possessive noun
A possessive noun shows possession, ownership, or the relationship between two nouns
Example of proper noun
General Schwartzkopf, America, July, Big Bang.
Example of possessive noun
Raul's house, the cat's fur, the girls' soccer ball
Example of collective noun (plural)
The (board of trustees) come from all walks of life.
Example of collective noun (singular)
The (class) meets two days a week.
a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea
singular noun
a word that names one person, place, thing, or idea
Example of singular noun
brother, classroom, piglet, and joy
Example of plural noun
brothers, classrooms, piglets, and joys
Example of abstract noun
courage, sanity, power, and memory
common noun
names a general class of people, places, things, or ideas
collective noun
names a group
abstract noun
names an idea, a quality, or a characteristic
concrete noun
names an object that occupies space or that can be recognized by any of the senses
plural noun
names more than one person, place, thing, or idea
collective noun (plural)
refers to individual group members
collective noun (singular)
refers to the group as a whole
Example of common noun
soldier, country, month, theory
proper noun
specifies a particular person, place, thing, event, or idea. Proper nouns are always capitalized
Example of concrete noun
tuba, music, potato, and aroma