Math 1321-Exam One, Chapters 1, 2, & 3

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3.2-Repeated Addition Approach Multiplication

Let a and b be any whole numbers where a≠0. Then ab= b + b + b +..... +b. If a=1, then ab= 1*b=b; also 0*b=0 for all b.

3.2-Cartesian Product Approach

Let a and b be any whole numbers. If a=n(A) and b=n(B), then ab=n(A X B).

3.2-Communitive Property Multiplication

Let a and b be any whole numbers. The ab=ba.

3.1-Communitive Property for Whole-Number Addition

Let a and b be any whole numbers. Then (a+b)+c = a+ (b+c)

3.2-Associative Property Multiplication

Let a, b, and c be any whole numbers. Then a(bc)=(ab)c

3.2-Distributive Property Multiplication

Let a,b, and c be any whole numbers. Then a(b+c)=ab+ac.

3.3-Theorem Two

Let a,b, and m be any whole numbers where m is nonzero. Then a^m * b^m = (ab)^m. Ex.) 2^3 * 3^3 = (2*2*2)(3*3*3) =(2*3)^3

3.2-Distributive Property of Multiplication over Subtraction

Let a,d, and c be any whole numbers where b ≥ c. Then a(b-c)=ab-ac.

3.3-Theorem Four

Let a,m, and n be any whole numbers were m > n and a, m, and n are nonzero. Then a^m ÷ a^n = a^m-n. EX.) 12^8 ÷ 12^4 = 12^8-4 = 12^4

3.3-Theorem Three

Let a,m, and n be any whole numbers where m and n are nonzero. Then (a^m)^n = a^mn. EX.) (10^3)^11 = 10^33

3.3-Theorem One

Let a,m, and n be any whole numbers where m and n are nonzero. Then a^m * a^n + a^m+n. EX.) 4^3 * 4^5= 4^8

2.2-Ordering Whole Numbers

Let a=n(A) and b=n(B). Then a < b or b > a if A is equivalent to a proper subset of B.

1.2-Three Additional Solving Strategies

Look for a Pattern, Make a List, Solve a Simpler Problem, and Combine Strategies to Solve Problems.

2.1- Are all equivalent sets equal sets?


2.1-Are all subsets proper subsets?


3.3-Proper Order of Operations

PEMDAS Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction GEMS Groupings (Parenthesis) Exponents Multiplication OR Division Subtraction OR Addition OR=Solve which ever comes first from left to right.

3.1-Take-away Approach

Presented by using Set Model or Measurement Model.

3.1-Missing-addend Approach

Presented by using Set Model, Measurement Model, or a Comparison. a and b=any whole numbers. The a-b=c is and only if a=b+c for some whole number c. C would be called the missing-addend. Shows how to relate subtraction to addition via the four-fact families. (Look up four-fact families)

3.1-Identity Property for Whole-Number Addition

There is a unique whole number, namely 0, such that for all whole numbers a, a+0 = a = 0+a.

3.1-Approaches to Subtraction

Two distinct. 1.) Take-Away Approach 2.) Missing-Addend Approach

2.3-Base Four

0,1,2,3 are the digits, skip 4. 1,2,3,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,30... 213four-Two One Three Base Four

2.3-Base Five

0,1,2,3,4 are the digits, skip 5. 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,23,24,30... 43five-Four Three Base Five Cant be a 35five, becomes 40 five.



2.1-Three Ways of Defining Sets

1.) A Verbal Description. 2.) A Listing of Elements Separated by Commas and Braces. 3.) Set-builder Notation.

3.1-Thinking Strategies for Learning the Addition Facts

1.) Community 2.) Adding Zero 3.) Counting on by 1 and 2 4.) Combinations to Ten 5.) Doubles 6.) Adding Ten 7.) Associativity 8.) Doubles Plus or Minus 1 and 2 Packet for examples on how to use them.

2.1-Two Inherent Rules Regarding Sets

1.) The same element is not allowed to be listed more than once within a set 2.) The order of the elements in a set is immaterial.

2.1-Examples of Sets

1.) The set of all seasons in Chicago. 2.) {Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall} 3.) {x|X is a season in Chicago}

2.3-Base Ten Place Values

10^5, 10^4, 10^3, 10^2, 10^1, 10^0 Hundred Thousands, Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones

2.3-Base Four Place Values

4^3, 4^2, 4^1, 4^0 64, 16,4,1 Packet.

2.3-Base Five Place Values

5^4, 5^3, 5^2, 5^1, 5^0 625, 125, 25, 5, 1 Look at how to convert in packet.

2.1-Cartesian Product

A X(Cross) B, is the set of all ordered pairs (a,b), where a ∈ A and b ∈ B. EX.) {3,4,5} X {a,b} -Solution: (3,a), (3,b), (4,a), (4,b), (5,a), (5,b)


A collection of objects.


A collection of words where the letters represent numbers. EX.)ABCD X 4 = DCBA

2.3- Place-Value

A device used to represent numbers written in place value is a chip abacus-a piece of paper, chips are written to represent unit values.

3.1-Binary Operations

Addition and Multiplication for numbers. Intersection, Union, and Set Difference for sets. When two numbers are combined to a produce a unique number (Only ONE number).


Additive identity or the identity for addition.

2.2-Tally Numeration System

Before grouping of 5. Single strokes for each object being counted. |||||||||| (10)

3.2-Number 1 in Multiplication

Called the multiplicative identity or the identity for multiplication.

3.2-Why is Dividing by Zero Undefined?

Case One: Missing Factor Idea Case Two: It is not Unique Look at Packet.

3.2-Thinking Strategies for Learning and Multiplication Facts

Community Multiplication by 0 Multiplication by 1 Multiplication by 2 Multiplication by 5 Multiplication by 9 Associativity and Distributivity

3.1-Measurement Model

Draw line segments over the top to represent the numbers given then circle the number that you end up at for the answer.

2.1-Equal Sets and Not Equal Sets

Equal Sets: Two sets A and B are equal (A=B), if and only if they have precisely the same elements. EX.) {1,2,3} = {2,3,1} = {1,2,2,1,3,3} = {3,1,2} Not Equal Sets: Two sets A and B are equal of every element in A is in B and vice versa. If set A does not equal set B, write A≠B.

3.3-Transitive Property of "Less Than" for whole numbers

For all whole numbers a,b, and c, if a < b and b < c, then a < c.

3.2-Multiplication Property of Zero

Fore every whole number, a, a*0=0*a=0.

2.2-Roman Numerals

Grouping and additivity. A subtractive system since it permits simplifications using combinations of basic Roman Numerals. A positional system since the position of a numeral can affect the value of the number being represented. I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1,000

2.1- 1-1 Correspondence

Happens between two sets A and B and is the pairing of the elements of A with the elements of B so that each element of A corresponds to exactly one element of B, and vice versa. Written as A~B, and say that A and B are equivalent or matching sets. Ex.) {1,2,3}~{Red,Blue,Yellow}~{A,B,C} -Look at the number of items in each set, there are 3 that's why they are equivalent, the items inside the set do not matter.

2.1-Proper Subset

If A is the subset of B, and B has an element that is NOT in A, write A ⊂ B, and say that A is a proper subset of B. EX.) {1,2,3} ⊂ {1,2,3,4,5,6}

3.3-Less Than and Multiplication Property

If a < b and c ≠ 0, then ac < bc.

3.3-Less Than and Addition Property

If a < b, then a + c < b + c.

3.2-Missing-Factor Approach Division

If a and b are any whole numbers with b ≠ 0, then a÷b=c if and only if a=bc for some whole number c.

3.2-The Division Algorithm

If a and b are any whole numbers with b≠ 0, then there exists unique whole numbers q and r such that a=bq+r, where 0≤r<b. Here b is called the divisor, q is called the quotient, and r is called the remainder.

3.2-Division Property of Zero

If a ≠ 0, the 0÷a=0. Division by 0 is UNDEFINED!!

2.1-Infinite Set

If it goes on without end. EX.) {1,2,3,4,5...}

2.1-Finite Set

If it is empty or can have its elements listed where they eventually will end. EX.) {1,3,5,7,9,11}

2.1-What does the Symbol "∈" Indicate?

Indicates that a object IS an element of a set.

2.1-What does the Symbol "∉" Indicate?

Indicates that an object is NOT an element of a set.

2.1-What does the Symbol "∅" Indicate?

Indicates that it is a set without elements. Also known as an empty set or a null set. It can also be denoted by {}. *Note: The empty set is NOT {∅}.

2.3-6 Place Values

Quadrillion, Trillion, Billion, Million, Thousands, Hundreds

3.2-Define Multiplication

Repeated addition.

3.2-Different Approaches to Multiplication

Repeated-Addition Rectangular Array Measurement Model Cartesian Product Tree Diagram


Set A is said to be a subset of set B (A⊆B), if and only if every element in A is also an element in B. Ex.) {1,2} ⊆ {1,2,3}

2.1-Set Difference (Relative Compliment)

Set difference of set B from set A (A-B), is the set of all elements in A that are NOT in B. Only write what's different in set A as the solution. EX.) {3,4,7,8} - {1,3,4,9} -Solution: {7,8}

3.2-Drawing for Division

Sharing and Measurement Repeated-Subtraction and Missing-Factor

2.2-Identificaion Numbers

Social Security, Drivers License number.

2.2-Whole Number Line

Starts at zero and increases to the right.

1.1-Polya's Four-Step Process

Step 1: Understand the Problem Step 2: Devise a Plan Step 3: Carry Out the Plan Step 4: Look Back

2.1-Compliment of Sets

The compliment of set A (A'), is the set of all elements in the universe (U), that are NOT in A. The opposite. EX.) U={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, A={1,3,5,7} -Solution: A'={0,2,4,6}

2.1-Intersection of Sets

The intersection of two sets A and B (A∩B), is the set of all elements that are common to sets A and B. EX.) {0,1,2,3,4,5} ∩ {2,3,4,5,6} -Solution: {2,3,4,5}

2.2-Cardinal Number

The most common use of a whole number. Used to describe how many elements are in a finite set.

3.2-Identity Property Multiplication

The number 1 is the unique whole number such that every whole number a, a*1=a=1*a.

2.3-Grouping by Tens

The number of objects grouped together is called the base of the system (Base ten system). Models-Bundles of sticks, and Dienes Blocks (Individual cubes that are are called units, longs, flats, and blocks)


The objects in the set. Can also be called members of the sets.

2.2-Ordinal Number

The order of things.

3.2-Closure Property for Multiplication

The product of two whole numbers is a whole number.

3.2-What do you notice about the divisor?

The remainder MUST always be LESS THAN the divisor.

3.1-Closure Property for Whole-Number Addition

The sum of any two whole numbers is a whole number.

2.1-Union of Sets

The union of two sets A and B (A∪B), is the set that consists of all elements belonging to either A or to B or to both. EX.) {0,1,2,3,4,5} ∪ {2,3,4,5,6,7} -Solution: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}

2.3-Additive and Multiplicative

The value of a numeral in this system is found by multiplying each place value by its corresponding digit and then adding all the resulting problems.

2.1-Disjoint Sets

Two sets that have no elements in common.

1.2-Inductive Reasoning

Used to draw conclusions or make predictions about a large collection of objects or numbers, based on a small representative sub-collection.

2.3-Hindu-Arabic System

What is used today. Attributes of the system: Digits-10 symbols that can be used in combination to represent all possible numbers, Grouping by tens-Decimal system, Place-vale (positional)- each of the various places in a numeral has its own value, Additive and multiplicative-expressing numbers in expanded form or expanded notation.

2.1-Are all proper subsets subsets?


2.1_Are all equal sets equivalent sets?



a divided by b. a is called the dividened b is called the divisor c is called the quotient of missing factor

3.2-ab Multiplication

a times b. Called the product of a and b. Numbers a and b are called factors of ab. Product can also be written as a*b and a X b.

3.1-Set Model

a+b=n(AUB) a and b are called the addends or summands.

3.1- a-b

a-b is called the difference. a is called the minuend. b is called the subtrahend.

3.3-Zero as an Exponent

a^0=1 for all whole numbers a ≠ 0 (except zero).

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