Persuasion Midterm

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Which of the following slogans would be best suited for a collectivistic culture? Answers: "Making friends everywhere" "A leader among leaders" "What you want is what counts" "You are the best"

"Making friends everywhere"

A city wants dog owners to pick up, bag, and dispose of their pets' poop when taking them on walks. Which of the signs below is most likely to get dog owners to comply? "Please clean up after your pooch" "Pick up after your dog. It's the law!" "Don't' you dare leave your dog's poop laying here." "Do not fail to dispose of dog litter properly."

"Please clean up after your pooch"

Lucy, a doctor, is trying to get one of her dangerously obese patients to exercise more. According to Reinforcement Expectancy Theory, which of the following messages would be best for Lucy to use? Answers: "If you don't start exercising NOW, I predict you have less than a year to live." "You have two choices, exercise or diet, and dieting is no fun at all." "Regular exercising will make you healthy and help you feel so good." "If death isn't motivation enough to lose weight, I don't know what is."

"Regular exercising will make you healthy and help you feel so good."

Which of the following statements best summarizes the life-stage hypothesis? Compared to youthful and elderly people, middle-aged people are less persuadable. Children are more susceptible to persuasion than are adults. Elderly people are more rigid in their beliefs and are therefore more difficult to persuade. As people grow older, they become more dogmatic.

Compared to youthful and elderly people, middle-aged people are less persuadable.

The foot in the door tactic is more effective when used for ________________ than when used for ________________. Correct prosocial causes, self-serving reasons attitude change, behavior change

Correct prosocial causes, self-serving reasons

Which of the following is not appropriate advice for enhancing credibility? Answers: Cite your own or your source's qualifications and expertise up front Attempt to build trust by demonstrating that you are sincere Improve your likeability, or L-factor Engage in a powerless style of communication

Engage in a powerless style of communication

_______________ are more easily influenced by reference groups than ________________. Answers: High self monitors, low self monitors Low dogs, high dogs Males, females Involved, uninvolved

High self monitors, low self monitors

Which of the following statements best characterizes persuasion, as opposed to propaganda? Answers: It operates most effectively in the interpersonal arena It is practiced by organized groups and institutions It has a strong ideological bent It tends to rely on ethically suspect methods of influence

It operates most effectively in the interpersonal arena

What type of attitude scale is depicted below? "Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal uses." ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ strongly moderately neutral/ moderately strongly disagree disagree no opinion agree agree Likert Thurstone Guttman Semantic Differential


What type of attitude scale is depicted below? Same Sex Marriage Good : _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: Bad Unethical: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: Ethical Wrong: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: Right Answers: Likert Thurstone Guttman Semantic Differential

Semantic Differential

Which theory or model states that messages that fall within a listener's latitude of acceptance will be assimilated and perceived as closer to the listener's position than the message actually is? Reinforcement Expectancy Theory Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory of Reasoned Action Social Judgment Theory

Social Judgment Theory

When experts in one field are assumed to be experts in new and unrelated fields, which of the following "effects" has taken place? Answers: The Conformity Effect The Double-Blind Effect The Halo Effect The Dyadic Effect

The Halo Effect

Which of the following is most true about the lapse of time between the first and second requests in the door in the face tactic? Answers: The delay between both requests must be brief. The lapse of time between requests does not matter.

The delay between both requests must be brief.

Customer: I don't think I'll buy the stereo today. Salesperson: Why not? Customer: It's too expensive. Salesperson: There's always a layaway plan. Customer: I don't have time today. Salesperson: I can do the paperwork in less than 5 minutes... This conversation best illustrates the salesperson's use of which tactic? Answers: The dump-and-chase The lowball

The dump-and-chase

A teen is considering whether he/she should start smoking. Which of the following best illustrates the subjective norm component of the Theory of Reasoned Action? The teen believes smoking causes lung cancer The teen believes smoking is addictive The teen believes she/he could quit smoking if she/he wanted to The teen thinks his/her friends think smoking is cool

The teen thinks his/her friends think smoking is cool

Which of the following is generally true of people from collectivistic cultures? Answers: They tend to use persuasive strategies that are appropriate to the context. They tend to pay more attention to who they are trying to persuade than on anything else. They are not concerned with "saving face." They focus on messages of empowerment.

They tend to use persuasive strategies that are appropriate to the context.

A problem with many physiological measures of attitude, such as GSR, EMG, and ERP is that they cannot overcome social desirability bias or acquiescence bias are bidirectional indicators, and may signal positive or negative reactions can only measure negative attitudes or unfavorable reactions to things can only measure positive attitudes, or favorable reactions to things

are bidirectional indicators, and may signal positive or negative reactions

Biff has just seen an ad in the paper for a new Nissan pickup truck for $15,000. He hurries to his local dealership but is disappointed to learn that the truck is already been sold. "Don't worry," the salesman tells him, "I can make you a terrific deal on a similar truck for only a few dollars more per month." Which of the following tactics is the salesman using? lowball bait and switch

bait and switch

Whether a particular brand is considered cool, nerdy, elegant, sexy, or fun refers to brand awareness brand loyalty brand personality brand ethos

brand personality

Gretchen is a public speaker who recognizes differences in perspectives among her audiences. She attempts to cater her messages to her listeners and, consequently is more successful at persuading. According to persuasion researchers, Gretchen can be considered Answers: charismatic. cognitively simple. cognitively complex. high in need of cognition.

cognitively complex.

Yancy evaluates others solely by whether they are of the same religion as he. According to persuasion researchers, Yancy can be considered to be socially judgmental. constructive. cognitively simple. cognitively complex.

cognitively simple.

Who would probably be most persuaded by an advertisement promising viewers that using a product would make them popular? Answers: low self-monitors high self-monitors highly dogmatic people people who are not dogmatic

high self-monitors

A discounting cue prompts receivers to Answers: accept a message after they sleep on it ignore or underestimate a message based on its source withhold their judgment on an issue engage in counterattitudinal arguing

ignore or underestimate a message based on its source

According to Gass & Seiter, companies use ________________ to enhance their credibility. Answers: the sleeper effect the halo effect factor analysis image restoration

image restoration

Bessie looks up to her older sister, Mallory, as a role model. One day, Bessie sees Mallory smoking a cigarette. Mallory is embarrassed and engages in facework to restore her face in Bessie's eyes. Which concept best illustrates her attempt to manage her self-image? Answers: impression management theory the sleeper effect match-up hypothesis the halo effect

impression management theory

One way to help ensure a persuasive message will have a lasting effect on receivers is to: Answers: increase their intelligence increase their peripheral processing decrease their self-monitoring increase their involvement in the issue

increase their involvement in the issue

Although you don't know him well, you know that your neighbor, Roy, belongs to the Tea Party and is an NRA member. Decals on his car bumper say so. So you suspect he will not be happy to learn that a same sex couple bought the house next to him. You are Answers: inferring attitudes from behavior inferring behavior from attitudes inferring attitudes from appearances inferring attitudes from associations

inferring attitudes from associations

The idea of commitments "growing legs" means once we realize what we've committed ourselves to, we want to run away if we aren't willing to commit to others, our relationships won't develop or survive people think of lots of additional reasons for doing something before they do it people tend to remain committed to a decision, even if circumstances change

people tend to remain committed to a decision, even if circumstances change

Quincy wants to speak to his professor about his last paper. He intends to challenge the professor about his grade. Shortly into the conversation, Quincy realizes he misunderstood the assignment. Rather than challenge the grade, he decides to ask for a chance to rewrite the paper. This best reflects the notion that Answers: people's goals may change during a persuasive encounter a reliance on peripheral processing rarely produces compliance a reliance on central processing rarely produces compliance people's need for identity management far outweighs other persuasive tactics

people's goals may change during a persuasive encounter

A preacher reminds his congregation that even though forgiving a sinner may not be easy, it is the Christian thing to do. This is an example of Answers: changing existing attitudes and beliefs creating new attitudes and beliefs reinforcing existing attitudes and beliefs extinguishing existing attitudes and beliefs

reinforcing existing attitudes and beliefs

The issue of mindfulness is a concern when relying on self-reports because Answers: respondents want to abide by socially acceptable norms of conduct respondents tend to respond in favor of the position they think the researcher advocates respondents are caught off guard when they contemplate their own attitudes respondents do not know their own minds

respondents do not know their own minds

Persuaders who target particular "niche" groups, such as soccer moms, Nascar dads, affluent gays, or Hispanic teens, are using focus groups. segmentation. telemarketing. polling.


Researchers have found that before buying a new car, consumers tend to look at ads for all makes and models of cars. However, once having purchased a car, consumers tend to read only ads for the kind of car they purchased. This tendency best illustrates the phenomenon known as selective attention. selective exposure. selective perception. selective retention.

selective exposure.

Sentiment tracking is most closely associated with Answers: social media print advertising television advertisements word of mouth

social media

According to Gladwell's concept of Tipping Points, a product or idea can't take off unless it has inherent appeal. This is known as Answers: gravitational pull scalability momentum magic stickiness gravitas


Whether a source possesses credibility is determined primarily by Answers: the source the message the receiver the media

the receiver

The situation in which a message presented by a high credibility source becomes less persuasive over time, while a message from a low credibility source becomes more persuasive over time, is called Answers: the dark horse phenomenon. message decay. the sleeper effect. the snowball effect.

the sleeper effect.

You advise a friend to enroll in Professor Windplenty's class because "he's an easy 'A.'" A stranger in the registration line overhears you and decides to sign up for the same professor. This is an example of Answers: peripheral persuasion the "grapevine" effect the bystander phenomenon the unintended receiver effect

the unintended receiver effect

One reason why many companies have begun to rely on fictional spokespersons is that Answers: they have high perceived expertise they won't become embroiled in a scandal they are easier for consumers to identify with there are no real heroes anymore

they won't become embroiled in a scandal

When considering the situation, which of the following is true? A persuader must consider audience members' traits first and foremost. A persuader must adapt his/her message to the listener's frame of reference. A persuader should aim her/his message at the audience's latitude of rejection. A persuader should consider each listener a "blank slate" on which to write her/his message.

A persuader must adapt his/her message to the listener's frame of reference.

Which of the following statements best reflects the view of persuasion offered by Gass & Seiter? Answers: On balance, persuasion probably does more harm than good Persuasion is an essential, desirable feature of human interaction Persuasion emphasizes manipulation, communication emphasizes cooperation Persuasion is a necessary, but unfortunate, fact of life

Persuasion is an essential, desirable feature of human interaction

Which of the following statements regarding an absolute sleeper effect is most accurate? While it can be created in a laboratory setting, it would be extremely difficult to reproduce in real life. While it is difficult to reproduce in a laboratory setting, it happens all the time in real life. It happens frequently in the real world, and has been successfully duplicated in laboratory settings as well. Though theoretically possible, it hasn't been successfully duplicated in either laboratory settings or the real world.

While it can be created in a laboratory setting, it would be extremely difficult to reproduce in real life.

Which of the following situations would tend to be the most psychologically comfortable? Trudy dislikes tattoos, Trudy's boyfriend is Chet, Chet has several tattoos. Kramer likes karate, Kramer's girlfriend is Nina, Nina dislikes karate. Zack dislikes guns, Zack dislikes Morton, Morton owns a number of guns. Hiram likes Chihuahuas, Hiram dislikes his neighbor, his neighbor owns a Chihuahua.

Zack dislikes guns, Zack dislikes Morton, Morton owns a number of guns.

Petty and Cacioppo's ELM postulates that there are two routes to persuasion: Answers: a pure route, and a borderline route an ethical route, and an unethical route self-persuasion and other persuasion a central route, and a peripheral route

a central route, and a peripheral route

According to Gass & Seiter, persuasion is best thought of as Answers: a science an art a science and an art a social science

a science and an art

Gordon wants his wife to spend two weeks fishing with him in Hawaii, even though his wife hates fishing. To get her to agree, he first asks if she will go hunting (something she also hates doing) with him for six months in Alaska. When she rejects the Alaska offer, he says, "Well, then how about a two-week fishing trip to Hawaii?" Gordon's strategy is based on which of the following tactics? Answers: door in the face lowballing

door in the face

What compliance-gaining strategy is the child using in the dialogue that follows? Child: "Mom, can I stay home from school today so we can go to Disneyland?" Parent: "No." Child, "Well, then can I at least go to a friend's house after school to play?" Parent: "O.K."

door in the face

An ad on a cable TV channel states, "We use only genuine, certified psychics!" This claim illustrates the importance of which dimension of credibility? Answers: trustworthiness expertise composure dynamism


Marla tries to smooth problems between members of her team so that no one will appear foolish. This is an example of Answers: facework ingratiation sociability dynamism composure


Andy asked Marsha if he could borrow her laptop. She agreed. Then Andy asked her if she wouldn't mind if he borrowed her car. Andy was engaging in which compliance-gaining strategy? foot in the door pregiving

foot in the door

The unintended receiver effect illustrates one problem with relying on ____________ to define persuasion Answers: intentionality effects free will symbolic action


On the first day of school, Professor Wilson gave every student a pencil and a bookmark. The students immediately favored him over other professors. Which explanation for his pregiving strategy is the most appropriate? Answers: liking explanation gratitude explanation

liking explanation

Serge is thinking about buying a new stereo. When the salesperson, Naomi, tells him that his favorite stereo is on sale for $2,000, he agrees to make the purchase. But then, as she starts to ring up the sale, she claims to have made a mistake. "I confused that stereo with another one," she claims. "The stereo you want is actually $2,250." If Serge agrees to purchase the stereo for $2,250, he will have succumbed to which of the following tactics? Answers: bait and switch/lure lowballing


According to the "Tipping Point" theory, people who have lots of expertise and know-how are known as: connectors salespeople mavens geeks nerds


Finn was asked to speak to college students about his own experience in the university's "Study Abroad" program. His monotone voice and unenthusiastic delivery style, however, cause listeners to tune out. Finn's loss of credibility can best be attributed to Answers: using language that separated him from his audience. not adapting his message to the listeners' frame of reference. not matching his level of dynamism to the demands of the situation. not citing sources and their qualifications up front.

not matching his level of dynamism to the demands of the situation.

The ________ explains why the door in the face tactic is effective. value-discounting effect perceptual contrast effect

perceptual contrast effect

In the terms used in the Elaboration Likelihood Model, a person low in the need for cognition is more likely to be persuaded via the _________ route to persuasion. serial parallel central peripheral


When politicians are shown drinking a beer, shopping at Wal-Mart, eating at McDonald's, or going bowling, they are employing which propaganda technique? testimonials bandwagon effect transfer card-stacking plain folks appeal

plain folks appeal

The "norm of reciprocity" has been used to explain the effectiveness of which of the following sequential persuasion tactics? foot in the door pregiving


Which of the following best describes segmentation analysis? organizing a message down into discrete units separating parts of a message that appeal to central processing from parts that appeal to peripheral processing determining whether receivers are more receptive to ethos, logos, or pathos tailoring a message to a specific sub-group or niche audience based on their unique characteristics

tailoring a message to a specific sub-group or niche audience based on their unique characteristics

The difference between the lowball strategy and the bait and switch tactic is Answers: the lowball strategy first tries to lure people in. the bait and switch substitutes a different product or service at a higher price.

the bait and switch substitutes a different product or service at a higher price.

The idea that persuasion requires free choice or free will focuses on Answers: the receiver the source the message the outcome

the receiver

An effective approach when using counter-attitudinal advocacy to change another's attitudes or behavior is Answers: to require the persuadee to engage in counter-attitudinal behavior to restrict the range of alternatives available to the persuadee to ask the persuadee to write down or role-play a counter-attitudinal message to offer the persuadee a monetary reward for engaging in out-of-role behavior

to ask the persuadee to write down or role-play a counter-attitudinal message

Todd has trained for months to run a marathon and has followed a strict diet. When Todd's coach finds him snacking on donuts and neglecting his exercise regimen just days before the race, Todd tells his coach, "No one is perfect. We all give into temptation every once in a while." Todd is engaging in bolstering. denial. communicating. transcendence.


Linda gets very angry with her spouse for not taking care of their children on weekends when she wants to go out with friends. During arguments, she will call him names and threaten to leave him if he doesn't change his ways. This is an example of verbal aggressiveness. hostility. argumentativeness. assertiveness.

verbal aggressiveness.

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