MKT 3401 exam 1 (Karam)

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key components of confidence are that you are able to control, manage, and camouflage your___________



niche store, more luxurious, higher prices

levels of involvement

Routine Limited extensive

3 strategies to rebrand (motel 6)

(re)position- make the hotel a safe, fun, and enjoyable place affiliation-who uses the same product you use? Who goes to the same places you go? Personality-"voice of motel 6 advertisement"

3 types of presenters

- Showrunner - Neophyte - Artists

3 concepts that make up societal orientation

-marketing orientation, while keeping our environment and society safe -being environmentally friendly -public awareness

The 3 goals of marketing orientation

-satisfying the customer's needs and wants by giving them a product that they desire -getting to know the customer -understanding the customer

Levels of the Marketing Strategy Framework

1. Market Analysis 2. Strategy Development 3. Implementation

What companies look for when hiring?

1. interpersonal & communication skills 2. teamwork 3. honesty 4. core competency

Consumer Decision Making Process

1. need recognition 2. information search 3. evaluation of alternatives 4. purchase 5. post purchase behavior

in _______ seconds, you can predict with ________% accuracy who someone one is as though you listened for an hour

10 70%

NFL guest tackled your kids the viewership of fans over 55


What percent of the emotional impact that you have is judged according to your voice and vocal delivery?


How much of the emotional impact you have is visual delivery?


What percent of customers are likely to change their behavior based on one encounter?


What percent of people actually tell a service person after a bad experience?


What percentage is judged according to the verbal arrangement of your message?


McDonalds healthy eating campaign increased sales by __ percent and it ____ the brand

7%; repaired

What percent of customers are more likely to buy from a company involved in caused marketing than a competitor that is not?


What percent of people will tell at least one person if they have a bad experience with a product?


personal branding

= performance + personality + visibility + trust


=knowledge + confidence + connection


A way of making and using contacts to get job information and advice

Demographic Pepsi?

African American

Cognitive dissonance- reason for labeling

Alleviate cognitive dissonance - Seek approval form someone else - Attributes that made the product good (label)

2 types of unsatisfied customers

Angry- lets you know how they feel remorseful-doesn't say anything, smiles, then bad mouths the place

2 types of service failure

Ante--everyday good service that you expect Moment of Truth--terrible moment happens, your chance to make it right

What flight company spent lots of money to improve customer satisfaction to make up for overbooking flights. As long as you know you have failed, you can do something to recover.

Delta airlines

What is the service profit chain?

Employee Job Satisfaction->Creates Customer Value->Creates Customer Satisfaction->Generate Loyalty->Profit


In your attempt to persuade, you have to make sure you don't ever offend the person. Offense usually takes place after they say yes

step 3: Evaluating Alternatives

Involves determining the value or adequacy of the alternatives that were generated

be smart

Knowing how to think, represent a company, be a great member of an organization, make good decisions, can you manage people

What is prestige pricing?

Pricing something extremely high to set it apart from the competition

What are the four factors of the marketing mix?

Product, Price, Place, Promotion

Step 1: Need Recognition

The first stage of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need

Strategy development: segmentation

o Can it be identified? o Is the population accessible? distribution (can I get the product to them?) promotion (Can I get the message to them?) substantial (Is the population big enough?) responsive (Will they be responsive to your message?)

developing and maintaining relationships is what?

relationship maintenance

Service after the sale

repair after the warranty

marketing mix is not equal to the ___________ mix


3 levels of buyer involvement in purchases

routine moderate extensive

unique selling proposition

separate your product from the clutter (other products). Believable, desirable, advertising appeal that is going to separate your company and product from the competition

What are some of the key concepts of customer satisfaction?

service quality delivery

service encounter failure

service of the delivery is terrible; rude, distant, lacking knowledge

Price skimming

set the price as high as you can, within fairness, as long as you can until the competition catches up with you forcing you to adjust it

Status quo

set the price even with the competition

Penetration pricing refers to

setting a low initial price on a new product to appeal immediately to the mass market

Price skimming is ____

setting the price as high as you can within range until the competition catches up to you and forces you to lower it

What are the Conditions in the market analysis (external factors)

social factors lifestyles values of the day technological factors political/legal changes economic factors

What external environment did Samsonite luggage company respond to after 9/11?


step 2: information search

the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer is motivated to search for more information · Bigger the risk, the bigger level of involvement (time and effort spent in evaluating)


don't just run in and buy it; more involvement/greater price


don't like something so you switch to a different company

key to customer satisfaction

employee satisfaction. If the employee is satisfied, then usually you'll get good satisfaction

internal search

experience is so rich that you use this experience to make a decision

evoked set

extract from your list of considerations to finally make a decision EX: deciding what school to attend

lesson learned in "united breaks guitar" study; implement a __________ plan


True or false: Retail Mix is the same as Marketing Mix


marketing strategy framework

framework for how you process "how do I market this new product that I have"

external search

gather information from: - family and friends - opinion leaders- drawn to the way they live and you may follow what they do - celebrity endorsers - commercials--biased - public--unbiased; consumer reports

focus group

group of people who have used the product. Give them a questionnaire to get their opinion on the product

bundling is

grouping two or more products together and pricing them as a unit

strategy development: positioning

how do you want people to see you or your company o Attributes o Benefits o Value


how the package looks and is packaged

the 3 objectives of Brands

identification, repeat sales, introduce new products

brand (3 objectives)

identification- way to be able to have your product seen repeat sales- like the product, you buy it again and again EX: toms shoes introduce new products- if the brand is good and selling you can introduce new products

2 purposes of product packaging label

informative - instructions- tells how to use the product. Can generate enormous revenue for the product - construction- how is it made and what is the product made of? - nutrition- what is the nutritional value? - Reduce cognitive dissonance (buyer's remorse) Persuausive - Persuasive in working, color, phrase EX: "25% off" ,"reduced salt"

buzz marketing: ethical concern

intent is to share truthfulness. Unethical: the company puts the product in the hands of opinion leaders and bribes them for good reviews via word of mouth

Southwest competition, flights get caught in an ice storm and losing brand damaged ________

jet blue

What was the external environment responsible for the surge in the production of car seats?

legal issues


life insurance, 401K, health insurance, hearing aids

According to Kenneth Feinberg, what is very important?


penetration pricing

lower the price because you are trying to get your product out there, gain penetration into the market place, grab market share

developing and maintaining long-term relationships is

maintaining contact


making sure we keep this atmosphere, earth good and clean

What are the 3 levels of the marketing Strategy framework?

market analysis, strategy, development, implementation

What are the 4 main points made by John Camp in order to have success?

market yourself sell yourself networking maintain contact (follow up)

components of targeting

mass marketing mult-segmented niche positioning

What are 2 important relationships that need to be maintained?

media and community

What did Wrigley's gum put in it to make it different?


buzz marketing

concept some companies use when introducing a new product. When they take the product and put it in the hands of a predetermined group of opinion leaders for the purpose of them using the product and hopefully spreading good work of mouth.

3 results of good customer service

referrals reduced effort to sell premium pricing

What are the 4 steps to Market Analysis?

Company Competition Customer Conditions

strategy development: targeting (3 strategies)

Mass (undifferentiated) market- one message appeals to everyone Multi-segmentation- multiple segments within a population Niche- one concentrated segment that you feel you can give someone something special with great value

What are the 5 steps in the Consumer Decision Making Process

Need recognition Information search Evaluate alternative Purchase Post Purchase behavior

separated the company into 2 without customers knowing, raised prices, & joined companies again

Netflix CEO, Hasting

What are the three objectives of brands?

New product Identification Loyalty (REPEAT SALES)

what are the components of a product

Packaging, warranty, service after sell, brand/company's image

What role do instructions play in the game of monopoly?

Parker Brothers figured out that people did not like board games because they were confusing -They developed and packaged simple instructions for the game of Monopoly that made it easy to play and now it is the most popular board game in history

What type of "aggression" do companies want you to have?

Persist in finding a solution even after rejection

Promotional includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions and _____

Personal selling

What were the 3 steps for rebranding motel 6?

Positioning, Affiliation, and Personality

price strategy

Price Skimming Penetration Pricing Status Quo Pricing

The ___________ company used labeling to promote nutritional value to become a leader in the industry


2 types of credibility

Resume and Authenticity

Level 2: Strategy Development

Segmentation Targeting Positioning


Thrown into a group and complete the task at hand

3 societal organizations are considered eco-friendly

Wal-Mart Patagonia TOMS

persuasion scale

____-3___-2____-1______0_____+1_____+2_____+3____ · Lost people ------------------------Loyal

step 4: purchase

action taken

4 parts of the promotional mix

advertising public relations sales promotions personal selling

What are the two types of unsatisfied customers?

angry and remorseful

5 traits to help market yourself

be creative be aggressive be enthusiastic be smart be honest

What are Traits of Success?

be creative, aggressive, enthusiastic, smart, honest

#1 killer of personal brand

being boring or arrogant


conscious attempt to modify the thoughts and behavior of you, the consumer, and move you toward a pre-determined goal


conscious attempt to modify the thoughts and behavior/action of a consumer and influence them towards a predetermined goal

functions of packaging

contain and protect the product theftage: (theft+storage) - Shrinkage-people inside the organization that steals - Theft-people who walk in and steal recycle promote product - label - tells you what you are getting as a customer size color smell sound

people recall more from listening to people they view as more ________


what type of "enthusiasm" does a company NOT want you to have? don't wear down the _____ of a company


customers switch because of ______ more than anything else

customer service

the main focus of Delta airlines training was to improve __________

customer service

What 3 goals does the marketing department seek to achieve?

customer value, customer satisfaction, develop and maintain relationships with customers

public relations

dealing with integrity with a variety of mediums to create a positive image or correct a negative one

Market analysis: external conditions

demographics-how we view customers social factors Lifestyles- trends · Activities of consumers · Interests of consumers · Opinions of consumers values of the day - ex: competitive suitcase designs convenient for flyers technological factors political/legal changes o See and adapt to changes to be successful economic factors o How does everything change when the economy changes (finance homes, deals on cars, sales at stores)

What happened when the guitar man came up with a song about airlines being uncaring, went viral?

did not resolve a service failure

Level 1: Market analysis (4 steps)

o Company- who are we, what do we do, what can we do, what do we want to do o Competition- must know who the competition is, what they are doing, must be ready for them o Customer-know whom the customer is or going to be. Who is your target market? o Conditions (external)-what is taking place around all of this. As the conditions change am I able to adapt my product to these changes

be aggressive

o Don't be rude or mean. When they tell you "no", you have to be able to say "ok" and try something else. o Be able to recover and think of another way to accomplish what you need to accomplish

interpersonal and communication skills

o Everything you do- in line, in public, or if someone hears you o This includes tone o Killer B's § Boredom- same old thing you hear people repeat over and over again § Bitterness- breath you take that you shouldn't have taken, the sound or grunt you made when you shouldn't have and that defines you (What, Huh, No)

to enthusiastic

o Ex: attorneys offices are very intense o This means you can't hire people that would weigh down the organization and be a drag. You want a good company culture

buyer perspective

o Product o Cost o Convenience o Communication

4 factors of implementation

o Product (service) o Price o Place/distribution o Promotion

be honest

o This means more to a company than power o Are you going to be honest enough to do your job without jeopardizing the name of the company and your and your company's reputation

celebrity endorsements

o boost sales o change perception

market yourself

o how do you find the right person to talk to and say the right things to get them to pay attention to you. o What value can you create for that person to hire you or buy what you're selling

Lost v. Loyal

o time o logical appeal- proof and information. How clearly can I present it and persuade a buyer? o Emotion o Ethical appeal-credibility

____denotes a bargain while _____ denotes high quality

odd numbers; even numbers

prospect theory

only remember the bad things that happen instead of the good

key to buzz marketing

opinion leaders must give a good review by word of mouth.

What does retail mix add to the 4 P's


winner = ________ + _________ + _________ + __________

personality performance visibility trust

The heart and soul of a business is being a good ______.


What is buyer perspective based upon?

product, cost, convience, communication

What are the 4 parts to the Marketing Management Philosophy?

production orientation, sales orientation, marketing orientation, societal orientation

Sales Orientation

putting together a skilled sales force for the purpose of selling a product "tell and sell"

Strategy market identifies the ______ and asks questions about effective segmentation

target audience


the believability you have when talking to other people

production orientation

they don't care about the customer, consumer, or people; only care about making the product the best they can

Why is it important that you are honest?

they have to trust that you aren't going to take advantage of the company

"in 10 seconds of an hour presentation, people's personalities were determined with 70% accuracy":This is known as the ___ ____ theory

thin slice

be creative

think about how to get things to work- think of another plan or route to get people to listen

What is the most important component of vocal delievery?

tone of voice

True or False: Strategy Development Identifies the target market and asks questions about criteria for effective segmentation, segmentation marketing, positioning


True or false: 4 factors of the marketing mix are product, price, place/distribution, and promotional (the 4 P's)


true or false: 63% of customers are more likely to change a purchase behavior based on the indifference/behavior of one person--ex. cashier at Walmart


true or false: 7% of people who have a bad experience will tell a service person


true or false: 77% of people who have a bad experience will tell at least one person about it (according to Wharton business school)


true or false: Customer satisfaction = employee satisfaction


true or false: Hard Rock was a fragmented brand


true or false: Kashi is more popular and expensive because it is promoted as a healthy cereal, but what people don't realize is that it's owned by Kellog's


true or false: Price skimming is setting the price as high as you can, within fairness, as long as you can until the competition catches up with you forcing you to adjust it


true or false: Retail Mix adds presentation to the 4 P's


true or false: Retail Mix is a product, price, place, promotional, and presentation


true or false: The 5 steps in the Consumer Decision Making Process is need recognition, information search, evaluate alternative, purchase, post purchase behavior


true or false: buyer perspective covers depends on the product, cost, convenience, and communication


true or false: customer satisfaction leads to referrals, increase in usage, reduce selling effort, premium pricing


true or false: odd numbers denote bargain, even numbers denote high quality


true or false: penetration pricing means lower the price because you are trying to get your product out there, gain penetration into the market place, grab market share


true or false: prestige is pricing something extremely high to separate it from competition


true or false: promotional covers advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling


true or false: the 3 objectives of brands are; identification, repeat sales, & introduce new products


true or false: the 3 steps for rebranding for motel 6 were positioning, affiliation, and personality


What are the 3 elements that can improve your "credibility"?

trust expertise charisma

How did the organization that purchased Hard Rock Cafe realize there was a problem with their branding and fixed it?

unified the brand

What did the organization who purchased the hard rock cafe realize was the problem with the brand? How did they remedy the situation?

unified the brand

societal factors

values of the day; activities, interests, and opinions that help make up your life style decisions

3 characteristics that make you "likable"

vocal visual verbal

step 5: post purchase behavior

what happens after the sale

core competency

what you are good at


word of mouth--very powerful


your personal brand

JcPenny article

· CEO is man who created the apple store

maintain contact

· Develop and maintain long-term relationships

visual delivery

· Facial Expression will define your emotional impact · Figure out your default look (your everyday facial expression) · 1/24 of a second is it all it takes and a brand is created · The thin slice is a concept in negotiation o 10 secs is all it takes to formulate an opinion of someone and can make a 70% prediction about someone's personality as if you were in the presence of someone for 1 hour

Product Life Cycle

· Intro · Growth · Maturity · Decline · Extensive- extend life of product

enhance credibility

· Trust/honestly/sincerity · Knowledge, expert on topics · Identification/association · Position/status/success · Charisma/personal branding

Likability- Al Merchabian

· We as individuals want to be liked, no matter how you are. · Want to have the emotional impact on someone else · Want people to look at you and like you enough to pay attention to you


· advertise o TV o Radio o Newspaper o Internet o Magazines o Direct mail o Billboards o Circulars

product categories

· convenience- everyday product; low level of involvement · Shopping · Specialty · Unsought-never thought you were going to need it

reasons we switch

· core service failure- service you wanted didn't please you · service encounter failure (no attention because of what you have on or what car you drive) · price · inconvenience (sit in an office for 1.5 hours for a 5 minute check up) · employee's failure to respond to service failure · attraction from competition · unethical behavior- what they do might not be what we want them to do

3 Marketing goals

· create customer value CV=benefits-cost · customer satisfaction · failure and recovery

mystery shopper

· evaluate business and tell manager what they experienced

sell yourself

· how people see you. · How well you can speak either in public or in person. · How people judge you when they look at you

Level 3: Implementation

· implement the plan so the consumer will buy the product and make you money

warranty (2 cases)

· implied - the law says products you sell must be good · written - legally binding (computer, tv, etc warranty)

marketing management philosophy

· production orientation- produce orientation · sales orientation- a company puts together a sales person who's skills are to move products · marketing orientation- satisfying a customers needs and wants by giving them a product they desire, · societal orientation- satisfying a customers needs and wants by giving them a product they desire, while keeping the environment and our society safe

2 things constantly work

· what things happen to price · what promotions are you going to use/embrace

service profit chain

• employee job satisfaction o creates customer value creates customer satisfaction generate loyalty • profit

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