PEBM: midterm module 1

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D. Outcome

Follow-up will assess the A. Population B. Intervention C. Comparison D. Outcome E. Time

D. Ibuprofen

In the following statement identify the C in PICOT In African American female adolescents with Hepatitis B, how does Acetaminophen compared to Ibuprofen affect liver function? A. African American women B. Hepatitis C. Acetaminophen D. Ibuprofen E. Liver function

C. Acetaminophen

In the following statement identify the I in PICOT In African American female adolescents with Hepatitis B, how does Acetaminophen compared to Ibuprofen affect liver function? A. African American women B. Hepatitis C. Acetaminophen D. Ibuprofen E. Liver function

D. African American female adolescents with hepatitis B

In the following statement identify the P in PICOT In African American female adolescents with Hepatitis B, how does Acetaminophen compared to Ibuprofen affect liver function? A. African American females B. Hepatitis C. Acetaminophen D. African American female adolescents with hepatitis B E. Adolescents with hepatitis B


When a patient asks about adverse reactions, which type of source should be consulted first?

Key terms

When searching MeSH, you would also want to include....

B. Cochrane library

Which is NOT a tertiary source? A. Review articles B. Cochrane library C. Compendia D. Textbooks


Which is larger PubMed or Medline?

D. [mesh]

Which is the correct way to enter MeSH? A. "mesh" B. (Mesh) C. {mesh) D. [mesh]

A. "___"

Which of the following could be use to search for a phrase? A. "___" B. * C. & D. Controlled vocabulary

B. *

Which of the following could be used to search for singular or plural form? A. "___" B. * C. & D. Controlled vocabulary

B. I: intervention

Which of the following criteria correctly matches PICOT? A. P: Perspective B. I: intervention C. C: Clinical outcome D. O: Objective E. T: Translation

C. Tertiary

Which of the following describes a resource that has been filtered and summarized by the author? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary

B. Embase

Which of the following has PICO search? A. Medline B. Embase C. PubMed D. Clinical pharmacology

A. Review articles

Which of the following is NOT a secondary source? A. Review articles B. PubMed C. Web of Science D. IPA E. Cochrane Library

D. All of the above

Which of the following is a gold standard secondary source? A. PubMED B. Embase C. Web of Science D. All of the above

C. AND combines concepts

Which of the following matches the Boolean operator correctly A. AND combines similar concepts or terms B. NOT includes a concept C. AND combines concepts D. IN includes similar concepts E. OR combines concepts

C. Tertiary

Which of the following sources should be consulted first when finding information? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary

C. In Embase you must enter the full journals name Can be abbreviated

Which of the following statements is false A. In PubMed you can search by pharmacological activity B. In Embase you can search by PICO C. In Embase you must enter the full journals name D. Embase controlled vocabulary is called Emtree.

D. Clonidine AND ("attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR ADHD)

Which of the the following is correct A. Clonidine AND "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR ADHD B. Clonidine AND attention deficit hyperactivity disorder OR ADHD C. Clonidine AND ("attention deficit hyperactivity disorder") OR ADHD D. Clonidine AND ("attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR ADHD)


Drugs@FDA is what type of source?

B. Current; individual

Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of ____ best evidence in making decisions about the care of ____ patients. A. Collectively; individual B. Current; individual C. Collectively; multiple D. Current; multiple

C. The best external evidence

Evidence-based medicine involved tracking down ______ with which to answer our clinical questions A. The current evidence B. The previous evidence C. The best external evidence D. The best internal evidence.

C. Perspective

In PICOT, what could P NOT stand for? A. Population B. Predicament C. Perspective D. Problem


Pharmacological actions is contained within which section of PubMed?

B. Medline

PubMed contains millions of citations from A. Embase B. Medline C. Web of Science D. IPA

False This is a misconception, it's based on the best evidence.

T or F: EBM can be based on any reasonable evidence


T or F: Embase has more international journals than PubMed Hint: embassy


T or F: PubMed pharmacoaction terms include mesh terms and supplementary concepts but NOT key words


T or F: evidence based medicine is only restricted to randomized trials and meta-analysis


T or F: it's good to use synonymous, controlled vocabulary, and keywords when conducting a search on a secondary source


T or F: you can search by pharmacological action in PubMed


T or F: you can send articles from PubMed directly to citation manager

B. Medical subject heading

The controlled vocabulary of pubmed and a called A. Emtree B. Medical subject heading C. DARE D. EmMee


This DI is a database that contains monographs from the FDA and off label uses of medications. A. Clinical pharmacology B. Lexicomp C. AHFS D.

Medical subject headings (MeSH)

This is a controlled vocabulary used to use index articles and create more accurate search queries in PubMed

B. Secondary

This source references that either index or abstract the primary literature with the goal of directing the user to relevant primary literature A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary

B, C, E

What are the 3 basis of evidence based medicine? A. Unbiased B. Conscientious C. Explicit D. Non-judgmental E. Judicious

D. Citation management software

What is EndNote? A. Primary source B. Secondary source C. Tertiary source D. Citation management software

C. Misleading conclusions

What is a disadvantage of primary sources for drug information? A. Information may be vague B. Assess study validity and applicability C. Misleading conclusions D. Not as recent

The response is tailored to the requesters background

What is the bottom line of PICOT?

E. All of the above

What should be described in the intervention part of PICOT? A. Medication B. Dose C. Route D. Form E. All of the above

A and D

What would you type to find search terms in the title abstract field? A. [tiab] B. (tiab) C. "tiab" D. [title/abstract]

B. Intervention

What's being done to the patient is which PICOT element? A. Population B. Intervention C. Comparison D. Outcomes T. Time

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