organizational behavior

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"How often does the person act this way in other settings?" addresses ___________ in the attribution theory?

cognitive dissonance.

A state of anxiety that occurs when an individual's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors are inconsistent with one another is called _______.


According to the Five-Factor Model of Personality, people with a high score on which of the dimensions tend to be more self-disciplined, dependable, and careful?


According to the attribution theory, "How often does the person act this way in other settings?" describes _______ ?

antecedents; consequences

Although _______ is (are) important, behavior modification mainly focuses on the _______ of behavior.

continuance commitment.

An employee's calculative attachment to the organization, whereby an employee is motivated to stay only because leaving would be costly refers to

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

As a corporate leader at his organization, Jacob was particularly concerned with the company's activities that would benefit society and the environment beyond the firm's immediate financial interests or legal obligations. Jacob's concerns are related to the organization's ______________.

emotional labor

Boobi is having a bad day. Her three-year old is running a fever and her mother-in-law is taking care of him, she herself is feeling a little under the weather, she is running late and on the way to work she spills her coffee all over her new suit. As she drives in horrible rush hour traffic, Bobbi takes out her frustration by smacking the steering wheel. Once she arrives at work however, she smiles and is sure to provide the best customer service possible. Bobbi is experiencing __________.

enacted values; espoused values

By watching Rita, we can observe her ___________. However, if we talk to Rita about an issue like environmentalism, for example, she will express to us her __________, which may or may not differ.

relevant goals

Conchita makes sure that when she sets individual work goals for her staff in the admissions office at the local college, the employees actually have direct control over meeting them. Conchita is making sure she sets ____________.

selective attention

David is a nurse in the maternity ward at a busy hospital. David's day is filled with people and events vying for his attention. The red light on the nurse station console receives his attention because it is bright, flashing, and a rare event, and so it gets successfully filtered through the ___________ process.

drive to learn; drive to defend

Drew's department has just received a new computer program that he is curious to try out, triggered by his ____________. His boss, Megan, tells him that he is too inexperienced to use the program yet, which makes Drew somewhat angry, triggered by his _______________.


Empowered employees experience __________.

Alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion

General adaptation syndrome involves which stage sequence?


In the Johari Window, which area includes information about you that is known both to you and others?

emotions and beliefs

In the model of emotions, attitudes and behavior, feelings are directly influenced by:


Jessica is a recent college grad and works for a large cell phone company's customer service center. She answers questions from customers and helps fellow young people download the latest trend in pop culture, trendy ring tones for their cell phones. Her customers think they are speaking to someone like themselves—hip, young and American; but Jessica is answering customer service calls from her office in Spain. This is an example of_____________.

self-serving bias

Lacey is working on a group project for her economics class. The professor had high praise for the group's ability to turn in their work early and also for the creative Power Point presentation which accompanied it. However, there were a few conceptual errors the professor wanted to clear up and it lowered their grade. Lacey took credit for meeting the deadline early and also for the Power Point presentation; however she blamed the errors on others in the group pointing out each individual's contribution to the professor. This is an example of ____________.

external factor

Linda failed to show up to her last two staff meetings on time due to an overlapping client meeting. Even though those two instances were unusual circumstances, when Linda failed to show up to the most recent staff meeting on time, the rest of the group attributed it to the same ____________ and proceeded with the meeting on-schedule.

relationship capital

Michael's Day Care knows that it can always count on SoSoft Baby Supply to provide safe products for use in the franchise's day cares. The mutual trust between Michael's and SoSoft is an example of ________________.

fundamental attribution error

Mike always sees his employees rather than the situation as the main cause of their behavior. Mike can be described as suffering from _______?

continuance commitment

Nick believes it is in his own personal interest to remain with the accounting firm where he has been working. He believes it would be too costly to quit, even though he does not particularly like everyone he has to work with. Austin is experiencing _____________.

the employment relationship

One of the key influences on organizational commitment is __________.

it is almost impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of many decisions

One problem with the utilitarian principle of ethical decision making is that


One specific challenge for George, as a store manager, is to match the ____________ that people possess with those that each job requires.

Social perception

Regis is from New York City-born and raised-and this is an important part of his social identity. By viewing himself as a New Yorker, Regis removes his individuality and instead sees himself as a prototypical representative of the group called New Yorkers. This represents which activity in the process of forming and maintaining social identity?

power distance

Riya is originally from India. Dana has a high ____________ value—she accepts and values unequal power.

high degree of moral intensity

Senior executives at CyberForm must make a decision that will affect many people and where the decision may produce good or bad consequences for those affected. This decision has a///

task significance.

The degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the organization and/or larger society is referred to as ___________.

uncertainty avoidance.

The degree to which people tolerate ambiguity or are threatened by it refers to

exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model.

The four ways that employees respond to job dissatisfaction refers to the

human capital

The knowledge that employees carry around in their heads refers to:

intellectual capital

The knowledge that resides in an organization is called __________.


The main objective of the Johari Window is to increase the size of the _______ area so that both you and colleagues are aware of your perceptual limitations.


The process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category refers to

goal setting.

The process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives is called

internal locus of control

Those who feel that they can influence their own destiny have a(n) _______.

increase the amount of autonomy

To increase an employee's feelings of experienced responsibility, we would _______ in the person's job

Organizational learning

To maintain intellectual capital, organizations depend on their capacity to acquire, share, and use knowledge more effectively. This process is often called _______________.

Medium-low; medium-low; achievement; individualist

United States = ___________ power distance, ___________ uncertainty avoidance, achievement/nurturing oriented, collectivist/individualist

knowledge management

Vepco Corp. is an open system through employees and systems that supports _________________. This is any structured activity that improves Vepco's capacity to acquire, share, and use knowledge in ways that improve its survival and success.

Remove the stressors, withdraw from the stressors, change stress perception, control stress consequences, receive social support

What are the 5 ways to manage workplace stress?


What is a person's belief that he or she has the ability, motivation, correct role perceptions, and favorable situation to complete a task successfully?


What is the lowest level of emotional intelligence (EI)?

Organizational efficiency

What is the ultimate dependent variable in organizational behavior?


What represents the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior?

enacted values

What represents the values we actually rely on to guide our decisions and actions?


What, according to the Schwartz's Values Circumplex, include the value clusters of conformity, tradition, and security?

emotional dissonance.

When conflict between required and true emotions occurs, it is called ________.

halo effect

When our general impression of a person, usually based on one prominent characteristic, colors our perception of other characteristics of that person, it refers to _______ ?


Which area, according to the Johari Window, includes your values, beliefs, and experiences that aren't known to you or others?

expectancy theory

Which motivation theory is based on the idea that work effort is directed towards behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes?


Which of the "Big Five" dimensions refers to being good-natured, empathetic, caring, and courteous?

Concrete experience

Which stage of Kolb's Experiential Learning Model involves sensory and emotional engagement in some activity?

Four-drive theory

Which theory is based on the innate drives to acquire, bond, learn, and defend that incorporates both emotions and rationality?


_______ are goal-directed forces that people experience.


_______ are physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.


_______ are relatively stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations.

Negative reinforcement

_______ increases or maintains the incidence of behavior by removing or avoiding a consequence.

General adaptation syndrome

_______ is a model of the stress experience, consisting of three stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

Maslow's needs hierarchy theory

_______ is a motivation theory of needs arranged in a hierarchy, whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher need as a lower one becomes gratified.


_______ is a psychological concept in which people experience more self-determination, meaning, competence and impact regarding their role in the organization.

Intellectual capital

_______ is also called knowledge management.

Distributive justice

_______ is perceived fairness in the outcomes we receive relative to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others.


_______ is the capability of individuals to cope successfully in the face of significant change, adversity, or risk.

Emotional labor

_______ is the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.

Continuous reinforcement

_______ is the most effective schedule of reinforcement.

Job specialization

_______ is the result of division of labor in which each job includes a subset of the tasks required to complete the product or service.

Job enrichment

_______ occurs when employees are given more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating, and planning their own work.

Positive reinforcement

_______ occurs when the introduction of a consequence increases or maintains the frequency or future probability of a behavior.

Emotional dissonance

_______ occurs when we perceive an inconsistency between our beliefs, feelings, and behavior.

False consensus effect

_______ refers to "similar to me" effect?

Emotional intelligence

_______ refers to the ability to monitor our own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate between them and to use this information to guide our thinking and actions?


_______ represent the cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions toward an object?

Mental models

_______ represent the visual or relational images in our mind representing the external world?


_______ represents Beth's personal need for self-fulfillment. Beth strives to sense that her potential has been realized. Her personal goal of climbing Mt. Everest is a component of her achieving this level in Maslow's needs hierarchy.


_______, according to the Five-Factor Model of Personality, characterizes people who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive.

Changing the comparison other

__________ could be used to restore equity feelings.

Expectancy theory

__________ is a motivation theory based on the idea that work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes.

Organizational efficiency

__________ is the ratio of inputs to outcomes.


__________ refers to the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior?

Job design

__________ refers to the process of assigning tasks to a job, including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs?

Job enrichment

__________ would allow employees to feel they have more responsibility.

Multidisciplinary, systematic research, contingency, multiple levels of analysis

__________, ___________, _________, and ___________, are the four conceptual anchors of OB.


___________ includes both the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task?

Organizational commitment

_____________ best characterizes the way Daniel relates to Fancy Fish, the restaurant where he has built a career over the last 27 years. Daniel actually has an emotional attachment to Fancy Fish itself and identifies with the organization.

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