Math 2.A
Decide whether the following statement makes sense or does not make sense. Explain your reasoning. I have a box with a volume of 2 square feet.
The statement does not make sense because square feet is not a unit of volume.
Units are words that describe what is being measured or counted.
Describe the three basic uses of percentages. Give a sample statement that uses percentages in each of the three ways.
A. Percentages can be used to express a fraction of something. For example, out of 15,000 employees, 3% lost their jobs.
Distinguish between absolute and relative difference
Absolute difference is the actual difference between the compared value and the reference value. Relative difference describes the size of the absolute difference in comparison to the reference value and can be expressed as a percentage.
What is the meaning of the key word "of"?
It implies multiplication.
What is the meaning of the key word "square," when used in the context of units?
It implies raising to the second power.
What is the meaning of the key word "cube," when used in the context of units?
It implies raising to the third power.
Absolute Change
What is the meaning of the key word "per"?
It means for every and it says to divide.
Relative Change
New-original/original Always percentages
What is the third way to use percentages?
Percentages can be used to compare two things. For example, the car costs 25% more but gets 10% more miles per gallon.
What is a second way to use percentages?
Percentages can be used to describe a change in something. For example, the cost of milk rose 5% within the past month
What are the basic metric units of length, mass, time, and volume? How are the metric prefixes used?
The basic metric units of length, mass, time, and volume are the meter (m) for length, the kilogram (kg) for mass, the second (s) for time, and the liter (L) for volume. These basic units can be combined with a prefix that indicates multiplication by a power of 10.
What is the meaning of a hyphen in units?
The hyphen means multiplication.