OCN 105 Exam 4

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What are the advantages of the milpa-forest garden agriculture?

A. About two-thirds of the farmland is actually maintained as forest B. The cycle of slash and burn, growing mixed crops, and then allowing the forest to regrow helps recycle and retain soil nutrients C. This type of farming supports biodiversity including wild animal life D. There are few issues with erosion since the soil is not plowed E. It provides additional valuable goods and services such as building supplies and medicines

What is true regarding the Crisis of the Third Century for the Roman and Han Empires?

A. Agricultural productivity was low from climate change C. Hostile neighbors took advantage of the empire's instability. D. The empires fractionated into regions E. There was decentralization of power to military warlords at the frontiers.

What were the limitations of Maya agriculture according to Diamond?

A. Corn agriculture was less productive B. The humid climate made it difficult to store corn C. In some areas, there were water shortages resulting from the local geological features (low water table and limestone) and occasional droughts D. The dominant crop, corn, yielded little protein F. The Maya had no animal-powered transport or plows

According to Diamond, what factors contributed to the Maya collapse?

A. Deforestation and hillside erosion reducing the amount of useable farmland B. Population growth outstripping available resources C. The most severe drought the Maya civilization had experienced D. Maya kings and nobles failing to recognize and solve the long-term problems undermining their society E. Warfare over fewer resources which further reduced land available for farming

What technology was developed and natural features were used to access and store water?

A. Drilled wells (up to 90 ft deep) B. Aguadas C. Chultuns D. Cenotes E. Lakes and freshwater lagoons F. Water seals such as impermeable clay, stone, or plaster to help retain water. G. Cities with infrastructure built to channel, collect, and sometimes get rid of water.

Match the area with its description. A. Southern Highlands B. Southern Lowlands C. Northern Lowlands

A. Higher rainfall than the other regions, volcanic and metamorphic rock, deepest water table B. Consistent rainfall with some seasonal variability, abundant limestone, deep water table C. Rainfall was strongly seasonal, abundant limestone, shallow water table

What factors contributed to the migration of Ancestral Puebloans south into present-day Arizona and New Mexico?

A. Increased incidences of warfare B. Changes in cultural practices, possibly religious C. More reliable monsoons farther south D. A megadrought in the late 13th century E. Dependence on agriculture F. Population growth, especially in villages

What is true regarding the Roman Climate Optimum (RCO)?

A. It is characterized by a warmer, wetter climate B. It coincided with the pax Romana C. It led to a vast expansion of usable farmland across the Empire E. It can be identified by examining Beryllium isotopes in soil layer

According to Diamond, what environmental attributes of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) limited food resources?

A. Limited freshwater C. Windy climate D. Limited rainfall E. Porous volcanic soil F. No coral reefs G. Fewer fish species

The primary blows to the preservation of Rapa Nui culture were

A. Population decimation by European diseases B. Blackbirding C. Catholic conversion

How did archeologists differentiate artifacts left by the Ancestral Puebloan and the Hohokam who lived on the same land before the Ancestral Puebloan peoples?

A. Rectangular kivas B. Distinct patterned pottery C. Stone building materials

What are the benefits of lithic mulch agriculture (pu)?

A. Retaining moisture B. Reducing evaporation from the sun and wind E. Leaching minerals for fertilizer F. Reducing erosion

What are the advantages of raised bed agriculture?

A. The beds are self-watering B. The aquatic animals living in the canals can also be collected for food D. The fertile soil from the canals can be put on the beds to replenish nutrients Only used in lowlands.

What lines of evidence refute Diamond's hypothesis that the Rapa Nui society suffered and collapsed from self-inflicted environmental degradation, a so-called 'ecocide?'

A. The carved figurines were likely in reverence to the skeleton shape rather than to depict starving people, since they were crafted in the 1400s. B. The mo'ai were laid down carefully and precisely over burial sites, not toppled by angry warring clans. C. Obsidian tools were not used as spears in warfare, but rather to cut plants, particularly sweet potato and taro.

Which climatic events impacted both the Roman and Han Empires?

A. The end of the Roman Climate Optimum in the second century

What were the consequences of the agricultural limitations according to Diamond?

A. There was limited duration and distance possible for their military campaigns. B. Maya society remained politically divided among small kingdoms that would go in and out of conflict with each other. C. Maya cities remained small, mostly less than one square mile in area and with populations less than 50,000 people. D. A Maya farmer could produce only twice the needs of himself and his family, so at least 70% of Maya society consisted of peasant farmers to supply enough food for their entire society.

What nuances complicate the story of Maya collapse?

A. There were smaller collapses before and after the larger "Classic" collapse that occurred in ~ A.D. 800. B. Many cities experienced "power cycling" where the leadership changed hands but the population itself remained the same. C. There were hundreds of thousands of Maya who survived the collapse and lived to fight the Spaniards. D. Cities in different areas where the Maya lived rose and fell at different times. E. Population collapse was slow in some areas and faster in others.

What was unique about the Han government?

A. They kept taxes low for farmers and provided relief and aid for victims of natural disasters C. They adopted a centralized government with a softer ruling style incorporating Confucian ideals of moral behavior D. Early Han rulers were of peasant origin and understood that the security of the empire and the livelihood of the people depended on the peasants.

What are the advantages of terraced agriculture?

A. They work in mountain areas with rocky soil and steep slopes D. The terracing helps retain soil They did not act as a reservoir during dry season, and topsoil/nutrients were not permanently retained.

Diamond claims that the Rapa Nui deforestation is "the most extreme example of forest destruction in the Pacific." What were the trees likely used for?

A. To build seagoing canoes and harpoons B. Burned for firewood or cremation C. Wood ladders and ropes to transport mo'ai D. Wine, honey, or sugar using sap E. House thatching, baskets, mats, and boat sails using palm fronds F. Tapa clothing using bark

Infectious diseases were the leading cause of death during the Roman Empire. Multiple pandemics (smallpox, ebola, bubonic) swept across the Empire (and world), including the Antonine and Justinian. What catalyzed the outbreak of diseases in this time period?

A. Urbanized densely packed cities B. Global trade routes C. Interconnected cities within the empire D. Rodents (black rats in particular) living near humans because of grain storage

What facilitated the explosion of commerce in the Roman empire?

A. ceramic containers to transport liquids, particularly wine and olive oil B. a credit system C. eradication of piracy at sea D. the umbrella of Roman law which reduced transaction costs E. safe port facilities in the Mediterranean Sea F. ships were larger and faster than ever before G. a common currency

Several factors may have made Rapa Nui particularly susceptible to deforestation. Match the island attribute with its primary impact on the degree of deforestation according to Diamond. A. reduced growth rate and seedling establishment B. more area suitable for farming C. reduced soil fertility

A. dry climate, cold high-latitude B. without makatea rock, low topography, small island C. old volcanic island, no aerial ash fallout, far from Central Asia's dust plume

Romans benefited from seven different climate environments that could buffer any climate shocks that might lead to localized problems with productivity. Match the climate environment with its description. A. Humid Continental B. Temperate Oceanic C. Cold Semi-Arid D. Mediterranean E. Cold Continental F. Humid Subtropical G. Desert

A. four distinct seasons and large seasonal temperature difference B. cool summers and cool winters C. warm to hot and dry summers and cold winters D. dry summers and mild, wet winters E. two extremes between summer and winter F. hot and humid summers and cold to mild winters G. hot summers and excessive evaporation

What limited trade and transportation?

A. lack of large population of slaves B. lack of abundant navigable riverways connecting major cities C. lack of large animals D. lack of transport technology such as wheels

Despite the unequal distribution of wealth, the Roman empire had high levels of production, consumption, and general well-being, as evidenced by

A. slave labor B. public buildings C. wages outpaced rent D. market trade E. mining and metallurgy F. meat consumption

Match the Han invention to the area of society that it improved. A. Agriculture B. Science C. Industry D. Warfare

A. the chain pump and the wheelbarrow B. the seismograph and the magnetic compass C. a foot-powered machine for silk production and a modified bamboo pole for mining salt D. iron fish-scale armor and the kite

What is true about the 'Late Antique Little Ice Age?'

B. It was identified by scientists studying tree rings (dendrochronology) and ice cores. C. It is a period of colder temperatures that lasted at least 150 years


B. Operates on the principle that trees grow one ring every year where a wider ring corresponds to a wetter year. C. Provides higher temporal resolution (more detail) than ocean sediment cores. D. Can help determine the geographical extent of past drought events. E. Was used to identify three megadrought conditions from 800-1300 CE.

What was the impact of contact with Europeans?

B. Recorded the island on maps which allowed for further contact C. Spread diseases that killed up to 90% of their population D. Undermined faith in their religion and ancestors

Which of the following statements are true regarding Ancestral Puebloan civilization?

B. They lived in an austere (harsh) high-altitude environment D. Using irrigation, they were able to grow corn, beans, and squash

Which of the following statements are true regarding Roman land reform laws?

C. They were proposed by Tiberius and Gaius and were meant to redistribute land to smaller farmers. D. They were a response to the threat to subsistence and security by large slave-based estates which produced olive oil and wine rather than essential goods such as grain.

Future climate scenarios for the southwest region predict that

Droughts will last longer

Because of its close proximity, interisland travel was common between Rapa Nui and other Polynesian Islands such as Mangareva, Pitcairn, and Henderson.


Rapa Nui was divided into territories with competing clans who were distinct and independent religiously, economically, and politically and did not share resources.


The Roman government was swift to implement new technological advances to improve efficiency and agricultural production which accelerated the destruction of the environment.

False, According to the article, Romans were highly resistant to new ideas and inventions because of their dependence on slave labor. If implemented with ecological understanding and concern for the sustainability of the environment, the new technologies to improve efficiency might have strengthened and sustained the empire. However, their disregard for the environment paired with implementing new technology to alter the environment might have accelerated its destruction and the fall of the empire.

Throughout all of Roman history, Romans were proud of their ability to alter nature and deplete natural resources.

False, Although this sentiment is true for the middle and late Roman Republic and Empire which were increasingly utilitarian and willing to exploit their natural resources, the earliest Romans had worshiped nature and were prohibited from making major changes to the environment by religious taboos.

Despite political unrest and rebellions, the Han Empire experienced a stable climate and environment.

False, As explained in the reading, almost every year there was a flood, drought, infestation, or other disaster somewhere in the country. Some were so severe or widespread that they exceeded the relief capabilities of the government, and provoked rebellions when the government seemed especially incompetent. Two major natural catastrophes were widespread locust infestations and the flooding and shifting course of the Yellow (Huang He) River.

One megadrought from ~1276-1299 CE was the sole cause of the abandonment of Ancestral Puebloan land.

False, It is likely that this drought contributed to the migration. However, comparable megadroughts happened before, yet the people did not leave. And an exceedingly wet period followed, yet people did not return. A majority of the people migrated to the Hopi land which may have been worse off. There had to be more to the story than simply a bad drought.

In contrast to the Roman Empire, the Han Empire was not founded on military expansion and did not trade with other countries.

False, The Han dynasty was also known for its military achievements. Han emperors expanded the empire as far as present-day Korea and Vietnam. Once Central Asia was under its control, the Han established trade relationships with the West based on the silk and salt industries.

The Maya had a centralized ruling authority comprised of subordinate regional kingdoms.

False, The Maya did not have a centralized ruling authority, rather the Maya were a patchwork of many regional kingdoms or independent states, each ruled by royal or noble families.

Roman land use was sustainable because they respected natural resources and only used what they needed for subsistence.

False, The Romans did not respect the natural world. They hunted whales to extinction in the Mediterranean, they mined precious metals in Spain leaving toxic pools of water that polluted rivers and towns, they slashed and burned across Europe to create agricultural fields, and they cleared massive forests for construction lumber and fuel for fires. Their population was sustained because the climate allowed for abundant and productive farmland.

Anomalously colder temperatures in the Pacific played a major role in the population collapse of the Rapanui society in the 1700s.

False, The climate was relatively stable from 1000-1700 CE for the Rapanui. Therefore climate change has currently been ruled out as a major contributor to the problems that were faced by the Rapanui.

Rome: Which of the following statements are true?

Peak Roman population was 75 million or a quarter of all humanity The foundation of Roman wealth and prosperity was military conquest and agriculture.

Who were the original settlers of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)?

Polynesian voyagers sailing canoes

Match the Maya class with its description. A. Priests B. Slaves C. Common people D. Nobility

Priests: The scientist, engineers, alchemist, and astronomers of the day Slaves: Individuals that owed debt or were captured in conflicts from neighboring states Common people: Primarily farmers Nobility: Ruled based on the claim they had a direct connection with the spirit world

Deforestation can lead to hillside erosion, reduced soil fertility, and a man-made drought.


From some combination of overhunting, deforestation, and predation by rats, every last land bird species on Rapa Nui became extinct.


Lake sediment cores were used to identify drought conditions from gypsum and oxygen isotope measurements as well as deforestation from pollen records.


The end of the ahu and mo'ai building period roughly coincided with the complete destruction of the palm forest around 1600.


The milpa-forest garden technique is highly productive and sustainable; therefore, it seems unlikely that environmental degradation was a driver of Maya collapse.


In response to the loss of forests, the Rapanui began the agricultural practices of manavai and pu.

True, The Rapanui realized that the trees had provided services as windbreaks, reducing evaporation from topsoil, and reducing soil erosion. Since the forests were cleared, they had to adapt and used stone walls (manavai) and lithic mulching (pu) to replace these services. These agricultural practices were successful in maintaining the population.

The domestication of corn and turkey made the Ancestral Puebloan peoples more dependent on agriculture and more susceptible to drought.

True, The growing complexity of the Ancestral Puebloan society including expansions in ideology, religion, politics as well as dependence on irrigation agriculture to feed an exceedingly large population are hypothesized to have made the society more fragile and more susceptible to drought.

People believed that the Earth was dying at the end of the Roman Climate Optimum because the Northern Hemisphere became colder and drier, there were fewer monsoonal rains, and the Sahara became a vast desert.

True, The severe changes to climate at the end of the Roman Climate Optimum led people to think that the Earth itself might be dying. The Mediterranean became colder and drier. The high latitude and high elevation farms were no longer productive. The monsoonal rains in Africa and China became weaker leading to fewer monsoonal flows of the Nile and Yellow Rivers. The Sahara became a desert.

Each controlling roughly half of the world's population, both the Roman and Han Empires required extensive resources. What were some of the environmental impacts of resource extraction?

A. Mining heavy metals which polluted waterways and poisoned people C. Depleting nutrients in soils by not resting crops. D. Deforestation which can be identified by atmospheric methane trapped in the bubbles of ice cores from Greenland.

How did scientists reconstruct (determine) the climate during the Ancestral Puebloan civilization?

A. Tree rings D. Pollen counts

Unlike the Romans, the Han Empire

A. officials were chosen based on their ability and knowledge rather than social status B. most people spoke the same language and standardized writing C. allowed women to file charges against men in court D. was primarily a Humid Subtropical climate E. funded science as well as technology

Which statement is false? A. The ancient Maya civilization left extensive deciphered written texts B. The Maya made stone tools out of obsidian C. Ancient Maya culture was lost entirely with its collapse D. Trade with neighboring societies was not a factor in the Maya collapse E. The Maya homeland is a seasonal tropical rainforest with risk of droughts and hurricanes

C. Ancient Maya culture was lost entirely with its collapse

In the early centuries before the 1600s, what was the most common meat source for the Rapanui (the people of Rapa Nui) according to Diamond?


Cenotes were abundant in the rainy Southern Highlands where limestone is abundant.

False, they were abundant in the Northern and Southern lowlands

What was the most important product to Han trade?


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