Mis 304 Exam 4

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Potential problems with Supply Chain

Distorted information Excessive inventories Inaccurate capacity plans Missed product schedules

How might Businesses use wikis effectively?

Documenting processes Installation techniques Not good for individual contribution, but can be used for teams that are working together.

Just-in-Time Production (JIT)

Keeping inventory is costly,(storage, capital, missed production schedules). Parts and raw materials arrive when needed for production. A orders arrive in smaller quantities, but a higher frequency, investment in storage space and inventory is minimized. Approach was pioneered by Toyota. -Dell only keeps about 2 hours of inventory in their factories Used extensively by computer manufacturers to avoid component obsolescence. JIT requires tight cooperation between all partners in the supply network.

Customer Service Changes

Key metrics need to reflect customer-focused measures for quality and satisfaction as well as process changes to enhance the customer experience Companies that implement successful CRM strategy, experience greater customer satisfaction.

first-call resolution

(example: Chase bank) addressing the customers' issues during the first call -can help to save costs and increase customer satisfaction

SCE includes all of these but?

1. Financial Flow 2. Information Flow 3. Process Flow 4. Product Flow Correct answer is 3

Supply Chain

-A collection of companies and processes moving a product: suppliers of raw materials, suppliers of intermediate components, final production, to the customer. Upstream: flow from sources of raw materials and components. Downstream: Flow to customers Suppliers have their own supply chain A better name is supply network* -supply network: various interrelated parties involved in moving raw materials, to intermediate components, and finally, to the end product within the production process -Example: Apple Iphone parts are sourced from all over the world and assembled in China by Foxconn All people that supply goods and materials directly and indirectly.

CRM applications

-come in the form of packaged software purchased from software vendors -commonly integrated with a comprehensive ERP implementation to leverage internal and external information to better serve customers -management must select CRM applications that will meet the unique requirements of their business processes -SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, salesforce.com, Sugar CRM, CRM solutions -1% increase in customer satisfaction can lead to a threefold increase in a company's market capitalization focuses on driving revenue and cutting costs*

Emerging SCM trends

-development of supplier portals, customer portals, and business-to-business marketplaces, all which provide an alternative to proprietary supply linkages, such as linkages using electronic data interchange. -Key technologies for enhancing SCM: Extensible markup language (XML) and RFID

XML tag

-does not specify any particular formatting, rather the rules for tagging elements -a command that is inserted into an XML document in order to specify how the document or a portion of the document should be interpreted and/or used -customizable -more advanced than HTML

Operational CRM

-systems for automating the fundamental business processes for interacting with the customer Systems for customer interaction and service. Enables direct interaction with customers. Personalized and efficient customer service. Access to complete information about customer (prior and current transactions from anywhere in the organization)

Supply Chain Execution (SCE)

-the execution of SCP, SCE puts the SCM planning into motion and reflects the processes involved in improving the collaboration of all members of the supply chain-suppliers, producers, distributors, and customers -Management of three key elements: 1. Product flow: Flow of product from supplier to eventually the consumer-can flow up or down as needed Automation of product returns (ship replacements and credit accounts) 2. Information flow: movement of information along the supply chain, such as order processing and delivery status updates-can flow up or down as needed **Complete removal of paper documents-save time and money all supply chain partners have access to current information at all times 3. Financial flow movement of financial assets throughout the supply chain; includes info related to payment schedules, consignment and ownership of products and materials, and other relevant information Automatic Flow

Chapter 5


Chapter 8


A critical element in the design of digital dashboards would be:

1. Choosing a suitable color pallet that integrates well with the business strategic objectives 2. Adapting each dashboard to the unique needs of each department 3. Choosing and showing data for suitable KPI's 4. Ensuring cross-platform capability so users can access it from mobile media. 5. Limiting access to the dashboard to tactical and strategic management The correct answer is 3

The defining them of web 2.0 is?

1. Communication to a broad audience 2. Shared knowledge creation 3. Expert knowledge creation 4. Peer to peer communication Correct answer is 2.

A departmental Information System might also be called a(n)?

1. Data mart 2. Data warehouse 3. Operational System 4. Informational System 5. Strategic System Correct answer is 3

A departmental informational system might also be called a(n)?

1. Data mart 2. Data warehouse 3. Operational system 4. Informational system 5. Strategic system Correct answer is 3.

Warehousing, Delivering, invoicing, and payment collection are all part of which type of Supply Chain Planning (SCP)

1. Demand Planning and forecasting 2. Distribution Planning 3. Production Scheduling 4. Inventory and Safety Stock Planning Correct answer is 2

Key Benefits of CRM

1. Enables 24/7/365 operation 2. Individualized service 3. Improved information 4. Speeds problem identification/resolution 5. Speeds Processes 6. Improved integration 7. Improved product development 8. Improved planning

All of the following are database advantages except?

1. Enforcement of standards 2. Improved data quality 3. Increased data storage space 4. Improved data accessibility. Correct answer is 3

If your business is focused on effectiveness, you should?

1. Have a single inventory strategy 2. Have multiple inventory sources. Correct answer is 2.

Operational systems provide real-time transaction support, making which following statement true?

1. Most businesses do analytic processing in a separate database to avoid reducing operational system performance 2. Most business do their online analytic processing using their operational systems to ensure the data is current. 3. Operational systems are considered 'informational systems" 4. Operational systems are considered "strategic systems" 5. Operational systems go offline whenever the business isn't open form normal business hours. Correct answer is 1

I discussed one type of software in class that was to be avoided unless absolutely necessary, this is?

1. Shrink-Wrap software 2. Configurable software 3. Customized software 4. Proprietary software 5. Operational software Correct answer is 3.

Benefits of Web Services

1. Utilizing the existing internet infrastructure (i.e. no new technologies are needed.) 2. Accessing remote or local data without having to know the complexities of this access. 3. Creating unique and dynamic applications quickly and easily.

If a company posts a hilarious video on YouTube, and it catches on, driving their sales up, they are engaging in?

1. Web app development 2. Syndication 3. Viral Marketing 4. Mashups The correct answer is 3.

information systems focusing on improving supply chains have 2 main objectives:

1. to accelerate product development and innovation 2. reduce costs -supply chain management (SCM): these systems improve the coordination of suppliers, product or service production, and distribution -helps in reducing inventory costs and enhancing revenue through improved customer service -often integrated with ERP to leverage internal and external information in order to better collaborate with suppliers -SCM packages are delivered in the form of modules that companies select and implement according to their differing business requirements

Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)

A business model in which suppliers manage the manufacturers (or retailer's) inventory levels based on pre-established service levels. Supplier monitor's stock levels and sales data. VMI requires manufacturer (retailer) to share real-time data.

Microsoft SharePoint

A document management platform that can be used to host web sites that enable shared work spaces and integrate other collaborative applications, such as wikis and blogs. Also includes workflow functionality such as to-do lists, discussion boards, and messaging alerts. Supposed to be "easily customizable" but that isnt always the case. Can take over a year to migrate an entire company to the program.

Google Apps

A family of web-based collaboration tools. Gmail-email client Google Calendar- collaborative calendar allowing users to share events Google Talk- Instant messaging client Google Docs- online office suite (word, spreadsheet, presentation) Google sites- group web sites.


A web site allowing people to: post , edit, add, comment, and access information. Also, a website that is linked to a database Keeps history of prior versions and changes, allows for reversing any edits. -some are public and some private Wikipedia is the most popular wiki, over 15 million articles in 270 languages.

Data Collection, Analysis, and Sharing Changes

All aspects of customer experience must be tracked, analyzed, and shared to optimize the benefits of CRM Consider ethical concerns.

Architecture of a CRM enviornment

All interconnected Operational CRM: Sales force automation, Customer service and support, Enterprise Marketing Management. Analytical CRM: Data Warehouses, Data mining and visualization, Business intelligence, ERP systems. Collaborative CRM: Methods and technologies to facilitate communication.


Allow anyone with access to share, edit, and update content They can be secured for business use They allow sharing of information without programming a web page The don't identify contributions by author like blogs do.

Web Services

Allow data to be accessed without intimate knowledge of other organizations systems, enabling machine-to-machine interaction over the internet. Web services allow any device to use any network to access any service. People post services online that other sites use. google does this.

Content Management Systems

Allow users to publish, edit, version track, and retrieve digital information. Content- Documents, images, audio files, videos or anything that can be digitized. Typical roles in a content system are: -Creator: publishing new info -Editor: editing the content into a final form -Administrator: managing account access levels to the digital information -guest: a person who can view the digital information Often embedded in other systems.

Google Web Services

Android- for building mobile phone applications. Search- Allow users to create customized search features in Google. Calendar- For managing personal calendars. Map- used to integrate Google's mapping system into web sites. OpenSocial- allow user to build applications that work with multiple social communities, such as Friendster and LinkedIn.

Web-based conferencing tools

Benefits: Reduced costs, easy to use, more efficient than travel, more effective than email, no need to purchase and maintain software. Risks: No customization, no documentation, corporate standards are impossible to enforce, hosting site may change features without notice. Cheap and easy, but unreliable.


Collaboration at the same time. Chatting online, video conferencing, and so on.


Collaboration not in coordinated time Email, discussion boards, and so on Not instantanious

Sales Force Automation (SFA)

Component of operational CRM Supports day-to-day sales activities: Ordering processing and tracking Account and contact management Opportunity management Sales management territory management Customer history preferences (product and communication) management Sales forecasting and performance analysis. -sales personnel:use time more efficiently, focus more on selling rather than paperwork -sales managers: provides improved info, improved day to day managing , and forecasting of future events - marketing managers: provide improved understanding of market conditions, competitors, and products goals:*** -better identify potential customers -streamline selling processes -improve managerial information

Virtual Worlds

Consist of 3D environments where people can interact and build, buy, or sell virtual teams, all using their personalized avatar. *No on has really found a good business use for them yet, beyond providing virtual showcases for their products Can be confusing to use if multiple users have the same name.


Cost minimization. the extent to which a company's supply chain is focusing on minimizing procurement, production, and transportation costs, sometimes by sacrificing excellent customer service. -single inventory source, less inventory -less excess capacity, fewer facilities, special purpose facilities -fewer warehouses, longer delivery times

Benefits VMI

Cost savings Minimized stock-out situations Accurate forecasts Reduced errors Prioritized goods shipments. -helps reduce inventory, both saving costs and minimizing stockout situations; the supplier benefits from the intense data sharing, which helps produce more accurate forecasts, reduces ordering errors, and helps prioritize the shipment of goods

Social Cataloging

Creation of a categorization system by users Contributors build up catalogs regarding specific topics' such as academic citations, wireless networks, books and music and so on. Example: Zotero (to manage citations)


Customer service maximization. The extent to which a company's supply chain is focusing on maximizing customer service regardless of procurement, production, and transportation costs. -more inventory, multiple inventory sources -general purpose facilities, more facilities, higher excess capacity -fast delivery times, more warehouses

The web has changed business

Customers have the power Economic transformation is taking place, i.e from transactions to relationships Keeping customers satisfied is key. customer is less press sensitive if company manages a relationship -equally important as product development

Defining Web 2.0

Dynamic web applications that allow people to collaborate and share information online. A shift in the users role from passive consumer of content to creator Evolutionary change Example: Wikipedia, Amazon book reviews, Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn Social software (Social Media) Enterprise 2.0 Collective intelligence -key drivers:harnessing the wisdom of crowds, societal changes, brought about by globalization, increasing wealth and consumerism, and the web

Integrating SCM with ERP and CRM

ERP systems are primarily used to optimize business processes within the organization. SCM is used to improve business processes that span organizational boundaries. Tight ERP/CRM/SCM integration reaps great benefits SCM system is only as good as the data that is entered into it SCM uses data about customer orders (from CRM) and payments (from ERP). -picky about their suppliers/info they share -get all partners int he supply chain to adopt a SCM system **go over section in book again

Developing a SCM Strategy

Efficiency and effectiveness need to be balanced. Trade offs for individual components or raw materials (i.e.. hurricane) : Supply chain strategy should match overall competitive strategy.

Tools for Collaboration

Electronic communication tools Electronic conferencing tools Collaboration tools.

Employee Training Changes

Employees from all business areas must value customer service and satisfaction.

Social Search

Finding relevant information has become increasingly difficult on the web. Returning the most relevant information to each user is the holy grail for search engines. Search engines such as google and Bing now offer social search functionality. Include content from social networks, blogs, and microblogging services. Narrow the results to content from one's social circle. Let users annotate and tag search results.


Idea came from popular music where a song is produced by mixing other existing songs. Combination of two or more web services. Create unique applications Google, Yahoo! (Pipes) , Microsoft and others have created mashup editors. Geographical mashups are very popular.

Supply Chain Planning (SCP)

Four types of plans are developed: 1. Demand planning and forecasting: Examination of historic data, when historical data is stable plans can be longer in duration -> leads to overall demand forecasts 2. Distribution Planning Deliver products to customers Warehousing, delivering, invoicing, and payment collection. -> leads to development of overall transportation schedule 3. Production Scheduling: Coordination of activities needed to create the product/ service Optimization of the use of materials, equipment and labor. also includes product testing, packaging, and delivery preparation -> leads to the development of the production plan 4. Inventory and safety stock planning Development of inventory estimates. - balance inventory costs and desired customer service levels to determine optimal inventory levels -once inventory levels are estimated, suppliers are chosen who contactually agree to pre-established delivery and pricing terms -> leads to the development of a sourcing plan Various types of analytical tools-statistical analysis, simulation and optimization- are used to forecast and visualize demand levels, distribution and warehouse locations, resource sequencing, and so on. -SCM planning is an ongoing process -as new data are obtained, plans are updated

Virtual Teams

Group members in different places assembled to work on a project. Example: Rush university Medical center Uses virtual medical teams Patients get best health care regardless of where they reside. Must establish trust among members before virtualization of the team to be successful. Must do a cost benefit analysis to determine if the teams are cost effective and necessary.

SFA Provides Improved Understanding of Market Conditions to benefit marketing managers

Improved understanding of markets, segments, and customers. Improved understanding of competitors Enhanced understanding of organization's strengths and weaknesses. Better understanding of economic structure of the industry. Enhanced product development Improved strategy development and coordination with the sales function. SFA allows managers to track sales performance.


Is the process of creating an online text diary. Traditional; media giants such as CNN use these Companies increasingly use these to connect their employees or customers. Advantages: like a syndicated news letter, you are aware of the person who made the contribution to a blog, unlike a wiki. Disadvantages: They require a lot of work and have to be updated ALL the time. It takes a lot of dedication. Called the "amateurization" of journalism Some bloggers cut journalistic corners-rendering some of the posts on the blogs less than accurate -Engadget.com -IBM: social software suite- Lotus Connection includes blogs -Google: maintains official company blogs to inform their stakeholders about news, rumors, or current thoughts


Manually adding metadata to media or other content Metadata is data about data Example picture metadata: Date and time, focal length, shutter speed, aperture value. Tags enable searching using keywords Geo-tagging- tags include geospatial data.

Viral Marketing

Marketing-Driven by work-of-mouth, similar to how viruses are transmitted, Promoting a product/ Service via online content that can be shared. Example: BMW short films by famous directors Critical factor of viral Marketing (Thomas Baekdal): - Do something unexpected - Make people feel something - Make sequels - Allow sharing and easy distribution - Never restrict access to the content. Customer markets your product for you. Difficult to do Have something so unique and different that your customers feel compelled to share it with your friends.

Enhancing cooperation with Web 2.0

Media Sharing Social Bookmarking Social cataloging Tagging

Developing a CRM Strategy

More than just software purchase and installation. -must include Enterprise-wide changes. -the closer the organization is to the end consumer-the more important CRM is

Pitfalls of Web 2.0 Marketing

Online product reviews: positive/negative Microblogging: twitter Social networks: posting wrong content; prehiring Viral Marketing: united airlines guitar video -how to prepare for and deal with a crisis: 1. identify a crisis team including members from within your organization or from the outside 2. identify your worst social media nightmare 3. monitor your social media environment and be connected and responsive 4. act fast-the first 24 hours count

CRM continued

Organization-wide strategy. Concentrates the downstream information flow. Attract potential customers Create customer loyalty Portray a positive corporate image. Managers need to be able to monitor and analyze factors driving customer satisfaction as changes occur** -companies need to have an integrated system that captures info from retails stores, web sites, social networks, micro blogs, call centers, etc that organizations communicate downstream within their value chain Companies search for ways to widen, lengthen, and deepen customer relationships. -cheaper to retain current customers, then to get new ones Widen: Attract new customers Lengthen: Keep current customers satisfied. Deepen: Transform minor customers into profitable customers.

Managing the Enterprise 2.0 Strategy

Organizational Issues: -Enterprise does not equal Web: just because its successful in a consumer environment, doesn't mean it will be successful in a corporate environment -Culture: web 2.0 based on user based self expression-may not work in traditional companies -Organizational context: companies must ask what objective they're trying to achieve- and use the tools to reach that objective -Organizational hierarchies: need the support and active involvement of senior management -Network effects and Critical Mass: -Generation Gap: senior members may not grasp the potential and implications of web 2.0 in organizational settings -Technological Inertia: in many cases people are not willing to switch to new applications unless they see real tangible benefits -Technological Integration: to reap the benefits the company must ensure that web 2.0 fits in with their existing information systems infrastructure -Security: companies have to balance their desire for enhancing their collaboration with the need to protect intellectual property and comply with rules and regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Customer Relationship Management (CPM)

Organizations must work harder than ever to attract and retain customers where comparison shopping is the norm and competitors are just a click away. -*not simply a technology, but also a corporate-level strategy to create and maintain, through the introduction of reliable systems, processes, and procedures, lasting relationships with customers by concentrating on the downstream information flows

Policy and Business Process Changes

Policies and procedures need to reflect customer-focused culture.

Benefits of Supply Chain

Process innovations Just in time Production JIT Vendor-managed inventory VMI


Real Simple Syndication (RSS): A family of syndication feeds used to publish current blogs, podcasts, and news stories. RSS feeds are offered by organizations so that users can view the most current information, and users can subscribe to RSS feeds from different sources. RSS feeds typically contain a synopsis or a document or the full text. RSS Feeds can be read by most web browsers.

The Bullwhip Effect

Ripple effects in which forecast errors and safety stocks multiply when moving up the supply chain. Happens when businesses include safety buffer to prevent stock-outs. Small end-product demand fluctuations cause larger fluctuations further up the supply chain. Small forecasting errors at end of supply chain cause large errors further up the supply chain. -Integrated business processes help mitigate the bullwhip effect.

Examples of Sales Measures Tracked by SFA to benefit sales managers

Sales pipeline for each salesperson, including rating and probability. Revenue per sales person, per territory, or as a percentage of sales quota. Margins by product category, customer segment, or customer. Number of calls per day, time spent per contact, revenue per call, cost per call, ratio of orders to calls. Number of lost customers per period or cost of customer acquisition. Percentage of goods returned, number of customer complaints, or number of overdue accounts.

Customer Service and Support (CSS)

Second component of operational CRM Automation of traditional "help desk" services. Customer interaction center (CIC): Multiple communication channels (blogs, facebook, phone, face-to-face, email and so on. Customer service anytime, anywhere through any channel. Low support and service cost with great customer service -automate service requests, complaints, product returns, and information requests -successful CSS systems: enable faster response times, increased first-contact resolution rates, and improved productivity of service and support personnel. -use digital dashboards to monitor key metrics

Future Web capabilities

Semantic Web: google only wants 1 result returned-the perfect result** Originally envisioned by Tim Bernes-Lee Web pages are designed so that computers are able to read and index that pages. -Google sets has begun to show this already Patton said this is probably not likely, because specialization matters. Web3.0: -World wide Database: ability for databases to be distributed and accessed from anywhere -Open technologies: design of web sites and other software so that they can be easily integrated -Open ID: provision of an online identity that can easily be ported to mobile devices, PCs and more, allowing for easy authentication across different web sites. -Integration of Legacy Devices: ability to use current mobile devices, such as Iphones, laptops, and so on, as credit cards, tickets, and reservations -Intelligent Applications: use of agents, machine learning, and semantic web concepts to complete intelligent tasks for users No one really knows what it is going to be. The technology is probably already out there and being used. it will become 3.0 when they become popular.

Media Sharing

Sharing pictures, videos, audios, and presentations on the web. Flickr (images), YouTube (videos) Net casting (or pod casting) - distribution of digital media, such as audio or video via files via syndication feeds. Educational sector uses net casts for lectures, lab demonstrations, or sports events. Example via apple iTunes U


Small interactive tools Typically for a single purpose Can be placed on desktop or integrated into web pages. Started on the MAC OS Now available everywhere Used to be called widgets, now they are called apps...

Enhancing Connection with Web 2.0

Social networking Viral marketing Social Search Syndication Web Service Widgets Mashups

Social Networking Communities

Social networking: Business uses (LinkedIn) Social uses (Facebook, MySpace)

SCM Architecture

Supports two functions: Supply chain planning- development of resource plans to support the efficient and effective production of goods and services. Supply chain execution- efficient flow of products, information and financing.

Supply Chain Visibility

The ability to track products as they move though the supply chain but also to foresee external events. As well as known where your supplies are to prevent delays


The community of all blogs. -the influence of blogs has been called the power of the blogosphere

Social Bookmarking

Users share internet bookmarks and create categorization (called folksonomies) Example: Delicious and Digg. -extremely valuable for companies for knowledge management and harnessing the collective intelligence of employees

Tag Clouds

The size of a word in a tag cloud represents its importance or frequency so that it is easy to spot the most important or frequent words or tags.

Supply Chain Analytics

The use of key performance indicators to monitor performance of the entire chain, including sourcing, planning, production, and distribution. Helps to monitor the performance of a supply chain, can help identify and remove bottlenecks, such as by switching suppliers, spreading orders over multiple suppliers, expediting shipping for critical goods, etc.

Enterprise 2.0

The use of web 2.0 technologies and social software within a company's boundaries or between a company and its customers or stakeholders; can help in sharing organizational knowledge, making businesses more innovative and productive, and helping them to effectively connect with their customers and the wider public.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

These will soon replace standard bar codes. It is the use of electromagnetic energy to transit energy between a reader (transceiver) and the tag (antenna) Tags are programmable, so there is a vast array of potential uses. Scanning can be done from greater distance. Passive tags- inexpensive ($0.10), range of few feet. Active Tags- more expensive ($5), include a battery, range of hundreds of feet.

Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM)

Third component of an operational CRM is EMM. Improve management of promotional campaigns. -Make sure right messages are sent to the right people through the right channels: Customer lists need to be managed carefully to avoid targeting people who have opted out Individualized attention to each potential customer. Extensive analytical capabilities that can help to analyze effectiveness of campaigns. Individualized attention to each potential customer. - Extensive analytical capabilities that can help to analyze effectiveness of campaigns and route leads to the right salespeople, leading to better conversion rates ** This is the 3rd component of operational management We use information systems to manage our marketing campaigns.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Transparency and accountability within the supply chain helps save costs and create a good image. Product recalls: Cadmium in McDonald's Glasses Johnson & Johnson medicine recall *important to be able to trace products back to their source-otherwise recalls will be much broader *need to have a clear picture of their supply chain but also have to store this data in case of problems at a later point in time Sustainable Business Practices: Ethical treatment of workers: Foxconn suicides Green image: HP-first major information technology company to publish its aggregate supply chain greenhouse gas emissions, restrict the use of hazardous materials, implement environmentally friendly packaging policies.

Human-Based Computing (Crowdsourcing)

Using everyday people to outsource work. Eli Lilly's InnoCentive: Company posts problems and anyone can take a shot at solving them.-reward paid to a successful solver Amazon's Mechanical Turk: Allows anyone to post problems Users are compensated for correct or useful answers. E-lancing: enabling people to work in more flexible ways on a variety of internet-related projects Posting individual projects for anyone to bid.

Extensible markup language (XML)

a data presentation standard first specified by the world wide web consortium, a international consortium of companies whose purpose is to develop open standards for the web. XML allows designers of Web documents to create their own customized tags, enabling the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications and between organizations

extensible business reporting language (XBRL)

an XML-based specification for publishing financial information -makes it easier for public and private companies to share information with each other, industry analysts, and shareholders -includes tags for data such as annual/quarterly reports, securities and exchange commission filings, general ledger info, and net revenue and accounting schedules -complex and requires expertise promising for supply chains because the info it can inject in the process -not a panacea for SCM

collective intelligence

based on the notion that distributed groups of people with a divergent range of information and expertise will be able to outperform the capabilities of individual experts -Wikipedia -Open source software

discussion forums

emulate traditional bulletin boards and allow for threaded discussions between participants -before the web 2.0 era**

Shifted Perspectives from web 1.0 to web 2.0

me--> Me and you Read--> Read and write connect ideas --> connect ideas and people search --> receive and give recommendations to friends and others find --> share techies rule --> users rule organizations --> individuals

Instant Messaging

online chat emulates real-time written conversations Immediate feedback from conversation partners Social networking sites such as Facebook have integrated this into their sites. Usually also always support video and voice communication Many organizations use this for internal communications, sales, and customer support.

network effects

refers to the notion that the value of a network is dependent on the number of other users

Social Presence

social presence tools (sometimes called micro blogging tools) enable people to voice their thoughts, designed for relatively short "status updates" -Twitter has become a source of breaking news. Allows for rapid business communication to a large group of people.

peer production

the creation of goods or services by self-organizing communities

electronic conferencing tools

tools allowing information sharing and rich interactions between users -instances: internet forums, instant messaging, application sharing, videoconferencing -examples: apple facetime, Skype, window live messenger, webex

electronic communication tools

tools allowing users to send files, documents, and pictures to each other and share information -instances: fax, e-mail, voice mail, blogs, wikis, static websites -examples: MS outlook, blogger.com, wikipedia.org

collaboration management tools

tools used to facilitate virtual or collocated meetings and manage group activities -instances: electronic calendars, knowledge management systems, intranets, online document systems -examples: google docs, MS office live, MS SharePoint

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