Microwave Cooking
Microwaves can bounce off the metal sides of the oven
Microwaves can go through glass containers
Power levels
The % of time microwaves are cycled on during the cooking time
The _____ of the cookware can affect how evenly foods cook in the microwave oven and the cooking time.
Microwave time
The amount of time food cooks inside the microwave oven.
When heat migrates from the outside of the food to the middle
Coldest part
Where should milk be stored in the fridge?
Which of the following IS needed for bacteria exponential growth: A. Freezer B. A temperature range from 140+ or 40- C. Warmth D. Both A and B
Which of the following describes how plastic wrap should be removed to avoid getting burned: A. Opening it in your face B. Opening it in your lab partner's face C. Not opening it D. None of the above
Food doesn't have time to brown
Why are topping sometimes added to microwaved food?
Why do you ______________ food with skin before microwaving? Keeps from exploding
Food borne
_____ _____ illness is a disease transmitted by food
Blocking the microwaves to a particular portion of the food such as more delicate smaller parts, using foil.
Hot spots
Can be created when microwaving foods with high concentrations of sugar, fat, and moisture can happen to microwaved (jelly filled) doughnuts
Magnetron tube
Converts electrical power into microwave energy
magnetron tube
Converts electrical power into microwave energy heating up food with no heat source
Cooking method used in microwaves when food molecules rub together, generating heat, which cooks the food.
A living substance so small it can be seen only be a microscope
Helps Food cooks evenly even with a turntable.
Helps move food molecules around to aide in heating food evenly
Vent corner
How can you prevent plastic wrap to form a huge bubble when microwaving?
Degrees of heat
How energy is measured in a conventional oven
How energy is measured in a microwave oven
Many contaminated foods ____ look or smell spoiled, but the STILL can cause illness.
Metal causing sparks inside the microwave oven.
T/F: Canned foods can be stored in the pantry indefinitely
Standing time
The time immediately following microwave time, when the food is still cooking.
Paper, plastic, glass
What are 3 acceptable dishes for use in the microwave?
Clean, separate, cook, chill
What are the four steps to food safety?
Faster, more nutrients
What are two advantages of microwave cooking?
Buildup of steam
What causes plastic wrap to form a huge bubble when microwaving?
The food
What causes the cookware to get hot when microwaving food?
Bacteria growth
What does cloudy liquid around packaged hot dogs indicate?
What happens to an egg that is microwaved in the shell?
What is the food danger zone in Fahrenheit?
Microwave ovens
______ ______ can defrost, cook, or reheat food in a fraction of the time required by conventional ovens.
______ shaped containers allow microwaves to hit food evenly.
Disposable plastic containers from margarine and whipped toppings
are not recommended for cooking because it can cause the food to melt and release harmful chemicals