MAT 22A true/false questions

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A diagonal matrix is invertible if and only if all of its diagonal entries are positive.


An expression of an invertible matrix A as a product of ele- mentary matrices is unique.


An m × n matrix has m column vectors and n row vectors.


Every matrix has a unique row echelon form.


For all square matrices A and B of the same size ,it is true that A2 −B2 =(A−B)(A+B).


For all square matrices A and B of the same size, it is true that (A+B)^2 =A^2 +2AB+B^2.


If A and B are 2×2 matrices, then AB=BA.


If A and B are invertible matrices of the same size, then AB is invertible and (AB)^−1 = A^−1(B^−1).


If A and B are matrices such that AB is defined, then it is true that (AB)T = ATBT .


If A and B are n×n matrices such that A+B is symmetric, then A and B are symmetric.


If A and B are n×n matrices such that A+B is upper triangular, then A and B are upper triangular.


If A and B are square matrices of the same order, then (AB)T =ATBT


If A and B are square matrices of the same order, then tr(AB) = tr(A)tr(B)


If A, B, and C are square matrices of the same order such that AC = BC, then A=B.


If B has a column of zeros, then so does BA if this product is defined.


If a linear system has more unknowns than equations, then it must have infinitely many solutions.


If an elementary row operation is applied to a matrix that is in row echelon form, the resulting matrix will still be in row echelon form.


If each equation in a consistent linear system is multiplied through by a constant c, then all solutions to the new system can be obtained by multiplying solutions from the original system by c.


If every column of a matrix in row echelon form has a leading 1, then all entries that are not leading 1's are zero.


If the reduced row echelon form of the augmented matrix for a linear system has a row of zeros, then the system must have infinitely many solutions.


The i th row vector of a matrix product AB can be computed by multiplying A by the ith row vector of B.


The inverse of an invertible lower triangular matrix is an upper triangular matrix.


The sum of two invertible matrices of the same size must be invertible.


The transpose of an upper triangular matrix is an upper tri- angular matrix.


Two n × n matrices, A and B, are inverses of one another if and only if AB = BA = 0.


f A^2 is a symmetric matrix, then A is a symmetric matrix.


if p(x)=a0 +a1 x+a2 x^2 +···+am x^m and I is an identity matrix, then p(I)=a0 +a1 +a2 +···+am.


If the number of equations in a linear system exceeds the number of unknowns, then the system must be inconsistent.

False; a system is inconsistent if It has no solutions

The linear system with corresponding augmented matrix [2 −1 4 ] [0 0 −1] is consistent

False; the metric here is inconsistent bc 0 does not equal -1

Multiplying a row of an augmented matrix through by zero is an acceptable elementary row operation

False; you can only multiply a row with a nonzero constant

A homogeneous linear system in n unknowns whose corre- sponding augmented matrix has a reduced row echelon form with r leading 1's has n − r free variables.


A linear system whose equations are all homogeneous must be consistent


A matrix that is both symmetric and upper triangular must be a diagonal matrix.


A single linear equation with two or more unknowns must have infinitely many solutions


A square matrix containing a row or column of zeros cannot be invertible.


All entries of a symmetric matrix are determined by the entries occurring on and above the main diagonal.


All entries of an upper triangular matrix are determined by the entries occurring on and above the main diagonal.


All leading 1's in a matrix in row echelon form must occur in different columns.


Elementary row operations permit one row of an augmented matrix to be subtracted from another.


Every elementary matrix is invertible.


For every matrix A, it is true that (AT )T = A.


For every square matrix A, it is true that tr(AT ) = tr(A).


If A and B are matrices of the same size and k is a constant, then(kA+B)^T =kA^T +B^T.


If A and B are row equivalent matrices, then the linear systems Ax = 0 and Bx = 0 have the same solution set.


If A and B are row equivalent, and if B and C are row equiv- alent, then A and C are row equivalent.


If A is a 6×4 matrix and B is an m×n matrix such that BTAT is a 2×6 matrix ,then m=4 and n=2.


If A is a square matrix, and if the linear system Ax = b has a unique solution, then the linear system Ax = c also must have a unique solution.


If A is an invertible matrix, then so is A^T .


If A is an n × n matrix that is not invertible, then the linear system Ax = 0 has infinitely many solutions.


If A is an n × n matrix that is not invertible, then the matrix obtained by interchanging two rows of A cannot be invertible.


If A is an n×n matrix and c is a scalar, ,then tr(cA) = c tr(A).


If A is invertible and a multiple of the first row of A is added to the second row, then the resulting matrix is invertible.


If A, B, and C are matrices of the same size such that A − C = B − C, then A = B.


If AB + BA is defined, then A and B are square matrices of the same size.


If B has a column of zeros, then so does AB if this product is defined.


If a homogeneous linear system of n equations in n unknowns has a corresponding augmented matrix with a reduced row echelon form containing n leading 1's, then the linear system has only the trivial solution.


If a matrix is in reduced row echelon form, then it is also in row echelon form.


If kA is a symmetric matrix for some k does not equal 0, then A is a symmetric matrix.


It is impossible for a system of linear equations to have exactly two solutions.


Let A and B be n×n matrices. If A or B(or both) are not invertible, then neither is AB.


Let A be an n×n matrix and S is an n×n invertible matrix. If x is a solution to the linear system (S−1AS)x = b, then Sx is a solution to the linear system Ay = Sb.


Let A be an n×n matrix. The linear system Ax=4x has a unique solution if and only if A − 4I is an invertible matrix.


The linear system x− y=3 2x − 2y = k cannot have a unique solution, regardless of the value of k.


The matrix [1 2 3] [4 5 6] has no main diagonal


The matrix A= [a b] [c d] is invertible if and only if ad-bc does not equal zero.


The sum of a diagonal matrix and a lower triangular matrix is a lower triangular matrix.


The transpose of a diagonal matrix is a diagonal matrix.


The product of two elementary matrices of the same size must be an elementary matrix.


The sum of an upper triangular matrix and a lower triangular matrix is a diagonal matrix.


If A and B are n×n matrices such that AB=In, then BA = In.


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