PE Praxis

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Which of the following principles of stability is best exemplified when a gymnast squats to regain balance on the balance beam?

A lower center of gravity afford better stability

running teaching cues

Arm-leg opposition throughout running action, toes point forward, foot lands heel to toe, arms swing forward and backward (no crossing of the midline), and trunk leans slightly forward.

jumping and landing horizontal plane teaching cues

Arms back and knees bent, arms extend forwards as body propels forward. Hips, knees, and ankles bend on landing, shoulders, knees and ankles align for balance after landing.

jumping and landing vertical plane

Arms back and knees bent, arms extend upwards as body propels forward, body extends and stretches upward while in flight. Hips, knees, and ankles bend on landing, shoulders, knees and ankles align for balance after landing

kicking teaching cues

Arms extending in prep for kicking action, contact with ball is made below the center of the ball, contact is made with shoelaces or inside of foot, trunk leans back slightly whilst kicking, follow through with kicking leg extending forward and upward towards the target

All of the following statements about children's growth and development are true EXCEPT:

Biological maturity can be estimated by skeletal age; however chronological age is a better way to estimate the degree of maturity

volleying overhand teaching cues

Body aligned and underneath the ball, knees, arms and ankles bent, hands rounded (thumbs and index fingers make a triangle), ball contact only with finger pads, arms extend upward on contact, and follow through slight toward target.

Positive mood shift often accompany sustained exercise. Current research indicates that this can most likely be attributed to which of the following?

Both biochemical and psychological changes

A high school student running the 400m dash uses which of the following major energy system?

Both the ATP-PC and lactic acid systems

catching teaching cues

Extend arms outward to reach for ball (thumbs in for catch above the waist, thumbs out for catch at or below waist). Watch the ball all the way into the hands. Catch with hands only; no cradling against the body. Pull the ball into the body as the catch is made.

throwing underhand teaching cues

Face target, arm back, step with opposite foot as throwing arms moves forward, release ball between knee and waist level, follow through to target.

volleying underhand teaching cues

Face the target, opposite foot forward, flat surface with hand when contact is made with ball, contact ball between knee and wait level, follow through upward and to the target.

single jump rope teaching cues

Feet together, body straight, eyes looking forward. Elbows bent and close to the waist, thumbs pointing out, wrist make a circle motion. The rope comes over in front of the body, then the jumper jumps as it goes under their feet.


Forms junctions with other cells

Which of the following lists the usual developmental order of play stages through which children progress in the US society.

Introspective, parallel, cooperative, competitive

Which of the following statements about the mature overhand throwing pattern is true?

The forearm lags behind the upper arm and shoulder during forward movement.

gallop teaching cues

Travel in a forward direction with smooth, rhythmical action on the balls of the feet, demonstrates lead leg step-close action without crossover, hips facing forward in direction of travel, and no foot drag

skip teaching cues

Travel in a forward direction, a smooth rhythmical action, step taken followed by a short hop with a knee lift, alternate feet, and momentarily airborne

hop teaching cues

Travel in a forward direction, take off on one foot and land on the same foot, knee of non landing leg is bent, momentarily airborne.

leap teaching cues

Travel in a forward direction, take off on one foot propelling body upward landing on the opposite foot, arms swing forward and backward, momentarily airborne

slide teaching cues

Travel in a sideways direction with a smooth, rhythmical action on the balls of the feet, demonstrates lead leg step-close action without crossover, hips facing forward while slide clearly faces the direction of travel, and no foot drag.

Which of the following best explains why drown proofing (survival float) is superior to treading water as a swimming survival skill?

Treading water uses more effort, so it cannot be sustained for as long a period

For high school ages and adult learners the three phases of motor learning typically occur in which of the following sequences?

cognitive, associative, autonomous

When performing an overhand serve, the player should (volleyball)...

contact the ball with a cupped or open hand

cell body

control center of the neuron

In the effect of a load placed at the end of an extremity, such as a weight in the hand, is greater than the effect produced by the musculature contracting in opposition to the load, the resulting muscular contraction will be....

eccentric lengthening

When a basketball players takes a shot and completely misses the rim, the net, and the backboard, the crowd's chant of "airball" can be best described as an example of which of the following types of feedback?

extrinsic knowledge of results

The tripod is most commonly used as a lead-up activity for which of the following skills in stunts and tumbling.


A skilled free-throw basketball shooter who misses a free throw by hitting the front rim has most likely committed an error in which of the following phases of information processing?


In the children aged 5 through 9, the largest gender difference is generally evident in which of the following?

overarm throwing and velocity

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of mature execution of a basketball jump shot?

palm of shooting hand in full contact with the ball

During an exercise class, a 16 year old student whose heart rate is 140 bpm would be considered to be

performing submaximal exercise

When young children are first learning to strike or catch a ball, they tend to focus primarily on the...

person throwing the ball

Which of the following is the most effective method of training to develop explosive leg strength in field events?


Which of the following terms describes a type of feedback that is exclusively intrinsic?


myelin sheath

protective cover over the axon


receives messages from other cells

Which of the following statements best characterizes most children between the ages of 5 and 8 whilst they are playing

they are in the egocentric stage

Using various body parts to volley a balloon or a lightweight ball will best enhance skill for which of the following sports?

volleyball and soccer

The "clean and jerk" motion in weight lifting, an aggressive rebound in basketball, and a sprinter's start are all considered power moves, because these skills effectively combine which of the following factors?

work and time

Which of the following drugs is generally considered a depressant?


Which of the following is most critical to the successful performance of a headstand?

base of support

Which of the following sports is generally considered to have originated in the US and not been adapted from similar games from other countries?


Which of the following is an example of a teaching approach that uses differentiated instruction?

ability grouping in classes

After maturity, which of the following generally decreases due to aging process?

aerobic capacity

In swimming, which of the following kicks is used in the butterfly stroke?


According to recent research, in a typical physical education class, most students are engaged in vigorous physical activity approximately what percentage of class time?

less than 40% of the time

Which of the following is the most appropriate safety measure a teacher can use for an asthmatic individual who will be participating in a volleyball game?

limiting duration of participation

Folk dances for grade k-2 should emphasize

locomotor skills

Which of the following physical fitness components would most likely be assessed in a battery of health-related physical fitness tests?

muscle strength

rolling teaching cues

- Face target, arm back, step will opposite foot as rolling arm moves forward, release ball between knee and foot level, follow through to target

To lose one pound of fat per week, a person would theoretically need a weekly caloric deficit of approximately....


striking with long implement teaching cues

Bat up in prep for striking action, and step forward on opposite foot as contact is made. Coil and uncoil the trunk for prep and execution of the striking action, swing the bat on a horizontal plane, wrist uncocks for follow through.

When performing an overhead pass (set), the player should (volleyball)...

Contact the ball primarily on the pads of the thumb and first two fingers.

Heavy resistive training, such as strenuous weight training, should be avoided in early childhood because of the potential development of....

Epiphyseal separations

A physical education teacher is interested in starting an after school physical activity program. Which of the following best identifies the first step the teachers should take to create a successful program?

Establish a committee that includes teachers, parents, and community members

The most effective way to help elementary students develop efficient basketball skills is by

Having the students play with ball that are smaller and baskets that are lower than is standard

Which of the following characteristics will be evident in the slide of a child whose sliding skills are at a mature stage of development? I. The flight pattern of the body is low. II. Action is initiated with a step forward by the lead leg. III. The knees are bent during flight. IV. Arms and hands are held close to the body during flight

I and II only

In which two of the following events is energy production derived primarily from the aerobic energy system? I. Soccer II. 50 meter sprint III. One mile run IV. Shot put

I and III

Common problems in the execution of an inside foot kick in soccer. I.The kicking foot is only partially brought back prior to kicking. II.The ball is contact below its center point. III.The support foot is not pointed in the direction of the intended target. IV. The support foot is planted too far ahead of or behind the ball.


Common problems in the execution of an inside foot kick in soccer. I.The kicking foot is only partially brought back prior to kicking. II.The ball is contact below its center point. III.The support foot is not pointed in the direction of the intended target. IV. The support foot is planted too far ahead of or behind the ball.


Which of the following sequences would be most appropriate for the first 10 mins of an exercise session that included playing 30 mins of soccer?

Jogging, calisthenics, stretching, wind sprints

dribbling teaching cues

Knees slightly bent, opposite foot forward when dribbling, contact ball with finger pads on top of the ball, and eyes looking forward

Which of the following are characteristics of mature execution of a basketball jump shot? Select all that apply

Knees slightly flexed Non shooting hand supporting the ball Shooting hand, elbow, and shoulder aligned with the target

As a measure of physical fitness, the maximal oxygen consumption of an individual reflects the adaptation of all the following aspects of bodily functioning EXCEPT

Maximum heart rate 220-age (can't change max, but can resting)

Body Mass index

Measures body composition. Provides an indication of the appropriateness of a child's weight relative to height.

Pacer test

Measures cardiovascular endurance. Run back and forth across a 20 meter space at a specified pace that gets faster each minute, complete as many laps as possible

shoulder stretch test

Measures flexibility. Touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over the shoulder and under the elbow

push up test

Measures muscular strength and endurance. Complete as many push-ups as possible at a rhythmic pace.

curl up test

Measures muscular strength and endurance. Complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a max of 75 at a specified pace

trunk lift test

Measures trunk extensor strength and flexibility. (AKA Superman) Lift the upper body off the floor using the muscles of the back and hold the position to allow for measurement.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of mental practice to performance?

Mental practice works best with skilled individuals and familiar tasks


Passages the messages away from the cell body to the neurons, muscles, and glands

Which of the following best describes the effect of sports participation on personality?

Players who participated in team sports become more extroverted

An instructor could best assist a young inexperienced roller to advance to the next developmental level of the forward roll by

Providing a variety of readiness experience, especially ones that involved weight bearing on the hands and curling the body

striking with short implement teaching cues

Racket back in prep for striking, step on opposite foot as contact is made, swing racket low to high. Coil and uncoil the trunk for prep and execution of the striking action, follow through for completion of the striking action.

Based on the speed of the runner, which of the following is generally accepted strategy used in setting up a pursuit relay team?

Second fastest, third fastest, slowest, fastest

Which of the following is the best first step for minimizing misbehavior in a physical education class?

Setting clear expectations of behavior and explaining the consequences and rewards with consistent follow-through

A signed consent form should be obtained from the parents or guardian of a student who is going on a sport adventure field trip because the form...

Shows the teacher that the parent or guardian knows what activity is planned for the student and does no object

throwing overhand teaching cues

Side of body facing target, arm back and extended, elbow at shoulder height, and elbow leads. Step with opposite foot as throwing action is executed. Follow through toward target and across the body

A "primary group" as the term is used by social scientists, is best characterized as which of the following?

Small and intimate, with face-to-face contact between members

Which of the following is the best initial step for teachers to take in developing effective behavior management plans for students?

Teachers should consider their own philosophy concerning behavior management

During a softball game, a base runner is hit by a batted ball while attempting to advance and before the ball passes an infielder. Which of the following rulings would be appropriate?

The ball is dead; the base runner is out and the batter is awarded first base

Which of the following variables best predicts the tendency to fatigue experienced by a person engaged in an aerobic activity

The percentage of individual maximal oxygen consumption (% VO2 max) associated with performing the activity.

Which of the following statements about the running pattern is least accurate?

There is less hip flexion of the striding leg in the mature pattern than in the immature pattern

Which of the following activities would most likely results in the highest level of blood lactate accumulation?

a 400 yard dash

The best time to establish classroom management expectations is

at the beginning of the school year

Which of the following would have the most direct effect of minimizing the risk of heart disease?

avoiding smoking

After maturity, which of the following generally increases due to aging process?

body fat

Which of the following statements about the tennis volley stroke is true?

it is hit before the ball bounces

In its most rudimentary form, which of the following locomotor skills generally appears last in a young child's repertoire of movements?


Which of the following activities is considered a basic locomotor skill?


Physical Educators in the US who were influenced by the progressive education movement of John Dewey developed programs that emphasized...

sports games, rhythm and dance

What kind of drug is crack?


Which of the following statements best characterizes most children between the ages of 8 and 11?

they have a strong social need

Developing efficient basketball skills in elementary school students can be enhanced most effectively by

using smaller balls and lower baskets

What primary softball rule should be observed to prevent a collision between an infielder and outfielder when a shallow fly ball is hit between them?

verbally call the ball

The line of the pulling force of a muscle at a joint may be considered a vector that can be resolved into which of the following pairs of components?

vertical and horizontal

When a child is learning to catch a ball, the avoidance reaction can be minimized by having the child practice catching a....

yarn ball

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