Old Testament Survey Review For Test One

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Abraham's original home was

Ur of the Chaldees.

Jamnia was

a Jewish council that made the recognition of the Old Testament books official.

Jasher is

a book mentioned, but not included in the Old Testament.

"Ziggurat" is

a tower and is associated with the Tower of Babel.

God created man and woman

as equals.

Pseudepigrapha are

books which claim to be written by ancient prophets.

A book which gives notes or explanations on chapters and in the Bible is called a


A book which lists each word in the Bible and tells each reference where that word can be found is called a


The Bible says that Abraham believed in God and it was

credited to him as righteousness.

Adam and Eve chose to


Joshua is known for his

faith, courage, and skill in leadership.

God promises blessings to those who

fulfill the conditions of His covenant.

Samuel encouraged the people not to

get a king.

God promised to give Abraham a

great name.

When Potiphar's wife attempted to seduce Joseph,

he said, how can I do this evil and against God?"

Rueben convinced

his brothers not to kill Joseph.

The Hebrew word "yom"

is translated elsewhere as "generation" or "age".

Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses and to

lead Israel to the Promised Land.

The two most important commands God gave were to

love God with your whole heart and to love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.

Enoch is

mentioned for his fellowship with God.

The Talmud are

notes and commentaries on the Hebrew scriptures.

Lot compromised with sin by

offering his daughters to be raped by the men of Sodom.

Hosea was

one of the "Minor Prophets".

An agnostic is

one who does not believe that one can know if God exists.

In the New Testament, we read that Christ has

redeemed us from the "curse of the law" and that in Christ, there is "neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female".

The grand theme of the Bible is

redemption or salvation.

The "Five Rolls" are

shorter books read at Jewish festivals.

The Psalms speak of struggles with

sin, joys, and sorrows, failures and victories.

Inequality between man and woman was the result of


Adam and Eve were created without a

sinful nature.

Genesis 4-11 tells how sin spread through the human family like

terminal cancer through a human body.

The JEPD Theory suggests

that the Pentateuch arises from several sources and was completed in about 400 B.C.

"Canon" means

that which is measured by an authoritative rule or standard.

Aramaic replaced Hebrew as the spoken language of the Israelites after

the Babylonian captivity.

Israel's prayer book and hymn book is

the Book of Psalms.

Isaiah is

the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament.

According to Lennox,

the Old Testament is the best commentary ever written in the New Testament.

The writers of the Old and New Testaments believed that Moses wrote

the Pentateuch.

Inspiration refers to the way

the World of God has been recorded in scripture.

The plagues of Egypt directly or indirectly challenged

the authority of the Egyptian gods.

The Fertile Crescent was

the center of the Old Testament world.

Abraham is known as

the father of all who have faith.

Tyndale was

the first to make an English translation directly from the Hebrew and Greek.

Koine is

the form of Greek used in the New Testament.

Tiament was

the goddess of the deep in the Babylonian creation epic.

Elihu was

the man who discussed the disciplinary values of suffering.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are

the oldest and most important Old Testament manuscripts.

"Autographs" are

the original writings as completed by their human authors.

The Book of Ruth belongs to

the period of the Judges.

The word "bara" is used

three times in the creation account.

Revelation includes all the ways that God makes Himself known

through Bible, through nature, through conscience, through Holt Spirit, through Christ, etc.

The Septuagint

was the version of the Old Testament used by Jesus.

Joshua said,

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".

Elohim means

"God of Power".

The Torah means

"The Law" and is the first division of the Hebrew scriptures.

As Joseph looks back over his life he says,

"They intended it for evil against me, but God intended it for good".

Leviticus says,

"You must be holy because the Lord your God is holy."

The word "testament" means

"covenant" or "agreement".

Human beings are the

"crowing glory" of God's creation.

Job's wife encouraged him to

"curse God and die".

In the Bible, the word "lust" means to

"earnestly covet"

Abraham's name means

"father of a multitude".

Israel entered a

"golden age of obedience and blessing" after David became king.

An animal unfit for sacrifice was described as animal which was unfit for sacrifice was described as


The Bible was written over a period of approximately

1500 years.

The Apocrapha contains books written from

200 B.C. to 100 A.D.

The patriarchal period extends from approximately

2100 B.C. to 1850 B.C.

God's most perfect revelation of Himself is found in


The principal writer and complier of the Psalms is


The Pentateuch tells us that

God hates sin as well as what sin has done to His perfect creation.

In the Pentateuch,

God is described as perfect.

Eden was the garden where

God put Adam and Eve.

The Psalms portray the character of David's relationship with


Parallelism is a prominent feature in

Hebrew poetry.

When God described Himself to Moses, He emphasized

His compassion.

God's covenant is based on

His mercy and grace.

At Bethel,

Jacob saw a ladder to heaven.

The Old Testament is the scripture used by

Jesus and the disciples.

Holiness is a key idea in


Both Saul and David were anointed as kinds by


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