adorn, touch up; to improve by adding details or to make beautiful with ornamentation সজ্জিত করা The story he had been told was so powerful that the writer felt no need to embellish it. Remember: Belly is the most important asset of a belly dancer. So she decorates her belly, with ornaments and other details, to make it look beautiful and sexy. So Embellishment is the same thing, making beautiful and add final touches to make it refined.


v. to decrease; reduce প্রশমিত করা University remains closed until the coronavirus infection is abated. Remember: A BITE to an apple reduces the amount left. A tax abatement.


v. to defend or support সমর্থন করা Robin Hood is famous for championing the underdogs of England. Remember: UCL challenges the clubs to be champion.


v. to deny the existence or truth of; to cause to be ineffective or invalid; to cancel out; nullify অস্বীকার করা; অনস্তিত্ব প্রকাশ করা The soldiers' poor treatment of the prisoners negated the goodwill they had built up among the population. Remember: Negate sounds like NO GATE. There is no gate, no entrance, denying the entrance, bla bla bla...


v. to depict or describe in painting or words চিত্রাঙ্কন করা The artist based his painting on a sketch he had limned several years earlier. Remember: Think of Film; motion picture or drawing, goal is to portray something, story.

Delineate *

v. to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail বর্ণনা করা Quantum theory led to the formulation of the uncertainty principle, which was delineated in 1937 by Werner Heisenberg. Remember: Delight and neat - When you are delighted to do something, you can neatly portray that, makes the job delineate.


v. to destroy completely; to wipe out নির্মূল করা The new federal prosecutor promised voters that he would extirpate corruption in the state. Remember: Extirpate - Exterminate


v. to determine the depth; to examine to examine minutely and critically গভীরভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করা The book plumbs the complexities of human relationships. Remember: Thumb. Use your thumb to plumb, to examine by touch, to measure the depth of something, use hand and thumb.

Prevaricate *

v. to deviate from the truth : EQUIVOCATE; speak or act in an evasive way কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া Journalists accused government leaders of prevaricating about the progress of the war. Remember: varicate sounds like barricate. What is barricate used for? It prevents someone to pass. Prevaricate prevents truth to spread. Thus it alters the truth and belies.


v. to disapprove; to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently উচ্চরবে নিন্দা হত্তয়া The conservative writer inveighed against the school board's decision to exclude moral education from the curriculum. Remember: Same as invective, it sounds like envy. If you envy someone, you launch verbal attack, invective, also you disapprove his every opinion and complain bitterly about his choice.


v. to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious; cause a body to deviate from its regular orbit বিরক্ত করা; ক্ষুব্ধ করা The findings that violence is increasing in schools greatly perturbed government officials. Remember: Pervertly Disturb. Meaning disturb like a mad, greatly disturb. So much disturbed that normal workflow is disturbed and raises anxiety.


v. to divide an area into voting districts in a way that favors a political party কূটকৌশল An argument against the practice of gerrymandering is that it tends to make it difficult for the party that is out of power to regain power. Remember: Recall jerry. Who always tried to take advantages over tom in every possible way.


v. to divide into parts or branches n. Bifurcation দ্বিখণ্ডিত করা Biologists generally bifurcate their discipline into two parts: Botany and Zoology. Remember: After killing the cat (cate) the hunters divided the furs (fur) into two (bi) equal parts.

Elicit *

v. to draw forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); bring out from some source (such as another person); to provoke প্রকাশ করা The Socratic method is designed to elicit responses that guide the student toward understanding.


v. to dress in a vulgar, showy manner; decorate tastelessly জমকালো পোশাকে সজ্জিত করা An elderly actress bedizened herself with bright makeup and heavy jewelry. Remember: Bad+in+a+Zen car; a bad girl with vulgar dress in a zen car.

Desiccate *

v. to dry out thoroughly; dehydrate শুষ্ক করা The dry desert air caused the bodies of the dead animals to desiccate quickly. Remember: we used desiccator in our 3rd year lab for drying things up at high temperature.


v. to entertain or amuse (someone) with talk আমোদে মাতিয়ে রাখা Former U.S. presidents Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton often regaled visitors with amusing political anecdotes. Remember: Regale - Chris Gayle, he amused or entertained us with sixes, it became a gala day.

Forestall *

v. to exclude, hinder, or prevent by prior occupation or measures; to prevent; delay বাধা দেত্তয়া The government took steps to forestall an economic downturn by increasing government spending. Remember: Fore - something that occupies a front position; Stall - is to stop, stand still. So, forestall is preventing from doing something prior to starting that. It's not stopping after it starts, it prevents starting.


v. to expand; swell out; to enlarge by internal pressure স্ফীত হওয়া বা করা Children in an advanced stage of starvation often suffer from Kwashiorkor and Marasmus and have distended bellies. Remember: this (DIS) tent (TEND) can expand easily to accommodate more people.

Demur *

v. to express doubt, objection or hesitation সংকোচ The Supreme Court's decision was not unanimous; one justice demurred, saying that the majority decision used specious reasoning. Remember: De + mur; sounds like beating someone. In young ages, when you beat someone? Right after someone demur your proposition, meaning doubt yourself or raise objection to your opinion.


v. to extract the essential elements পাতন করা In his book Men of Ideas: Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy, Bryan Magee manages to distill the essence of leading thinkers such as W. V. Quine, John Searle, Iris Murdoch, and Noam Chomsky. Remember: Distilled water, it has no extra elements like chlorine or shits. It has only the essential elements of water, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Distillation is the process of evaporating water leaving only essential pure compaunds.


v. to fail to fulfill a contract, agreement, or duty: such as to fail to meet a financial obligation ex. in default of : in the absence of অক্ষমতা; অর্থাদি প্রদানে অক্ষমতা Economists have pointed out the danger of using government money to help banks in danger of defaulting on a loan: such help might encourage banks to take excessive risks on the future, knowing they will be "bailed out" by the government. Remember: Default has fault, fault of failing to do required things.


v. to fail; to collapse; to fill with water and sink; make (someone) very cold ধসে পড়া Most attempts to create advanced new technology by government fiat founder, probably because of the difficulty in anticipating changes in the fluid world of high technology. Remember: Found + Under; it means to fall down, collapse, or sink, under water or under debt. So when do you find someone under his normal position? Right when he falls or sinks or collapses.


v. to fall perpendicularly; to drop sharply and abruptly খাঁড়াভাবে নিচের দিকে পড়া The fighter jet, struck by an enemy missile, plummeted to earth. Remember: Plum + met. Plum falls from the tree straightly to meet the ground. This straight falling is the plummet.


v. to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue; to assert ( তর্ক করা) তর্কবিতর্ক করা The team is expected to contend for the championship this year. Remember: Contend - Contender - প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী

Reproach *

v. to find fault with; blame; to express disappointment in or displeasure with (a person) for conduct that is blameworthy; express criticism towards অপমান; ভর্ত্সনা করা A bug in the logic of a design, though discovered and fixed in the lab, stands as a slight reproach to the designer. Remember: You are taking an interview. Ask a question. Got answer but not happy, you have complains and faults in the answer approach. So you ask him again to to approach. So, reproach happens when it has faults.


v. to find fault; complain খুঁতখুঁত Being a carping man is not a good idea if you want a happy married life; nobody is perfect. Remember: Car+Parking = Carping; Some people will find fault if you car park here and there.

Proscribe *

v. to forbid, especially by law; express complete disapproval of; outlaw adj. proscriptive - same as prohibition নির্বাসিত করা The expert in English believes that since the tendency to use hyperbole is natural and often enriches the language, it should not be proscribed. Remember: Prescribe is to suggest good things. Proscribe is to forbid because it is not good or to outlaw.


v. to free of an evil spirit or influences; to expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান A modern parallel to the shaman is the psychiatrist, who helps the patient exorcise personal demons and guides him toward mental wholeness. Remember: It is a exercise, but not physical. It is and exercise that derives the evil spirit out.

Propitiate *

v. to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of : APPEASE মন ফেরত পাওয়া He made an offering to propitiate the angry gods. Remember: It sounds like: Prof (professor) + pity; if you want to get your PhD and get professor's pity, you need to appease him.


v. to give a boost to; support and strengthen ঠেস দেত্তয়ান Candidates visit states very frequently before election to bolster his popularity. Remember: read it like booster, which gives extra strength and support someone.

Sanction *

v. to give official permission or approval for; permit or impose a sanction or penalty on n. sanction - approval or penalization অনুমোদন His actions were not sanctioned by his superiors. Remember: Sanction is getting permission to do something or getting permission to get punished.


v. to give up a position, right, or power প্রত্যাখ্যান করা Raiyan Abdullah was forced to abdicate his post of CR after continuous failure to build proper contact with professors. Remember: ab+dicate; adicate sounds like dictator. abnormal is opposite to normal, abdicate is opposite to dicate (dictator), who has given up his power.


v. to go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract; to go back on one's word; fail to fulfill a promise or obligation প্রতিজ্ঞা ভঙ্গ করা Generally, if one party to an agreement reneges on its contractual obligations, it must provide appropriate compensation to the other party.

Burgeon *

v. to grow and expand rapidly : FLOURISH দ্রুত বেড়ে ওঠা After Independence war in 1971, people felt the freedom of life which accompanied with the burgeoning of population. Remember: b+urge+on = you feel the urge of growth raridly and turn on the growth. or, BURGEr make you grow (weight) rapidly.


v. to grow together; to merge into a single body: fuse সমবেত হত্তয়া The ice masses coalesced into a glacier over time. Remember: with coalition government, where all parties cooperate, effectively forming a single ruling party.


v. to handle with a deceptive strategy; to use finesse, that is, refinement in performance; skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering চাতুরতাfissure Engineers decided that the problem could be finessed by using lighter materials. Remember: fine-ness


v. to harm the reputation of; dishonor or disgrace অপমান The candidate's attempt to discredit his opponent by spreading damaging rumors about him failed. Remember: spoiling the credit, good impression.


v. to have a dulling or inhibiting effect on; to impair, invalidate, or make ineffective : NEGATE; cause to appear foolish বেকুব বানানো The government has been stultified by bureaucracy. Remember: Stultify means to nullify by reducing the effectiveness or to make something useless.

Dissemble *

v. to hide under a false appearance; deliberately give a false impression; to pretend; ছদ্মবেশ গোপন রাখা "Miss," the prosecutor said, "I believe you are dissembling. I want you to tell me the whole truth about what happened that night." Remember: dis + assemble = not putting things together. Say you have some secrets. So you won't assemble every information you have, you will pretend your motive to hide the secret. So disassemble is hiding a motive or taking false appearance.


v. to hypnotize; attract strongly, as if with a magnet সম্মোহিত করাmetamorphosis The audience sat, mesmerized, listening to the retired soldier's account of hand-to-hand combat against the Japanese in New Guinea during World War II. Remember: Miss memory

Emulate *

v. to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model; copy অনুকরণ করা Bionics uses technology to emulate nature, but sometimes a similar process occurs in reverse, in which scientists use technology as a heuristic tool to better understand natural processes. Remember: PUBG Emulator lets you play PUBG in Laptop without installing the game in PUBG, it imitates the original PUBG! or, recall simulate!


v. to improve বর্ধিত করা Although it is widely believed that the primary objective of the researchers developing the Internet was to secure the American nuclear missile system, in fact their main goal was to foster science by enhancing the ability of technology to disseminate information among scientists. Remember: Enhanced performance.

Subsume *

v. to include; incorporate; include or absorb (something) in something else অন্তর্ভূত করা The philosopher described his work as an attempt to arrive at a final generalization that will subsume all previous generalizations about the nature of logic. Remember: It's sum. Summing something means to add or include one thing into something.


v. to increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater শক্তি, সম্পদ, সম্মান বৃদ্ধি করা A generous grant by our department chair, enabled the library to significantly aggrandize its foreign book collection. Remember: ag+GRAND+ize; grand is large, huge. Aggrandize is making harge, enhance


v. to insert between other things; to alter or pollute (something, such as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter; to estimate values of (data or a function) between two known values: like EXTRAPOLATE ঢুকান He interpolated a very critical comment in the discussion. Remember: Inter = something from outside, polate = pollute. So, interpolate is to pollute something by adding something from outside. On the other hand, it is like extrapolate, but this time between two things only.


v. to lay the responsibility or blame for (something) often falsely or unjustly; attribute the fault to someone for something অভিযুক্ত করা People often impute his silence to unfriendliness and not to the shyness it really represents. Remember: Dispute is to argue or make verbal fight, impute is the similar characteristic. It is to blame someone for something.


v. to leave secretly পলাতক হত্তয়া A warrant is out for the arrest of a person believed to have absconded with three million dollars. Remember: ab+scond; absent in a second. when you steal something and depart secretly in a second.

Placate *

v. to lessen another's anger or hostile; to pacify; appease; soothe; to calm শান্ত করা The government attempted to placate the students with promises. Remember: If someone is hostile or angry, place a plate of cake and it will appease.

Fulminate *

v. to loudly attack or denounce নিন্দা ঘোষণা করা; ফেটে পড়া The senator fulminated against what he termed "foreign meddling in America's business." Remember: Full + Dominate. How do you fully dominate someone without raising hands? By your denouncing words and verbal attack. This attack is with logic, not nonsense verbal fight.

Disparage *

v. to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE; to speak of or treat slightingly; to belittle (অবজ্ঞা করা) তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা Though sometimes disparaged as merely an intellectual game, philosophy provides us with a method for inquiring systematically into problems that arise in areas such as medicine, science, and technology. Remember: it has RAGE. When you get disturbed and don't care about others opinion or existence, you simply express your rage towards them, and belittle them.


v. to make a liar of (oneself) under or as if under oath; to reject or renounce under oath; to swear falsely শপথ করে কোনো কিছু অস্বীকার When she became a U.S. citizen, Julia forswore allegiance to all other countries and pledged to defend the United States if called upon to do so. Remember: Its a False swear. Or swearing and then denying.


v. to make an attempt; to put to a test; to make an often tentative or experimental effort to perform : TRY প্রচেষ্টা The composer began work on a sonata, a form she had not previously essayed. Remember: During the exam you try to write an ESSAY to try and give efforts to prove you are acknowledged to the content.


(adj.) able to burn or eat away by chemical action; harsh or corrosive in tone: sarcastic ক্ষয়কারক; ক্লেশদায়ক The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipe. 12 Angry Men is one of the greatest caustic movies out here. Remember: Acids are caustic, like Sulfuric Acid, which burns physically.

Taciturn *

(adj.) habitually silent or quiet: untalkative অল্পভাষী The teacher couldn't get the taciturn child to tell her what activities he enjoyed during recess. Remember: I know this.

Ameliorate *

v. to make better; improve; more tolerable উন্নয়নসাধন করা Knowing that we can't eradicate COVID-19 soon, our government worked to limit it's spread and ameliorate its effects on lower income community. Remember: tolerate; ameliorate is making things being more tolerate, making more tolerable.


v. to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to bring to a state of peace or quiet শান্ত করা It has been increasingly important to appease Kim Jong Un for the greater peace of the world. Remember: it sounds like a piece, which is calm, peaceful, relieve, quiet.


v. to make known something that is secret ফাঁস করা Under the Geneva Conventions, prisoners of war cannot be tortured and forced to divulge information. Remember: it sounds like di + vault. What is kept in a vault? Yes, secret. Divulge is digging that vault to extract the secrets.


v. to make known subtly and indirectly; imply or hint অবগত করান He had already intimated that he might not be able to continue. The editor intimated that substantial changes would have to be made in the book. Remember: The verb intimate has some opposite vibe of adjective intimate. It is not so closely related of familiar, instead opposite, thus a person can not express opinion or suggestion directly, thus he intimates, meaning express subtly and indirectly.


v. to make less difficult; to make easier সহজতর করা The Internet—together with the availability of relatively inexpensive personal computers—has greatly facilitated the ability of ordinary people to conveniently exchange information with one another and with large computer systems.

Mitigate *

v. to make less severe, serious, or painful; alleviate n. mitigation - the act of reducing the severity or painfulness of something প্রশমিত করা At the far end of the room is a sliding glass door, taped with an X to mitigate shattering. Remember: Remember


v. to make milder, less severe; allay; relieve প্রশমিত করা For a long time, I felt lonely and then Kanij hold my hand to assuage my loneliness. Remember: A Suez (assuage) Canal relieved transportation labor.

Exacerbate *

v. to make more violent, bitter, or severe বর্ধিত করা The release of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels has increased the amount of this gas in the atmosphere, exacerbating the naturally occurring "greenhouse effect" that has predominated in Earth's recent past. Remember: Ex + Acerbate; Acerbate - acerbic; which is sharply critical or bitter. Exacerbate is Extra acerbic, means worsening or to make more severe or worse.


v. to make or declare sacred পবিত্র করা Freedom fighters fought to expel Pakistani from the then East Pakistan to consecrate our land and give birth to Bangladesh. Remember: con + secrate (sounds like sacred, which is holy).


v. to make plain or clear, explain; to interpret প্রকাশ করা The literature exam requires students to explicate three poems they studied in class and one they have not studied. Remember: It is opposite of implicate, which means to associate, attach, unite or make complicate. Explicate is to explain, make less complicate, breakdown or simplify.

Burnish *

v. to make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish; n. gloss, brightness, luster চাকচিক্য Poets write a poem in a swing and burnish it until he is satisfied as if he's a reader. Remember: shoe burnishing makes it smooth and shiny


v. to make supremely happy; Christianity: sanctify; to bless n. beatification আশীর্বাদধন্য করা She was beatified by the Pope one hundred years after her death. Remember: A cosmetologist beatifies someone alive; a pope beatifies someone dead.

Obviate *

v. to make unnecessary; to cancel; prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening কৌশলে পরিহার করা An experienced physician can often discern if a patient's symptoms are psychosomatic, thus obviating the need for expensive medical tests. Remember: It it is not obvious, you can obviate it.


v. to malign; harm someone's reputation; spreading slander মানহানি করা The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was defamed as a teacher who corrupted the morals of his students. Remember: opposite of fame.


v. to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive প্রতারণা করা One of the possible strategy of software company is to cozen people by spreading new virus and offering a solution that, conveniently, only they can provide. Remember: I have a cousin, who, last year, stole my Zen car. He tricked me as he told he's going for a short drive.


v. to mock, treat with contempt; to treat scornfully বিদ্রুপ করা In his book Poetic Meter and Poetic Form the distinguished literary critic Paul Fussel discusses the dangers poets face when they flout poetic conventions. Remember: Foul and Out; when a player is out due to playing foul, the player leaves and makes scornful comment for the referee as if the referee is not impartial.


v. to mock; laugh at with contempt উপহাস করা My brothers derided our efforts, but were forced to eat their words when we won first place. Remember: De + Ride; if you can't ride a cycle, your friends will mock you, laugh at you.


v. to move in a turbulent fashion; a large number of items in no order; a confused mass গড়াগড়ি খাত্তয়া; বিশৃঙ্খলা The pigs weltered about happily in the mud. Remember: Like Walter White. Who was always super cautious and moved in a turbulent way, because always confused.


v. to move toward one point, approach nearer together একই বিন্দুতে মিলিত হত্তয়া Although our strategies are different, the final interest converges, which is to master vocabulary. Remember: It sounds like converted to a marge, read it like- COnvert aNd mERGE. Merge is to join several cells into one.


v. to operate against; work against বিরোধী হওয়া বা বিরুদ্ধে যাওয়া The manager asked all of his employees to think of any factors that might militate against the project's success. Remember: Military force takes control of the country sometimes and work against the agenda of government.

Alleviate *

v. to partially remove; to relieve; improve partially উপশম বা প্রশমিত বা হ্রাস করা Although capitalism is very efficient at increasing absolute wealth, it is not as successful at alleviating relative poverty. Remember: elevator, which improves our speed, reduces pain and relieve us.

Relegate *

v. to place in a lower position; to send into exile : BANISH নির্বাসিত করা; নিম্নপদে সরান Failure to do so and show up to vote (no matter how), will relegate the progressive movement to the fringes of political discourse for four more terribly long years. Remember: Relay to gate. Sending someone or showing someone the gate means wither refuse his or suspend him or take off the position

Juxtapose *

v. to place side by side for comparison n. juxtaposition - side-by-side placement পাশাপাশি স্থাপন করা Part of the film's pleasure is in how the directors juxtapose the weighty, righteous causes of its attorneys with their humbler, eminently human lives. Remember: Juxta + Position. The preface juxta is used for a pair of things, like couple. Juxtapose is positioning two or more things together, side by side, for comparison.

Laud *

v. to praise highly প্রশংসা করা The literary critic lauded Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, calling it a novel that "explores the tension between a person's life as a social being and his or her individual consciousness." Remember: Be loud, about what? When you want to praise someone, be sure to be loud so that everyone knows. Laud is loudly praise.


v. to prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish); to invent উদ্ভাবন করা The various human cultures have concocted a great many explanations to describe the beginning of the Earth, life, and humanity.


v. to promote or praise energetically দালালি করা The critic touted Moby Dick as the greatest book in American literature. Remember: In Bengali, tout is a person, who tries to impress people with fake praise or something like this, we then call him tout - batper!

Foment *

v. to promote the growth or development of : ROUSE, INCITE (উদ্দীপ্ত করা) প্ররোচিত করা The government accused the newspaper of fomenting unrest in the country. Remember: Recall foam. You add some soap in water and mix vigorously. The act of mixing is promoting forming foam and raise the peak of foam. Foment is same thing, promoting to do something.


v. to pronounce clearly; to state something clearly and boldly n. enunciation স্পষ্টভাবে উচ্চারণ করা In everyday speech the sounds of many words are not enunciated clearly. Remember: ENUNCIATION = ENhanced proUNCIATION. Enunciate - Enunciation - which means good pronunciation.


v. to provide with written evidence to support দলিল The insurance company asked Debbie to document her claim with letters from the doctors who treated her for her condition. Remember: Document (v) is to provide document (n).


v. to question প্রশ্ন A spokeswoman said queries could not be answered until Monday. Remember: enquiry is query


v. to regret, be sorry for অনুশোচনা করা The judge told the convicted man that he would come to rue his decision to commit the crime. Remember: When you steal company's money, they sue you and you rue.


v. to reject; abandon formally শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা He's been forced to abjure his most important achievement as governor, his healthcare plan. Remember: think it like injure. when you are injured, you give up. abjure is like giving up .

Supersede *

v. to replace, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated; to force out of use as inferior; supplant সরাইয়া রাখা; স্থানচ্যুত Former stars were being superseded by younger actors. Remember: Super is superior, anyone who is superior takes the place of an inferior.

Proliferate *

v. to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly প্রচুর সংখ্যায় স্বীয় বংশবৃদ্ধি করা With the pervasive influence of American culture, "fast-food" restaurants are proliferating in many countries. Remember: Proliferation of bacteria.

Satiate *

v. to satisfy adj. satisfied to the full সন্তুষ্ট করা The bully satiated his fury by pummeling the helpless little boy. Remember: Satiate satisfied


v. to say (something) as advice or a warning; to remind a duty সতর্ক করা "Please be silent when i tell my story", the professor admonished. Remember: ad+monish (punish); like if you do something, you will be punished. hence the warning is admonish.

Disseminate *

v. to scatter or spread widely; to diffuse; cause to become widely known ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া The vast work field of Biochemistry was disseminated in many sister departments, like Genetic Engineering, Pharmacy as well as Food and Nutrition. Remember: Think about semen. You use your semen to spread your gene and your character.


v. to scold with bitter or abusive language গালিগালাজ করা The critic of globalization railed against its effect on the poor people of the world. Remember: Rail makes harsh bitter sounds when moving. This verb rail is also bitter and harsh, but in abusive language, meaning scolding. Like you scold the rail when it passes by.

Disabuse *

v. to set right; to free from error; to free from a misconception ভ্রান্ত ধারণাদি হইতে মুক্ত করা The chairman of the Federal Reserve used his testimony before Congress to disabuse his audience of the idea that the business cycle had been eliminated by the unprecedented period of prosperity. Remember. Use-abuse-disabuse. So disabuse is a positive word. How? Use of proper sense to get the actual conception - Abuse of the real conception - disabuse is not abusing the conception.


v. to show plainly; to display clearly : REVEAL স্পষ্ট করিয়া দেখান The student's response to the teacher's question evinced his ignorance of the subject. Remember: Evince - Evidence; Giving evidence is to show something clearly, give proper information about anything to build a clear impression.


v. to skip about in play; leap playfully তিড়িং-তিড়িং নাচ The children gamboled on the lawn while their parents ate lunch. Remember: it sounds like game + ball; in a soccer match, you have to pass and skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it, the opposite team player will tackle it quickly.


v. to soak thoroughly; completed in a way no more is possible পরিপূর্ণ The writer's recollection of her childhood is saturated with sunshine and laughter. Remember: Saturation in chemistry.


v. to speak evil of; speak unfavorably about adj. evil or harmful in nature or influence ক্ষতিকারক Her supporters say that she has been unfairly maligned in the press. Remember: Malignant - Malign. Malignant is cancer, evil, spreads whole body. To malign is to spread this evil by words. To harm someones good impression with malign speech.


v. to speak or write at length or in detail বিস্তারিতরূপে বর্ণনা করা Every year the book club invites a famous author to come to expatiate on the art of writing. Remember: it sounds like X-pa-shiate; so it is appreciated if you explain the definition in detail.

Stipulate *

v. to specify as an essential condition; to specify as a condition or requirement চুক্তির শর্ত করা The president's lawyer stipulated that he would appear before the investigative committee, but would answer only questions directly relevant to the issue at hand. Remember: This is like staple; main or important, especially in terms of consumption. Rice is our staple food. Stipulate is such essential part of an agreement.

Vitiate *

v. to spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of; corrupt morally; make inoperative বিকৃত করা; দূষিত করা Unfortunately, one error in the study's methodology vitiates the entire body of work. Remember: Sounds similar to contaminate. Contaminating the vital part.


v. to stop or check the flow of দাঁড় করিয়ে যাচাই করা The country's government has put controls on currency movement to stanch the flow of money out of the country. Remember: STop ANd CHeck.


v. to stop; to seize বাধা; গ্রেফতার Temporary arrest of the gangster actually gave him a safe shelter from his rival gang. Remember: Arresting stops crime by a person.


v. to strip or remove a title or position of authority; to take away from a person; to rid or free পরিত্যাগ করা The candidate for secretary of defense pledged to divest himself of the shares he held in defense-related companies. Remember: Di + vest. A vest is a sleeveless collarless upper garments, divest is to remove it. Actually, to remove power, authority, property or position.


v. to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity; to lessen উপশম করা The successful third stage trial of coronavirus vaccine allayed many people's fear of getting infected and this led them to move freely outside without any mask. Remember: al+LAY; when you lay down, the height is reduced, thus lessen.

Insinuate *

v. to suggest; suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way; similar to implicit আভাসে-ইঙ্গিতে বলা If you read his speech carefully you will see that the senator is insinuating that his party has taken the wrong path. Remember: In sonnet. It means, it is giving sign but not directly suggesting. A sonnet has many hidden meaning with very few words. The inner meaning or hint can be understood by careful observation.

Buttress *

v. to support; reinforce; make stronger or defensible শক্তিশালী করা Adding references of papers published in reputable journals in last 5 years buttress your paper to a great extent. Remember: Butt+rest: to rest your heavy butt properly, you need a pretty strong support, that support is the buttress.

Oscillate *

v. to swing backward and forward like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories: be undecided about something দুলিতে থাকা These natural climate patterns can cause ocean temperatures to oscillate between warmer and cooler cycles. Remember: sounds like: osilet. Oh See, he is Late. Because he moves back and forth while walking and is confused about decision.


v. to take the place of, supersede স্থানচ্যুত The "Frankenstein monster" fear of some people is that AI machines will eventually supplant biological life forms, making such life redundant or even subservient. Remember: SUPer PLANT; genetically engineered super plants are taking place of heirloom plants.


v. to talk foolishly or at tedious length about something; talk idly নিরর্থক কথা I heard him prate on for at least an hour and a half. Remember: Think about parrot. They sing song as if they talk slowly unnecessarily foolishly, all the long.


v. to talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities; brag adj. vaunted - boasted about বড়াই করা The head coach warned her players not to vaunt their undefeated record. Remember: Sounds same as daunt; make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive. But when you do something very daunting, you vaunt about it.


v. to taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely; have a distinctive flavor or smell আস্বাদন করা The coach gave his team a day off practice to savor their big victory. Remember: Sounds like Save + Her, so that he can take her after the victory and taste the resource she has, and enjoy.


v. to tear out; to make (someone) pay too much for something : OVERCHARGE পড়াইয়া ফেলা The store is able to gouge its customers because it is the only store in the area that carries that particular line of merchandise. Remember:


v. to urge by strong appeals; advise earnestly; to give warnings or advice : make urgent appeals উপদেশ দেওয়া; সনির্বন্ধ মিনতি করা In 1943 U.S. General George S. Patton exhorted American troops about to invade Hitler's Europe, saying that victory was assured because American soldiers were more virile and courageous than their German counterparts. Remember: Exert - make a physical or mental effort; Exhort - to urge someone to make a physical or mental effort

Equivocate *

v. to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead; to intentionally use vague language n. equivocation দ্ব্যর্থবোধক The saying "It's a matter of semantics" is often used to indicate that the real meaning of something is being lost in verbiage, often with the implication that there is equivocation. Don't equivocate, say straight. Remember: Equi = equal, vocal = sound; it's the use of such expression that allows the listener interpretation of two or more meaning at a same time. Ambiguous.


v. to vary; go in different directions from the same point n. divergence বিচ্যুতি A famous line in American poetry is from Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken": Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by .... Remember: Diverge creates diverse, by making variation. How? It is dividing something into many different directions.


v. to violently collapse inward n. implosion আন্তঃবিস্ফোরণ ঘটানো The building was imploded in order to make way for the construction of a new apartment complex. Remember: Explode is to violently collapse or burst outwards, implode is opposite.burst


v. to walk with a proud gait; pompous way of walking বৃথা গর্বে বা আত্মগরিমায় গটগট করিয়া হাঁটা The star quarterback strutted around campus the entire week after he led his team to a 42-0 win over the county's top-ranked team. Remember: Watch the video Strut than ass!

Enervate *

v. to weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of সাহসহীন করা During World War II Russian commanders counted on the bitter cold to enervate German soldiers invading their country. Remember: Enervate - read it like Energy Fade !

Attenuate *

v. to weaken; to reduce the severity, virulence, or vitality of কমানো Vaccines are most often made with attenuated viruses which is not pathogenic but stimulates our immune system to produce memory cells. Remember: Transcription attenuation weakens the transcription and abscission of premature mRNA.

Recant *

v. to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been committed; renounce; retract a statement or opinion প্রত্যাহার করা The bishop told the theologian that he must recant his heretical teaching or risk excommunication. Remember: Recant is reconsidering and followed by saying he can't do it now.

Diffuse *

v./adj. to spread or scatter freely or widely; unfocused ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া The idea of equality and liberty diffused through society after the French Revolution. Remember: Diffusion. Or, fuse is fusion, merging things. Diffuse is opposite of fuse.

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