NUR 256: Module G

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weaknesses in traditional problem-solving process

-amount of time needed for proper implementation (takes a long time). less effective when time constraints are a consideration -lack of an initial objective-setting step (no goal setting) setting a decision goal helps to prevent the decision maker from becoming side tracked.

what we know about EBP

-an expectation of professional nursing practice -nursing code of ethics -client outcomes improve with EBP -nursing outcome improve with EBP -standard of professional nursing practice -professional obligation as experts in the field of nursing

leadership/ management functions in time managemt

-close relationships between time management and stress. managing time appropriately reduces stress and increases productivity. the leadership skills needed to manage time resources draw heavily on interpersonal communication skills. they are a resourced and role model to subordinate in how to manage time. as has been stressed in other phases of the management process, the leadership skill of self awareness is also necessary in time management. leaders must understand their own value system, which influences how they use time and how the expect subordinates to use time the management functions inherent in using time resources wisely are more r/t productivity. the manager must be able to prioritize activities of unit functioning to meet short and long term unit needs. to do this, the leader-manager must initiate an analysis of time management on the unit leve, involve team members and gain their cooperation in minimizing time use, and guide work to its conclusion and successful implem

administrative man

-decision made are "good enough" -complete knowledge is not possible, so knowledge is always fragmented -because consequences of alternative occur in the future, they are impossible to predict accurately -some alternative are considered but not all possible ones -final choice is "satisficing" rather than maximizing

economic man

-decisions are made in a rational manner -decision maker has a complete knowledge of the problem or decision situation -all possible alternatives are considered -a rational system or ordering preference of alternatives is used -decisions are selected that maximize utility

time constraint issues in healthcare

-errors-medications -omissions -document ASAP -stress -ineffective -cutting corners -decreased patient satisfaction -decreased nursing satisfaction -omission of other important tasks

time inventory benefits

-helps to create an accurate perception of time spent on particular tasks -helps you compare what you planned to do with what you actually accomplished -objectively identify patterns of behavior

making lists

-list is a plan not a product, and that the creation of the list is not the final goal. -can help coordinate daily operations and should not be longer than what can be realistically accomplished in day 1; otherwise it demotivates instead of assists. -should allow adequate time for each task and have blocks of time built in for the unexpected. -do not confused urgency and importance. -individual should periodically review lists from previous days to see what was not accomplished or completed. if a tasks appears on a list for several days, the manager must reexamine it and assesses why it was not completed. sometimes just needs to be removed. this occurs when a task has low priority or when it is better done by someone else. -sometimes remain unaccomplished bc they are not divided into steps or tasks that can be completed. breaking down a big job into smaller parts can make it seems more manageable.

critical thinker characteristics

-open to new ideas -caring, creative, knowledgable -observant, insightful, flexible -effective communicator -willing to take action -outcome directed **looks a lot like leader

strategies to help with time management: PP notes

-organization: find which type of report sheet works best for you -making lists -planning: prioritizing and reprioritizing -being realistic about what can be accomplished in a certain time frame -repetition with skills in time you will be more at ease -early on as a novice nurse: ask charge for help when overwhelemed -being efficient: don't waste time -ask other nurses how the prioritize. -balance personal and work life -plan for rest and recharge


-perhaps the most critical skill in good time management bc all actions we take have some type of relative important. three categories: -dont do -do later -do now

taking time to plan & establish priorities

-planning is essential if an individual is to manage by efficiency rather the by crisis. ALWAYS PLAN FIRST: immediately after shift report if u do not establish priorities based on pt load u will fail -if u fail to plan than u plan to fail -there should be time to think about how plans will be translated into action. the planner must pause and decide how people, activities, and materials are going to be put together to carry out the objectives. -unfortunately, two mistakes common in planning are underestimating the importance of a daily plan and not allowing adequate time for planning. -reprioritizing: a persons plan may change based on new information received. patients care plan may change- goals are met and deleted. new goals are set or goals are not met and changed, if u do not reprioritize after tasks are completed then ur plan is no longer a ccurate

strategies for time management

-prioritizing -managing and controlling crisis -reducing stress -balancing work and personal time

creating a climate of safety

-safe use of equipment -accident and injury prevention -preventing falls -fire safety -emergency response

successful decision makers characteristics

-self aware -courageous -sensitive -energetic -creative

notes from PPT

-socialization can prevent effective time management nurse in a leadership role should have a calm demeanor!! it will trickle down to the unit staff.

time wasters

-technology (cell phones and texting, internet, gaming, email, social media sites: facebook, twitter -on internet or playing games to distract self form tasks at hand. -difficult to find an appropriate balance between the need for virtual and face-to-face interaction and between work and personal life. -socializing -doing this w colleagues waste significant amounts of time in a workday. deters productivity -paperwork overload -paper clutter, including organizational memos, staffing requests, quality assurance reports, incident reports and patient evaluations. -manager needs to become an expert at handling it -poor filing system: organized easily retrievable files rather than disorganized stacks saves time -interruptions increase stress and decrease job performance and satisfaction. BE CAREFUL with med administration

personal cell phone use in the clinical work setting

-turn personal cell phone of MUTE or OFF while at work EXCEPT when on breaks -coworkers and patients need ur undivided attention. your mind and attention must be focused on the tasks at hand. if it is an emergency, have family members call the work telephone. nurse newly hired at a local facility was fired recently for texting on her cell phone after repeated warnings to turn the device off

common mistakes in planning

-underestimating the importance of a daily plan -not allow adequate time for planning therefore...... -be realistic about your time constraints and set goals that can be accomplished within these constraints (set specific clear goals, record ur progress as measurable progress maintains ur interest, identify steps needed to accomplish ur goals, set a timeframe to complete)

priority setting to optimize time management

-what nursing tasks must be done immediately? -what must be done at a specific time to ensure client safety, quality care, and compliance with policies and procedures? -what nursing tasks must be done by the end of the shift? -what nursing tasks can be delegated PPT NOTES: immediate- stat orders: meds, assessments, unstable clients first, safety concerns. prn meds: analgesic, antiemetic routine / shift: check PCP order frequently, vital signs, assessments, blood sugars, AM care, ambulation/ rom turn q 2 hours, documentation check iv lines, treatments: dressing care, trach care, restraints, count narcotics (charge nurse role) end of shift: documentation completed, update ISBAR report, F/U on treatment, lab values, prn medication. relief outstanding pcp orders. ambulation completed ? pre op checklist and consent signed? discharge teaching beings on day 1! -delegations: NPA patients needs r/t personal hygiene, nutrition, ambulation, elimination, vital signs, maintain asepsis, ob

planning fallacies

-when an individual fails to allow enough time for the plans to be carried out despite the fact that the time allowed to carry out their plan is shown over and over again to be inadequate; the individual continues to be optimistic that their new forecasts which are not different will be realistic (when planning u must think of the sub components of the task as well as any interruptions. many people believe planning is a water of time but they are wrong. evidence shows planning is what you to do to avoid constantly managing chaos. it require critical thinking skills, analyzaing data, looking at alternative and making decision. how to plan ur care, how are u gonna give report, when r u gonna give meds, etc)

three basic steps to time management

1. allow time for planning and establishing priorities 2. complete the highest-priority task whenever possible, and finish one task before beginning another 3. deprioritized based on the remaining tasks and on new information that may have been received

management functions in time management

1. appropriately prioritized day-to-day planning to meet short-term and long-term unit goals 2. builds time for planning into the work schedule 3. analyzes how time is managed on the unit level by using job analaysis and time-and-motion studies 4. eliminates environmental barriers to effective time management for workers 5 handles paperwork promptly and efficiently and maintains a neat work area 6. breaks down large tasks into smaller ones that can more easily be accomplished by unit members 7. utilizes appropriate technology to facilitate timely communication and documentation 8. discriminates between inadeqaute staffing and inefficient use of time when time resources are inadeqaute to complete assigned tasks.

5 steps used in the implementation of EBP

1. ask a question about a clinical area of interest or an intervention - PICOT 2. collect the most relevant and best evidence 3. critically appraise the evidence 4. integrate the evidence with clinical expertise, client preferences, and values in making a decision to change 5. evaluate the practice decision or change

tips for personal time management

1. creat a daily task list 2. prioritize ur tasks 3. do the most critical tasks in the morning 4. track ur time 5. minimize distractions 6. avoid multitasking 7. use time management apps and tools 8. perform audits of ur time weekly 9. create meeting agendas 10. don't wait for inspiration to start working 11. schedule ur breaks 12. keep a list of backup tasks 13. organize ur desk, task list, inbox, etc 14. use ur calendar 15. skip ahead when u feel stuck 16. communicate ur workload with ur team 17. delegate nonessential tasks if u can 18. check ur email once a day 19. LEARN TO SAY NO 20. group similar tasks together 21. find ur flow state (the ability to get int eh zone and be engaged mentally 22. focus on ur work-life balance 23. practice removing bad habits 24. make another to-do list for tomorrow 25. seek a mentor for more guidance

critical elements in problem solving and decision making

1. define objective clearly 2. gather data carefully 3. take the time necessary 4. use an Evidence-based approach 5. generate many alternative 6. think logically 7. choose and act decisively

managerial decision making models

1. determine the decision and the desired outcomes (set objectives) 2. research and identify options 3. compare and contrast these options and their consequences 4. make a decision 5. implement an action plan 6. evaluate results this added the objective setting step

decision-making process

1. identify the decision 2. collect data (EBP) 3. identify criteria for decision 4. identify alternatives 5. choose alternative 6. implement alternative 7. evaluate steps used to arrive the decision

traditional problem-solving process

1. identify the problem 2. gather data to analyze the causes and consequences of the problem 3. explore alternative solutions 4. evaluate the alternatives 5. select the appropriate solution 6. implement the solution 7. evaluate the results the best way to problem solving and decision making

leadership roles in time management

1. is self aware regarding personal blocks and barriers to efficient time management 2. recognizes how one's own value system influences his or her use of time and the expectations of followers 3. functions as a role model, supporter, and resource person to others in setting priorities for goal attainment 4. assists followers in working cooperatively to maximize time use 5. prevents and/ or filters interruptions that prevent effective time management 6. role models flexibility in working cooperatively with other people whose primary time management style is different 7. presents a calm and reassuring demeanor during periods of high unit activity 8. prioritizes conflicting and overlapping requests for time 9. appropriately determines the quality of work needed in tasks to be completed

arguing from analogy

This thinking applies a component that is present in two separate concepts and then states that because A is present in B, then A and B are alike in all respects. example: would be to argue that because intuition plays a part in clinical and managerial nursing, then any characteristic present in a good clinical nurse also should be present in a good nurse-manager.

unfinished nursing care

any task that is omitted or significantly delayed. may be a result of disorganized nurses in their efforts to care for patients.

using a time inventory

bc most people have an inaccurate perception of the time they spend on a specific task or the goal amount of time they are productive during the day, this can provide insight. allows u to compare what u planned to do, as outlined by ur appointments and "to-do" entries, with what you actually did. greatest benefit is being able to objectively identify patterns of behavior, may be necessary to maintain the time inventory for several days or several weeks. may also be helpful to repeat the time invenetonary annually to see if long-term behavior changes have been noted.

2. gather data carefully

because decisions are based on knowledge and information available to the problem solver at the time the decision must be made, one must learn how to process and obtain accurate information. the acquisition of information begins with identifying the problem or the occasion for the decision and continuous throughout the problem solving process, -human values tremulously influence our perceptions. therefore as problem solvers gather info, they must be vigilant that their own preferences and those of others are not mistaken for facts. -BE CAREFUL OF CONFIRMATION BIAS

decision making in organization

because organizations are made up of people with differing values and preferences, there is often conflict in organizational decision dynamics. -powerful people in organizations are more likely to have decisions made (by themselves or their subordinates) that are congruent with their own preferences and values. on the other hands, people wielding little power must always consider the preference of the powerful. in organizations, choice is constructed and constrained by many factors, and therefore choice is not equally available to all people -not only do the preferences of the powerful influence decision of the less powerful but the powerful also can inhibit the preferences of the less powerful. this occurs bc individuals who remain and advance in organizations are those who feel and express values and beliefs congruent with the organization. therefore, a balance must be found between the limitations of choice posed by the power structure within the organization and totally independ

time management

can be defined as making optimal use of available time. optimizing this must include priority setting, managing and controlling crises, and balancing work and personal time. all these activities require some degree of both leadership skills and management functions

intuitive "intuition: decision making model

characteristic: "gut feeling" experienced nurse experts often report that gut0level feelings although intuition generally serves as an adjunct to decision making founded or. a nurses scientific knowledge base. benefit: -can lead to early detections of problems risks: misjudgment, not effective alone IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE, INTUTION MUST BE COMBINED WITH OBJECTIVE DATA AND ANALYSIS -discreet uncsocious process.

decision making

choosing a particular course of action -is a complex, cognitive process often defined as choosing a particular course of action. this implies that doubt exists about several courses of action and that a choice is made to eliminate uncertainty. possible for this to occur without the full analysis of problem solving completed. usually triggered by a problem but does not focus on elimating the underlying problem.

do now

cost commonly reflect a unit's day to day operational needs. these requests may include daily staffing needs, dealing with equipment shortages, meeting schedules, conducting hiring interviews, and giving performance appraisals. do now requests also may represent items that had been put off earlier.

managing time wasters

do not make yourself over accessible: STAY BUSY DOING UR WORK: -make it easy for people to ignore you. try not to do work at the nursing station. if charting is to be done, sit w ur back to others, close ur office door, have people make appointments to see you. discourage casual socializes. correctly interrupt a rambling person: -interrupt when someone is rambling on without getting to the point, break in and gently say I am not getting ur message, what exactly are u saying avoid promoting socialization -having several comfortable chairs in ur office, a full candy dish, and posters on ur walls that invite comments encourage socializing in ur office schedule long-winded persons: -if someone ahs a pattern of lengthy chatter and managers to corner u on rounds or at station say "I cant speak with you now, but im going to ahve some free time at 11. see me then" unless the meeting is important, the person who just wishes to chat will not bother to make a formal appointment. if you wo

integrating leadership roles and management functions in decision making

effective decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and elastic thinking as requisitions for being a successful leader and manager. the successful decision maker possess courage, energy, and creativity and is aware of the need for sensitivity in decision making. leaders recognize the appropriate people to include in decision making and to use a suitable theoretical model for the decision situation managers who make quality decisions are effective administrators. the manager should develop a systemic attic, scientific approach to problem solving that begins with a fixed goal and ends with an evaluation step. manager should strive to make decisions that reflect research biased best practices and nursings scientific knowledge base, the role of intuition as an adjunct to quality decision making should not be overlooked. the integrated leader-managers understands the significance that sex and gender, personal values, life experience, preferences, willin

1. define objectives clearly

especially important to determine goals and objects when problem are complex. even when decision must be made quickly, there is time to pause and reflect on the purpose of the decision. if the decision lacks a clear objective or if an objective is not consistent with the individuals or organization stated philosophy, a poor-quality decision is likely.

time efficiency in the clinical work environment

gather all the supplies and equipment that will be needed before starting an activity: get organized -have a home for everything and make sure items are put back where they belong group activities that are in the same location -if u walked a long stance down a hallway, attempt to do several things there before going back to the nurses station. use time estimates -if u know an IV medication will take 30 minutes to complete, then use that time estimate for planning some other activity that can be completed in that 30 minute window of time document ur nursing interventions as soon as possible after an activity is completed; -waiting until the end of the day increases the risk of inaccuracies and incomplete documentation always strive to end the workday on time: -although not always possible, delegating appropriately to others and making sure that the workload goal for any given day is reasonsable are tow strategies to accomplish this goal. cluster care! what supplies do u ne

individual variations in decision making

gender men more likely to make extreme choices and decision than women. values based on each persons value system. no matter how objective the criteria, value judgements will always play a part ina p reasons decision making. being confused or unclear about one's own values may affect decision making ability. understanding and being confident in one's personal beliefs will lead to confidence in decision making life experience more mature, and broader the background, more alternatives they can identify. people vary in their desire for autonomy. much better nurse after 10 years than one year in individual preference be honest with self, any bias in the decision making process?

5. generate numerous alternatives

implies that there is at least two choices in every decision. remember that one alternative is the choose to do nothing. the greater number of alternatives that can be generated, the greater change that the final decision will be sounds. -brainstorming, more people working on a problems.

affirming the consequences

in this type of illogical thinking, one decides that if B is good and he or she is doing A, then A must not be good. for example, if a new method is heralded as the best way to peform a nursing procedure and the nurses on your unit are not using that techinque , it is illogical to assume that the technique currenlty used in your unit is wrong or bad.

evidence based practice

integrates the best evidence available to achieve desirable outcomes. is the process of collecting, processing and implementing research findings to improvise clinical practice, the work environment or patient outcomes. utilizing this approach to nursing practice helps a nurse provide the highest quality and most cost-efficient pt care as possible is a conscientious, problem-solving approach to clinical practice that incorporates the best evidence from well-designed students, patient values and preferences, and a clinicians expertise in making decisions about a patients care. -typically a PICOT formatted is used in this to guide the search for the current best evidence to address a problem (patient, intervention, comparison, outcome and time)

problem solving

is part of decision making and is a systematic process that focuses on analyzing difficult situations. always includes a decision making step. decision making is the last step in the problem solving process. problem solving attempts to identify the root problem in situations so much time and a energy are spent on identifying the real problem.

critical thinking

is related to evaluation and has a broader scope than decision making and problem solving. the process of thinking carefully about a process or idea without allowing feelings or emotions to get involved. ANSWER TO TEST QUETION IS IMPROVED PATIENT OUTCOMES AND EBP -disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open minded and informed by evidence. also involves: -reflecting on the meaning of statements, -examining the offered evidence and reasons - and forming judgments about facts -involved higher reasoning skills using both cognitive (remembering) and affective (feeling) domains -sometimes referred to as reflective thinking.

personal organization

knowing and understanding how and why u use time or set priorities as u do -how do u waste time? -what types of work do you avoid? -what is the best time of day for u to work? -how long can u work before becoming unproductive?


last step in time management. often ones priorities or lists will change during a day, week, or longer bc new information is received. if the individual does not take time to do this after each major task is accomplished, other priorities set earlier may no longer be accurate. despite outstanding planning, an occasional crisis may erupt. if a crisis does occur, the individual may need to set aside the original priorities for the day and reorganize, communicate, and delegate a new plan reflecting the new priorities associated with the unexpected even causing the crisis

dealing with interruptions

lower level managers typically experience these more. this occurs bc first and middle level managers are more involved in daily planning than higher-level managers and thus directly interact with a greater number of subordinates. many lower-level managers do not have a quiet workspace or clerical help to filter interruptions. -can cause a great deal of time wasting bc attention is continually diverted from the task at hand. all managers need protected time to respond to time-sensitive phone calls or emails it is important not to be disturbed during these times. frequent interruptions also cause situational stress and lowered jon satisfaction. -dealing with interruptions also requires leadership skills. leaders role model flexibility and the ability to regroup when new information or tasks emerge as priorities. followers often observe how their leaders are coping with change and even crisis. and their reaction often mirror those of their leaders.

crisis situation

make a decision on how to handle immediate problem and after crisis go back and analyze/ problem solve how to prevent from occurring again.


means to put off something until a future time, to postpone or to delay needlessly. can be justified if it's more important to do something of a higher priority now, but should not be used to a void a task bc it is overwhelming or unpleasant. -barrier to effective time management. bc typically the task is just delayed in its completion adn the things that led to this in the first place did not go away. -difficult problem to solve bc it rarely results from single cause and can involve a combination of dysfunctional attitudes, rationalization, and resentment.


most people dont actually stop to think. they jsut take their first thought and run with it. thats because most individuals rely on discrete, often unconscious processes known as __________ to make decisions.(one way to problem solving) -use trial-and error methods or a rule of thumb approach to problem solving rather than set rules. as such, they are practical mental shortcuts and not expected to provide perfect or optimal problem solving. they do, however, provide a more immediate solution to the decision at hand. this is particularly true for uncertain or emergent situations where knowledge, time and resoures are limited.

3. take the time necessary

most theories argue human decision making is largely based on quick, automatic, and intuitive processes. although trivial decisions can be made fairly quickly, slower, more controlled deliberation is needed when outcomes may have significant consequences. -most people need to schedule time to think. take time to really think about it

7. choose and act decisively

not enough to gather information, think logically, select from many alternatives, and be aware of the influences of one's values. in the final analysis- one must act. -many individuals choose to delay acting bc they lack the courage to face the consequences of their choices.

comparing the decision-making process with the nursing process

nursing process: assess -identify the decision, collect data (decision-making process) nursing process: plan -identify criteria for decision, identify alternatives (decision making process) nursing process: implement -choose alternative, implement alternative (decision- making process) nursing process: evaluate -evaluate steps in decision (decision-making process) REMEMBER ONE ALTERNATIVE CAN BE TO DO NOTHING. NEED AT LEAST 2 ALTERNATIVE BUT DON'T STOP THERE

both sidesing

occurs when someone or something presents two sides as equally valid when one is in fact wrong. thus it fixes false equivalence to a flawed idea. example: debate on whether the eart is flat or round.

6. think logically

one must draw inferences from information. an inference is part of deductive reasoning. people must carefully think through the information and the alternative. people think illogically in many ways four common ways are -overgeneralizing -affirming the consequences -arguing from analogy -both-sidesing

dont do items

probably reflect problems that will take care of themselves, are already outdated, or are better accomplished by someone else. -before setting the aside, the leader-manager must be sure that large projects have been broken down into smaller projects and that a specific timelines and plan for implementation are in place. the plan should include short term, intermediate and final deadlines.

nursing process

provides another theoretical system for solving problems and making decisions. -assess -diagnose -plan -implement -evaluate has multiple venues for feedback. initial decision making occurs and continue throughout the process via a feedback mechanism. -weakness is is not requiring clearly stated objectives

personal time-management

refers in part to self-knowledge. self-awareness is a leadership skill. for people who are not aware of their own short/ long term goals, time management poses difficulties. goals are not enough; a concrete plan with timelines is needed. plans outlined in manageable steps are clearer, more realistic, and attainable. feeling time challenged and overwhelmed may reflect a lack of priority or goal setting, or it may simply reflect too many things to be reasonable accomplished in the time frame given, individuals who are self aware and have clearly identified personal goals and priorities have greater control over how they expand their energy and what they accomplish. must also be self-aware regarding the values that influence how people prioritize the use of their time, and their general tendency to complete tasks in isolation or combinations. it is important to recognize one's own perferred management style and be self aware how this style may affect one's interaction with ot

confirmation bias

refers to our tendency to search for and favor information that confirms our beliefs while simultaneously ignoring or devaluing information that contradicts our beliefs. the more someone believes they know something, the more the filter and ignore information to the contrary. thus people negate new information if it does not validate their perceptions or ideas.

do later items

reflect trivial problems to those that do not have immediate deadline, thus they may be procrastinated.

rational and administrative decision making

simon delineated two types of management decision makers: -the economic man -the administrative man managers who are successful decision makers attempt to make rational decisions because they realize that restricted knowledge and limited alternatives direct affects decisions quality. these managers gather as much information as possible and generate many alternatives. simon believed that th economic model of man was an unrealistic description or organizational decision making. the complexity of information acquisition makes it impossible for the human brain to store and retain the amount of info that is avaialble for each decision. because of time constraints and the difficulty of assimilating large amounts of info, most management decisions are made using the administrative model of decision making. the administrative man never has complete knowledge and generates fewer alternatives. simon aruged that this man carries out decisions that are only satisficing- a term used to de

3 categories of priority setting

some people lack self-awareness about what's important so its hard to prioritize good system: dont do: times that may be delegated or are outdated or will take care of themselves do later: items that dont have a sense of urgency or a deadline or are large projects that need to be broken down into small pieces- set deadlines for completion. this is where procrastination may occur. procrastination occurs bc we may not like the project or its overwhelming do now: items are those day to day activities. we can prioritize these items by making lists (planning tools) the list should be no longer than what can be accomplished in the day. keeping in mind how long each task will take as well as extra time for interruptions, emergencies, etc

holes in a plan

something causes the plan to fail -overplanning, not allowing enough time to complete the task for example: the nurse who carries home a full backpack every night w the expectation that every assignment or task contained within the backpack will be completed is generally aware that they rarely get more than one or two significant items done in that time span. yet this person continues to be hopeful that this will be different the next time and their behavior continues unchanged. researchers suggest this occurs bc many individuals forget that in the past they were interrupted unexpectedly or bc individuals may not consider the sub component of a task when planning. in addition, individuals may have been overly narrow in their focus on the task of subconsciously disregarded memories of how long similar tasks have taken in the past. most people simply want to believe that the task will always go well adn that no problems willa rise. this unrealistic assumption leads to serious planning

short term planning

this operational planning focuses on achieving specific tasks. involve a period of 1 hour to 3 years and are usually less complex than strategic or long range plans. may be done annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or even hourly


this type of "crooked" thinking occurs when one believes that because A has a particular characteristic, every other A also has the same characteristic. this kind of thinking is exemplified when stereotypical statements are used to justify arguments and decsions

4. use an EBP approach

to gain knowledge and insight into managerial and leadership decision making, individuals must reach outside their current knowledge in solving problems. -evidence based decision making and EBP should be viewed as imperatives for all nurses today as well for the profession in general.

formal process and structure

typically ____________ ____________ and _____________ can benefit the decision-making process, as they force decision makers to be specific about options and to separate probabilities from values. a structured approach to problem solving and decision making increases clinical reasoning and is the best way to learn how to make quality decisions bc it eliminates trial and error and focuses the learning on a proven process. a structure or professional approach involves applying a theoretical model in problem solving and decision making.

clinical reasoning

when nurses integrate and apply different types of knowledge to weigh evidence, critically think about argument and reflect on the process used to arrive at a diagnosis. ____________ ___________ has occurred. thus, this used both knowledge and experience to make decisions at the point of care

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