Music-030 Exam 2

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Da Capo Aria

-Allows singers to respond lyrically to their situations. -Represents ONE mood or affection in each section. A-B-A' style = Two separate texts and melodies. A section = One text and one melody. B section = Different text, different melody - sometimes in a contrasting mood. A' (A-prime) = Singer repeats text and melody of A section, but ornaments freely.

Barbara Strozzi

-Barbara Strozzi publicly performed and composed her own music during the Baroque period. -Although most women during the 17th century (Baroque period) did not have access to the world of opera and church music, Barbara Strozzi's father financially supported her musical endeavors and also encouraged her to work with musical mentors in her formative years. -Strozzi managed to publish 8 collections of music that she composed between 1633 and 1664. -She composed over 100 madrigals, arias, cantatas, and motets placing her among the most prolific chamber music composers of the 17th century

Background on Voi che sapete

-Character who sing Voi che sapete is Cherubino. -The role is always sung by a woman (this is called a 'trouser role. -Character portrayed is a young boy in his early teens. -Two other characters ask him to entertain them by singing. -The song is about how much it stinks to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back. -This is exactly how Cherubino feels about the Countess, his boss, so it is a bit awkward.

Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre

-Child prodigy who sang and played the harpsichord at King Louis XIV's court since the age of five. -She was patronaged by King Louis XIV and dedicated most of her works to him, including the first ballet and first opera written by a Frenchwoman. -She composed Baroque dance suites


-Clear beat, consistent meter. -Pitches form melodic patterns and phrases (aka it sounds like a song). -Orchestral accompaniment. -Poetic text (phrases often repeated). -Freezes the action (reflection) -Soliloquy (expresses one emotion).

Symphony No. 9

-Composer: Beethoven. -Genre: Symphony. -It is classical. You can tell because of its serious purpose to express humanitarian ideals and religious faith.

Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2

-Composer: Corelli. -Genre: Trio Sonata. -It is Baroque. You can tell because of the incorporation of basso continuo.

In Ecclesiis

-Composer: Gabrieli. -Genre: Concerto. -It is Baroque. You can tell because the instruments are equally important to the singer's voice.

Che faro senza Euridice from Orfeo

-Composer: Gluck. -Genre: Aria. NOT Da Capo. Just aria. -It is classical. You can tell because of the lack of ornamentation in the aria.

V'adoro pupille from Guilio Cesare

-Composer: Handel. -Genre: Da Capo Aria. -It is Baroque. You can tell because of the focus on the virtuosity of the singer.


-Composer: Hasse. -Genre: Da Capo Aria, with a lot of embellishments at the A-prime section. -It is classical

String quartet in Eb, Fourth Movmement (The 'Joke' Movement)

-Composer: Haydn. -Genre: String quartet. -It is classical. You can tell because it is pretty simple and flirtatious, or galant

Durch Adams Fall

-Composer: J.S Bach. -Genre: Chorale prelude. -It is Baroque. You can tell because there are multiple voices in the organ. Also, it is very dramatic.

Vi ricordi, o boschi ombrosi from Orfeo

-Composer: Monteverdi. -Genre: Opera. -It is Baroque. You can tell because it has clear, dance-like rhythm

Voi che sapete from Le Nozze di Figaro

-Composer: Mozart. -Genre: Le Nozze di Figaro is a comic opera. Voi che sapete is an aria. -It is classical. You can tell because of the restrained use of ornamentation in the aria.

When I am laid in Earth from Dido and Aeneas

-Composer: Purcell. -Genre: Ground-bass aria. -It is Baroque. You can tell because of the focus on the virtuosity of the singer.


-Composer: Schutz. -Genre: Sacred Concerto. -It is Baroque. You can tell because the instruments are equally important to the singers' voices.

Why was there no successors in English opera?

-English preferred SPOKEN drama. -Why write their own operas when they could import actual Italian opera? -No monarchical support. -Public concerts were important, not opera.


-Free, speechlike rhythms. -Pitches follow speech patterns. -Continuo accompaniments. -Prose text (words only stated once). -Advance action (movement). -Dialogue (free interaction).

What was the librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte skilled at? How did he raise the level of comic opera in the later 18th century?

-Giving greater depth to the characters. -Intensifying social tensions between classes. -Introducing moral issues.


-Gluck wanted to reform opera by getting rid of the abuses that had deformed it. For example: da capo aria and the desire of singers to show off their skills in ornamental variation. -Gluck wanted to confine music to its proper function- to serve the poetry and advance the plot

San Marco's layout and the kind of styles composers wrote in because of it

-Had "Divided choirs" -Polychoral: up to 5 separate choruses laid out in specific spatial ways. -Lots of instruments. - "Impressive walls of sound" -The interior layout of San Marco influenced Shutz's composition of Saul

French Opera

-Incorporates Dance because King Louis XIV liked it. -Massive orchestra. -Lavish sets and costumes. -Clear distinction between recitative and aria. -Not in Italian. -Recitative style is changed to fit the word accents of the French language.

Baroque period (1600-1750) Characteristics

-Instruments are equally important. -Artifice and virtuosity. -Homophony and treble-bass polarity. -Clear, dance-like rhythms. -Functional harmony, chromaticism, tonality. -Contrasts

Fourth movement of Symphony No. 9

-It is called the "Ode to Joy". -It emphasizes universal fellowship through joy. -Most striking innovation = Its use of solo voices and chorus in the finale

Ritornello form

-Kind of like sonata form, but modified for a concerto. - "Ritornello" is a passage played by the ensemble that recurs several times

Stylized dance suite

-Most dance music for lute or keyboard was stylized, NOT FOR DANCING, but for the entertainment of the player or a small audience. -French composers often grouped a series of stylized dances into a suite

What did Mozart do to raise the level of comic opera in the later 18th century?

-Musical characterization. -Ensemble finales. -Orchestration.

Rondo form

-Musical form in which the first or main section recurs, usually in the tonic, between subsidiary sections or episodes. -Can be diagrammed ABACA

Who would have danced to Jacquet de la Guerre's dance suites?

-NO ONE danced to her dance suites. -The suites were not actually for dancing. They were for listening!

Why was oratorio so popular in England?

-Oratorio involves a lot of choral singing. -English love their choral tradition, which was getting underway in the 18th century. -Less expensive to produce than operas-easier to turn a profit. -Two opera companies-including Handel's-went bankrupt in the 1730s because they spent so much on singers and staging. -Appealed to growing middle-class public that didn't want to hear opera in Italian.

Some things about how Monteverdi's first opera is different than his last opera? How is Orfeo different from Poppea?

-Poppea lacks the varied instrumentation and stage effects of Orfeo because it was written for a commercial theater instead of a wealthy court presentation. -Poppea surpasses Orfeo in its depiction of human character and passions

Compare recitative and aria

-Recitative = Much more speechlike. -Aria = Melodies and mainly stophic

Classical period (1730-1815) Characteristics

-Simplicity. -Balance. -Perfection of something we call "form". -Seriousness of purpose. -Restrained use of ornamentation (for our purposes, this is the main thing that makes it really different from the Baroque!)

What is the Joke?

-The Joke is the rests in the "coda", or tail of the piece, and the way it REFUSES TO END. -The very last phrase is the same as the first. -Humor pervades the whole movement, as Haydn mischievously plays with the listener's expectations throughout.

San Marco Layout

-The spacious interior of the building with its multiple choir lofts was the inspiration for the development of a Venetian polychoral style. -Venetian polychoral style was a type of music of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras which involved spatially separate choirs singing in alternation.

String Quartet

-Two violins, one viola, one cello. -Primarily for amateurs to play for their own pleasure. -First violin plays the leading role, but others engage in the dialogue and carry the melody. -A musical form in which the main "theme", stated at the outset, recurs in between "episodes" -Rondo form

What is the style of a trio sonata?

-Walking bass (steadily moving notes). -Free imitation between violins. -Dialogue between violins, leapfrogging style.

What does Baroque mean and what does it refer to?

-When the word 'baroque' is used in the negative sense, it means abnormal, bizarre, exaggerated, or grotesque. -The Baroque music period was 1600-1750. -Baroque period includes Handel and Bach. -Baroque period saw innovation of the concerto and sonata.

Compare Barbara Strozzi and Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre's careers

1. Barbara Strozzi was financially supported by her father when she started to learn how to play and compose music. Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre was patronaged by King Louis XIV throughout her career and dedicated most of her work to him. 2. Jacquet de la Guerre was a child prodigy; she sang and played harpsichord at King Louis XIV's court since the age of five. Barbara Strozzi was able to learn how to sing and play instruments at home because she came from a musical family. 3. Barbara Strozzi managed to compose more than 100 madrigals, arias, cantatas, and motets during the Baroque period in which women were denied access to the world of opera and church music. Jacquet de la Guerre became famous for the French dance suites she composed.

What was opera about?

1. Drama. 2. Spectacle. 3. Vocal display.

Compare Mozart and Haydn's careers

1. Mozart was a child prodigy and his father both taught him to play instruments at a young age and tour Europe with his sister. Haydn was a choirboy in Vienna as a child until his voice dropped. 2. Haydn became a composer-in-residence for a Hungarian Prince after being a successful freelancer. Mozart on the other hand struggled with money while trying to make it as a freelance musician and often had to ask his friends to loan him money, instead of getting a steady job. 3. Mozart died in poverty while Haydn died a rich man.

Heinrich Schutz

1682-1672. -First German composer of international stature. -Church music. -Composed Saul

J.C Bach

1735-1782. "The London Bach". -Composer, performer, teacher, impresario. -Most successful for his KEYBOARD CONCERTOS.


1792: Beethoven traveled to Vienna from Bonn, his birthplace. -Beethoven on his works: "Oh, I have not written them for you, BUT FOR A LATER AGE". -First composer to note that he wrote for people in the future. -Symbol of the Romantic period.

Opera Seria

18th century genre of Italian opera, on a serious subject but normally with a happy ending, usually without comic characters and scenes. -Usually based on Greek or Latin tales. -Subject matter = Conflict of human passions. -LOVE AGAINST DUTY. -Duty always wins!

What is the typical trio ensemble

2 violins and cello, which would be doubled by a keyboard

How many movements did symphonies have in the mid-18th century?


Basso Continuo

A continuous, walking bass line played by a group of low-pitched instruments


A piece for voice and continuo on an intimate poetic text that includes recitatives, arias, and arioso passages. Includes several sections.


A piece with several movements to be played by an orchestra


A short Italian comic opera that takes place BETWEEN the acts of a serious opera/play. -Usually meant to parody the main drama of everything. -Plots are generally situation comedies (sitcom style) with 2-3 ordinary people as characters.


An all-sung drama that has a massive focus on the singers

Trio Sonata

Common instrumental genre during the Baroque period, a sonata for two treble instruments (usually violins) above a basso continuo. -A performance features 4 or more players if more than one was used for the continuo part.

What was at the core of the Baroque aesthetic?

Expressing emotion was at the core of the Baroque aesthetic

Layout of a symphony


Sonata form

Form typically used in the first movement of sonatas, instrumental chamber works, and symphonies during the Classic and Baroque periods


Like an opera, but on a sacred subject. Usually not staged-the performers presented it like a concert, no costumes, no scenery. -Invented because opera was forbidden during Lent, and oratorio found all the loopholes -Communal, rather than individual expression-chorus is very important


Lully was a pioneer of French Opera

Galant style

Musically, it refers to a simple melody with light accompaniment. This became stylish in the 1730s.

Chorale prelude

Relatively short setting for an organ of a chorale melody, used as an introduction for congregational singing or as a interlude in a Lutheran church service

What is a trio sonata marked by?

Sense of direction- use of devices to propel the piece forward

What is the form of a trio sonata


What is the first movement of a symphony

Sonata form


The musical texture of solo singing accompanied by one or more instruments (usually playing basso continuo)


The recurring thematic material played at the beginning of a fast movement of a concerto by the full orchestra and repeated, usually in varied form, throughout the movement and at the end

Was there a big English opera tradition in the 17th century?

There was NOT a big English opera tradition in the 17th century

What is the contrast in a trio sonata

Treble-bass polarity

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