Midterms - Workshop (P6)

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Machine Shop

- Is a place in which metal parts are cut to the size required and put together to form mechanical units or machines, the machines so made to be used directly or indirectly in the production of the necessities and luxuries of civilization. - Is the basis of all mechanical production.


1 ft = ____________ inches


1 inch = _____________ mm


1 inch = ______________ cm


1 km = _____________ mi


1 m = _____________ inches


1 mi = _____________ ft


1 mi = _____________ in.


1 mi = _____________ km


1 mi = _____________ yd


1 yd = ___________ inches


1 yd = ______________ ft

Screwdriver - shank - blade

A _____________ is a hand tool that is designed to turn screws. The ________ is made of steel set into a wooden or plastic handle. The __________ is shaped or flattened to fit recesses in the heads of screws or bolts.

Machine Operator

A _______________ is one who operates a manufacturing machine just doing one class of work. He is able to do many things on this machine such as starting and stopping the machine, making minor adjustments of the work and cutting tool, and removing the workpiece when the operation has been completed.

Care of Self

A machine is a good servant but a cruel teacher. It is dreadful thing to lose a finger in order to learn that revolving gears are dangerous things to handle. A well trained machinist is careful though habit.


A man is successful in any business in about the same proportion as he requires _____________. Is the ability to decide correctly after comparing ideas, methods or facts.

Care of Machine

A mechanic is always careful not only of the appearance but also of the good condition of the machine.

Meters (m)

Very large dimensions would be given in _____________ and millimeters (mm).

- cast iron - steel

Vises may be made of a ____________ or ____________.

Cutting type Tools

involve bench work such as sawing, filing, scraping, reaming, and tapping

Calipers (Outside Calipers, Inside Calipers)

is a tool used for measuring diameters. It is always used with a steel scale and, at times, with a micrometer. The caliper itself cannot be read directly as a steel scale and therefore, when the measurement is taken with a caliper, the opening is measured on the steel scale of micrometer.

Fractional system

is based on the binary system having base 2

Heavy-duty screwdriver

is of average length but is made with a heavy blade and a square shank. The shape of the shank permits the use of a wrench to assist in tightening a screw. Heavy (thick) material is used so that the blade and shank will resist in being twisted when a wrench is used.

A skilled artisan

is one who has the power to think and execute with knowledge and ability. To think is to employ the mental capacity distinguishing ideas and methods. To execute with expert ability means to employ the senses with confidence and accuracy.

Philips Screwdriver

is specially designed to fit the heads of philips screws. It differs from other screwdrivers in that the end of the blade is fluted instead of flattened.

Double-ended Offset Screwdriver

is used for turning screws in awkward places where there is not enough room to use a regular screwdriver.

One Thousand 1,000 k


Precision measuring instruments

measure the actual size of the part

One Million 1,000,000 M


One-millionth 0.000001 μ


One-thousandth 0.001 m


One-billionth 0.000000001 n


One-trillionth 0.000000000001 p


English Steel Rules

the common binary fractions found on inch steel rules are 1/64, 1/32, 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch. Several varieties of inch steel rules may be used in machine shop work, such as spring tempered, flexible, narrow and hook. Lengths range from 1 to 72 inches. Again, these rules are used for measurements which do not require great accuracy.

Micrometer Caliper

usually called the micrometer, is the most commonly used measuring instrument when accuracy is required.

Metric Steel Rules

usually graduated in millimeter and half-millimeter, are used for making linear metric measurement which do not require great accuracy. A wide variety of metric rules are available in lengths from 15 cm to 1m.

Decimal-fraction system

has a base 10 whereby may be written as a product of ten and/or a fraction of ten.

One Hundred 100 h


Stubby screwdriver

helps to start screws where space is limited

Machine Hand

A specialized ______________________ is one who has very little general knowledge in machine shop but who has operated a special machine long enough to be skillful in a variety of work on this machine. He is able to do his own set-up work and make the necessary adjustments.


Also known as the barrel is where graduations is imprinted and located between the spindle and the thimble of the micrometer.

Steel Rules - scales - spring tempered, flexible, narrow and hooked (Metric Steel Rules, English Steel Rules)

Among the most useful tool in the machine shop. Although these are actually rulers, most machinist call them ___________. They are made in a variety of kinds such as ______________, _____________, ___________ and _______________.

Safe Work Habits

An apprentice must at once learn to work safely so that the men working near him will not be injured. Poor work habits and unsafe practices often lead to disappointment to the young man entering the trade.


An expert machinist studies the methods and means of doing the job; makes sure that the machine, cutting tools, and measuring tools are in good condition; and then with care, and without undue haste.

Vernier Caliper

Are precision measuring tools used to make accurate measurements within 0.001 inch verniers or to 0.02 mm for metric verniers.

Non-Precision Measuring Instruments/Tools

Are those measuring instruments that does not require high degree of accuracy or they can be read using bare eyes without using a magnifying device.

Basic Measurement

Can be termed as those measurements taken by use of a rule or any other non-precision measuring tool, whether it can be in inch or metric standard.

1. Steels Rules - Metric Steel Rules - English Steel Rules 2. Calipers - Outside Calipers - Inside Calipers

Common Non-Precision Measuring Tools

- Care of Self - Care of Machine - Orderliness - Accuracy - Speed - Judgment - Confidence - Safe Work Habits

Essential Characteristics of a Machinist

One Billion 1,000,000,000 G


• Non-cutting tools • cutting tools

Hand tools may be divided into two classes:


Has the other side of the measuring face and moves along the axis in line with the anvil when the thimble is turned.


Holds and supports the whole components of the Micrometer Caliper and where the hand is placed when taking up measurements.

- 1613 - Frenchman - Pierre Vernier

In ________, a ______________ named ___________________ invented the first Vernier caliper.


In the machine shop trade, the _________________ is used for the expression of most metric dimensions. Fractions of the millimeter are expressed in decimals.

Vernier Height Gauge

Is a precision instrument used in toolrooms and inspection departments on layout, and jig and fixture of work to measure the mark off distances accurately. Basically, is a vernier caliper with a hardened, ground, and lapped base instead of a fixed jaw and is always used with a surface plate or an accurate flat surface. The sliding jaw assembly can be raised or lowered to any position along the beam. Fine adjustments are made by means of an adjusting nut. The vernier height gauge is read in the same manner as the vernier caliper.


Is responsible for the forward and backward movement of the spindle. It also consist some graduations for more accurate readings.


Is the left end side of the Micrometer from where the zero reference of measurements is taken.

Bench Vise

Is used to hold small work securely for sawing, chipping, filing, polishing, drilling, reaming, and tapping operations. Vises are mounted close to the edge of the bench; they permit long work to be held in a vertical position.

The Vernier Height Gauge

Is very well suited to accurate layout work and may be used for this purposed if a scriber is mounted on the movable jaw. The scriber height may be set either by means of the vernier scale or by setting the scriber to the top of a gauge block buildup of the desired length.


It is very often for machinist to work within 1/1000 of an inch. This easy enough with the machine tools and measuring tools found in the shop.

- He must have the understanding of certain fixed principles which obtain in all machine-shop practice, for example: The action of metal cutting tools, Elementary Metallurgy, Cutting speeds, Feeds and feeding devices, Strength of materials, Gear trains, Measurements - He must have a sufficient knowledge of arithmetic to read measurements from the various instruments, and to make necessary calculations for cutting speeds, gear velocities, angles, threads, etc. - He should have sufficient knowledge of the principles of mechanical drawings to be able to at least read blueprints of machine details.

Knowledge One Must have to be an Expert Machinist

Metric System

Linear metric dimensions are expressed in multiples and submultiples of the meter.


Other name for Sleeve

• outside measurements • inside measurements • outer tips of the jaws • nibs

PARTS OF THE VERNIER CALIPER Most bars are graduated on both sides or on both edges, one for ____________________ and the other set for _________________. The ______________________ are cut away to form _________ which permit inside measurements to be taken.

• L-shaped frame • movable jaw • bar • main scale graduations • fixed jaw • vernier scale • adjusting nut • clamp screws • thumb locks

PARTS OF THE VERNIER CALIPER The vernier caliper, regardless of the standard measurement used, consist of an ________________ and a _____________. The L-shaped frame consist of a _______, which shows the _________________, and a _____________. The movable, which slides along the bar, contains the _______________. Adjustment for size are made by means of an _________________. Reading may be locked in place by means of a ___________ or ____________.


The regular micrometer, usually referred to in the shop as a ____________, is used for measuring outside dimensions. It is available in many sizes. There are several other types of micrometers, but all follow the same fundamental principle.


The truth of the need of "A place for everything and everything in its place" is nowhere better exemplified than in a shop where a number of people at various times use the same machines and tools.

Inch Sytem

The unit of length in this system is the inch, which may be divided into fractional or decimal fraction divisions.

width of the jaw

The vise size is determined by ________________.

1) outside measurement 2) inside measurement 3) depth measurement 4) thread measurement 5) height measurement

Precision measuring tools may be divided into five categories, namely, tools used for _________________, ________________, _________________, ______________, and _____________________.

Jeweler's Screwdriver

Precision screwdrivers and ____________________ are great for working on small electronic devices. A great addition to any electronics technicians toolbag.


Safety Slogan

One Trillion 1,000,000,000,000 T


- bar - movable jaw - outside measurements - inside measurements - inch - metric

The ________ and the ______________ may be graduated on both sides or both edges. One side is used to make _______________, the other side is for taking ____________________. Vernier calipers are available in _________ and __________ graduations, some types have both inch and metric graduation caliper.


The ________________ takes the parts already made and inspected and put them together. In general, this work calls for some skill and some common sense. In the final fitting and adjustment of the job, mechanical ability is required as well as good trade adjustment.

- Frame - Anvil - Spindle - Sleeve - Thimble

The five principal parts of the micrometer:


The general __________________ has had enough experience, has acquired enough information, has developed enough judgment, and possesses "head" enough to be able to set up intelligently and operate any standard machine tool and perform any bench or floor operations.

- solid base - swivel base - swivel plate

The machinist vise may be of ______________ or ___________ type. The swivel base vise differs from the solid base type by having a ____________ added to the bottom of the vise. This allows the vise to be swung in any circular positions. When gripping finished work or soft materials, use jaw caps made of brass, aluminum, or copper to protect the work from being marred or damaged.

- must study - must work

The man who aspires to leadership in any trade or profession ______________ and ______________. Theory and practice work hand in hand toward skill, knowledge, and efficiency, and a man's value to himself and to his employer is always in proportion to his efficiency. Skill must be acquired by studying how and why certain operations are done and in connection with this study, a considerable experience in performing these or similar operations is essential.


The man who through study, thought, and careful applications has confidence in his own ability to accomplish results has in his confidence a factor which makes success.

- Jean Palmer - Frenchman - 1848

The micrometer caliper was invented by _______________, a ________________, in ________________.

1. Read the last graduation of the main scale before zero mark "0" of the Vernier scale. The reading represent the number of millimeters and let it be Main Scale Reading (MSR). 2. Find the line on the Vernier scale which coincides with the line on the Main scale and call this as the Vernier Scale Reading (VSR). 3. Add the Main Scale Reading (MSR) and the Vernier Scale Reading (VSR) and have the Vernier Caliper Reading (VCR) as the result.

To Read A Metric Vernier Caliper

1. Note the number of the last main division showing above the line to the left of the thimble. Multiply this by 1mm and let it be your Sleeve Reading (SR). 2. If there is a half-millimeter line showing below the index line, between the whole millimeter and the thimble, then add 0.5mm on your sleeve reading. 3. Check the line on the thimble that coincides with the index line of the sleeve and have this as your Thimble Reading (TR). 4. Add the sleeve reading and the thimble reading to obtain the Micrometer Caliper Reading (MCR).

To Read a Metric Micrometer Caliper

1. Note the number of the last main division showing above the line to the left of the thimble. Multiply this by 0.100 and let it be your Sleeve Reading (SR). 2. Note the number of small lines visible to the right of the last number shown. Multiply this by 0.025. 3. Check the line on the thimble that coincides with the index line of the sleeve and have this as your Thimble Reading (TR). 4. Add the Sleeve Reading (SR) and the Thimble Reading (TR) to obtain the Micrometer Caliper Reading (MCR).

To Read an English Micrometer Caliper

1. Read the last graduation of the main scale before the zero mark "0" of the Vernier Scale. The reading represent the number of sixteenths on the English scale and let it be as the Main Scale Reading (MSR). 2. Find the line on the Vernier Scale which coincides with the line on the main scale and call this as the Vernier Scale Reading (VSR). 3. Add the Main Scale Reading (MSR) and the Vernier Scale Reading (VSR) and have the Vernier Caliper Reading (VCR) as the result.

To Read and English Vernier Caliper

- The inch system, often called English system of measurement, widely used in the United States - The Metric system, the SI unit of measurements most widely used by European and some Asiatic countries

Two major systems of measurement

• Bench Vise • Hammers • Screwdrivers • Wrenches • Pliers

Types of Non-Cutting Tools

• Stubby Screwdriver • Heavy-duty Screwdriver • Philips Screwdriver • Double-ended offset Screwdriver • Jeweler's Screwdriver

Types of Screwdrivers

Floor work

When heavy operations are performed on heavy work, the term _______________ applies.

Linear measurements

________________ on flat surfaces are perhaps the most common measurements made in general practice in the machine shop.

Ball-peen Hammer - face - peen - 2 ounces - 3 lbs. - layout work - general work - riveting or peening operations

__________________ is the most common type of hammer used by the machinist. The larger striking surface is called the __________, and the smaller, rounded end is the _______________. Ball-peen hammers are made in variety of sizes, with the head masses ranging from approximately _____________ to _______________. The smaller sizes are used for _____________ and the larger ones are for _______________. The peen is generally used in ________________________.

Bench and Floor Hands

_____________________ possess information and skill regarding a number of so-called hand operations such as filling, scraping, assembling, and adjusting. A skilled bench hand, in general machine shop work, has the ability also to read blue prints readily and to do layout work. In addition, a first-class bench hand or floor hand has had, usually, considerably experience in the machine operations.

Non-cutting Tools

are basically used for holding, assembling and dismantling parts

Outside Calipers - spring joint - firm joint

are tools used to measure the outside surface of either round or flat work. They are measured in several styles such as ______________ and ______________ calipers.

Inside Calipers

are used to measure the diameters of holes or the width of keyways and slots.

One-hundredth 0.01 c


Bench work

consist of laying out, assembling, and the final fitting of parts

One-tenth 0.1 d


Ten 10 da


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