Nicholas II - Domestic Policies
1906-1914 - wager on the strong
Stolypin, launched 'wager on the strong' to modernize agriculture and increase the production of food. ex-serfs could buy themselves out of the peasants commune and consolidate small strips of land into profit-making farms, helped by loans from the peasant land bank.
1894 - economic policies
Witte developed the Russian economy, the rouble was placed on the gold standard resulting in increased foreign investment. industrial production increased by an average of 7.5%
1896 - work
a law standardised the working day to 11 hours.
1906 - fundamental laws
stated that no law could be passed without the approval of the sovereign emperor (Tsar)
1905 - October manifesto
after bloody sunday, the October manifesto was introduced to establish a new constitution for Russia, introduction of the Duma.
1903 - workers insurance
introduced to protect workers against loss of employment due to injury