Mid-term Pysch

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Alfredo and Rachelle are conducting a research study on the effects of loud music on college students' hearing. They put one group of students in a room where music is blaring and another group of students in a quiet room. The group in the quiet room is called the ________ group:

control or comparison

Perception alters the view of the world by: (select all that are true):

diminishing irrelevant or redundant information, ignoring a large amount of potential sensory information

In a study on the effects of caffeine on memory, participants drank a bottle of tasteless water containing 100, 50, or 0 milligrams of caffeine. Neither the researcher who handed out the bottled water nor the study participants knew whether the water contained caffeine or not. This study was using a _____ technique:


Shown the hollow face illusion, people will mistakenly perceive the inside of a mask as a protruding face. Yet, they will accurately reach into the inverted mask to flick off a bug-like target stuck on the face. This best illustrates the capacity for:

dual processing.

The simultaneous processing of information at both conscious and unconscious levels is called:

dual processing.

Rebecca was born with cataracts that were not surgically removed until she was 3 years old. As a result, Rebecca is most likely to:

have inadequate neural connections in her visual cortex.

Your little sister thinks that there is a tiny green man in the refrigerator who turns the light on when you open the door, but that you don't see him because he is invisible. From a scientific perspective what is wrong with this hypothesis:

her hypothesis in not falsifiable

A bank teller was so distracted by the sight of a bank robber's weapon that she failed to perceive important features of the criminal's physical appearance. This best illustrates:

selective attention.

Our inability to consciously process all the sensory information available to us at any single point in time best illustrates the necessity of:

selective attention.

Perception is the process by which:

sensory input is organized and interpreted.

What is the Capgras delusion:

A tendency to believe that acquaintances have been replaced by identical looking imposters

Participants in an attention study are given a dichotic listening task. Which of these changes to the sound transmitted to the unattended ear will NOT be noticed in a majority of the participants:

A change from English to Russian.

Which of the following is true about how emotions are created in the brain? Select all that are true.

Because the brain operates on a system of degeneracy, combinations of different core networks can create the same emotion.Emotions do not live in a specific part of the brain.\ They are the result of interacting networks consisting of several discrete brain regions that are said to be "functionally connected" due to tightly coupled activity. When you see emotions in other people your brain uses past experiences to give emotional meaning to their facial expression and posture. Thus, what appears to be a scowl can mean anger or concentration depending on the situation.

The fact that people may experience difficulties recognizing familiar faces when a face is turned upside-down, when the fusiform face area of their brain has been damaged, or when connections from the fusiform face area to other parts of the brain are lacking, supports of concept of:

Connectionist model of the brain

You think you are paying attention to the road, but you fail to notice a car swerve into your lane of traffic, resulting in a traffic accident. This is an example of:

Inattentional Blindness

Marty believes that high doses of caffeine slow a person's reaction time. To test this belief, Marty has ten friends each drink three 8- ounce cups of coffee and then measures their reaction time on a learning task. What is wrong with Marty's research strategy:

Marty does not have a comparison group (condition).

The standard deviation is the average distance of each score in a distribution from the:


A patient in the hospital only eats food on one half of the plate. After turning the plate, the patient reacts with surprise that there is food on the plate. What is a possible cause of this attentional disorder:

Neglect syndrome

A researcher is interested in the effectiveness of an anti-drug education program on elementary school students' attitudes toward illegal drugs. The researcher measures the attitudes of students at a particular elementary school during week 1, implements the anti-drug program during the next week, and measures the students' attitudes again the following week. The researcher finds that students attitudes toward illegal drugs changed after the education program in the desired fashion. Would the experimenter be justified in concluding the anti-drug education program caused the change?:

No, because the experiment does not provide an adequate comparison condition.

Our current goal and attention influence the functional connectivity of core networks and thus, our conscious experience/reality.

The brain generates the experience of being a body and of having a body by making its best guess about what is and what is not part of its body using same sensory information it uses for recognizing objects. When the brain uses prediction to figure out what's out there in the external world, we consciously perceive objects as the causes of sensations. When the brain uses predictions to control and regulate sensory signals from inside the body, we consciously experience how well or how badly that control is going. When the brain uses prediction to control and regulate muscle activity, we consciously experience movement of our body versus movement of other objects.

The process by which our brains organize and interpret sensory information, sorting it into useful information is:


Nicole is working hard in the library to finish her paper before the deadline. There is a small group of students close by who are talking loudly. What attentional process is Nicole using when she de-emphasizes the auditory stimulus from the students talking and concentrates attention on the paper she is writing:

Selective attention

When most scores in a data set are toward one end of the range of scores, the distribution is said to be:


Many factors can affect one's ability to pay attention. Which of these factors would cause the most negative impact on the ability of a driver to react to adverse road conditions, such as a patch of black ice:

The maneuver required to avoid the obstacle is difficult.

According to Anil Seth's Ted Talk, which of the following statements are true? Select all that are true.:

Vast numbers of neurons (core networks) work together in ever-changing combinations, which differ between individuals, and are influenced by our bodies, the environment and our previous experiences. Perception depends on not only signals coming into the brain from the outside world (bottom-up processing) but also on perceptual predictions flowing in the opposite direction (top-down processing).

Which of the following would be an acceptable operational definition for anxiety:

a score on a psychological test that asked people to rate their current level of anxiety on a 1-to-10 scale.

Christy failed to notice that she received her ice cream in a sugar cone rather than a waffle cone as she had requested. She later indicated to another customer that she preferred sugar cones over waffle cones. Christy's behavior most clearly illustrates:

choice blindness.

If participants in the experimental group of a drug treatment study are much younger than participants in the control group, the age of the research participants is a:

confounding variable.

When psychologists conduct research, the small group they test is the ________ and the larger group to which the results are applied is the ________:

sample; population'

In order to ensure that the participants' and researchers' expectations do not influence the outcome of an experiment, the psychologist should:

apply the double-blind procedure.

In one study, investigators monitored activity levels in a brain area (the fusiform face area, or FFA) that seems particularly responsive to pictures of faces, and also in another area (the parahippocampal place area, or PPA) that seems particularly responsive to pictures of places, as people viewed an image of a face superimposed on a picture of a house. Their data showed that:

brain activity in these two regions depended on what the person was consciously perceiving and not just what the stimulus was.

Sammy is shown a photograph of a salesclerk working at a sales counter in a clothing store, and behind the clerk are shelves stocked with white shirts. He is then shown an identical photograph, except now the shirts are blue. When asked if he notices any differences between the two photographs, Sammy indicates they are the same. This example illustrates ______:

change blindness

While a man provided directions to a construction worker, two experimenters rudely interrupted by passing between them carrying a door. The student's failure to notice that the construction worker was replaced by a different person during this interruption illustrates:

change blindness.

Which of the following is true about conscious experience? Select ALL that are true:

humans' internal representation of the visual field is much sparser than the subjective experience of 'seeing' suggests.Only the parts of the environment that observers attend to and encode are available for making comparisons. Brain simply fills in missing information based on expectation, making reasonable assumption that things do not change unexpectedly (in the absence of motion cues).Using the outside world to represent information might be more efficient than making an internal copy.

If an adult who was blind from birth gains the ability to see, that person would have the greatest difficulty visually distinguishing:

ice cubes from golf balls.

Failing to perceive an object that is visible, but not noticed or attended to is called ______:

inattentional blindness

On a series of coin tosses, Oleg has correctly predicted heads or tails seven times in a row. In this instance, we can reasonably conclude that Oleg's predictive accuracy:

is a random and coincidental occurrence.

The median of a skewed distribution is likely to be ________ the mean:

less than or greater than

When the Moon is near the horizon, it appears larger than when it is high in the sky. This effect is primarily a result of:

monocular distance cues, which make the horizon Moon seem farther away.

Empirical evidence refers to evidence that is the result of:

observation, measurement, and experimentation.

Jamie and Lynn were sure that they had answered most of the multiple-choice questions correctly because "they simply required common sense." However, they each received a 60% on the exam. This best illustrates:

overconfidence effect

If persons with low scores on one variable also have low scores on another variable, the two variables are:

positively correlated.

Judith showed up for her first day as a participant in a psychology experiment. She and 15 other students were told to pick a piece of paper out of a hat to discover whether they would be in Group 1 or Group 2 for the duration of the experiment. What procedure were the experimenters using to determine group membership:

random assignment

The sight of large, enthusiastic crowds at all of his fundraising dinners led President Trump to become overconfident about his chances of getting legislation passed. The President needs to be altered to the value of:

random sampling

A researcher was interested in studying the effects of darkness on sleepiness. Two randomly selected groups of individuals over the age of 18 were selected, both males and females. One group acted as the control group and was placed in a brightly lit room. The experimental group was placed in an identical room but had the lights turned off. Both were asked to rate their sleepiness after 30 minutes in the room. Both groups were tested at the same time of day. The control group was tested during a Friday, and the experimental group was tested on a Monday. The dependent variable for this study is:


Which research method provides the best way of assessing whether cigarette smoking boosts mental alertness:

the experiment

What, exactly, does it mean to say that a brain region is "active" in functional imaging (fMRI) experiment:

the hemodynamic response in that region is greater than in some other condition(s)

According to Professor Zarkov's data, there is a statistically significant relationship between the socioeconomic level of a family and how much time the parents spend talking to their children. To say that the results of this study are "statistically significant" means that:

the results are unlikely to have occurred by chance.

A subject hears a morality tale (story about right and wrong) about a fictional person who performs amoral act intended to harm another person, but that doesn't end up harming anyone. If the subject is given a pulse of TMS to their right temporoparietal junction (the part of their brain that plays a role in thinking about the intentions of others), just as they are asked to make a judgement about the morality of the fictional person's behavior, on average:

the subject will judge the fictional person's behavior LESS harshly than someone who has not received the TMS.

The purpose of the control or comparison group in an experiment is:

to serve as a baseline to which changes in the experimental group can be compared. to record changes that might occur naturally without exposure to the independent variable.

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