PE 243 Final Review

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A daily $4 cup of coffee habit could result in how much money by year's end if you avoid this temptation.

$1,400 (ch. 16)

Match the following psychological theories with the individual who is attributed with creating it. You may use a name more than once. 1) Logotherapy 2) Self-actualization 3) Collective Unconscious 4) Rationalization 5) Positive psychology 6) Grieving stages 7) The X-Factor 8) Instinctual tension 9) Psychic equilibrium 10) Leftover guilt 11) Individuation 12) Noo-dynamics 13) Active imagination 14) Tragic optimism 15) Rationalization 16) Withdrawal

1) Victor Frankl 2) Abraham Maslo 3) Carl Jung 4) Sigmund Freud 5) Martin Seligma 6) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 7) Leo Buscaglia 8) Sigmund Freud 9) Carl Jung 10) Wayne Dyer 11) Carl Jung 12) Victor Frankl 13) Carl Jung 14) Victor Frankl 15) Sigmund Freud 16) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

The suggested rule of thumb for estimating the time of completion for a task is:

1.5 times as much as originally planned (ch. 16)

Experts suggest you put away how much money from your monthly income in savings?

10% (ch. 16)

It was not until which decade that art therapy emerged as its own discipline?

1970s (ch. 12)

According to Dr. Redford Williams, what percentage of Americans has levels of hostile anger that can produce serious health problems?

20 percent (ch. 6)

According to research and best estimates, the average person today has approximately how many anger episodes per day?

20 to 25 (ch. 6)

How many gallons of water are used to produce one cup of coffee?

37 (ch. 2)

Receiving how many emails per day is said to precipitate email stress?

50 (ch. 1)

Statistics provided by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggest that what percentage of Americans (adults and children) use various forms of integrative (mind-body-spirit) therapies?

50 percent (ch. 1)

We now know that what percentage of the immune system resides in the gut?

70 percent (ch. 4)

According to estimates by those who have studied the codependent personality, what percentage of the American population is classified as codependent due to direct or indirect exposure to alcoholism?

96 percent (ch. 7)

Which of the following is considered a myth of creativity?

A streamlined organization is a creative organization (ch. 14)

During the stress response, which of the following does not directly affect an increase in blood pressure?

Acetylcholine (ch. 3)

When released, which substance is instrumental in returning the body to homeostasis?

Acetylcholine (ch. 3)

Addison's disease is associated with the failure of which organ?

Adrenal (ch. 3)

Which of the following can be said with validity about doodling?

Aggression is expressed in dark, heavy, and jagged lines (ch. 12)

Which of the following statements is true?

Aggressive behavior is based on intimidation and manipulation, and passive behavior frequently results in feelings of victimization (ch. 10)

The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder include:

All of these are correct (ch. 1)

Art therapy is thought to be a good coping technique because:

All of these are correct (ch. 12)

Which medium is thought to be the best to elicit feelings and emotions for nonverbal self-expression?

All of these are correct (ch. 12)

Experts suggest that which mode of electronic communication is the most addictive (as a process addiction)?

All of these are correct (ch. 15)

Forgiveness is considered an effective coping technique, because it helps to reduce stress by:

All of these are correct (ch. 17)

Panic attacks:

All of these are correct (ch. 3)

According to Ron Friedman, which of the following are suggestions for decreasing digital toxicity (stress)?

All of these are correct. (ch. 2)

Lyme disease is transmitted via:

All of these are correct. (ch. 4)

Which brain region is thought to be responsible for creating stressful memory imprints onto the nervous system?

Amygdala (ch. 3)

According to the latest research in emotional intelligence, which part of the brain is associated with fear/anger?

Amygdala (ch. 6)

Which of the following is a long-term effect of journal writing?

An awareness of patterns regarding values, attitudes, and even behaviors that inoculate against, precipitate, or perpetuate the stress response (ch. 11)

What is the suggested order to reconstruct negative thoughts into positive ones?

Awareness, reappraise, adopt, evaluate (ch. 9)

Kübler-Ross would not agree with which of the following statements?

Bargaining is the last stage of the grieving process. (ch. 5)

Which type of humor is thought to be helpful in relieving the fear of death?

Black humor (ch. 13)

Abraham Maslow's term "primary creativity" would best be described as:

Brainstorming (ch. 14)

Dr. Carl Simonton is credited with introducing art therapy to which population?

Cancer patients (ch. 12)

Which landmark study (compensation theory) involving this group revealed the power of social support?

Cancer patients (ch. 17)

Which person is recognized for discovering the scientific link between emotions and neuropeptides?

Candace Pert (ch. 4)

The concept of "individuation" was coined by whom?

Carl G. Jung (ch. 5)

The rage reflex is attributed to:

Charles Darwin (ch. 6)

Which theory of behavior was tested by training dogs with a ringing bell?

Classical conditioning (ch. 10)

Which theory says that a social support group acts as an effective coping technique because similar attitudes and values tend to negate the bad effects of stress.

Cognitive dissonance theory (ch. 17)

According to Ken Pelletier, the promise for discovering the real stress and disease connection resides in which current area of research?

Complementary medicine (ch. 4)

Which is not considered one of the "three C's" of time management?

Creativity (ch. 16)

Based on brain imaging research in the last decade, which of the follow statements is not true?

Damage to brain cells from chronic stress is reversible (ch. 3)

Which technique helps one administrate scheduled responsibilities?

Deadlines and Rewards (ch. 16)

Freud would not agree with which of the following statements?

Defense mechanisms are conscious volitions (ch. 5)

What is considered to be the first step in the creative problem-solving process?

Description of the problem (ch. 14)

It is believed that the professional roots of art therapy originated from the works of:

Dr. Carl Simonton (ch. 12)

What conflict style is thought to be the hardest to resolve?

Ego conflict (ch. 15)

Giving the "OK" sign to someone is labeled as which style of nonverbal communication?

Emblems/illustrators (ch. 15)

Which layer of the human energy field is most closely associated with the body's blueprint of physical health and is found closest to the physical body.

Etheric (ch. 4)

Which of the following statement regarding art therapy is true?

Every mark, color, image, and line drawn has a relevant meaning (ch. 12)

"Tend and befriend" is a coping style used more by cancer patients than war veterans under stress.

False (ch. 1)

A paradigm shift means adopting Eastern philosophies in the Western culture and society.

False (ch. 1)

According to recent surveys by the American Psychological Association and Harvard's School of Public Health, seniors (people over the age of 65) have more stress than millennials.

False (ch. 1)

Acute stress is not as intense as chronic stress, initially.

False (ch. 1)

Experts agree that stress can best be defined as the "rate of wear and tear on the body."

False (ch. 1)

Secondary post-traumatic stress disorder surfaces after a second severe stress encounter.

False (ch. 1)

Assertiveness is being strong-willed and mildly aggressive.

False (ch. 10)

Experts suggest that the Internet offers an effective means of journal writing through email and blogs.

False (ch. 11)

Journal writing can be thought of as a means of exclusive meditation.

False (ch. 11)

Research shows that for a healthy catharsis, keeping a blog about one's thoughts and feelings is more effective than writing in a notebook.

False (ch. 11)

Research shows that people who write personal letters have less stress than those who keep journals.

False (ch. 11)

The best way to eliminate writer's block is to start doodling.

False (ch. 11)

Using a word processor is detrimental to journal writing because it allows individuals to write as fast as they think, robbing of them of the ability to discern patterns.

False (ch. 11)

Experts suggest that the art from dream images is more significant than that drawn from fantasy animals.

False (ch. 12)

The archetypal use of the color blue in art therapy is a symbolic message from the unconscious mind about passion (anger or love).

False (ch. 12)

When art therapy is expressed through doodling, as a rule, men tend to sketch faces while women tend to draw squares and circles.

False (ch. 12)

Laughter yoga had its initial beginnings in the Berkeley/San Francisco area during the 1960s as a demonstration again the Vietnam War.

False (ch. 13)

The chemical composition of tears produced from laughter is the same as that produced by other methods (e.g., cutting onions).

False (ch. 13)

Nonphysical elements of nonverbal communication include regulators and adaptors.

False (ch. 14)

Addiction to communication technology (e.g., cell phones, text messaging) is a myth.

False (ch. 15)

Research shows that in a typical day more than 90 percent of communication involves listening.

False (ch. 15)

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that we use humor to lighten up a heavy conversation.

False (ch. 15)

Clustering is a term used to describe someone who is extremely pressed for time with too much to do.

False (ch. 16)

Neuromarketing is a marketing concept based on neurolinguistic programming, which encourages people to buy things they think they really need.

False (ch. 16)

Of the three types of procrastination, the most serious is the straightforward procrastinator, because they fool themselves into thinking they have more time.

False (ch. 16)

Dream incubation is a process where a person tries to finish a recurring dream.

False (ch. 17)

Research reveals that intercessory prayer is the most effective type of prayer.

False (ch. 17)

The difference between Freud and Jung regarding dream interpretation is that Jung thought dreams concealed truth, while Freud thought that dreams revealed it.

False (ch. 17)

Sociology is best described as the study of different cultures in the same locality.

False (ch. 2)

The threshold of 40 emails per day is now labeled as email stress.

False (ch. 2)

The water footprint of a fast food hamburger is over 3,000 gallons per pound of beef.

False (ch. 2)

Neuroplasticity refers to the body's ability to create new nerve cells closest to the skin.

False (ch. 3)

According to Borysenko's stress and disease model, the physiological process that causes common colds and allergies is the same.

False (ch. 4)

Migraine headaches are now correlated primarily to chronic anxiety.

False (ch. 4)

Stress has no measurable affect on the health and integrity of the DNA.

False (ch. 4)

The common cold would fall under the category of endogenous underreaction.

False (ch. 4)

The link between stress and inflammation is the stress hormone vasopressin.

False (ch. 4)

There is no association between stress and inflammation.

False (ch. 4)

Jung believed that only recurring dreams were of significance to resolving stress-related issues.

False (ch. 5)

Noo-dynamics is a term related to obsessive guilt and worry.

False (ch. 5)

The work of Martin Seligman (positive psychology) is most like that of Carl Jung.

False (ch. 5)

According to fear expert Gavin De Becker, chronic fear and worrying tend to accentuate the signal when real danger is imminent.

False (ch. 6)

Fear of failure and fear of rejection are really the same thing.

False (ch. 6)

Of the four mismanaged anger styles, the self-punisher represses feelings of anger.

False (ch. 6)

Research reveals that randomly vented anger is a healthy means of emotional catharsis.

False (ch. 6)

A helpless-hopeless personality is a function of an extreme internal locus of control.

False (ch. 7)

Of these attributes—challenge, control, and commitment—Suzanne Kobasa felt that challenge was the most important to determine a hardy personality.

False (ch. 7)

Resiliency is the alchemy of control, commitment, and challenge.

False (ch. 7)

The fourth pillar of human spirituality is based on the concept of unconditional love.

False (ch. 8)

The unconscious mind understands negative thoughts well.

False (ch. 9)

Best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbertson says which of these is the greatest bock to creativity?

Fear (ch. 14)

Jung called which fear "misoneism"?

Fear of unknown (ch. 6)

The steps involved in social orchestration include all of the following, except:

Focus on the simplest possible solution (ch. 17)

According to M. Scott Peck, a person who sees God's will in terms of punishment and reward would fall into which category of individual?

Formal institutional (ch. 8)

Which personality type is now considered part of the foundation for positive psychology?

Hardy personality (ch. 7)

Research on prayer reveals that:

If you want to pray for someone, you can do it from anywhere (ch. 17)

Which statement is not true about the interpretation of art therapy?

In the hands of a qualified expert, interpretation is rather obvious (ch. 12)

Which stressor would be classified as a bioecological influence?

Inadequate sunlight (ch. 1)

Which of the following characteristics is not typically experienced in the fight-or-flight response?

Increased gastric movement (ch. 1)

What coping technique helps neutralize the fear of the unknown?

Information seeking (ch. 17)

There are many physiological cycles affected by environmental stressors. Which of the following cycles occurs less than once in a 24-hour period?

Infradian Cycles (ch. 1)

To get ahead in the job market in the twenty-first century, experts suggest which approach above others?

Invent yourself (ch. 14)

All but one of these factors is thought to negatively impact sleep hygiene.

Kava tea (ch. 1)

Social orchestration is really a coping mechanism to:

Learn to create viable options for one's social environment (ch. 17)

Which statement is not true regarding creative anger-management strategies?

Learn to disassociate from your anger (ch. 6)

Having a hard time saying "No" would fall in which category of time robbers?

Lifestyle Behavior (ch. 16)

According to comprehensive studies by the APA in 2014 and 2015, which demographic suffers from the most stress?

Millennials (ch. 1)

Which behavioral theory is based on the admiration of mentors?

Modeling conditioning (ch. 10)

Which of the following defense mechanisms is not commonly associated with the psychology of everyday stress?

Narcissism (ch. 5)

___________ officially put humor on the healthcare map as an effective coping technique for stress.

Norman Cousins (ch. 13)

According to Sophie Burnham, author of The Path of Prayer, for prayer to be most effective it must have all of the following components, except being:

Offered out loud with others (ch. 17)

Which behavioral theory speaks to the nature of "voluntary" behaviors?

Operant conditioning (ch. 10)

Which theory of behavior is based on rewards and punishments?

Operant conditioning (ch. 10)

Which theory of behavior was made popular by B. F. Skinner?

Operant conditioning (ch. 10)

Which is not considered one of the "three P's" of time management?

Pacing (ch. 16)

Vasopressin is released from which gland?

Pituitary (ch. 3)

Which endocrine gland is called the master gland for its role in hormonal control?

Pituitary (ch. 3)

If necessity is the mother of invention, then what is considered to be the father?

Play (ch. 14)

Assuming there is a correct way to pray, author Sophie Burnham makes which of these suggestions?

Pray in the present tense, with a positive frame of mind (ch. 17)

The foundation of sound time management skills includes which of these aspects?

Prioritize, adequately schedule, and execute personal daily stressors to satisfaction (ch. 16)

In time management, the Pareto principle has to do with:

Prioritizing responsibilities (ch. 16)

Which theory would most likely explain the popularity of sexual jokes?

Release/relief theory (ch. 13)

The practice Ho'oponopono is best described as:

Repairing the torn community tapestry (ch. 17)

Which is considered to be the lowest form of humor?

Sarcasm (ch. 13)

Which of the following did Kübler-Ross consider to be essential to resolving grief and finding inner peace?

Self-reflection (ch. 5)

A decrease in which hormone is thought to be related to symptoms of depression?

Serotonin (ch. 3)

In his efforts to study the benefits of journal writing, Jamie Pennebaker found which one of the following results?

Students reported fewer cases of disease and illness (ch. 11)

When one party to a conflict holds back and merely expresses dissatisfied agreement, which style of conflict management generates feelings of victimization?

Surrender (ch. 15)

From his time in the concentration camps, Viktor Frankl learned which simple wisdom to help survive?

Take responsibility for your own thoughts (ch. 9)

Among the players in Van Oech's conception of the creative process, which one plays with or incubates ideas?

The artist (ch. 14)

Jung would agree with which of the following statements?

The conscious mind rejects that which it does not know. (ch. 5)

As described by Roger von Oech, what is the "lead" role in the relay team of the creative process?

The explorer (ch. 14)

Thinking "outside the box" is an example of which stage of the creative process?

The explorer (ch. 14)

The stress of "poverty consciousness" is best described as:

The fear of not enough money (ch. 16)

As described by Roger von Oech, which role can ruin the creative process?

The judge (ch. 14)

Which level of the brain is called the seat of the emotions because it appears to be the first to register pain?

The limbic area (ch. 3)

What aspect differentiates Prochaska's behavior change model from other models?

The relapse stage (ch. 10)

All of the following statements about hobbies as a coping technique to decrease stress are true, except:

They don't serve as an effective coping technique (ch. 17)

Dreams are thought to be an effective coping technique because:

They offer insight into helping solve personal issues (ch. 17)

Conceptually speaking, the holistic wellness paradigm is similar to the model of energy layers that comprise the human energy field.

True (ch. 1)

The hormone oxytocin is credited with fostering the "tend-and-befriend" effect.

True (ch. 1)

The key to helping relieve the stress of post-traumatic stress disorder appears to be releasing memories from the unconscious mind.

True (ch. 1)

The word health really means "to be whole."

True (ch. 1)

Before a behavior can be changed, a person has to admit that indeed the behavior is undesirable.

True (ch. 10)

Operant conditioning is based on rewards and punishments.

True (ch. 10)

Journal writing provides a way to map out strategies for resolution, both attitudinal perceptions and behavioral changes.

True (ch. 11)

The long-term effects of journal writing are most noticeable when the writer reads previous entries as an impartial, outside observer.

True (ch. 11)

According to those who study doodles as an art form, aggression is often expressed by dark, heavy, or jagged lines.

True (ch. 12)

As a rule, women tend to draw faces while doodling more often than men.

True (ch. 12)

In art therapy, much can be revealed by what is not drawn, not just what is drawn.

True (ch. 12)

Laughter was not always looked upon with favor. At one time in history, laughter was thought to be the work of the devil.

True (ch. 13)

Norman Cousins put humor therapy on the national health care map as an effective coping technique.

True (ch. 13)

According to Arthur VanGundy, language would be considered to be an intellectual roadblock.

True (ch. 14)

Creativity can be a great coping technique for stress, but the irony is that fear (stress) can block the creative process.

True (ch. 14)

If necessity is the mother of invention, then play can be said to assume the paternal role of the creative process.

True (ch. 14)

In the creative process, errors can be stepping stones to the next workable possibility, but fear of failure can immobilize the creative process.

True (ch. 14)

The creative problem-solving strategy for groups, corporations, and world problems is no different from that of people trying to solve their own problems.

True (ch. 14)

Miscommunication occurs in both the encoding and decoding of messages.

True (ch. 15)

Nonverbal language is believed over verbal language when the two seem to contradict one other.

True (ch. 15)

Of the five suggested styles of conflict management, dialogue is thought to be the best because all parties are allowed to contribute.

True (ch. 15)

One significant reason why text messaging and emails compound the stress associated with communication is that there is no voice intonation (save emojis).

True (ch. 15)

People tend to "encode" their messages, perhaps out of fear, resulting in misinterpretations in the decoding process with others who try to interpret the message.

True (ch. 15)

The "technology gap" suggests that people under 30 communicate via different media than those over 30, causing a gap in communication.

True (ch. 15)

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is based on the idea that our vocabulary limits our understanding of our current reality.

True (ch. 15)

Although time awareness is thought to be a left-brain function, effective time management is thought to involve both right- and left-brain functions.

True (ch. 16)

Cleaning your house is a recommended way to save money because it helps you realize you don't need to buy as much or buy things you already have.

True (ch. 16)

Despite the fact that most college students don't invest money into their retirement, financial advisors recommend that you tuck away some money for the future now.

True (ch. 16)

Freezing your credit cards in ice is one recommended way to keep out of debt.

True (ch. 16)

Information seeking as a coping technique can be as potentially dangerous as it can be helpful.

True (ch. 16)

The rule of thumb for estimating the time of completion is 1.5 times what you originally think it will be.

True (ch. 16)

Time management is actually a prime example of social orchestration, where you manipulate factors in your environment for the path of least resistance.

True (ch. 16)

Time-management experts would consider time juggling to be similar to multitasking.

True (ch. 16)

As a coping technique, the premise of forgiveness is unconditional love without feelings of victimization.

True (ch. 17)

The direct effect theory of support groups states that social contact only provides positive exposure to the individual.

True (ch. 17)

The transfer effect of self-esteem and creativity are thought to be two factors why hobbies are considered an effective coping technique.

True (ch. 17)

The type of prayer most commonly associated with stress is intercessory prayer, which is a call for help in which one seeks divine guidance or intervention.

True (ch. 17)

A metastudy of historical records and various findings suggests that as global temperatures rise, so too do levels of aggression and violence.

True (ch. 2)

Experts in the field of sociology suggest that narcissism and a lack of values promotes incivility in our culture.

True (ch. 2)

For information to move from short-term to long-term memory there must be periods of rest.

True (ch. 2)

If you are inside playing video games, surfing the net, or using a smart phone all day long, more than likely you are not directly getting enough of the sunshine vitamin.

True (ch. 2)

In terms of technostress, the rate of change of technology seems to have outpaced the level of responsibility and moral codes that accompany it.

True (ch. 2)

"Chronic mental antsyness" is a term that refers to frustration from multitasking.

True (ch. 3)

Addison's disease is associated with adrenal fatigue and failure.

True (ch. 3)

Panic attacks generally last 10 to 20 minutes (although some can last longer).

True (ch. 3)

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the relaxation response.

True (ch. 3)

The release of cortisol is initiated from the ACTH axis.

True (ch. 3)

The vegetative level of the brain is thought to be the most primitive of the three levels.

True (ch. 3)

About 70 percent of our immune system is located in our gut.

True (ch. 4)

According to cell biologist Bruce Lipton, cells do not have the ability to both grow and protect their own integrity at the same time.

True (ch. 4)

Lyme disease is transmitted by mice.

True (ch. 4)

Studies show that a person diagnosed with multiple personality disorder (MPD) can have different diseases that come and go among his or her different personalities.

True (ch. 4)

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, stressors fall into one of two categories: guilt or worry.

True (ch. 5)

Kübler-Ross believed that the progression of grieving stages is nonlinear; one can oscillate back and forth between stages and even skip a stage.

True (ch. 5)

Kübler-Ross's idea of grieving through expectations is very similar to the Tibetan concept of attachments and desires that cause suffering.

True (ch. 5)

Like Jung, Viktor Frankl saw stress and suffering as a spiritual growth process.

True (ch. 5)

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is very similar to the concept of the chakra system.

True (ch. 5)

The Tibetan perspective on stress distinguishes the mind as a combination of the self (false self) and the Self (higher self).

True (ch. 5)

According to anger expert Jane Middleton-Moz, the reason why people are reaching their boiling point is due to a social disconnect brought on by technology.

True (ch. 6)

According to some experts, the body's response to stress differs between anger and fear, only with regard to blood distribution.

True (ch. 6)

Current schools of thought suggest that anger is innate and fear is a learned behavior.

True (ch. 6)

Systematic desensitization is a coping technique used to diffuse the feelings of fear.

True (ch. 6)

Those who have studied the stress emotions often suggest that depression is best described as "anger turned inward."

True (ch. 6)

What we have learned about anger is that ultimately forgiveness is essential, because unresolved feelings of anger only control the person who harbors them.

True (ch. 6)

Research shows that codependent traits manifest in adulthood when married to or working with/for an alcoholic.

True (ch. 7)

Resiliency seems to be the key factor for the hardy personality.

True (ch. 7)

The idea that personality traits associated with anxiety and depression (Type D personality) affect the course of heart disease is now supported by data.

True (ch. 7)

According to a 2012 Pew Research study, a growing number of millennials see themselves as spiritual, but not religious.

True (ch. 8)

From the philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth, we learn that of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest aspect of human existence.

True (ch. 8)

In Matthew Fox's concept of creation spirituality, Via Transformativa is the path where we are co-creators for a better world.

True (ch. 8)

Joseph Campbell believed that the spiritual hunger seen today is a result of a disconnection with our mythology.

True (ch. 8)

Jung's idea of "the shadow" is that we all have a dark side of our personality that we need to come to terms with in order to be whole.

True (ch. 8)

Native American spirituality suggests that God or a divine essence resides in all living and nonliving matter.

True (ch. 8)

Studies that observed the interaction between children and their parents showed that on average, the ratio of negative comments to positive comments was 400 to 1.

True (ch. 9)

Thoughts, as a form of energy, are believed to have a negative impact on the body.

True (ch. 9)

Type D personality is most closely associated with:

Type A (ch. 7)

The landmark Western Collaborative Groups Study found which of the following?

Type A is a greater risk factor than all other risk factors combined. (ch. 7)

Which of following statements is accurate about the gender difference of anger?

Women not only express anger differently, they have different stressors (ch. 6)

Hildegard von Bingen's path of human spirituality can best be summed up as:

a mystical experience (ch. 8)

Cognitive restructuring is a term best described as:

a rethinking process about a stressor (ch. 9)

According to Matthew Fox, Via Creativa is best described as:

a sense of awe and wonder of all creation (ch. 8)

Current research reveals that journal writing helps in to decrease one's:

all of these are correct (ch. 11)

Dr. Ira Progoff suggested that journal writing allowed for which of the following?

an emotional catharsis that gets out on paper the toxic thoughts roaming through one's head (ch. 11)

Research by Keicolt-Glaser reveals that stress affects all the following, except:

an increase in the entrainment response. (ch. 4)

The four stages of cognitive restructuring are:

awareness, reappraisal, adoption, and evaluation (ch. 9)

If you were to "think like da Vinci," to be creative you would do all of these, except:

borrow ideas (ch. 14)

The Gerber model of stress and disease indicates that:

changes produced in the human energy field can result in disease. (ch. 4)

Please finish this popular axiom. As population increases:

civil behavior decreases (ch. 1)

Smartphones negatively affect your memory process in what way?

constant surfing does not allow storage of information into long-term memory. (ch. 2)

According to creative consultant Arthur VanGundy, left brain thinking falls in the domain of:

cultural roadblocks (ch. 14)

Kübler-Ross's original order of the grieving stages is:

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (ch. 5)

"Cognitive surplus" is a term that best explains:

digital consciousness with online media. (ch. 2)

According to creative consultant Arthur VanGundy, negative feedback (fear) falls into the domain of:

emotional roadblocks (ch. 14)

According to the Borysenko stress and disease model, cancer is regarded as an:

endogenous underreaction. (ch. 4)

According to Borysenko's stress and disease model, the common cold is regarded as an:

exogenous underreaction. (ch. 4)

Based on the concepts of anger management styles, bullying is an example of the:

explorer (ch. 6)

Tragic optimism is:

finding or making the best of a terrible situation. (ch. 5)

Reframing, in the form of positive affirmations:

helps to balance negative self-talk. (ch. 9)

Lyme Disease, known as the "great mimicker," is related to the following chronic health issues, except:

herpes. (ch. 4)

By becoming technology multilingual, you can more effectively:

honor others' preferences in communication style (ch. 15)

Charles M. Johnson, founder of the Institute for Creative Development, describes the order for creativity and creative problem solving as:

incubation, inspiration, perspiration, administration (ch. 14)

Metamessages are defined by Dr. Deborah Tannen as:

indirectness of one's actual intention to communicate (ch. 15)

In his efforts to study the benefits of journal writing, Ira Progoff discovered that:

individuals who started journal writing while on welfare were more likely to find employment and better housing faster (ch. 11)

What makes the proprioceptive writing method of journal writing different is that it:

is done by synthesizing emotions and imagination (ch, 11)

Journaling by using words in a pictorial style, in which you record thoughts and perceptions in a narrow left column on a page and emotions are recorded on the right side as branches from an "I feel" center circle, is:

journaling using the Buzan writing style (ch. 11)

The most popular type of adult coloring books are:

mandalas (ch. 12)

Black humor is thought to be:

morbid humor (ch. 13)

According to Roger von Oech, creative roadblocks can best be described as:

negative perceptions (ch. 14)

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that:

our perception of reality is based on the limits of our vocabulary (ch. 15)

The cognitive distortion in which you find yourself thinking, "This always happens to me!" is known as:

overgeneralization (ch. 9)

"Future Shock" is best defined as:

rapid societal change. (ch. 2)

Epinephrine is:

released five times as often as norepinephrine (ch. 3)

The adrenal cortex:

releases cortisol and aldosterone. (ch. 3)

The adrenal medulla:

releases epinephrine and norepinephrine (ch. 3)

Cognitive restructuring is rooted in the work of Albert Ellis, who coined the term rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to suggest that:

self-defeating thoughts should be balanced with positive thoughts (ch. 9)

According to experts, the field of sociology involves the study of human behavior within all of the following, except:

societies. (ch. 2)

Secondary post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) refers to:

stress experienced by family members of those with PTSD. (ch. 1)

In regard to humor, Plato created the ________ theory, and Freud created the ________ theory.

superiority; release/relief (ch. 13)

Stressfully speaking, the anxiety from the digital divide, information overload, and cell phone proliferation can be summed up in the expression:

technostress. (ch. 2)

The term "screen addiction" was coined specifically to address:

the addiction to computer, smartphone, and tablet screens. (ch. 2)

The term "individuation" refers to:

the process of self-reflection toward wholeness (ch. 5)

Conceptually speaking:

the stress response is antiquated in today's rapidly changing society where few stressors are of a physical nature. (ch. 1)

"Superstress" is a term coined by Dr. Roberta Lee to mean:

twenty-first century lifestyle stress (ch. 2)

The term psychic equilibrium means:

untiy of conscious and unconscious minds. (ch. 5)

A listener who uses short-word questions such as "oh?" and "uh-huh?" and repeats key words to encourage the speaker to give you more detailed information is:

using minimal encourages (ch. 15)

What vitamin is called the sunshine vitamin?

vitamin D (ch. 2)

Schismogenesis is a term used to suggest that:

when we are stressed, we exaggerate our own communication style (ch. 15)

The "tend-and-befriend theory," proposed by Shelley Taylor, speaks best to the coping technique used by:

women (ch. 1)

Which of the following is not a myth about anger?

women do not get as angry as men (ch. 6)

Emotional literacy refers to the ability to read and respond to:

your own emotions (ch. 6)

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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