P2 VOCABULARY- Shannon rickett

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Square Root

one of the 2 equal factors of a #

Rationalizing the denominator

process used to create a radical free denominator

Like Radicals

radical expressions can be combined if they are like radicals

Scientific Notation

convenient way of writing very large or very small #'s

In the expression b m/n, m denotes the ____to which the base is raised and n denotes the _____ root to be taken

Power; index

when an expression involving radicals has all possible factors removed, radical-free denominators and a reduced index

Simplest Form

in the exponential form of a to the nth power is the _____ and a is the _____

exponent; base

In the radical form n_/a, the positive integer is called the _____ and the # a is called ______

index; radicand


the expressions a+b\|m and a-b\|m are conjugates of each other

Principle nth root

the nth root that has the same sign as a

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