Iteration 3 OOD
/** Description: @param @param @return /*
Iteration 2 OOD
Programming language you will be using: class (#): name of class attributes: list of attributes with their type services: list of services with their input and output that contain their type continue to do this for all classes
Object Oriented Design
Takes us from the problem domain to the solution domain
After OOA and OOD
Test Driven Development -test frequently -test early
Iteration 2 OOA
class (#): name of class attributes: list of attributes and describe each services: list of services and describe each Continue for all the classes Then filter
Iteration 3 OOA
class (#): name of class attributes: list of attributes and describe each services: list of services and describe each *(need input and outputs without data type) Continue for all the classes Then filter
Finding Delegation
Finding Attributes
data members characteristics and properties that describe object
what can we throw awaw? unnecessary attributes or methods
OOA Steps for Iteration 1
Finding Classes and Objects Finding Attributes Finding Services Finding Inheritance Finding Delegation Filtering
Iteration 1 OOD
Iteration 4 OOA
UML Diagram
Finding Inheritance
identifying super and subclasses if they exist
Object Oriented Analysis
iterated process to understand what to do
Finding Services
methods look for verbs calculations, operations, construction of object say what service does
Finding Classes and Objects
nouns reading the requirements having conversation with the client