Medical Terminology Final

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________ is pigmentation loss in areas of the skin.


The adjustment of the lens of the eye to variations in distance is called:


AML is the abbreviation for

acute myelogenous leukemia

Mr. Skarda was started on interferon to stimulate his immune system. Interferon, which is produced by normal cells, uses the body's own defense mechanism to fight tumor cells. Therefore, it is called:

biologic response modifier

Removing living tissue from the body and viewing it (under a microscope) is called a(n):


The combining form for to cast (throw):


Mr. Chase exhibited instability in interpersonal relationships and sense of self characterized by alternating over-involvement with and rejection of people. He was diagnosed with ________ personality disorder.


Implantation of radioactive seeds directly into the tumor


The study of the heart is _______logy.


Blood screening that includes an RBC count, a WBC count with differential, a platelet count, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and red blood cell indices is called a(n) ________, which is abbreviated ________.

complete blood count, CBC


epigastric discomfort

Channel between middle ear and nasopharynx

eustacian tube

The ear structure that provides an equalization of air pressure between the middle ear and external atmospheric pressure is the:

eustacian tube

A ________ test is used to find evidence of a heart attack.

serum enzyme

The prefix tetra- means


The combining form follicul/o means:

small, glandular sacs

The combining form son/o means:


Upper part of the pelvic bone


Prefix combined with costal meaning pertaining to between the ribs


The abbreviation IV means:


Pituitary hormone that promotes ovulation

lutenizing hormone

The prefix macro- means _____; the opposite of macro- is _____.

macro; large; micro

Yellowish region on retina containing fovea centralis

macula lutea

_____aise is a bad feeling or a vague feeling of bodily discomfort.


Osteo_____ is softening of bones.


Hyperactivity and agitation; extreme excitement


Hair turns gray when the body stops producing:


________cele is the protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord through a defect in the spinal column.


The bones beyond (distal to) the carpals are the _____carpals.


_____cephalic means pertaining to an abnormally small head and brain.


Phagocytic agranulocytes


A ________ is an abnormal, prolonged heart sound caused by incomplete closure of heart valves.


White wrapping that surrounds and protects the axon

myelin sheath

Tumor of bone marrow


The ________metrium is the muscular middle layer of the uterus.


Advanced atherosclerosis could likely lead to:

myocardial infarction

Ms. Munoz was scheduled for a ________ectomy to remove uterine fibroids.


Poly________ is chronic inflammatory myopathy.


________ectomy is the excision of the kidney.


The term for kidney disorder is ________pathy.


The functional unit of the kidney is the:


Which of the following is not an accessory organ of the skin?

nerve fibers

Dys________ is a negative, painful feeling; for example, a feeling of sadness and hopelessness.


Mr. Kenneport had diabetic retinopathy that was treated with ________coagulation, which is the use of a laser to seal leaky blood vessels and prevent growth of new ones.


Small opening on the surface of the skin


Lying face down


________, which is abbreviated ________, tests the ability of blood to clot by measuring the time elapsed between adding calcium to the sample and the appearance of a clot; it is used to follow patients on anticoagulants.

prothrombin time, PT

The use of self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, and/or excessive exercising to avoid weight gain is called:


Mrs. Talifori was diagnosed with Parkinson disease. Characteristic symptoms likely to be seen in Mrs. Talifori as the disease progresses include all of the following except:


Connective tissue tumors usually require large doses of radiation to destroy the tumor cells; this type of tumor is called:


Drugs, such as cisplatin and 5-FU (5-fluorouracil), that sensitize tumors and normal tissue to radiation to improve the outcome of treatment are called:


The abbreviation for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is:


Cup-shaped capsule surrounding the glomeruli

Bowman's Capsule

The correct term for removal of the spleen is:


Clusters of berry-shaped bacteria


Chole_____ means the stopping or suppression of bile flow.




Prefix combined with thoracic meaning pertaining to above the chest


The circuit that the blood follows from the heart to the body's tissues and back is called _________ circulation.


TUIP is the abbreviation for:

transurethral incision of the prostate

TUMT is the abbreviation for:

transurethral microwave thermotherapy

TUNA is the abbreviation for:

transurethral needle ablation

The combining form therapeut/o means:


The use of shock waves to crush urinary tract stones is called litho_________.


The prefix ana- means _____; the opposite of ana- is _____.

up or apart; cata

The combining form humer/o means:

upper arm bone

The combining form valvul/o means:




The combining form aque/o means:


The combining form for cell:


Adding drugs early in the course of treatment to hasten or assist primary treatment in attacking cancer cells

adjuvant therapy

Increases reabsorption of sodium in the blood


Loss of memory


ACE is the abbreviation for:

angiotensin converting enzyme

The congenital absence of one or both testes is called ________ism.


Prefix combined with flexion meaning forward curvature of a part or organ


Which of the following prefixes can mean before?

ante; pre

The combining form for front:


Mrs. Nuesbaum had a grand mal seizure. Her physician prescribed Dilantin, a(n) ________convulsant, to prevent further seizures.


The prefix in the term antibodies is _____, which means _____.

anti; against



Mrs. Farrell's symptoms—paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing, coughing—are indicators of:


Formation of fatty deposits on the inner lining of the coronary arteries


AV is the abbreviation for:


lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies


The combining form calcane/o means:

heel bone

Excess cells due to an increased rate of cell division


Lymphocytes that recognize and destroy foreign cells without prior sensitization

natural killer cells

skin lesion of measles


Delusions of persecution or harassment


Extensive double-layered membrane lining the abdominal cavity:


Study of drug effects in the body


________ is the calculation of drug concentration (or disposition) in tissues and blood over a period of time.


PCP is the abbreviation for:


Excessive bleeding caused by congenital lack of one of the protein factors necessary for blood clotting is called hemo________.


The suffix in the term acrophobia is _____, which means _____.

phobia, fear

A hair-containing cyst found in the sacral region of the back is called a ________ cyst.


Gland at the base of the brain


The medical term for afterbirth is:


The liquid portion of blood is called:


Composed of a variety of cell types


The combining form pleur/o means:


Space between the folds of the pleura

pleural cavity

Excessive fluid accumulation in the pleural space due to infection, malignancy, or trauma is called:

pleural effusion

________neuritis is the inflammation of several nerves.


Occurring or performed after death is referred to as:


Test used to measure the ventilation mechanics of the lungs

pulmonary function tests

The combining form sphygm/o means:


The muscular ring at the lower end of the stomach is the ____ sphincter.


A ________ scan consists of pictures taken of organs after injection of radioactive substances.


RIA is the abbreviation for:


A synonym for roentgenology is:


The heel of the foot is on the _____ side of the body.


DPT is the abbreviation for:

dyptheria, pertussis, tetanus injection

The combining form esthes/o means:

feeling or sensation

Use of electrocardiography to record the fetal heart rate during labor

fetal monitoring

Ms. Golitz presented to her gynecologist with lumps in her breasts. Further interview revealed that the lumps were sometimes associated with premenstrual tenderness and fullness. Ms. Golitz's probable diagnosis is the common benign condition known as:

fibrocystic disease

Sensitive tip of the penis

glans penis

Microscopic tube where urine is formed

renal tubule

RTI is the abbreviation for:

reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Lumbo_____ means pertaining to the lower back and sacrum.


Oil-secreting gland associated with hair follicles

sebaceous gland

narcotic analgesic

severe pain

The abbreviation for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone is:


Sp gr is the abbreviation for:

specific gravity

The inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin is called ________.




The medical term for the eardrum is:

tympanic membrane

Except for the egg and sperm, all human body cells contain _____ chromosomes.


The abbreviation for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube is:

PEG tube

The abbreviation for single-photon emission computed tomography is:


Shawn, age 16, is being treated for leukemia, which is a condition in which there is a marked increase in abnormal:


What is the abbreviation for the procedure that uses a thorascope equipped with a camera to magnify the area under observation and projects it onto a video monitor?


The abbreviation for voiding cystourethrogram is:


The abbreviation for erythropoietin is:


A feeding tube placed in the stomach:

G- tube/ button

The abbreviation that refers to the structure removed in a cholecystectomy is:


The abbreviation for gastroesophageal reflux disease is:


Also known as the alimentary tract

GI tract

A temporary absence of breathing is _____pnea.


The physician orders a ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, which reveals abnormalities consistent with a pulmonary embolism. You know a pulmonary embolism means:

a clot forms in distant veins and is carried to the lungs

Missy's anaphylactic reaction to penicillin means future use of the drug is dangerous and ill-advised. The severe allergic reaction that prevents future use of the drug for Missy is called:

a contraindication

Paralysis as an expression of shell shock or combat fatigue in a soldier is:

a conversion disorder

Mr. Ling's history revealed that his father died of colon cancer. Due to Mr. Ling's age and positive family history, the physician scheduled Mr. Ling for a flexible colonoscopy. This diagnostic procedure is:

a visual examination of the entire colon

The normal formation of blood cells in the bone marrow is called hemato________.


Mr. Gonzales' colonoscopy revealed several large benign polyps, which his physician removed in a ___.


Mr. Martez, a paraplegic from an automobile accident, had decreased bone density, or osteo________, in his legs from atrophy of disuse.


A _____ is attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning.


PAC is the abbreviation for:

premature atrial contractions

The Draw-A-Person test is an example of a(n):


Promotes breast tissue growth and milk secretion


The suffix -ptosis means:


The primary function of platelets is to ________.

promote blood clotting

Turning the palm of the hand backward (down) is called:


The combining form prostat/o means:

prostate gland

________, which is abbreviated ________, is a serum protein produced by prostate cancer cells.

prostate specific antigen, PSA

Mr. Gerald was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. His oncologist recommended combination chemotherapy as the modality, or method, of treatment, which would be given according to a written plan, or a:


The function of the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) is to:

provide support for the larynx

_____ means nearest the point of reference. Its opposite direction is _____.

proximal; distal

A compulsion to continue taking a drug substance despite adverse consequences is called:

psychological dependance

Blepharo_____ is drooping of the eyelid.


Cartilaginous disk joining the two pubic bones

pubic symphysis

X-ray of arteries and veins in the lung after injection of dye into a blood vessel

pulmonary angiogram

Rotation of a surgical instrument to remove a core of tissue for examination

punch biopsy

________ refers to ecchymoses and petechiae over any part of the body.


purulent abscess


The combining form for renal pelvis is:


ROM is the abbreviation for:

range of motion

The medical term for headache is ceph________.


The combining form bas/o means:


A respiratory allergy caused by exposure to an inhaled antigen and characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath is called:

allergic asthma

Flap of the ear


Post_________ means pertaining to behind the pinna of the ear.


The preoccupation with self-centered, illogical ideas and fantasies that exclude the external world and is often a feature of schizophrenia is called:


A condition in which a person's body makes an antibody that destroys platelets is ________.

autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura

Tony, age 28, re-entered the hospital for high-dose chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant for his leukemia. Bone marrow had been harvested from Tony after his first hospitalization in which he achieved complete remission. This type of bone marrow transplant is called:


Lasix is prescribed for Mr. Garrison to lower his blood pressure. Since it reduces blood volume by stimulating the kidney to remove water and salt (excreted in the urine), it is categorized as a(n):


Jared was diagnosed with disorganized type schizophrenia. Disorganized type schizophrenia is primarily marked by:

disorganized speech and behavior and childish or inappropriate affect

Sudden, unexpected travel away from home or work, including the assumption of a new identity or inability to recall one's previous identity, is:

dissociative fugue

Malignant transformation of genetic material results from damage to:


Focusing sound waves on a blood vessel to measure the velocity of blood flow

doppler ultrasound

Decreasing the angle of the ankle joint so that the foot bends backward (upward toward the top of the foot) is called ________flexion.


X-rays of the bones in the spinal column, pelvis, and wrist to detect bone density are called a(n):

dual-energy x-ray absorptiometr

The outer layer of the meninges is called the ________ mater.


Children affected with pituitary ________ism are normal mentally, but their bones remain small and underdeveloped.


The medical term for a condition of involuntary, spasmodic movements:


The degree of a tumor's maturity or microscopic differentiation is called its:


An echocardio________ is the record of the structure and motion of the heart produced by using sound.


Multi________ is a term that refers to a woman who has been pregnant more than once.


What is a doctor who specializes in the health care of women, including sexual and reproductive function and the diseases of the female reproductive organs?


Fold in the surface of the cerebral corte


Sac or tube within which each hair grows

hair folicle

The anterior portion of the roof of the mouth is the _____ palate.


________itis is the inflammation of the inner lining of the cervix.


Ms. Genelco was diagnosed with ________osis, a condition in which the inner tissue lining of the uterus proliferates and is transferred to sites outside the uterine cavity.


WBCs with dense reddish granules that increase in allergic reactions


Tube located on the top of each testis that carries and stores sperm cells


Lid-like piece of cartilage covering the larynx


The combining form epiglott/o means:


The flap of tissue that moves to cover the trachea with each swallow


Each end of a long bone beyond the epiphyseal plate


Hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by Rh blood incompatibility between the mother and the fetus

erythroblastosis fetalis



red blood cells


Which hormone is responsible for the buildup of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle?


An exaggerated feeling of well-being is called _____phoria.


Mr. Canton was diagnosed with a heart block. As a result, he had a slow heartbeat, or _____cardia.


The combining form encephal/o means:


The suffix -lysis means:

breakdown; separation

Mrs. Farrell's wheezing indicates:

bronchial narrowing and inflamation

Mr. Milorio is 73. He presents to his physician with complaints of a persistent cough. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since he was 17. After a physical examination, the physician schedules Mr. Milorio for a bronchoscopy. The findings were suspicious for an infiltrating tumor. A bronchoscopy is a visual examination of the:

bronchial tubes

Exocrine gland near the male urethra

bulbourethral glands

Study of drugs that destroy harmful microorganisms, parasites, and malignant cells


The combining form thorac/o means:


The combining form toc/o means


A percutaneous transhepatic ________, or injection of contrast via a needle through the skin and into the liver, was performed to assist in determining the cause of Mr. DiMarco's jaundice.


Hyper________ means increased cholesterol in the blood.


The combining form for cartilage:


Surgical repair of cartilage


CLL is the abbreviation for:

chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Small channels in compact bone that contain blood vessels are called:

haversian canals

On the medical record, the nurse practitioner notes Jason's diagnosis of mumps. Diagnosis means:

having sufficient or complete information to determine Jason's condition

The combining form audi/o means:


T cells that aid B cells in recognizing antigens and stimulating antibody production

helper cells

A ________ is a benign tumor made up of a bundle of blood vessels.


A smoky red color to the urine is indicative of blood in the urine, or ________uria.


A mass or collection of blood is called a:


A _____glossectomy means the surgical removal of half of the tongue.


________, abbreviated ________, is the use of an artificial kidney machine to remove waste materials from the bloodstream when the kidneys no longer function.

hemodialysis, HD

The blood protein in RBCs that enables the RBCs to carry oxygen is called ________.


Which of the following is an anticoagulant substance produced by basophils and tissue cells to prevent formation of thrombi and emboli?


Mr. Arturo has an inflammation of the liver that may be caused by the ____ A, B, or C virus.


The medical term for slipped disk is:

herniated disk

The combining form crypt/o means:

hidden; concealed

The results of Mrs. Lei's Pap smear were severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ. This microscopic description of the Pap smear shows:

highly abnormal but localized tumor cells

Midline region where the bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves enter and exit the lung


Cancerous tumors are divided into broad groups on the basis of the particular type of tissue from which the tumor cells arise; this is called:


The personality disorder characterized by emotional, attention-seeking, immature, and dependent behavior with irrational outbursts and tantrums is labeled:


Removal of the foreskin around the glans penis


The combining form thromb/o means:


Serum is plasma minus the ________.

clotting proteins and cells

Hereditary disorder due to degenerative changes in the cerebrum

huntington disease

Turning a body part outward


The primary symptom of SIADH [syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH)] is:

excess water retention

A(n) ________cele is the accumulation of fluid in a duct or sac-like cavity like the scrotum.


Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain


Mr. Gladstone was diagnosed with benign prostatic _____trophy, or increase in the size of the organ's tissue cells.


________thyroidism means excessive thyroid activity and hormone secretion.


The prefix hyper- means _____; the opposite of hyper- is _____.

hyper; excessive or above; hypo

The medical term for farsightedness is:


Gigantism is caused by:

hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary before puberty

The removal of a tumor and a margin of normal tissue for diagnosis and possible small tumor cure is called a(n) ________ biopsy.


Mrs. Lei had a repeat Pap smear. A Pap smear is an example of a clinical procedure called:

exfoliative cytology

Lengthening or straightening a limb


The exchange of air between the outside environment and the capillaries of the lungs is called:

external respiration

Fertilization of the ovum most often occurs in the:

fallopian tube

FBS is the abbreviation for:

fasting blood sugar

The combining form lip/o means:


Yellow marrow is composed chiefly of:


The suffix -phoria means:

feeling or bearing

Rapid, random, inefficient contraction of the atria or ventricles is called ________.


Finger-like projections on the outer end of the fallopian tubes that help move the ovum toward the uterus:


The combining form phalang/o means:

finger and toe bones

Children have two tricuspids, also known as the:

first molars

Mrs. Watkins is being treated for a duodenal ulcer. Her ulcer is located in the:

first section of the small intestine

Depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral corte


crack-like sore


In addition to her delusions and disorganized thinking, Lydia's schizophrenia was marked by a(n) ________ affect; that is, a monotone voice, immobile face, and no signs of expression.


Bones, such as the shoulder blades, ribs, and pelvic bones, that cover soft body parts are called:

flat bones

FDA is the abbreviation for:

food and drug administration

Small, repeated doses of radiation


A scintiscanner is the same as a(n):

gamma camera

______ means removal of the stomach. The term is composed of the combining form ____ and the suffix _____.

gastrectomy; gastr/o; -ectomy

A patient with an inflammation of the stomach and intestines has:


Mrs. Momtazee has had gastric bypass surgery. Another term for this is:


A strong, persistent cross-gender identification with the opposite sex, often manifested by cross-dressing or cross-sex roles in make-belief play or fantasies of being the other sex, is called:

gender identity disorder

Mr. Garrison was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. His blood pressure was 166/98 and his pulse 96. The physician wrote the following directives: digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.5 mg IM now, then digoxin 0.25 mg PO qd furosemide (Lasix) 40 mg PO qd

generic name

A(n) _____ectomy, or surgical removal of infected and diseased gum tissue, was performed to stop further development of Mrs. Thanivaro's periodontal disease.


________ is a plasma protein that serves as a defense mechanism of the immune system.


________nephritis is the inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney.


Excess glucose in the bloodstream is removed by the liver and stored as:


A major symptom of diabetes mellitus is glucose (sugar) in the urine, or ________uria.


To measure long-term blood glucose control, a(n) ________ hemoglobin test is done.


A sexually transmitted disease that results in urethritis, dysuria, and an abnormal mucopurulent discharge from the urethra is called ________rrhea.


The physician ordered the medications allopurinol and colchicine to treat Mr. Newton's ________ arthritis, a disease associated with accumulation of uric acid in the blood, joints, and nearby soft tissue. Mr. Newton's chief complaint was extreme pain in his left great toe, a condition often called ________.

gouty, podagra

After three months of regular measurement, Mr. Jackson's blood pressure ranges between 170/90 and 180/100. Mr. Jackson's blood pressure is indicative of ________.


Mr. Garrison's physician prescribed beta-blockers to help control his:


Prefix combined with calcemia meaning pertaining to deficient blood calcium


The prefix in the term hypoglycemia is:


_____dermic means below the skin; the word part you choose is a ______.

hypo, prefix

What is the name of an anemic condition in which the percentage of hemoglobin in red blood cells is abnormally low?


Which complication occurs when Mr. Duarte, diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, takes too much insulin?


Congenital opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis


The secretions of the pituitary are controlled by signals transmitted from the:


X-rays of the uterus and fallopian tubes after injection of contrast material


The suffix in the term pneumonia is _____, which means _____.

ia, condition

After losing consciousness, falling, and seizing, Clio, age 5, was brought to the ER by his parents. Two more episodes of tonic-clonic seizures occurred in the ER. Anticonvulsants were started and an EEG ordered. Another term for tonic-clonic seizures is:

ictal events

If the cause of an illness or its treatment is unknown or not understood, it is called:


A(n) ________ is an unexpected drug effect in a particularly sensitive person.


The laboratory test used to detect and differentiate abnormal levels of specific antibodies is:


IgM is the abbreviation for:

immunoglobulin M

________ is a bacterial inflammatory skin disease characterized by vesicles, pustules, and crusted lesions.


A(n) _____cision is a cut produced surgically by a sharp instrument.


The term that means the process of cutting into is:


What does the term rhinitis mean?

inflamation of the nose

IBD is the abbreviation for:

inflammatory bowel disease

Prefix combined with costal meaning pertaining to beneath the ribs


The prefix in the term infracostal is:


Collection of stationary lymph tissue in the groin region

inguinal nodes

Pieces of DNA that can cause normal cells to become malignant if activated by mutations are called:


The combining form mon/o means:

one or single

Radio________ means obstructing the passage of x-rays.


Mr. Smithson is diagnosed with a complete (third-degree) AV heart block. To restore normal rhythm, the cardiothoracic surgeon schedules Mr. Smithson for insertion of a:


The hard and soft of these form the roof of the mouth


Uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias are:


Deficiency of all pituitary hormones is called ________hypopituitarism.


The prefix in the term pancytopenia is:


Gland behind the stomach; secretes hormones from islet cells


Small, raised areas on top of the tongue containing taste buds


Forming small finger-like or nipple-like projections of cells


________philia is recurrent sexual fantasy or arousal in response to objects, activities, or situations not normally considered erotic.


Involuntary nerves that help regulate body functions like heart rate and respiration are the:

parasympathetic nerves

increases blood calcium


The glands located beside the thyroid are the:


Small glands on the posterior side of the thyroid


Mr. Powell is scheduled for a TURP. This means that he will undergo a:

partial prostatectomy

The medical term for kneecap is:


Most organs of the digestive tract are held in place by a stretchable membrane called the:


Mrs. Lazarus went to the clinic for complaints of itching and burning around her vaginal orifice and a greenish-yellow vaginal discharge. A smear of a specimen of the discharge indicated she had gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease caused by a diplo_____ bacterium.


The medical term for the tailbone is:


The combining form cochle/o means:


A device that allows deaf people to understand the spoken word by converting words to electrical impulses and stimulating the auditory nerve is a(n):

cochlear implant

The combining form clavicul/o means:


Examination of the vaginal and cervical surfaces with a special magnifying instrument is called a ________scopy.


Use of two or more antitumor drugs together

combination chemotherapy

The sebum plug (blackhead) characteristic of acne is called a:


________, which is abbreviated ________, is a diagnostic technique that beams ionizing x-rays at multiple angles around a specific section of the body to detect disease.

computed tomography, CT

Removal of a cone-shaped section of the cervix for biopsy


Membrane lining the eyelids and covering the anterior portion of the sclera


One meaning of the combining form kerat/o is:


Outer region of the kidney


A(n) ________steroid is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex.


The dorsal cavities include the _____ and _____ cavities.

crainal and spinal

The combining form for skull:


Body cavity where the pituitary gland is located:


Mrs. Zucker was being treated with glucocorticoids for rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, she developed symptoms caused by excess ACTH secretion, which is called:

cushing syndrome

Articular cartilage functions to:

cushion joints and allow them to move smoothly and efficiently

_____ is an abnormal bluish color to the skin due to deficient blood supply.


Application of intensely cold liquid nitrogen to destroy tissue


________, or the freezing and destruction of malignant tissue, was used to treat Mr. Seiger's prostate cancer.


Mr. Huchinson has decreased production of clotting cells, or thrombo_____, from his treatment with cancer drugs, or chemo_____.

cytes, therapy

________ are chemical messengers secreted by T cells that aid cells to kill antigens.


A(n) ________ is the visual examination of the bladder by means of a lighted instrument inserted into the urethra.


Macro________ is the condition in which RBCs are larger than normal in size.


T cells that directly kill foreign cells

cytotoxic cells

Small, pinpoint hemorrhages are called:


Mrs. Juniata underwent cataract surgery. The lens was extracted by ________emulsification, the use of ultrasonic vibration to break up and aspirate portions of the lens.


Poly_____ is the excessive eating or craving of food.


The laryngopharynx is a subdivision of the:


Stricture (narrowing) of the opening of the foreskin over the glans penis


Network of intersecting nerves in the peripheral nervous system


________oid is the term that refers to a mild form of schizophrenia or a withdrawn, introverted personality.


A ________scanner detects gamma rays and generates an image that helps map the distribution and rate of absorption of an administered radiopharmaceutical.


Densely packed; overgrown with fibrous tissu


The tough outer membrane covering the eyeball that helps to maintain the size and shape of the eyeball and attaches to the muscles that move the eye is the:


Mr. McCourtney was diagnosed with a retinal detachment after a basketball game injury. The detachment was repaired with a ________ buckle, the suture of a silicone band over the detached area to force together the layers of the retina.


The suffix in the term laryngoscopy is _____, which means ____.

scopy, process of visual examination

SAD is the abbreviation for:

seasonal affective disorder

Saliva is secreted from all of the following glands except the:


A benign skin neoplasm common in the elderly and characterized by thickened yellow or brown areas of the epidermis is called:

seborrheic keratosis

The suffix -lepsy means:


What follow-up laboratory test will be done to determine the effectiveness of Mr. Thatcher's vasectomy?

semen analysis

Passages in inner ear associated with maintaining equilibrium

semicurcular canals

Gland that secretes a fluid into the vas deferens

seminal vessicle

Mrs. Josten saw her physician for complaints of fatigue, muscular sluggishness, and constipation. She had dry skin, coarse hair, and periorbital edema. She was diagnosed with myxedema. Myxedema is the result of:

severe hypothyroidism

What is (are) the target organ(s) of a gonadotropin?

sex glands

Excision of tissue for examination by using a cut parallel to the surface of the skin

shave biopsy

Mrs. Farrell comes to the emergency department exhibiting the following symptoms: paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing. Dyspnea means that Mrs. Farrell is experiencing:

shortness of breath

________ anemia is a genetic disorder characterized by production of abnormal hemoglobin (HbS).

sickle cell

After 3 days of treatment with digoxin, Mr. Garrison complains of nausea and blurred vision. Both are known occasional and undesirable responses to the drug. Such responses are called:

side effects

Mr. Wayne is scheduled to have a visual examination of the distal end of his descending colon that leads into the rectum. This procedure is called a ____scopy.


The combining form cutane/o means:


The combining form dermat/o means:


The pH of urine is normally:

slightly acidic

The prefix brady- means _____; the opposite of brady- is _____.

slow; tachy

Digoxin primarily acts by:

slowing the heart rate and helping the heart pump forcefully

Pyloro_____ is the sudden involuntary contraction of the pylorus.


________genesis is the formation of spermatozoa.


The male sex cell is called the:


The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a ________ometer.


Body cavity where the nerves of the spinal cord are located:

spinal cavity

Organ near the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells


________megaly is enlargement of the spleen.


The combining form schiz/o means:


The epidermis is composed of which type of cells:

squamous epithelial cells

primative immature blood cells

stem cells

Erica was born with a narrowed pyloric sphincter that obstructed the flow of food into the small intestine. This defect is called pyloric _____.


Which procedure uses an intracranial guiding device to deliver high-dose radiation to the precisely targeted tumor tissue?

stereotactic radiosurgery

The combining form gastr/o means:


Mr. Bledsoe complains of vague abdominal discomfort in the LUQ. The location of Mr. Bledsoe's pain is in the quadrant containing the _____.

stomach, spleen, parts of the intestines

Timothy suffered from recurring fever blisters around his mouth, known as herpetic ____itis.


The combining form lith/o means:


Outermost layer of epidermis

stratum corneum

The suffix -ectasia means:


The suffix -um means:


The prefix in the term subcutaneous is _____, which means _____.

sub; under or beneath

You know that the patient Mrs. Farrell's paroxysmal dyspneic episode is:

sudden in onset

Tonic-clonic seizures are marked by:

sudden loss of consciousness and generalized involuntary muscle contractions that alternate with rigidity

The skin of the lower arm is _____ to the muscles below it.


The diaphragm lies _____ to the stomach.


To be lying on your back is to be in the _____ position. The opposite position is _____.

supine; prone

Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography confirmed that Mr. Hullinger has a malignant glioma that is surgically inaccessible. He is scheduled for stereotactic radiosurgery. A glioma is an intracranial tumor that arises from the:

supportive or connective tissue of the brain

The _____physis pubis is the joint formed by the fusion of the two pubic bones.


The prefix in the term symphysis is _____, which means _____.

sym; together or with

The combination of two drugs causing an effect greater than the sum of each drug alone is called:


The examination reveals that Mrs. Milio's glaucoma is stable but that she needs eyeglasses for presbyopia. Mrs. Milio needs eyeglasses because:

the lenses are losing their ability to accommodate to near vision as she ages

Inward deviation of one eye is called eso________.


Jason was seen by the pediatric nurse practitioner for chills, headache, pain below his ears, and a fever of 102º F. Both of his parotid glands were swollen. Blood tests showed leukocytosis. The term leukocytosis has:

two combining forms and one suffix

_________plasty is the surgical reconstruction of the bones of the middle ear.


____ are tiny projections in the walls of the small intestine that absorb nutrients.


The combining form for internal organs:


________ muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and operate the internal organs, blood vessels, and glandular ducts.


Inner fold of pleura lying closest to the lung tissue

visceral pleura

Mr. Kennedy, who has pernicious anemia, will need lifelong administration of which substance?

vitamin b12

An in ________ test is one in which something is measured or performed in a laboratory.


The combining form laryng/o means:

voice box

Mr. Raphael is admitted for a twisting of the intestines. What is the term for that?


A psychosexual disorder in which sexual excitement and gratification are attained by secretly watching people who are undressing, naked, or engaging in sexual activity is called:


Placement of a vibrating tuning fork on the center of Mr. O'Leary's forehead to test his hearing is called:

weber test

mosquito bite


The terms osteoarthritis and gastroenterology are both examples of the use of a combining vowel:

when connecting two roots, even if the second root begins with a vowel.

WBC is the abbreviation for:

white blood cell (count)

The combining form trache/o means:


The foundation of a word is known as the _____.

word root

Mrs. Luce begins ambulating with assistance on her first postoperative day. On the fourth postoperative day, she experiences an acute onset of dyspnea, tachypnea, persistent cough with hemoptysis, and pleuritic pain. Mrs. Luce's symptoms include:

rapid and shallow breathing, difficult breathing

The combining form myel/o means:

bone marrow

A clinical procedure that aids in the diagnosis of leukemia is:

bone marrow biopsy

Otosclerosis is categorized as:

conduction hearing loss

Receptor cells responsible for color vision


To describe a vessel as being open, use the term:


Which suffix means disease condition?


Measurement of the mother's pelvis to determine its capacity


Granulocyto________ is a deficiency in the total number of basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils.


Dys_____ means difficult digestion.


PTCA is the abbreviation for:

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

In ________, a radiopharmaceutical is given intravenously to obtain a lung scan.

perfusion studies

_____osteum is the tough fibrous membrane surrounding a bone.


________ is a contagious parasitic infection of skin with intense pruritus.


The combining form squam/o means:


The combining form sinus/o means:


The ____ is the first part of the large intestine.


Protrusion of the urinary bladder through the vaginal wall is a cysto_____.


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disrupts:

cell-mediated immunity

Age-related macular degeneration causes severe loss of:

central vision

Heart valves are necessarily designed to:

keep the blood flowing in one direction

Postoperatively, Sharib developed a thickened hypertrophied incisional scar. This type of scar is called a:


Mr. Taylor, age 55, was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at age 20. As a result of his diabetes, he developed chronic renal failure. Recently he was hospitalized and treated for diabetic ketoacidosis. During hospitalization, his diabetes is stabilized and his insulin dosages readjusted. However, his kidney status progresses to ESRD. ESRD means that the:

kidneys fail to excrete nitrogenous waste products and acids

Fluid within the lymphatic vessels and collected from tissues throughout the body


________oma is a malignant tumor of lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue.


Stationary lymph tissue along lymph vessels

lymph nodes

The collection of interstitial fluid within the spaces between cells due to obstruction of lymph vessels and nodes is:


Agranulocytes that produce antibodies that play a major role in immunity


Lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland

lymphoid organs

LSD is the abbreviation for:

lysergic acid diethlyamide

The abbreviation tPA stands for:

tissue type plasminogen activator

The suffix -physis means:

to grow

The abbreviation for vertebrae in the neck region:


Men________ is the beginning of the first menstrual period.


____ means inflammation of the joints and is composed of the combining form ____and the suffix _____.

arthritis, arthr/o, -itis

________plasty means surgical repair of a joint.


Which term means surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint?


The ________ colon extends from the cecum to the undersurface of the liver.


introducing a thin, flexible tube into a vein or artery and guiding it into the heart to detect pressures and patterns of blood flow

cardiac catheterization

Beaming magnetic waves at the heart to produce an image and obtain information about heart and large vessel pathology

cardiac mri

Branching muscle fibers found in the heart

cardiac muscle

Due to the repetitive motion of her computer data entry job, Louisa experienced pain and tingling sensations in the thumb and first three fingers of her left hand from compression of the median nerve in the ________al tunnel.


The suffix -phoresis means:


________tonic means pertaining to decreased activity and reactivity to the environment.


Decreased and blurred vision caused by clouding of the lens indicates the presence of:


The combining form eti/o means:


Treatment for cervical dysplasia or cervical erosion that uses heat


Mrs. Granger, age 77, has a history of hypertension and atherosclerosis. During the past three months, she has experienced temporary episodes of paresthesia and paresis of the right arm consistent with TIAs. She now enters the hospital with a CVA. She has aphasia and right-sided hemiplegia. Mrs. Granger's diagnosis on hospitalization was:

cerebrovascular accident

The largest and uppermost section of the brain is the:


Collection of stationary lymph tissue in the neck region

cervical nodes

KUB is the abbreviation for:


________tion is the medical term for crying (the discharge of tears).


________tion is the production of nutrient-rich milk by the mammary glands.


Visual examination of the abdominal cavity after making a small incision near a woman's navel and inserting an illuminated tube


The use of an eximer laser to sculpt the cornea is called:


The combining form for side:


In what view does the x-ray beam pass from one side of the body to the opposite side?

lateral view

white blood cells


Phagocytic granulocytes


Forming multiple areas of tightly packed clusters of cells


Types of this disorder include follicular lymphoma and large cell lymphoma:

non-Hodgkin disease

The cause of essential hypertension is:

not readily apparent or known

Mr. Garcia developed a paralytic ileus (absence of intestinal peristalsis) after a colon resection. After surgery, the physician's order read "NPO," which means that he was:

not to take fluid or food by mouth

The combining form kary/o means:


A psychiatric disorder characterized by the performance of repetitive acts designed to lessen anxiety is:

obsessive compulsive disorder

OSA is the abbreviation for:

obstructive sleep apnea

Pain in the chest wall muscles aggravated by breathing is called pleur_____.


The prefix apo- means:

off or away

Clinical psych________ are trained in the use of tests to evaluate various aspects of a person's mental health and intelligence.


The suffix in the term: laryngeal


Large vesicles are called:


The combining form cerebr/o means:


Ms. Golitz's mammography ruled out carcinoma of the breast. Mammography is:

x-ray imaging of the breast

Roger had a definite fear of animals. The term is ________phobia.


The suffix in the term: chronic


The suffix in the term: adenoids


The suffix in the term: cardiomyopathy


The suffix in the term: metastasis


The suffix meaning condition of urine is:


During inspiration, which of the following actions occur:

. diaphragm contracts, chest cavity area increases, internal air pressure decreases

Mrs. Henry, postmenopausal, underwent a modified radical mastectomy for stage II cancer. After the estradiol receptor assay results returned, she was started on Tamoxifen. The purpose of the estradiol receptor assay is to:

. measure the concentration of estrogen receptor sites in tumor cells

Which of the following clinical procedures is not used to help diagnose renal calculi or obstructions?

. voiding cystourethrogram

The abbreviation for stools is:


Mr. Taylor's test results are: Creatinine clearance: 7.9 mL/min (low) Serum creatinine: 12.8 mg/dL (high) BUN: 125 mg/dL (high) K (potassium): 6 mEq/L (high) Hct (hematocrit): 20% (low) Which laboratory test indicates that Mr. Taylor's kidneys are failing to excrete the waste product urea?


The ________ is a personality test widely used as an objective measure of psychological disorders in adolescents and adults.


Which clinical procedure uses magnetic and radio waves to produce images of organs and tissues in all three planes of the body?


The abbreviation for multiple-gated acquisition scan is:


TAT is the abbreviation for:

Thematic Apperception Test

A malignant tumor of the kidney occurring in childhood is known as:

Wilm's tumor

The prefix in the term abductor is:


Mrs. Thomasson's spleen was lacerated secondary to an auto accident. The spleen is located in the _____ cavity.


The _____pelvic cavity is the space between the diaphragm and groin.


Moving the body part away from the body or the midline


The premature separation of the implanted placenta

abruptio placentae

What is the term for a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax?


Radiosurgery is a choice of treatment in which one of the following disorders?

acoustic neuroma

Previous exposure to an antibody-producing disease is an example of ________.

acquired active immunity

Movement of the arm toward the midline of the body is called ________duction.


Maceo is dependent on the narcotic Dilaudid to the degree that cessation causes severe physiologic and emotional reactions; he has a(n) ________ to Dilaudid.


Chemotherapeutic agent A gives 15% tumor kill and chemotherapeutic agent B gives 20%; using the two together gives 35% tumor kill. The combination action is:


Mr. Rukcic was diagnosed with gastric ________, a cancerous tumor arising from glandular cells lining the stomach.


Nasopharyngeal lymph tissue is called the:


Pharyngeal tonsils


Outer section of the adrenal gland

adrenal cortex

Inner section of the adrenal gland

adrenal medulla

The prefix post- means _____; the opposite of post- is _____.

after or behind; pre

Gluc________ is a pancreatic hormone that increases blood sugar by converting glycogen to glucose.


________phobia is the irrational fear of open spaces.


White blood cells that do not contain granules in their cytoplasm are ________cytes, or mononuclears.


The combining form aer/o means:


Mr. O'Leary, age 47, is hard of hearing. His hearing is initially tested with tuning forks. Tuning forks are used to test:

air and bone conduction

The combining form alveol/o means:

air sac

The suffix in the term peritoneal is _____, which means _____.

al, pertaining to

Surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis


Lou Gehrig disease

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

The prefix in the term anoxia is:


The sensory warning some people experience prior to a seizure is called:

an aura`

________plasia means reversion to a more primitive cell type.


Ms. Kabobi received a(n) ________ic medication to relieve her postoperative pain.


An ________ is a drug that relieves pain.


Missy Spencer was given penicillin for tonsillitis. She developed a severe life-threatening allergic, or hypersensitivity, reaction to the penicillin. This type of reaction is called a(n):

anaphylactic reaction

Chest pain secondary to oxygen deprivation to the myocardium

angina pectoris

Injecting radiopaque dye to obtain x-ray visualization of the heart and large blood vessels






An ________ is a substance given to neutralize unwanted effects of drugs.


The foreign substance neutralized by antibodies in the immune process is called a(n):




The combining form anxi/o means:

anxious or distressed

In systemic circulation, blood flows to the ________ after it leaves the left side of the heart.


A system for scoring an infant's physical condition both 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth is called:

apgar scoring

Marsha has developed a contact dermatitis on her face, neck, and arms. She has developed such reactions in the past but has been unable to identify the causative agent. She now goes to see the dermatologist for allergy testing. A patch test is done. A patch test is performed by:

application to the skin of test substances under gauze or filter paper

Tetracyclines are ________ antibiotics that inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and parasites.


In preparation for his lower gastrointestinal (GI) series, Mr. Ostertag was given an enema containing ________, which is a sulfate-based contrast medium.


Mr. Powell, age 74, presents to his urologist with symptoms of bladder obstruction: urgency, nocturia, dribbling, and inability to empty his bladder completely. Digital rectal examination revealed his prostate to be enlarged. His PSA was elevated. After doing further urologic testing, Mr. Powell is diagnosed with BPH, which means that Mr. Powell has a:

benign overgrowth of the prostate gland

BPH is the abbreviation for:

benign prostatic hyperplasia

The prefix ultra- means:


In the term biology, the combining form is ____meaning ____.

bio, life

Retino________, a tumor of the retina of the eye, is an example of a known inherited cancer caused by transmission of defective DNA, which is the abbreviation for ________.

blastoma, deoxyribonucleic acid

Mrs. Milio, age 60, was diagnosed with glaucoma 12 years ago and regularly instills eye drops to control her glaucoma. Glaucoma is caused by:

blocked outflow of the aqueous humor

The combining form oste/o means:


Hollow regions in a bone that help to join one bone to another and serve as passageways for blood vessels and nerves are called:

bone depressions

Both B cells and T cells originate from stem cells in the ________.

bone marrow

The aspiration of a small amount of bone marrow tissue for microscopic evidence of cancerous cells is called a(n) ________ biopsy.

bone marrow

Hyper________emia means high amounts of calcium in the blood.


Which of the thyroid hormones induces calcium to leave the blood and enter bones for increased bone formation?


The medical term for gallstones is:


Cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis


Spongy, porous, trabecular bone

cancellous bone

A ________oma is a solid tumor derived from epithelial tissue.


The lower esophageal sphincter is called the ____ sphincter.


_____ means away from the surface. Its opposite is _____.

deep; superficial

Mr. Cargas, a diabetic, frequently missed doctor's appointments and often neglected to take his oral hypoglycemics or follow his diet. The internist referred him to a psychologist to deal with his apparent denial; denial is an unconscious ________ Mr. Cargas uses to help deal with his anxiety associated with changes required to manage diabetes.

defense mechanism

Mr. Casey, 81, has had osteoarthritis for several years. He now enters the hospital for a right total hip replacement. Another name for osteoarthritis is:

degenerative joint disease

First part of the nerve cell to receive the impuls


________ is a surgical procedure for removing scars associated with acne.


While hiking, Mr. Lopez came into contact with poison ivy and subsequently developed an itching, oozing red rash on both arms. This acute inflammation of the skin is called:


Electro________ is a procedure that destroys tissue by burning with an electric spark.


The ELISA laboratory test is used to:

detect the presence of HIV antibodies

Mr. Ling, age 58, saw his physician for a routine checkup. As part of the physical examination, a hemoccult test was done to:

determine the presence of hidden blood within the feces

DM is the abbreviation for:

diabetes metilus

Muscle separating the chest and abdome


Pamela's vaginal carcinoma was caused by DES, which is the abbreviation for ________, a hormone or chemical ________ taken by her mother when she was pregnant with Pamela.

diethylstilbestrol, carcinogen

Spreading evenly through the affected tissues


The suffix -pepsia means:


The medical term for double vision is ________opia.


After a recent river-rafting outing, Mary experienced severe itching on her back and noticed redness and swelling around a lesion in the area. Her back was also sunburned from the rafting outing. Initially, Mary thought the lesion was a bug bite and treated it with topical application of calamine and a soothing aloe lotion for the burn. When the itching and redness of the lesion did not subside, she went to see her physician. On examination, the physician noticed a raised reddish lesion with irregular borders and found other moles on Mary's legs, arms, and back. He referred Mary to a dermatologist who performed a biopsy that confirmed suspicion of a malignant melanoma. In Mary's case, as in many cases, melanomas often arise in:

dysplastic nevi on the back, lower leg, or neck

DOE is the abbreviation for:

dyspnea on exertion

Ms. Ferrari's physician told her that she had a(n) _____topic pregnancy and explained that the embryo was implanted outside the uterus in the fallopian tubes.


Using high-frequency sound waves to show the structure and movement of the heart chambers and valves


Col_____ is the removal of part of the large intestine.


Removal of the larynx is a laryng_____.


On Monday, Keisha attended classes to learn the process of recording the electrical impulses of the heart, termed:


Which procedure records electrical activity of the brain?


The process of recording the strength of muscle contraction as muscle is stimulated is ________graphy.


3 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg is called a(n):


The suffix -blast means:

embryonic or immature cell

Hemat_____ means vomiting blood.


The physician's admitting note on Todd Johnson's chart indicated that Todd presented with fatigue, pallor, and easy bruising. Blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy revealed that Todd had an excessive increase in the number of abnormal or cancerous white blood cells, or leuk_____.


With which disorder do the alveolar walls lose their elasticity, become over-inflated, and eventually rupture?


Ms. Golightly was diagnosed with breast cancer. The tumor was removed along with a large area of surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. This type of surgical procedure is called ________ resection.

en bloc

An electro _____gram is a record of the electrical activity of the brain.


ESRD is the abbreviation for:


Removal of plaques or fatty deposits from the innermost lining of an artery is called:


Mr. Jansen lived in Wisconsin and had an enlarged thyroid gland, or ________ goiter, due to a deficiency of ________ in the diet, common among peoples in his geographic region of the state.

endemic, iodine

To locate the source of his upper GI bleeding, Mr. Hannigan underwent gastrointestinal _____scopy, the visualization of the interior of his GI tract.


_________lymph is the protein-rich fluid inside the membranous labyrinth.


Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart that occurs when microorganisms invade its surface is called ________itis.


The pancreatic hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the body cells is:


________nodal means between two nodes.


Cramp-like pain in the calf muscles caused by exercise and relieved by rest is called ________.

intermittent claudication

An acute reaction to certain drugs that leads to poor renal function, fever, and rash accompanied by eosinophils in the urine is called:

interstitial nephritis

Performance of therapeutic procedures by a radiologist while a patient is undergoing fluoroscopy or ultrasound is called:

interventional radiology

Ms. Tanager had two units of blood transfused into or within the veins, or ____venously.


After a tuberculosis case was diagnosed at the college dormitory, residents were tested by injection of a purified protein derivative of the tubercle bacilli into the upper layer of the skin, or by the ________ route.


IVP is the abbreviation for:

intravenous pyelogram

An x-ray that shows contrast material filling the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra is called a(n) ________, which is abbreviated ________.

intravenous pyelogram, IVP

Mr. Kennedy is diagnosed with pernicious anemia. In pernicious anemia, RBC production is decreased due to lack of a protein called:

intrinsic factor

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are synthesized in the thyroid gland from:


Which contrast medium is usually injected into a vein or body part or space to assist in x-ray visualization of that body part, organ, or space?

iodine compounds

Mr. O'Leary's diagnosis is otosclerosis, which is defined as:

irregular bone formation in the ossicles, especially the stapes

Deficient blood supply to the myocardium


A radio________ is the unstable form of an element that emits radiation.

isotope or nuclide

One who specializes in treating diseases of the kidney is a nephrolog_____.


Mr. Chaney's physician told him that his chronic productive cough is from excess mucous secretion by an inflamed tracheobronchial tree. This inflammation of the bronchi is called bronch_____.


KS is the abbreviation for:

kaposi sarcoma

A _____type is a picture of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell.


The suffix -ole means:


The combining form hepat/o means:


LFTs is the abbreviation for:

liver function tests

After examination by his physician and an MRI, Mr. Jones was diagnosed with a herniated (ruptured) disk at L4-L5. Mr. Jones' disk herniation occurred at the _____.

lumbar level

Fluid transported by the lymphatic vessels is called:


Phagocytes that clear away dead cells and debris as an infection subsides are called:




________, abbreviated ________, can help detect small renal tumors by producing images using a magnetic field and radio waves.

magnetic resonance imaging; MRI

The combining form andr/o means:


Characteristically, a tumor that multiplies rapidly, is undifferentiated and invasive, and can metastasize is a ________ tumor.


Characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following except:


Obsessive preoccupation with fire is called pyro________.


The combining form ple/o means:


Ms. Estrada had a mammography followed by a biopsy. She was scheduled for removal of the right breast when the biopsy results showed non-metastatic tumor of the breast. Removal of the breast is called a:


Removal of breast tissue


The combining form for meatus is:


As a result of a work-related injury, Mr. Jones was experiencing low back pain with associated buttock, left dorsal foot, and left big toe pain. Mr. Jones' left big toe is at the _____ of the foot.

medial side

The central portion or area of the chest that separates the lungs is called the:


Inner region of the kidney


Pertaining to large, soft, fleshy tumors


Interview of the parents of 5-year-old Clio revealed that for about the last 24 hours, Clio has been irritable, febrile, vomiting, and experiencing cephalgia. On further examination, nuchal rigidity (stiff neck) was noted. The physician performed a lumbar puncture to measure intracranial pressure and obtain cerebrospinal fluid for examination and culture and sensitivity. Results confirmed a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Clio was started on antibiotics. Which term means inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord?


Baby Casey was born with spina bifida, which resulted in the protrusion of the meninges called a ________cele.


The earliest sign of renal involvement in diabetes is an abnormal amount of blood protein in the urine. This abnormality is called:


MVP is the abbreviation for:

mitral valve prolapse

MOAB is the abbreviation for:

monoclonal antibody

Gena Moore, an 18-year-old college student, is seen in the student health center for complaints of fatigue, weakness, and pharyngitis. She is febrile. While performing the physical examination, the practitioner finds painful lymphadenitis. Lab tests revealed an elevated WBC with an increase in atypical lymphocytes, negative throat culture, and the presence of antibodies to EBV. Ms. Moore's most likely diagnosis is:


The study of the shape of the cells is called ________logy.


Specialized membrane lining body cavities or canals


Destruction of the myelin sheath surrounding neurons in the brain and spinal cor

multiple sclerosis

Voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac are all examples of this type of tissue:


Non-reactive state; not speaking


Neuromuscular disorder characterized by relapsing weakness of skeletal muscles

myasthenia gravis

The surgical incision of the tympanum to relieve the pressure and buildup of fluid in chronic otitis media is called a(n):


The combining form onych/o means:


The combining form ungu/o means:


All of the following terms relate to pain except:

nectrotic (others are nerualgia, myalgia, pleurodynia)

A ________ biopsy is the aspiration of a core of tissue for microscopic examination.


____ means nerve pain. The term is composed of the combining form ____ and the suffix ____.

neuralgia, neur-; -algia

The ________hypophysis is the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.


Mrs. Milio goes to her ophthalmologist for her annual eye examination and glaucoma testing. The physician checks her visual acuity and visual fields, visually examines the interior of her eye, and then performs a slit-lamp ocular examination. Visual examination of the interior of Mrs. Milio's eyes was done by use of:


Removal and viewing of living tissue from the body is a bi_____.


Point where optic nerve fibers cross in the brain

optic chiasm

The part of the eye commonly called the blind spot because it has no light receptor cells is the:

optic disc

Removal of both testes is called a bilateral ________ectomy.


Which one of the following ear structures has hair cells that relay sound waves to auditory nerve fibers?

organ of corti

Auditory receptor in the cochlea

organ or corti

Structures that are composed of several kinds of tissue:


In the word nephrosis, the suffix is _____, which means _____.

osis, condition

Small bones of middle ear


A bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bone tissue is an:


Incision into the bone is called:


________dynia means pain in the ear.


The prefix ecto- means _____; the opposite of ecto- is _____.

out or outside; endo

Lisa increased her susceptibility to malignant melanoma by:

overexposing her skin to the sun

Stimulates uterine contractions during labor


A(n) _____lapse is the recurrence of a disease or symptoms after apparent recovery; the symptoms or disease comes back again.


The process of taking a gene from one organism and inserting it into the DNA of another organism is called:

recombinant DNA technique

RBC is the abbreviation for:

red blood cell (count)

Mr. Gonzales, age 53, has diabetes mellitus. Over the past several years, examination of his eyes has revealed an increasing decline in his vision due to diabetic retinopathy. He is now scheduled for a vitrectomy. Mr. Gonzales needs a vitrectomy to:

remove scar tissue and blood from the vitreous humor

Mr. Carusa has chronic hypertension. He is scheduled for a procedure in which x-rays are taken after contrast material is injected into the bloodstream to outline renal blood vessels. This procedure is called:

renal angiography

Layer containing rods and cones


Refraction refers to the bending of light rays to bring the rays into focus on the:


The combining form retin/o means:


Prefix combined with peritoneal meaning pertaining to behind the peritoneum


RA is the abbreviation for:

rheumatoid arthritis

The combining form is made up of the _____ and a combining vowel.


Mr. Wayne had a hernio_____ to repair (suture) his hernia.


Ms. Rosenblum has a purulent, non-bloody vaginal discharge, or leuko________, as a result of an infection of her cervix.


Folds or wrinkles within the stomach


The combining form cyst/o means:

sac of fluid

Ms. Gray underwent a bilateral ________ectomy, or removal of both fallopian tubes and ovaries, for her diagnosis of ovarian cancer.


Ms. Carville presented with vaginal discharge, pain in the LLQ and RLQ, and cervical tenderness. She was febrile. Her history revealed repeat episodes of chlamydial infections and one ectopic pregnancy. She was diagnosed with PID. Another term for PID is:


Exanthematous viral diseases include all of the following except:


Radioisotopes are used to record an image of the liver, termed a liver:


The lymphatic system functions to do all of the following except:

transport oxygen to capillaries from the bloodstream

Ms. King presented to her physician with a reddish "butterfly" rash over her nose and cheeks. After further examination and lab results showing high levels of antibodies in the blood, she is told she has a systemic chronic inflammatory collagen disease and corticosteroid treatment is begun. Ms. King's is:

systemic lupus erythematosis

SLE is the abbreviation for:

systemic lupus erythematosis

Mrs. Thompson is scheduled for same-day surgery. Her resting blood pressure is 112/78. The ________ pressure of this reading is 112.


The organs or tissues on which hormones act are called:


________ectomy is the removal of a bone of the hindfoot (ankle bone).


Connective tissue binding muscles to bones


Part of the neuron through which impulse leaves the cell

terminal end fiber

The combining form test/o means:

testis or testicle

The hormone that stimulates development of male sex characteristics is:


What is the term for brief episodes of neurologic deficit caused by temporary interference with blood supply to the brain?

transient ischemic attacks

HIV is:

the virus that causes AIDS

A full-thickness burn injury is also called a:

third degree burn

The combining form dips/o means


surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the pleural cavity


Lymph vessels empty into two large ducts called the:

thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct

A _____tomy is a surgical incision of the chest wall.


Examination of the pleural space, pleura, and lungs with a scope inserted through a small incision between the ribs


another term for platelets


clotting condition


Blocking of an artery by a blood clot

thrombotic occlusion

Diagnostic studies for Mrs. Granger included an MRI and PET scan. Findings indicated occlusion of a cerebral artery by a blood clot with necrosis and edema of the area involved. The type of cerebral infarction Mrs. Granger experienced is called a(n):

thrombotic stroke

________ectomy means the removal of the thymus gland.


Cyclo________ refers to alternating periods of hypomania and depression.


The hormone that stimulates the development of the immune system and the production of lymphocytes is:


The organ located in the upper mediastinum that plays an important role in immunity, especially during fetal life and the early years of growth, is the:


Organ that is the site for production and maturation of one type of lymphocyte

thymus gland

Gland in the neck


The medical term for shin bone is:


The suffix -leptic means:

to seize hold of

The suffix -tropia means:

to turn

________graphy is a series of x-ray images made to show an organ in depth.


A phlebo_____ is the incision of a vein.


Removal of the tonsils is called a:


Masses of lymph tissue in the back of the oropharynx


A neurologic disorder marked by tics, uncontrollable vocal sounds, and inappropriate words is called:

tourette syndrome

Study of harmful effects of drugs on the body


Creation of an opening into the trachea and insertion of a tube to create an airway


Procedure that creates a permanent artificial opening in the trachea


A small device that emits short pulses of high-frequency sound waves is a:


Mr. Duarte, now age 32, was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus when he was 14 years old. He takes insulin in the morning and the evening. Despite adjustments in his insulin dosage over the years, he has had difficulty maintaining a normal blood glucose range and has been hospitalized several times either for ketoacidosis or for hypoglycemia. Mr. Duarte suffers from what type of diabetes?

type 1 diabetes

________ blood contains anti-A antibodies.

type B

Prefix combined with lateral meaning pertaining to one side


A person with Type AB blood is a(n) ________.

universal recipient

Form a dental arch of 16 permanent teeth, for a total of 32 teeth in the entire mouth

upper and lower gums

URI is the abbreviation for:

upper respiratory infection

Tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body


Albumin in the urine is called albumin________.


The process of studying diseases of the urinary system is ____logy; the word part you choose is a _____.

uro, combinging form

The combining form vag/o means:

vagus nerve

Damaged or incompetent venous valves that fail to prevent backward flow of blood can lead to the development of:

varicose veins

Mr. Thatcher was admitted for a scheduled vasectomy. A vasectomy is the excision of the:

vas deferens

Damage to the heart valves produces lesions called ________ that can break off into the bloodstream as ________, material that travels through the blood.

vegetations; emboli

Mrs. Herald had an abdominoplasty. Her incision is on the _____ side of the body.


The thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities are the _____ cavities.


_____ means to the front. Its opposite direction is _____.

ventral; dorsal

The inter________ septum is the wall between the ventricles of the heart.


Minute vessels that collect blood from the capillaries and join to form veins


Resembling a wart-like growth


The combining form for urinary bladder is:


The combining form vestibul/o means:


One example of connective tissue is _____.


Cephalo_____ means from the head to the feet.


A letter linking a suffix and a root, or linking two roots, in a term is the _____.

combining vowel

The physician orders an AP (anteroposterior) x-ray view of Mr. Bledsoe's abdomen. The x-ray is taken in the _____.

frontal plane

Regions of DNA within each chromosome are called _____.


Carcino_____ means producing or forming cancer.


A patient who had her liver removed underwent a:


The inguinal region is also called the _____.

iliac region

The term that refers to a part of the hip bone is:


Umbilical means pertaining to the _____.


Cervical means pertaining to the _____.


The controlling structure of the cell that directs reproduction and determines structure and function of the cell is the _____.


Mr. Beaumont had a suprapubic prostatectomy. The note in the chart indicated that he had pain in his right inguinal region. Where is Mr. Beaumont's pain located?

on the lower right side near the groin

study of disease


The suffix -ac means:

pertaining to

Medical terms always have all of the following except a:


A group of organs that work together to perform related functions is classified as a body ____.


Similar cells working together to do a specific job:


A_____ means decrease in cell size.


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