Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Unit-A

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Normal View

(Default) is divided into three panes or sections: -Outline and Slides tabs pane -Notes pane -Slide pane

Design Theme

(Design tab: Themes group) Incorporates sets of colors for fill, lines, shadows, text, and other effects to provide a cohesive and attractive look to a presentation. There are 20 built-in themes.

Slide Layout

(Home tab: Slides group) A slide layout contains text and object placeholders that are arranged in a specific way on the slide. There are 9 slide layouts from which to choose. Choose the layout that most closely resembles how you want your slide to be organized (i.e. with bullets, picture, etc.)

Slide pane

(large pane) Contains the current slide in the presentation, including all text and graphics. This is the primary editing view where you add all elements to your slide.

Outline View

(or any view can be printed from the Print menu) -Choose this option under PRINT WHAT in the Print menu to print the outline (or other view)

Insertion Point

A blinking vertical line, indicates where your text appears when you type in the placeholder.

Presentation software

A computer program you use to organize and present information to others.

Selection Box

A dashed line border and sizing handles appears around the placeholder, indicating that it is selected and ready to accept text.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

A powerful computer software program that enables you to create visually dynamic presentations.


A presentation program used to create an electronic slide show, 35mm slides, transparency masters for an overhead projector, handouts, outline pages, etc. Information can be imported from spreadsheet, database, and word processing files.

Live Preview

Allows you to see how your changes affect the slides before actually making the change. Lasts about 1 minute, then the slide reverts back to its original state.

Text Placeholders

Boxes with dotted borders where text is entered. The Title Slide has 2 text placeholders: a Title and a Subtitle placeholder.

Text Placeholders

Boxes with dotted borders--where you enter text.

Content Placeholders

Can be used to insert text or objects such as clip art, tables, charts, etc. These will appear on any new slide (except the first one) but can be changed at any time.

Content Placeholder

Can be used to insert text or objects such as tables, charts, or pictures.

Presentation software

Can help you effectively communicate your ideas. You can use PowerPoint to create presentations, as well as speaker notes for the presenter and handouts for the audience.


Can print in: ~Handout format ~Outline View ~Notes Pages


Commands are further arranged into this.

Slide Layout

Contains text and object placeholders that are arranged in a specific way on the slide.

Normal View

Default view in PowerPoint. Primary view you use to write, edit, and design your presentation. Divided into three areas called panes.

Notes Page

Displays a reduced image of the current slide above a large text box where notes can be entered or viewed. Notes do not show in the presentation.

Status Bar

Displays the Zoom slider controls, the Fit slide to current window button, and information on other functionality such as signatures and permissions.

Slides tab

Displays the slides of your presentation as small images, called thumbnails.

Outline tab

Displays the text of your presentation in the form of an outline, without showing graphics or other visual objects.

Slide Sorter View

Displays thumbnails of all slides in the presentation; use this view to rearrange slides and add special effects (i.e. transitions, sounds, etc.)

Slide Show View

Displays your presentation on a full screen as a slide show.

Slide Show view

Displays your presentation over whole computer screen and is designed to show your presentation to an audience.

Previous/Next Slide buttons

Double arrows in scroll bar will take you to the previous or next slide.


Each set of primary commands is identified with this.


Each view (EXCEPT Notes Page) has its own button at the bottom right on the Status bar (Normal, Slide Sorter, Slide Show, and Notes Page) All views can also be accessed using the View tab on the ribbon.

New Slide button

Home tab: Slides group

View Shortcuts

Icons on the status bar allow you to switch quickly between PowerPoint views.


If you wish to print only a particular slide, choose SLIDES: on the Print menu, then type the slide number.

Design Theme

Includes a set of 12 coordinated colors for fill, line, and shadow, called theme colors.


Is a wide (toolbar-like) band that runs across the entire PowerPoint window that organizes all of PowerPoint's primary commands.


Is any item on a slide that can be modified. Are the building blocks that make up a presentation slide.

Zoom slider

Is in the lower-right corner of the status bar, use to zoom the slide in and out quickly.

Slide Sorter view

Is primarily used to rearrange slides; however, you can also add slide effects and design themes in this view. Displays thumbnails of all slides; use this view to rearrange and add special effects to your slides.

Normal view

Is the primary editing view where you add text, graphics, and other elements to the slides. Displays the Outline and Slides tabs, the Slide pane, and the Notes pane at the same time; use this view to work on your presentation's content, layout, and notes concurrently.

Handout format

Lets you print up to nine slides per page (on Print menu, click All, then go to PRINT WHAT section, click Handouts, then click Slides per page, then number to be printed per page).

Notes pane

Lets you type in speaker notes for any slide; they are NOT visible to the audience.

Status Bar

Located at the bottom of the PowerPoint window, shows messages about what you are doing and seeing in PowerPoint, including which slide you are viewing, and the design theme applied to the presentation.

Outline and Slides tabs

Normal view's pane on the left.

Outline and Slides tabs pane

On the Outline tab, the presentation is displayed in the form of an outline, without graphics. Text can be dragged to new locations. On the Slides tab, your presentation is seen in Thumbnail images. These can be used to quickly navigate through the presentation. You can also edit, delete, and rearrange slides using this tab.

Notes Pages

Prints slide on top half of page with notes on bottom.

Reading view

Similar to Slide Show view, it is designed to view your presentation on a computer screen.

Slide pane

The large pane in normal view. Displays the current slide in your presentation.

Theme Effects

The set of effects for lines and fills.

Theme Fonts

The set of fonts for titles and other text.

Notes pane

The small pane below the Slide pane. Is used to type text that references a slide's content. Is not visible to the audience when you show a slide presentation in Slide Show view.

Notes Page view

Used to type notes that are important for each slide. Displays a reduced image of the current slide above a large text box where you can enter or view notes.


You can create individual slides and display them as a slide show on your computer, a video projector, or over the Internet.

PowerPoint has five primary views:

~Normal view ~Slide Sorter view ~Notes Page view ~Slide Show view ~Reading view

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