Political Science 116A Final Studying

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LNB was a mediocrity

"Fake Napoleon"

Base and Superstructure interact; the base limits what we think & do but doesn't wholly determine it

"Liberation is an historical and not a mental act"; to make the world better, you can't just tell people their ideas are wrong; people think the way they do because their material conditions make that pattern of thought necessary

Processed foods will hurt your body and are the product of a system trying to extract as much surplus labor out of workers as possible


Professor says Trump is a mediocre version of Nixon


Relative to the revolution quantitative change leads to qualitative change


Surplus labor is the amount beyond that necessary to reconstitute their labor-power


The 2016 US POTUS election also happened on the 18th of Brumaire


The British faced China to open so that they could sell more stuff


The Communist Manifesto is not a theoretical text, but it was a practical document written for a real political party


The dialectical relationship between Base & Superstructure largely explains the world as we find it today


The fundamental conflict b/w workers and capitalists is that workers want to limit surplus labor while capitalists want to maximize it


The logic of capital will drive a capitalist to make the working day as long as possible


The maximum limit to a working day is complete and utter exhaustion


The ratio of BC - AB is the ratio of surplus to necessary labor


The value of labor power is the amount necessary to reconstitute the laborer's energy for the next day and raise the next generation


This week we read "The German Ideology" by Marx


Time clocks exist because workers demanded them


Under capitalism, the rich get richer because profit margins are larger than they are made out to be and capital self-valorizes


Unions treat their members like people, not like commodities (as they are at work)


Variable capital increases through labor-power reawakening dead labor and resting it at a higher state


We have to keep imagining what the next economic order might look like


We will always have some division of labor until technology reaches its peak


We're reading Chapter 10 now, one of the most important parts of Capital, Vol. 1


Wealthy people aren't bad, but the system necessitates a social division of exploitation


Whatever profit the boss gets, it does not come from their work


Workers are working for longer than it takes to reproduce the value equivalent of their subsistence


Workers attempting to preserve their labor-power and capitalists extending the working day leads to these problems


Primitive Accumulation Timeline


Capitalist eg:

$10 for object, $10 for tools, $30 for labor; laborer adds $10 of surplus value; sale for $60, resulting in net $10 gain

Shoe Calculation -- Machine Production

($100k constant(machines)/year + $100k constant(raw materials)/year + $10k variable/year) / 100k shoes/year = $2.1/shoe cost of production

Shoe Calculation -- Manufacture Production

($10k constant/year + $100k variable/year) / 10k shoes/year = $11/shoe cost of production; this is how machine production saves money

Marx provides an analysis of society that empowers you to make the changes that are possible given the circumstances

1968 was the last time we thought the world might change


Commoners declare a National Assembly giving themselves the power to write a new constitution (June); the Bastille is stormed by the people in Paris (July)

The USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc., do not represent true Communism

Communism is not a form of government; in the USSR, the state controlled the means of production; these countries really use state capitalism

Communism will happened when ideas and material conditions meet in the correct way (dialectical process)

Communism is not a political project, it is a historical movement

By intensifying the working day, you can reconstitute the value of labor in less time, creating more time for surplus value to be produced at a higher intensity

the idea of poor people not working hard and not having wealth due to laziness taps into problematic ideas of Social Darwinism

A worker must always be busy while at work, or the capitalist doesn't get to consume all the labor they purchased

a capitalist wants the working day to be as long and intense as possible

Communism is the "real movement which abolishes the present state of things," it is an economic organization of society which abolishes private ownership of the means of production

"Marxism" doesn't make sense because ideas can't lead this process; ideas will be powerless until material conditions are met

National debt also allowed wealth to be concentrated in the hands of wealthy people, which was stealing wealth from future poor people -- result of fetishization

"Momo" is a great book on capitalism, by Michael Ende

In our society, we mistake the law for justice

"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas"

This history of labor in products is obscured by their immediate use-values

"it is by their imperfections that the means of production in any process bring to out attention their character of being the products of past labor"; eg a thread which keeps snapping reminds you of the person who made it

Ideas don't make capitalists -- material wealth does, and it is this wealth which drives their ideas, not their ideas driving their wealth

"it's the economy, stupid!" is true because people fundamentally care about their material conditions

Tools are used on raw materials to make more things

"the same use-value is both the product of a previous process, and a means of production in a later process"

"The State is the form in which the individuals of a ruling class assert their common interests"


All machines are dead labor


Aristocrats were naturally the first capitalists because they had grown their wealth for centuries and created private land


CEOs get paid more than low-wage earners because we fetishize their positions differerntly


Capitalism has developed tricks to make people think that exploitation isn't that bad


Capitalists cheat workers out of the time in the workplace by cutting short breaks, forcing workers to stay on past the end of their shift, require workers to stay when someone else goes absent, etc.


Communism must be democratic because it is a collection of freely associated people working together


Communism will be one big union


Eg $50 (C) -> $20 (c) & $30 (v) -> $20 (c) & $60 (v) -> $80 (C)


Even though machines are everywhere, we keep on finding work


Every minute you spend relaxing and really enjoying a good meal is a minute you take away from the capitalists who are trying to exploit you


Exchange-value of labor power is price needed to survive for a day


French History (1848-1852)


In his text, Marx addresses how the mediocrity of LNB rose to power through the lens of economic interests and class


In our society, we fetishize leadership positions


In the West, the Bourgeois generally is the state, leading to the manifestation of class consciousness in labor and a conflict between capital/the state and labor/unions


In the second half of Chapter 10, Marx gives us the history of the working day


LNB played the economic classes against one another


Machines increase time for surplus value because they reduce variable capital and increase constant capital, whose value is transmitted to the final product and not lost, like wages


Marx does not give a clear definition of Communism


Marx doesn't think literal values are bad, but that we should live up to them


Marx says we need to think of the working day as a proportion b/w necessary and surplus labor


Marx writes that capitalism eventually blows itself out, but he thinks nothing is set in stone


Marx: "these newly freed men became sellers of themselves only after they had been robbed of all their own means of production"


Networking is the worst form of the society of social relations between things, not people


Part of why humans don't make history exactly as they want is because they don't understand the dynamics working against them


Models of the Working Day

1) A ---- B - C; 2) A ---- B -- C; 3) A ---- B ---- C


1) Bonapartists, Orleanists, Legitimists (Bourbonists) -- right wing; 2) The Mountain (Montaigne) -- fractured center; 3) Other

Two kinds of capital

1) constant: value doesn't change during production process; dead labor (many commodities), 2) variable: changes value during production process/consumption, living labor (one commodity -> labor-power)

3 Ways to Reduce Variable Capital w/ Machines

1) socially produce cheaper commodities to meet the workers' needs (reduce value of labor), 2) flood the market with displaced workers to compete on price (reduce price of labor), 4) speed up the machines (intensify labor)

November 8, 2016

18 Brumaire, An CCXXIV

In the late 1940s, 50% of World GDP came from the U.S.

America led the charge for the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which predominantly contained Bourgeois values


Bonaparte declares himself Emperor Napoleon III of France; he would be a dictator for twenty years; Marx wants to know: how did we go from a working class revolution in 1830 to a dictatorship in 1852?

The German Ideology was written by Young Marx prior to Capital and the Communist Manifesto

Capital & Material, not Ideas, drive world-historical activity; eg economic revolutions, major inventions, etc.; these things shape how it's possible for us to think as individuals

this process of change occurs differently everywhere, and Marx uses the example of England, but it is no more important than any other place

Capitalism is not natural and not inevitable, it is the result of specific politics, and these politics hint at how capitalism can be taken down

Some people think that within 100 years nobody will need to really work anymore

Capitalists wouldn't like this; the idea that your self worth is connected to your job is capitalist propaganda; we've been tricked into working harder than ever before even though machines do so much of our work now


Charles X becomes constitutional monarch


Charles X overthrown during July Revolution of 1830 (working class)

It is in the worker's interest to shorten the day and make it as easy as possible

Disneyland example

The idea of original sin is used by Marx to parody how capitalist economists blame the workers for their own poverty

Eg Ayn Rand writing about how the world is moved forward by creative, innovative, people who make the world great and are held back by greedy masses; capitalist propaganda

The footnotes in Chapter 10 are really interesting

Footnote #4 is really important

This all leads to LNB being emperor from 1852-1871

France went backward to a feudal-like order

How does Communism happen?

His opinion: 1) Read Dis-Agreement & Proletarian Nights by Ranciere, 2) Read Philosophy of the Encounter by Althusser, 3) Read On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky, 4) Do Politics, 5) Join a Union

People believe the same thing because of similar material conditions

Ideology: "all the different products and forms of consciousness...etc...based in a particular mode of production"

The French Revolution was a Bourgeois uprising in pursuit of Freedom, Equality, Property, and Bentham

Marx was an opponent of LNB

Marx uses the language of blood and violence when describing primitive accumulation

Key: to have an industrial workforce, you need to kick people off of their land, where they can be self-sufficient

Marx has no distinction between socialism and communism

Khrushchev created the idea of a transitionary socialism phase to justify the failures of communism at that point


King and Queen are executed

18th Brumaire

LNB arose due to class politics driven by economic change; depicts relationship between state and economic base; LNB read the situation just right and the conditions were perfect for him to break the state off from the Bourgeoisie and use it to play the classes off each other; tells us that things can happen in the right circumstances; rejects the determinist reading of Marx


LNB, his nephew, elected to 4-year term as president

County comes from the word Count under Feudalism

Lords/Counts had a military/administrative function

For the total # of units produced per day: Manufacture: A --- B - C --- D

Machine: A - B - C ----- D; since machines allow you to produce many units with less variable and constant capital, they result in more surplus value

Manufacture: A --- B - C --- D

Machine: A - B --- C --- D; A-B: variable capital transmitted to each product; B-C: constant capital transmitted to each product (relative increase); C-D: surplus value gained on each unit

Laborers under capitalism are dependent on capitalists to get everything they need in life

Male height reached a minimum in developing capitalist countries in the mid-late 1800s; unrestricted working days and an excess population stunted growth

Machines produce surplus population, they force the family to labor more; these are the distorting effects of capitalism

Manufacturing Society: A -- (N) -- B -- (S) -- C; Machine Society: A - (N) - B --- (S) --- C; this happens because machines are more efficient at creating the things which humans need to survive; we could be working less in a machine society, but we don't because they are owned by capitalists

A capitalist is only "capital personified"

Marx describes capital as a vampire of dead labor sucking up living labor to self-valorize

Communism originally came out of religion; communal living was understood as an expression of God's love

Marx gave communism a new material focus; also: the Manifesto is not the universal document we think it is

Ayn Rand says capitalism is an unrestrained market

Marx says capitalism is when some people own capital and some people must sell their labor-power

Marx says that the free labor market is an Eden, reversing his previous tone

Marx says the market is great b/c you're totally free

In the 1872 Preface to the Manifesto, Marx states that the general principles remain accurate, but the details have gone out of date and must be qualified

Marx suggests that taking over the state only disregards the evidence from real revolutions

The French Revolutionaries articulated their actions using the language and ideas of Ancient Rome

Marx tracks how the early revolutionaries swept away the Feudal system in France, and later revolutionaries, including Napoleon, established the conditions favoring capitalist development; then, Napoleon's conquests got rid of feudalism throughout Europe; Napoleon helped the Bourgeois/Middle Class rise to power both in France and abroad

Senior's last hour: Surplus Value / Capital = s / C = s / (c + v) = 1 / 11 = 9%

Marx's Rate of Surplus Value: Surplus Value / Variable Capital = s / v = 6 / 6 = 100%; this is because constant capital is transmitted in the consumption of labor power, not lost

Senior: vvvv | ccccc | s

Marx: vvvv | ssssss


Napoleon defeated at Waterloo and exiled; Bourbons return to the throne


Napoleon promoted to general


Napoleon seizes control and starts creating empire; Napoleon was made a general because European monarchies were trying to stop the French Revolution to save themselves; he won great battles in Egypt, and people accepted the coup upon his return because people were exhausted; people sought a return to order

Where there has been real communism:

Paris Commune (Communal Luxury), Mexican Commune (Zapistas), Occupy Wall Street (Sort Of), May 1968 Revolts

Capitalism emerged in Europe specifically because of the discovery of material wealth in the Americas, because of the capture of African slaves and the collection of wealth from India, etc.

Primitive Accumulation in Europe was a result of colonialization; this accumulated enough wealth in Europe to create capital; w/o colonialism, capitalism would not have emerged in Europe; Europe stole wealth from indigenous people all across the world

Why is it that capitalism keeps getting more productive, but the working day doesn't shorten?

Professor is rejecting the idea that there is value in risk b/c it is a product of the system and workers could start companies on their own w/o a capitalist middleman

Class is dependent on where you lie in the system of production

Proletariat: can only sell labor-power, Bourgeois: own something other than labor-power; these classes can be differentiated further too, explaining differences in wages; eg white collar and blue collar workers; even though they are all proletariat, they view themselves as different; different cultures

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

Quantitative Utilitarianism; Hedon = unit of pleasure; Dolor = unit of pain; base decisions off proportions of Hedons and Dolors; his head was lost for many years

"So-called primitive accumulation, therefore, is nothing else than the historical process of divorcing the producer from the means of production"

Rousseau's "Discourse on Inequality" us a favorite text of Marx; the idea of private property was "the greatest trick ever played on mankind" according to Rousseau

When Stalin took power, he turned the USSR into a nationalist state

Stalin gave up the idea of worldwide Communism

Through productive consumption, dead labor turns into living labor, which then turns back into dead labor, etc.

a better way to phrase this is that living labor is added, not transforms it; dead labor is the total of past labor; living labor valorizes dead labor

Eg with a rental car you get the privilege of using it, not crashing it

a worker can't let the capitalist destroy them

Normal Fatigue (Recoverable in 1 Day)

a) 12 hours @ normal intensity, b) 10 hours @ 1.25 intensity, c) 8 hours @ 1.5 intensity


actually existing communism; mutual aid, solidarity, autonomy, power

16th-17th c.

agricultural revolution begins

At this time, the economy was in a recession and the Republic was in relative chaos; the Bourgeoisie didn't like this chaos because it was bad for business; business wants a stable environment in which to trade so that capital can grow linearly

all the factions of the Bourgeois agreed that stability without political rights would be better than chaos with them; if you don't concern yourself with politics, things are fine; LNB realized he could buy them off

Our society cannot be considered successful if it requires the oppression and exploitation of others

all these real examples of communism were different

In a machine society, variable capital is less because you need less workers -> s / v = 9 / 3 = 300%

also because: 1) production is more efficient, so the value put into each output is smaller, 2) also price diverges from value of labor because the whole family is working (1/3 - 1/4 of former allocation), and 3) machines displace extraneous labor

Marx wants to know why the working class accepted LNB

also: why did working class people in America accept a billionaire seeking to lower taxes on the wealthy

A bicycle is a machine that makes people power more efficient

an electric drill would be a machine, and the metal part that spins would be the tool

17th c.

anti-vagabondage and poor laws

He says you should never work 110% in the workplace because you need to protect your commodity

average hourly compensation went stagnant in the 1970s but productivity increased linearly

Machine production requires all members of the family to work in order to obtain the level of value necessary to maintain the family

before mechanization, there were jobs that only men could really do (eg coal mining), but machines make it so that everyone could physically do a task; eg hammers require physical force but jack hammers don't; this opened up the labor market to women and children, causing the price of labor to drop; the price falls but the value stays the same; thus a single man working can't earn enough to care for the family; this drives women and children to produce; this is why there was child labor

Meeting the bare minimum needs of society every year gets easier and easier, but we don't meet those needs

before mechanized capitalism, there was a clear hierarchy in production between masters, apprentices, etc.; now, people invent new ways to hierarchize themselves when these natural hierarchies (& useful too) go away; eg racism and sexism

There are limits to what we can accomplish which is imposed by the past

both material and mental conditions limit us; eg no concept of abstract labor in the Roman Empire, preventing them from establishing massive systems of production

Marx thinks capitalism is great in terms of production...

but it doesn't fairly distribute its benefits and liberate people

Therefore, we spend way more time on surplus labor than it is made out to be by capitalists

we are forced on pain of starvation to work for free

Correct Math

c + s / c + v = Rate of Profit; constant capital is not destroyed, so you can set it to zero, s / v = simplified Rate of Profit

A working day

c + v -> c + v + s, so we can remove the c because it does not change

Capital (C) = c + v

c = tools, raw materials, workplace, things necessary for labor to take place; v = the labor alone; also: workers turn dead labor into living labor through their consumption; capital accumulates because labor in food and shelter is required for labor to take place

The State exists only to maintain an order conducive to Capitalism

campaign finance reform would be a good start to address this; eg Citizens United decision

Labor came from people getting kicked off their land and forced to work for money

capital requires money to be concentrated somehow

Fundamental Contradiction of Capitalism

capital wants to extend the working day as much as possible; labor wants to limit the working day as much as possible; politics resolves this conflict

Alienation means in German ~"to remove from yourself"

capitalism has a tendency to alienate people from each other and from their labor power

If we lived in a society without surplus-value, then machines would make life so much easier because you would only need to work for a short time for necessary labor

capitalism structurally forces us to work unnecessarily long and hard; machines aren't used to make production easier, they are used to generate surplus value

Capitalist eg 2:

capitalist advances $20 for living labor and $10 for dead labor; by midday, $20 has been produced, covering living labor cost; my mid afternoon, $30 has been produced, covering all costs; by evening, $40 has been produced, resulting in a $10 profit

The "physical and mental degradation" of the worker from capitalism is not the result of a cabal or capitalist conspiracy, it is simply the result of the logic of capital

capitalists will oppress their own workers, but it isn't concerned about labor as a whole; morality doesn't play a role in this process, shaming people won't make meaningful change

By the early 19th century, English workers began to stand up to capital, and they got Parliament to pass 5 labor laws between 1802 - 1833; however these were unfunded, so nothing actually happened

class consciousness arose but nothing changed; the height of socialism in the US was in the 1930s; communism is the principle of mutual aid -- it is equivalent to unionization


colonization begins

18th c. #3

commercial wars

The idea of a Tragedy of the Commons is very modern

common resources have been used throughout history


complex of machines/tools that increase the power of a basic tool


complex that moves the tool without human guidance

"Bad jobs" are only bad because we allow them to be bad

conditions of jobs make them hard, not the physical act itself

In production you don't destroy the raw materials, you transform them

constant capital represents the means of production; variable capital represents labor-power

Weber: Protestant theology encouraged the rise of Capitalism

countries created workhouses in the 18th century that were "Houses of Terror" for debtors which were intentionally horrible to discourage debtors from not paying their debts back; these then evolved into a general factory for the average urban laborer

Necessary Labor*

create value equal to daily sustenance (wages)

Surplus Labor*

create value for the capitalist (stolen labor)

18th c.

end of feudal tenure

Moral Depreciation

describes the effect of technological changes on the value of purchased machinery to the capitalist, as the machine goes out of date

Variable Capital

does change its value in circulation

Constant Capital

doesn't change its value in the process of circulation

Extreme Fatigue (Not Recoverable in 1 Day)

eg 12 hours @ 1.5 intensity produces tons of surplus-value and could lead to death

Things that we take to be natural and self evident are not

eg Freedom, Equality, Property, and Bentham; eg Declaration of Independence; it took until 1776 to write down the list of unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness because the material circumstances didn't make them possible or necessary yet; they were needed for American Capitalism

The political right likes to create the illusion that unions stand in the way of freedom

eg Right to Work Laws

To make a better world, you must be active politically

eg Union leadership calling members; the working class can rationally take charge politically; strength in solidarity

The government upholds the oppression of private companies

eg corporations pressuring the state to cancel unemployment benefits to force people back to work; you shouldn't have to be rich to run for high office

The lumpenproletariat are people who couldn't sell their labor power

eg criminals, outcasts, etc; LNB bought them off; he exploited their anger and insecurity; he orders them to storm the houses of the Bourgeoisie so that they lose the ability to reassert their political power

Weber argues that certain elements of Protestantism encouraged certain behaviors that got Capitalism started, not that Protestantism is uniquely responsible for it

eg don't spend money on beautiful churches, reinvest in business; they "hang together"

Outcast people ended up stealing stuff as vagabonds, which the British Govt. then set laws against

eg fining people for being homeless

Once one part of commodity production is mechanized, you are naturally driven to mechanize other parts of commodity production in order to make the excess of commodities useful

eg make cars more efficiently to keep up with rising supply of rubber wheels; everything has to speed up to keep production moving smoothly without wasting resources

People project the problems with Capitalism onto Communism

eg poverty, individualism, exploitation, free speech, etc.

The USSR said that these rights were not enough, so they put forward the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

eg right to work, trade unions, social insurance, adequate standard of living, education, physical health, etc.; the U.S. objected -> not free market capitalism; the U.S.'s economic structure determined its ideological platform; the U.S. was the only major power not to sign it

Both tools and raw materials require conscious intention

eg the Suez Canal is a tool because it has a purpose for human production specifically

People don't change their ideas because of reason, they change only when material conditions allow them to change

eg you become more conservative as you get older because you acquire more property and have more to lose

LNB didn't make the world exactly as he wanted; he had many failed coup attempts

either by luck or by skill he initiated a coup at the perfect time and played the classes against each other to maintain power; just like Donald Trump

15th c.

enclosures of the commons begin

Laborers give away so much free labor that they are not compensated for, under the understanding that the production barely results in any profit

even if the owner works, they will do quantitatively easier and better things, leading us to wonder why they get paid so much more; eg they'll be counting the money, not cleaning the toilets, and they'll be getting paid more

During the coup, by supporting LNB, the Bourgeoisie went against their own interests: freedom, equality, property, and Bentham

feudal interests are the opposite of this; in 1852, by letting LNB take charge, the Bourgeois gave up their political interests, which serve their economic interests -- why?

In the market, you are:

free to do whatever you want w/o royal influence, equal to others as owners of commodities, entitled to your private property, which you alone control, able to pursue your own interests (Bentham); Marx appears to be celebrating capitalism; this paragraph is the Western narrative of the market, saying that capitalism only works if you follow your self-interest


government, family, religion, education, culture, etc.

18th c. #4

growth of national debts

Nassau Senior's "last hour" argument is that production is so expensive that surplus-value is only accumulated at the end of the day, so a shorter working day would result in a loss of all profits

he has a mistaken assumption that inputs are destroyed during production instead of augmented; value continues from raw materials to the final product

At the end of Chapter 6, Marx mentions "freedom, equality, property, and Bentham" with reference to the "sphere of circulation or commodity exchange"

he previously describes how labor-power is the magic commodity that produces value as it is consumed

Lenin was pretty pragmatic and held the belief that Communism demanded a global revolution

he thought the Russian Revolution would trigger other ones

By the 19th century, Houses of Terror were very common, with long hours, low wages, bosses trying to steal your lunch break, etc. (factories)

he worked in a car factory, where for hours it would be super hot and he would do a repetitive task

18th-19th c.

highland clearances begin

Marx's text on LNB is about how people make their own history and it addresses Bourgeois Revolutions

his text figures out how LNB took power as a gross mediocrity

When you shorten the working day, you decrease the proportion of surplus value produced because variable capital is fixed for a certain # of workers

however, if you force workers/machines to work faster, then you can get just as much surplus value in a shorter amount of time; we've compressed a 12 hour day into an 8 hour day; you can overcome limits of the working day and earn more if you crank up the intensity

Under capitalism "the product is the property of the capitalist and not that of the worker, its immediate producer"

humans are productively consumed by capitalists

When you don't like a job, you have to pay really close attention to get the job done; most jobs we don't like do not allow us to use our creative energies

ideally you want to do something you would love that you would do anyway

Machines have a motor mechanism, transmitting mechanism, and working machine, which "seizes on the object of labor and modifies it as desired"

ie motor, moving part, and active part that does work

Thus, the mechanization of industry requires revolutions throughout society in order to keep up with Socially Necessary Labor Time

ie robots will keep stealing your job; this society wide process of change is unique to capitalism

When capitalists pay you, they only pay you enough to revive yourself for a normal day

if you have to work longer than that, you won't have enough money to revive yourself for the next day -- abuse of labor

In the US, the true Bourgeoisie uses rhetoric to tell people that they can join the "middle class," but really they are just in the proletariat because they don't own the means of production

if you have to work to be paid money, you are not middle class

The capitalist formula artificially makes it seem like they earn a lot less in profit each day than they really do

implies that necessary labor requires the worker to recreate both the cost of constant and variable capital, instead of just variable capital; this doesn't make sense because the value of final products accounts for both the value of their input and the labor-power, not just the labor-power

Due to the excess of displaced workers in a machine society, the price of labor can dip below its value because there is a bidding war down

in a capitalist system, losing your job can be ~tantamount to death or poverty because of how hard it can be to find a new one

Capitalism is a machine society

in a factory, many machines are connected together, and human interference often isn't needed

We don't even ask what makes us individuals, and we largely base our self worth off our jobs

in capitalism, your actions are restricted to work and consumption

Machines are products of congealed human labor (ore -> steel -> machine)

in highly mechanized societies, it may be more efficient to hire human labor and work it until it dies, since people will be willing to work for les than the value of their labor relative to the amount they need to replenish their labor-power

On the surface, a society which provides these rights seems natural and good, these rights appear perfect

in reality, a Bourgeois society provides these rights because that is what it takes to make the economy function; because the worker is attached to their labor-power, these "rights" are a lie

There is no way to grow capital without exploitation

it must absorb surplus-labor, and if it doesn't then it cannot grow; this has nothing to do with morality

When there is excess labor, they have little political power and industry can work people to death

industrial regulations limited the working day and improved conditions, leading male height to rise again

Human nature arguments are:

intellectually lazy, inherently conservative -- accepting the status quo, not verifiable (at best), contrary to evidence (at worst), eg we can see lots of humans who aren't greedy, aggressive, etc.; just because something is nature or natural doesn't make it good; stuff that's natural is often terrible; since we have rational control, we can do better

In Feudalism, the fields would clearly designate areas for the people and for the land

it was very clear when you were being exploited

The state is only ever just the arm of the dominant class

it is an extension of the economy; democracies cannot reform themselves because the govt. system is a function of a capitalist economy

Question: why do we use a document written by 18th century slaveowners to guide our actions today; to some degree, we fetishize it

it is difficult to escape from the ideas of the past; but people do have agency and they can push against boundaries and alter them; Marx is not a determinist; if people don't act, things don't change

Why do people think capitalism is okay?

it's clearly not working for most people in society; we waste a ton while other people starve; we spend ~$800 billion a year on the Department of Defense -- why spend it there?; our post-Enlightenment world is complacent with unnecessary pain

Real freedom is not going to work at McDonalds

it's impossible to be an individual under capitalism because your value is reduced to the commodities you produce; we don't even know what we would do if we didn't have to work because we've never thought about it

Samuel Smiles' "Self-Help" conveys the narrative of people earning their wealth

justifying capitalism's theft; the theft is taking the means of production from the people and forcing them to sell their labor power

Problem: when you take your labor-power to market, you have to remain attached to it as it is consumed

labor-power is inherent in the body, when you purchase labor-power, you alienate your money

Capitalists do productive consumption, making more products

laborers do individual consumption, sustaining them

Fast food tasting good is a distraction from your exploitation

laborers in the U.S. have the illusion of choice b/w eating healthy and eating fast food, but oftentimes you are too busy to have a meaningful choice; eg you need a Big Gulp for energy because you are being exploited so much that you need caffeine to survive; these foods are designed to be addictive and not satisfying

late 18th-19th c.

large-scale industry (mechanization)

Professor is president of our local UC-AFT

lecturers get treated horribly by the university; he has no idea what the department does with course evaluations; the university doesn't want to provide job security so they can maintain an excess labor pool w/ low wages and timid politics

Revolution becomes possible when you have nothing left to lose or you are protected in some way

liberation depends on material foundations; to change material conditions, you need to change ideas

19th c.

limitations on the working day

Variable capital represents the zombie-fied dead labor that living labor augments

living labor is essentially variable capital; constant labor is essentially dead labor; variable capital results in a bigger pile of dead labor

In the machine economy, you have to work longer and faster

longer b/c capital always wants to keep the machines on; faster b/c technology is always evolving so you want to get as much out of your constant capital investment before SNLT decreases with a new invention; this is also why you want to keep the machines on all the time; you want to generate surplus value as fast as possible so you can afford to reinvest in the next generation of technology and not get stuck behind

The whole family must now work for the same value which they got from the man working before

machine production changes the structure of freedom, equality, property, and Bentham because the laborer doesn't have a choice and he allows/forces his wife and child to work; a child can't sell their labor power of their own will; the machine production process forces kids to work

Machines can help produce surplus-value but they can't produce value

machines change the proportion of necessary vs surplus value produced; only workers can produce value; machines increase the amount of surplus value you can extract from labor

Marx writes that machines are intended to produce surplus-value by increasing the share of the working day dedicated to surplus labor

machines facilitate the exploitation of labor, so they do not result in an easier life for laborers

Machines produce surplus-value by making more time in the day for surplus-value, not by creating capital themselves

machines transmit value

18th c. #2

manufacturing period

Complex of Machines

many machines working in tandem with little-no human effort; Marx is enthusiastic about machines because they can make things very efficiently

Capitalism is where we make things we don't need for people we don't know

money and free labor are the two fundamental elements

Both the NYC and Tokyo subways are old, but the Tokyo one is much nicer because it is understood as a shared resource and their society is more collective

most of the labor we do in our society is appropriated by people that don't even work

Elections of 1848

mostly moderate Republicans, some socialists and an extreme right "Party of Order" -- this is LNB's party

Machines are much more powerful and expansive than they were at the start of the Industrial Revolution

motor mechanisms have become more powerful, and transmitting mechanisms are connected to more active parts; eg the engine in a car turns the wheels, powers the radio, operates the A/C, etc.

The shift system makes it so that factories can absorb labor-power 24 hours per day

night shifts are fundamentally unnecessary most of the time; stopping the machines at night goes against the logic of capital

Communism is doing things together rationally; it is not a system of government

nobody would choose Capitalist production if they could; our economic system is fundamentally irrational; to solve homelessness, you need to build people houses; our capitalist system precludes these rational answers; we build houses for billionaires who don't even live in them; instead of making rational decisions together, we let irrational production run wild; once you have the technological capacity to do something, there's no rational reason not to do it; we don't make rational decisions b/c we're not freely associated; we're unfree in all the ways that it matters for Communism to work


object you use to shape the object of labor however you want

Time Theft

occurs when the capitalist systematically extracts the marginal labor out of the worker; eg extending a shift by 10 minutes; at the end of the year, this could equal many additional days; this emerges from feudalism, eg making a peasant come work in a castle after the fields; this is clearer than exploitation under capitalism

capitalism brought a change from communal to private property

once it became possible to exchange commodities to make money, the lords began to enclose the commons; some peasants would be paid to tend to the lord's sheep; next, the lord encloses the fields, leaving the peasants with no ability to get what they needed; in this sense, property is theft because the lords kicked the people off their common land

"Only the destruction of rural domestic industry can give the home market of a country that extension and stability which the capitalist mode of production requires"

once markets exist, there is an incentive for money to accumulate

We don't start a revolution right now because we still need to secure our means of subsistence

only truly wealthy people can be a full-time revolutionary; this is the inherent violence in the system

late 19th c.

peak colonization

Lenin's major flaw was that he demanded there be a revolution, which is not, then, a true revolution

people are largely afraid of Communism due to the failures of the USSR and China

This shows that you don't need a boss; they add nohthing

people could be paid a more fair wage where one person doesn't benefit from doing nothing

To make the world anew, we need to understand how capitalism works and strike it at the right moment

politics is essential to Marx's understanding of revolution

LNB was made "Prince-President" for a non-renewable 4 year term

people thought he would be a good unifying figure due to his name

Labor mixes raw material into a product, but the things used to make the product are themselves the product of labor in a previous phase of production

products become more complicated in later cycles

eg Dead Labor (10) -> Living Labor (+10) -> DL (20) -> LL (+10) -> DL (30) -> etc.

products of labor become more complicated as this goes on

Marx explains to us how ideas can impact the real world

public discourse and ideas come from our material conditions that circumscribe our daily life; our ideas of what is possible is also limited beyond our material reality

Elements of Labor Process

purposeful activity, object on which work is performed, instruments of that work

In the UK, the 10 Hours Act relative to child labor (?) was enacted in 1848, leading to massive capitalist resistance

revolutions happened across Europe in 1848, leading to quasi-class consciousness among the Bourgeoisie, leading them to undercut labor progress since 1833; manifestation of endless conflict between capital and labor

16th c.

rich farmers emerge

Capitalist Math

s / c + v (aka C) = Rate of Profit (Surplus-Value); this implies that capital (c) is destroyed in consumption

Augmented Capital (C') = c + v + s

s = surplus value


self interest

Machines can help capitalists save money if the value of the machine relative to its congealed labor power is less than the value of living labor-power if it is more efficient, costing them less while producing more

side note: "national cuisine" is brand new b/c you couldn't get fancy ingredients before refrigeration

Electric power plants are like machines which power machines in all factories

since the electric grid is all connected, all technology is sort of one big machine; energy consumption is correlated with GDP

The lower value of labor in reason #1 above is due to spending the same amount of exchange-value over more use-values, leading to the value of each commodity to decrease...

since the same amount of human labor is expended in the creation of the total product

By making the laborer work harder, the laborer will do the amount of work in eg. 30 years within a intensified 10 years

so they get 30 years of work but they only have to pay you for 10 years, leading to death

Marx describes how the whole culture of the revolution was destroyed by LNB -- rendered impotent

somehow the historical conditions holding LNB were overcome -- that is the mystery

Raw Material

stuff that has labor mixed with it; eg a rock isn't raw material, but steel would be; raw material contains value (labor-power)

Labor is the same in machine production, you just get paid less because more people are in the labor pool

supply and demand govern price, not value; in this case, the price of labor drops below its value

Rate of Surplus Value

surplus value / variable capital

Marx wrote about Napoleon's seizure of power

the 18th of Brumaire is a famous date (1799); when Napoleon took control through a coup; in 1852, his nephew declared himself as emperor also on that date (Louis Napoleon Bonaparte)

National Debt was created to fund colonial wars by lending from Bourgeois private funds at interest and taxing poor people to pay for it

the Bourgeoisie lends money to itself and tricks poor people into paying it; it was part of the primitive accumulation process; expands the supply of capital

Monopolies are banned due to competition within the Bourgeoisie

the Bourgeoisie sometimes realizes it needs to regulate the worst parts of capital; the US shouldn't be thought of as a capitalist country b/c capitalism is a worldwide phenomenon; ie child labor has been shifted to India and Bangladesh

The answer: LNB guaranteed the economic interests of the Bourgeoisie even as he stole their political interests

the Bourgeoisie them blamed the proletariat for not defending the liberal values of the revolution; but the proletariat didn't stand up for those values because they don't align with their economic interests; eg kidnapper being mad the victim tries to escape

In the Manifesto, Marx says that Communism is fundamentally about the abolition of private property

the Plan of the Communist League is another relevant document; this calls for use of the state to undo the problems of capitalism

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, enough wealth had amassed in Europe along with enough "freed" labor, allowing capitalism to spark and take off, giving us the world today

the birth of capitalism requires "blood and dirt," some accidents were involved, but violence was always there

The value needed to support the worker is less than what is produced in a day

the capitalist does nothing, and they steal from the laborer

Capital and labor are irreconcilable on this point

the capitalist wants to extend the working day to infinity; the laborer wants to minimize it to the recovery of sustenance; laborers must defend the value of their commodity, labor-power

As infrastructure grew & technology advanced, feudal domination became private ownership

the clearance of the Scottish Highlands is a horrible example; land was given to English aristocrats, who later drove the Scottish people out to make money for themselves as private hunting preserves for rich people

Senior tried to confused Parliament into extending the working day by arguing that the country would get richer by extending the working day

the country doesn't get richer, the rich get rich


the economy

There wasn't a clean break between feudalism and capitalism

the end of capitalism will be similar

Use-value of labor power is how much value it produces total

the exchange-value of labor is less than its use-value; half a day's labor is needed for sustenance, but we keep working

Marx compares primitive accumulation to original sin

the idea of someone getting their wealth from only their industriousness is a myth because you always use outside resources, eg roads, customers, loan from parents

Immanent Critique

the idea that you can't criticize something from an outside perspective; we can only use the concepts that have been created historically and exist in our time; this occurs in a dialectical process which understands the present as a process and as something that's always changing

Dead Labor*

the labor already stored in a thing

Dead Labor

the labor congealed into products

Living Labor

the labor done by a human being

Living Labor*

the labor that is actively being applied

Necessary labor is always constant

the longer the day, the more surplus labor there is

Labor Union

the manifestation of labor class consciousness; it is the recognition of workers' shared interests; only ~10% of US workers today are unionized; a major low

We're looking at videos of Japanese sword making

the original process required 3 people, and the mechanized process requires only 1; mechanized industry is super powerful

In capitalism, you work so someone else doesn't have to

the owner does nothing and gets the benefit

things change when historical conditions converge and allow them to change -- if humans act

the proletarian revolution didn't work because the conditions were not correct

Relative Surplus Value*

the proportion of the day devoted to surplus value; intensity improves relative surplus value; length improves absolute surplus value; this hits certain limits w/ total laborer exhaustion & death; machines address this, allowing the working day to be more intense and longer

Marx argues that the proportion between v/c/s matters, not the total amount of each

the rate of profit is a proportion; as long as s > v proportionally, there will be profit; the unit of time considered does not matter; each our, you work a little bit for you and mostly for someone else

Relative Surplus Value

the ratio of surplus to necessary value

Necessary Labor

the time it takes for a laborer to reproduce their means of subsistence; the worker is the basis of capitalist society because capital can't self-valorize without labor-power

Surplus Labor

the time spent after necessary labor generally surplus-value for the capitalist

Absolute Surplus Value

the total amount the capitalist receives at the end of a working day

The needs of society are met in the A-B period, and the B-C period only generates wealth for the capitalist, so it is socially unnecessary

the work day is MUCH longer than it really needs to be

Marx gets from Rousseau the idea that there is no set human nature that explains exactly how humans operate

there are many different things humans are capable of; the concept of human nature restricts us; this shows again the idea that nobody would rationally choose the system we have today

Since machines make goods cheaper in a capitalist society, then people will be paid less because they will require less money to survive, decreasing the value of labor

there is a decrease in necessary labor in a machine society

Bentham: your self-interest will always be stuck at maintenance and survival level if you don't own capital

there is a fundamental violence under the market that betrays the ideals that Bourgeois society talks about so much; without capital, you sell your labor-power or starve

Things like Amazon quotas artificially extend the working day by making it difficult to take bathroom breaks

there is always a race to the bottom for workers to be exploited; eg laborers in China are demanding protections, so countries like Cambodia are attractin companies

Communism also requires the public use of reason

therefore any system with a dictator or single leader is not truly communist

Rural peasants aren't really a class because they don't have shared interests

they are mostly self-sufficient; LNB wins them over by appealing to nationalism -- his last name; he turns the peasants into a class to counterbalance them against the urban classes; the peasants were the largest group

All of these events created the seeds for the creation of the proletariat

they did not exist prior to modern, urban capitalism

There have to be structural conditions preventing people from working elsewhere for people to be willing to work in a factory

they must have no choice; and they must be thrilled to work in the factory because the alternative is death; if there are more jobs than workers, then workers would have political power to set wages and they would have greater choice between employment opportunities

Members of the bourgeoisie working in finance don't want the state to fall because they own govt. debt

they need the state to continue to pay its debts; some own debt, while others trade in it, so they can have different interests within the Bourgeois class; the Manifesto is an oversimplification of Marx; finance capital vs industrial capital, etc.


things made by humans for specific purposes; eg cows, which humans bred for food

The lords / pseudo-capitalists then forced people to work to earn money to purchase the things they previously got for free directly from their own labor

this allowed the lord to get richer because they got a larger proportion of resources, w/the possibility for exponential growth, relative to feudal stagnation

Capitalists rely on population growth and immigration for an excess population

this also leads to colonialism, so there can be an excess population for labor to consume

Over time, machines transmit their value to their output, so they drop out of the equation of the rate of surplus value

this basically means that all time not spent on recovering variable capital is spent on surplus value

Lenin argued that we are all stakeholders in the state, so this constituted communal ownership

this failed because the state became its own class -- the govt was one big capitalist; administrators became the new Bourgeoisie; also, it tried to compete with capitalist countries in terms of consumerist production

Primitive Accumulation*

this happens whenever capital is consolidated in a smaller # of hands; it was huge under colonialism and it is still happening today

This is scary because fascism comes from the desire for stability

this is exploitable by someone who understands the situation; is this what happened in 2016?

Marx observes that Capitalism only works while there is an overabundance of workers

this is necessary because it decreases wages and decreases the power of labor

LNB kept power by separating the state from the economic order

this is normally not possible

Some people think Marx is purely deterministic

this is not totally true; you can't change things based only on ideas, material reality comes first

Professor claims that salaries are inferior to hourly wages because you are paid to be working all the time

this maximizes consumption of labor-power

Marx explains where surplus-value comes from by telling a story about how cotton is turned into yarn, and over the course of a week a capitalist will extract a small surplus-value by paying the worker less than the value of their labor

this turns money into capital

The first laws regulating the working day in the 14th century made it shorter and conditions improved

this was in response to the Bubonic Plague; 30-50% of the population died; this was really bad for the nobility; they fixed wages at a higher level and established lots of breaks to incentivize people to work; only recently did the State start to lengthen the working day

May 1968 Revolts

this was the last time it seemed like global communism was possible; explicit violence: police beat and imprisoned police; inherent violence: people had to go back to work or starve

There was a moment in human history M - C - M became M - C - M', leading to modern capitalism

this was when labor met capital on the open market

We fight back against capitalism with Class Consciousness

throughout the world, labor spontaneously assumes class consciousness; eg Japanese silk laborer women randomly going on strike

Eg we think that we can't set high tax rates to help homeless people because that would violate Freedom, Equality, Property, and Bentham, but really those things are a fallacy

to get ahead in our society, you need some kind of external support, whether monetary, social, etc.; hard work alone will not work

Machines contribute to oppression

to make things better, you must unionize to stand up against the logic of capital

Eg industrial England, they had to create really cheap and low quality bread for poorly paid laborers

today, fast food like McDonalds fulfills this role as cheap and low quality food for people who can't afford good food and are busy going to work

The Bourgeois are less aware of class consciousness due to independent social values; only unite with big event like 1848

today, the US govt. is the Bourgeoisie because you need money to get elected or have influence; dependent on people with disposable money; eg case of Eskrigge (Capital)

Value is not destroyed in productive consumption; it grows

value stagnates in individual consumption; "the product of individual consumption is the consumer himself; the result of productive consumption is a product distinct from the consumer"

Eventually, we will all lose our jobs to robots and become unemployed

virtually no profession is safe anymore

The factory is explicitly connected to Protestant morality with the idea of a penance for unpaid debt

we can't listen to Ayn Rand because we had unlimited capitalism in the 19th century and it was a disaster

"Late Capitalism" is stupid -- how do we know it's late?

we don't know how close we are to the revolution, and it is clear that primitive accumulation is still happening

There was a moment when capital confronted free labor

we need to know where they each come from

Most political theory scholarship today justifies the current state of the world with no further critical thought

we reproduce capitalism everyday in our daily lives

American popular culture fetishizes wealth

we want to be wealthy and secure; eg rap videos with stack of cash; Ariana Grande songs*** (this is my idea, maybe use it in the final essay); rich people are often miserable, but we think it will make us happy, because that's the ideology of capitalism

There is no way of knowing what a better future would look like -- Utopian theories are baseless

what comes next after capitalism will be dependent on the conditions of the moment, the spirit of the time

Whether capitalism is the direct cause of misery or not is irrelevant

what matters is real, material human misery; the point of any theory or analysis must be to resolve real, objective human misery

The proletariat was created through land expropriation & the invention of the modern idea of work

when everyone is forced off the land, you create massive demand for agricultural commodities

In the 1940s-60s, US union membership was high, leading to less total income going to the top 10%

when unions are strong the economy is much more equitable; WWII sparked the rise of unions; labor demanded better treatment, and due to the shortage of labor due to the war, capital had no choice; the public sector still has strong unions, but in the private sector they have been destroyed by legislation backed by corporations

Primitive Accumulation

where it all went wrong

When you sell your labor-power, you have to alienate your own being

while there is an equality b/w people in the market before the law, there is a fundamental inequality because people with only labor-power are forced to sell to whatever buyer is available; people with capital don't have to sell themselves

Gallup reports that most people in the US work > 50 hours per week

why don't we have machines doing stuff for us' because value only comes from human labor

Machines replace human labor b/c they are more efficient in terms of surplus-value

with machines, dead labor acts like a force of nature like the wind or water; this distinguishes Capitalism from other eras

Paris Commune

workers spontaneously came together and met each others' needs through self-help and mutual-aid; the French govt. massacred these people several months later

Upton Sinclair

wrote The Jungle; this describes the problems associated with processed foods

Who you are is not a unique, sovereign individual

you are a member of society; you were born and there was stuff their already; your individuality is preconditioned on the stuff that came before you

Work is miserable because you're not free while you're working

you have alienated the things that make work enjoyable

The capitalist gets more money over time, while the laborer ends up staying the same (stagnation)

your body gets weaker over time

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