Neurobiology of learning and memory final
What are the 3 basic components of a synapse?
(1) presynaptic terminal, (2) synaptic cleft, (3) post-synaptic neuron
William James proposed that memories are established in three stages. Which of the following is the correct order?
After image—Primary memory—Secondary memory
According Thorndike's law of effect:
Animals learn an S-R habit
Which of the following is/are true? (Choose all correct answers.)
Recognition memory does not require the episodic memory system AND Familiarity based recognition depends only on rhinal cortices.
To prevent drug relapse in rats, Everitt tried to erase the CS-drug association by injecting _______________into the amygdala following CS alone presentations.
Zif268 antisense
What are the three fundamental assumptions of the indexing theory?
a) patterns of neocortical activity project to the hippocampus. (b) consequently synapses in the hippocampus activated by these inputs are strengthened. This is the index. (c) when a subset of this input pattern occurs the index is activated and it projects back to the neocortex to activate the entire pattern.
Following inhibitory avoidance training, norepinephrine injected into the basolateral amygdala should
enhance retention performance, depending on dose and time
Information flows into and out of the hippocampal formation, from and to the __________________ (2 words).
entorhinal cortex
Actions are: (choose all correct answers)
purposeful AND based on expectancy
According to the tag and capture hypothesis, a weak stimulus (WS) can ____ synapses but it cannot generate new ____
tag plasticity products
A dog that salivates after a bell is rung is an example of a conditioned response.
Optogenetics provides strong support for the idea that the contextual fear memory trace depends on the hippocampus for the life of the memory.
Sensory information is most abstract and fully integrated at the hippocampus level.
fMRI studies appear to support multiple trace theory and provide almost no evidence for the standard model.
What are the 5 properties of the episodic memory system?
1. Conscious recollection 2. Captures context 3 Automatic 4. Single episodes 5. Prevents interference.
What is CREB?
A transcription factor that targets genes needed for ltm.
How do we know that the delayed non matching to sample task does not require the hippocampus? What does solving the DNMS task require?
Because it can be solved using a familiarity signal that only requires perirhinal cortex.
Why should damage to the perirhinal and parahippocampal regions disrupt memory more than damage to the hippocampus?
Because with out these cortices the hippocampus would not receive the information to support the creation of an index
Which of the following is true?
Both episodic and semantic memory systems allow for intentional retrieval
Neurons containing more ______________ (one word) will likely win the competition for participating in the memory-supporting ensemble.
According to the modular view: (choose all correct answers)
Components of the MTH system are relatively dedicated to specific functions, Damage to the perirhinal cortex will disrupt both semantic and episodic memory and Damage to the hippocampal formation will disrupt episodic but not semantic memory
What role does calcium play in neuronal transmission?
Docks synaptic vesicles.
In order to ensure that ChR2 was only expressed in neurons activated by the fear conditioning:
Doxycylcline was removed from the diet only during the conditioning phases
When the devaluation procedure is used following a limited amount of training, which of the following describes the most likely test result?
Expression of the instrumental response will be decreased
Which of the following is/are true about H.M.? (Choose all correct answers)
H.M.s performance on test of motor learning was normal AND H.M's cognitive process was intact.
According to the Conceptual Model for Actions and Habits: (choose all correct answers)
Habits and Actions can coexist AND Actions must be assembled before a behavior can become a habit
Why do researchers believe that Milner's test results on H.M provide the foundation for the multiple memory systems perspective?
Her work revealed that some types of memory were impaired but other types were spared. Her work revealed that specific regions of the brain were required for episodic memory but not for other forms.
Which of the following is NOT a property of the episodic memory system?
It supports motor skills and learning
What is the role of pattern separation? How does it work?
Its role is to minimize the interference associated with similar memories. It provides separate indexes for similar memories.
The de novo protein synthesis hypothesis states that
Long-term memory depends on behavior initiating the synthesis of new protein
Which of the following statements about inhibitory avoidance conditioning is true?
Longer latencies reflect a stronger memory trace, as shock intensity increases, so does response latency and crossover latency is the dependent variable
According to the active trace theory, which of the following statements is true?
Memories in the inactive state are less vulnerable to disruption
Which of following are true?
Most of the forgetting shown by Ebbinghaus occurred during the first hour following learning following learning.
According the multiple trace theory of systems consolidation: (Choose all correct answers.)
Old episodic memories will not survive complete damage to the hippocampal system, Regardless of its age an episodic memory will always depend on the hippocampal system and Both young and old memories will be lost if damage to the hippocampus is complete
Describe how optogenetics has been used to validate the indexing theory of the hippocampus.
Optogenetics: neurons in the DG were infected with channel rhodospin. just prior to training the diet was change so that the cfos promoter could be activated by the behavioral experience. when these neurons were activated during testing mice displayed fear, even though they were in a context not associated with fear.
If you wanted to produce synaptic potentials in CA1 of the hippocampus where would you place your stimulating electrode?
Schaffer collaterals
The findings of Varga-Khadem with children who suffered damaged to the hippocampus at an early age: (choose all correct answers)
Suggest that the children still had semantic memory but lack episodic memory AND Support the modular view of medial temporal hippocampus
What are the respective roles of the hippocampal system and neocortex in the Complementary Memory System framework?
The hippocampus is dedicated to rapidly capturing individual experiences whereas the cortex is specialized in integrating across multiple repeats of the similar events.
Which of the following is/are true about the hippocampus? (choose all correct answers)
The hippocampus receives converging inputs from wide spread regions of the brain AND The hippocampus contains an index of memories AND The hippocampus sends information back to regions that project to it
What is the difference between the modular and and unitary views of the medial temporal hippocampal system support semantic and episodic?
The unitary view assumes that the entire MTHS is required for both semantic and episodic memory. The modular view assumes that semantic memory depends only on the Parahippocampal perirhinal cortices but episodic memory requires the entire MTHS
Describe two ways in which epinephrine released by the adrenal medulla can influence memory storage even though it cannot cross the blood brain barrier.
The vagus connection and the liver-glucose connection
Which of the following statements about memory modulators is/are FALSE? (choose all correct answers)
They affect all memories, regardless of how old the memory is AND They are important for memory retrieval
Which of the following statements about the UPS system is false?
Ubiquitin degrades protein
Which of the following is/are true about the protein synthesis inhibitor emetine? (choose all correct answers)
When applied selectively to the soma of stimulated neurons, it did not influence L-LTP AND When applied selectively to the apical dendrites, it blocked L-LTP in those dendrites.
Why should antagonizing NMDA receptors during reactivation prevent the need for reconsolidation?
Without calcium ubiquitin would not be activated and proteasomes would not be trafficked to the spine and phosphorylation to the active state. Consequently no proteins would be degraded and there would be no need for new protein
According to the standard model of systems consolidation (not multiple trace theory) why are old memories more resistant to disruption that young memories?
Young memories depend on the hippocampus because initially it is required to retrieve and consolidate the memory in the neocortex. With time the memory trace becomes consolidated in the cortex and no longer depends on the hippocampus for retrieval. The hippocampus is more sensitive to disrupting events than the cortex.Since the new memories still require the hippocampus, they would be more vulnerable to disruption but old memories would be spared because they do not depend on the hippocampus for retrieval.
Epinephrine also know as ____ is secreted by the adrenal medulla into the ____
adrenaline blood stream
Initial experiments by Mishkin revealed that damage to either the ____ or the ____ had very little effect on DNMS performance.
amygdala hippocampus
Which of the following terms apply to glutamate? (choose all correct answers)
first messenger, neurotransmitter, and ligand
Which of the following structures is not part of the striatum?
globus pallidus
The liver cells contain adrenergic receptors that initiate signaling that results in the liver secreting ____________________ into the blood when an arousing event is experienced.
Behaviors supported by S-R connections are called _____
If the prelimbic prefrontal cortex is lesioned beforethe animal learns the instrumental response, a devaluation procedure will:
have no effect on instrumental responding regardless of the amount of training.
In memory retrieval, a subset of the initial input pattern will first activate the
hippocampal index
The idea that a subset of the original input pattern can activate the entire original input pattern is called ___
hippocampal index
Encountering components of a prior episode can activate the ____ which in turn projects back to the ____ and activates the content of the episode or memory.
hippocampal index neocortex
The process of acquiring information is called
When investigating a drug or some other manipulation that is hypothesized to strengthen a memory trace, researchers should use a ____ intensity shock to avoid the _____ effect
lower ceiling
Which of the following statements about mTORC1 and mTORC2 is FALSE?
mTORC2 regulates protein synthesis
The standard model of systems consolidation predicts that fMRI will show that the hippocampus will be
more active during the retrieval of new memories than during the retrieval of old memories
The idea that the brain sorts memories by their content is called the ___________________ (3 words) view.
multiple memory system
According to the standard model of systems consolidation, damage to the hippocampal system will impair the retreival of:
new but not old episodic memories
Habits are
not purposeful
Dopamine neurons are located in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and their fibers project to the ____________________ of the striatum.
nucleus accumbens
The fact that S-LTP is not blocked by protein synthesis inhibitors indicates that it depends
only on post translation modification processes.
The experiment by Natalie Tronson examining trace updating revealed that: (choose all correct answers)
reactivated memories can be strengthened AND active memories are subject to bidirectional modification--can be strengthened and weakened
In the radial arm maze methodology, if a rat revisits an arm that was never baited, it is making a ________________ error.
reference memory
According to active trace theory, memories can exist in either a ____ memory active state or a ___ memory inactive state.
short term long term
If episodic and semantic memory belong the same Declarative Memory system then damage to (choose all correct answers)
the complete medial temporal hippocampus should impair both episodic and semantic memory AND only the hippocampal component should impair both episodic and semantic memory.
Which of the following brain regions is/are associated with the habit system? (choose all correct answers)
the dorsolateral striatum AND the infralimbic prefrontal cortex
The entorhinal cortex does NOT project to:
the neocortex
When using a lentivirus with a dominant negative gene to study PKMζ: (choose all correct answers)
the resulting protein is non-functional AND the new PKMz mRNA competes with existing PKMz mRNA for translation
The _____________ (1 word) nerve carries information about the body and synapses on a brain stem region called the solitary tract nucleus.
Mishkin originally used the DNMS task because he believed it
was a measure of episodic memory
William James proposed that memories are established in 3 stages. List the 3 stages in order.
After image—Primary memory—Secondary memory
Hermann Ebbinghaus invented nonsense syllables:
To study "pure memory"
Describe the anatomical organization of the hippocampus.
Trisynaptic: Entorhinal cortex via perforant path to dentate gyrus via mossy fibers to CA3 via Schaffer collaterals to CA1.
In order to study the effects of PKMz on taste aversion memories, Dudai's group injected ZIP into the _____________ cortex.
The point at which neurons communicate is called
the synapse
The existence of a memory trace is inferred when __________________ influences behavior.
the training experience
Ionotropic receptors protrude outside and inside the cell.
Second messengers can be quickly synthesized.
The loss of anchoring scaffolding proteins, such as PSD-95, play a role in the disruption of reactivated memories.
There is some evidence that indicates that learning can occur despite blocking NMDA channels.
Describe the 4 basic steps of the experimental procedure used to study LTP. (I.e., you have cells in a dish that are connected by a synapse. How do you induce LTP in that synapse and how do you test that induced LTP in that synapse?)
A.Determine the intensity of the baseline and inducing stimuli.B. Stimulate with baseline stimulus and record field potential, C. Stimulate with strong stimulus record field potential, D. Retest with weak stimulus determine if the field potential is stronger
An increase in the population of ________ receptors would increase the fEPSP.
PKMζ can traffic ____ into the PSD.
AMPA receptors
Which of the following statements about the epinephrine-vagus connection is/are true? (choose all correct answers)
Activated neurons in the locus coeruleus release norepinephrine AND Activated NTS neurons release glutamate onto neurons in the locus coeruleus AND The vagal nerve releases glutamate on neurons in the NTS
In order for neurotransmitters to be released, which of the following events must occur? (choose all correct answers)
An action potential must occur in the presynaptic neuron and synaptic vesicle must dock to the release zone
Which of the following is/are true? (choose all correct answers)
An intracellular electrode measures synaptic depolarization because it detects the flow of positive ions into the cell AND A change in the resting potential from -70 mV to - 90 mV would be called hyperpolarization.
Which of the following statements about Arc is false?
Arc transcription relies on the translation of other proteins.
Why are intracellular and extracellular recordings mirror images of each other?
Because they are different measures of the same basic event. The extracellular electrode measures positive ions leaving the extracellular the intracellular event measures those same ions entering the cell (depolarization).
Which of the following statements about LTP is/are false? (choose all correct answers)
CNQX can inhibit induction, but not expression of LTP AND To express LTP, NMDA and AMPA channels are crucial
Neurons containing _____ more will likely win the competition for participating in the memory-supporting ensemble
In old rats reduced _________ phosphorylation is likely due to decreased ___________ release in response to training.
CREB; glucose
The autophosphorylation of ___________ may be critical for the rapid formation of a memory but other processes can compensate for this contribution when multiple training trials occur.
Which of the following statements about opsins is/are true? (choose all correct answers)
Channelrhodopsin can excite neurons by depolarizing them AND Halorhodopsin can inhibit neurons by hyperpolarizing them
Clenbuterol (b-adrenergic agonist) injected into the basolateral amygdala should:
Enhance the level of Arc protein in the hippocampus and enhance memory retention
Which is the correct order of signal transmission in signaling cascades?
First messenger-second messenger-kinases and phosphatases
AMPA receptors can be composed of several subunits. The subtype that is initially trafficked into the spine head during the generation of LTP is
Functional NMDA receptors must contain _______________ subunits
Which of the following is not a second messenger?
Which of the following represents the correct order of the events listed?
Glutamate binds to mGluR1; G-proteins are activated; IP3 is activated; IP3Rs open and release calcium
What is the difference between Golgi's view and Ramon Y Cajal's view of the brain?
Golgi believed that neuron were continuous and organized into a reticulum. Ramon Y Cajal believed that neurons were independent cells and contiguous.
Genetically deleting the Ser 831 and Ser 845 phosphorylation sites on the GluR1 receptor subunits should:
Impair L-LTP and the effect of norepinephrine on AMPA receptor trafficking
Which of the following statements are true?
Inhibiting the UPS system enhances early LTP
Which of the following statements about PKMζ is true?
It can stay in a perpetually active state, It can be synthesized in one synapse and captured in another and It can be inhibited by ZIP
What is synaptic depolarization and what causes it?
It is a brief change in the resting membrane potential of the postsynaptic neuron that is caused by the flow of positive ions (sodium) into the cell through receptors located on the postsynaptic neuron.
Which of the following statements about C/EBPb is/are true? (choose all correct answers)
It is a transcription factor that targets other memory genes AND Its translation is necessary for enduring memory AND Using antisense oligonucleotides to block its translation 1 hour prior to training has no effect on LTM
What is the importance of the conditioned response?
It provides a behavioral measure of an association
Nifidipine is a voltage gated calcium channel blocker. So you would expect:
It would prevent soma-to nucleus signaling AND It would prevent LTP3
Which of the following statements is/are true? (choose all possible answers)
Kinases modify other proteins via phosphorylation AND Phosphatases remove phosphates from proteins
Which of these statements belong to the neuron doctrine? (choose all correct answers)
Neurons are discrete cells, which are not continuous with other cells AND the junction between the axon and dendrite is the synapse.
Camillo Golgi developed a method that allowed (choose all correct answers):
Neurons to be visualized
In rats, activating ____ in the BLA following presentations of only the CS caused the fear response to ____
PKA increase
Which of the following statements about PKMζis/are false? (Choose all correct answers.)
PKMζ and PKC are activated by second messengers AND ZIP is to PKMζ, as the catalytic unit is to PKC
Which of the following statements is true?
Pavlovian conditioning provides evidence that the brain learns to associate the occurrence of the CS and the US AND Thorndikian conditioning provides evidence that animals learn to adapt their response based on the results of their actions.
Which of the following affects LTP stabilization, but not induction?
Preventing N-cadherin dimerization, Inactivation of the kinase LIMK and Phosphorylating cofilin
Who first proposed that synapses are modifiable?
Ramon Y Cajal
Which of the following about ECS is true? (choose all correct answers)
Rats that received ECS and reactivation were impaired AND Rats that received ECS only were not impaired
Ebbinghaus observed that (choose all correct answers):
Recall declined within an hour and spaced repetition was more effective than massed repetition
According to reconsolidation theory:
Retrieval weakens synaptic connection, Retrieval can disrupt consolidated memories and Retrieval initiates another round of protein synthesis
Systemic injections of anisomycin following training impair LTM, but have no effect on STM. Which of the following conclusions are NOT justified by this finding?
STM depends on new proteins synthesized in response to the behavioral experience
Where does local protein synthesis occur?
The dendrites
An extracellular electrode directly measures
The flow of positively charged ions out of the extracellular space
Which of these principles are parts of the neuron doctrine? (choose all correct answers)
The junction between the axon and dendrite is the synapse AND Neurons are discrete cells, which are not continuous with other cells.
When either an NMDA or vdCC antagonist is administered prior to memory reactivation:
The memory trace is reactivated but is not destabilized
Which of the following is not an actin pool found in the dendritic spine?
The temporary pool
What was Ribot's view of how memories are lost?
They are lost in an orderly sequence: 1. Recent 2. Autobiographical/Personal 3. Habits 4. Emotional memory
Which of the following statements about memory modulators is/are true? (choose all correct answers)
They influence synapses that store memories AND They influence the strength of the memory
Why did Ebbinghaus use nonsense syllables?
To separate what the subject has already learned from what they are asked to remember.
The experiment in which rats had to find and remember the location of different flavors of food indicated that mostly likely NMDA receptors are important for memory ____ and AMPA receptors are important for both memory _____ and _____
acquisition acquisition, retrieval
When glutamate and __________________ both bind to the AMPA receptor the channel stays open longer.
The process by which CaMKII can remain in an active state is called
Which part of the neuron sends information?
The flow of energy in cells is called
When using the inhibitory avoidance conditioning task to investigate a drug that is hypothesized to strengthen a memory trace, researchers should use lower intensity shock to avoid the _______________ effect.
In its normal unphosphorylated state, ____ depolymerizes actin filaments.
The _________________ period ends when the memory trace is no longer vulnerable to the disruption of transcription and translation processes
Unlike adrenaline, (also released from the adrenal gland) can directly enter the brain.
corticosterone/ glucocorticoids
Application of a low frequency stimulus within a day after the TBS-inducing stimulus is sufficient to interrupt the development of a long lasting LTP.
Glutamate receptors involved in LTP are found along the axon.
Korsakoff's syndrome can be described as retrograde amnesia.
Phosphatases add phosphates to other proteins.
Potentiated synapses endure because there is no pressure to return to their basal unpotentiated state.
Ribot believed that once the brain is injured, memories are lost in no particular order.
The mTOR-TOP pathway is critical for the induction of LTP.
ZIP will erase taste-aversion memories only if injected at a specific time after acquisition.
Which of the following statements about mTORC1 and mTORC2 is false?
mTORC2 regulates protein synthesis
PKMζ antisense oligonucleotide blocks LTP _____ in _____
maintenance WT mice
PKMζ likely plays an important role in the memory trace _________________________.
maintenance phase
Environmental cues associated with drugs are one of the most important contributors to _____________.
Forgetting the location of a book or a coffee cup, only to remember it later, is an example of:
retrieval failure