PB 840

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What is short self test (SST) is and when should it should be performed.

3 minute test that checks vent. function. New pt., new circuit, new humidifier, every 15 days

What modes are available to set on the PB 840 for a patient.

AC SIMV BiLevel Spontaneous

Status indicator panel.

Alarm indicator status, VENT INOP, SVO, Battery/compressor

Be able to describe the function of the active exhalation valve and what breath type it is available with.

Automatically adjusts during Pressure control breaths (PC, PS) to allow pt. to breathe spontaneously or cough without raising plateau pressure. Not settable by RT

Be able to define flow triggering.

Delivers breath when a set flow leaves the circuit. Lower V-Sens increases sensitivity

What tests are performed during an SST.

Flow sensor, expiratory filter, compliance calibration. Circuit: Leak, pressure, resistance.

What are the 4 settings that appear for you to set on the new patient settings screen.

Mode Mandatory breath type Spontaneous breath type Trigger type

Know what two sensitivity triggers you may select from on the 840 vent.

P-Sens (pressure) = Set pressure drop below PEEP begins pt. initiated breath. All modes V-Sens (Flow) = Set rate of flow inspired by pt. triggers mandatory or spontaneous breath with flow triggering

Know what trigger types are available to set on the PB 840 for a patient.

P-Trig (pressure) V-Trig (Flow)

What mandatory types are available to set on the PB 840 for a patient.

PC VC VC+ (optional)

What spontaneous types available to set on the PB 840 for a patient.

PS TC, None

Be able to explain Expiratory Sensitivity (ESENS) and how adjusting it affects the inspiratory time.

Percent of delivered peak insp. flow needed to terminate inspiration and begin expiration for spontaneous breaths. 1-80%, default 25%. Lower ESENS increases I-Time

Know what alarm limits can be set on the 840 vent.

Pressure: High; Rate: High, Total Exhaled Minute volume: High/Low; Mandatory Exhaled Tidal Volume: High/Low; Spontaneous Exhaled Tidal Volume: High/Low

Identify and explain about the control function keys and the control knob located along the bottom of the GUI.

Screen Lock, Contrast/brightness, Alarm volume, Alarm reset (device alert cannot be reset), question mark ?, 100% O2/cal 2 minute key, manual inspiration, Exp. pause, Insp pause, control knob (touch, turn, accept), 2 MINUTE ALARM SILENCE WHICH IS REACTIVATED IN 3 CONDITIONS: 2 MINUTES IS UP, ALARM RESET IS PRESSED, NEW HIGH LEVEL ALARM OCCURS

Be able to define Rise time percent (%) and know what modes it is available with.

Setting that controls pressure rise from PEEP to Peak. Lower rise time slows the time to reach target pressure. 1-100%, default 50%. Modes: Pressure breath modes: PC, PS, VC+, VS, Bi-Level

Know what the Tube Compensation option is for and how it functions on the 840.

Spontaneous breath type, reduces WOB assoc. with ET/Trach tubes. Delivers enough pressure to overcome resistance of artificial airway

How to initiate/start an SST on the 840 vent. What button/buttons to push.

Unblock wye, turn unit on, press SST on the touch screen, and w/in 5 seconds press the TEST button on the side of the machine, follow prompts.

What can be found in the Upper and Lower Screens of the GUI.

Upper: Pt data, alarms, vent status, misc. data and graphics Lower: Primary settings, sandbox, set-up keys, symbol definitions, prompt

What does the VENT INOP and SVO indicators mean.

VENT INOP = Vent cannot ventilate pt. and must be replaced. Bag pt. and replace SVO= Only a Spontaneous breathing pt. can breathe room air through the valve

Four function (SET-UP) keys of the lower screen.

Vent set-up, Apnea set-up, Alarm set-up, Other screens (This is where time/date, printer, humidifier, O2 sensor, and DSENS are located)

Three alarm indicators.

!!! High level, rapid red, tone. Remains steady if reset !! Medium level, slow yellow, 3 beeps. Turns off if auto reset ! Low level, steady yellow, 2-tone. Turns off if auto reset

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