MGT-341 Ch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,14,15

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Organizations should work to discourage positive deviance in the workplace.


Stereotypes exist about gender, race, and age, but not about occupation.


Disney has invested over $1 billion in big data technology to identify the best way to provide customer service. This is a characteristic of ________ culture.


Research reveals that transformational leaders tend to be all of the following except


Which of the following is not a step of the TED protocol for effective presentations?

control your stress

Steve has been doing his own taxes for years and recently ran into a problem. He has asked his friend Joanne, an accountant, to go through the financial details with him. Steve needs

instrumental support.

When a leader is resolving disputes and facilitating communication among subordinates, he or she is engaging in ________ behaviors.


Tanmay is bored in his current role as a barista at Rose Gold Coffee Co. Sometimes, he desires a different specialized job and would like to prepare the food that is offered at this location. This desire is an example of

job rotation.

As the faculty in the health and human services college were determining if it should offer a new degree in medicinal plant chemistry, each member of the faculty was tasked with learning what other institutions were doing across the nation. Then at the next all-college meeting, each member was to share at least one innovative idea. The faculty was practicing ________, a form of information sharing and accumulation across different parts of an organization.

knowledge integration

In which of the following situations would a leader's situational control be considered high?

leader-member relations good; task structure high; position power weak

Katherine does especially well in her language courses, but struggles in chemistry. She has ________ intelligence.


Which of the following is not a dimension along which socialization tactics can vary?

managerial versus peer

One of the cons of ________ organizations is the potential for conflict when employees report to two bosses if those managers fail to coordinate.


The levels of organizational culture are

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.

A(n) ________ is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

proactive person

The perceptual model of communication depicts communication as a process in which

receivers create meaning in their own minds.

Which of the following is not an example of a hygiene factor?


Leader-member exchange theory focuses on the leader's

relationships with followers

What kind of a response is a manager making when he or she chooses a satisfactory, but not ideal, solution?


Which of the following is an individual function of a group?

satisfy the person's need for affiliation

At ABC Inc., each employee is required to evaluate himself or herself as part of preparation to meet with his or her manager for the annual employee performance review. As part of this, Daneesha prepared a thoughtful and comprehensive list of her strengths and weaknesses. What competence does this display?


Laurie walks into her morning status meeting. She didn't have time for breakfast or even coffee. During the meeting, she is most likely to focus on

snacks and drinks because she is hungry and thirsty.

Mantle Inc. is noted for its philosophy of having fun, holding parties, and celebrating. For example, staff in each city in which the firm operates are given a budget for parties. The company also uses a variety of performance-based awards and service awards to reinforce employees' efforts. Its positive and enriching environment is supported by the very low employee turnover. What function of organizational culture does this represent?

social system stability

Negative reinforcement is

strengthening a behavior by contingently withdrawing something displeasing.

Managers should ________ in order to empower them, to lead for competence.

support and coach employees

Jenna and Martin complete their part of Project Zenith. Their progress is best measured against ________ goals.


Fiedler's contingency model identifies which leadership styles?

task-motivated or relationship-motivated

Drew suspects that his shift leader is stealing from the cash drawer at the end of his shift. They frequently work together and Drew contemplates if he should report this incident. The reason for avoiding this conflict is

the potential for backlash

Government, church, and military organizations are based on a (n) ________ structure. They have many layers of managers and red tape.


Roscoe Products produce widgets. Using a(n) ________, they are able to achieve economies of scale by specializing the application of labor to specific and standardized functions.

traditional design

Many effective managers select employees based on positive, job-relevant, relatively stable individual differences.


Narrow spans of control tend to create "taller" or more hierarchical organizations.


________ are the most effective schedules of reinforcement.

variable ratio and variable interval

Marketing firms strive to ensure that people are aware of their products because people assume that if they have heard about certain products, the products will work well. Which of the following biases are the marketing firms trying to take advantage of?


During the regional debate one of the candidates was dressed very differently from the others. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "USA," jeans, and sandals. He was trying to make a unique first impression by standing out from the "stuffy" other candidates. What type of action did this violate to make a killer first impression?

Consider your ornaments.

Using ________ is a way of getting others to participate in planning, making decisions, and changes.


________ is the idea that organizations tend to be more effective when they are structured to fit the demands of the situation.

Contingency approach

Raul decides that rather than hire an employee to replace someone who left, he will eliminate the position. Raul is _________ the problem.


A person should ________ in order to develop hope.

Generate an important goal that is attainable yet challenging

Rachel bought a table at a thrift store for $20. She had a feeling it might be valuable. When cleaned up and assessed, the table turned out to be an antique from the 1700s, worth $3,250. What was Rachel using to make her decision?


________ is the richest form of communication.

face to face exchanges

Roger manages both Bill and Nancy. They are in an argument about who should handle a particular job. Roger encourages them to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive manner. Roger is acting as a(n)


________ is the process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors that permit her or him to participate as a member of the organization.

Organizational socialization

Which of the following is not a result of escalation of conflict?

Parties move from heavy to light tactics.

Volumes of research and employee surveys report that the majority of managers and organizations do a poor job of managing employee


A decision maximizes shareholder value when it increases profits for an organization because these profits are eventually distributed to shareholders.


Attentional deficit can result from lack of sleep, conflicting priorities, or counterfactual thinking.


Effective leader behaviors can be systematically improved and developed.


Ethical dilemmas are situations with two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner.


Larry, a marketing major, believes that Rosa is probably better at math than he is because she is a finance major. This is an example of a stereotype.


Paying someone else to do your homework, sharing answers via social media and sharing answers on a take home exam are all examples of student cheating.


Problem solving is a systematic process for closing the gap between an actual and a desired outcome


Giovanni is expressing ________ when he says, "I can run a mile in under five minutes."

a high self-efficacy

Jaime wanted friendly and close interpersonal relationships with his colleagues. According to McClelland's need theory, this desire is the need for


Bill wants to work for the Chocolate Factory. He applies for a job and at the same time tries to find out as much as he can about the company on the Internet. He also asks his friend Charles, who already works there, about the work environment and employee benefits that the company offers. Which phase of organizational socialization is Bill currently in?


Fred always announces his decisions at weekly staff meetings. He doesn't waste time asking for employee input because he already knows what he wants to do. This reflects ________, the lowest level of empowerment.

authoritarian power

Charlie is concerned with what he considers to be an unfair situation at work. Although he put in 10 hours of overtime last week, he received the same pay as a coworker who didn't put in any overtime. This week he decided to take an extra hour for lunch every day. Using the terminology of equity theory, Charlie has decided to

decrease his inputs.

Raj is listening to his parents, who are unhappy about his grades. He is sitting in the chair, with his legs crossed and arms folded. Raj is communicating


Marge is managing several new strategies. Her team knows that she is under pressure to bring all these projects in on schedule and within budget. Marge wants to empower Jason, her assistant project manager, to lead for self-determination or choice. She should

delegate important tasks to Jason.

The first of the basic elements for selecting an effective solution is to

determine the criteria for the decision.

Which of the following causes is most likely to result in workplace conflict?

differences in methods for doing work

Reorganizing from 10 to 6 divisional units (beauty; baby; feminine care; fabric and home care; family care and ventures; grooming; and healthcare), Proctor and Gamble has demonstrated that it operates as what type of structure?


Perception is the process that

enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.

Lisa Anne gets her midterm grades and finds that she has a 2.4 in OB. She expected a better grade point average to date. Lisa Anne is ________ her performance.


To have more effective meetings, managers should

experiment with the numbers and frequencies of meetings held.

A major pharmaceutical firm is developing a new medical drug for the market. Stockholders are pressing for an early release date, as the drug is expected to generate significant profits. Unions representing production workers are pressing for wage increases, which would reduce the resources available for development and marketing, thus delaying the release date. Consumer activists are pressing for increased testing which would both increase costs and delay the release date. Which balanced scorecard perspective is most applicable in this situation?


Organizations typically rely on ________ schedules, such as hourly wages and annual reviews and raises.

fixed interval and fixed ratio

Listening effectiveness is positively associated with customer satisfaction but negatively related to employee job satisfaction.


Maria needs to talk to her coworker, Wayne, about his offensive behavior at the group dinner. To discuss this effectively, which of the following should Maria avoid?

Accuse Wayne of improper actions.

Job ________ represents employees' attempts to proactively shape their work characteristics. This could involve expectations to define and create their own job boundaries.


You are a management consultant. An executive from Swell Systems asks you to present a workshop on empowerment to her managers. Which of the following ideas should you include?

Empowerment is a matter of degree, not an either-or proportion.

________ includes communicating ethical values to others, rewarding ethical behavior, and treating followers with care and concern.

Ethical leadership

Which of the following statements is true?

Evidence-based decision making should sometimes be used in supporting decisions.

A recent study showed that a lack of sleep increases your human capital but lowers performance.


All work groups progress through the stages of group development to become effective teams.


Anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message is known as feedback.


Coaching is a generic form of performance management very similar to training and with a goal of overcoming a problem.


Expectancy theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness.


Managers cannot be trained to reduce implicit cognition; the best that they can do is to merely recognize its importance.


Managers wishing to reduce conflict between members and groups should isolate them from each other as much as possible.


Maslow's need hierarchy and Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theories are both examples of process theories.


Normative intuition represents the notion that decision makers are restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions.


Shaniah and Raoul have dinner at a trendy new restaurant. They have to wait for 30 minutes, despite being on time for their reservation. The hostess who seats them does not apologize for the delay. The food is wonderful but expensive, and the service is terrible. When they leave, they pick up their coats at the coat room. The attendant is polite, prompt, and remembers that they left a package with her as they were going into dinner. Despite this, Raoul leaves no tip. This is an example of the positivity spiral.


Southwest Airlines mechanics created widespread slowdowns in flights to pressure their company in negotiations with their union. This was illegal.


The culture value framework provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture.


Unethical behavior erodes trust, but has no effect on cooperation in organizations.


When employees feel psychologically safe, they are more likely to ask too many questions, waste time and therefore their individual performance drops.


Which of the following statements about emotions is false?

Felt emotions are always displayed.

________ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior.

Group roles and norms

Adam is a new product development manager for, an Internet match-making service. He has only two employees reporting directly to him. From what you have read about organization charts, what do you know for sure?

He has a narrow span of control.

Janell is applying for a new job. Which of the following will help her online "image"?

Include information on her volunteer activities.

Which of the following does not foster a climate for psychological safety?

Limit creativity and innovation.

In some business situations, you will make recommendations to solve a problem. Which of the following actions can help improve the quality of your recommendations?

Make sure that your recommendations address the causes of the problem.

Which of the following statements about tendencies in managerial decision making is false?

Managers study the problem too extensively and collect too much data.

Sanjay promotes the benefits of little or no conflict within an organization. This, he states, leads to greater productivity. Is this analysis correct?

No. Organizational conflict is inevitable and can have constructive consequences.

Wanda sees a woman struggling with a small child and two bags of groceries. She stops and offers to carry the grocery bags to the woman's car. This is ________ behavior.


Which of the following is not an element of etiquette that you should carefully consider and practice?

Provide an uncertain handshake to the interviewer.

An example of a surface-level characteristic is


In a complicated decision environment, a manager should use the ________ method of decision making.


The ________ model of decision making assumes that managers are completely objective and possess all information for their decisions. In this model, decisions demonstrate excellent logic.


Therese is a charismatic person who is often able to get other employees to work late on special projects by being very friendly and fun to be around. She is exercising her ________ power.


In Maslow's need hierarchy theory, providing a work environment where employees are not worried about physical or psychological harm fulfills what level?


Sophia is on a four-person project team in her management class. The team produces four reports during the term, and each person leads one of these projects. The project Sophia leads earned an A, while the team receives Cs on the other three reports. Sophia believes that her project was successful because of her leadership abilities, while the other projects were not as good because of the inadequate skills of the other team members. She demonstrates ________ in her beliefs.

Self-serving bias

When confronting an issue, you will likely be perceived as more helpful and be taken more seriously if you provide an alternate course or solution and not offering complaints. What skill is this identifying to help you avoid unethical behavior?

Suggest solutions

Which of the following is not one of the top four skills desired by employers?


Which of the following statements is true about Tuckman's five-stage model of group development?

The five stages are not necessarily of the same duration or intensity.

Stephen is a new insurance agent with an established company. He is nervous at the idea of making cold calls on the telephone to prospective clients. After thinking through the problem, Stephen decides to ask his supervisor if he can host a small introductory meeting, inviting local business in for coffee and cake to introduce himself. Stephen is exhibiting a high level of hope.


When managers turn over decision-making authority to employees and remove themselves from the process altogether is the highest degree of empowerment.


Zoe is a bank manager charged with determining which employees are downsized. Her only guidelines are to keep those employees who contribute the most to the overall organization. When the list of employees downsized is presented, none of her personal friends are on it. This might be viewed as ________ behavior.


The steps in the process of stereotype formation and maintenance in order are

categorization, inferences, expectations, maintenance.

Elly filled out a peer evaluation rating form for her teammates in her OB class. She rated everyone as a "3" or "4" on the 6-point scale. This is an example of ________ perceptual error.

central tendency

Reilly is the team lead for a project that is developing a new cell phone application. At the very first meeting, a list of roles and responsibilities for each of the 12 team members has been outlined. The list also identifies individual and team accountability roles. This is an example of which factor to foster collaboration?

communicate expectations

William, a hard and productive worker, quit because he couldn't get along with his coworkers. This would be diagnosed as a(n) ________ level problem.


Kwan and Katherine are both computer programmers, but Kwan earns more money than Katherine. However, Katherine perceives an equitable relationship because Kwan

has more education and experience.

The primary intent of Bagley's decision tree model is to

help in making more ethical decisions.

General Widgets, Inc., manufactures high-quality widgets. The widget industry is mature and few innovations occur. The widgets have to be built exactly according to particular specifications provided by customers. This requires the use of controlled processes and precise measurements. The company also needs to maintain high efficiency in its production process in order to meet the market demand. For this company, stability is more important than flexibility. Which of the organizational cultures is best suited for General Widgets?

hierarchy culture

David's boss has observed that David took about 12 hours to perform tasks A, B, and C. However, he took 24 hours to complete task D. David's boss concluded that task D must have been tougher than the other tasks. Which of the following attributional information led David's boss to this conclusion?

high distinctiveness

If you are strong at ________, your employees are likely to think that it is right to follow your lead.

impression management

Eva quit her job because she felt it was boring. This would be diagnosed as a(n) ________ level problem.


In the Organizing Framework,

inputs lead to processes, which lead to outcomes.

P-O fit matters so that your personality and values match the climate and culture in an organization. If you're planning on starting your own company because you prefer autonomy, flexibility, and empowerment, then you would fit into a company with which type of structure?


The functions of organizational culture are

organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability, and sense-making.

________ are intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed by or aligned with those of the organization.

organizational politics

________ bias is especially evident in entrepreneurs who are deciding to start and sustain new ventures.


________, with which you can build goodwill, include personality, teamwork and leadership.

personal attributes

Sam is a manager for a large dry cleaning establishment. He supervises 23 people who perform relatively routine jobs that require minimal training. The shop is unionized, so Sam has little latitude when it comes to dismissing poor performers. However, he does have the authority to transfer employees and has been known to reassign poor performers to less desirable jobs on the line. Sam has a reputation for only transferring employees with just cause, and generally is viewed as a fair supervisor by his employees. Although he would like greater autonomy to determine salaries, Sam generally divides bonuses and raises equally among his employees. To do otherwise would likely create conflict with union members and representatives. According to Fiedler's model, how would Sam's position power be described?


Ellen and George work for the same company. Ellen, a mother of three young children, really appreciates the on-site child care opportunities, while George, takes advantage of flexspace since he has over an hour commute. These policies are examples of

work-life balance.

Practical intelligence is very similar to logical-mathematical intelligence.


Group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about such unknowns as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals during the ________ stage.


People with an internal locus of control

have stronger expectations that effort leads to performance.

Harriet works at Good Steaks, a local bar and restaurant. Her manager is always barking orders at her, saying she needs to move faster, be nicer to the customers, do her share, etc. Harriet starts to come in to work late, and tries to schedule shifts when the manager isn't in. She doesn't even smile at the customers much. Harriet is reacting to


In a self-managed team

leadership responsibilities often shift as members step up.

Dr. Riley, a professor in the economics department, finds that if he keeps his door open, people tend to stop in to say hello. This interruption is distracting. So now Dr. Riley keeps his office door open only a crack during his office hours, asking visitors to knock before entering. This small change allows him to grade exams more quickly and accurately. This is an example of his increasing his


The sales department of a mutual fund firm sets goals for the next fiscal year to sell a certain number of mutual funds each month. The firm only sets targets, but provides no other details. These goals are ________ goals.


Organizational ________ is the host of procedures, policies, routines, and rules that organizations use to get things done.


When a receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message, he or she is

providing feedback.

Self-efficacy is a component of

psychological capital

Everyday John's inbox is filled with customer requests and inquiries along with department updates to policies and events happening at the corporate level. John takes 30 minutes every morning to thoroughly read through and respond to these important emails. John is exhibiting his

social awareness.

A ________ is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


Opal, who has been a salesperson for six months, receives a review that she feels is unfair. Her manager just completed Sam's review yesterday. Sam has been a top salesperson for four years. It's likely that her manager has committed a ________ perceptual error.

contrast effects

Which of the following is not an example of a crucial conversation?

conveying routine feedback

CEOs with high ________ positively influence their organization's drive to take risks, innovate, and seek new opportunities, especially in strong dynamic business environments.

core self-evaluations

XYZ Inc. brings together specialists from production, marketing, and finance from around the world, and gives each such team the power to make its own decisions. This implies that the firm is creating a(n) ________ team.


Negative nonverbal communication skills include avoiding eye contact, ________, and speaking too fast.

crossing your arms

"What are the different needs that activate motivation's direction, intensity, and persistence?" This statement reflects which theories of motivation?


Linda wants to leave her company. No one ever seems to do what they say they will do. In addition, her manager's expectations seem to change from one day to the next. Linda is missing

contractual trust.

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