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A person's level of emotional and physical stress can increase the ability of psychoactive drugs to cross the blood brain barrier.


According to researchers, a person who smokes cigarettes is 22 times more likely to use cocaine than a nonsmoker.

any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

According to the authors' of Uppers, Downers, All Arounders, a psychoactive drug is defined as...


Acute withdrawal from heroin is not as life-threatening as acute withdrawal from alcohol or sedative-hypnotics.


Addiction to and withdrawal from benzodiazepines is not generally severe.


Among those who ever try a cigarette, what percent of will become daily habitual smokers?


Benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics generally have a higher margin of overdose safety than other drugs in this depressant category.


Chewing khat produces an immediate and intense high.

occur in cycles every few generations

Cocaine epidemics

1, 2, 3, and 4

Complusive Behaviors including eating disorders results in the development of which of the following?


Compulsive behaviors (e.g. binge-eating, anorexia, bulimia, compulsive gambling, sexual compulsion, internet addiction) affect many of the same areas of the brain that are influenced by psychoactive drugs.

1 and 3

Drinking alcohol before using cocaine will do which of the following?


Drug tolerance to benzodiazepines develops in part due to the increased efficiency of the liver in the processing (metabolizing) a drug that is used regularly.


Drug use in the gay community is unrelated to prejudice, fear of coming out and being oneself. Therefore prevention and treatment do not need to address these issues.


Drugs work by influencing existing neurotransmitters, neurological pathways and receptor sites the central nervous system, including the reward pathway.


For centries governments have used the sale of addictive substances (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, opium) and government sponsored lotteries to fund wars and acquire colonial empires.


Formication, the imaginary sensation that hundreds of tiny bugs (e.g. "coke bugs, meth bugs, or snow bugs"), are crawling under one's skin is caused by the visual hallucinogenic effects of stimulants.


Heavy prolonged use of stimulants can induce a schizophrenic like psychosis.


Heroin was first developed to be a non-addictive alternative to morphine.


Historically, most drug laws were made for political rather than medical considerations.

for 14 days or more after detoxification

How long can withdrawal symptoms following and abstinence from long-acting opioids such as methadone persist?


Human beings have naturally occuring (endogenous) opioids, which cause many of the same effects as those caused by taking opioid drugs (exogenous opioids).


Human brain chemistry can be affected by psychoactive drugs, behavioral addictions, and mental illness to induce an altered state of consciousness.

Drugs 1, 2, and 3 only

In addition to alcohol and opioids, other depressant drugs include which of the following?

1, 2, 3, and 4

Naltrexone is prescribed for which of the following uses?


Nedding a dose of a drug to just feel "normal" is a sign of tolerance.


Opiate addiction was first documented about 100 years ago.


Opioids, particularly heroin, affect only a select few of the body's organs, mainly the heart, liver, and kidneys.


Out of all the stimulants, the strongest physical and mental dependency develops from in tobacco.


Psychoactive drugs promote homeostatic conditions in the centeral nervous system (CNS).

All of the above

Regardless of their degree of strength all stimulants affect the body in which of the following ways...


Sedatives are medications used to induce sleep.


Teh "stop" switch in the brain, which tells your mind and body that it has had enough and functions to turn off the brain's ego switch, is locted in the brain stem.


The American Revolution was supported by exportation and taxation of tobacco, hemp, rum, and whiskey.

To provide England with strong fibers from which they could make rope and sails for their ships.

The British encouraged the planting of hemp in the new American colonies for which of the following reasons?


The compulsive gamblers reward/control pathway in the brain becomes hijacked similar to the ways the brain becomes rewired from alcohol and other drug addiction.


The emotional center of the brain that is activated when a person with an addiction sess a person, place, or thing that reminds them of their addiction (e.g. needle, slot machine, white powder) is called the ...


The further cocaine gets from is' original production source the more pure it becomes.


To titrate a drug means to continuously regulate the amount of drug you are receiving.


Tolerance is not a sign of physcial or psychological dependence.


Tolerance to one type of depressant, such as alcohol, can lead to the development of cross-tolerance for another depressant, such as benzodiazepines.

treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4

Treatment for addiction to opiates, including synthetics and semi-synthetics, is most successful when which of the following are included?


Using a needle continuously to inject drugs in the same blood vessels traumatizes them, causing them to become unusable for injection.

Polydrug use

Using drugs to replace, supplement, or counterbalance the effects of a person's drug of choice is known as...

factors 1, 2, 3, and 4

Whcih of the following factors have led to increases in drug experimentation, abusem and addiction amond U.S. military personnel who served in Iraq and Afghanistan?

20 to 30

When drugs are taken orally the effects are delayed for approximately______________

smoking crack cocaine

Which form and method of using cocaine produces the most intense immediate high?

1, 3, and 4

Which of the following are examples of enviornmental factors that can make a person more liable to abuse psychoactive drugs?

1,2, and 4. only

Which of the following are examples of titrating the effects of a drug?

1,2, and 3. only

Which of the following are functions of the old brain?

1, 2, 3, and 4.

Which of the following are methods used to absorb drugs through the mucosal membrane?

increases their blood pressure and heart rate

Which of the following best describes how the first cigarette of the day affects a smoker?

Within just 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature of hands/feet drop to normal.

Which of the following best describes one of the health benefits of quitting smoking?

alcohol, opiates, sedative-hypnotics

Which of the following correctly lists the three major classes of depressants?

1, 2, 3, and 4.

Which of the following describes changes in the brain of a person who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs?

negative drug reinforcement

continued smoking to avoid the negative effects of nicotine withdrawal is known as


An individual who is under the influence of heroin will have dilated pupils.


As of 2010, Afghanistan was growing 90% of the world's illicit opium supply.

1,2,3, and 4.

Psychoactive drugs have which of the following effects on the nervous system?


The Centeral Nervous System (CNS) is comprised of the spinal cord and the brain.

3-7 hours

The half-life of caffeine is

4 to 6 hours

The high from a typical oral or snorted (insufflated) dose of amphetamine will generally last for...

40 to 60 minutes

The high from snorting (insufflations) a typical dose of powder cocaine (0.2-0.5 grams) will generally last for...


The high occurrence of ADHD among adolescents in treament for substance abuse disorders, is in part attributed to their use of drugs to self-medicate ADHD sysmptoms.


The number of people in the United States who overdose on heroin is greater than the number who overdose on any other type of opioid, including hydocodone, oxycodone, and methadone.


The potency of drugs today is due to technological advances in refining, synthesizing, and manufacturing methods.


The primary illegitimate source for obtaining prescription drugs, such as OxyContin, Vicodin, and Xanax, is over the Internet.

the combination of two or more depressant drugs, which magnifies their effect on the CNS

The synergistic effect of drugs refers to

Inhaling (smoke), injecting (intravenous), mucous membrane absorption (nasal passage), oral ingestion.

There are several routes of administering (ROA) drugs. Some routes of administration reach the brain faster than others. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the routes of administration from fastest to slowest for getting drugs to the brain?


Tolerance to stimulant drugs is caused by the brain's creation of more dopamine and more dopamine receptors, which increases the drug's rewarding effects.


Tolerance to the mental effects of drugs develops at the same rate as toerance to the drugs physical effects.


Treatment for addiction to opiates requires a phychological process.

Most heroin abusers began by abusing prescription opioids.

Which of the following statements is true?

About 4,000 plants yeild psychoactive substances and the vast majority are not illegal.

Which of the following statements most accurately represents the use of plant based psychoactive substances?

Addiction is a disease analogous to an allergy.

Which of the following statementsare ture regarding addiction, including compulsive behaviors (e.g. gambling)?


When the human body is continually challenged by the drugs that alter the body's natural balance a "new normal" is created known as


Which of the following drugs is an opioid antagonist that may be used to prevent an opioid overdose?

Humankind has always had a desire to alter individual states of consciousness regardless of the potential for damage.

Which of the following statements is true?

Intravenous drug use is the most dangerous method because it bypasses the body's natural defenses.

Which statement is true regarding intravenous drug use (IVDU)?

because the combination of depressants increases the potential for respiratory depression, overdose, and death.

Why is it dangerous to combine an opioid with a downer like alcohol, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines?


Z-hypnotics like Sonata, Ambien, and Imovane, are short-acting, but they are thought to have a higher risk of addiction than most benzodiazepines.

There is almost no limit to the level of opioid tolerance a human can develop

Which of the following statements about opioids is true?

1, 2, and 4 only

Which of the following statements are true about plant byproducts that produce psychedelic effects.


Contact absorption, drug-saturated patches applied to the skin allow erratic amounts of drugs to be passively absorbed into the body over and indefinite period of time.


Death from depressants (e.g. opioids) overdose usually involves severe respiratory depression.


Dendritic spines (:memory bumps") grow on the dendrites of nerve cells when the nerve is stimulated by sensory output.


Depressants affect the central nervous system by elevating the user's blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, and respiration.


Limiting the places where tobacco smoking is permitted has not reduced the use of tobacco in the United States or other countries where such policies have been implemented.

opium, morphinem heroin

Listed below are thess different sequential variations of drugs in the opiate family. Which one accuratly represnts the order in which the drugs discovered and used (from left to right representing oldest to newest drug forms).

The cardiovascular system

Long-term use of stimulants (e.g. nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamine) has the most significant impact on which part of the body?


Methamphetamine and cocaine are the most widely used stimulant drugs in the world.


Regardless of which method a person uses to consume a psychoactive drug, the drug reaches the brain through the bloodstream.


Regardless of which method a person uses to consume a psychoactive drug, the drug reaches the brain through the bloodstream.


Research shows that boys (under age 18) with ADHD who are treated with stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) are much less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol when they get older.


Stimulant drugs including cocaine and methamphetamine force the release of dopamine. This surge of dopamine causes paranoia and hyper-reactivity.

All of the above

Stimulants force the release of which of the following neurotransmitters to infuse the body with lots of energy before the body needs it?


The historical and moral conflict between doing what an individual wants to do (primal urges) versus what they sholuld do (common sense, reason) is mirrored in the conflict that arises between the old brain and the new brain when addictive drugs and behaviors are involved.

Mexican gangs and drug cartels

The illicit manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the U.S. is due to the involvement of...

stimulants, depressants, and psychedelics

The major categories of psychoactive drugs include...


The more rapidly a psychoactive drug reaches its centeral nervous system target, the less the reward and the lower the reinforcing effect.


The most crucial neurotransmitter involved in behavioral addictions, drug use, and drug abuse is


The most rapid route of administering a drug to reach the brain is intravenously.


The physical, mental, and emotional effects a person experiences from taking psychoactive drugs is caused by the modification or mimicking of the neurotransmitters function.


When a person has developed tolerance to caffeine and they then subsequently withdrawal from the caffeine it results in physical pain, extreme fatigue and depression.

1 and 2

When a stimulant drug wears off and the body withdraws from the extra energy produced by the drug which of the following occurs?

factors 1, 2, and 4 only

Which of the following factors contribute to the misuse, abuse, or overdose of sedative-hypnotic drugs?

1, 2, 3, and 4

Which of the following groups have been involved in growing, distributing, taxing, and prohibiting drugs?


Which of the following is currently the number one most popular substance worldwide?

It varies from 10% to 70%

Which of the following is true about the purity of heroin at the retail level?

symptoms 1, 2, and 3 only

Withdrawal from opiates produces symptoms that are the opposite of the drug's effects. Considering this fact, which of the following symptoms would be expected from opiate withdrawal?

Diagnostic Statisical Manual (DSM)

The name of the primary document that is used in the United States to assess whether a person has a substance related disorder is called the...

hunger satisfaction/satiety

The neurotransmitter most often involved in the use of strong stimulants is dopamine, which triggers feelings of...

Statements 1, 2, 3, and 4

Which of the following statements concerning cross-toerance of and cross-dependence on drugs are true?

statements 2, 3, and 4 only

Which of the following statements is true regarding the activation of the dopaminergic reward/control system?

The placenta is not an effective barrier therefore if the mother uses, the baby uses.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs by a woman who is pregnant?

1, 3, and 4

Which of the following physcial and chemical changes in the body are signs indicate addiction to alcohol or other drugs?


Overdose deaths involving opioids ,ost commonly include their combined use with other legal or licit substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants.

1, 3, and 4

Prolonged use of strong stimulants (e.g. cocaine, methamphetamine) results in which of the following?

Depressants decrease rate of breathing and heart rate

Which of the following statements best describes the effects that depressants ahve on the body due to its effects on the central nervous system?

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