NUR631-Advanced Health Assessment Test 1

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match the following descriptions to the correct lesion or distribution name: 1. multiple lesions blending together 2. flat discoloration less than 1 cm 3. circumscribed area of skin edema 4. narrow linear crack into epidermis, exposing dermis 5. vesicle like lesion with purulent content 6. flat discoloration greater than 1 cm 7. raised lesion, larger than 1 cm, may be same or different color from the surrounding skin 8. net-like cluster 9. loss of epidermis and dermis 10. loss of skin markings and full skin thickness 11. skin thickening usually found over pruritic or friction areas 12. in a ring formation a. ulcer b. atrophy c.fissure d. reticular e. wheal f. pustule g. patch h. plaque i. macule j. confluent k. annular l. lichenification

1. confluent 2. macule 3. wheal 4. fissure 5. pustule 6. patch 7. plaque 8. reticular 9. ulcer 10. atrophy 11. lichenification 12. annular

A 30-year-old sales clerk comes to your office wanting to lose weight; her BMI is 30.0 kg/m2. What is the most appropriate amount for a weekly weight reduction goal? A) .5 to 1 pound per week B) 1 to 2.5 pounds per week C) 2.5 to 3.5 pounds per week D) 3.5 to 4.5 pounds per week

A) .5-1 pound per week

A 72-year-old retired truck driver comes to the clinic with his wife for evaluation of hearing loss. He has noticed some decreased ability to hear what his wife and grandchildren are saying to him. He admits to lip-reading more. He has a history of noise exposure in his young adult years: He worked as a sound engineer at a local arena and had to attend a lot of concerts. Based on this information, what is the most likely finding regarding his hearing acuity? A) Loss of acuity for middle-range sounds B) Increase of acuity for low-range sounds C) Loss of acuity for high-range sounds D) Increase of acuity for high-range sounds

A) Loss of acuity for middle-range sounds human speech is middle-range sound

A 68-year-old retired farmer comes to your office for evaluation of a skin lesion. On the right temporal area of the forehead, you see a flattened papule the same color as his skin, covered by a dry scale that is round and feels hard. He has several more of these scattered on the forehead, arms, and legs. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis? A) Actinic keratosis B) Seborrheic keratosis C) Basal cell carcinoma D) Squamous cell carcinoma

A) actinic keratosis

11. The following information is best placed in which category? "The patient was treated for an asthma exacerbation in the hospital last year; the patient has never been intubated." A) Adult illnesses B) Surgeries C) Obstetrics/gynecology D) Psychiatric

A) adult illnesses

10. The following information is best placed in which category? "The patient had a stent placed in the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in 1999." A) Adult illnesses B) Surgeries C) Obstetrics/gynecology D) Psychiatric

A) adult illnesses *a stent is a major procedure but does not involve a surgeon*

A 35-year-old archaeologist comes to your office (located in Phoenix, Arizona) for a regular skin check-up. She has just returned from her annual dig site in Greece. She has fair skin and reddish-blonde hair. She has a family history of melanoma. She has many freckles scattered across her skin. From this description, which of the following is not a risk factor for melanoma in this patient? A) Age B) Hair color C) Actinic lentigines D) Heavy sun exposure

A) age melanoma risk increases at age 50

An 8-year-old girl comes with her mother for evaluation of hair loss. She denies pulling or twisting her hair, and her mother has not noted this behavior at all. She does not put her hair in braids. On physical examination, you note a clearly demarcated, round patch of hair loss without visible scaling or inflammation. There are no hair shafts visible. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis? A) Alopecia areata B) Trichotillomania C) Tinea capitis D) Traction alopecia

A) alopecia areata

A 23-year-old graduate student comes to your clinic for evaluation of a urethral discharge. As the provider, you need to get a sexual history. Which one of the following questions is inappropriate for eliciting the information? A) Are you sexually active? B) When was the last time you had intimate physical contact with someone, and did that contact include sexual intercourse? C) Do you have sex with men, women, or both? D) How many sexual partners have you had in the last 6 months?

A) are you sexually active? the question is too vague

When you enter your patient's examination room, his wife is waiting there with him. Which of the following is most appropriate? A) Ask if it's okay to carry out the visit with both people in the room. B) Carry on as you would ordinarily. The permission is implied because his wife is in the room with him. C) Ask his wife to leave the room for reasons of confidentiality. D) First ask his wife what she thinks is going on.

A) ask if it's okay to carry out the visit with both people in the room

Mrs. H. comes to your clinic, wanting antibiotics for a sinus infection. When you enter the room, she appears to be very angry. She has a raised tone of voice and states that she has been waiting for the past hour and has to get back to work. She states that she is unimpressed by the reception staff, the nurse, and the clinic in general and wants to know why the office wouldn't call in an antibiotic for her. Which of the following techniques is not useful in helping to calm this patient? A) Avoiding admission that you had a part in provoking her anger because you were late B) Accepting angry feelings from the patient and trying not to get angry in return C) Staying calm D) Keeping your posture relaxed

A) avoiding admission that you had a part in provoking her anger because you were late

A 55-year-old bookkeeper comes to your office for a routine visit. You note that on a previous visit for treatment of contact dermatitis, her blood pressure was elevated. She does not have prior elevated readings and her family history is negative for hypertension. You measure her blood pressure in your office today. Which of the following factors can result in a false high reading? A) Blood pressure cuff is tightly fitted. B) Patient is seated quietly for 10 minutes prior to measurement. C) Blood pressure is measured on a bare arm. D) Patient's arm is resting, supported by your arm at her mid-chest level as you stand to measure the blood pressure.

A) blood pressure cuff is tightly fitted

7. The following information is recorded in the health history: "I feel really tired." Which category does it belong to? A) Chief complaint B) Present illness C) Personal and social history D) Review of systems

A) chief complaint pt's own words

You have recently returned from a medical missions trip to sub-Saharan Africa, where you learned a great deal about malaria. You decide to use some of the same questions and maneuvers in your "routine" when examining patients in the midwestern United States. You are disappointed to find that despite getting some positive answers and findings, on further workup, none of your patients has malaria except one, who recently emigrated from Ghana. How should you next approach these questions and maneuvers? A) Continue asking these questions in a more selective way. B) Stop asking these questions, because they are low yield. C) Question the validity of the questions. D) Ask these questions of all your patients.

A) continue asking these questions in a more selective way

A mother brings her 11 month old to you because her mother-in-law and others have told her that her baby is jaundiced. She is eating and growing well and performing the developmental milestones she should for her age. On examination you indeed notice a yellow tone to her skin from head to toe. Her sclerae are white. To which area should your next questions be related? A) Diet B) Family history of liver diseases C) Family history of blood diseases D) Ethnicity of the child

A) diet

You are seeing an older patient who has not had medical care for many years. Her vital signs taken by your office staff are: T 37.2, HR 78, BP 118/92, and RR 14, and she denies pain. You notice that she has some hypertensive changes in her retinas and you find mild proteinuria on a urine test in your office. You expected the BP to be higher. She is not on any medications. What do you think is causing this BP reading, which doesn't correlate with the other findings? A) It is caused by an "auscultatory gap." B) It is caused by a cuff size error. C) It is caused by the patient's emotional state. D) It is caused by resolution of the process which caused her retinopathy and kidney problems.

A) it is caused by an "auscultatory gap" *an unrecognized auscultatory gap may lead to serious underestimation of systolic and overestimation of diastolic

An 18-year-old college freshman presents to the clinic for evaluation of gastroenteritis. You measure the patient's temperature and it is 104 degrees Fahrenheit. What type of pulse would you expect to feel during his initial examination? A) Large amplitude, forceful B) Small amplitude, weak C) Normal D) Bigeminal

A) large amplitude, forceful fever results in increased stroke volume

A 62-year-old teacher presents to the clinic for evaluation of the following symptoms: fever, headache, sinus congestion, sore throat, green nasal discharge, and cough. This cluster of symptoms is best explained by: A) One disease process B) More than one disease process

A) one disease process

Ms. Washington is a 67-year-old who had a heart attack last month. Now she complains of shortness of breath and not being able to sleep in a flat position (orthopnea). On examination you note increased jugular venous pressure, an S3 gallop, crackles low in the lung fields, and swollen ankles (edema). This is an example of a: A) Pathophysiologic problem B) Psychopathologic problem

A) pathophysiologic problem

A new mother is concerned that her child occasionally "turns blue." On further questioning, she mentions that this is at her hands and feet. She does not remember the child's lips turning blue. She is otherwise eating and growing well. What would you do now? A) Reassure her that this is normal B) Obtain an echocardiogram to check for structural heart disease and consult cardiology C) Admit the child to the hospital for further observation D) Question the validity of her story

A) reassure her that this is normal peripheral cyanosis when cold

A middle-aged man comes in because he has noticed multiple small, blood-red, raised lesions over his anterior chest and abdomen for the past several months. They are not painful and he has not noted any bleeding or bruising. He is concerned this may be consistent with a dangerous condition. What should you do? A) Reassure him that there is nothing to worry about. B) Do laboratory work to check for platelet problems. C) Obtain an extensive history regarding blood problems and bleeding disorders. D) Do a skin biopsy in the office.

A) reassure him there is nothing to worry about - this is a cherry angioma and it's benign

Jason is a 41-year-old electrician who presents to the clinic for evaluation of shortness of breath. The shortness of breath occurs with exertion and improves with rest. It has been going on for several months and initially occurred only a couple of times a day with strenuous exertion; however, it has started to occur with minimal exertion and is happening more than a dozen times per day. The shortness of breath lasts for less than 5 minutes at a time. He has no cough, chest pressure, chest pain, swelling in his feet, palpitations, orthopnea, or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Which of the following symptom attributes was not addressed in this description? A) Severity B) Setting in which the symptom occurs C) Timing D) Associated manifestations

A) severity should've asked pain on 0-10 scale

3. Is the following information subjective or objective? Mr. M. has shortness of breath that has persisted for the past 10 days; it is worse with activity and relieved by rest. A) Subjective B) Objective

A) subjective this is information given by the patient

You are growing fatigued of performing a maneuver on examination because you have never found a positive and are usually pressed for time. How should you next approach this maneuver? A) Use this test when you have a higher suspicion for a certain correlating condition. B) Omit this test from future examinations. C) Continue doing the test, but rely more heavily on laboratory work and diagnostics. D) Continue performing it on all future examinations.

A) use this test when you have a higher suspicion for a certain correlating condition

You have just asked a patient how he feels about his emphysema. He becomes silent, folds his arms across his chest and leans back in his chair, and then replies, "It is what it is." How should you respond? A) "You seem bothered by this question." B) "Next, I would like to talk with you about your smoking habit." C) "Okay, let's move on to your other problems." D) "You have adopted a practical attitude toward your problem."

A) you seem bothered by this question

A patient presents for evaluation of a sharp, aching chest pain which increases with breathing. Which anatomic area would you localize the symptom to? A) Musculoskeletal B) Reproductive C) Urinary D) Endocrine


You are speaking to an 8th grade class about health prevention and are preparing to discuss the ABCDEs of melanoma. Which of the following descriptions correctly defines the ABCDEs? A) A = actinic; B = basal cell; C = color changes, especially blue; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution B) A = asymmetry; B = irregular borders; C = color changes, especially blue; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution C) A = actinic; B = irregular borders; C = keratoses; D = dystrophic nails; E = evolution D) A = asymmetry; B = regular borders; C = color changes, especially orange; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution


5. The following information is recorded in the health history: "The patient has had abdominal pain for 1 week. The pain lasts for 30 minutes at a time; it comes and goes. The severity is 7 to 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is located in the mid-epigastric area." Which of these categories does it belong to? A) Chief complaint B) Present illness C) Personal and social history D) Review of systems

B) Present illness HPI

Jacob, a 33-year-old construction worker, complains of a "lump on his back" over his scapula. It has been there for about a year and is getting larger. He says his wife has been able to squeeze out a cheesy-textured substance on occasion. He worries this may be cancer. When gently pinched from the side, a prominent dimple forms in the middle of the mass. What is most likely? A) An enlarged lymph node B) A sebaceous cyst C) An actinic keratosis D) A malignant lesion

B) a sebaceous cyst

Alexandra is a 28-year-old editor who presents to the clinic with abdominal pain. The pain is a dull ache, located in the right upper quadrant, that she rates as a 3 at the least and an 8 at the worst. The pain started a few weeks ago, it lasts for 2 to 3 hours at a time, it comes and goes, and it seems to be worse a couple of hours after eating. She has noticed that it starts after eating greasy foods, so she has cut down on these as much as she can. Initially it occurred once a week, but now it is occurring every other day. Nothing makes it better. From this description, which of the seven attributes of a symptom has been omitted? A) Setting in which the symptom occurs B) Associated manifestations C) Quality D) Timing

B) associated manifestations is pain accompanied by N/V?

Mrs. T. comes for her regular visit to the clinic. She is on your schedule because her regular provider is on vacation and she wanted to be seen. You have heard about her many times from your colleague and are aware that she is a very talkative person. Which of the following is a helpful technique to improve the quality of the interview for both the provider and the patient? A) Allow the patient to speak uninterrupted for the duration of the appointment. B) Briefly summarize what you heard from the patient in the first 5 minutes and then try to have her focus on one aspect of what she told you. C) Set the time limit at the beginning of the interview and stick with it, no matter what occurs in the course of the interview. D) Allow your impatience to show so that the patient picks up on your nonverbal cue that the appointment needs to end.

B) briefly summarize what you heard from the patient in the first 5 minutes and then try to have her focus on one aspect of what she told you

You are observing a patient with heart failure and notice that there are pauses in his breathing. On closer examination, you notice that after the pauses the patient takes progressively deeper breaths and then progressively shallower breaths, which are followed by another apneic spell. The patient is not in any distress. You make the diagnosis of: A) Ataxic (Biot's) breathing B) Cheyne-Stokes respiration C) Kussmaul's respiration D) COPD with prolonged expiration

B) cheyne-stokes respiration kussmauls -metabolic acidosis COPD respirations are regular with no apnea ataxia - irregular in rhythm and depth and see in brain injury

Dakota is a 14-year-old boy who just noticed a rash at his ankles. There is no history of exposure to ill people or other agents in the environment. He has a slight fever in the office. The rash consists of small, bright red marks. When they are pressed, the red color remains. What should you do? A) Prescribe a steroid cream to decrease inflammation. B) Consider admitting the patient to the hospital. C) Reassure the parents and the patient that this should resolve within a week. D) Tell him not to scratch them, and follow up in 3 days.

B) consider admitting patient to hospital non-blanchable means there is pinpoint bleeding under the skin

A 22-year-old advertising copywriter presents for evaluation of joint pain. The pain is new, located in the wrists and fingers bilaterally, with some subjective fever. The patient denies a rash; she also denies recent travel or camping activities. She has a family history significant for rheumatoid arthritis. Based on this information, which of the following pathologic processes would be the most correct? A) Infectious B) Inflammatory C) Hematologic D) Traumatic

B) inflammatory

A 55-year-old data entry operator comes to the clinic to establish care. She has the following symptoms: headache, neck pain, sinus congestion, sore throat, ringing in ears, sharp brief chest pains at rest, burning abdominal pain with spicy foods, constipation, urinary frequency that is worse with coughing and sneezing, and swelling in legs. This cluster of symptoms is explained by: A) One disease process B) More than one disease process

B) more than one disease process

Mr. Garcia comes to your office for a rash on his chest associated with a burning pain. Even a light touch causes this burning sensation to worsen. On examination, you note a rash with small blisters (vesicles) on a background of reddened skin. The rash overlies an entire rib on his right side. What type of pain is this? A) Idiopathic pain B) Neuropathic pain C) Nociceptive or somatic pain D) Psychogenic pain

B) neuropathic sounds like shingles

When using an interpreter to facilitate an interview, where should the interpreter be positioned? A) Behind you, the examiner, so that the lips of the patient and the patient's nonverbal cues can be seen B) Next to the patient, so the examiner can maintain eye contact and observe the nonverbal cues of the patient C) Between you and the patient so all parties can make the necessary observations D) In a corner of the room so as to provide minimal distraction to the interview

B) next to the patient , so that the examiner can maintain eye contact and observe non verbal cues of the patient

4. Is the following information subjective or objective? Mr. M. has a respiratory rate of 32 and a pulse rate of 120. A) Subjective B) Objective

B) objective this is information obtained by the examiner

On the way to see your next patient, you glance at the calendar and make a mental note to buy a Mother's Day card. Your patient is Ms. Hernandez, a 76-year-old widow who lost her husband in May, two years ago. She comes in today with a headaches, abdominal pain, and general malaise. This happened once before, about a year ago, according to your detailed office notes. You have done a thorough evaluation but are unable to arrive at a consistent picture to tie these symptoms together. This is an example of a: A) Pathophysiologic problem B) Psychopathologic problem

B) psychopathologic problem

A 15-year-old high school sophomore and her mother come to your clinic because the mother is concerned about her daughter's weight. You measure her daughter's height and weight and obtain a BMI of 19.5 kg/m2. Based on this information, which of the following is appropriate? A) Refer the patient to a nutritionist and a psychologist because the patient is anorexic. B) Reassure the mother that this is a normal body weight. C) Give the patient information about exercise because the patient is obese. D) Give the patient information concerning reduction of fat and cholesterol in her diet because she is obese.

B) reassure the mother that this is a normal body weight normal BMI is 18.5-24.9

You are interviewing an elderly woman in the ambulatory setting and trying to get more information about her urinary symptoms. Which of the following techniques is not a component of adaptive questioning? A) Directed questioning: starting with the general and proceeding to the specific in a manner that does not make the patient give a yes/no answer B) Reassuring the patient that the urinary symptoms are benign and that she doesn't need to worry about it being a sign of cancer C) Offering the patient multiple choices in order to clarify the character of the urinary symptoms that she is experiencing D) Asking her to tell you exactly what she means when she states that she has a urinary tract infection

B) reassuring the patient that the urinary symptoms are benign and that she doesn't need to worry about it being a sign of cancer

A 58-year-old gardener comes to your office for evaluation of a new lesion on her upper chest. The lesion appears to be "stuck on" and is oval, brown, and slightly elevated with a flat surface. It has a rough, wartlike texture on palpation. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis? A) Actinic keratosis B) Seborrheic keratosis C) Basal cell carcinoma D) Squamous cell carcinoma

B) seborrheic keratosis "stuck on"

A 49-year-old truck driver comes to the emergency room for shortness of breath and swelling in his ankles. He is diagnosed with congestive heart failure and admitted to the hospital. You are the student assigned to do the patient's complete history and physical examination. When you palpate the pulse, what do you expect to feel? A) Large amplitude, forceful B) Small amplitude, weak C) Normal D) Bigeminal

B) small amplitude, weak CHF has decreased stroke volume

9. The following information is best placed in which category? "The patient has had three cesarean sections." A) Adult illnesses B) Surgeries C) Obstetrics/gynecology D) Psychiatric

B) surgeries

2. The components of the health history include all of the following except which one? A) Review of systems B) Thorax and lungs C) Present illness D) Personal and social items

B) thorax and lungs these are part of the physical examination

A 19-year-old construction worker presents for evaluation of a rash. He notes that it started on his back with a multitude of spots and is also on his arms, chest, and neck. It itches a lot. He does sweat more than before because being outdoors is part of his job. On physical examination, you note dark tan patches with a reddish cast that has sharp borders and fine scales, scattered more prominently around the upper back, chest, neck, and upper arms as well as under the arms. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis? A) Pityriasis rosea B) Tinea versicolor C) Psoriasis D) Atopic eczema

B) tinea versicolor fungal infection so sweating and increased moisture led to this

Mrs. Anderson presents with an itchy rash which is raised and appears and disappears in various locations. Each lesion lasts for many minutes. What most likely accounts for this rash? A) Insect bites B) Urticaria, or hives C) Psoriasis D) Purpura

B) urticaria/hives "comes and goes"

Mr. Q. is a 45-year-old salesman who comes to your office for evaluation of fatigue. He has come to the office many times in the past with a variety of injuries, and you suspect that he has a problem with alcohol. Which one of the following questions will be most helpful in diagnosing this problem? A) You are an alcoholic, aren't you? B) When was your last drink? C) Do you drink 2 to 3 beers every weekend? D) Do you drink alcohol when you are supposed to be working?

B) when was your last drink?

A 19-year old-college student presents to the emergency room with fever, headache, and neck pain/stiffness. She is concerned about the possibility of meningococcal meningitis. Several of her dorm mates have been vaccinated, but she hasn't been. Which of the following physical examination descriptions is most consistent with meningitis? A) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with sharp discs, neck supple with full range of motion B) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with sharp discs, neck with paraspinous muscle spasm and limited range of motion to the right C) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with blurred disc margins, neck tender to palpation, unable to perform range of motion D) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with blurred disc margins, neck supple with full range of motion


A 15-year-old high school sophomore comes to the clinic for evaluation of a 3-week history of sneezing; itchy, watery eyes; clear nasal discharge; ear pain; and nonproductive cough. Which is the most likely pathologic process? A) Infection B) Inflammation C) Allergic D) Vascular

C) allergic *consistent with allergic rhinitis*

Ms. Whiting is a 68 year old who comes in for her usual follow-up visit. You notice a few flat red and purple lesions, about 6 centimeters in diameter, on the ulnar aspect of her forearms but nowhere else. She doesn't mention them. They are tender when you examine them. What should you do? A) Conclude that these are lesions she has had for a long time. B) Wait for her to mention them before asking further questions. C) Ask how she acquired them. D) Conduct the visit as usual for the patient.

C) ask how she acquired them abuse??

On a very busy day in the office, Mrs. Donelan, who is 81 years old, comes for her usual visit for her blood pressure. She is on a low-dose diuretic chronically and denies any side effects. Her blood pressure is 118/78 today, which is well-controlled. As you are writing her script, she mentions that it is hard not having her husband Bill around anymore. What would you do next? A) Hand her the script and make sure she has a 3-month follow-up appointment. B) Make sure she understands the script. C) Ask why Bill is not there. D) Explain that you will have more time at the next visit to discuss this.

C) ask why bill is not there? patient is looking for support and empathy

Mrs. Lenzo weighs herself every day with a very accurate balance-type scale. She has noticed that over the past 2 days she has gained 4 pounds. How would you best explain this? A) Attribute this to some overeating at the holidays. B) Attribute this to wearing different clothing. C) Attribute this to body fluid. D) Attribute this to instrument inaccuracy.

C) attribute this to body fluid

A patient presents for evaluation of a cough. Which of the following anatomic regions can be responsible for a cough? A) Ophthalmologic B) Auditory C) Cardiac D) Endocrine

C) cardiac

You are excited about a positive test finding you have just noticed on physical examination of your patient. You go on to do more examination, laboratory work, and diagnostic tests, only to find that there is no sign of the disease you thought would correlate with the finding. This same experience happens several times. What should you conclude? A) Consider not doing this test routinely. B) Use this test when you have a higher suspicion for a certain correlating condition. C) Continue using the test, perhaps doing less laboratory work and diagnostics. D) Omit this test from future examinations.

C) continue using the test, perhaps doing less laboratory work and diagnostics

Common or concerning symptoms to inquire about in the General Survey and vital signs include all of the following except: A) Changes in weight B) Fatigue and weakness C) Cough D) Fever and chills

C) cough *done in the respiratory ROS*

A 47-year-old contractor presents for evaluation of neck pain, which has been intermittent for several years. He normally takes over-the-counter medications to ease the pain, but this time they haven't worked as well and he still has discomfort. He recently wallpapered the entire second floor in his house, which caused him great discomfort. The pain resolved with rest. He denies fever, chills, rash, upper respiratory symptoms, trauma, or injury to the neck. Based on this description, what is the most likely pathologic process? A) Infectious B) Neoplastic C) Degenerative D) Traumatic

C) degenerative

Mr. Larson is a 42-year-old widowed father of two children, ages 4 and 11. He works in a sales office to support his family. Recently he has injured his back and you are thinking he would benefit from physical therapy, three times a week, for an hour per session. What would be your next step? A) Write the physical therapy prescription. B) Have your office staff explain directions to the physical therapy center. C) Discuss the plan with Mr. Larson. D) Tell Mr. Larson that he will be going to physical therapy three times a week.

C) discuss the plan with Mr. Larson

Mr. W. is a 51-year-old auto mechanic who comes to the emergency room wanting to be checked out for the symptom of chest pain. As you listen to him describe his symptom in more detail, you say "Go on," and later, "Mm-hmmm." This is an example of which of the following skilled interviewing techniques? A) Echoing B) Nonverbal communication C) Facilitation D) Empathic response

C) facilitation

A 25-year-old radio announcer comes to the clinic for an annual examination. His BMI is 26.0 kg/m2. He is concerned about his weight. Based on this information, what is appropriate counsel for the patient during the visit? A) Refer the patient to a nutritionist because he is anorexic. B) Reassure the patient that he has a normal body weight. C) Give the patient information about reduction of fat, cholesterol, and calories because he is overweight. D) Give the patient information about reduction of fat and cholesterol because he is obese.

C) give the patient information about reduction of fat, cholesterol, and calories because he is overweight overweight BMI is 25-29.9

Suzanne, a 25 year old, comes to your clinic to establish care. You are the student preparing to go into the examination room to interview her. Which of the following is the most logical sequence for the patient-provider interview? A) Establish the agenda, negotiate a plan, establish rapport, and invite the patient's story. B) Invite the patient's story, negotiate a plan, establish the agenda, and establish rapport. C) Greet the patient, establish rapport, invite the patient's story, establish the agenda, expand and clarify the patient's story, and negotiate a plan. D) Negotiate a plan, establish an agenda, invite the patient's story, and establish rapport.

C) greet the patient, establish rapport, invite the patients story, establish agenda, expand and clarify the story, negotiate the plan

6. The following information is recorded in the health history: "The patient completed 8th grade. He currently lives with his wife and two children. He works on old cars on the weekend. He works in a glass factory during the week." Which category does it belong to? A) Chief complaint B) Present illness C) Personal and social history D) Review of systems

C) personal and social history

A young man comes to you with an extremely pruritic rash over his knees and elbows which has come and gone for several years. It seems to be worse in the winter and improves with some sun exposure. On examination, you notice scabbing and crusting with some silvery scale, and you are observant enough to notice small "pits" in his nails. What would account for these findings? A) Eczema B) Pityriasis rosea C) Psoriasis D) Tinea infection

C) psoriasis

You arrive at the bedside of an elderly woman who has had a stroke, affecting her entire right side. She cannot speak (aphasia). You are supposed to examine her. You notice that the last examiner left her socks at the bottom of the bed, and although sensitive areas are covered by a sheet, the blanket is heaped by her feet at the bottom of the bed. What would you do next? A) Carry out your examination, focusing on the neurologic portion, and then cover her properly. B) Carry out your examination and let the nurse assigned to her "put her back together." C) Put her socks back on and cover her completely before beginning the evaluation. D) Apologize for the last examiner but let the next examiner dress and cover her.

C) put her socks back on and cover her completely before beginning the evaluation *make patient comfortable before examining*

A 25-year-old type 1 diabetic clerk presents to the emergency room with shortness of breath and states that his blood sugar was 605 at home. You diagnose the patient with diabetic ketoacidosis. What is the expected pattern of breathing? A) Normal B) Rapid and shallow C) Rapid and deep D) Slow

C) rapid and deep characteristic of DKA

Ms. Wright comes to your office, complaining of palpitations. While checking her pulse you notice an irregular rhythm. When you listen to her heart, every fourth beat sounds different. It sounds like a triplet rather than the usual "lub dup." How would you document your examination? A) Regular rate and rhythm B) Irregularly irregular rhythm C) Regularly irregular rhythm D) Bradycardia

C) regularly irregular rhythm

Mrs. R. is a 92-year-old retired teacher who comes to your clinic accompanied by her daughter. You ask Mrs. R. why she came to your clinic today. She looks at her daughter and doesn't say anything in response to your question. This is an example of which type of challenging patient? A) Talkative patient B) Angry patient C) Silent patient D) Hearing-impaired patient

C) silent patient

A 72-year-old teacher comes to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation after being in the hospital for 6 weeks. She was treated for sepsis and respiratory failure and had to be on the ventilator for 3 weeks. You are completing your initial assessment and are evaluating her skin condition. On her sacrum there is full-thickness skin loss that is 5 cm in diameter, with damage to the subcutaneous tissue. The underlying muscle is not affected. You diagnose this as a pressure ulcer. What is the stage of this ulcer? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4

C) stage 3 full thickness skin loss with damage to subcutaneous tissue

A 37-year-old nurse comes for evaluation of colicky right upper quadrant abdominal pain. The pain is associated with nausea and vomiting and occurs 1 to 2 hours after eating greasy foods. Which one of the following physical examination descriptions would be most consistent with the diagnosis of cholecystitis? A) Abdomen is soft, nontender, and nondistended, without hepatosplenomegaly or masses. B) Abdomen is soft and tender to palpation in the right lower quadrant, without rebound or guarding. C) Abdomen is soft and tender to palpation in the right upper quadrant with inspiration, to the point of stopping inspiration, and there is no rebound or guarding. D) Abdomen is soft and tender to palpation in the mid-epigastric area, without rebound or guarding.

C) tender to palpation in RUQ

Despite having high BP readings in the office, Mr. Kelly tells you that his readings at home are much lower. He checks them twice a day at the same time of day and has kept a log. How do you respond? A) You diagnose "white coat hypertension." B) You assume he is quite nervous when he comes to your office. C) You question the accuracy of his measurements. D) You question the accuracy of your measurements.

C) you question the accuracy of his measurement presuming that this is white coat HTN can be dangerous because it's not treated. assume staff is well trained to take readings.

A patient comes to the emergency room for evaluation of shortness of breath. To which anatomic region would you assign the symptom? A) Reproductive B) Urinary C) Cardiac D) Hematologic


You are beginning the examination of the skin on a 25-year-old teacher. You have previously elicited that she came to the office for evaluation of fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. You strongly suspect that she has hypothyroidism. What is the expected moisture and texture of the skin of a patient with hypothyroidism? A) Moist and smooth B) Moist and rough C) Dry and smooth D) Dry and rough

D) dry and rough

Which of the following changes are expected in vision as part of the normal aging process? A) Cataracts B) Glaucoma C) Macular degeneration D) Blurring of near vision

D) Blurring of near vision

You are seeing an elderly man with multiple complaints. He has chronic arthritis, pain from an old war injury, and headaches. Today he complains of these pains, as well as dull chest pain under his sternum. What would the order of priority be for your problem list? A) Arthritis, war injury pain, headaches, chest pain B) War injury pain, arthritis, headaches, chest pain C) Headaches, arthritis, war injury pain, chest pain D) Chest pain, headaches, arthritis, war injury pain

D) CP, HA, arthritis, war injury pain

A 70-year-old retired auto mechanic comes to your office because his neighbor is concerned about his memory. The patient himself admits to misplacing his keys more often and forgets what he is supposed to buy from the grocery store and where he has parked the car. He denies getting lost in familiar places. Upon further questioning, he states that his wife of 40 years died 8 months ago; his three children live in three different states; and he has limited his activities because the people he interacted with were "his wife's friends, not his." He drinks a six-pack of beer daily; he does not smoke or use illicit drugs. You perform a mini-mental state examination and obtain a total score of 24 out of 28. Based on this information, what is your most likely diagnosis? A) Benign forgetfulness B) Dementia C) Meningitis D) Depression

D) Depression

You are performing a young woman's first pelvic examination. You make sure to tell her verbally what is coming next and what to expect. Then you carry out each maneuver of the examination. You let her know at the outset that if she needs a break or wants to stop, this is possible. You ask several times during the examination, "How are you doing, Brittney?" What are you accomplishing with these techniques? A) Increasing the patient's sense of control B) Increasing the patient's trust in you as a caregiver C) Decreasing her sense of vulnerability D) All of the above

D) all of the above

You are beginning the examination of a patient. All of the following areas are important to observe as part of the General Survey except: A) Level of consciousness B) Signs of distress C) Dress, grooming, and personal hygiene D) Blood pressure

D) blood pressure BP is a vital sign

You are running late after your quarterly quality improvement meeting at the hospital and have just gotten paged from the nurses' station because a family member of one of your patients wants to talk with you about that patient's care. You have clinic this afternoon and are double-booked for the first appointment time; three other patients also have arrived and are sitting in the waiting room. Which of the following demeanors is a behavior consistent with skilled interviewing when you walk into the examination room to speak with your first clinic patient? A) Irritability B) Impatience C) Boredom D) Calm

D) calm

A patient complains of knee pain on your arrival in the room. What should your first sentence be after greeting the patient? A) How much pain are you having? B) Have you injured this knee in the past? C) When did this first occur? D) Could you please describe what happened?

D) could you please describe what happened

Steve has just seen a 5-year-old girl who wheezes when exposed to cats. The patient's family history is positive for asthma. You think the child most likely has asthma. What have you just accomplished? A) You have tested your hypothesis. B) You have developed a plan. C) You have established a working diagnosis. D) You have created a hypothesis.

D) created a hypothesis its too early to establish a working diagnosis

Mr. Curtiss has a history of obesity, diabetes, osteoarthritis of the knees, HTN, and obstructive sleep apnea. His BMI is 43 and he has been discouraged by his difficulty in losing weight. He is also discouraged that his goal weight is 158 pounds away. What would you tell him? A) "When you get down to your goal weight, you will feel so much better." B) "Some people seem to be able to lose weight and others just can't, no matter how hard they try." C) "We are coming up with new medicines and methods to treat your conditions every day." D) "Even a weight loss of 10% can make a noticeable improvement in the problems you mention."

D) even a weight loss of 10% can make a noticeable improvement in the problems you mention benefits often come with even a 10% weight loss

A 67-year-old retired janitor comes to the clinic with his wife. She brought him in because she is concerned about his weight loss. He has a history of smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years, for a total of 90 pack-years. He has noticed a daily cough for the past several years, which he states is productive of sputum. He came into the clinic approximately 1 year ago, and at that time his weight was 140 pounds. Today, his weight is 110 pounds. Which one of the following questions would be the most important to ask if you suspect that he has lung cancer? A) Have you tried to force yourself to vomit after eating a meal? B) Do you have heartburn/indigestion and diarrhea? C) Do you have enough food to eat? D) Have you tried to lose weight?

D) have you tried to lose weight?

A 50-year-old body builder is upset by a letter of denial from his life insurance company. He is very lean but has gained 2 pounds over the past 6 months. You personally performed his health assessment and found no problems whatsoever. He says he is classified as "high risk" because of obesity. What should you do next? A) Explain that even small amounts of weight gain can classify you as obese. B) Place him on a high-protein, low-fat diet. C) Advise him to increase his aerobic exercise for calorie burning. D) Measure his waist.

D) measure his waist

A patient is describing a very personal part of her history very quickly and in great detail. How should you react to this? A) Write down as much as you can, as quickly as possible. B) Ask her to repeat key phrases or to pause at regular intervals, so you can get almost every word. C) Tell her that she can go over the notes later to make sure they are accurate. D) Push away from the keyboard or put down your pen and listen.

D) push away from the keyboard and put down your pen and listen

8. The following information is recorded in the health history: "Patient denies chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea." Which category does it belong to? A) Chief complaint B) Present illness C) Personal and social history D) Review of systems

D) review of systems

Jenny is one of your favorite patients who usually shares a joke with you and is nattily dressed. Today she is dressed in old jeans, lacks makeup, and avoids eye contact. To what do you attribute these changes? A) She is lacking sleep. B) She is fatigued from work. C) She is running into financial difficulty. D) She is depressed.

D) she is depressed

A patient tells you about her experience with prolonged therapy for her breast cancer. You comment, "That must have been a very trying time for you." What is this an example of? A) Reassurance B) Empathy C) Summarization D) Validation

D) validation

A 28-year-old patient comes to the office for evaluation of a rash. At first there was only one large patch, but then more lesions erupted suddenly on the back and torso; the lesions itch. On physical examination, you note that the pattern of eruption is like a Christmas tree and that there are a variety of erythematous papules and macules on the cleavage lines of the back. Based on this description, what is the most likely diagnosis? A) Pityriasis rosea B) Tinea versicolor C) Psoriasis D) Atopic eczema

a) pityriasis rosea one large patch that erupted into many lesions "Christmas tree pattern"

a 78 year old resident of a long term care facility complains of generalized itchiness at night that disturbs her sleep. Her examination is consistent with scabies. Which of the following do you expect to find on examination? a. excoriated papule on the interdigital area b. annular lesions over the buttocks c. vesicular lesions in a linear pattern d. honey-colored crusted lesions that began as vesicles

a. excoriated (from itching) papule on the interdigital area

one of the most common trigger agents for contact dermatitis is: a. exposure to nickel b. use of fabric softener c. bathing with liquid body wash d. eating spicy foods

a. exposure to nickel

An urticarial lesion is usually described as a: A. wheal B. plaque C. patch D. papule

a. wheal

which of the following best describes seborrheic dermatitis lesions? a. flaking lesions in the AC and popliteal spaces b. greasy, scaling lesions in the nasolabial folds c. intensely itchy lesions in the groin folds d. silvery lesions on the elbows and knees

b. greasy, scaling lesions in the nasolabia folds think sebaceous glands so *greasy, oily*

a 56 year old truck drive presents with a new nodular, opaque lesion with non distinct borders on his left forearm. This most likely represents: a. actinic keratosis b. squamous cell carcinoma c. basal cell carcinoma d. malignant melanoma

b. squamous cell carcinoma remember NO SUN

You examine a patient with psoriasis vulgaris and expect to find the following lesions: A. lichenified areas in flexor areas B. well-demarcated plaques on the knees C. greasy lesions throughout the scalp D. vesicular lesions over the upper thorax

b. well-demarcated plaques on the knees

a 72 year old woman presents with a newly formed painless, pearly, ulcerated nodule with an overlying telangiectasis on the upper lip. this most likely represents: a. actinic keratosis b. basal cell carcinoma c. squamous cell carcinoma d. molluscum contagiosa

basal cell carcinoma remember PUT ON

1. For which of the following patients would a comprehensive health history be appropriate? A) A new patient with the chief complaint of "I sprained my ankle" B) An established patient with the chief complaint of "I have an upper respiratory infection" C) A new patient with the chief complaint of "I am here to establish care" D) A new patient with the chief complaint of "I cut my hand"

c) a new patient with the CC of "I am here to establish care" the patient is new to the provider so a comprehensive health history is needed

when examining a mole for malignant melanoma, all of the following characteristics can indicate a melanoma, except: a. asymmetry with non matching sides b. color that is not uniform c. a recently formed lesion d. a lesion that has been present for at least 2 years

d. a lesion that has been present for at least 2 years ABCDE E-evolving (new or changing lesion)

a common site for atopic dermatitis in an adult is on the: a. dorsum of the hand b. face c. neck d. flexor surfaces

d. flexor surfaces

the most common sites for squamous and basal cell carcinoma include: a. palms of hands and soles of feet b. pelvic and lumbar c. abdomen d. the face and scalp

d. the face and scalp (where we get the most sun exposure)

a 49 year old man presents with a skin lesion suspicious for malignant melanoma. you describe the lesion as having: a. deep, black-brown coloring throughout b. sharp borders c. a diameter of 3 mm or less d. variable pigmentation

d. variable pigmentation remember ABCDE rule

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